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authorMatthew Farrellee <>2014-01-08 21:07:03 -0500
committerMatthew Farrellee <>2014-01-08 21:18:35 -0500
commit95fc2d0b2479b8eeea886193ef0b2177cd020861 (patch)
parent654402bda778a268bc06ee9e37a420de5a2c9765 (diff)
Update oslo-incubator gettextutils module
Changes - * Allow the Message class to have non-English default locales * Implementation of translation log handler * Translation Message improvements Change-Id: I6ac32ca925383afbbe641a32c885477b87038b0c
1 files changed, 235 insertions, 195 deletions
diff --git a/savannaclient/openstack/common/ b/savannaclient/openstack/common/
index 28ea294..9cbb4d1 100644
--- a/savannaclient/openstack/common/
+++ b/savannaclient/openstack/common/
@@ -24,13 +24,10 @@ Usual usage in an openstack.common module:
import copy
import gettext
-import logging
+import locale
+from logging import handlers
import os
import re
- import UserString as _userString
-except ImportError:
- import collections as _userString
from babel import localedata
import six
@@ -56,7 +53,7 @@ def enable_lazy():
def _(msg):
- return Message(msg, 'savannaclient')
+ return Message(msg, domain='savannaclient')
if six.PY3:
return _t.gettext(msg)
@@ -88,11 +85,6 @@ def install(domain, lazy=False):
# messages in OpenStack. We override the standard _() function
# and % (format string) operation to build Message objects that can
# later be translated when we have more information.
- #
- # Also included below is an example LocaleHandler that translates
- # Messages to an associated locale, effectively allowing many logs,
- # each with their own locale.
def _lazy_gettext(msg):
"""Create and return a Message object.
@@ -103,7 +95,7 @@ def install(domain, lazy=False):
Message encapsulates a string so that we can translate
it later when needed.
- return Message(msg, domain)
+ return Message(msg, domain=domain)
from six import moves
moves.builtins.__dict__['_'] = _lazy_gettext
@@ -118,182 +110,158 @@ def install(domain, lazy=False):
-class Message(_userString.UserString, object):
- """Class used to encapsulate translatable messages."""
- def __init__(self, msg, domain):
- # _msg is the gettext msgid and should never change
- self._msg = msg
- self._left_extra_msg = ''
- self._right_extra_msg = ''
- self._locale = None
- self.params = None
- self.domain = domain
- @property
- def data(self):
- # NOTE(mrodden): this should always resolve to a unicode string
- # that best represents the state of the message currently
- localedir = os.environ.get(self.domain.upper() + '_LOCALEDIR')
- if self.locale:
- lang = gettext.translation(self.domain,
- localedir=localedir,
- languages=[self.locale],
- fallback=True)
- else:
- # use system locale for translations
- lang = gettext.translation(self.domain,
- localedir=localedir,
- fallback=True)
+class Message(six.text_type):
+ """A Message object is a unicode object that can be translated.
+ Translation of Message is done explicitly using the translate() method.
+ For all non-translation intents and purposes, a Message is simply unicode,
+ and can be treated as such.
+ """
+ def __new__(cls, msgid, msgtext=None, params=None, domain='savannaclient', *args):
+ """Create a new Message object.
+ In order for translation to work gettext requires a message ID, this
+ msgid will be used as the base unicode text. It is also possible
+ for the msgid and the base unicode text to be different by passing
+ the msgtext parameter.
+ """
+ # If the base msgtext is not given, we use the default translation
+ # of the msgid (which is in English) just in case the system locale is
+ # not English, so that the base text will be in that locale by default.
+ if not msgtext:
+ msgtext = Message._translate_msgid(msgid, domain)
+ # We want to initialize the parent unicode with the actual object that
+ # would have been plain unicode if 'Message' was not enabled.
+ msg = super(Message, cls).__new__(cls, msgtext)
+ msg.msgid = msgid
+ msg.domain = domain
+ msg.params = params
+ return msg
+ def translate(self, desired_locale=None):
+ """Translate this message to the desired locale.
+ :param desired_locale: The desired locale to translate the message to,
+ if no locale is provided the message will be
+ translated to the system's default locale.
