path: root/docs/reference/pygtk-gtkbutton.xml
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-<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
-<!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN"
- "">
-<refentry id="class-gtkbutton">
- <refnamediv>
- <refname>gtk.Button</refname>
- <refpurpose>A pushbutton widget that issues a signal when
- </refnamediv>
- <refsect1>
- <title>Synopsis</title>
- <classsynopsis language="python">
- <ooclass><classname>gtk.Button</classname></ooclass>
- <ooclass><classname><link
- <constructorsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname><link linkend="constructor-gtkbutton">gtk.Button</link></methodname>
- <methodparam><parameter
- role="keyword">label</parameter><initializer>None</initializer></methodparam>
- <methodparam><parameter
- role="keyword">stock</parameter><initializer>None</initializer></methodparam>
- <methodparam><parameter
- role="keyword">use_underline</parameter><initializer>True</initializer></methodparam>
- </constructorsynopsis>
- <methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname><link
- <methodparam></methodparam> </methodsynopsis>
- <methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname><link
- <methodparam></methodparam> </methodsynopsis>
- <methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname><link
- <methodparam></methodparam> </methodsynopsis>
- <methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname><link
- <methodparam></methodparam> </methodsynopsis>
- <methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname><link
- <methodparam></methodparam> </methodsynopsis>
- <methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname><link
- <methodparam><parameter
- role="keyword">newstyle</parameter></methodparam>
- </methodsynopsis>
- <methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname><link
- <methodparam></methodparam> </methodsynopsis>
- <methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname><link
- <methodparam><parameter
- role="keyword">label</parameter></methodparam>
- </methodsynopsis>
- <methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname><link
- <methodparam></methodparam> </methodsynopsis>
- <methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname><link
- <methodparam><parameter
- role="keyword">use_underline</parameter></methodparam>
- </methodsynopsis>
- <methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname><link
- <methodparam></methodparam> </methodsynopsis>
- <methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname><link
- <methodparam><parameter
- role="keyword">use_stock</parameter></methodparam>
- </methodsynopsis>
- <methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname><link
- <methodparam></methodparam> </methodsynopsis>
- <methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname><link
- <methodparam><parameter
- role="keyword">focus_on_click</parameter></methodparam>
- </methodsynopsis>
- <methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname><link
- <methodparam></methodparam> </methodsynopsis>
- <methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname><link
- <methodparam><parameter
- role="keyword">xalign</parameter></methodparam>
- <methodparam><parameter
- role="keyword">yalign</parameter></methodparam>
- </methodsynopsis>
- <methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname><link
- <methodparam></methodparam>
- </methodsynopsis>
- <methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname><link
- <methodparam><parameter
- role="keyword">image</parameter></methodparam>
- </methodsynopsis>
- <methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname><link
- <methodparam></methodparam>
- </methodsynopsis>
- </classsynopsis>
- </refsect1>
- <refsect1>
- <title>Ancestry</title>
-<synopsis>+-- <link linkend="class-gobject">gobject.GObject</link>
- +-- <link linkend="class-gtkobject">gtk.Object</link>
- +-- <link linkend="class-gtkwidget">gtk.Widget</link>
- +-- <link linkend="class-gtkcontainer">gtk.Container</link>
- +-- <link linkend="class-gtkbin">gtk.Bin</link>
- +-- <link linkend="class-gtkbutton">gtk.Button</link>
- </refsect1>
- <refsect1 id="properties-gtkbutton">
- <title>gtk.Button Properties</title>
- <para><link linkend="properties-gtkobject">gtk.Object Properties</link></para>
- <para><link linkend="properties-gtkwidget">gtk.Widget Properties</link></para>
- <para><link linkend="properties-gtkcontainer">gtk.Container Properties</link></para>
- <blockquote role="properties">
- <informaltable pgwide="1" frame="none">
- <tgroup cols="3">
- <colspec column="1" colwidth="1in"/>
- <colspec column="2" colwidth="1in"/>
- <colspec column="3" colwidth="3.5in"/>
- <tbody>
- <row valign="top">
- <entry>"focus-on-click"</entry>
- <entry>Read/Write</entry>
- <entry>If <literal>True</literal> the button grabs focus when
- it is clicked with the mouse. Default value:
-<literal>True</literal>. This property is available in GTK+ 2.4 and
- </row>
- <row valign="top">
- <entry>"image"</entry>
- <entry>Read/Write</entry>
- <entry>The child widget to appear next to the button text. Default
-value: <literal>None</literal>.
