path: root/creole
diff options
authorJens Diemer <>2008-11-28 15:03:10 +0000
committerJens Diemer <>2008-11-28 15:03:10 +0000
commit01822ee6d9c1debfe791b0842ffe168900088eac (patch)
tree99a5aed17ebf2fdd8d5c4cf5f04a1d53ef5d8d9b /creole
parent74ae679e1e802cbeee303227d6a561cef4e46d0b (diff)
switch to a new html2creole approach
Diffstat (limited to 'creole')
2 files changed, 1075 insertions, 670 deletions
diff --git a/creole/ b/creole/
index d495593..33c8c7f 100644
--- a/creole/
+++ b/creole/
@@ -1,68 +1,66 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- html2creole converter
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- convert html code into creole markup.
- Last commit info:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- $LastChangedDate$
- $Rev$
- $Author:JensDiemer $
- :copyleft: 2008 by the PyLucid team, see AUTHORS for more details.
- :license: GNU GPL v3 or above, see LICENSE for more details.
+import re
+import inspect
+from pprint import pprint
from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
- "p": "\n",
- "br": "\n",
- "i": "//",
- "strong": "**",
- "hr": "----",
- "table": "\n",
- "a": "[[",
- "tr": "",
- "td": "|",
- "th": "|",
- "h1": "\n= ",
- "h2": "\n== ",
- "h3": "\n=== ",
- "h4": "\n==== ",
- "h5": "\n===== ",
- "h6": "\n====== ",
- "a": "]]",
- "tr": "|\n",
- "td": "",
- "th": "",
- "h1": "\n",
- "h2": "\n",
- "h3": "\n",
- "h4": "\n",
- "h5": "\n",
- "h6": "\n",
- "gt": ">",
- "lt": "<",
-NO_WIKI_TAGS = ("pre", "tt")
-import inspect
+ "address", "blockquote", "center", "del", "dir", "div", "dl", "fieldset",
+ "form",
+ "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6",
+ "hr", "ins", "isindex", "menu", "noframes", "noscript",
+ "ul", "ol", "table",
+ "p", "pre"
+# Pass-through all django template blocktags
+pass_block_re = re.compile(
+ r'''(?P<data>
+ {% \s* (?P<pass_block_start>.+?) \s* .*? \s* %}
+ (\n|.)*?
+ {% \s* end(?P=pass_block_start) \s* %}
+ )''',
+ re.X | re.U | re.M
+headline_tag_re = re.compile(r"h(\d)")
+class DocNode:
+ """
+ A node in the document.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, kind='', parent=None, attrs=[], content=None, level=0):
+ self.kind = kind
+ self.children = []
+ self.parent = parent
+ if self.parent is not None:
+ self.parent.children.append(self)
+ self.attrs = dict(attrs)
+ self.content = content
+ self.level = level
+ def __str__(self):
+# return "DocNode kind '%s', content: %r" % (self.kind, self.content)
+ return "<DocNode %s: %r>" % (self.kind, self.content)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return u"<DocNode %s: %r>" % (self.kind, self.content)
+ def debug(self):
+ print "_"*80
+ print "\tDocNode - debug:"
+ print "str(): %s" % self
+ print "attributes:"
+ for i in dir(self):
+ if i.startswith("_") or i == "debug":
+ continue
+ print "%20s: %r" % (i, getattr(self, i, "---"))
class DebugList(list):
def __init__(self, html2creole):
@@ -71,9 +69,9 @@ class DebugList(list):
def append(self, item):
# for stack_frame in inspect.stack(): print stack_frame
line, method = inspect.stack()[1][2:4]
print "%-8s append: %-35r (%-15s line:%s)" % (
self.html2creole.getpos(), item,
method, line
@@ -81,646 +79,327 @@ class DebugList(list):
list.append(self, item)
-class Html2Creole(HTMLParser):
+class Html2CreoleEmitter(object):
+ def __init__(self, document_tree, debug=False):
+ self.root = document_tree
+ self.debugging = debug
+ self.__inner_list = None
+ self.__mask_linebreak = False
+ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def data_emit(self, node):
+ #~ node.debug()
+ return node.content
+ def blockdata_emit(self, node):
+ return node.content
+ def headline_emit(self, node):
+ return u"%s %s\n\n" % (u"="*node.level, self.emit_children(node))
+ def p_emit(self, node):
+ #~ node.debug()
+ return u"%s\n\n" % self.emit_children(node)
+ def strong_emit(self, node):
+ return u"**%s**" % self.emit_children(node)
+ def i_emit(self, node):
+ return u"//%s//" % self.emit_children(node)
+ def br_emit(self, node):
+ if self.__mask_linebreak:
+ return u"\\\\"
+ else:
+ return u"\n"
+ def a_emit(self, node):
+ node.debug()
+ link_text = self.emit_children(node)
+ return u"[[%s|%s]]" % (node.attrs["href"], link_text)
+ def li_emit(self, node):
+ self.__mask_linebreak = True
+ result = u"%s %s\n" % (self.__inner_list*node.level, self.emit_children(node))
+ self.__mask_linebreak = False
+ return result
+ def ul_emit(self, node):
+ self.__inner_list = "*"
+ return self.emit_children(node)
+ def ol_emit(self, node):
+ self.__inner_list = "#"
+ return self.emit_children(node)
+ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def document_emit(self, node):
+ return self.emit_children(node)
+ def default_emit(self, node):
+ """Fallback function for emitting unknown nodes."""
+ msg = "Node '%s' unknown" % node.kind
+ print msg
+ #~ raise NotImplementedError(msg)
+ def emit_children(self, node):
+ """Emit all the children of a node."""
+ result = []
+ for child in node.children:
+ content = self.emit_node(child)
+ assert isinstance(content, unicode)
+ result.append(content)
+ return u"".join(result)
+ #~ return u''.join([self.emit_node(child) for child in node.children])
+ def emit_node(self, node):
+ """Emit a single node."""
