path: root/lib/base
diff options
authorJarkko Hietaniemi <>2003-08-31 08:55:59 +0000
committerJarkko Hietaniemi <>2003-08-31 08:55:59 +0000
commit67edfcd9ba9b6420b63d83f7bc5b3ddc4cd7e930 (patch)
tree457756066e51f16b48c3f37484dd13f75152cdd5 /lib/base
parent036549e33639d565b91c920a89baa6a8d1be689e (diff)
Ouch. Upgrading to base 2.0 made the threads tests very unhappy
both in blead and maint, lots of "Attempt to free non-existent shared string" and "Unbalanced string table refcount" errors. Retract #20960 (and #20963). p4raw-id: //depot/perl@20965
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/base')
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 1235 deletions
diff --git a/lib/base/t/base.t b/lib/base/t/base.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e4d413df6..0000000000
--- a/lib/base/t/base.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
-# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl'
-######################### We start with some black magic to print on failure.
-# Change 1..1 below to 1..last_test_to_print .
-# (It may become useful if the test is moved to ./t subdirectory.)
-use strict;
-use vars qw($Total_tests);
-my $loaded;
-my $test_num = 1;
-BEGIN { $| = 1; $^W = 1; }
-END {print "not ok $test_num\n" unless $loaded;}
-print "1..$Total_tests\n";
-use base;
-$loaded = 1;
-print "ok $test_num - Compiled\n";
-######################### End of black magic.
-# Insert your test code below (better if it prints "ok 13"
-# (correspondingly "not ok 13") depending on the success of chunk 13
-# of the test code):
-sub ok ($$) {
- my($test, $name) = @_;
- print "not " unless $test;
- print "ok $test_num";
- print " - $name" if defined $name;
- print "\n";
- $test_num++;
-sub eqarray {
- my($a1, $a2) = @_;
- return 0 unless @$a1 == @$a2;
- my $ok = 1;
- for (0..$#{$a1}) {
- unless($a1->[$_] eq $a2->[$_]) {
- $ok = 0;
- last;
- }
- }
- return $ok;
-# Change this to your # of ok() calls + 1
-BEGIN { $Total_tests = 17 }
-use vars qw( $W );
- $W = 0;
- $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
- if ($_[0] =~ /^Hides field '.*?' in base class/) {
- $W++;
- }
- else {
- warn $_[0];
- }
- };
-package B1;
-use fields qw(b1 b2 b3);
-package B2;
-use fields '_b1';
-use fields qw(b1 _b2 b2);
-sub new { bless [], shift }
-package B3;
-use fields qw(b4 _b5 b6 _b7);
-package D1;
-use base 'B1';
-use fields qw(d1 d2 d3);
-package D2;
-use base 'B1';
-use fields qw(_d1 _d2);
-use fields qw(d1 d2);
-package D3;
-use base 'B2';
-use fields qw(b1 d1 _b1 _d1); # hide b1
-package D4;
-use base 'D3';
-use fields qw(_d3 d3);
-package M;
-sub m {}
-package D5;
-use base qw(M B2);
-# Test that multiple inheritance fails.
-package D6;
-eval {
- 'base'->import(qw(B2 M B3));
-::ok($@ =~ /can't multiply inherit %FIELDS/i, 'No multiple field inheritance');
-package Foo::Bar;
-use base 'B1';
-package Foo::Bar::Baz;
-use base 'Foo::Bar';
-use fields qw(foo bar baz);
-package main;
-my %EXPECT = (
- B1 => [qw(b1 b2 b3)],
- B2 => [qw(_b1 b1 _b2 b2)],
- B3 => [qw(b4 _b5 b6 _b7)],
- D1 => [qw(d1 d2 d3 b1 b2 b3)],
- D2 => [qw(b1 b2 b3 _d1 _d2 d1 d2)],
- D3 => [qw(b1 b2 d1 _b1 _d1)],
- D4 => [qw(b1 b2 d1 _d3 d3)],
- M => [qw()],
- D5 => [qw(b1 b2)],
- 'Foo::Bar' => [qw(b1 b2 b3)],
- 'Foo::Bar::Baz' => [qw(b1 b2 b3 foo bar baz)],
- );
-while(my($class, $efields) = each %EXPECT) {
- no strict 'refs';
- my @fields = keys %{$class.'::FIELDS'};
- ::ok( eqarray([sort @$efields], [sort @fields]),
- "%FIELDS check: $class" );
-# Did we get the appropriate amount of warnings?
-::ok($W == 1, 'got the right warnings');
-# Break multiple inheritance with a field name clash.
