path: root/cpan/IPC-Cmd
diff options
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-rw-r--r--cpan/IPC-Cmd/t/src/x.tgzbin0 -> 112 bytes
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diff --git a/cpan/IPC-Cmd/lib/IPC/ b/cpan/IPC-Cmd/lib/IPC/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..81d85ca39a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/IPC-Cmd/lib/IPC/
@@ -0,0 +1,1139 @@
+package IPC::Cmd;
+use strict;
+ use constant IS_VMS => $^O eq 'VMS' ? 1 : 0;
+ use constant IS_WIN32 => $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? 1 : 0;
+ use constant IS_WIN98 => (IS_WIN32 and !Win32::IsWinNT()) ? 1 : 0;
+ use constant ALARM_CLASS => __PACKAGE__ . '::TimeOut';
+ use constant SPECIAL_CHARS => qw[< > | &];
+ use constant QUOTE => do { IS_WIN32 ? q["] : q['] };
+ use Exporter ();
+ ];
+ $VERSION = '0.50';
+ $VERBOSE = 0;
+ $DEBUG = 0;
+ $WARN = 1;
+ $USE_IPC_RUN = IS_WIN32 && !IS_WIN98;
+ $USE_IPC_OPEN3 = not IS_VMS;
+ @ISA = qw[Exporter];
+ @EXPORT_OK = qw[can_run run QUOTE];
+require Carp;
+use File::Spec;
+use Params::Check qw[check];
+use Text::ParseWords (); # import ONLY if needed!
+use Module::Load::Conditional qw[can_load];
+use Locale::Maketext::Simple Style => 'gettext';
+=head1 NAME
+IPC::Cmd - finding and running system commands made easy
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use IPC::Cmd qw[can_run run];
+ my $full_path = can_run('wget') or warn 'wget is not installed!';
+ ### commands can be arrayrefs or strings ###
+ my $cmd = "$full_path -b";
+ my $cmd = [$full_path, '-b', ''];
+ ### in scalar context ###
+ my $buffer;
+ if( scalar run( command => $cmd,
+ verbose => 0,
+ buffer => \$buffer,
+ timeout => 20 )
+ ) {
+ print "fetched webpage successfully: $buffer\n";
+ }
+ ### in list context ###
+ my( $success, $error_code, $full_buf, $stdout_buf, $stderr_buf ) =
+ run( command => $cmd, verbose => 0 );
+ if( $success ) {
+ print "this is what the command printed:\n";
+ print join "", @$full_buf;
+ }
+ ### check for features
+ print "IPC::Open3 available: " . IPC::Cmd->can_use_ipc_open3;
+ print "IPC::Run available: " . IPC::Cmd->can_use_ipc_run;
+ print "Can capture buffer: " . IPC::Cmd->can_capture_buffer;
+ ### don't have IPC::Cmd be verbose, ie don't print to stdout or
+ ### stderr when running commands -- default is '0'
+ $IPC::Cmd::VERBOSE = 0;
+IPC::Cmd allows you to run commands, interactively if desired,
+platform independent but have them still work.
+The C<can_run> function can tell you if a certain binary is installed
+and if so where, whereas the C<run> function can actually execute any
+of the commands you give it and give you a clear return value, as well
+as adhere to your verbosity settings.
+=head2 $ipc_run_version = IPC::Cmd->can_use_ipc_run( [VERBOSE] )
+Utility function that tells you if C<IPC::Run> is available.
+If the verbose flag is passed, it will print diagnostic messages
+if C<IPC::Run> can not be found or loaded.
+sub can_use_ipc_run {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $verbose = shift || 0;
+ ### ipc::run doesn't run on win98
+ return if IS_WIN98;
+ ### if we dont have ipc::run, we obviously can't use it.
+ return unless can_load(
+ modules => { 'IPC::Run' => '0.55' },
+ verbose => ($WARN && $verbose),
+ );
+ ### otherwise, we're good to go
+ return $IPC::Run::VERSION;
+=head2 $ipc_open3_version = IPC::Cmd->can_use_ipc_open3( [VERBOSE] )
+Utility function that tells you if C<IPC::Open3> is available.
+If the verbose flag is passed, it will print diagnostic messages
+if C<IPC::Open3> can not be found or loaded.
+sub can_use_ipc_open3 {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $verbose = shift || 0;
+ ### ipc::open3 is not working on VMS becasue of a lack of fork.
+ ### XXX todo, win32 also does not have fork, so need to do more research.
+ return if IS_VMS;
+ ### ipc::open3 works on every non-VMS platform platform, but it can't
+ ### capture buffers on win32 :(
+ return unless can_load(
+ modules => { map {$_ => '0.0'} qw|IPC::Open3 IO::Select Symbol| },
+ verbose => ($WARN && $verbose),
+ );
+ return $IPC::Open3::VERSION;
+=head2 $bool = IPC::Cmd->can_capture_buffer
+Utility function that tells you if C<IPC::Cmd> is capable of
+capturing buffers in it's current configuration.
+sub can_capture_buffer {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return 1 if $USE_IPC_RUN && $self->can_use_ipc_run;
+ return 1 if $USE_IPC_OPEN3 && $self->can_use_ipc_open3 && !IS_WIN32;
+ return;
+=head2 $path = can_run( PROGRAM );
+C<can_run> takes but a single argument: the name of a binary you wish
+to locate. C<can_run> works much like the unix binary C<which> or the bash
+command C<type>, which scans through your path, looking for the requested
+binary .
+Unlike C<which> and C<type>, this function is platform independent and
+will also work on, for example, Win32.
+It will return the full path to the binary you asked for if it was
+found, or C<undef> if it was not.