+ self.debug_msg("emit_node", "%s: %r" % (node.kind, node.content))
+ method_name = "%s_emit" % node.kind
+ emit_method = getattr(self, method_name, self.default_emit)
+ content = emit_method(node)
+ if not isinstance(content, unicode):
+ raise AssertionError(
+ "Method '%s' returns no unicode (returns: %r)" % (
+ method_name, content
+ )
+ )
+ return content
+ def emit(self):
+ """Emit the document represented by self.root DOM tree."""
+ return self.emit_node(self.root)
+ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def debug_msg(self, method, txt):
+ if not self.debugging:
+ return
+ print "%13s: %s" % (method, txt)
+class Html2CreoleParser(HTMLParser):
+ _placeholder = "blockdata"
def __init__(self, debug=False):
self.debugging = debug
if self.debugging:
print "_"*79
print "Html2Creole debug is on! print every data append."
self.result = DebugList(self)
- self.result = []
- self.__last_tag = None
- self.__inner_block = None
- self.__list_level = 0 # list level
- self.__inner_listitem = False # in <li>?
- self.__list_type = "" # <ul> += "*" or <ol> += "#"
- self.__inner_table_cell = False
- def _error(self, method, tag):
- print ">>> unknown %s @ %s: %r" % (method, self.getpos(), tag)
- def debug(self, method, txt):
- if not self.debugging:
- return
- print "%-8s %8s: %s" % (self.getpos(), method, txt)
- def _get_markup(self, tag, transdict={}):
- for d in (BOTH2CREOLE, transdict):
- if tag in d:
- return d[tag]
- def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
- self.debug("starttag", "%r atts: %s" % (tag, attrs))
- self.__last_tag = tag
- if tag in NO_WIKI_TAGS:
- # Staring a pre block
- self.__inner_block = tag
- self.result.append("{{{")
- return
- attr_dict = dict(attrs)
- if tag in ("th", "td"):
- self.__inner_table_cell = True
- if tag == "a":
- data = "[[%s|" % attr_dict["href"]
- elif tag == "img":
- data = "{{%(src)s|%(alt)s}}" % attr_dict
- elif tag == "ul":
- self.__list_type += "*"
- self.__list_level += 1
- return
- elif tag == "ol":
- self.__list_type += "#"
- self.__list_level += 1
- return
- elif tag == "li":
- self.__inner_listitem = True
- self.result.append(self.__list_type + " ")
- return
- else:
- data = self._get_markup(tag, transdict=START2CREOLE)
- if data == None:
- self._error("starttag", tag)
- else:
- self.result.append(data)
- def handle_data(self, data):
- self.debug("data", "%r" % data)
- def strip_ex_second(data):
- lines = data.split("\n")
- # strip every item, except the first one
- lines = lines[:1] + [line.strip() for line in lines[1:]]
- return "\\\\".join(lines)
- if self.__list_level > 0: # we are in <ul> or <ol> list
- if self.__inner_listitem == False: # not in <li>
- data = data.strip()
- if self.__inner_listitem or self.__inner_table_cell:
- listitem = strip_ex_second(data)
- self.result.append(listitem)
- return
- if self.__inner_block == None:
- data = data.replace("\n", "")
- if data=="":
- return
- self.result.append(data)
-# def get_starttag_text(self, *args, **kwargs):
-# print ">>> XXX", args, kwargs
- def handle_charref(self, name):
- self.debug("charref", "%r" % name)
- if self.__inner_block != None:
- self.result.append("&#%s;" % name)
- else:
- self._error("charref", name)
- def handle_entityref(self, name):
- self.debug("entityref", "%r" % name)
- if name in ENTITY2HTML:
- self.result.append(ENTITY2HTML[name])
- else:
- self._error("entityref", name)
- def handle_startendtag(self, tag, attrs):
- self.debug("startendtag", "%r atts: %s" % (tag, attrs))
- attr_dict = dict(attrs)
+ self.result = []
- if tag == "img":
- data = "{{%(src)s|%(alt)s}}" % attr_dict
- else:
- data = self._get_markup(tag)
- if data == None:
- self._error("startendtag", tag)
- else:
- self.result.append(data)
+ self.blockdata = []
- def handle_endtag(self, tag):
- self.debug("endtag", "%r" % tag)
- if self.__inner_block != None:
- # We are in a block
- if tag == self.__inner_block:
- # The end of the started end block
- self.__inner_block = None
- if tag in NO_WIKI_TAGS:
- self.result.append("}}}")
- return
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError()
- else:
- # We in a block
- self.result.append(tag)
- return
- if tag in ("ul", "ol"):
- # End of a list
- self.__list_level -= 1
- self.__list_type = self.__list_type[:-1]
- if self.__list_level == 0: # Last close tag
- self.result.append("\n")
- return
- elif tag == "li":
- self.__inner_listitem = False
- self.result.append("\n")
- return
- elif tag in ("th", "td"):
- self.__inner_table_cell = True
- data = self._get_markup(tag, transdict=END2CREOLE)
- if data == None:
- self._error("endtag", tag)
- else:
- self.result.append(data)
- def get(self):
- return "".join(self.result).strip()
+ self.root = DocNode("document", None)
+ self.cur = self.root
+ self.__list_level = 0
+ def _block_cut_out(self, match):
+ data ="data")
+ self.blockdata.append(data)
+ id = len(self.blockdata)-1
+ return '<%s id="%s" />' % (self._placeholder, id)
+ def feed(self, data):
+ data = unicode(data)
+ data = data.strip()
+ data = re.sub(pass_block_re, self._block_cut_out, data)
+ lines = data.split("\n")
+ lines = [l.strip() for l in lines]
+ lines = [l for l in lines if l]
-import unittest
-import sys, difflib, traceback
+ clean_data = u" "
+ for line in lines:
+ if line and clean_data[-1] == u">" and line[0] == u"<":
+ clean_data += line
+ continue
-## error output format:
-# =1 -> via repr()
-# =2 -> raw
+ clean_data += " " + line
+ clean_data = clean_data.strip()
-class MarkupDiffFailure(Exception):
- """
- Special error class: Try to display markup errors in a better way.