-package E1;
-use fields qw(yo this _lah meep 42);
-package E2;
-use fields qw(_yo ahhh this);
-eval {
- package Broken;
- # The error must occur at run time for the eval to catch it.
- require base;
- 'base'->import(qw(E1 E2));
-::ok( $@ && $@ =~ /Can't multiply inherit %FIELDS/i,
- 'Again, no multi inherit' );
-package No::Version;
-use vars qw($Foo);
-sub VERSION { 42 }
-package Test::Version;
-use base qw(No::Version);
-::ok( $No::Version::VERSION =~ /set by base\.pm/, '$VERSION bug' );
-package Test::SIGDIE;
- local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
- ::ok(0, 'sigdie not caught, this test should not run')
- };
- eval {
- 'base'->import(qw(Huh::Boo));
- };
- ::ok($@ =~ /^Base class package "Huh::Boo" is empty./,
- 'Base class empty error message');
diff --git a/lib/base/t/fb18784.t b/lib/base/t/fb18784.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 03b1ab7442..0000000000
--- a/lib/base/t/fb18784.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-#!./perl -w
-# This is bleadperl's fields.t test at 18784
-# We skip this on anything older than 5.9.0 since some semantics changed
-# when pseudo-hashes were removed.
-if( $] < 5.009 ) {
- print "1..0 # skip changed to restricted hashes in 5.9.0\n";
- exit;
-my $w;
- $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
- if ($_[0] =~ /^Hides field 'b1' in base class/) {
- $w++;
- return;
- }
- print STDERR $_[0];
- };
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use vars qw($DEBUG);
-use Test::More;
-package B1;
-use fields qw(b1 b2 b3);
-package B2;
-use fields '_b1';
-use fields qw(b1 _b2 b2);
-sub new { fields::new(shift); }
-package D1;
-use base 'B1';
-use fields qw(d1 d2 d3);
-package D2;
-use base 'B1';
-use fields qw(_d1 _d2);
-use fields qw(d1 d2);
-package D3;
-use base 'B2';
-use fields qw(b1 d1 _b1 _d1); # hide b1
-package D4;
-use base 'D3';
-use fields qw(_d3 d3);
-package M;
-sub m {}
-package D5;
-use base qw(M B2);
-package Foo::Bar;
-use base 'B1';
-package Foo::Bar::Baz;
-use base 'Foo::Bar';
-use fields qw(foo bar baz);
-# Test repeatability for when modules get reloaded.
-package B1;
-use fields qw(b1 b2 b3);
-package D3;
-use base 'B2';
-use fields qw(b1 d1 _b1 _d1); # hide b1
-package main;
-sub fstr {
- my $h = shift;
- my @tmp;
- for my $k (sort {$h->{$a} <=> $h->{$b}} keys %$h) {
- my $v = $h->{$k};
- push(@tmp, "$k:$v");
- }
- my $str = join(",", @tmp);
- print "$h => $str\n" if $DEBUG;
- $str;
-my %expect = (
- B1 => "b1:1,b2:2,b3:3",
- B2 => "_b1:1,b1:2,_b2:3,b2:4",
- D1 => "b1:1,b2:2,b3:3,d1:4,d2:5,d3:6",
- D2 => "b1:1,b2:2,b3:3,_d1:4,_d2:5,d1:6,d2:7",
- D3 => "b2:4,b1:5,d1:6,_b1:7,_d1:8",
- D4 => "b2:4,b1:5,d1:6,_d3:9,d3:10",
- D5 => "b1:2,b2:4",
- 'Foo::Bar::Baz' => 'b1:1,b2:2,b3:3,foo:4,bar:5,baz:6',
-plan tests => keys(%expect) + 17;
-my $testno = 0;
-while (my($class, $exp) = each %expect) {
- no strict 'refs';
- my $fstr = fstr(\%{$class."::FIELDS"});
- is( $fstr, $exp, "\%FIELDS check for $class" );
-# Did we get the appropriate amount of warnings?