+sub can_run {
+ my $command = shift;
+ # a lot of VMS executables have a symbol defined
+ # check those first
+ if ( $^O eq 'VMS' ) {
+ require VMS::DCLsym;
+ my $syms = VMS::DCLsym->new;
+ return $command if scalar $syms->getsym( uc $command );
+ }
+ require Config;
+ require File::Spec;
+ require ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+ if( File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($command) ) {
+ return MM->maybe_command($command);
+ } else {
+ for my $dir (
+ (split /\Q$Config::Config{path_sep}\E/, $ENV{PATH}),
+ File::Spec->curdir
+ ) {
+ my $abs = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $command);
+ return $abs if $abs = MM->maybe_command($abs);
+ }
+ }
+=head2 $ok | ($ok, $err, $full_buf, $stdout_buff, $stderr_buff) = run( command => COMMAND, [verbose => BOOL, buffer => \$SCALAR, timeout => DIGIT] );
+C<run> takes 4 arguments:
+=over 4
+=item command
+This is the command to execute. It may be either a string or an array
+This is a required argument.
+See L<CAVEATS> for remarks on how commands are parsed and their
+=item verbose
+This controls whether all output of a command should also be printed
+to STDOUT/STDERR or should only be trapped in buffers (NOTE: buffers
+require C<IPC::Run> to be installed or your system able to work with
+It will default to the global setting of C<$IPC::Cmd::VERBOSE>,
+which by default is 0.
+=item buffer
+This will hold all the output of a command. It needs to be a reference
+to a scalar.
+Note that this will hold both the STDOUT and STDERR messages, and you
+have no way of telling which is which.
+If you require this distinction, run the C<run> command in list context
+and inspect the individual buffers.
+Of course, this requires that the underlying call supports buffers. See
+the note on buffers right above.
+=item timeout
+Sets the maximum time the command is allowed to run before aborting,
+using the built-in C<alarm()> call. If the timeout is triggered, the
+C<errorcode> in the return value will be set to an object of the
+C<IPC::Cmd::TimeOut> class. See the C<errorcode> section below for
+Defaults to C<0>, meaning no timeout is set.
+C<run> will return a simple C<true> or C<false> when called in scalar
+In list context, you will be returned a list of the following items:
+=over 4
+=item success
+A simple boolean indicating if the command executed without errors or
+=item error message
+If the first element of the return value (success) was 0, then some
+error occurred. This second element is the error message the command
+you requested exited with, if available. This is generally a pretty
+printed value of C<$?> or C<$@>. See C<perldoc perlvar> for details on
+what they can contain.
+If the error was a timeout, the C<error message> will be prefixed with
+the string C<IPC::Cmd::TimeOut>, the timeout class.
+=item full_buffer
+This is an arrayreference containing all the output the command
+Note that buffers are only available if you have C<IPC::Run> installed,
+or if your system is able to work with C<IPC::Open3> -- See below).
+This element will be C<undef> if this is not the case.
+=item out_buffer
+This is an arrayreference containing all the output sent to STDOUT the
+command generated.
+Note that buffers are only available if you have C<IPC::Run> installed,
+or if your system is able to work with C<IPC::Open3> -- See below).
+This element will be C<undef> if this is not the case.
+=item error_buffer
+This is an arrayreference containing all the output sent to STDERR the
+command generated.
+Note that buffers are only available if you have C<IPC::Run> installed,
+or if your system is able to work with C<IPC::Open3> -- See below).
+This element will be C<undef> if this is not the case.
+See the C<HOW IT WORKS> Section below to see how C<IPC::Cmd> decides
+what modules or function calls to use when issuing a command.
+{ my @acc = qw[ok error _fds];
+ ### autogenerate accessors ###
+ for my $key ( @acc ) {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ *{__PACKAGE__."::$key"} = sub {
+ $_[0]->{$key} = $_[1] if @_ > 1;
+ return $_[0]->{$key};
+ }
+ }
+sub run {
+ ### container to store things in
+ my $self = bless {}, __PACKAGE__;
+ my %hash = @_;
+ ### if the user didn't provide a buffer, we'll store it here.
+ my $def_buf = '';
+ my($verbose,$cmd,$buffer,$timeout);
+ my $tmpl = {
+ verbose => { default => $VERBOSE, store => \$verbose },
+ buffer => { default => \$def_buf, store => \$buffer },
+ command => { required => 1, store => \$cmd,
+ allow => sub { !ref($_[0]) or ref($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY' },
+ },
+ timeout => { default => 0, store => \$timeout },
+ };
+ unless( check( $tmpl, \%hash, $VERBOSE ) ) {
+ Carp::carp( loc( "Could not validate input: %1",
+ Params::Check->last_error ) );
+ return;
+ };
+ $cmd = _quote_args_vms( $cmd ) if IS_VMS;
+ ### strip any empty elements from $cmd if present
+ $cmd = [ grep { defined && length } @$cmd ] if ref $cmd;
+ my $pp_cmd = (ref $cmd ? "@$cmd" : $cmd);
+ print loc("Running [%1]...\n", $pp_cmd ) if $verbose;
+ ### did the user pass us a buffer to fill or not? if so, set this
+ ### flag so we know what is expected of us
+ ### XXX this is now being ignored. in the future, we could add diagnostic
+ ### messages based on this logic
+ #my $user_provided_buffer = $buffer == \$def_buf ? 0 : 1;
+ ### buffers that are to be captured
+ my( @buffer, @buff_err, @buff_out );
+ ### capture STDOUT
+ my $_out_handler = sub {
+ my $buf = shift;
+ return unless defined $buf;
+ print STDOUT $buf if $verbose;
+ push @buffer, $buf;
+ push @buff_out, $buf;
+ };
+ ### capture STDERR
+ my $_err_handler = sub {
+ my $buf = shift;
+ return unless defined $buf;
+ print STDERR $buf if $verbose;
+ push @buffer, $buf;
+ push @buff_err, $buf;
+ };
+ ### flag to indicate we have a buffer captured
+ my $have_buffer = $self->can_capture_buffer ? 1 : 0;
+ ### flag indicating if the subcall went ok
+ my $ok;
+ ### dont look at previous errors:
+ local $?;
+ local $@;
+ local $!;
+ ### we might be having a timeout set
+ eval {
+ local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die bless sub {
+ qq[: Command '$pp_cmd' aborted by alarm after $timeout seconds]
+ }, ALARM_CLASS } if $timeout;
+ alarm $timeout || 0;
+ ### IPC::Run is first choice if $USE_IPC_RUN is set.
