path: root/Porting/
diff options
authorNicholas Clark <>2011-11-08 09:29:33 +0100
committerNicholas Clark <>2011-11-18 11:08:57 +0100
commitd7816c475cbc968366ca171e609094df68734963 (patch)
treeed08852eec13ee73e52d36d3667ae343af2daba4 /Porting/
parent57df841203b1548899df33ff6c1509e8539655a8 (diff)
Extract from buildtoc the code that processes pod.lst, MANIFEST and perl.pod
This will permit splitting pod/buildtoc into two - one script used during the build process to build pod/perltoc.pod, and used by maintainers to regenerate sections of various Makefiles.
Diffstat (limited to 'Porting/')
1 files changed, 208 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Porting/ b/Porting/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..484c050931
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Porting/
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+# make it clearer when we haven't run to completion, as we can be quite
+# noisy when things are working ok
+sub my_die {
+ print STDERR "$0: ", @_;
+ print STDERR "\n" unless $_[-1] =~ /\n\z/;
+ print STDERR "ABORTED\n";
+ exit 255;
+sub open_or_die {
+ my $filename = shift;
+ open my $fh, '<', $filename or my_die "Can't open $filename: $!";
+ return $fh;
+sub get_pod_metadata {
+ my %BuildFiles;
+ foreach my $path (@_) {
+ $path =~ m!([^/]+)$!;
+ ++$BuildFiles{$1};
+ }
+ my %state =
+ (
+ # Don't copy these top level READMEs
+ ignore =>
+ {
+ micro => 1,
+ # vms => 1,
+ },
+ );
+ my $source = 'perldelta.pod';
+ my $filename = "pod/$source";
+ my $fh = open_or_die($filename);
+ my $contents = do {local $/; <$fh>};
+ my @want =
+ $contents =~ /perldelta - what is new for perl v5\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\n/;
+ die "Can't extract version from $filename" unless @want;
+ $state{delta_target} = "perl5$want[0]$want[1]delta.pod";
+ # This way round so that keys can act as a MANIFEST skip list
+ # Targets will always be in the pod directory. Currently we can only cope
+ # with sources being in the same directory.
+ $state{copies}{$state{delta_target}} = $source;
+ # process pod.lst
+ my %Readmepods;
+ my $master = open_or_die('pod.lst');
+ foreach (<$master>) {
+ next if /^\#/;
+ # At least one upper case letter somewhere in the first group
+ if (/^(\S+)\s(.*)/ && $1 =~ tr/h//) {
+ # it's a heading
+ my $flags = $1;
+ $flags =~ tr/h//d;
+ my %flags = (header => 1);
+ $flags{toc_omit} = 1 if $flags =~ tr/o//d;
+ $flags{aux} = 1 if $flags =~ tr/a//d;
+ my_die "Unknown flag found in heading line: $_" if length $flags;
+ push @{$state{master}}, [\%flags, $2];
+ } elsif (/^(\S*)\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)/) {
+ # it's a section
+ my ($flags, $podname, $desc) = ($1, $2, $3);
+ my $filename = "${podname}.pod";
+ $filename = "pod/${filename}" if $filename !~ m{/};
+ my %flags = (indent => 0);
+ $flags{indent} = $1 if $flags =~ s/(\d+)//;
+ $flags{toc_omit} = 1 if $flags =~ tr/o//d;
+ $flags{aux} = 1 if $flags =~ tr/a//d;
+ $flags{perlpod_omit} = "$podname.pod" eq $state{delta_target};
+ $state{generated}{"$podname.pod"}++ if $flags =~ tr/g//d;
+ if ($flags =~ tr/r//d) {
+ my $readme = $podname;
+ $readme =~ s/^perl//;
+ $Readmepods{$podname} = $state{readmes}{$readme} = $desc;
+ $flags{readme} = 1;
+ } elsif ($flags{aux}) {
+ $state{aux}{$podname} = $desc;
+ } else {
+ $state{pods}{$podname} = $desc;
+ }
+ my_die "Unknown flag found in section line: $_" if length $flags;
+ my $shortname = $podname =~ s{.*/}{}r;
+ push @{$state{master}},
+ [\%flags, $podname, $filename, $desc, $shortname];
+ } elsif (/^$/) {
+ push @{$state{master}}, undef;
+ } else {
+ my_die "Malformed line: $_" if $1 =~ tr/A-Z//;
+ }
+ }
+ close $master or my_die "close pod.lst: $!";
+ # Sanity cross check
+ my (%disk_pods, @disk_pods);
+ my (@manipods, %manipods);
+ my (@manireadmes, %manireadmes);
+ my (@perlpods, %perlpods);
+ my (@cpanpods, %cpanpods, %cpanpods_short);
+ my (%our_pods);
+ # These are stub files for deleted documents. We don't want them to show up
+ # in perl.pod, they just exist so that if someone types "perldoc perltoot"
+ # they get some sort of pointer to the new docs.
