path: root/gi/overrides/
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Diffstat (limited to 'gi/overrides/')
1 files changed, 230 insertions, 92 deletions
diff --git a/gi/overrides/ b/gi/overrides/
index 78d8c352..ac783be6 100644
--- a/gi/overrides/
+++ b/gi/overrides/
@@ -21,10 +21,21 @@
from ..importer import modules
from .._gi import variant_new_tuple, variant_type_from_string
-GLib = modules['GLib'].introspection_module
+GLib = modules['GLib']._introspection_module
__all__ = []
+def _create_variant(value):
+ '''Create a variant containing the variant "value".
+ This is usually done with the GLib.Variant.new_variant() leaf
+ constructor, but this is currently broken, see GNOME#639952.
+ '''
+ builder = GLib.VariantBuilder()
+ builder.init(variant_type_from_string('v'))
+ builder.add_value(value)
+ return builder.end()
class _VariantCreator(object):
@@ -41,115 +52,242 @@ class _VariantCreator(object):
's': GLib.Variant.new_string,
'o': GLib.Variant.new_object_path,
'g': GLib.Variant.new_signature,
- 'v': GLib.Variant.new_variant,
+ #'v': GLib.Variant.new_variant,
+ 'v': _create_variant,
- def __init__(self, format_string, args):
- self._format_string = format_string
- self._args = args
+ def _create(self, format, args):
+ '''Create a GVariant object from given format and argument list.
- def create(self):
- if self._format_string_is_leaf():
- return self._new_variant_leaf()
+ This method recursively calls itself for complex structures (arrays,
+ dictionaries, boxed).
- format_char = self._pop_format_char()
- arg = self._pop_arg()
+ Return a tuple (variant, rest_format, rest_args) with the generated
+ GVariant, the remainder of the format string, and the remainder of the
+ arguments.
- if format_char == 'm':
- raise NotImplementedError()
- else:
- builder = GLib.VariantBuilder()
- if format_char == '(':
- builder.init(variant_type_from_string('r'))
- elif format_char == '{':
- builder.init(variant_type_from_string('{?*}'))
+ If args is None, then this won't actually consume any arguments, and
+ just parse the format string and generate empty GVariant structures.
+ This is required for creating empty dictionaries or arrays.
+ '''
+ # leaves (simple types)
+ constructor = self._LEAF_CONSTRUCTORS.get(format[0])
+ if constructor:
+ if args is not None:
+ if not args:
+ raise TypeError('not enough arguments for GVariant format string')
+ v = constructor(args[0])
+ return (constructor(args[0]), format[1:], args[1:])
- raise NotImplementedError()
- format_char = self._pop_format_char()
- while format_char not in [')', '}']:
- builder.add_value(Variant(format_char, arg))
- format_char = self._pop_format_char()
- if self._args:
- arg = self._pop_arg()
- return builder.end()
- def _format_string_is_leaf(self):
- format_char = self._format_string[0]
- return not format_char in ['m', '(', '{']
- def _format_string_is_nnp(self):
- format_char = self._format_string[0]
- return format_char in ['a', 's', 'o', 'g', '^', '@', '*', '?', 'r',
- 'v', '&']
- def _new_variant_leaf(self):
- if self._format_string_is_nnp():
- return self._new_variant_nnp()
- format_char = self._pop_format_char()
- arg = self._pop_arg()
- return _VariantCreator._LEAF_CONSTRUCTORS[format_char](arg)
- def _new_variant_nnp(self):
- format_char = self._pop_format_char()
- arg = self._pop_arg()
- if format_char == '&':
- format_char = self._pop_format_char()
- if format_char == 'a':
- builder = GLib.VariantBuilder()
- builder.init(variant_type_from_string('a*'))
+ return (None, format[1:], None)
- element_format_string = self._pop_leaf_format_string()
+ if format[0] == '(':
+ return self._create_tuple(format, args)
- if isinstance(arg, dict):
- for element in arg.items():
- value = Variant(element_format_string, *element)
- builder.add_value(value)
- else:
- for element in arg:
- value = Variant(element_format_string, element)
- builder.add_value(value)
- return builder.end()
- elif format_char == '^':
- raise NotImplementedError()
- elif format_char == '@':
- raise NotImplementedError()
- elif format_char == '*':
- raise NotImplementedError()
- elif format_char == 'r':
- raise NotImplementedError()
- elif format_char == '?':
- raise NotImplementedError()
+ if format.startswith('a{'):
+ return self._create_dict(format, args)
+ if format[0] == 'a':
+ return self._create_array(format, args)
+ raise NotImplementedError('cannot handle GVariant type ' + format)
+ def _create_tuple(self, format, args):
+ '''Handle the case where the outermost type of format is a tuple.'''
