path: root/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Test-Stream-Exporter.t
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Diffstat (limited to 'cpan/Test-Simple/t/Test-Stream-Exporter.t')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 122 deletions
diff --git a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Test-Stream-Exporter.t b/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Test-Stream-Exporter.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d9097c233..0000000000
--- a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Test-Stream-Exporter.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More;
- package My::Exporter;
- use Test::Stream::Exporter;
- use Test::More;
- export a => sub { 'a' };
- default_export b => sub { 'b' };
- export 'c';
- sub c { 'c' }
- default_export x => sub { 'x' };
- our $export = "here";
- $main::export::xxx = 'here';
- export '$export' => \$export;
- Test::Stream::Exporter->cleanup;
- is($export, 'here', "still have an \$export var");
- is($main::export::xxx, 'here', "still have an \$export::* var");
- ok(!__PACKAGE__->can($_), "removed $_\()") for qw/export default_export exports default_exports/;
-My::Exporter->import( '!x' );
-can_ok(__PACKAGE__, qw/b/);
-ok(!__PACKAGE__->can($_), "did not import $_\()") for qw/a c x/;
-My::Exporter->import(qw/a c/);
-can_ok(__PACKAGE__, qw/a b c/);
-ok(!__PACKAGE__->can($_), "did not import $_\()") for qw/x/;
-can_ok(__PACKAGE__, qw/a b c x/);
-is(__PACKAGE__->$_(), $_, "$_() eq '$_', Function is as expected") for qw/a b c x/;
-ok(! defined $::export, "no export scalar");
-is($::export, 'here', "imported export scalar");
-use Test::Stream::Exporter qw/export_meta/;
-my $meta = export_meta('My::Exporter');
-isa_ok($meta, 'Test::Stream::Exporter::Meta');
- [sort $meta->default],
- [sort qw/b x/],
- "Got default list"
- [sort $meta->all],
- [sort qw/a b c x $export/],
- "Got all list"
- $meta->exports,
- {
- a => __PACKAGE__->can('a') || undef,
- b => __PACKAGE__->can('b') || undef,
- c => __PACKAGE__->can('c') || undef,
- x => __PACKAGE__->can('x') || undef,
- '$export' => \$My::Exporter::export,
- },
- "Exports are what we expect"
-# Make sure export_to_level us supported
- package A;
- use Test::Stream::Exporter qw/import export_to_level exports/;
- exports qw/foo/;
- sub foo { 'foo' }
- ###############
- package B;
- sub do_it {
- my $class = shift;
- my ($num) = @_;
- $num ||= 1;
- A->export_to_level($num, $class, 'foo');
- }
- ##############
- package C;
- sub do_it {
- B->do_it(2);
- }
- package m1;
- BEGIN { B->do_it }
- package m2;
- BEGIN{ C->do_it };
-can_ok('m1', 'foo');
-can_ok('m2', 'foo');