path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 305 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65afbd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# $Id:,v 1.2 2001/10/10 06:59:45 tavis_rudd Exp $
+"""Some tools for extending and working with distutils
+CREDITS: This module borrows code and ideas from M.A. Lemburg's excellent setup
+tools for the mxBase package.
+__author__ = "Tavis Rudd <>"
+__version__ = "$Revision: 1.2 $"[11:-2]
+True = (1==1)
+False = (1==0)
+from distutils.core import setup
+from distutils.core import Command
+from distutils.command.install_data import install_data
+from distutils.command.sdist import sdist
+import os
+from os import listdir
+import os.path
+from os.path import exists, isdir, isfile, join, splitext
+import types
+import glob
+import string
+#imports from Cheetah ...
+from src.FileUtils import findFiles
+## CLASSES ##
+class mod_install_data(install_data):
+ """A copy of M.A Lemburg's modified version of the disutils install_data
+ command that allows data files to be included directly in the installed
+ Python package tree.
+ Note that it expects that data_files argument to the disutils.setup()
+ commmand to be a list of strings rather than a list of tuples as is the
+ default. Each of these string entries can be a real file name or a glob
+ pattern representing the files to match."""
+ def finalize_options(self):
+ if self.install_dir is None:
+ installobj = self.distribution.get_command_obj('install')
+ self.install_dir = installobj.install_platlib
+ install_data.finalize_options(self)
+ def run (self):
+ if not self.dry_run:
+ self.mkpath(self.install_dir)
+ data_files = self.get_inputs()
+ for entry in data_files:
+ if type(entry) != types.StringType:
+ raise ValueError, 'The entries in "data_files" must be strings'
+ entry = string.join(string.split(entry, '/'), os.sep)
+ # entry is a filename or glob pattern
+ if entry.startswith('recursive:'):
+ entry = entry[len('recursive:'):]
+ dir = entry.split()[0]
+ globPatterns = entry.split()[1:]
+ filenames = findFiles(dir, globPatterns)
+ else:
+ filenames = glob.glob(entry)
+ for filename in filenames:
+ ## generate the dstPath from the filename
+ # - deal with 'package_dir' translations
+ topDir, subPath = (filename.split(os.sep)[0],
+ os.sep.join( filename.split(os.sep)[1:] )
+ )
+ package_dirDict = self.distribution.package_dir
+ if package_dirDict:
+ packageDir = topDir
+ for key, val in package_dirDict.items():
+ if val == topDir:
+ packageDir = key
+ break
+ else:
+ packageDir = topDir
+ dstPath = os.path.join(self.install_dir, packageDir, subPath)
+ ## add the file to the list of outfiles
+ dstdir = os.path.split(dstPath)[0]
+ if not self.dry_run:
+ self.mkpath(dstdir)
+ outfile = self.copy_file(filename, dstPath)[0]
+ else:
+ outfile = dstPath
+ self.outfiles.append(outfile)
+class contrib(Command):
+ """a setup command that will process the contributed packages.
+ USAGE: contrib install
+ or
+ contrib sdist
+ etc.
+ """
+ description = ""
+ # List of option tuples: long name, short name (None if no short
+ # name), and help string.
+ user_options = [ ('cmd=', None,
+ "The command to run on each of the contrib packages"),
+ ('contrib_dir=', None,
+ "The directory which contains all of the contrib packages"),
+ ('contrib_packages=', None,
+ "A whitespace separated list of contrib package subdirs"),
+ ]
+ def initialize_options (self):
+ self.cmd = 'install'
+ def finalize_options (self):
+ pass
+ def run(self):
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ for p in self.contrib_packages.split():
+ d = os.path.join(cwd, self.contrib_dir, p)
+ os.chdir(d)
+ print "Working on", d, "(", os.getcwd(), ")"
+ try:
+ os.system(sys.executable+' '+ self.cmd)
+ except:
+ print "An error occurred while installing the contributed packages."
+ #os.chdir(cwd)
+ raise
+class sdist_docs(sdist):
+ """A setup command that will rebuild Users Guide at the same time as
+ creating a source distribution.