+ format = format[1:] # eat the '('
+ builder = GLib.VariantBuilder()
+ builder.init(variant_type_from_string('r'))
+ if args is not None:
+ if not args or type(args[0]) != type(()):
+ raise (TypeError, 'expected tuple argument')
+ for i in range(len(args[0])):
+ if format.startswith(')'):
+ raise (TypeError, 'too many arguments for tuple signature')
+ (v, format, _) = self._create(format, args[0][i:])
+ builder.add_value(v)
+ args = args[1:]
+ return (builder.end(), format[1:], args)
+ def _create_dict(self, format, args):
+ '''Handle the case where the outermost type of format is a dict.'''
+ builder = GLib.VariantBuilder()
+ if args is None or not args[0]:
+ # empty value: we need to call _create() to parse the subtype,
+ # and specify the element type precisely
+ rest_format = self._create(format[2:], None)[1]
+ rest_format = self._create(rest_format, None)[1]
+ if not rest_format.startswith('}'):
+ raise ValueError('dictionary type string not closed with }')
+ rest_format = rest_format[1:] # eat the }
+ element_type = format[:len(format) - len(rest_format)]
+ builder.init(variant_type_from_string(element_type))
- return _VariantCreator._LEAF_CONSTRUCTORS[format_char](arg)
+ builder.init(variant_type_from_string('a{?*}'))
+ for k, v in args[0].items():
+ (key_v, rest_format, _) = self._create(format[2:], [k])
+ (val_v, rest_format, _) = self._create(rest_format, [v])
- def _pop_format_char(self):
- format_char = self._format_string[0]
- self._format_string = self._format_string[1:]
- return format_char
+ if not rest_format.startswith('}'):
+ raise ValueError('dictionary type string not closed with }')
+ rest_format = rest_format[1:] # eat the }
- def _pop_leaf_format_string(self):
- # FIXME: This will break when the leaf is inside a tuple or dict entry
- format_string = self._format_string
- self._format_string = ''
- return format_string
+ entry = GLib.VariantBuilder()
+ entry.init(variant_type_from_string('{?*}'))
+ entry.add_value(key_v)
+ entry.add_value(val_v)
+ builder.add_value(entry.end())
- def _pop_arg(self):
- arg = self._args[0]
- self._args = self._args[1:]
- return arg
+ if args is not None:
+ args = args[1:]
+ return (builder.end(), rest_format, args)
+ def _create_array(self, format, args):
+ '''Handle the case where the outermost type of format is an array.'''
+ builder = GLib.VariantBuilder()
+ if args is None or not args[0]:
+ # empty value: we need to call _create() to parse the subtype,
+ # and specify the element type precisely
+ rest_format = self._create(format[1:], None)[1]
+ element_type = format[:len(format) - len(rest_format)]
+ builder.init(variant_type_from_string(element_type))
+ else:
+ builder.init(variant_type_from_string('a*'))
+ for i in range(len(args[0])):
+ (v, rest_format, _) = self._create(format[1:], args[0][i:])
+ builder.add_value(v)
+ if args is not None:
+ args = args[1:]
+ return (builder.end(), rest_format, args)
class Variant(GLib.Variant):
- def __new__(cls, format_string, *args):
- creator = _VariantCreator(format_string, args)
- return creator.create()
+ def __new__(cls, format_string, value):
+ '''Create a GVariant from a native Python object.