+ if( $USE_IPC_RUN and $self->can_use_ipc_run( 1 ) ) {
+ ### ipc::run handlers needs the command as a string or an array ref
+ $self->_debug( "# Using IPC::Run. Have buffer: $have_buffer" )
+ if $DEBUG;
+ $ok = $self->_ipc_run( $cmd, $_out_handler, $_err_handler );
+ ### since IPC::Open3 works on all platforms, and just fails on
+ ### win32 for capturing buffers, do that ideally
+ } elsif ( $USE_IPC_OPEN3 and $self->can_use_ipc_open3( 1 ) ) {
+ $self->_debug("# Using IPC::Open3. Have buffer: $have_buffer")
+ if $DEBUG;
+ ### in case there are pipes in there;
+ ### IPC::Open3 will call exec and exec will do the right thing
+ $ok = $self->_open3_run(
+ $cmd, $_out_handler, $_err_handler, $verbose
+ );
+ ### if we are allowed to run verbose, just dispatch the system command
+ } else {
+ $self->_debug( "# Using system(). Have buffer: $have_buffer" )
+ if $DEBUG;
+ $ok = $self->_system_run( $cmd, $verbose );
+ }
+ alarm 0;
+ };
+ ### restore STDIN after duping, or STDIN will be closed for
+ ### this current perl process!
+ $self->__reopen_fds( @{ $self->_fds} ) if $self->_fds;
+ my $err;
+ unless( $ok ) {
+ ### alarm happened
+ if ( $@ and ref $@ and $@->isa( ALARM_CLASS ) ) {
+ $err = $@->(); # the error code is an expired alarm
+ ### another error happened, set by the dispatchub
+ } else {
+ $err = $self->error;
+ }
+ }
+ ### fill the buffer;
+ $$buffer = join '', @buffer if @buffer;
+ ### return a list of flags and buffers (if available) in list
+ ### context, or just a simple 'ok' in scalar
+ return wantarray
+ ? $have_buffer
+ ? ($ok, $err, \@buffer, \@buff_out, \@buff_err)
+ : ($ok, $err )
+ : $ok
+sub _open3_run {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $cmd = shift;
+ my $_out_handler = shift;
+ my $_err_handler = shift;
+ my $verbose = shift || 0;
+ ### Following code are adapted from Friar 'abstracts' in the
+ ### Perl Monastery (
+ ### XXX that code didn't work.
+ ### we now use the following code, thanks to theorbtwo
+ ### define them beforehand, so we always have defined FH's
+ ### to read from.
+ use Symbol;
+ my $kidout = Symbol::gensym();
+ my $kiderror = Symbol::gensym();
+ ### Dup the filehandle so we can pass 'our' STDIN to the
+ ### child process. This stops us from having to pump input
+ ### from ourselves to the childprocess. However, we will need
+ ### to revive the FH afterwards, as IPC::Open3 closes it.
+ ### We'll do the same for STDOUT and STDERR. It works without
+ ### duping them on non-unix derivatives, but not on win32.
+ my @fds_to_dup = ( IS_WIN32 && !$verbose
+ : qw[STDIN]
+ );
+ $self->_fds( \@fds_to_dup );
+ $self->__dup_fds( @fds_to_dup );
+ ### pipes have to come in a quoted string, and that clashes with
+ ### whitespace. This sub fixes up such commands so they run properly
+ $cmd = $self->__fix_cmd_whitespace_and_special_chars( $cmd );
+ ### dont stringify @$cmd, so spaces in filenames/paths are
+ ### treated properly
+ my $pid = eval {
+ IPC::Open3::open3(
+ '<&STDIN',
+ (IS_WIN32 ? '>&STDOUT' : $kidout),
+ (IS_WIN32 ? '>&STDERR' : $kiderror),
+ ( ref $cmd ? @$cmd : $cmd ),
+ );
+ };
+ ### open3 error occurred
+ if( $@ and $@ =~ /^open3:/ ) {
+ $self->ok( 0 );
+ $self->error( $@ );
+ return;
+ };
+ ### use OUR stdin, not $kidin. Somehow,
+ ### we never get the input.. so jump through
+ ### some hoops to do it :(
+ my $selector = IO::Select->new(
+ (IS_WIN32 ? \*STDERR : $kiderror),
+ \*STDIN,
+ (IS_WIN32 ? \*STDOUT : $kidout)
+ );
+ STDOUT->autoflush(1); STDERR->autoflush(1); STDIN->autoflush(1);
+ $kidout->autoflush(1) if UNIVERSAL::can($kidout, 'autoflush');
+ $kiderror->autoflush(1) if UNIVERSAL::can($kiderror, 'autoflush');
+ ### add an epxlicit break statement
+ ### code courtesy of theorbtwo from
+ my $stdout_done = 0;
+ my $stderr_done = 0;
+ OUTER: while ( my @ready = $selector->can_read ) {
+ for my $h ( @ready ) {
+ my $buf;
+ ### $len is the amount of bytes read
+ my $len = sysread( $h, $buf, 4096 ); # try to read 4096 bytes
+ ### see perldoc -f sysread: it returns undef on error,
+ ### so bail out.
+ if( not defined $len ) {
+ warn(loc("Error reading from process: %1", $!));
+ last OUTER;
+ }
+ ### check for $len. it may be 0, at which point we're
+ ### done reading, so don't try to process it.
+ ### if we would print anyway, we'd provide bogus information
+ $_out_handler->( "$buf" ) if $len && $h == $kidout;
+ $_err_handler->( "$buf" ) if $len && $h == $kiderror;
+ ### Wait till child process is done printing to both
+ ### stdout and stderr.
+ $stdout_done = 1 if $h == $kidout and $len == 0;
+ $stderr_done = 1 if $h == $kiderror and $len == 0;
+ last OUTER if ($stdout_done && $stderr_done);
+ }
+ }
+ waitpid $pid, 0; # wait for it to die
+ ### restore STDIN after duping, or STDIN will be closed for
+ ### this current perl process!