-is( $w, 1 );
-# A simple object creation and AVHV attribute access test
-my B2 $obj1 = D3->new;
-$obj1->{b1} = "B2";
-my D3 $obj2 = $obj1;
-$obj2->{b1} = "D3";
-# We should get compile time failures field name typos
-eval q(my D3 $obj3 = $obj2; $obj3->{notthere} = "");
-like $@, qr/^Attempt to access disallowed key 'notthere' in a restricted hash/;
-# Slices
-@$obj1{"_b1", "b1"} = (17, 29);
-is_deeply($obj1, { b1 => 29, _b1 => 17 });
-@$obj1{'_b1', 'b1'} = (44,28);
-is_deeply($obj1, { b1 => 28, _b1 => 44 });
-eval { fields::phash };
-like $@, qr/^Pseudo-hashes have been removed from Perl/;
-# check if fields autovivify
- package Foo;
- use fields qw(foo bar);
- sub new { fields::new($_[0]) }
- package main;
- my Foo $a = Foo->new();
- $a->{foo} = ['a', 'ok', 'c'];
- $a->{bar} = { A => 'ok' };
- is( $a->{foo}[1], 'ok' );
- is( $a->{bar}->{A},, 'ok' );
-# check if fields autovivify
- package Bar;
- use fields qw(foo bar);
- sub new { return fields::new($_[0]) }
- package main;
- my Bar $a = Bar::->new();
- $a->{foo} = ['a', 'ok', 'c'];
- $a->{bar} = { A => 'ok' };
- is( $a->{foo}[1], 'ok' );
- is( $a->{bar}->{A}, 'ok' );
-# Test $VERSION bug
-package No::Version;
-use vars qw($Foo);
-sub VERSION { 42 }
-package Test::Version;
-use base qw(No::Version);
-::like( $No::Version::VERSION, qr/set by );
-# Test Inverse of $VERSION bug should not clobber existing $VERSION
-package Has::Version;
-BEGIN { $Has::Version::VERSION = '42' };
-package Test::Version2;
-use base qw(Has::Version);
-::is( $Has::Version::VERSION, 42 );
-package main;
-our $eval1 = q{
- {
- package Eval1;
- {
- package Eval2;
- use base 'Eval1';
- $Eval2::VERSION = "1.02";
- }
- $Eval1::VERSION = "1.01";
- }
-eval $eval1;
-is( $@, '' );
-is( $Eval1::VERSION, 1.01 );
-is( $Eval2::VERSION, 1.02 );
-eval q{use base 'reallyReAlLyNotexists';};
-like( $@, qr/^Base class package "reallyReAlLyNotexists" is empty./,
- 'base with empty package');
-eval q{use base 'reallyReAlLyNotexists';};
-like( $@, qr/^Base class package "reallyReAlLyNotexists" is empty./,
- ' still empty on 2nd load');
-BEGIN { $Has::Version_0::VERSION = 0 }
-package Test::Version3;
-use base qw(Has::Version_0);
-::is( $Has::Version_0::VERSION, 0, '$VERSION==0 preserved' );
diff --git a/lib/base/t/fb20922.t b/lib/base/t/fb20922.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a09b72ec6..0000000000
--- a/lib/base/t/fb20922.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
-#!./perl -w
-# This is bleadperl's fields.t test @20100.
-# We skip this on anything older than 5.9.0 since some semantics changed
-# when pseudo-hashes were removed.
-if( $] < 5.009 ) {
- print "1..0 # skip changed to restricted hashes in 5.9.0\n";
- exit;
-my $w;
- $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
- if ($_[0] =~ /^Hides field 'b1' in base class/) {
- $w++;
- return;
- }
- print STDERR $_[0];
- };
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use vars qw($DEBUG);
-use Test::More;
-package B1;
-use fields qw(b1 b2 b3);
-package B2;
-use fields '_b1';
-use fields qw(b1 _b2 b2);
-sub new { fields::new(shift); }
-package D1;
-use base 'B1';
-use fields qw(d1 d2 d3);
-package D2;
-use base 'B1';
-use fields qw(_d1 _d2);
-use fields qw(d1 d2);
-package D3;
-use base 'B2';
-use fields qw(b1 d1 _b1 _d1); # hide b1
-package D4;
-use base 'D3';
-use fields qw(_d3 d3);
-package M;
-sub m {}
-package D5;
-use base qw(M B2);
-package Foo::Bar;
-use base 'B1';
-package Foo::Bar::Baz;
-use base 'Foo::Bar';
-use fields qw(foo bar baz);
-# Test repeatability for when modules get reloaded.
