Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Revert Windows test watchdog() to kill('KILL', ...)Steve Hay2015-05-191-11/+22
* corelist: regenerate the v5.22.0 corelist deltaRicardo Signes2015-05-181-2/+35
* perlhist: expected perl v5.22.0 release datesRicardo Signes2015-05-181-1/+2
* perldelta: the v5.22.0 acknowledgementsRicardo Signes2015-05-181-3/+42
* switch perldelta module diff to "go ask corelist"Ricardo Signes2015-05-181-27/+9
* Revert "stop T_IN/OUT/INOUT/STDIO typemaps leaking"David Mitchell2015-05-181-24/+8
* davem's perldelta proofreading part 3David Mitchell2015-05-181-110/+73
* davem's perldelta proofreading part 2David Mitchell2015-05-181-81/+108
* clarify apidoc for Perl_sv_get_backrefsDavid Mitchell2015-05-181-8/+7
* PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint finally has a new release which synchronizes it with...Steve Hay2015-05-183-11/+3
* perdelta tweaks based on bulk88 feedback.David Mitchell2015-05-171-12/+15
* bump utf8 version after doc fixDavid Mitchell2015-05-171-1/+1
* Fix a doc typo in the spelling of EBCDICRafael Garcia-Suarez2015-05-171-1/+1
* Small grammatical correction in documentation of C<each>.James E Keenan2015-05-161-1/+1
* a few perldelta nitsDavid Mitchell2015-05-161-6/+7
* perldelta: typo fixes and wordsmithingAaron Crane2015-05-161-141/+153
* note that .. can also create string rangesHerbert Breunung2015-05-161-1/+1
* RT #124156: death during unwinding causes crashDavid Mitchell2015-05-152-2/+62
* perldelta for 5cd35aacb089Tony Cook2015-05-151-1/+5
* [perl #123998] prevent a missing chcp causing failures and noise on Win32Tony Cook2015-05-1535-57/+167
| * bump all of the EUMM module versions to avoid confusionTony Cook2015-05-1533-32/+97
| * backport 37c49881 from the EUMM repositoryTony Cook2015-05-151-3/+19
| * backport 1e2f0871 from the EUMM repositoryTony Cook2015-05-153-23/+52
* perldelta: add obituary entry for Brian McCauleyAaron Crane2015-05-141-0/+11
* davem's perldelta proofreading part 1David Mitchell2015-05-141-73/+73
* make minitest on win32Tony Cook2015-05-141-0/+7
* test-prep-gcc was broken and fixed within 5.21Tony Cook2015-05-141-5/+0
* list form of pipe open didn't work on Win32 at all in 5.20Tony Cook2015-05-141-1/+3
* add the second variation of the "unable to close" warning, and the descriptionTony Cook2015-05-141-0/+5
* perldelta tweaksDavid Mitchell2015-05-131-33/+24
* update known issues for recent perldelta updateDavid Mitchell2015-05-131-0/+2
* perldelta: Highlight some 5.21 areas; fix othersKarl Williamson2015-05-121-30/+8
* perldelta: Add a couple more C<>'sKarl Williamson2015-05-121-2/+2
* perldelta: invoker v0.34 known to need fixes for bleadRicardo Signes2015-05-121-0/+4
* perldelta: NgxQueue v0.02 known broken with bleadRicardo Signes2015-05-121-0/+4
* perlapi: Remove extraneous ">"Karl Williamson2015-05-121-2/+2
* perldelta: Combine some text; delete outdated; add newKarl Williamson2015-05-121-25/+41
* perldelta: NitsKarl Williamson2015-05-121-4/+4
* perldelta: Add a bunch of C<> and S<>Karl Williamson2015-05-121-66/+68
* perldelta: Minor consistency / grammar fixes.Matthew Horsfall2015-05-121-6/+6
* perldelta: Reword entry about double-diamond operator.Matthew Horsfall2015-05-121-2/+2
* perldelta: Update release order for consistencyMatthew Horsfall2015-05-121-1/+1
* Fix a few perldelta typosSteve Hay2015-05-121-4/+4
* perldelta - Fill in missing linksSteve Hay2015-05-121-72/+126
* perldelata: consolate PERL_OP_PARENT stuffDavid Mitchell2015-05-121-53/+63
* perlhist: add the release data for 5.22Ricardo Signes2015-05-111-19/+22
* perlapi: Use UVCHR_SKIP not UNI_SKIPKarl Williamson2015-05-111-2/+2
* perlfunc: Slight clarificationKarl Williamson2015-05-101-1/+1
* PATCH: [perl #125145] perlrun: Fix typoKarl Williamson2015-05-101-1/+1
* perlperf: fix some apostrophes and add a C<>Philippe Bruhat (BooK)2015-05-101-3/+3