+ ### done in the parent call now
+ # $self->__reopen_fds( @fds_to_dup );
+ ### some error occurred
+ if( $? ) {
+ $self->error( $self->_pp_child_error( $cmd, $? ) );
+ $self->ok( 0 );
+ return;
+ } else {
+ return $self->ok( 1 );
+ }
+### text::parsewords::shellwordss() uses unix semantics. that will break
+### on win32
+{ my $parse_sub = IS_WIN32
+ ? __PACKAGE__->can('_split_like_shell_win32')
+ : Text::ParseWords->can('shellwords');
+ sub _ipc_run {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $cmd = shift;
+ my $_out_handler = shift;
+ my $_err_handler = shift;
+ STDOUT->autoflush(1); STDERR->autoflush(1);
+ ### a command like:
+ # [
+ # '/usr/bin/gzip',
+ # '-cdf',
+ # '/Users/kane/sources/p4/other/archive-extract/t/src/x.tgz',
+ # '|',
+ # '/usr/bin/tar',
+ # '-tf -'
+ # ]
+ ### needs to become:
+ # [
+ # ['/usr/bin/gzip', '-cdf',
+ # '/Users/kane/sources/p4/other/archive-extract/t/src/x.tgz']
+ # '|',
+ # ['/usr/bin/tar', '-tf -']
+ # ]
+ my @command;
+ my $special_chars;
+ my $re = do { my $x = join '', SPECIAL_CHARS; qr/([$x])/ };
+ if( ref $cmd ) {
+ my $aref = [];
+ for my $item (@$cmd) {
+ if( $item =~ $re ) {
+ push @command, $aref, $item;
+ $aref = [];
+ $special_chars .= $1;
+ } else {
+ push @$aref, $item;
+ }
+ }
+ push @command, $aref;
+ } else {
+ @command = map { if( $_ =~ $re ) {
+ $special_chars .= $1; $_;
+ } else {
+# [ split /\s+/ ]
+ [ map { m/[ ]/ ? qq{'$_'} : $_ } $parse_sub->($_) ]
+ }
+ } split( /\s*$re\s*/, $cmd );
+ }
+ ### if there's a pipe in the command, *STDIN needs to
+ ### be inserted *BEFORE* the pipe, to work on win32
+ ### this also works on *nix, so we should do it when possible
+ ### this should *also* work on multiple pipes in the command
+ ### if there's no pipe in the command, append STDIN to the back
+ ### of the command instead.
+ ### XXX seems IPC::Run works it out for itself if you just
+ ### dont pass STDIN at all.
+ # if( $special_chars and $special_chars =~ /\|/ ) {
+ # ### only add STDIN the first time..
+ # my $i;
+ # @command = map { ($_ eq '|' && not $i++)
+ # ? ( \*STDIN, $_ )
+ # : $_
+ # } @command;
+ # } else {
+ # push @command, \*STDIN;
+ # }
+ # \*STDIN is already included in the @command, see a few lines up
+ my $ok = eval { IPC::Run::run( @command,
+ fileno(STDOUT).'>',
+ $_out_handler,
+ fileno(STDERR).'>',
+ $_err_handler
+ )
+ };
+ ### all is well
+ if( $ok ) {
+ return $self->ok( $ok );
+ ### some error occurred
+ } else {
+ $self->ok( 0 );
+ ### if the eval fails due to an exception, deal with it
+ ### unless it's an alarm
+ if( $@ and not UNIVERSAL::isa( $@, ALARM_CLASS ) ) {
+ $self->error( $@ );
+ ### if it *is* an alarm, propagate
+ } elsif( $@ ) {
+ die $@;
+ ### some error in the sub command
+ } else {
+ $self->error( $self->_pp_child_error( $cmd, $? ) );
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+sub _system_run {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $cmd = shift;
+ my $verbose = shift || 0;
+ ### pipes have to come in a quoted string, and that clashes with
+ ### whitespace. This sub fixes up such commands so they run properly
+ $cmd = $self->__fix_cmd_whitespace_and_special_chars( $cmd );
+ my @fds_to_dup = $verbose ? () : qw[STDOUT STDERR];
+ $self->_fds( \@fds_to_dup );
+ $self->__dup_fds( @fds_to_dup );
+ ### system returns 'true' on failure -- the exit code of the cmd
+ $self->ok( 1 );
+ system( ref $cmd ? @$cmd : $cmd ) == 0 or do {
+ $self->error( $self->_pp_child_error( $cmd, $? ) );
+ $self->ok( 0 );
+ };
+ ### done in the parent call now
+ #$self->__reopen_fds( @fds_to_dup );
+ return unless $self->ok;
+ return $self->ok;
+{ my %sc_lookup = map { $_ => $_ } SPECIAL_CHARS;
+ sub __fix_cmd_whitespace_and_special_chars {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $cmd = shift;
+ ### command has a special char in it
+ if( ref $cmd and grep { $sc_lookup{$_} } @$cmd ) {
+ ### since we have special chars, we have to quote white space
+ ### this *may* conflict with the parsing :(
+ my $fixed;
+ my @cmd = map { / / ? do { $fixed++; QUOTE.$_.QUOTE } : $_ } @$cmd;
+ $self->_debug( "# Quoted $fixed arguments containing whitespace" )
+ if $DEBUG && $fixed;
+ ### stringify it, so the special char isn't escaped as argument
+ ### to the program
+ $cmd = join ' ', @cmd;
+ }
+ return $cmd;
+ }
+### Command-line arguments (but not the command itself) must be quoted
+### to ensure case preservation. Borrowed from Module::Build with adaptations.
+### Patch for this supplied by Craig Berry, see RT #46288: [PATCH] Add argument
+### quoting for run() on VMS
+sub _quote_args_vms {
+ ### Returns a command string with proper quoting so that the subprocess
+ ### sees this same list of args, or if we get a single arg that is an
+ ### array reference, quote the elements of it (except for the first)
+ ### and return the reference.
+ my @args = @_;
+ my $got_arrayref = (scalar(@args) == 1
+ && UNIVERSAL::isa($args[0], 'ARRAY'))
+ ? 1
+ : 0;
+ @args = split(/\s+/, $args[0]) unless $got_arrayref || scalar(@args) > 1;
+ my $cmd = $got_arrayref ? shift @{$args[0]} : shift @args;
+ ### Do not quote qualifiers that begin with '/' or previously quoted args.