-This property is available in GTK+ 2.6 and above.</entry>
- </row>
- <row valign="top">
- <entry>"image-position"</entry>
- <entry>Read/Write</entry>
- <entry>The position of the image relative to the text inside the
- button. One of the <xref linkend="gtk-position-type-constants"
- endterm="gtk-position-type-constants-title"></xref>. Default
- value: <literal>gtk.POS_LEFT</literal>. This property is
- available in GTK+ 2.10 and above.</entry>
- </row>
- <row valign="top">
- <entry>"label"</entry>
- <entry>Read/Write</entry>
- <entry>Text of the label widget inside the button, if the button
-contains a label widget. Default value: <literal>None</literal>.</entry>
- </row>
- <row valign="top">
- <entry>"relief"</entry>
- <entry>Read/Write</entry>
- <entry>The border relief style. One of:
-<literal>gtk.RELIEF_NORMAL</literal>, <literal>gtk.RELIEF_HALF</literal> or
-<literal>gtk.RELIEF_NONE</literal>. Default value:
- </row>
- <row valign="top">
- <entry>"use-stock"</entry>
- <entry>Read/Write</entry>
- <entry>If <literal>True</literal>, the label text is used to pick
-a stock item instead of being displayed.
-Default value: <literal>False</literal>.</entry>
- </row>
- <row valign="top">
- <entry>"use-underline"</entry>
- <entry>Read/Write</entry>
- <entry>If <literal>True</literal>, an underscore in the text
-indicates the next character should be underlined and used for the mnemonic
-accelerator key if it is the first character so marked.
-Default value: <literal>False</literal>.</entry>
- </row>
- <row valign="top">
- <entry>"xalign"</entry>
- <entry>Read/Write</entry>
- <entry>If the
- child of the button is a <link
- linkend="class-gtkmisc"><classname>gtk.Misc</classname></link> or
- <link
- linkend="class-gtkalignment"><classname>gtk.Alignment</classname></link>,
- this property can be used to control it's horizontal
- alignment. The value ranges from 0.0 to 1.0 representing the fraction
- of freespace to the left of the widget. Default value: 0.5.
-This property is available in GTK+ 2.4 and above.</entry>
- </row>
- <row valign="top">
- <entry>"yalign"</entry>
- <entry>Read/Write</entry>
- <entry>If the
- child of the button is a <link
- linkend="class-gtkmisc"><classname>gtk.Misc</classname></link> or
- <link
- linkend="class-gtkalignment"><classname>gtk.Alignment</classname></link>,
- this property can be used to control it's vertical
- alignment. The value ranges from 0.0 to 1.0 representing the fraction
-of freespace above the widget. Default value: 0.5.
-This property is available in GTK+ 2.4 and above.</entry>
- </row>
- </tbody>
- </tgroup>
- </informaltable>
- </blockquote>
- </refsect1>
- <refsect1 id="style-properties-gtkbutton">
- <title>gtk.Button Style Properties</title>
- <para><link linkend="style-properties-gtkwidget">gtk.Widget Style Properties</link></para>
- <blockquote role="properties">
- <informaltable pgwide="1" frame="none">
- <tgroup cols="3">
- <colspec column="1" colwidth="1in"/>
- <colspec column="2" colwidth="1in"/>
- <colspec column="3" colwidth="3.5in"/>
- <tbody>
- <row valign="top">
- <entry>"child-displacement-x"</entry>
- <entry>Read</entry>
- <entry>The number of pixels in the x direction to move the child
-when the button is depressed. Default value: 0</entry>
- </row>
- <row valign="top">
- <entry>"child-displacement-y"</entry>
- <entry>Read</entry>
- <entry>The number of pixels in the y direction to move the child
-when the button is depressed. Default value: 0</entry>
- </row>
- <row valign="top">
- <entry>"default-border"</entry>
- <entry>Read</entry>
- <entry>The extra space to add for
- <literal>gtk.CAN_DEFAULT</literal> buttons as a <link
- linkend="class-gtkborder"><classname>gtk.Border</classname></link></entry>
- </row>
- <row valign="top">
- <entry>"default-outside-border"</entry>
- <entry>Read</entry>
- <entry>The extra space to add for
- <literal>gtk.CAN_DEFAULT</literal> buttons always drawn outside
- the border as a <link
- linkend="class-gtkborder"><classname>gtk.Border</classname></link></entry>
- </row>
- <row valign="top">
- <entry>"displace-focus"</entry>
- <entry>Read</entry>
- <entry>If <literal>True</literal> the "child-displacement-x" and
- "child-displacement-y" properties should also affect the focus
- rectangle. Default value: <literal>False</literal>. This property
- is available in GTK+ 2.6 and above.</entry>
- </row>
- <row valign="top">
- <entry>"inner-border"</entry>
- <entry>Read</entry>
- <entry>The border between the button edges and child as a <link
- linkend="class-gtkborder"><classname>gtk.Border</classname></link>.