-package B1;
-use fields qw(b1 b2 b3);
-package D3;
-use base 'B2';
-use fields qw(b1 d1 _b1 _d1); # hide b1
-package main;
-sub fstr {
- my $h = shift;
- my @tmp;
- for my $k (sort {$h->{$a} <=> $h->{$b}} keys %$h) {
- my $v = $h->{$k};
- push(@tmp, "$k:$v");
- }
- my $str = join(",", @tmp);
- print "$h => $str\n" if $DEBUG;
- $str;
-my %expect = (
- B1 => "b1:1,b2:2,b3:3",
- B2 => "_b1:1,b1:2,_b2:3,b2:4",
- D1 => "b1:1,b2:2,b3:3,d1:4,d2:5,d3:6",
- D2 => "b1:1,b2:2,b3:3,_d1:4,_d2:5,d1:6,d2:7",
- D3 => "b2:4,b1:5,d1:6,_b1:7,_d1:8",
- D4 => "b2:4,b1:5,d1:6,_d3:9,d3:10",
- D5 => "b1:2,b2:4",
- 'Foo::Bar::Baz' => 'b1:1,b2:2,b3:3,foo:4,bar:5,baz:6',
-plan tests => keys(%expect) + 21;
-my $testno = 0;
-while (my($class, $exp) = each %expect) {
- no strict 'refs';
- my $fstr = fstr(\%{$class."::FIELDS"});
- is( $fstr, $exp, "\%FIELDS check for $class" );
-# Did we get the appropriate amount of warnings?
-is( $w, 1 );
-# A simple object creation and AVHV attribute access test
-my B2 $obj1 = D3->new;
-$obj1->{b1} = "B2";
-my D3 $obj2 = $obj1;
-$obj2->{b1} = "D3";
-# We should get compile time failures field name typos
-eval q(my D3 $obj3 = $obj2; $obj3->{notthere} = "");
-like $@, qr/^Attempt to access disallowed key 'notthere' in a restricted hash/;
-# Slices
-@$obj1{"_b1", "b1"} = (17, 29);
-is_deeply($obj1, { b1 => 29, _b1 => 17 });
-@$obj1{'_b1', 'b1'} = (44,28);
-is_deeply($obj1, { b1 => 28, _b1 => 44 });
-eval { fields::phash };
-like $@, qr/^Pseudo-hashes have been removed from Perl/;
-# check if fields autovivify
- package Foo;
- use fields qw(foo bar);
- sub new { fields::new($_[0]) }
- package main;
- my Foo $a = Foo->new();
- $a->{foo} = ['a', 'ok', 'c'];
- $a->{bar} = { A => 'ok' };
- is( $a->{foo}[1], 'ok' );
- is( $a->{bar}->{A},, 'ok' );
-# check if fields autovivify
- package Bar;
- use fields qw(foo bar);
- sub new { return fields::new($_[0]) }
- package main;
- my Bar $a = Bar::->new();
- $a->{foo} = ['a', 'ok', 'c'];
- $a->{bar} = { A => 'ok' };
- is( $a->{foo}[1], 'ok' );
- is( $a->{bar}->{A}, 'ok' );
-# Test $VERSION bug
-package No::Version;
-use vars qw($Foo);
-sub VERSION { 42 }
-package Test::Version;
-use base qw(No::Version);
-::like( $No::Version::VERSION, qr/set by );
-# Test Inverse of $VERSION bug should not clobber existing $VERSION
-package Has::Version;
-BEGIN { $Has::Version::VERSION = '42' };
-package Test::Version2;
-use base qw(Has::Version);
-::is( $Has::Version::VERSION, 42 );
-package main;
-our $eval1 = q{
- {
- package Eval1;
- {
- package Eval2;
- use base 'Eval1';
- $Eval2::VERSION = "1.02";
- }
- $Eval1::VERSION = "1.01";
- }
-eval $eval1;
-is( $@, '' );
-is( $Eval1::VERSION, 1.01 );
-is( $Eval2::VERSION, 1.02 );
-eval q{use base 'reallyReAlLyNotexists'};
-like( $@, qr/^Base class package "reallyReAlLyNotexists" is empty./,
- 'base with empty package');
-eval q{use base 'reallyReAlLyNotexists'};
-like( $@, qr/^Base class package "reallyReAlLyNotexists" is empty./,
- ' still empty on 2nd load');
-BEGIN { $Has::Version_0::VERSION = 0 }
-package Test::Version3;
-use base qw(Has::Version_0);
-::is( $Has::Version_0::VERSION, 0, '$VERSION==0 preserved' );
-package Test::FooBar;
-use fields qw(a b c);
-sub new {
- my $self = fields::new(shift);
- %$self = @_ if @_;
- $self;
-package main;
- my $x = Test::FooBar->new( a => 1, b => 2);
- is(ref $x, 'Test::FooBar', 'x is a Test::FooBar');
- ok(exists $x->{a}, 'x has a');
- ok(exists $x->{b}, 'x has b');
- is(scalar keys %$x, 2, 'x has two fields');
diff --git a/lib/base/t/fields.t b/lib/base/t/fields.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 1deb602ae5..0000000000
--- a/lib/base/t/fields.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
-# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl'
-my $Has_PH = $] < 5.009;
-$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { return if $_[0] =~ /^Pseudo-hashes are deprecated/ };
-######################### We start with some black magic to print on failure.