- """
- def _format_output(self, txt):
- txt = txt.split("\\n")
- if VERBOSE == 1:
- txt = "".join(['%s\\n\n' % i for i in txt])
- elif VERBOSE == 2:
- txt = "".join(['%s\n' % i for i in txt])
- return txt
- def _diff(self, block1, block2):
- d = difflib.Differ()
+ HTMLParser.feed(self, clean_data)
- block1 = block1.replace("\\n", "\\n\n").split("\n")
- block2 = block2.replace("\\n", "\\n\n").split("\n")
+ return self.root
- diff =, block2)
- result = ["%2s %s\n" % (line, i) for line, i in enumerate(diff)]
- return "".join(result)
+ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def __str__(self):
- try:
- raw_msg = self.args[0]
- """
- Get the right split_string is not easy. There are three kinds:
- "foo" != "bar"
- 'foo' != "bar"
- "foo" != 'bar'
- 'foo' != 'bar'
- With and without a 'u' ;)
- """
- msg = raw_msg.lstrip("u")
- first_quote = msg[0]
- second_quote = msg[-1]
- msg = msg.strip("'\"")
- split_string = "%s != %s" % (first_quote, second_quote)
- if split_string not in msg:
- # Second part is unicode?
- split_string = "%s != u%s" % (first_quote, second_quote)
- if split_string not in msg:
- msg = (
- "Split error output failed!"
- " - split string >%r< not in message: %r"
- ) % (split_string, raw_msg)
- raise AssertionError(msg)
- try:
- block1, block2 = msg.split(split_string)
- except ValueError, err:
- msg = self._format_output(msg)
- return (
- "Can't split error output: %r\n"
- "Info:\n%s"
- ) % (err, msg)
- #~ block1 = block1.rstrip("\\n")
- #~ block2 = block2.rstrip("\\n")
- diff = self._diff(block1, block2)
- block1 = self._format_output(block1)
- block2 = self._format_output(block2)
- return (
- "%r\n\n---[Output:]---\n%s\n"
- "---[not equal to:]---\n%s"
- "\n---[diff:]---\n%s"
- ) % (raw_msg, block1, block2, diff)
- except:
- etype, value, tb = sys.exc_info()
- msg = traceback.format_exc(tb)
- return msg
-class MarkupTest(unittest.TestCase):
- # Use the own error class from above
- failureException = MarkupDiffFailure
- #_________________________________________________________________________
- def _prepare_text(self, txt):
+ def _upto(self, node, kinds):
- prepare the multiline, indentation text.
+ Look up the tree to the first occurence
+ of one of the listed kinds of nodes or root.
+ Start at the node node.
- txt = txt.splitlines()
- assert txt[0]=="", "First must be empty!"
- txt = txt[1:] # Skip the first line
- # get the indentation level from the first line
- count = False
- for count, char in enumerate(txt[0]):
- if char!=" ":
+ while node.parent is not None:
+ node = node.parent
+ if node.kind in kinds:
- assert count != False, "second line is empty!"
+ return node
- # remove indentation from all lines
- txt = [i[count:] for i in txt]
+ def _go_up(self):
+ kinds = list(BLOCK_TAGS) + ["document"]
+ self.cur = self._upto(self.cur, kinds)
- #~ txt = re.sub("\n {2,}", "\n", txt)
- txt = "\n".join(txt)
+ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # strip *one* newline at the begining...
- if txt.startswith("\n"): txt = txt[1:]
- # and strip *one* newline at the end of the text
- if txt.endswith("\n"): txt = txt[:-1]
- #~ print repr(txt)
- #~ print "-"*79
- return txt
- def testSelf(self):
- """
- Test for self._prepare_text()
- """
- out1 = self._prepare_text("""
- one line
- line two""")
- self.assertEqual(out1, "one line\nline two")
- out2 = self._prepare_text("""
- one line
- line two
- """)
- self.assertEqual(out2, "one line\nline two")
- out3 = self._prepare_text("""
- one line
- line two
- """)
- self.assertEqual(out3, "one line\n\nline two")
- out4 = self._prepare_text("""
- one line
- line two
- """)
- self.assertEqual(out4, "one line\n line two\n")
- out5 = self._prepare_text("""
- one line
- line two
- dritte Zeile
- """)
- self.assertEqual(out5, "one line\n line two\ndritte Zeile")
-class TestHtml2Creole(MarkupTest):
-# def setUp(self):
- def assertCreole(self, raw_markup, raw_html, debug=False):
- markup = self._prepare_text(raw_markup)
- html = self._prepare_text(raw_html)
- h2c = Html2Creole(debug)
- h2c.feed(html)
- out_string = h2c.get()
- self.assertEqual(out_string, markup)
- def test_bold_italics(self):
- self.assertCreole(r"""
- **//bold italics//**
- //**bold italics**//
- //This is **also** good.//
- """, """
- <p><strong><i>bold italics</i></strong><br />
- <i><strong>bold italics</strong></i><br />
- <i>This is <strong>also</strong> good.</i></p>
- """,
-# debug=True
- )
+ def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
+ self.debug_msg("starttag", "%r atts: %s" % (tag, attrs))
+ headline = headline_tag_re.match(tag)
+ if headline:
+ self.cur = DocNode(
+ "headline", self.cur, level = int(
+ )
+ return
- def test_links(self):
- self.assertCreole(r"""
- test link: '[[internal links|link A]]' 1 and
- test link: '[[http://domain.tld|link B]]' 2.