+ :returns: the translated message in unicode
+ """
+ translated_message = Message._translate_msgid(self.msgid,
+ self.domain,
+ desired_locale)
+ if self.params is None:
+ # No need for more translation
+ return translated_message
+ # This Message object may have been formatted with one or more
+ # Message objects as substitution arguments, given either as a single
+ # argument, part of a tuple, or as one or more values in a dictionary.
+ # When translating this Message we need to translate those Messages too
+ translated_params = _translate_args(self.params, desired_locale)
+ translated_message = translated_message % translated_params
+ return translated_message
+ @staticmethod
+ def _translate_msgid(msgid, domain, desired_locale=None):
+ if not desired_locale:
+ system_locale = locale.getdefaultlocale()
+ # If the system locale is not available to the runtime use English
+ if not system_locale[0]:
+ desired_locale = 'en_US'
+ else:
+ desired_locale = system_locale[0]
+ locale_dir = os.environ.get(domain.upper() + '_LOCALEDIR')
+ lang = gettext.translation(domain,
+ localedir=locale_dir,
+ languages=[desired_locale],
+ fallback=True)
if six.PY3:
- ugettext = lang.gettext
- else:
- ugettext = lang.ugettext
- full_msg = (self._left_extra_msg +
- ugettext(self._msg) +
- self._right_extra_msg)
- if self.params is not None:
- full_msg = full_msg % self.params
- return six.text_type(full_msg)
- @property
- def locale(self):
- return self._locale
- @locale.setter
- def locale(self, value):
- self._locale = value
- if not self.params:
- return
- # This Message object may have been constructed with one or more
- # Message objects as substitution parameters, given as a single
- # Message, or a tuple or Map containing some, so when setting the
- # locale for this Message we need to set it for those Messages too.
- if isinstance(self.params, Message):
- self.params.locale = value
- return
- if isinstance(self.params, tuple):
- for param in self.params:
- if isinstance(param, Message):
- param.locale = value
- return
- if isinstance(self.params, dict):
- for param in self.params.values():
- if isinstance(param, Message):
- param.locale = value
- def _save_dictionary_parameter(self, dict_param):
- full_msg =
- # look for %(blah) fields in string;
- # ignore %% and deal with the
- # case where % is first character on the line
- keys = re.findall('(?:[^%]|^)?%\((\w*)\)[a-z]', full_msg)
- # if we don't find any %(blah) blocks but have a %s
- if not keys and re.findall('(?:[^%]|^)%[a-z]', full_msg):
- # apparently the full dictionary is the parameter
- params = copy.deepcopy(dict_param)
+ translator = lang.gettext
- params = {}
- for key in keys:
- try:
- params[key] = copy.deepcopy(dict_param[key])
- except TypeError:
- # cast uncopyable thing to unicode string
- params[key] = six.text_type(dict_param[key])
+ translator = lang.ugettext
- return params
+ translated_message = translator(msgid)
+ return translated_message
- def _save_parameters(self, other):
- # we check for None later to see if
- # we actually have parameters to inject,
- # so encapsulate if our parameter is actually None
+ def __mod__(self, other):
+ # When we mod a Message we want the actual operation to be performed
+ # by the parent class (i.e. unicode()), the only thing we do here is
+ # save the original msgid and the parameters in case of a translation
+ unicode_mod = super(Message, self).__mod__(other)
+ modded = Message(self.msgid,
+ msgtext=unicode_mod,
+ params=self._sanitize_mod_params(other),
+ domain=self.domain)
+ return modded
+ def _sanitize_mod_params(self, other):
+ """Sanitize the object being modded with this Message.