- This property is available in GTK+ 2.10 and above.</entry>
- </row>
- </tbody>
- </tgroup>
- </informaltable>
- </blockquote>
- </refsect1>
- <refsect1 id="signal-prototypes-gtkbutton">
- <title>gtk.Button Signal Prototypes</title>
- <para><link linkend="signal-prototypes-gobject">gobject.GObject Signal Prototypes</link></para>
- <para><link linkend="signal-prototypes-gtkobject">gtk.Object Signal Prototypes</link></para>
- <para><link linkend="signal-prototypes-gtkwidget">gtk.Widget Signal Prototypes</link></para>
- <para><link linkend="signal-prototypes-gtkcontainer">gtk.Container Signal Prototypes</link></para>
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>"<link
- <listitem>
- <methodsynopsis
- language="python"><methodname>callback</methodname>
- <methodparam><parameter>button</parameter>
- </methodparam>
- <methodparam><parameter>user_param1</parameter>
- </methodparam>
- <methodparam><parameter>...</parameter>
- </methodparam>
- </methodsynopsis>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>"<link
- <listitem>
- <methodsynopsis
- language="python"><methodname>callback</methodname>
- <methodparam><parameter>button</parameter>
- </methodparam>
- <methodparam><parameter>user_param1</parameter>
- </methodparam>
- <methodparam><parameter>...</parameter>
- </methodparam>
- </methodsynopsis>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>"<link linkend="signal-gtkbutton--enter">enter</link>"</term>
- <listitem>
- <methodsynopsis
- language="python"><methodname>callback</methodname>
- <methodparam><parameter>button</parameter>
- </methodparam>
- <methodparam><parameter>user_param1</parameter>
- </methodparam>
- <methodparam><parameter>...</parameter>
- </methodparam>
- </methodsynopsis>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>"<link linkend="signal-gtkbutton--leave">leave</link>"</term>
- <listitem>
- <methodsynopsis
- language="python"><methodname>callback</methodname>
- <methodparam><parameter>button</parameter>
- </methodparam>
- <methodparam><parameter>user_param1</parameter>
- </methodparam>
- <methodparam><parameter>...</parameter>
- </methodparam>
- </methodsynopsis>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>"<link
- <listitem>
- <methodsynopsis
- language="python"><methodname>callback</methodname>
- <methodparam><parameter>button</parameter>
- </methodparam>
- <methodparam><parameter>user_param1</parameter>
- </methodparam>
- <methodparam><parameter>...</parameter>
- </methodparam>
- </methodsynopsis>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>"<link
- <listitem>
- <methodsynopsis
- language="python"><methodname>callback</methodname>
- <methodparam><parameter>button</parameter>
- </methodparam>
- <methodparam><parameter>user_param1</parameter>
- </methodparam>
- <methodparam><parameter>...</parameter>
- </methodparam>
- </methodsynopsis>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- </refsect1>
- <refsect1>
- <title>Description</title>
- <para>The <link
-linkend="class-gtkbutton"><classname>gtk.Button</classname></link> widget is
-usually displayed as a pushbutton with a text label (<link
-linkend="class-gtklabel"><classname>gtk.Label</classname></link>) though it
-can contain any valid widget. The <link
-linkend="class-gtkbutton"><classname>gtk.Button</classname></link> is
-generally used to attach a callback function or method that is called when
-the button is clicked. Buttons generate signals that indicate:</para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <simpara>"clicked" - the user pressed and released a mouse button
-over the button</simpara>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <simpara>"pressed" - the user pressed a mouse button over the
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <simpara>"released" - the user released a mouse button over the
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <simpara>"enter" - the pointer entered the button</simpara>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <simpara>"leave" - the pointer left the button</simpara>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <para>The "clicked" signal is usually the only signal that an
-application needs to handle.</para>
- <para>If a label is being used by the button its text (the "label"
-property) is retrieved using the <link
-method. The label text is changed using the <link
- <para>The property ("use_underline") that tells a button to use the
-first underscore to indicate a mnemonic key is changed using the <link
-method. It can be retrieved using the <link
- <para>The button's relief style (the "relief" property) is retrieved
-using the method <link
-The relief style is set to one of <literal>gtk.RELIEF_NONE</literal>,
-<literal>gtk.RELIEF_HALF</literal> or <literal>gtk.RELIEF_NORMAL</literal>
-using the method <link
