path: root/lib/File
diff options
authorFather Chrysostomos <>2012-04-27 14:05:39 -0700
committerFather Chrysostomos <>2012-12-09 18:47:18 -0800
commit005b65f96d123f08200523d5fe667d7ec9a1793c (patch)
treea8c76678c191d08a15fc1f9c0347cbf04ca742f0 /lib/File
parentd4f87935b315c22d0c227786e8c86afa52067dc7 (diff)
Move File::DosGlob from lib to ext
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/File')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 429 deletions
diff --git a/lib/File/ b/lib/File/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8208f6790b..0000000000
--- a/lib/File/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
-#!perl -w
-# Documentation at the __END__
-package File::DosGlob;
-our $VERSION = '1.08';
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-sub doglob {
- my $cond = shift;
- my @retval = ();
- my $fix_drive_relative_paths;
- for my $pat (@_) {
- my @matched = ();
- my @globdirs = ();
- my $head = '.';
- my $sepchr = '/';
- my $tail;
- next OUTER unless defined $pat and $pat ne '';
- # if arg is within quotes strip em and do no globbing
- if ($pat =~ /^"(.*)"\z/s) {
- $pat = $1;
- if ($cond eq 'd') { push(@retval, $pat) if -d $pat }
- else { push(@retval, $pat) if -e $pat }
- next OUTER;
- }
- # wildcards with a drive prefix such as h:*.pm must be changed
- # to h:./*.pm to expand correctly
- if ($pat =~ m|^([A-Za-z]:)[^/\\]|s) {
- substr($pat,0,2) = $1 . "./";
- $fix_drive_relative_paths = 1;
- }
- if ($pat =~ m|^(.*)([\\/])([^\\/]*)\z|s) {
- ($head, $sepchr, $tail) = ($1,$2,$3);
- push (@retval, $pat), next OUTER if $tail eq '';
- if ($head =~ /[*?]/) {
- @globdirs = doglob('d', $head);
- push(@retval, doglob($cond, map {"$_$sepchr$tail"} @globdirs)),
- next OUTER if @globdirs;
- }
- $head .= $sepchr if $head eq '' or $head =~ /^[A-Za-z]:\z/s;
- $pat = $tail;
- }
- #
- # If file component has no wildcards, we can avoid opendir
- unless ($pat =~ /[*?]/) {
- $head = '' if $head eq '.';
- $head .= $sepchr unless $head eq '' or substr($head,-1) eq $sepchr;
- $head .= $pat;
- if ($cond eq 'd') { push(@retval,$head) if -d $head }
- else { push(@retval,$head) if -e $head }
- next OUTER;
- }
- opendir(D, $head) or next OUTER;
- my @leaves = readdir D;
- closedir D;
- $head = '' if $head eq '.';
- $head .= $sepchr unless $head eq '' or substr($head,-1) eq $sepchr;
- # escape regex metachars but not glob chars
- $pat =~ s:([].+^\-\${}()[|]):\\$1:g;
- # and convert DOS-style wildcards to regex
- $pat =~ s/\*/.*/g;
- $pat =~ s/\?/.?/g;
- my $matchsub = sub { $_[0] =~ m|^$pat\z|is };
- for my $e (@leaves) {
- next INNER if $e eq '.' or $e eq '..';
- next INNER if $cond eq 'd' and ! -d "$head$e";
- push(@matched, "$head$e"), next INNER if &$matchsub($e);
- #
- # [DOS compatibility special case]
- # Failed, add a trailing dot and try again, but only
- # if name does not have a dot in it *and* pattern
- # has a dot *and* name is shorter than 9 chars.
- #
- if (index($e,'.') == -1 and length($e) < 9
- and index($pat,'\\.') != -1) {
- push(@matched, "$head$e"), next INNER if &$matchsub("$e.");
- }
- }
- push @retval, @matched if @matched;
- }
- if ($fix_drive_relative_paths) {
- s|^([A-Za-z]:)\./|$1| for @retval;
- }
- return @retval;
-# this can be used to override CORE::glob in a specific
-# package by saying C<use File::DosGlob 'glob';> in that
-# namespace.
-# context (keyed by second cxix arg provided by core)
-my %entries;
-sub glob {
- my($pat,$cxix) = @_;
- my @pat;
- # glob without args defaults to $_
- $pat = $_ unless defined $pat;
- # assume global context if not provided one
- $cxix = '_G_' unless defined $cxix;
- # if we're just beginning, do it all first
- if (!$entries{$cxix}) {
- # extract patterns
- if ($pat =~ /\s/) {
- require Text::ParseWords;
- @pat = Text::ParseWords::parse_line('\s+',0,$pat);
- }
- else {
- push @pat, $pat;
- }
- # Mike Mestnik: made to do abc{1,2,3} == abc1 abc2 abc3.