- """, """
- <p>test link: '<a href="internal links">link A</a>' 1 and<br />
- test link: '<a href="http://domain.tld">link B</a>' 2.</p>
- """)
- def test_images(self):
- self.assertCreole(r"""
- a {{/image.jpg|JPG pictures}} and
- a {{/image.jpeg|JPEG pictures}} and
- a {{/image.gif|GIF pictures}} and
- a {{/image.png|PNG pictures}} !
- picture [[www.domain.tld|{{foo.JPG|Foo}}]] as a link
- """, """
- <p>a <img src="/image.jpg" alt="JPG pictures"> and<br />
- a <img src="/image.jpeg" alt="JPEG pictures"> and<br />
- a <img src="/image.gif" alt="GIF pictures" /> and<br />
- a <img src="/image.png" alt="PNG pictures" /> !</p>
- <p>picture <a href="www.domain.tld"><img src="foo.JPG" alt="Foo"></a> as a link</p>
- """)
- def test_nowiki1(self):
- self.assertCreole(r"""
- this:
- {{{
- //This// does **not** get [[formatted]]
- }}}
- and this: {{{** <i>this</i> ** }}} not, too.
- === Closing braces in nowiki:
- {{{
- if (x != NULL) {
- for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- if (x[i] > 0) {
- x[i]--;
- }}}
- }}}
- """, """
- <p>this:</p>
- <pre>
- //This// does **not** get [[formatted]]
- </pre>
- <p>and this: <tt>** &lt;i&gt;this&lt;/i&gt; ** </tt> not, too.</p>
- <h3>Closing braces in nowiki:</h3>
- <pre>
- if (x != NULL) {
- for (i = 0; i &lt; size; i++) {
- if (x[i] &gt; 0) {
- x[i]--;
- }}}
- </pre>
- """)
- def test_headlines(self):
- self.assertCreole(r"""
- = Level 1 (largest)
- == Level 2
- === Level 3
- ==== Level 4
- ===== Level 5
- ====== Level 6
- === **not** \\ //parsed//
- No == headline == or?
- """, r"""
- <h1>Level 1 (largest)</h1>
- <h2>Level 2</h2>
- <h3>Level 3</h3>
- <h4>Level 4</h4>
- <h5>Level 5</h5>
- <h6>Level 6</h6>
- <h3>**not** \\ //parsed//</h3>
- <p>No == headline == or?</p>
- """)
- def test_horizontal_rule(self):
- self.assertCreole(r"""
- one
- ----
- two
- """, """
- <p>one</p>
- <hr />
- <p>two</p>
- """)
- def test_list1(self):
+ if tag in ("ul", "ol"):
+ self.__list_level += 1
+ if tag == "li":
+ self.cur = DocNode(tag, self.cur, attrs, level=self.__list_level)
+ return
+ self.cur = DocNode(tag, self.cur, attrs)
+ def handle_data(self, data):
+ self.debug_msg("data", "%r" % data)
+ DocNode("data", self.cur, content = data)
+ def handle_charref(self, name):
+ self.debug_msg("charref", "%r" % name)
+ def handle_entityref(self, name):
+ self.debug_msg("entityref", "%r" % name)
+ def handle_startendtag(self, tag, attrs):
+ self.debug_msg("startendtag", "%r atts: %s" % (tag, attrs))
+ attr_dict = dict(attrs)
+ if tag == self._placeholder:
+ id = int(attr_dict["id"])
+ DocNode(self._placeholder, self.cur, content = self.blockdata[id])
+ #~ elif tag == "br":
+ #~ self.cur = DocNode("br", self.cur)
+ else:
+ DocNode(tag, self.cur, attrs)
+ def handle_endtag(self, tag):
+ self.debug_msg("endtag", "%r" % tag)
+ if tag in BLOCK_TAGS:
+ self._go_up()
+ else:
+ self.cur = self.cur.parent
+ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def debug_msg(self, method, txt):
+ if not self.debugging:
+ return
+ print "%-8s %8s: %s" % (self.getpos(), method, txt)
+ def debug(self, start_node=None):
- FIXME: Two newlines between a list and the next paragraph :(
+ Display the current document tree
- self.assertCreole(r"""
- ==== List a:
- * a1 item
- ** a1.1 Force\\linebreak
- ** a1.2 item
- *** a1.2.1 item
- *** a1.2.2 item
- * a2 item
- list 'a' end
- ==== List b:
- # b1 item
- ## b1.2 item
- ### b1.2.1 item
- ### b1.2.2 Force\\linebreak1\\linebreak2
- ## b1.3 item
- # b2 item
- list 'b' end
- """, """
- <h4>List a:</h4>
- <ul>
- <li>a1 item</li>
- <ul>
- <li>a1.1 Force
- linebreak</li>
- <li>a1.2 item</li>
- <ul>
- <li>a1.2.1 item</li>
- <li>a1.2.2 item</li>
- </ul>
- </ul>
- <li>a2 item</li>
- </ul>
- <p>list 'a' end</p>
- <h4>List b:</h4>
- <ol>
- <li>b1 item</li>
- <ol>
- <li>b1.2 item</li>
- <ol>
- <li>b1.2.1 item</li>
- <li>b1.2.2 Force
- linebreak1
- linebreak2</li>
- </ol>
- <li>b1.3 item</li>
- </ol>
- <li>b2 item</li>
- </ol>
- <p>list 'b' end</p>
- """,
-# debug=True
- )
+ print "_"*80
- def test_list2(self):
- """ Bold, Italics, Links, Pre in Lists """
- self.assertCreole(r"""
- * **bold** item
- * //italic// item
- # item about a [[domain.tld|page link]]
- # {{{//this// is **not** [[processed]]}}}
- """, """
- <ul>
- <li><strong>bold</strong> item</li>
- <li><i>italic</i> item</li>
- </ul>
- <ol>
- <li>item about a <a href="domain.tld">page link</a></li>
- <li><tt>//this// is **not** [[processed]]</tt></li>
- </ol>
- """,
-# debug=True
- )
+ if start_node == None:
+ start_node = self.root
+ print " document tree:"
+ else:
+ print " tree from %s:" % start_node
+ print "="*80
+ def emit(node, ident=0):
+ for child in node.children:
+ txt = u"%s%s" % (u" "*ident, child.kind)
+ if child.content:
+ txt += ": %s" % child.content
+ if child.attrs:
+ txt += " (attrs: %r)" % child.attrs
+ print txt
+ emit(child, ident+4)
+ emit(start_node)