-# Change 1..1 below to 1..last_test_to_print .
-# (It may become useful if the test is moved to ./t subdirectory.)
-use strict;
-use vars qw($Total_tests);
-my $loaded;
-my $test_num = 1;
-BEGIN { $| = 1; $^W = 1; }
-END {print "not ok $test_num\n" unless $loaded;}
-print "1..$Total_tests\n";
-use fields;
-$loaded = 1;
-print "ok $test_num\n";
-######################### End of black magic.
-# Insert your test code below (better if it prints "ok 13"
-# (correspondingly "not ok 13") depending on the success of chunk 13
-# of the test code):
-sub ok ($;$) {
- my($test, $name) = @_;
- print "not " unless $test;
- print "ok $test_num";
- print " - $name" if defined $name;
- print "\n";
- $test_num++;
-sub eqarray {
- my($a1, $a2) = @_;
- return 0 unless @$a1 == @$a2;
- my $ok = 1;
- for (0..$#{$a1}) {
- unless($a1->[$_] eq $a2->[$_]) {
- $ok = 0;
- last;
- }
- }
- return $ok;
-# Change this to your # of ok() calls + 1
-BEGIN { $Total_tests = 10 }
-package Foo;
-use fields qw(_no Pants who _up_yours);
-use fields qw(what);
-sub new { fields::new(shift) }
-sub magic_new { bless [] } # Doesn't 100% work, perl's problem.
-package main;
-ok( eqarray( [sort keys %Foo::FIELDS],
- [sort qw(_no Pants who _up_yours what)] )
- );
-sub show_fields {
- my($base, $mask) = @_;
- no strict 'refs';
- my $fields = \%{$base.'::FIELDS'};
- return grep { ($fields::attr{$base}[$fields->{$_}] & $mask) == $mask}
- keys %$fields;
-ok( eqarray( [sort &show_fields('Foo', fields::PUBLIC)],
- [sort qw(Pants who what)]) );
-ok( eqarray( [sort &show_fields('Foo', fields::PRIVATE)],
- [sort qw(_no _up_yours)]) );
-# We should get compile time failures field name typos
-eval q(my Foo $obj = Foo->new; $obj->{notthere} = "");
-my $error = $Has_PH ? 'No such(?: [\w-]+)? field "notthere"'
- : q[Attempt to access disallowed key 'notthere' in a ].
- q[restricted hash at ];
-ok( $@ && $@ =~ /^$error/i );
-foreach (Foo->new) {
- my Foo $obj = $_;
- my %test = ( Pants => 'Whatever', _no => 'Yeah',
- what => 'Ahh', who => 'Moo',
- _up_yours => 'Yip' );
- $obj->{Pants} = 'Whatever';
- $obj->{_no} = 'Yeah';
- @{$obj}{qw(what who _up_yours)} = ('Ahh', 'Moo', 'Yip');
- while(my($k,$v) = each %test) {
- ok($obj->{$k} eq $v);
- }
diff --git a/lib/base/t/fp560.t b/lib/base/t/fp560.t
deleted file mode 100644
index a068090dcc..0000000000
--- a/lib/base/t/fp560.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
-# The and regression tests from 5.6.0
-# We skip this on 5.9.0 and up since pseudohashes were removed and a lot
-# of it won't work.
-if( $] >= 5.009 ) {
- print "1..0 # skip pseudo-hashes removed in 5.9.0\n";
- exit;
-use strict;
-use vars qw($Total_tests);
-my $test_num = 1;
-BEGIN { $| = 1; $^W = 1; }
-print "1..$Total_tests\n";
-use fields;
-use base;
-print "ok $test_num\n";
-# Insert your test code below (better if it prints "ok 13"
-# (correspondingly "not ok 13") depending on the success of chunk 13
-# of the test code):
-sub ok {
- my($test, $name) = @_;
- print "not " unless $test;
- print "ok $test_num";
- print " - $name" if defined $name;
- print "\n";
- $test_num++;
-sub eqarray {
- my($a1, $a2) = @_;
- return 0 unless @$a1 == @$a2;
- my $ok = 1;
- for (0..$#{$a1}) {
- unless($a1->[$_] eq $a2->[$_]) {
- $ok = 0;
- last;
- }
- }
- return $ok;
-# Change this to your # of ok() calls + 1
-BEGIN { $Total_tests = 14 }
-my $w;
- $^W = 1;
- $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
- if ($_[0] =~ /^Hides field 'b1' in base class/) {
- $w++;
- return;
- }
- if ($_[0] =~ /^Pseudo-hashes are deprecated/ &&
- ($] >= 5.008 && $] < 5.009)) {
- print "# $_[0]"; # Yes, we know they are deprecated.