+ - Add support for modding 'None' so translation supports it
+ - Trim the modded object, which can be a large dictionary, to only
+ those keys that would actually be used in a translation
+ - Snapshot the object being modded, in case the message is
+ translated, it will be used as it was when the Message was created
+ """
if other is None:
- self.params = (other, )
+ params = (other,)
elif isinstance(other, dict):
- self.params = self._save_dictionary_parameter(other)
+ params = self._trim_dictionary_parameters(other)
- # fallback to casting to unicode,
- # this will handle the problematic python code-like
- # objects that cannot be deep-copied
- try:
- self.params = copy.deepcopy(other)
- except TypeError:
- self.params = six.text_type(other)
- return self
- # overrides to be more string-like
- def __unicode__(self):
- return
- def __str__(self):
- if six.PY3:
- return self.__unicode__()
- return'utf-8')
+ params = self._copy_param(other)
+ return params
- def __getstate__(self):
- to_copy = ['_msg', '_right_extra_msg', '_left_extra_msg',
- 'domain', 'params', '_locale']
- new_dict = self.__dict__.fromkeys(to_copy)
- for attr in to_copy:
- new_dict[attr] = copy.deepcopy(self.__dict__[attr])
+ def _trim_dictionary_parameters(self, dict_param):
+ """Return a dict that only has matching entries in the msgid."""
+ # NOTE(luisg): Here we trim down the dictionary passed as parameters
+ # to avoid carrying a lot of unnecessary weight around in the message
+ # object, for example if someone passes in Message() % locals() but
+ # only some params are used, and additionally we prevent errors for
+ # non-deepcopyable objects by unicoding() them.
+ # Look for %(param) keys in msgid;
+ # Skip %% and deal with the case where % is first character on the line
+ keys = re.findall('(?:[^%]|^)?%\((\w*)\)[a-z]', self.msgid)
+ # If we don't find any %(param) keys but have a %s
+ if not keys and re.findall('(?:[^%]|^)%[a-z]', self.msgid):
+ # Apparently the full dictionary is the parameter
+ params = self._copy_param(dict_param)
+ else:
+ params = {}
+ for key in keys:
+ params[key] = self._copy_param(dict_param[key])
- return new_dict
+ return params
- def __setstate__(self, state):
- for (k, v) in state.items():
- setattr(self, k, v)
+ def _copy_param(self, param):
+ try:
+ return copy.deepcopy(param)
+ except TypeError:
+ # Fallback to casting to unicode this will handle the
+ # python code-like objects that can't be deep-copied
+ return six.text_type(param)
- # operator overloads
def __add__(self, other):
- copied = copy.deepcopy(self)
- copied._right_extra_msg += other.__str__()
- return copied
+ msg = _('Message objects do not support addition.')
+ raise TypeError(msg)
def __radd__(self, other):
- copied = copy.deepcopy(self)
- copied._left_extra_msg += other.__str__()
- return copied
+ return self.__add__(other)
- def __mod__(self, other):
- # do a format string to catch and raise
- # any possible KeyErrors from missing parameters
- % other
- copied = copy.deepcopy(self)
- return copied._save_parameters(other)
- def __mul__(self, other):
- return * other
- def __rmul__(self, other):
- return other *
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- return[key]
- def __getslice__(self, start, end):
- return, end)
- def __getattribute__(self, name):
- # NOTE(mrodden): handle lossy operations that we can't deal with yet
- # These override the UserString implementation, since UserString
- # uses our __class__ attribute to try and build a new message
- # after running the inner data string through the operation.
- # At that point, we have lost the gettext message id and can just
- # safely resolve to a string instead.
- ops = ['capitalize', 'center', 'decode', 'encode',
- 'expandtabs', 'ljust', 'lstrip', 'replace', 'rjust', 'rstrip',
- 'strip', 'swapcase', 'title', 'translate', 'upper', 'zfill']
- if name in ops:
- return getattr(, name)
- else:
- return _userString.UserString.__getattribute__(self, name)
+ def __str__(self):
+ # NOTE(luisg): Logging in python 2.6 tries to str() log records,
+ # and it expects specifically a UnicodeError in order to proceed.
+ msg = _('Message objects do not support str() because they may '
+ 'contain non-ascii characters. '
+ 'Please use unicode() or translate() instead.')
+ raise UnicodeError(msg)
def get_available_languages(domain):
@@ -326,46 +294,118 @@ def get_available_languages(domain):
return copy.copy(language_list)
-def get_localized_message(message, user_locale):
- """Gets a localized version of the given message in the given locale.
+def translate(obj, desired_locale=None):
+ """Gets the translated unicode representation of the given object.
- If the message is not a Message object the message is returned as-is.
- If the locale is None the message is translated to the default locale.