+ print "*"*80
+data = """
+<h1>Headline 1</h1>
+<p>A text block, line 1<br />
+and line 2</p>
+<p><strong><i>bold italics</i></strong><br />
+<i><strong>bold italics</strong></i><br />
+<i>This is <strong>also</strong> good.</i></p>
+<h4>List a:</h4>
+<li>a1 item</li>
+ <li>a1.1 Force
+ linebreak</li>
+ <li>a1.2 item</li>
+ <ul>
+ <li>a1.2.1 item</li>
+ <li>a1.2.2 item</li>
+ </ul>
+<li>a2 item</li>
+<p>list 'a' end</p>
+<p>The current page name: &gt;{{ }}&lt; great?<br />
+A {% lucidTag page_update_list count=10 %} PyLucid plugin</p>
+{% block %}
+{% endblock %}
+<p>A <a href="www.domain.tld">link</a>.<br />
+no image: {{ foo|bar }}!</p>
+data = """
+<h1>Headline 1</h1>
+<p>A text block, line 1<br />
+and line 2<br />
+the end line 3</p>
+<p>line 1: <strong><i>bold italics</i></strong><br />
+line2: <i><strong>bold italics</strong></i><br />
+line3: <i>This is <strong>also</strong> good.</i></p>
+print data.strip()
+h2c = Html2CreoleParser(
+ #~ debug=False
+ debug=True
+document_tree = h2c.feed(data)
+e = Html2CreoleEmitter(document_tree,
+ #~ debug=False
+ debug=True
+print e.emit()
- def test_table(self):
- self.assertCreole(r"""
- A Table...
- |= Headline |= a other\\headline |= the **big end |
- | a cell | a **big** cell |**//bold italics//** |
- | next\\line | No == headline == or? | |
- | | | open end
- ...end
- """, """
- <p>A Table...</p>
- <table>
- <tr>
- <th>Headline</th>
- <th>a other<br />
- headline</th>
- <th>the <strong>big end</strong></th>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>a cell</td>
- <td>a <strong>big</strong> cell</td>
- <td><strong><i>bold italics</i></strong></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>next<br />
- line</td>
- <td>No == headline == or?</td>
- <td></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td></td>
- <td></td>
- <td>open end</td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <p>...end</p>
- """,
- debug=True
- )
- #__________________________________________________________________________
- # TODO:
-# def test_django(self):
-# self.assertCreole(r"""
-# The current page name: >{{ }}< great?
-# A {% lucidTag page_update_list count=10 %} PyLucid plugin
-# {% block %}
-# FooBar
-# {% endblock %}
-# A [[www.domain.tld|link]].
-# no image: {{ foo|bar }}!
-# """, """
-# <p>The current page name: &gt;{{ }}&lt; great?<br />
-# A {% lucidTag page_update_list count=10 %} PyLucid plugin</p>
-# {% block %}
-# FooBar
-# {% endblock %}
-# <p>A <a href="www.domain.tld">link</a>.<br />
-# no image: {{ foo|bar }}!</p>
-# """)
-# def test_escape_char(self):
-# self.assertCreole(r"""
-# ~#1
-# http://domain.tld/~bar/
-# ~http://domain.tld/
-# [[Link]]
-# ~[[Link]]
-# """, """
-# <p>#1<br />
-# <a href="http://domain.tld/~bar/">http://domain.tld/~bar/</a><br />
-# http://domain.tld/<br />
-# <a href="Link">Link</a><br />
-# [[Link]]</p>
-# """)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- unittest.main()
-# h2c = Html2Creole(debug=False)
-# h2c = Html2Creole(debug=True)
-# h2c.feed("""
-#<strong>bold 1</strong><i>italic1</i>
-#111 <strong>bold 1</strong> 222 <i>italic1</i> 333
-# print "-"*79
-# print h2c.get()
-# print "-"*79 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/creole/ b/creole/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d495593
--- /dev/null
+++ b/creole/
@@ -0,0 +1,726 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ html2creole converter
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ convert html code into creole markup.
+ Last commit info:
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ $LastChangedDate$
+ $Rev$
+ $Author:JensDiemer $
+ :copyleft: 2008 by the PyLucid team, see AUTHORS for more details.
+ :license: GNU GPL v3 or above, see LICENSE for more details.
+from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
+ "p": "\n",
+ "br": "\n",
+ "i": "//",
+ "strong": "**",
+ "hr": "----",
+ "table": "\n",
+ "a": "[[",
+ "tr": "",
+ "td": "|",
+ "th": "|",
+ "h1": "\n= ",
+ "h2": "\n== ",
+ "h3": "\n=== ",
+ "h4": "\n==== ",
+ "h5": "\n===== ",
+ "h6": "\n====== ",
+ "a": "]]",
+ "tr": "|\n",
+ "td": "",
+ "th": "",
+ "h1": "\n",
+ "h2": "\n",
+ "h3": "\n",
+ "h4": "\n",
+ "h5": "\n",
+ "h6": "\n",
+ "gt": ">",
+ "lt": "<",
+NO_WIKI_TAGS = ("pre", "tt")
+import inspect
+class DebugList(list):
+ def __init__(self, html2creole):
+ self.html2creole = html2creole
+ super(DebugList, self).__init__()
+ def append(self, item):
+# for stack_frame in inspect.stack(): print stack_frame
+ line, method = inspect.stack()[1][2:4]
+ print "%-8s append: %-35r (%-15s line:%s)" % (
+ self.html2creole.getpos(), item,
+ method, line
+ )
+ list.append(self, item)
+class Html2Creole(HTMLParser):
+ def __init__(self, debug=False):
+ HTMLParser.__init__(self)
+ self.debugging = debug
+ if self.debugging:
+ print "_"*79
+ print "Html2Creole debug is on! print every data append."