+ map { if (/^[^\/\"]/) {
+ $_ =~ s/\"/""/g; # escape C<"> by doubling
+ $_ = q(").$_.q(");
+ }
+ }
+ ($got_arrayref ? @{$args[0]}
+ : @args
+ );
+ $got_arrayref ? unshift(@{$args[0]}, $cmd) : unshift(@args, $cmd);
+ return $got_arrayref ? $args[0]
+ : join(' ', @args);
+### XXX this is cribbed STRAIGHT from M::B 0.30 here:
+### XXX this *should* be integrated into text::parsewords
+sub _split_like_shell_win32 {
+ # As it turns out, Windows command-parsing is very different from
+ # Unix command-parsing. Double-quotes mean different things,
+ # backslashes don't necessarily mean escapes, and so on. So we
+ # can't use Text::ParseWords::shellwords() to break a command string
+ # into words. The algorithm below was bashed out by Randy and Ken
+ # (mostly Randy), and there are a lot of regression tests, so we
+ # should feel free to adjust if desired.
+ local $_ = shift;
+ my @argv;
+ return @argv unless defined() && length();
+ my $arg = '';
+ my( $i, $quote_mode ) = ( 0, 0 );
+ while ( $i < length() ) {
+ my $ch = substr( $_, $i , 1 );
+ my $next_ch = substr( $_, $i+1, 1 );
+ if ( $ch eq '\\' && $next_ch eq '"' ) {
+ $arg .= '"';
+ $i++;
+ } elsif ( $ch eq '\\' && $next_ch eq '\\' ) {
+ $arg .= '\\';
+ $i++;
+ } elsif ( $ch eq '"' && $next_ch eq '"' && $quote_mode ) {
+ $quote_mode = !$quote_mode;
+ $arg .= '"';
+ $i++;
+ } elsif ( $ch eq '"' && $next_ch eq '"' && !$quote_mode &&
+ ( $i + 2 == length() ||
+ substr( $_, $i + 2, 1 ) eq ' ' )
+ ) { # for cases like: a"" => [ 'a' ]
+ push( @argv, $arg );
+ $arg = '';
+ $i += 2;
+ } elsif ( $ch eq '"' ) {
+ $quote_mode = !$quote_mode;
+ } elsif ( $ch eq ' ' && !$quote_mode ) {
+ push( @argv, $arg ) if $arg;
+ $arg = '';
+ ++$i while substr( $_, $i + 1, 1 ) eq ' ';
+ } else {
+ $arg .= $ch;
+ }
+ $i++;
+ }
+ push( @argv, $arg ) if defined( $arg ) && length( $arg );
+ return @argv;
+{ use File::Spec;
+ use Symbol;
+ my %Map = (
+ STDOUT => [qw|>&|, \*STDOUT, Symbol::gensym() ],
+ STDERR => [qw|>&|, \*STDERR, Symbol::gensym() ],
+ STDIN => [qw|<&|, \*STDIN, Symbol::gensym() ],
+ );
+ ### dups FDs and stores them in a cache
+ sub __dup_fds {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @fds = @_;
+ __PACKAGE__->_debug( "# Closing the following fds: @fds" ) if $DEBUG;
+ for my $name ( @fds ) {
+ my($redir, $fh, $glob) = @{$Map{$name}} or (
+ Carp::carp(loc("No such FD: '%1'", $name)), next );
+ ### MUST use the 2-arg version of open for dup'ing for
+ ### 5.6.x compatibilty. 5.8.x can use 3-arg open
+ ### see perldoc5.6.2 -f open for details
+ open $glob, $redir . fileno($fh) or (
+ Carp::carp(loc("Could not dup '$name': %1", $!)),
+ return
+ );
+ ### we should re-open this filehandle right now, not
+ ### just dup it
+ ### Use 2-arg version of open, as 5.5.x doesn't support
+ ### 3-arg version =/
+ if( $redir eq '>&' ) {
+ open( $fh, '>' . File::Spec->devnull ) or (
+ Carp::carp(loc("Could not reopen '$name': %1", $!)),
+ return
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ ### reopens FDs from the cache
+ sub __reopen_fds {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @fds = @_;
+ __PACKAGE__->_debug( "# Reopening the following fds: @fds" ) if $DEBUG;
+ for my $name ( @fds ) {
+ my($redir, $fh, $glob) = @{$Map{$name}} or (
+ Carp::carp(loc("No such FD: '%1'", $name)), next );
+ ### MUST use the 2-arg version of open for dup'ing for
+ ### 5.6.x compatibilty. 5.8.x can use 3-arg open
+ ### see perldoc5.6.2 -f open for details
+ open( $fh, $redir . fileno($glob) ) or (
+ Carp::carp(loc("Could not restore '$name': %1", $!)),
+ return
+ );
+ ### close this FD, we're not using it anymore
+ close $glob;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+sub _debug {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $msg = shift or return;
+ my $level = shift || 0;
+ local $Carp::CarpLevel += $level;
+ Carp::carp($msg);
+ return 1;
+sub _pp_child_error {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $cmd = shift or return;
+ my $ce = shift or return;
+ my $pp_cmd = ref $cmd ? "@$cmd" : $cmd;
+ my $str;
+ if( $ce == -1 ) {
+ ### Include $! in the error message, so that the user can
+ ### see 'No such file or directory' versus 'Permission denied'
+ ### versus 'Cannot fork' or whatever the cause was.
+ $str = "Failed to execute '$pp_cmd': $!";
+ } elsif ( $ce & 127 ) {
+ ### some signal
+ $str = loc( "'%1' died with signal %d, %s coredump\n",
+ $pp_cmd, ($ce & 127), ($ce & 128) ? 'with' : 'without');
+ } else {
+ ### Otherwise, the command run but gave error status.
+ $str = "'$pp_cmd' exited with value " . ($ce >> 8);
+ }
+ $self->_debug( "# Child error '$ce' translated to: $str" ) if $DEBUG;
+ return $str;
+=head2 $q = QUOTE
+Returns the character used for quoting strings on this platform. This is
+usually a C<'> (single quote) on most systems, but some systems use different
+quotes. For example, C<Win32> uses C<"> (double quote).