+ It relies on the main tex-file being called users_guide.tex and the tex file
+ being in a form that Python's mkhowto script accepts."""
+ def run(self):
+ try:
+ from main_package.Version import version
+ currentDir = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(os.path.join(currentDir,'docs','src'))
+ fp = open('users_guide.tex','r')
+ originalTexCode =
+ fp.close()
+ newTexCode = re.sub(r'(?<=\\release\{)[0-9\.a-zA-Z]*',str(version), originalTexCode)
+ fp = open('users_guide.tex','w')
+ fp.write(newTexCode)
+ fp.close()
+ os.system('make -f Makefile')
+ os.chdir(currentDir)
+ except:
+ print "The sdist_docs command couldn't rebuild the Users Guide"
+ os.chdir(currentDir)
+class uninstall(Command):
+ description = "uninstall the package files and directories"
+ user_options = []
+ def initialize_options(self):
+ pass
+ def finalize_options(self):
+ pass
+ def run(self):
+ # Execute build
+ self.announce('determining installation files')
+ self.announce('(re)building package')
+ savevalue = self.distribution.dry_run
+ self.distribution.dry_run = 0
+ self.run_command('build')
+ # Execute install in dry-run mode
+ self.announce('dry-run package install')
+ self.distribution.dry_run = 1
+ self.run_command('install')
+ self.distribution.dry_run = savevalue
+ build = self.get_finalized_command('build')
+ install = self.get_finalized_command('install')
+ # Remove all installed files
+ self.announce("removing files")
+ dirs = {}
+ filenames = install.get_outputs()
+ for filename in filenames:
+ if not os.path.isabs(filename):
+ raise DistutilsError,\
+ 'filename %s from .get_output() not absolute' % \
+ filename
+ if os.path.isfile(filename):
+ self.announce("removing %s" % filename)
+ if not self.dry_run:
+ try:
+ os.remove(filename)
+ except OSError, details:
+ self.warn("Could not remove file: %s" % details)
+ dir = os.path.split(filename)[0]
+ if not dirs.has_key(dir):
+ dirs[dir] = 1
+ if os.path.splitext(filename)[1] == '.py':
+ # Remove byte-code files as well
+ try:
+ os.remove(filename + 'c')
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ os.remove(filename + 'o')
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ elif os.path.isdir(filename):
+ # This functionality is currently not being used by distutils
+ if not dirs.has_key(dir):
+ dirs[filename] = 1
+ elif not os.path.splitext(filename)[1] in ('.pyo', '.pyc'):
+ self.announce("skipping removal of %s (not found)" %
+ filename)
+ # Remove the installation directories
+ self.announce("removing directories")
+ dirs = dirs.keys()
+ dirs.sort(); dirs.reverse() # sort descending
+ for dir in dirs:
+ self.announce("removing directory %s" % dir)
+ if not self.dry_run:
+ try:
+ os.rmdir(dir)
+ except OSError, details:
+ self.warn("could not remove directory: %s" % details)
+def run_setup(configurations):
+ """ Run distutils setup.
+ The parameters passed to setup() are extracted from the list of modules,
+ classes or instances given in configurations.
+ Names with leading underscore are removed from the parameters.
+ Parameters which are not strings, lists, tuples, or dicts are removed as
+ well. Configurations which occur later in the configurations list
+ override settings of configurations earlier in the list.
+ """
+ # Build parameter dictionary
+ kws = {}
+ for configuration in configurations:
+ kws.update(vars(configuration))
+ for name, value in kws.items():
+ if name[:1] == '_' or \
+ type(value) not in (types.StringType,
+ types.ListType,
+ types.TupleType,
+ types.DictType,
+ ):
+ del kws[name]
+ # Add setup extensions
+ cmdclasses = {'install_data': mod_install_data,
+ 'uninstall':uninstall,
+ 'contrib':contrib,
+ 'sdist_docs':sdist_docs,
+ }
+ kws['cmdclass'] = cmdclasses
+ # Invoke distutils setup
+ apply(setup, (), kws)