+ self.result = DebugList(self)
+ else:
+ self.result = []
+ self.__last_tag = None
+ self.__inner_block = None
+ self.__list_level = 0 # list level
+ self.__inner_listitem = False # in <li>?
+ self.__list_type = "" # <ul> += "*" or <ol> += "#"
+ self.__inner_table_cell = False
+ def _error(self, method, tag):
+ print ">>> unknown %s @ %s: %r" % (method, self.getpos(), tag)
+ def debug(self, method, txt):
+ if not self.debugging:
+ return
+ print "%-8s %8s: %s" % (self.getpos(), method, txt)
+ def _get_markup(self, tag, transdict={}):
+ for d in (BOTH2CREOLE, transdict):
+ if tag in d:
+ return d[tag]
+ def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
+ self.debug("starttag", "%r atts: %s" % (tag, attrs))
+ self.__last_tag = tag
+ if tag in NO_WIKI_TAGS:
+ # Staring a pre block
+ self.__inner_block = tag
+ self.result.append("{{{")
+ return
+ attr_dict = dict(attrs)
+ if tag in ("th", "td"):
+ self.__inner_table_cell = True
+ if tag == "a":
+ data = "[[%s|" % attr_dict["href"]
+ elif tag == "img":
+ data = "{{%(src)s|%(alt)s}}" % attr_dict
+ elif tag == "ul":
+ self.__list_type += "*"
+ self.__list_level += 1
+ return
+ elif tag == "ol":
+ self.__list_type += "#"
+ self.__list_level += 1
+ return
+ elif tag == "li":
+ self.__inner_listitem = True
+ self.result.append(self.__list_type + " ")
+ return
+ else:
+ data = self._get_markup(tag, transdict=START2CREOLE)
+ if data == None:
+ self._error("starttag", tag)
+ else:
+ self.result.append(data)
+ def handle_data(self, data):
+ self.debug("data", "%r" % data)
+ def strip_ex_second(data):
+ lines = data.split("\n")
+ # strip every item, except the first one
+ lines = lines[:1] + [line.strip() for line in lines[1:]]
+ return "\\\\".join(lines)
+ if self.__list_level > 0: # we are in <ul> or <ol> list
+ if self.__inner_listitem == False: # not in <li>
+ data = data.strip()
+ if self.__inner_listitem or self.__inner_table_cell:
+ listitem = strip_ex_second(data)
+ self.result.append(listitem)
+ return
+ if self.__inner_block == None:
+ data = data.replace("\n", "")
+ if data=="":
+ return
+ self.result.append(data)
+# def get_starttag_text(self, *args, **kwargs):
+# print ">>> XXX", args, kwargs
+ def handle_charref(self, name):
+ self.debug("charref", "%r" % name)
+ if self.__inner_block != None:
+ self.result.append("&#%s;" % name)
+ else:
+ self._error("charref", name)
+ def handle_entityref(self, name):
+ self.debug("entityref", "%r" % name)
+ if name in ENTITY2HTML:
+ self.result.append(ENTITY2HTML[name])
+ else:
+ self._error("entityref", name)
+ def handle_startendtag(self, tag, attrs):
+ self.debug("startendtag", "%r atts: %s" % (tag, attrs))
+ attr_dict = dict(attrs)
+ if tag == "img":
+ data = "{{%(src)s|%(alt)s}}" % attr_dict
+ else:
+ data = self._get_markup(tag)
+ if data == None:
+ self._error("startendtag", tag)
+ else:
+ self.result.append(data)
+ def handle_endtag(self, tag):
+ self.debug("endtag", "%r" % tag)
+ if self.__inner_block != None:
+ # We are in a block
+ if tag == self.__inner_block:
+ # The end of the started end block
+ self.__inner_block = None
+ if tag in NO_WIKI_TAGS:
+ self.result.append("}}}")
+ return
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ else:
+ # We in a block
+ self.result.append(tag)
+ return
+ if tag in ("ul", "ol"):
+ # End of a list
+ self.__list_level -= 1
+ self.__list_type = self.__list_type[:-1]
+ if self.__list_level == 0: # Last close tag
+ self.result.append("\n")
+ return
+ elif tag == "li":
+ self.__inner_listitem = False
+ self.result.append("\n")
+ return
+ elif tag in ("th", "td"):
+ self.__inner_table_cell = True
+ data = self._get_markup(tag, transdict=END2CREOLE)
+ if data == None:
+ self._error("endtag", tag)
+ else:
+ self.result.append(data)
+ def get(self):
+ return "".join(self.result).strip()
+import unittest
+import sys, difflib, traceback
+## error output format:
+# =1 -> via repr()
+# =2 -> raw
+class MarkupDiffFailure(Exception):
+ """
+ Special error class: Try to display markup errors in a better way.