+You can use it as follows:
+ use IPC::Cmd qw[run QUOTE];
+ my $cmd = q[echo ] . QUOTE . q[foo bar] . QUOTE;
+This makes sure that C<foo bar> is treated as a string, rather than two
+seperate arguments to the C<echo> function.
+=head1 HOW IT WORKS
+C<run> will try to execute your command using the following logic:
+=over 4
+=item *
+If you have C<IPC::Run> installed, and the variable C<$IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_RUN>
+is set to true (See the C<GLOBAL VARIABLES> Section) use that to execute
+the command. You will have the full output available in buffers, interactive commands are sure to work and you are guaranteed to have your verbosity
+settings honored cleanly.
+=item *
+Otherwise, if the variable C<$IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_OPEN3> is set to true
+(See the C<GLOBAL VARIABLES> Section), try to execute the command using
+C<IPC::Open3>. Buffers will be available on all platforms except C<Win32>,
+interactive commands will still execute cleanly, and also your verbosity
+settings will be adhered to nicely;
+=item *
+Otherwise, if you have the verbose argument set to true, we fall back
+to a simple system() call. We cannot capture any buffers, but
+interactive commands will still work.
+=item *
+Otherwise we will try and temporarily redirect STDERR and STDOUT, do a
+system() call with your command and then re-open STDERR and STDOUT.
+This is the method of last resort and will still allow you to execute
+your commands cleanly. However, no buffers will be available.
+=head1 Global Variables
+The behaviour of IPC::Cmd can be altered by changing the following
+global variables:
+=head2 $IPC::Cmd::VERBOSE
+This controls whether IPC::Cmd will print any output from the
+commands to the screen or not. The default is 0;
+=head2 $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_RUN
+This variable controls whether IPC::Cmd will try to use L<IPC::Run>
+when available and suitable. Defaults to true if you are on C<Win32>.
+=head2 $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_OPEN3
+This variable controls whether IPC::Cmd will try to use L<IPC::Open3>
+when available and suitable. Defaults to true.
+=head2 $IPC::Cmd::WARN
+This variable controls whether run time warnings should be issued, like
+the failure to load an C<IPC::*> module you explicitly requested.
+Defaults to true. Turn this off at your own risk.
+=head1 Caveats
+=over 4
+=item Whitespace and IPC::Open3 / system()
+When using C<IPC::Open3> or C<system>, if you provide a string as the
+C<command> argument, it is assumed to be appropriately escaped. You can
+use the C<QUOTE> constant to use as a portable quote character (see above).
+However, if you provide and C<Array Reference>, special rules apply:
+If your command contains C<Special Characters> (< > | &), it will
+be internally stringified before executing the command, to avoid that these
+special characters are escaped and passed as arguments instead of retaining
+their special meaning.
+However, if the command contained arguments that contained whitespace,
+stringifying the command would loose the significance of the whitespace.
+Therefor, C<IPC::Cmd> will quote any arguments containing whitespace in your
+command if the command is passed as an arrayref and contains special characters.
+=item Whitespace and IPC::Run
+When using C<IPC::Run>, if you provide a string as the C<command> argument,
+the string will be split on whitespace to determine the individual elements
+of your command. Although this will usually just Do What You Mean, it may
+break if you have files or commands with whitespace in them.
+If you do not wish this to happen, you should provide an array
+reference, where all parts of your command are already separated out.
+Note however, if there's extra or spurious whitespace in these parts,
+the parser or underlying code may not interpret it correctly, and
+cause an error.
+The following code
+ gzip -cdf foo.tar.gz | tar -xf -
+should either be passed as
+ "gzip -cdf foo.tar.gz | tar -xf -"
+or as
+ ['gzip', '-cdf', 'foo.tar.gz', '|', 'tar', '-xf', '-']
+But take care not to pass it as, for example
+ ['gzip -cdf foo.tar.gz', '|', 'tar -xf -']
+Since this will lead to issues as described above.
+=item IO Redirect
+Currently it is too complicated to parse your command for IO
+Redirections. For capturing STDOUT or STDERR there is a work around
+however, since you can just inspect your buffers for the contents.
+=item Interleaving STDOUT/STDERR
+Neither IPC::Run nor IPC::Open3 can interleave STDOUT and STDERR. For short
+bursts of output from a program, ie this sample:
+ for ( 1..4 ) {
+ $_ % 2 ? print STDOUT $_ : print STDERR $_;
+ }
+IPC::[Run|Open3] will first read all of STDOUT, then all of STDERR, meaning
+the output looks like 1 line on each, namely '13' on STDOUT and '24' on STDERR.
+It should have been 1, 2, 3, 4.
+This has been recorded in L<> as bug #37532: Unable to interleave
+=head1 See Also
+C<IPC::Run>, C<IPC::Open3>
+Thanks to James Mastros and Martijn van der Streek for their
+help in getting IPC::Open3 to behave nicely.
+Please report bugs or other issues to E<lt>bug-ipc-cmd@rt.cpan.orgE<gt>.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+This module by Jos Boumans E<lt>kane@cpan.orgE<gt>.