- </refsect1>
- <refsect1 id="constructor-gtkbutton">
- <title>Constructor</title>
- <programlisting><constructorsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname>gtk.Button</methodname>
- <methodparam><parameter
- role="keyword">label</parameter><initializer>None</initializer></methodparam>
- <methodparam><parameter
- role="keyword">stock</parameter><initializer>None</initializer></methodparam>
- <methodparam><parameter
- role="keyword">use_underline</parameter><initializer>True</initializer></methodparam>
- </constructorsynopsis></programlisting>
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><parameter role="keyword">label</parameter>&nbsp;:</term>
- <listitem><simpara>the text to be displayed by the button label
-including an underscore to indicate the mnemonic character if desired or
-<literal>None</literal> if no label is required.</simpara></listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><parameter role="keyword">stock</parameter>&nbsp;:</term>
- <listitem><simpara>the stock id identifying the stock image and text
-to be used in the button or <literal>None</literal> if no stock id is to be
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><parameter role="keyword">use_underline</parameter>&nbsp;:</term>
- <listitem><simpara>if <literal>True</literal>, an underscore in the
-text indicates the next character should be underlined and used for the
-mnemonic accelerator key if it is the first character so
-marked. Available in PyGTK 2.4 and above.</simpara></listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><emphasis>Returns</emphasis>&nbsp;:</term>
- <listitem><simpara>a new button object</simpara></listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- <para>Creates a new button widget with the content depending on the
-parameters: <parameter>label</parameter>, <parameter>stock</parameter> and
-<parameter>use_underline</parameter>. The default values for
-<parameter>stock</parameter> and <parameter>label</parameter> are
-<literal>None</literal> and, in PyGTK 2.4 and above,
-<parameter>use_underline</parameter> is available and defaults to
-<literal>True</literal>. If both <parameter>label</parameter> and
-<parameter>stock</parameter> are specified <parameter>stock</parameter>
-takes precedence. If neither is specified the button is created with no
-child widget. A child widget can be added later with the <link
- <para>If <parameter>stock</parameter> is specified the "use-stock"
-property will be set to <literal>True</literal>.</para>
- <para>If <parameter>label</parameter> is specified the "label" property
-will be set with the text of the label, the "use_underline" property will be
-set to <literal>True</literal> and any characters that are preceded by an
-underscore are underlined (use two underscores to insert an underscore in a
-label). The first underscored character will become the mnemonic character
-used as the keyboard accelerator for the button when pressed simultaneously
-with the <keycap>Alt</keycap> key. In PyGTK 2.4 and above the
-"use-underline" property can be set by using the optional
-<parameter>use_underline</parameter> parameter.</para>
- </refsect1>
- <refsect1>
- <title>Methods</title>
- <refsect2 id="method-gtkbutton--pressed">
- <title>gtk.Button.pressed</title>
- <programlisting><methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname>pressed</methodname>
- <methodparam></methodparam> </methodsynopsis></programlisting>
- <para>The <methodname>pressed</methodname>() method emits the
-"pressed" signal to the button.</para>
- </refsect2>
- <refsect2 id="method-gtkbutton--released">
- <title>gtk.Button.released</title>
- <programlisting><methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname>released</methodname>
- <methodparam></methodparam> </methodsynopsis></programlisting>
- <para>The <methodname>released</methodname>() method emits the
-"released" signal to the button.</para>
- </refsect2>
- <refsect2 id="method-gtkbutton--clicked">
- <title>gtk.Button.clicked</title>
- <programlisting><methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname>clicked</methodname>
- <methodparam></methodparam> </methodsynopsis></programlisting>
- <para>The <methodname>clicked</methodname>() method emits the
-"clicked" signal to the button.</para>
- </refsect2>
- <refsect2 id="method-gtkbutton--enter">
- <title>gtk.Button.enter</title>
- <programlisting><methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname>enter</methodname>
- <methodparam></methodparam> </methodsynopsis></programlisting>
- <para>The <methodname>enter</methodname>() method emits the "enter"
-signal to the button.</para>
- </refsect2>
- <refsect2 id="method-gtkbutton--leave">
- <title>gtk.Button.leave</title>
- <programlisting><methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname>leave</methodname>