+ """
+ def _format_output(self, txt):
+ txt = txt.split("\\n")
+ if VERBOSE == 1:
+ txt = "".join(['%s\\n\n' % i for i in txt])
+ elif VERBOSE == 2:
+ txt = "".join(['%s\n' % i for i in txt])
+ return txt
+ def _diff(self, block1, block2):
+ d = difflib.Differ()
+ block1 = block1.replace("\\n", "\\n\n").split("\n")
+ block2 = block2.replace("\\n", "\\n\n").split("\n")
+ diff =, block2)
+ result = ["%2s %s\n" % (line, i) for line, i in enumerate(diff)]
+ return "".join(result)
+ def __str__(self):
+ try:
+ raw_msg = self.args[0]
+ """
+ Get the right split_string is not easy. There are three kinds:
+ "foo" != "bar"
+ 'foo' != "bar"
+ "foo" != 'bar'
+ 'foo' != 'bar'
+ With and without a 'u' ;)
+ """
+ msg = raw_msg.lstrip("u")
+ first_quote = msg[0]
+ second_quote = msg[-1]
+ msg = msg.strip("'\"")
+ split_string = "%s != %s" % (first_quote, second_quote)
+ if split_string not in msg:
+ # Second part is unicode?
+ split_string = "%s != u%s" % (first_quote, second_quote)
+ if split_string not in msg:
+ msg = (
+ "Split error output failed!"
+ " - split string >%r< not in message: %r"
+ ) % (split_string, raw_msg)
+ raise AssertionError(msg)
+ try:
+ block1, block2 = msg.split(split_string)
+ except ValueError, err:
+ msg = self._format_output(msg)
+ return (
+ "Can't split error output: %r\n"
+ "Info:\n%s"
+ ) % (err, msg)
+ #~ block1 = block1.rstrip("\\n")
+ #~ block2 = block2.rstrip("\\n")
+ diff = self._diff(block1, block2)
+ block1 = self._format_output(block1)
+ block2 = self._format_output(block2)
+ return (
+ "%r\n\n---[Output:]---\n%s\n"
+ "---[not equal to:]---\n%s"
+ "\n---[diff:]---\n%s"
+ ) % (raw_msg, block1, block2, diff)
+ except:
+ etype, value, tb = sys.exc_info()
+ msg = traceback.format_exc(tb)
+ return msg
+class MarkupTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ # Use the own error class from above
+ failureException = MarkupDiffFailure
+ #_________________________________________________________________________
+ def _prepare_text(self, txt):
+ """
+ prepare the multiline, indentation text.
+ """
+ txt = txt.splitlines()
+ assert txt[0]=="", "First must be empty!"
+ txt = txt[1:] # Skip the first line
+ # get the indentation level from the first line
+ count = False
+ for count, char in enumerate(txt[0]):
+ if char!=" ":
+ break
+ assert count != False, "second line is empty!"
+ # remove indentation from all lines
+ txt = [i[count:] for i in txt]
+ #~ txt = re.sub("\n {2,}", "\n", txt)
+ txt = "\n".join(txt)
+ # strip *one* newline at the begining...
+ if txt.startswith("\n"): txt = txt[1:]
+ # and strip *one* newline at the end of the text
+ if txt.endswith("\n"): txt = txt[:-1]
+ #~ print repr(txt)
+ #~ print "-"*79
+ return txt
+ def testSelf(self):
+ """
+ Test for self._prepare_text()
+ """
+ out1 = self._prepare_text("""
+ one line
+ line two""")
+ self.assertEqual(out1, "one line\nline two")
+ out2 = self._prepare_text("""
+ one line
+ line two
+ """)
+ self.assertEqual(out2, "one line\nline two")
+ out3 = self._prepare_text("""
+ one line
+ line two
+ """)
+ self.assertEqual(out3, "one line\n\nline two")
+ out4 = self._prepare_text("""
+ one line
+ line two
+ """)
+ self.assertEqual(out4, "one line\n line two\n")
+ out5 = self._prepare_text("""
+ one line
+ line two
+ dritte Zeile
+ """)
+ self.assertEqual(out5, "one line\n line two\ndritte Zeile")
+class TestHtml2Creole(MarkupTest):
+# def setUp(self):
+ def assertCreole(self, raw_markup, raw_html, debug=False):
+ markup = self._prepare_text(raw_markup)
+ html = self._prepare_text(raw_html)
+ h2c = Html2Creole(debug)
+ h2c.feed(html)
+ out_string = h2c.get()
+ self.assertEqual(out_string, markup)
+ def test_bold_italics(self):
+ self.assertCreole(r"""
+ **//bold italics//**
+ //**bold italics**//
+ //This is **also** good.//
+ """, """
+ <p><strong><i>bold italics</i></strong><br />
+ <i><strong>bold italics</strong></i><br />
+ <i>This is <strong>also</strong> good.</i></p>
+ """,
+# debug=True
+ )
+ def test_links(self):
+ self.assertCreole(r"""
+ test link: '[[internal links|link A]]' 1 and
+ test link: '[[http://domain.tld|link B]]' 2.
+ """, """
+ <p>test link: '<a href="internal links">link A</a>' 1 and<br />
+ test link: '<a href="http://domain.tld">link B</a>' 2.</p>
+ """)
+ def test_images(self):
+ self.assertCreole(r"""
+ a {{/image.jpg|JPG pictures}} and
+ a {{/image.jpeg|JPEG pictures}} and
+ a {{/image.gif|GIF pictures}} and
+ a {{/image.png|PNG pictures}} !
+ picture [[www.domain.tld|{{foo.JPG|Foo}}]] as a link
+ """, """
+ <p>a <img src="/image.jpg" alt="JPG pictures"> and<br />
+ a <img src="/image.jpeg" alt="JPEG pictures"> and<br />
+ a <img src="/image.gif" alt="GIF pictures" /> and<br />
+ a <img src="/image.png" alt="PNG pictures" /> !</p>
+ <p>picture <a href="www.domain.tld"><img src="foo.JPG" alt="Foo"></a> as a link</p>
+ """)
+ def test_nowiki1(self):
+ self.assertCreole(r"""
+ this:
+ {{{
+ //This// does **not** get [[formatted]]
+ }}}
+ and this: {{{** <i>this</i> ** }}} not, too.