+This library is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it
+under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/cpan/IPC-Cmd/t/01_IPC-Cmd.t b/cpan/IPC-Cmd/t/01_IPC-Cmd.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eca515ec0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/IPC-Cmd/t/01_IPC-Cmd.t
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+## IPC::Cmd test suite ###
+BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't' };
+use strict;
+use lib qw[../lib];
+use File::Spec;
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+my $Class = 'IPC::Cmd';
+my $AClass = $Class . '::TimeOut';
+my @Funcs = qw[run can_run QUOTE];
+my @Meths = qw[can_use_ipc_run can_use_ipc_open3 can_capture_buffer];
+my $IsWin32 = $^O eq 'MSWin32';
+my $Verbose = @ARGV ? 1 : 0;
+use_ok( $Class, $_ ) for @Funcs;
+can_ok( $Class, $_ ) for @Funcs, @Meths;
+can_ok( __PACKAGE__, $_ ) for @Funcs;
+my $Have_IPC_Run = $Class->can_use_ipc_run || 0;
+my $Have_IPC_Open3 = $Class->can_use_ipc_open3 || 0;
+diag("IPC::Run: $Have_IPC_Run IPC::Open3: $Have_IPC_Open3")
+ unless exists $ENV{'PERL_CORE'};
+local $IPC::Cmd::VERBOSE = $Verbose;
+local $IPC::Cmd::VERBOSE = $Verbose;
+local $IPC::Cmd::DEBUG = $Verbose;
+local $IPC::Cmd::DEBUG = $Verbose;
+### run tests in various configurations, based on what modules we have
+my @Prefs = ( );
+push @Prefs, [ $Have_IPC_Run, $Have_IPC_Open3 ] if $Have_IPC_Run;
+### run this config twice to ensure FD restores work properly
+push @Prefs, [ 0, $Have_IPC_Open3 ],
+ [ 0, $Have_IPC_Open3 ] if $Have_IPC_Open3;
+### run this config twice to ensure FD restores work properly
+### these are the system() tests;
+push @Prefs, [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ];
+### can_run tests
+ ok( can_run("$^X"), q[Found 'perl' in your path] );
+ ok( !can_run('10283lkjfdalskfjaf'), q[Not found non-existant binary] );
+{ ### list of commands and regexes matching output
+ ### XXX use " everywhere when using literal strings as commands for
+ ### portability, especially on win32
+ my $map = [
+ # command # output regex # buffer
+ ### run tests that print only to stdout
+ [ "$^X -v", qr/larry\s+wall/i, 3, ],
+ [ [$^X, '-v'], qr/larry\s+wall/i, 3, ],
+ ### pipes
+ [ "$^X -eprint+424 | $^X -neprint+split+2", qr/44/, 3, ],
+ [ [$^X,qw[-eprint+424 |], $^X, qw|-neprint+split+2|],
+ qr/44/, 3, ],
+ ### whitespace
+ [ [$^X, '-eprint+shift', q|a b a|], qr/a b a/, 3, ],
+ [ qq[$^X -eprint+shift "a b a"], qr/a b a/, 3, ],
+ ### whitespace + pipe
+ [ [$^X, '-eprint+shift', q|a b a|, q[|], $^X, qw[-neprint+split+b] ],
+ qr/a a/, 3, ],
+ [ qq[$^X -eprint+shift "a b a" | $^X -neprint+split+b],
+ qr/a a/, 3, ],
+ ### run tests that print only to stderr
+ [ "$^X -ewarn+42", qr/^42 /, 4, ],
+ [ [$^X, '-ewarn+42'], qr/^42 /, 4, ],
+ ];
+ ### extended test in developer mode
+ ### test if gzip | tar works
+ if( $Verbose ) {
+ my $gzip = can_run('gzip');
+ my $tar = can_run('tar');
+ if( $gzip and $tar ) {
+ push @$map,
+ [ [$gzip, qw[-cdf src/x.tgz |], $tar, qw[-tf -]],
+ qr/a/, 3, ];
+ }
+ }
+ ### for each configuarion
+ for my $pref ( @Prefs ) {
+ local $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_RUN = !!$pref->[0];
+ local $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_RUN = !!$pref->[0];
+ local $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_OPEN3 = !!$pref->[1];
+ local $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_OPEN3 = !!$pref->[1];
+ ### for each command
+ for my $aref ( @$map ) {
+ my $cmd = $aref->[0];
+ my $regex = $aref->[1];
+ my $index = $aref->[2];
+ my $pp_cmd = ref $cmd ? "Array: @$cmd" : "Scalar: $cmd";
+ $pp_cmd .= " (IPC::Run: $pref->[0] IPC::Open3: $pref->[1])";
+ diag( "Running '$pp_cmd'") if $Verbose;
+ ### in scalar mode
+ { my $buffer;
+ my $ok = run( command => $cmd, buffer => \$buffer );
+ ok( $ok, "Ran '$pp_cmd' command succesfully" );
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "No buffers available", 1
+ unless $Class->can_capture_buffer;
+ like( $buffer, $regex,
+ " Buffer matches $regex -- ($pp_cmd)" );
+ }
+ }
+ ### in list mode
+ { diag( "Running list mode" ) if $Verbose;
+ my @list = run( command => $cmd );
+ ok( $list[0], "Ran '$pp_cmd' successfully" );
+ ok( !$list[1], " No error code set -- ($pp_cmd)" );
+ my $list_length = $Class->can_capture_buffer ? 5 : 2;
+ is( scalar(@list), $list_length,
+ " Output list has $list_length entries -- ($pp_cmd)" );
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "No buffers available", 6
+ unless $Class->can_capture_buffer;
+ ### the last 3 entries from the RV, are they array refs?