- <methodparam></methodparam> </methodsynopsis></programlisting>
- <para>The <methodname>leave</methodname>() method emits the "leave"
-signal to the button.</para>
- </refsect2>
- <refsect2 id="method-gtkbutton--set-relief">
- <title>gtk.Button.set_relief</title>
- <programlisting><methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname>set_relief</methodname>
- <methodparam><parameter>newstyle</parameter></methodparam>
- </methodsynopsis></programlisting>
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><parameter role="keyword">newstyle</parameter>&nbsp;:</term>
- <listitem>
- <simpara>one of <literal>gtk.RELIEF_NONE</literal>,
-<literal>gtk.RELIEF_NORMAL</literal> or
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- <para>The <methodname>set_relief</methodname>() method sets the relief
-style of the edges of the button. Three styles exist,
-<literal>gtk.RELIEF_NORMAL</literal>, <literal>gtk.RELIEF_HALF</literal>,
-<literal>gtk.RELIEF_NONE</literal>. The default style is, as one can guess,
- </refsect2>
- <refsect2 id="method-gtkbutton--get-relief">
- <title>gtk.Button.get_relief</title>
- <programlisting><methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname>get_relief</methodname>
- <methodparam></methodparam> </methodsynopsis></programlisting>
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><emphasis>Returns</emphasis>&nbsp;:</term>
- <listitem><simpara>the relief style</simpara></listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- <para>The <methodname>get_relief</methodname>() method retrieves the
-current relief style (the "relief" property) set for the button.</para>
- </refsect2>
- <refsect2 id="method-gtkbutton--set-label">
- <title>gtk.Button.set_label</title>
- <programlisting><methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname>set_label</methodname>
- <methodparam><parameter>label</parameter></methodparam>
- </methodsynopsis></programlisting>
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><parameter role="keyword">label</parameter>&nbsp;:</term>
- <listitem>
- <simpara>a string to be set as the text in the button
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- <para>The <methodname>set_label</methodname>() method sets the text of
-the button label to <parameter>label</parameter> (also sets the "label"
-property). This string is also used to select the stock item if the
-"use_stock" property is <literal>True</literal> and the string references a
-stock item. Any previously set labels will be cleared.</para>
- </refsect2>
- <refsect2 id="method-gtkbutton--get-label">
- <title>gtk.Button.get_label</title>
- <programlisting><methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname>get_label</methodname>
- <methodparam></methodparam> </methodsynopsis></programlisting>
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><emphasis>Returns</emphasis>&nbsp;:</term>
- <listitem><simpara>the text of the label
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- <para>The <methodname>get_label</methodname>() method retrieves the
-text from the label of the button, as set by <link
-or by the <link
-constructor. This string is owned by the widget and must not be modified or
-freed. If the label text has not been set the return value will be
-<literal>None</literal>. This will be the case if you create an empty button
-with <link
-to use as a container.</para>
- </refsect2>
- <refsect2 id="method-gtkbutton--set-use-underline">
- <title>gtk.Button.set_use_underline</title>
- <programlisting><methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname>set_use_underline</methodname>
- <methodparam><parameter
- role="keyword">use_underline</parameter></methodparam>
- </methodsynopsis></programlisting>
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><parameter>use_underline</parameter>&nbsp;:</term>
- <listitem>
- <simpara><literal>True</literal> if underscores in the text
-indicate mnemonics</simpara>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- <para>The <methodname>set_use_underline</methodname>() method sets the
-"use_underline" property to the value of
-<parameter>use_underline</parameter>. If
-<parameter>use_underline</parameter> is <literal>True</literal>, an
-underscore in the text of the button label indicates that the next character
-should be underlined and used for the mnemonic accelerator key if it is also
-the first underlined character.</para>
- </refsect2>
- <refsect2 id="method-gtkbutton--get-use-underline">
- <title>gtk.Button.get_use_underline</title>
- <programlisting><methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname>get_use_underline</methodname>
- <methodparam></methodparam> </methodsynopsis></programlisting>
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><emphasis>Returns</emphasis>&nbsp;:</term>