+ format_string is a standard GVariant type signature, value is a Python
+ object whose structure has to match the signature.
+ Examples:
+ GLib.Variant('i', 1)
+ GLib.Variant('(is)', (1, 'hello'))
+ GLib.Variant('(asa{sv})', ([], {'foo': GLib.Variant('b', True),
+ 'bar': GLib.Variant('i', 2)}))
+ '''
+ creator = _VariantCreator()
+ (v, rest_format, _) = creator._create(format_string, [value])
+ if rest_format:
+ raise TypeError('invalid remaining format string: "%s"' % rest_format)
+ return v
def __repr__(self):
return '<GLib.Variant(%s)>' % getattr(self, 'print')(True)
+ def unpack(self):
+ '''Decompose a GVariant into a native Python object.'''
+ 'b': self.get_boolean,
+ 'y': self.get_byte,
+ 'n': self.get_int16,
+ 'q': self.get_uint16,
+ 'i': self.get_int32,
+ 'u': self.get_uint32,
+ 'x': self.get_int64,
+ 't': self.get_uint64,
+ 'h': self.get_handle,
+ 'd': self.get_double,
+ 's': self.get_string,
+ 'o': self.get_string, # object path
+ 'g': self.get_string, # signature
+ }
+ # simple values
+ la = LEAF_ACCESSORS.get(self.get_type_string())
+ if la:
+ return la()
+ # tuple
+ if self.get_type_string().startswith('('):
+ res = [self.get_child_value(i).unpack()
+ for i in range(self.n_children())]
+ return tuple(res)
+ # dictionary
+ if self.get_type_string().startswith('a{'):
+ res = {}
+ for i in range(self.n_children()):
+ v = self.get_child_value(i)
+ res[v.get_child_value(0).unpack()] = v.get_child_value(1).unpack()
+ return res
+ # array
+ if self.get_type_string().startswith('a'):
+ return [self.get_child_value(i).unpack()
+ for i in range(self.n_children())]
+ # variant (just unbox transparently)
+ if self.get_type_string().startswith('v'):
+ return self.get_variant().unpack()
+ raise NotImplementedError('unsupported GVariant type ' + self.get_type_string())
+ #
+ # Pythonic iterators
+ #
+ def __len__(self):
+ if self.get_type_string() in ['s', 'o', 'g']:
+ return len(self.get_string())
+ if self.get_type_string().startswith('a') or self.get_type_string().startswith('('):
+ return self.n_children()
+ raise TypeError('GVariant type %s does not have a length' % self.get_type_string())
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ # dict
+ if self.get_type_string().startswith('a{'):
+ try:
+ val = self.lookup_value(key, variant_type_from_string('*'))
+ if val is None:
+ raise KeyError(key)
+ return val.unpack()
+ except TypeError:
+ # lookup_value() only works for string keys, which is certainly
+ # the common case; we have to do painful iteration for other
+ # key types
+ for i in range(self.n_children()):
+ v = self.get_child_value(i)
+ if v.get_child_value(0).unpack() == key:
+ return v.get_child_value(1).unpack()
+ raise KeyError(key)
+ # array/tuple
+ if self.get_type_string().startswith('a') or self.get_type_string().startswith('('):
+ key = int(key)
+ if key < 0:
+ key = self.n_children() + key
+ if key < 0 or key >= self.n_children():
+ raise IndexError('list index out of range')
+ return self.get_child_value(key).unpack()
+ # string
+ if self.get_type_string() in ['s', 'o', 'g']:
+ return self.get_string().__getitem__(key)
+ raise TypeError('GVariant type %s is not a container' % self.get_type_string())
+ def keys(self):
+ if not self.get_type_string().startswith('a{'):
+ return TypeError, 'GVariant type %s is not a dictionary' % self.get_type_string()
+ res = []
+ for i in range(self.n_children()):
+ v = self.get_child_value(i)
+ res.append(v.get_child_value(0).unpack())
+ return res
def new_tuple(cls, *elements):
return variant_new_tuple(elements)