- return;
- }
- print $_[0];
- };
-use strict;
-use vars qw($DEBUG);
-package B1;
-use fields qw(b1 b2 b3);
-package B2;
-use fields '_b1';
-use fields qw(b1 _b2 b2);
-sub new { bless [], shift }
-package D1;
-use base 'B1';
-use fields qw(d1 d2 d3);
-package D2;
-use base 'B1';
-use fields qw(_d1 _d2);
-use fields qw(d1 d2);
-package D3;
-use base 'B2';
-use fields qw(b1 d1 _b1 _d1); # hide b1
-package D4;
-use base 'D3';
-use fields qw(_d3 d3);
-package M;
-sub m {}
-package D5;
-use base qw(M B2);
-package Foo::Bar;
-use base 'B1';
-package Foo::Bar::Baz;
-use base 'Foo::Bar';
-use fields qw(foo bar baz);
-# Test repeatability for when modules get reloaded.
-package B1;
-use fields qw(b1 b2 b3);
-package D3;
-use base 'B2';
-use fields qw(b1 d1 _b1 _d1); # hide b1
-package main;
-sub fstr {
- my $h = shift;
- my @tmp;
- for my $k (sort {$h->{$a} <=> $h->{$b}} keys %$h) {
- my $v = $h->{$k};
- push(@tmp, "$k:$v");
- }
- my $str = join(",", @tmp);
- print "$h => $str\n" if $DEBUG;
- $str;
-my %expect;
- %expect = (
- B1 => "b1:1,b2:2,b3:3",
- B2 => "_b1:1,b1:2,_b2:3,b2:4",
- D1 => "b1:1,b2:2,b3:3,d1:4,d2:5,d3:6",
- D2 => "b1:1,b2:2,b3:3,_d1:4,_d2:5,d1:6,d2:7",
- D3 => "b2:4,b1:5,d1:6,_b1:7,_d1:8",
- D4 => "b2:4,b1:5,d1:6,_d3:9,d3:10",
- D5 => "b1:2,b2:4",
- 'Foo::Bar::Baz' => 'b1:1,b2:2,b3:3,foo:4,bar:5,baz:6',
- );
- $Total_tests += int(keys %expect);
-my $testno = 0;
-while (my($class, $exp) = each %expect) {
- no strict 'refs';
- my $fstr = fstr(\%{$class."::FIELDS"});
- ok( $fstr eq $exp, "'$fstr' eq '$exp'" );
-# Did we get the appropriate amount of warnings?
-ok( $w == 1 );
-# A simple object creation and AVHV attribute access test
-my B2 $obj1 = D3->new;
-$obj1->{b1} = "B2";
-my D3 $obj2 = $obj1;
-$obj2->{b1} = "D3";
-ok( $obj1->[2] eq "B2" && $obj1->[5] eq "D3" );
-# We should get compile time failures field name typos
-eval q{ my D3 $obj3 = $obj2; $obj3->{notthere} = "" };
-ok( $@ && $@ =~ /^No such pseudo-hash field "notthere"/,
- 'compile error -- field name typos' );
-# Slices
-if( $] >= 5.006 ) {
- @$obj1{"_b1", "b1"} = (17, 29);
- ok( "@$obj1[1,2]" eq "17 29" );
- @$obj1[1,2] = (44,28);
- ok( "@$obj1{'b1','_b1','b1'}" eq "28 44 28" );
-else {
- ok( 1, 'test skipped for perl < 5.6.0' );
- ok( 1, 'test skipped for perl < 5.6.0' );
-my $ph = fields::phash(a => 1, b => 2, c => 3);
-ok( fstr($ph) eq 'a:1,b:2,c:3' );
-$ph = fields::phash([qw/a b c/], [1, 2, 3]);
-ok( fstr($ph) eq 'a:1,b:2,c:3' );
-# The way exists() works with psuedohashes changed from 5.005 to 5.6
-$ph = fields::phash([qw/a b c/], [1]);
-if( $] > 5.006 ) {
- ok( !( exists $ph->{b} or exists $ph->{c} or !exists $ph->{a} ) );
-else {
- ok( !( defined $ph->{b} or defined $ph->{c} or !defined $ph->{a} ) );
-eval { $ph = fields::phash("odd") };
-ok( $@ && $@ =~ /^Odd number of/ );
-# check if fields autovivify