+ my %ignoredpods
+ = map { ( "$_.pod" => 1 ) } qw( perlboot perlbot perltooc perltoot );
+ # Convert these to a list of filenames.
+ foreach (keys %{$state{pods}}, keys %Readmepods) {
+ $our_pods{"$_.pod"}++;
+ }
+ opendir my $dh, 'pod';
+ while (defined ($_ = readdir $dh)) {
+ next unless /\.pod\z/;
+ push @disk_pods, $_;
+ ++$disk_pods{$_};
+ }
+ # Things we copy from won't be in perl.pod
+ # Things we copy to won't be in MANIFEST
+ my $mani = open_or_die('MANIFEST');
+ while (<$mani>) {
+ chomp;
+ s/\s+.*$//;
+ if (m!^pod/([^.]+\.pod)!i) {
+ push @manipods, $1;
+ } elsif (m!^README\.(\S+)!i) {
+ next if $state{ignore}{$1};
+ push @manireadmes, "perl$1.pod";
+ } elsif (exists $our_pods{$_}) {
+ push @cpanpods, $_;
+ $disk_pods{$_}++
+ if -e $_;
+ }
+ }
+ close $mani or my_die "close MANIFEST: $!\n";
+ @manipods{@manipods} = @manipods;
+ @manireadmes{@manireadmes} = @manireadmes;
+ @cpanpods{@cpanpods} = map { s/.*\///r } @cpanpods;
+ %cpanpods_short = reverse %cpanpods;
+ my $perlpod = open_or_die('pod/perl.pod');
+ while (<$perlpod>) {
+ if (/^For ease of access, /../^\(If you're intending /) {
+ if (/^\s+(perl\S*)\s+\w/) {
+ push @perlpods, "$1.pod";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close $perlpod or my_die "close perlpod: $!\n";
+ my_die "could not find the pod listing of perl.pod\n"
+ unless @perlpods;
+ @perlpods{@perlpods} = @perlpods;
+ my @inconsistent;
+ foreach my $i (sort keys %disk_pods) {
+ push @inconsistent, "$0: $i exists but is unknown by buildtoc\n"
+ unless $our_pods{$i};
+ push @inconsistent, "$0: $i exists but is unknown by MANIFEST\n"
+ if !$manipods{$i} && !$manireadmes{$i} && !$state{copies}{$i}
+ && !$state{generated}{$i} && !$cpanpods{$i};
+ push @inconsistent, "$0: $i exists but is unknown by perl.pod\n"
+ if !$perlpods{$i} && !exists $state{copies}{$i} && !$cpanpods{$i} && !$ignoredpods{$i};
+ }
+ foreach my $i (sort keys %our_pods) {
+ push @inconsistent, "$0: $i is known by buildtoc but does not exist\n"
+ unless $disk_pods{$i} or $BuildFiles{$i};
+ }
+ foreach my $i (sort keys %manipods) {
+ push @inconsistent, "$0: $i is known by MANIFEST but does not exist\n"
+ unless $disk_pods{$i};
+ push @inconsistent, "$0: $i is known by MANIFEST but is marked as generated\n"
+ if $state{generated}{$i};
+ }
+ foreach my $i (sort keys %perlpods) {
+ push @inconsistent, "$0: $i is known by perl.pod but does not exist\n"
+ unless $disk_pods{$i} or $BuildFiles{$i} or $cpanpods_short{$i};
+ }
+ $state{inconsistent} = \@inconsistent;
+ return \%state;
+# Local variables:
+# cperl-indent-level: 4
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# End:
+# ex: set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 et: