path: root/cpan/Test-Simple/t/More.t
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Diffstat (limited to 'cpan/Test-Simple/t/More.t')
1 files changed, 184 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/More.t b/cpan/Test-Simple/t/More.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ce535e26d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/Test-Simple/t/More.t
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+#!perl -w
+ if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
+ chdir 't';
+ @INC = qw(../lib ../lib/Test/Simple/t/lib);
+ }
+use lib 't/lib';
+use Test::More tests => 54;
+# Make sure we don't mess with $@ or $!. Test at bottom.
+my $Err = "this should not be touched";
+my $Errno = 42;
+$@ = $Err;
+$! = $Errno;
+is( $Dummy::VERSION, '0.01', 'use_ok() loads a module' );
+ok( 2 eq 2, 'two is two is two is two' );
+is( "foo", "foo", 'foo is foo' );
+isnt( "foo", "bar", 'foo isnt bar');
+isn't("foo", "bar", 'foo isn\'t bar');
+like("fooble", '/^foo/', 'foo is like fooble');
+like("FooBle", '/foo/i', 'foo is like FooBle');
+like("/usr/local/pr0n/", '/^\/usr\/local/', 'regexes with slashes in like' );
+unlike("fbar", '/^bar/', 'unlike bar');
+unlike("FooBle", '/foo/', 'foo is unlike FooBle');
+unlike("/var/local/pr0n/", '/^\/usr\/local/','regexes with slashes in unlike' );
+my @foo = qw(foo bar baz);
+unlike(@foo, '/foo/');
+can_ok('Test::More', qw(require_ok use_ok ok is isnt like skip can_ok
+ pass fail eq_array eq_hash eq_set));
+can_ok(bless({}, "Test::More"), qw(require_ok use_ok ok is isnt like skip
+ can_ok pass fail eq_array eq_hash eq_set));
+isa_ok(bless([], "Foo"), "Foo");
+isa_ok([], 'ARRAY');
+isa_ok(\42, 'SCALAR');
+ local %Bar::;
+ local @Foo::ISA = 'Bar';
+ isa_ok( "Foo", "Bar" );
+# can_ok() & isa_ok should call can() & isa() on the given object, not
+# just class, in case of custom can()
+ local *Foo::can;
+ local *Foo::isa;
+ *Foo::can = sub { $_[0]->[0] };
+ *Foo::isa = sub { $_[0]->[0] };
+ my $foo = bless([0], 'Foo');
+ ok( ! $foo->can('bar') );
+ ok( ! $foo->isa('bar') );
+ $foo->[0] = 1;
+ can_ok( $foo, 'blah');
+ isa_ok( $foo, 'blah');
+pass('pass() passed');
+ok( eq_array([qw(this that whatever)], [qw(this that whatever)]),
+ 'eq_array with simple arrays' );
+is @Test::More::Data_Stack, 0, '@Data_Stack not holding onto things';
+ok( eq_hash({ foo => 42, bar => 23 }, {bar => 23, foo => 42}),
+ 'eq_hash with simple hashes' );
+is @Test::More::Data_Stack, 0;
+ok( eq_set([qw(this that whatever)], [qw(that whatever this)]),
+ 'eq_set with simple sets' );
+is @Test::More::Data_Stack, 0;
+my @complex_array1 = (
+ [qw(this that whatever)],
+ {foo => 23, bar => 42},
+ "moo",
+ "yarrow",
+ [qw(498 10 29)],
+ );
+my @complex_array2 = (
+ [qw(this that whatever)],
+ {foo => 23, bar => 42},
+ "moo",
+ "yarrow",
+ [qw(498 10 29)],
+ );
+is_deeply( \@complex_array1, \@complex_array2, 'is_deeply with arrays' );
+ok( eq_array(\@complex_array1, \@complex_array2),
+ 'eq_array with complicated arrays' );
+ok( eq_set(\@complex_array1, \@complex_array2),
+ 'eq_set with complicated arrays' );
+my @array1 = (qw(this that whatever),
+ {foo => 23, bar => 42} );
+my @array2 = (qw(this that whatever),
+ {foo => 24, bar => 42} );
+ok( !eq_array(\@array1, \@array2),
+ 'eq_array with slightly different complicated arrays' );
+is @Test::More::Data_Stack, 0;
+ok( !eq_set(\@array1, \@array2),
+ 'eq_set with slightly different complicated arrays' );
+is @Test::More::Data_Stack, 0;
+my %hash1 = ( foo => 23,
+ bar => [qw(this that whatever)],
+ har => { foo => 24, bar => 42 },
+ );
+my %hash2 = ( foo => 23,
+ bar => [qw(this that whatever)],
+ har => { foo => 24, bar => 42 },
+ );
+is_deeply( \%hash1, \%hash2, 'is_deeply with complicated hashes' );
+ok( eq_hash(\%hash1, \%hash2), 'eq_hash with complicated hashes');
+%hash1 = ( foo => 23,
+ bar => [qw(this that whatever)],
+ har => { foo => 24, bar => 42 },
+ );
+%hash2 = ( foo => 23,
+ bar => [qw(this tha whatever)],
+ har => { foo => 24, bar => 42 },
+ );
+ok( !eq_hash(\%hash1, \%hash2),
+ 'eq_hash with slightly different complicated hashes' );
+is @Test::More::Data_Stack, 0;
+is( Test::Builder->new, Test::More->builder, 'builder()' );
+cmp_ok(42, '==', 42, 'cmp_ok ==');
+cmp_ok('foo', 'eq', 'foo', ' eq');
+cmp_ok(42.5, '<', 42.6, ' <');
+cmp_ok(0, '||', 1, ' ||');
+# Piers pointed out sometimes people override isa().
+ package Wibble;
+ sub isa {
+ my($self, $class) = @_;
+ return 1 if $class eq 'Wibblemeister';
+ }
+ sub new { bless {} }
+isa_ok( Wibble->new, 'Wibblemeister' );
+my $sub = sub {};
+is_deeply( $sub, $sub, 'the same function ref' );
+use Symbol;
+my $glob = gensym;
+is_deeply( $glob, $glob, 'the same glob' );
+is_deeply( { foo => $sub, bar => [1, $glob] },
+ { foo => $sub, bar => [1, $glob] }
+ );
+# 53469 is_deeply with regexes
+is_deeply( qr/a/, qr/a/, "same regex" );
+# These two tests must remain at the end.
+is( $@, $Err, '$@ untouched' );
+cmp_ok( $!, '==', $Errno, '$! untouched' );