- # abc3 will be the original {3} (and drop the {}).
- # abc1 abc2 will be put in @appendpat.
- # This was just the easiest way, not nearly the best.
- my @appendpat = ();
- for (@pat) {
- # There must be a "," I.E. abc{efg} is not what we want.
- while ( /^(.*)(?<!\\)\{(.*?)(?<!\\)\,.*?(?<!\\)\}(.*)$/ ) {
- my ($start, $match, $end) = ($1, $2, $3);
- #print "Got: \n\t$start\n\t$match\n\t$end\n";
- my $tmp = "$start$match$end";
- while ( $tmp =~ s/^(.*?)(?<!\\)\{(?:.*(?<!\\)\,)?(.*\Q$match\E.*?)(?:(?<!\\)\,.*)?(?<!\\)\}(.*)$/$1$2$3/ ) {
- # these expansions will be performed by the original,
- # when we call REHASH.
- }
- push @appendpat, ("$tmp");
- s/^\Q$start\E(?<!\\)\{\Q$match\E(?<!\\)\,/$start\{/;
- if ( /^\Q$start\E(?<!\\)\{(?!.*?(?<!\\)\,.*?\Q$end\E$)(.*)(?<!\\)\}\Q$end\E$/ ) {
- $match = $1;
- #print "GOT: \n\t$start\n\t$match\n\t$end\n\n";
- $_ = "$start$match$end";
- }
- }
- #print "Sould have "GOT" vs "Got"!\n";
- #FIXME: There should be checking for this.
- # How or what should be done about failure is beond me.
- }
- if ( $#appendpat != -1
- ) {
- #FIXME: Max loop, no way! :")
- for ( @appendpat ) {
- push @pat, $_;
- }
- goto REHASH;
- }
- }
- for ( @pat ) {
- s/\\([{},])/$1/g;
- }
- $entries{$cxix} = [doglob(1,@pat)];
- }
- # chuck it all out, quick or slow
- if (wantarray) {
- return @{delete $entries{$cxix}};
- }
- else {
- if (scalar @{$entries{$cxix}}) {
- return shift @{$entries{$cxix}};
- }
- else {
- # return undef for EOL
- delete $entries{$cxix};
- return undef;
- }
- }
- no strict 'refs';
- sub import {
- my $pkg = shift;
- return unless @_;
- my $sym = shift;
- my $callpkg = ($sym =~ s/^GLOBAL_//s ? 'CORE::GLOBAL' : caller(0));
- *{$callpkg.'::'.$sym} = \&{$pkg.'::'.$sym} if $sym eq 'glob';
- }
-=head1 NAME
-File::DosGlob - DOS like globbing and then some
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- require 5.004;
- # override CORE::glob in current package
- use File::DosGlob 'glob';
- # override CORE::glob in ALL packages (use with extreme caution!)
- use File::DosGlob 'GLOBAL_glob';
- @perlfiles = glob "..\\pe?l/*.p?";
- print <..\\pe?l/*.p?>;
- # from the command line (overrides only in main::)
- > perl -MFile::DosGlob=glob -e "print <../pe*/*p?>"
-A module that implements DOS-like globbing with a few enhancements.
-It is largely compatible with perlglob.exe (the M$ setargv.obj
-version) in all but one respect--it understands wildcards in
-directory components.
-For example, C<< <..\\l*b\\file/*glob.p?> >> will work as expected (in
-that it will find something like '..\lib\File/' alright).
-Note that all path components are case-insensitive, and that
-backslashes and forward slashes are both accepted, and preserved.
-You may have to double the backslashes if you are putting them in
-literally, due to double-quotish parsing of the pattern by perl.
-Spaces in the argument delimit distinct patterns, so
-C<glob('*.exe *.dll')> globs all filenames that end in C<.exe>
-or C<.dll>. If you want to put in literal spaces in the glob
-pattern, you can escape them with either double quotes, or backslashes.
-e.g. C<glob('c:/"Program Files"/*/*.dll')>, or
-C<glob('c:/Program\ Files/*/*.dll')>. The argument is tokenized using
-C<Text::ParseWords::parse_line()>, so see L<Text::ParseWords> for details
-of the quoting rules used.
-Extending it to csh patterns is left as an exercise to the reader.