- <listitem>
- <simpara><literal>True</literal> if an underscore in the button
-label indicates the mnemonic accelerator keys.</simpara>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- <para>The <methodname>get_use_underline</methodname>() method returns
-whether the "use_underline" property is <literal>True</literal> meaning that
-an underscore in the button label indicates a mnemonic. See <link
- </refsect2>
- <refsect2 id="method-gtkbutton--set-use-stock">
- <title>gtk.Button.set_use_stock</title>
- <programlisting><methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname>set_use_stock</methodname>
- <methodparam><parameter
- role="keyword">use_stock</parameter></methodparam>
- </methodsynopsis></programlisting>
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><parameter>use_stock</parameter>&nbsp;:</term>
- <listitem>
- <simpara>If <literal>True</literal> the button should use a
-stock item</simpara>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- <para>The <methodname>set_use_stock</methodname>() method sets the
-"use_stock" property to the value of <parameter>use_stock</parameter>. If
-<parameter>use_stock</parameter> is <literal>True</literal>, the label set
-on the button is used as a stock id to select the stock item for the
- </refsect2>
- <refsect2 id="method-gtkbutton--get-use-stock">
- <title>gtk.Button.get_use_stock</title>
- <programlisting><methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname>get_use_stock</methodname>
- <methodparam></methodparam> </methodsynopsis></programlisting>
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><emphasis>Returns</emphasis>&nbsp;:</term>
- <listitem>
- <simpara>the value of the "use_stock" property.</simpara>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- <para>The <methodname>get_use_stock</methodname>() method returns the
-value of the "use_stock" property. If <literal>True</literal> the button
-label is used to select a stock item instead of being used directly as the
-label text.</para>
- </refsect2>
- <refsect2 id="method-gtkbutton--set-focus-on-click">
- <title>gtk.Button.set_focus_on_click</title>
- <programlisting><methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname>set_focus_on_click</methodname>
- <methodparam><parameter
- role="keyword">focus_on_click</parameter></methodparam>
- </methodsynopsis></programlisting>
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><parameter>focus_on_click</parameter>&nbsp;:</term>
- <listitem>
- <simpara>If <literal>True</literal> the button grabs focus when
- clicked with the mouse.</simpara>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- <note>
- <para>This method is available in PyGTK 2.4 and above.</para>
- </note>
- <para>The <methodname>set_focus_on_click</methodname>() method sets
-the "focus-on-click" property to the value of
-<parameter>focus_on_click</parameter>. If
-<parameter>focus_on_click</parameter> is <literal>True</literal>, the button
-grabs focus when it is clicked by the mouse.</para>
- </refsect2>
- <refsect2 id="method-gtkbutton--get-focus-on-click">
- <title>gtk.Button.get_focus_on_click</title>
- <programlisting><methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname>get_focus_on_click</methodname>
- <methodparam></methodparam> </methodsynopsis></programlisting>
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><emphasis>Returns</emphasis>&nbsp;:</term>
- <listitem>
- <simpara>the value of the "focus-on-click" property.</simpara>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- <note>
- <para>This method is available in PyGTK 2.4 and above.</para>
- </note>
- <para>The <methodname>get_focus_on_click</methodname>() method returns
-the value of the "focus-on-click" property. If <literal>True</literal> the
-button grabs focus when it is clicked by the mouse .</para>
- </refsect2>
- <refsect2 id="method-gtkbutton--set-alignment">
- <title>gtk.Button.set_alignment</title>
- <programlisting><methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname>set_alignment</methodname>
- <methodparam><parameter
- role="keyword">xalign</parameter></methodparam>
- <methodparam><parameter
- role="keyword">yalign</parameter></methodparam>
- </methodsynopsis></programlisting>
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><parameter>xalign</parameter>&nbsp;:</term>
- <listitem>
- <simpara>the horizontal alignment of the child widget. The value
- ranges from 0.0 to 1.0 and represents the fraction of freespace
- to the left of the child widget.</simpara>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><parameter>yalign</parameter>&nbsp;:</term>
- <listitem>
- <simpara>the vertical alignment of the child widget. The value
- ranges from 0.0 to 1.0 and represents the fraction of freespace
