path: root/ext/Socket/t/Socket.t
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Diffstat (limited to 'ext/Socket/t/Socket.t')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 184 deletions
diff --git a/ext/Socket/t/Socket.t b/ext/Socket/t/Socket.t
deleted file mode 100644
index be15c01fa1..0000000000
--- a/ext/Socket/t/Socket.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
- require Config; import Config;
- if ($Config{'extensions'} !~ /\bSocket\b/ &&
- !(($^O eq 'VMS') && $Config{d_socket})) {
- print "1..0\n";
- exit 0;
- }
- $has_alarm = $Config{d_alarm};
-use Socket qw(:all);
-use Test::More tests => 26;
-$has_echo = $^O ne 'MSWin32';
-$alarmed = 0;
-sub arm { $alarmed = 0; alarm(shift) if $has_alarm }
-sub alarmed { $alarmed = 1 }
-$SIG{ALRM} = 'alarmed' if $has_alarm;
-SKIP: {
- unless(socket(T, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) {
- skip "No PF_INET", 3;
- }
- pass "socket(PF_INET)";
- arm(5);
- my $host = $^O eq 'MacOS' || ($^O eq 'irix' && $Config{osvers} == 5) ?
- '' : 'localhost';
- my $localhost = inet_aton($host);
- SKIP: {
- unless($has_echo && defined $localhost && connect(T,pack_sockaddr_in(7,$localhost))) {
- skip "Unable to connect to localhost:7", 2;
- }
- arm(0);
- pass "PF_INET echo localhost connected";
- diag "Connected to " .
- inet_ntoa((unpack_sockaddr_in(getpeername(T)))[1])."\n";
- arm(5);
- syswrite(T,"hello",5);
- arm(0);
- arm(5);
- $read = sysread(T,$buff,10); # Connection may be granted, then closed!
- arm(0);
- while ($read > 0 && length($buff) < 5) {
- # adjust for fact that TCP doesn't guarantee size of reads/writes
- arm(5);
- $read = sysread(T,$buff,10,length($buff));
- arm(0);
- }
- is(($read == 0 || $buff eq "hello"), "PF_INET echo localhost reply");
- }
-SKIP: {
- unless(socket(S, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) {
- skip "No PF_INET", 3;
- }
- pass "socket(PF_INET)";
- SKIP: {
- arm(5);
- unless($has_echo && connect(S,pack_sockaddr_in(7,INADDR_LOOPBACK))) {
- skip "Unable to connect to localhost:7", 2;
- }
- arm(0);
- pass "PF_INET echo INADDR_LOOPBACK connected";
- diag "Connected to " .
- inet_ntoa((unpack_sockaddr_in(getpeername(S)))[1])."\n";
- arm(5);
- syswrite(S,"olleh",5);
- arm(0);
- arm(5);
- $read = sysread(S,$buff,10); # Connection may be granted, then closed!
- arm(0);
- while ($read > 0 && length($buff) < 5) {
- # adjust for fact that TCP doesn't guarantee size of reads/writes
- arm(5);
- $read = sysread(S,$buff,10,length($buff));
- arm(0);
- }
- is(($read == 0 || $buff eq "olleh"), "PF_INET echo INADDR_LOOPBACK reply");
- }
-# warnings
- my $w = 0;
- local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
- ++ $w if $_[0] =~ /^6-ARG sockaddr_in call is deprecated/ ;
- };
- no warnings 'Socket';
- sockaddr_in(1,2,3,4,5,6) ;
- is($w, 0, "sockaddr_in deprecated form doesn't warn without lexical warnings");
- use warnings 'Socket';
- sockaddr_in(1,2,3,4,5,6) ;
- is($w, 1, "sockaddr_in deprecated form warns with lexical warnings");
-# Test that whatever we give into pack/unpack_sockaddr retains
-# the value thru the entire chain.
-is(inet_ntoa((unpack_sockaddr_in(pack_sockaddr_in(100,inet_aton(""))))[1]), '',
- 'inet_aton->pack_sockaddr_in->unpack_sockaddr_in->inet_ntoa roundtrip');
-is(inet_ntoa(inet_aton("")), "", 'inet_aton->inet_ntoa roundtrip');
-is(inet_ntoa(v10.20.30.40), "", 'inet_ntoa from v-string');
- my ($port,$addr) = unpack_sockaddr_in(pack_sockaddr_in(100,v10.10.10.10));
- is($port, 100, 'pack_sockaddr_in->unpack_sockaddr_in port');
- is(inet_ntoa($addr), "", 'pack_sockaddr_in->unpack_sockaddr_in addr');
- local $@;
- eval { inet_ntoa(v10.20.30.400) };
- like($@, qr/^Wide character in Socket::inet_ntoa at/, 'inet_ntoa warns about wide characters');
-is(sockaddr_family(pack_sockaddr_in(100,inet_aton(""))), AF_INET, 'pack_sockaddr_in->sockaddr_family');
- local $@;
- eval { sockaddr_family("") };
- like($@, qr/^Bad arg length for Socket::sockaddr_family, length is 0, should be at least \d+/, 'sockaddr_family warns about argument length');
-SKIP: {
- # see if we can handle abstract sockets
- skip "Abstract AF_UNIX paths unsupported", 2 unless $^O eq "linux";
- my $test_abstract_socket = chr(0) . '/org/perl/hello'. chr(0) . 'world';
- my $addr = sockaddr_un ($test_abstract_socket);
- my ($path) = sockaddr_un ($addr);
- is($path, $test_abstract_socket, 'sockaddr_un can handle abstract AF_UNIX paths');
- # see if we calculate the address structure length correctly
- is(length ($test_abstract_socket) + 2, length $addr, 'sockaddr_un abstract address length');
-SKIP: {
- skip "No inet_ntop", 3 unless $Config{d_inetntop} && $Config{d_inetaton};
- is(inet_ntop(AF_INET, inet_pton(AF_INET, "")), "", 'inet_pton->inet_ntop AF_INET roundtrip');
- is(inet_ntop(AF_INET, inet_aton("")), "", 'inet_aton->inet_ntop AF_INET roundtrip');
- SKIP: {
- skip "No AF_INET6", 1 unless defined eval { AF_INET6() };
- is(lc inet_ntop(AF_INET6, inet_pton(AF_INET6, "2001:503:BA3E::2:30")), "2001:503:ba3e::2:30", 'inet_pton->inet_ntop AF_INET6 roundtrip');
- }
-SKIP: {
- skip "No AF_INET6", 5 unless defined eval { AF_INET6() };
- my $sin6 = pack_sockaddr_in6(0x1234, "0123456789abcdef", 0, 89);
- is(sockaddr_family($sin6), AF_INET6, 'sockaddr_family of pack_sockaddr_in6');
- is((unpack_sockaddr_in6($sin6))[0], 0x1234, 'pack_sockaddr_in6->unpack_sockaddr_in6 port');
- is((unpack_sockaddr_in6($sin6))[1], "0123456789abcdef", 'pack_sockaddr_in6->unpack_sockaddr_in6 addr');
- is((unpack_sockaddr_in6($sin6))[2], 0, 'pack_sockaddr_in6->unpack_sockaddr_in6 scope_id');
- is((unpack_sockaddr_in6($sin6))[3], 89, 'pack_sockaddr_in6->unpack_sockaddr_in6 flowinfo');