-=head1 EXPORTS (by request only)
-=head1 BUGS
-Should probably be built into the core, and needs to stop
-pandering to DOS habits. Needs a dose of optimizium too.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Gurusamy Sarathy <>
-=head1 HISTORY
-=over 4
-=item *
-Support for globally overriding glob() (GSAR 3-JUN-98)
-=item *
-Scalar context, independent iterator context fixes (GSAR 15-SEP-97)
-=item *
-A few dir-vs-file optimizations result in glob importation being
-10 times faster than using perlglob.exe, and using perlglob.bat is
-only twice as slow as perlglob.exe (GSAR 28-MAY-97)
-=item *
-Several cleanups prompted by lack of compatible perlglob.exe
-under Borland (GSAR 27-MAY-97)
-=item *
-Initial version (GSAR 20-FEB-97)
-=head1 SEE ALSO
diff --git a/lib/File/DosGlob.t b/lib/File/DosGlob.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 9227cb9871..0000000000
--- a/lib/File/DosGlob.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-# test glob() in File::DosGlob
- chdir 't' if -d 't';
- @INC = '../lib';
-use Test::More tests => 20;
-# override it in main::
-use File::DosGlob 'glob';
-require Cwd;
-my $expected;
-$expected = $_ = "op/a*.t";
-my @r = glob;
-is ($_, $expected, 'test if $_ takes as the default');
-cmp_ok(@r, '>=', 9) or diag("|@r|");
-@r = <*/a*.t>;
-# atleast {argv,abbrev,anydbm,autoloader,append,arith,array,assignwarn,auto}.t
-cmp_ok(@r, '>=', 9, 'check <*/*>') or diag("|@r|");
-my $r = scalar @r;
-@r = ();
-while (defined($_ = <*/a*.t>)) {
- print "# $_\n";
- push @r, $_;
-is(scalar @r, $r, 'check scalar context');
-@r = ();
-for (<*/a*.t>) {
- print "# $_\n";
- push @r, $_;
-is(scalar @r, $r, 'check list context');
-@r = ();
-while (<*/a*.t>) {
- print "# $_\n";
- push @r, $_;
-is(scalar @r, $r, 'implicit assign to $_ in while()');
-my @s = ();
-my $pat = '*/a*.t';
-while (glob ($pat)) {
- print "# $_\n";
- push @s, $_;
-is("@r", "@s", 'explicit glob() gets assign magic too');
-package Foo;
-use File::DosGlob 'glob';
-use Test::More;
-@s = ();
-$pat = '*/a*.t';
-while (glob($pat)) {
- print "# $_\n";
- push @s, $_;
-is("@r", "@s", 'in a different package');
-@s = ();
-while (<*/a*.t>) {
- my $i = 0;
- print "# $_ <";
- push @s, $_;
- while (<*/b*.t>) {
- print " $_";
- $i++;
- }
- print " >\n";
-is("@r", "@s", 'different glob ops maintain independent contexts');
-@s = ();
-eval <<'EOT';
-use File::DosGlob 'GLOBAL_glob';
-package Bar;
-while (<*/a*.t>) {
- my $i = 0;
- print "# $_ <";
- push @s, $_;
- while (glob '*/b*.t') {
- print " $_";
- $i++;
- }
- print " >\n";
-is("@r", "@s", 'global override');
-# Test that a glob pattern containing ()'s works.
-# NB. The spaces in the glob patterns need to be backslash escaped.
-my $filename_containing_parens = "foo (123) bar";
-SKIP: {
- skip("can't create '$filename_containing_parens': $!", 9)
- unless open my $touch, ">", $filename_containing_parens;
- close $touch;
- foreach my $pattern ("foo\\ (*", "*)\\ bar", "foo\\ (1*3)\\ bar") {
- @r = ();
- eval { @r = File::DosGlob::glob($pattern) };
- is($@, "", "eval for glob($pattern)");
- is(scalar @r, 1);
- is($r[0], $filename_containing_parens);
- }
- 1 while unlink $filename_containing_parens;
-# Test the globbing of a drive relative pattern such as "c:*.pl".
-# NB. previous versions of DosGlob inserted "./ after the drive letter to
-# make the expansion process work correctly. However, while it is harmless,
-# there is no reason for it to be in the result.
-my $cwd = Cwd::cwd();
-if ($cwd =~ /^([a-zA-Z]:)/) {
- my $drive = $1;
- @r = ();
- # This assumes we're in the "t" directory.
- eval { @r = File::DosGlob::glob("${drive}io/*.t") };
- ok(@r and !grep !m|^${drive}io/[^/]*\.t$|, @r);
-} else {
- pass();