- above the child widget.</simpara>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- <note>
- <para>This method is available in PyGTK 2.4 and above.</para>
- </note>
- <para>The <methodname>set_alignment</methodname>() method sets the
-"xalign" and "yalign" properties to the value of
-<parameter>xalign</parameter> and <parameter>yalign</parameter>
-respectively. This property has no effect unless the child is a <link
-linkend="class-gtkmisc"><classname>gtk.Misc</classname></link> or a <link
- </refsect2>
- <refsect2 id="method-gtkbutton--get-alignment">
- <title>gtk.Button.get_alignment</title>
- <programlisting><methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname>get_alignment</methodname>
- <methodparam></methodparam>
- </methodsynopsis></programlisting>
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><emphasis>Returns</emphasis>&nbsp;:</term>
- <listitem>
- <simpara>a 2-tuple containing the values of the "xalign" and
- "yalign" properties.</simpara>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- <note>
- <para>This method is available in PyGTK 2.4 and above.</para>
- </note>
- <para>The <methodname>get_alignment</methodname>() method returns the
-values of the "xalign" and "yalign" properties. See the <link linkend="method-gtkbutton--set-alignment"><methodname>set_alignment</methodname>()</link> method for more information.</para>
- </refsect2>
- <refsect2 id="method-gtkbutton--set-image">
- <title>gtk.Button.set_image</title>
- <programlisting><methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname>set_image</methodname>
- <methodparam><parameter
- role="keyword">image</parameter></methodparam>
- </methodsynopsis></programlisting>
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><parameter>image</parameter>&nbsp;:</term>
- <listitem>
- <simpara>the widget to set as the image for the button.</simpara>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- <note>
- <para>This method is available in PyGTK 2.6 and above.</para>
- </note>
- <para>The <methodname>set_image</methodname>() method sets the "image"
-property to the value of <parameter>image</parameter>. This property has no
-effect unless the "gtk-button-images" property is
-<literal>True</literal>. See the <link
-reference for more information. Note you do not have to call the <link
-method for <parameter>image</parameter>.</para>
- </refsect2>
- <refsect2 id="method-gtkbutton--get-image">
- <title>gtk.Button.get_image</title>
- <programlisting><methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname>get_image</methodname>
- <methodparam></methodparam>
- </methodsynopsis></programlisting>
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><emphasis>Returns</emphasis>&nbsp;:</term>
- <listitem>
- <simpara>the <link
-linkend="class-gtkwidget"><classname>gtk.Widget</classname></link> used as
-the button image or <literal>None</literal> if there is no image.</simpara>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- <note>
- <para>This method is available in PyGTK 2.6 and above.</para>
- </note>
- <para>The <methodname>get_image</methodname>() method returns the
-value of the "image" property. See the <link
-method for more information.</para>
- </refsect2>
- </refsect1>
- <refsect1>
- <title>Signals</title>
- <refsect2 id="signal-gtkbutton--activate">
- <title>The "activate" gtk.Button Signal</title>
- <programlisting><methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname>callback</methodname>
- <methodparam><parameter>button</parameter></methodparam>
- <methodparam><parameter>user_param1</parameter></methodparam>
- <methodparam><parameter>...</parameter></methodparam>
- </methodsynopsis></programlisting>
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><parameter>button</parameter>&nbsp;:</term>
- <listitem><simpara>the button that received the "activate"
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><parameter>user_param1</parameter>&nbsp;:</term>
- <listitem><simpara>the first user parameter (if any) specified
-with the <link
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><parameter>...</parameter>&nbsp;:</term>
- <listitem><simpara>additional user parameters (if
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- <para>The "activate" signal is emitted when the <link
-method is called. For a button it causes the "clicked" signal to be
- </refsect2>
- <refsect2 id="signal-gtkbutton--clicked">
- <title>The "clicked" gtk.Button Signal</title>
- <programlisting><methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname>callback</methodname>
- <methodparam><parameter>button</parameter></methodparam>
- <methodparam><parameter>user_param1</parameter></methodparam>
- <methodparam><parameter>...</parameter></methodparam>
- </methodsynopsis></programlisting>
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><parameter>button</parameter>&nbsp;:</term>