-if ( $] > 5.006 ) {
- package Foo;
- use fields qw(foo bar);
- sub new { bless [], $_[0]; }
- package main;
- my Foo $a = Foo->new();
- $a->{foo} = ['a', 'ok', 'c'];
- $a->{bar} = { A => 'ok' };
- ok( $a->{foo}[1] eq 'ok' );
- ok( $a->{bar}->{A} eq 'ok' );
-else {
- ok( 1, 'test skipped for perl < 5.6.0' );
- ok( 1, 'test skipped for perl < 5.6.0' );
-# check if fields autovivify
- package Bar;
- use fields qw(foo bar);
- sub new { return fields::new($_[0]) }
- package main;
- my Bar $a = Bar::->new();
- $a->{foo} = ['a', 'ok', 'c'];
- $a->{bar} = { A => 'ok' };
- ok( $a->{foo}[1] eq 'ok' );
- ok( $a->{bar}->{A} eq 'ok' );
diff --git a/lib/base/t/fp580.t b/lib/base/t/fp580.t
deleted file mode 100644
index c25e04158e..0000000000
--- a/lib/base/t/fp580.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { return if $_[0] =~ /^Pseudo-hashes are deprecated/ };
-# We skip this on 5.9.0 and up since pseudohashes were removed and a lot of
-# it won't work.
-if( $] >= 5.009 ) {
- print "1..0 # skip pseudo-hashes removed in 5.9.0\n";
- exit;
-my $w;
- $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
- if ($_[0] =~ /^Hides field 'b1' in base class/) {
- $w++;
- }
- else {
- print STDERR $_[0];
- }
- };
-use strict;
-use vars qw($DEBUG);
-package B1;
-use fields qw(b1 b2 b3);
-package B2;
-use fields '_b1';
-use fields qw(b1 _b2 b2);
-sub new { bless [], shift }
-package D1;
-use base 'B1';
-use fields qw(d1 d2 d3);
-package D2;
-use base 'B1';
-use fields qw(_d1 _d2);
-use fields qw(d1 d2);
-package D3;
-use base 'B2';
-use fields qw(b1 d1 _b1 _d1); # hide b1
-package D4;
-use base 'D3';
-use fields qw(_d3 d3);
-package M;
-sub m {}
-package D5;
-use base qw(M B2);
-package Foo::Bar;
-use base 'B1';
-package Foo::Bar::Baz;
-use base 'Foo::Bar';
-use fields qw(foo bar baz);
-# Test repeatability for when modules get reloaded.
-package B1;
-use fields qw(b1 b2 b3);
-package D3;
-use base 'B2';
-use fields qw(b1 d1 _b1 _d1); # hide b1
-package main;
-sub fstr {
- my $h = shift;
- my @tmp;
- for my $k (sort {$h->{$a} <=> $h->{$b}} keys %$h) {
- my $v = $h->{$k};
- push(@tmp, "$k:$v");
- }
- my $str = join(",", @tmp);
- print "$h => $str\n" if $DEBUG;
- $str;
-my %expect = (
- B1 => "b1:1,b2:2,b3:3",
- B2 => "_b1:1,b1:2,_b2:3,b2:4",
- D1 => "b1:1,b2:2,b3:3,d1:4,d2:5,d3:6",
- D2 => "b1:1,b2:2,b3:3,_d1:4,_d2:5,d1:6,d2:7",
- D3 => "b2:4,b1:5,d1:6,_b1:7,_d1:8",
- D4 => "b2:4,b1:5,d1:6,_d3:9,d3:10",
- D5 => "b1:2,b2:4",
- 'Foo::Bar::Baz' => 'b1:1,b2:2,b3:3,foo:4,bar:5,baz:6',
-print "1..", int(keys %expect)+21, "\n";
-my $testno = 0;
-while (my($class, $exp) = each %expect) {
- no strict 'refs';
- my $fstr = fstr(\%{$class."::FIELDS"});
- print "EXP: $exp\nGOT: $fstr\nnot " unless $fstr eq $exp;
- print "ok ", ++$testno, "\n";
-# Did we get the appropriate amount of warnings?
