path: root/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/CustomOutput.t
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diff --git a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/CustomOutput.t b/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/CustomOutput.t
deleted file mode 100644
index e4d7185809..0000000000
--- a/cpan/Test-Simple/t/Behavior/CustomOutput.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::Stream;
-use Test::More;
-use Scalar::Util qw/blessed/;
-# This will replace the main Test::Stream object for the scope of the coderef.
-# We apply our output changes only in that scope so that this test itself can
-# verify things with regular TAP output. The things done inside thise sub would
-# work just fine when used by any module to alter the output.
-my @OUTPUT;
-Test::Stream->intercept(sub {
- # Turn off normal TAP output
- Test::Stream->shared->set_use_tap(0);
- # Turn off legacy storage of results.
- Test::Stream->shared->set_use_legacy(0);
- Test::Stream->shared->listen(sub {
- my ($stream, $event) = @_;
- push @OUTPUT => "We got an event of type " . blessed($event);
- });
- # Now we run some tests, no TAP will be produced, instead all events will
- # be added to @OUTPUT.
- ok(1, "pass");
- ok(0, "fail");
- subtest foo => sub {
- ok(1, "pass");
- ok(0, "fail");
- };
- diag "Hello";
- [
- 'We got an event of type Test::Stream::Event::Ok',
- 'We got an event of type Test::Stream::Event::Ok',
- 'We got an event of type Test::Stream::Event::Note',
- 'We got an event of type Test::Stream::Event::Subtest',
- 'We got an event of type Test::Stream::Event::Diag',
- ],
- "Got all events"
-# Now for something more complicated, lets have everything be normal TAP,
-# except subtests
-my @IO = (\@STDOUT, \@STDERR, \@TODO);
-Test::Stream->intercept(sub {
- # Turn off normal TAP output
- Test::Stream->shared->set_use_tap(0);
- # Turn off legacy storage of results.
- Test::Stream->shared->set_use_legacy(0);
- my $number = 1;
- Test::Stream->shared->listen(sub {
- my ($stream, $e) = @_;
- # Do not output results inside subtests
- return if $e->in_subtest;
- return unless $e->can('to_tap');
- my $num = $stream->use_numbers ? $number++ : undef;
- # Get the TAP for the event
- my @sets;
- if ($e->isa('Test::Stream::Event::Subtest')) {
- # Subtest is a subclass of Ok, use Ok's to_tap method:
- @sets = Test::Stream::Event::Ok::to_tap($e, $num);
- # Here you can also add whatever output you want.
- }
- else {
- @sets = $e->to_tap($num);
- }
- for my $set (@sets) {
- my ($hid, $msg) = @$set;
- next unless $msg;
- my $enc = $e->encoding || die "Could not find encoding!";
- # This is how you get the proper handle to use (STDERR, STDOUT, ETC).
- my $io = $stream->io_sets->{$enc}->[$hid] || die "Could not find IO $hid for $enc";
- $io = $IO[$hid];
- # Make sure we don't alter these vars.
- local($\, $", $,) = (undef, ' ', '');
- # Normally you print to the IO, but here we are pushing to arrays
- chomp($msg);
- push @$io => $msg;
- }
- });
- # Now we run some tests, no TAP will be produced, instead all events will
- # be added to our ourputs
- ok(1, "pass");
- ok(0, "fail");
- subtest foo => sub {
- ok(1, "pass");
- ok(0, "fail");
- };
- diag "Hello";
-is(@TODO, 0, "No TODO output");
- [
- 'ok 1 - pass',
- 'not ok 2 - fail',
- '# Subtest: foo',
- # As planned, none of the events inside the subtest got rendered.
- 'not ok 4 - foo'
- ],
- "Got expected TAP"
-is(pop(@STDERR), "# Hello", "Got the hello diag");
-is(@STDERR, 2, "got diag for 2 failed tests");