+ If the object is not translatable it is returned as-is.
+ If the locale is None the object is translated to the system locale.
- :returns: the translated message in unicode, or the original message if
+ :param obj: the object to translate
+ :param desired_locale: the locale to translate the message to, if None the
+ default system locale will be used
+ :returns: the translated object in unicode, or the original object if
it could not be translated
- translated = message
+ message = obj
+ if not isinstance(message, Message):
+ # If the object to translate is not already translatable,
+ # let's first get its unicode representation
+ message = six.text_type(obj)
if isinstance(message, Message):
- original_locale = message.locale
- message.locale = user_locale
- translated = six.text_type(message)
- message.locale = original_locale
- return translated
+ # Even after unicoding() we still need to check if we are
+ # running with translatable unicode before translating
+ return message.translate(desired_locale)
+ return obj
+def _translate_args(args, desired_locale=None):
+ """Translates all the translatable elements of the given arguments object.
+ This method is used for translating the translatable values in method
+ arguments which include values of tuples or dictionaries.
+ If the object is not a tuple or a dictionary the object itself is
+ translated if it is translatable.
-class LocaleHandler(logging.Handler):
- """Handler that can have a locale associated to translate Messages.
+ If the locale is None the object is translated to the system locale.
- A quick example of how to utilize the Message class above.
- LocaleHandler takes a locale and a target logging.Handler object
- to forward LogRecord objects to after translating the internal Message.
+ :param args: the args to translate
+ :param desired_locale: the locale to translate the args to, if None the
+ default system locale will be used
+ :returns: a new args object with the translated contents of the original
+ if isinstance(args, tuple):
+ return tuple(translate(v, desired_locale) for v in args)
+ if isinstance(args, dict):
+ translated_dict = {}
+ for (k, v) in six.iteritems(args):
+ translated_v = translate(v, desired_locale)
+ translated_dict[k] = translated_v
+ return translated_dict
+ return translate(args, desired_locale)
- def __init__(self, locale, target):
- """Initialize a LocaleHandler
+class TranslationHandler(handlers.MemoryHandler):
+ """Handler that translates records before logging them.
+ The TranslationHandler takes a locale and a target logging.Handler object
+ to forward LogRecord objects to after translating them. This handler
+ depends on Message objects being logged, instead of regular strings.
+ The handler can be configured declaratively in the logging.conf as follows:
+ [handlers]
+ keys = translatedlog, translator
+ [handler_translatedlog]
+ class = handlers.WatchedFileHandler
+ args = ('/var/log/api-localized.log',)
+ formatter = context
+ [handler_translator]
+ class = openstack.common.log.TranslationHandler
+ target = translatedlog
+ args = ('zh_CN',)
+ If the specified locale is not available in the system, the handler will
+ log in the default locale.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, locale=None, target=None):
+ """Initialize a TranslationHandler
:param locale: locale to use for translating messages
:param target: logging.Handler object to forward
LogRecord objects to after translation
- logging.Handler.__init__(self)
+ # NOTE(luisg): In order to allow this handler to be a wrapper for
+ # other handlers, such as a FileHandler, and still be able to
+ # configure it using logging.conf, this handler has to extend
+ # MemoryHandler because only the MemoryHandlers' logging.conf
+ # parsing is implemented such that it accepts a target handler.
+ handlers.MemoryHandler.__init__(self, capacity=0, target=target)
self.locale = locale
- = target
+ def setFormatter(self, fmt):
def emit(self, record):
- if isinstance(record.msg, Message):
- # set the locale and resolve to a string
- record.msg.locale = self.locale
+ # We save the message from the original record to restore it
+ # after translation, so other handlers are not affected by this
+ original_msg = record.msg
+ original_args = record.args
+ try:
+ self._translate_and_log_record(record)
+ finally:
+ record.msg = original_msg
+ record.args = original_args
+ def _translate_and_log_record(self, record):
+ record.msg = translate(record.msg, self.locale)
+ # In addition to translating the message, we also need to translate
+ # arguments that were passed to the log method that were not part
+ # of the main message e.g.,'Some message %s'), this_one))
+ record.args = _translate_args(record.args, self.locale)