-print "not " unless $w == 1;
-print "ok ", ++$testno, "\n";
-# A simple object creation and AVHV attribute access test
-my B2 $obj1 = D3->new;
-$obj1->{b1} = "B2";
-my D3 $obj2 = $obj1;
-$obj2->{b1} = "D3";
-print "not " unless $obj1->[2] eq "B2" && $obj1->[5] eq "D3";
-print "ok ", ++$testno, "\n";
-# We should get compile time failures field name typos
-eval q(my D3 $obj3 = $obj2; $obj3->{notthere} = "");
-print "not " unless $@ && $@ =~ /^No such pseudo-hash field "notthere"/;
-print "ok ", ++$testno, "\n";
-# Slices
-@$obj1{"_b1", "b1"} = (17, 29);
-print "not " unless "@$obj1[1,2]" eq "17 29";
-print "ok ", ++$testno, "\n";
-@$obj1[1,2] = (44,28);
-print "not " unless "@$obj1{'b1','_b1','b1'}" eq "28 44 28";
-print "ok ", ++$testno, "\n";
-my $ph = fields::phash(a => 1, b => 2, c => 3);
-print "not " unless fstr($ph) eq 'a:1,b:2,c:3';
-print "ok ", ++$testno, "\n";
-$ph = fields::phash([qw/a b c/], [1, 2, 3]);
-print "not " unless fstr($ph) eq 'a:1,b:2,c:3';
-print "ok ", ++$testno, "\n";
-$ph = fields::phash([qw/a b c/], [1]);
-print "not " if exists $ph->{b} or exists $ph->{c} or !exists $ph->{a};
-print "ok ", ++$testno, "\n";
-eval '$ph = fields::phash("odd")';
-print "not " unless $@ && $@ =~ /^Odd number of/;
-print "ok ", ++$testno, "\n";
-# check if fields autovivify
- package Foo;
- use fields qw(foo bar);
- sub new { bless [], $_[0]; }
- package main;
- my Foo $a = Foo->new();
- $a->{foo} = ['a', 'ok ' . ++$testno, 'c'];
- $a->{bar} = { A => 'ok ' . ++$testno };
- print $a->{foo}[1], "\n";
- print $a->{bar}->{A}, "\n";
-# check if fields autovivify
- package Bar;
- use fields qw(foo bar);
- sub new { return fields::new($_[0]) }
- package main;
- my Bar $a = Bar::->new();
- $a->{foo} = ['a', 'ok ' . ++$testno, 'c'];
- $a->{bar} = { A => 'ok ' . ++$testno };
- print $a->{foo}[1], "\n";
- print $a->{bar}->{A}, "\n";
-# Test $VERSION bug
-package No::Version;
-use vars qw($Foo);
-sub VERSION { 42 }
-package Test::Version;
-use base qw(No::Version);
-print "# $No::Version::VERSION\nnot " unless $No::Version::VERSION =~ /set by base\.pm/;
-print "ok ", ++$testno ,"\n";
-# Test Inverse of $VERSION bug should not clobber existing $VERSION
-package Has::Version;
-BEGIN { $Has::Version::VERSION = '42' };
-package Test::Version2;
-use base qw(Has::Version);
-print "#$Has::Version::VERSION\nnot " unless $Has::Version::VERSION eq '42';
-print "ok ", ++$testno ," # Has::Version\n";
-package main;
-our $eval1 = q{
- {
- package Eval1;
- {
- package Eval2;
- use base 'Eval1';
- $Eval2::VERSION = "1.02";
- }
- $Eval1::VERSION = "1.01";
- }
-eval $eval1;
-printf "# %s\nnot ", $@ if $@;
-print "ok ", ++$testno ," # eval1\n";
-print "# $Eval1::VERSION\nnot " unless $Eval1::VERSION == 1.01;
-print "ok ", ++$testno ," # Eval1::VERSION\n";
-print "# $Eval2::VERSION\nnot " unless $Eval2::VERSION == 1.02;
-print "ok ", ++$testno ," # Eval2::VERSION\n";
-eval q{use base reallyReAlLyNotexists;};
-print "not " unless $@;
-print "ok ", ++$testno, " # really not I\n";
-eval q{use base reallyReAlLyNotexists;};
-print "not " unless $@;
-print "ok ", ++$testno, " # really not II\n";
-BEGIN { $Has::Version_0::VERSION = 0 }
-package Test::Version3;
-use base qw(Has::Version_0);
-print "#$Has::Version_0::VERSION\nnot " unless $Has::Version_0::VERSION == 0;
-print "ok ", ++$testno ," # Version_0\n";