+ === Closing braces in nowiki:
+ {{{
+ if (x != NULL) {
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ if (x[i] > 0) {
+ x[i]--;
+ }}}
+ }}}
+ """, """
+ <p>this:</p>
+ <pre>
+ //This// does **not** get [[formatted]]
+ </pre>
+ <p>and this: <tt>** &lt;i&gt;this&lt;/i&gt; ** </tt> not, too.</p>
+ <h3>Closing braces in nowiki:</h3>
+ <pre>
+ if (x != NULL) {
+ for (i = 0; i &lt; size; i++) {
+ if (x[i] &gt; 0) {
+ x[i]--;
+ }}}
+ </pre>
+ """)
+ def test_headlines(self):
+ self.assertCreole(r"""
+ = Level 1 (largest)
+ == Level 2
+ === Level 3
+ ==== Level 4
+ ===== Level 5
+ ====== Level 6
+ === **not** \\ //parsed//
+ No == headline == or?
+ """, r"""
+ <h1>Level 1 (largest)</h1>
+ <h2>Level 2</h2>
+ <h3>Level 3</h3>
+ <h4>Level 4</h4>
+ <h5>Level 5</h5>
+ <h6>Level 6</h6>
+ <h3>**not** \\ //parsed//</h3>
+ <p>No == headline == or?</p>
+ """)
+ def test_horizontal_rule(self):
+ self.assertCreole(r"""
+ one
+ ----
+ two
+ """, """
+ <p>one</p>
+ <hr />
+ <p>two</p>
+ """)
+ def test_list1(self):
+ """
+ FIXME: Two newlines between a list and the next paragraph :(
+ """
+ self.assertCreole(r"""
+ ==== List a:
+ * a1 item
+ ** a1.1 Force\\linebreak
+ ** a1.2 item
+ *** a1.2.1 item
+ *** a1.2.2 item
+ * a2 item
+ list 'a' end
+ ==== List b:
+ # b1 item
+ ## b1.2 item
+ ### b1.2.1 item
+ ### b1.2.2 Force\\linebreak1\\linebreak2
+ ## b1.3 item
+ # b2 item
+ list 'b' end
+ """, """
+ <h4>List a:</h4>
+ <ul>
+ <li>a1 item</li>
+ <ul>
+ <li>a1.1 Force
+ linebreak</li>
+ <li>a1.2 item</li>
+ <ul>
+ <li>a1.2.1 item</li>
+ <li>a1.2.2 item</li>
+ </ul>
+ </ul>
+ <li>a2 item</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>list 'a' end</p>
+ <h4>List b:</h4>
+ <ol>
+ <li>b1 item</li>
+ <ol>
+ <li>b1.2 item</li>
+ <ol>
+ <li>b1.2.1 item</li>
+ <li>b1.2.2 Force
+ linebreak1
+ linebreak2</li>
+ </ol>
+ <li>b1.3 item</li>
+ </ol>
+ <li>b2 item</li>
+ </ol>
+ <p>list 'b' end</p>
+ """,
+# debug=True
+ )
+ def test_list2(self):
+ """ Bold, Italics, Links, Pre in Lists """
+ self.assertCreole(r"""
+ * **bold** item
+ * //italic// item
+ # item about a [[domain.tld|page link]]
+ # {{{//this// is **not** [[processed]]}}}
+ """, """
+ <ul>
+ <li><strong>bold</strong> item</li>
+ <li><i>italic</i> item</li>
+ </ul>
+ <ol>
+ <li>item about a <a href="domain.tld">page link</a></li>
+ <li><tt>//this// is **not** [[processed]]</tt></li>
+ </ol>
+ """,
+# debug=True
+ )
+ def test_table(self):
+ self.assertCreole(r"""
+ A Table...
+ |= Headline |= a other\\headline |= the **big end |
+ | a cell | a **big** cell |**//bold italics//** |
+ | next\\line | No == headline == or? | |
+ | | | open end
+ ...end
+ """, """
+ <p>A Table...</p>
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Headline</th>
+ <th>a other<br />
+ headline</th>
+ <th>the <strong>big end</strong></th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>a cell</td>
+ <td>a <strong>big</strong> cell</td>
+ <td><strong><i>bold italics</i></strong></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>next<br />
+ line</td>
+ <td>No == headline == or?</td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td>open end</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <p>...end</p>
+ """,
+ debug=True
+ )
+ #__________________________________________________________________________
+ # TODO:
+# def test_django(self):
+# self.assertCreole(r"""
+# The current page name: >{{ }}< great?
+# A {% lucidTag page_update_list count=10 %} PyLucid plugin
+# {% block %}
+# FooBar
+# {% endblock %}
+# A [[www.domain.tld|link]].
+# no image: {{ foo|bar }}!
+# """, """
+# <p>The current page name: &gt;{{ }}&lt; great?<br />
+# A {% lucidTag page_update_list count=10 %} PyLucid plugin</p>
+# {% block %}
+# FooBar
+# {% endblock %}
+# <p>A <a href="www.domain.tld">link</a>.<br />
+# no image: {{ foo|bar }}!</p>
+# """)
+# def test_escape_char(self):
+# self.assertCreole(r"""
+# ~#1
+# http://domain.tld/~bar/
+# ~http://domain.tld/
+# [[Link]]
+# ~[[Link]]
+# """, """
+# <p>#1<br />
+# <a href="http://domain.tld/~bar/">http://domain.tld/~bar/</a><br />
+# http://domain.tld/<br />
+# <a href="Link">Link</a><br />
+# [[Link]]</p>
+# """)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
+# h2c = Html2Creole(debug=False)
+# h2c = Html2Creole(debug=True)
+# h2c.feed("""
+#<strong>bold 1</strong><i>italic1</i>
+#111 <strong>bold 1</strong> 222 <i>italic1</i> 333
+# print "-"*79
+# print h2c.get()
+# print "-"*79 \ No newline at end of file