+ isa_ok( $list[$_], 'ARRAY' ) for 2..4;
+ like( "@{$list[2]}", $regex,
+ " Combined buffer matches $regex -- ($pp_cmd)" );
+ like( "@{$list[$index]}", qr/$regex/,
+ " Proper buffer($index) matches $regex -- ($pp_cmd)" );
+ is( scalar( @{$list[ $index==3 ? 4 : 3 ]} ), 0,
+ " Other buffer empty -- ($pp_cmd)" );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### special call to check that output is interleaved properly
+{ my $cmd = [$^X, File::Spec->catfile( qw[src] ) ];
+ ### for each configuarion
+ for my $pref ( @Prefs ) {
+ diag( "Running config: IPC::Run: $pref->[0] IPC::Open3: $pref->[1]" )
+ if $Verbose;
+ local $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_RUN = $pref->[0];
+ local $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_OPEN3 = $pref->[1];
+ my @list = run( command => $cmd, buffer => \my $buffer );
+ ok( $list[0], "Ran @{$cmd} successfully" );
+ ok( !$list[1], " No errorcode set" );
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "No buffers available", 3 unless $Class->can_capture_buffer;
+ TODO: {
+ local $TODO = qq[Can't interleave input/output buffers yet];
+ is( "@{$list[2]}",'1 2 3 4'," Combined output as expected" );
+ is( "@{$list[3]}", '1 3', " STDOUT as expected" );
+ is( "@{$list[4]}", '2 4', " STDERR as expected" );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### test failures
+{ ### for each configuarion
+ for my $pref ( @Prefs ) {
+ diag( "Running config: IPC::Run: $pref->[0] IPC::Open3: $pref->[1]" )
+ if $Verbose;
+ local $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_RUN = $pref->[0];
+ local $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_OPEN3 = $pref->[1];
+ my ($ok,$err) = run( command => "$^X -edie" );
+ ok( !$ok, "Non-zero exit caught" );
+ ok( $err, " Error '$err'" );
+ }
+### timeout tests
+{ my $timeout = 1;
+ for my $pref ( @Prefs ) {
+ diag( "Running config: IPC::Run: $pref->[0] IPC::Open3: $pref->[1]" )
+ if $Verbose;
+ local $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_RUN = $pref->[0];
+ local $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_OPEN3 = $pref->[1];
+ ### -X to quiet the 'sleep without parens is ambiguous' warning
+ my ($ok,$err) = run( command => "$^X -Xesleep+4", timeout => $timeout );
+ ok( !$ok, "Timeout caught" );
+ ok( $err, " Error stored" );
+ ok( not(ref($err)), " Error string is not a reference" );
+ like( $err,qr/^$AClass/," Error '$err' mentions $AClass" );
+ }
diff --git a/cpan/IPC-Cmd/t/02_Interactive.t b/cpan/IPC-Cmd/t/02_Interactive.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b2c23a3a4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/IPC-Cmd/t/02_Interactive.t
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+BEGIN { chdir 't' if -d 't'; };
+BEGIN { use lib '../lib'; };
+use strict;
+use File::Spec;
+### only run interactive tests when there's someone that can answer them
+use Test::More -t STDOUT
+ ? 'no_plan'
+ : ( skip_all => "No interactive tests from harness" );
+my $Class = 'IPC::Cmd';
+my $Child = File::Spec->catfile( qw[src] );
+my @FDs = 0..20;
+my $IsWin32 = $^O eq 'MSWin32';
+use_ok( $Class, 'run' );
+$IPC::Cmd::DEBUG = 1;
+my $Have_IPC_Run = $Class->can_use_ipc_run;
+my $Have_IPC_Open3 = $Class->can_use_ipc_open3;
+### configurations to test IPC::Cmd with
+my @Conf = (
+ [ $Have_IPC_Run, $Have_IPC_Open3 ],
+ [ 0, $Have_IPC_Open3 ],
+ [ 0, 0 ]
+### first, check which FD's are open. they should be open
+### /after/ we run our tests as well.
+### 0, 1 and 2 should be open, as they are STDOUT, STDERR and STDIN
+### XXX 2 are opened by Test::Builder at least.. this is 'whitebox'
+### knowledge, so unsafe to test against. around line 1322:
+# sub _open_testhandles {
+# return if $Opened_Testhandles;
+# # We dup STDOUT and STDERR so people can change them in their
+# # test suites while still getting normal test output.
+# open(TESTOUT, ">&STDOUT") or die "Can't dup STDOUT: $!";
+# open(TESTERR, ">&STDERR") or die "Can't dup STDERR: $!";
+# $Opened_Testhandles = 1;
+# }
+my @Opened;
+{ for ( @FDs ) {
+ my $fh;
+ my $rv = open $fh, "<&$_";
+ push @Opened, $_ if $rv;
+ }
+ diag( "Opened FDs: @Opened" );
+ cmp_ok( scalar(@Opened), '>=', 3,
+ "At least 3 FDs are opened" );
+for my $aref ( @Conf ) {
+ ### stupid warnings
+ local $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_RUN = $aref->[0];
+ local $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_RUN = $aref->[0];
+ local $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_OPEN3 = $aref->[1];
+ local $IPC::Cmd::USE_IPC_OPEN3 = $aref->[1];
+ diag("Config: IPC::Run = $aref->[0] IPC::Open3 = $aref->[1]");
+ ok( -t STDIN, "STDIN attached to a tty" );
+ for my $cmd ( qq[$^X $Child], qq[$^X $Child | $^X -neprint] ) {
+ diag("Please enter some input. It will be echo'd back to you");
+ my $buffer;
+ my $ok = run( command => $cmd, verbose => 1, buffer => \$buffer );
+ ok( $ok, " Command '$cmd' ran succesfully" );
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "No buffers available", 1 unless $Class->can_capture_buffer;
+ ok( defined $buffer, " Input captured" );
+ }
+ }
+### check we didnt leak any FHs
+{ ### should be opened
+ my %open = map { $_ => 1 } @Opened;
+ for ( @FDs ) {
+ my $fh;
+ my $rv = open $fh, "<&=$_";
+ ### these should be open
+ if( $open{$_} ) {
+ ok( $rv, "FD $_ opened" );
+ ok( $fh, " FH indeed opened" );
+ is( fileno($fh), $_, " Opened at the correct fileno($_)" );
+ } else {
+ ok( !$rv, "FD $_ not opened" );
+ ok( !(fileno($fh)), " FH indeed closed" );
+ ### extra debug info if tests fail
+# use Devel::Peek;
+# use Data::Dumper;
+# diag( "RV=$rv FH=$fh Fileno=". fileno($fh). Dump($fh) ) if $rv;
+# diag( Dumper( [stat $fh] ) ) if $rv;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/cpan/IPC-Cmd/t/src/ b/cpan/IPC-Cmd/t/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c198251b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/IPC-Cmd/t/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+print "# Child has TTY? " . (-t STDIN ? "YES" : "NO" ) . $/;
+print $_ = <>;
diff --git a/cpan/IPC-Cmd/t/src/ b/cpan/IPC-Cmd/t/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e948094c34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/IPC-Cmd/t/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Handle;
+my $max = shift || 4;
+for ( 1..$max ) {
+ $_ % 2
+ ? print STDOUT $_
+ : print STDERR $_;
diff --git a/cpan/IPC-Cmd/t/src/x.tgz b/cpan/IPC-Cmd/t/src/x.tgz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..00f012da35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpan/IPC-Cmd/t/src/x.tgz
Binary files differ