- <listitem><simpara>the button that received the
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><parameter>user_param1</parameter>&nbsp;:</term>
- <listitem><simpara>the first user parameter (if any) specified
-with the <link
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><parameter>...</parameter>&nbsp;:</term>
- <listitem><simpara>additional user parameters (if
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- <para>The "clicked" signal is emitted when the mouse button is pressed
-and released while the pointer is over the button.</para>
- </refsect2>
- <refsect2 id="signal-gtkbutton--enter">
- <title>The "enter" gtk.Button Signal</title>
- <programlisting><methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname>callback</methodname>
- <methodparam><parameter>button</parameter></methodparam>
- <methodparam><parameter>user_param1</parameter></methodparam>
- <methodparam><parameter>...</parameter></methodparam>
- </methodsynopsis></programlisting>
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><parameter>button</parameter>&nbsp;:</term>
- <listitem><simpara>the button that received the
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><parameter>user_param1</parameter>&nbsp;:</term>
- <listitem><simpara>the first user parameter (if any) specified
-with the <link
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><parameter>...</parameter>&nbsp;:</term>
- <listitem><simpara>additional user parameters (if
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- <para>The "enter" signal is emitted when the pointer enters the
- </refsect2>
- <refsect2 id="signal-gtkbutton--leave">
- <title>The "leave" gtk.Button Signal</title>
- <programlisting><methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname>callback</methodname>
- <methodparam><parameter>button</parameter></methodparam>
- <methodparam><parameter>user_param1</parameter></methodparam>
- <methodparam><parameter>...</parameter></methodparam>
- </methodsynopsis></programlisting>
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><parameter>button</parameter>&nbsp;:</term>
- <listitem><simpara>the button that received the
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><parameter>user_param1</parameter>&nbsp;:</term>
- <listitem><simpara>the first user parameter (if any) specified
-with the <link
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><parameter>...</parameter>&nbsp;:</term>
- <listitem><simpara>additional user parameters (if
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- <para>The "leave" signal is emitted when the pointer leaves the
- </refsect2>
- <refsect2 id="signal-gtkbutton--pressed">
- <title>The "pressed" gtk.Button Signal</title>
- <programlisting><methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname>callback</methodname>
- <methodparam><parameter>button</parameter></methodparam>
- <methodparam><parameter>user_param1</parameter></methodparam>
- <methodparam><parameter>...</parameter></methodparam>
- </methodsynopsis></programlisting>
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><parameter>button</parameter>&nbsp;:</term>
- <listitem><simpara>the button that received the
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><parameter>user_param1</parameter>&nbsp;:</term>
- <listitem><simpara>the first user parameter (if any) specified
-with the <link
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><parameter>...</parameter>&nbsp;:</term>
- <listitem><simpara>additional user parameters (if
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- <para>The "pressed" signal is emitted when the mouse button is pressed
-while the pointer is over the button.</para>
- </refsect2>
- <refsect2 id="signal-gtkbutton--released">
- <title>The "released" gtk.Button Signal</title>
- <programlisting><methodsynopsis language="python">
- <methodname>callback</methodname>
- <methodparam><parameter>button</parameter></methodparam>
- <methodparam><parameter>user_param1</parameter></methodparam>
- <methodparam><parameter>...</parameter></methodparam>
- </methodsynopsis></programlisting>
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><parameter>button</parameter>&nbsp;:</term>
- <listitem><simpara>the button that received the
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><parameter>user_param1</parameter>&nbsp;:</term>
- <listitem><simpara>the first user parameter (if any) specified
-with the <link
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term><parameter>...</parameter>&nbsp;:</term>
- <listitem><simpara>additional user parameters (if
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- <para>The "released" signal is emitted when the button is released no
-matter where the pointer is.</para>
- </refsect2>
- </refsect1>