path: root/doc/source/admin/zmq_driver.rst
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authorJenkins <>2017-07-06 03:34:12 +0000
committerGerrit Code Review <>2017-07-06 03:34:12 +0000
commitb36cfac52531c663ec5f137ecceb7f348caf1a1b (patch)
tree3d2316bf98c29c288b0c2bf1fe1a8d8dc22c3239 /doc/source/admin/zmq_driver.rst
parente432fac63bfd851128b6771aacf91a1b511b2d1f (diff)
parent280cb368f71c9b5355fb3e52d68263cc886262a1 (diff)
Merge "rearrange content to fit the new standard layout"
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+ZeroMQ Driver Deployment Guide
+.. currentmodule:: oslo_messaging
+0MQ (also known as ZeroMQ or zmq) is embeddable networking library
+but acts like a concurrency framework. It gives you sockets
+that carry atomic messages across various transports
+like in-process, inter-process, TCP, and multicast. You can connect
+sockets N-to-N with patterns like fan-out, pub-sub, task distribution,
+and request-reply. It's fast enough to be the fabric for clustered
+products. Its asynchronous I/O model gives you scalable multi-core
+applications, built as asynchronous message-processing tasks. It has
+a score of language APIs and runs on most operating systems.
+Originally the zero in 0MQ was meant as "zero broker" and (as close to)
+"zero latency" (as possible). Since then, it has come to encompass
+different goals: zero administration, zero cost, and zero waste.
+More generally, "zero" refers to the culture of minimalism that permeates
+the project.
+More detail regarding ZeroMQ library is available from the `specification`_.
+.. _specification:
+Currently, ZeroMQ is one of the RPC backend drivers in oslo.messaging. ZeroMQ
+can be the only RPC driver across the OpenStack cluster.
+This document provides deployment information for this driver in oslo_messaging.
+Other than AMQP-based drivers, like RabbitMQ, default ZeroMQ doesn't have
+any central brokers in oslo.messaging, instead, each host (running OpenStack
+services) is both ZeroMQ client and server. As a result, each host needs to
+listen to a certain TCP port for incoming connections and directly connect
+to other hosts simultaneously.
+Another option is to use a router proxy. It is not a broker because it
+doesn't assume any message ownership or persistence or replication etc. It
+performs only a redirection of messages to endpoints taking routing info from
+message envelope.
+Topics are used to identify the destination for a ZeroMQ RPC call. There are
+two types of topics, bare topics and directed topics. Bare topics look like
+'compute', while directed topics look like 'compute.machine1'.
+Assuming the following systems as a goal.
+ +--------+
+ | Client |
+ +----+---+
+ |
+ -----+---------+-----------------------+---------------------
+ | |
+ +--------+------------+ +-------+----------------+
+ | Controller Node | | Compute Node |
+ | Nova | | Neutron |
+ | Keystone | | Nova |
+ | Glance | | nova-compute |
+ | Neutron | | Ceilometer |
+ | Cinder | | |
+ | Ceilometer | +------------------------+
+ | zmq-proxy |
+ | Redis |
+ | Horizon |
+ +---------------------+
+Basic Configuration
+Enabling (mandatory)
+To enable the driver the 'transport_url' option must be set to 'zmq://'
+in the section [DEFAULT] of the conf file, the 'rpc_zmq_host' option
+must be set to the hostname of the current node. ::
+ transport_url = "zmq://"
+ [oslo_messaging_zmq]
+ rpc_zmq_host = {hostname}
+Default configuration of zmq driver is called 'Static Direct Connections' (To
+learn more about zmq driver configurations please proceed to the corresponding
+section 'Existing Configurations'). That means that all services connect
+directly to each other and all connections are static so we open them at the
+beginning of service's lifecycle and close them only when service quits. This
+configuration is the simplest one since it doesn't require any helper services
+(proxies) other than matchmaker to be running.
+Matchmaking (mandatory)
+The ZeroMQ driver implements a matching capability to discover hosts available
+for communication when sending to a bare topic. This allows broker-less
+The Matchmaker is pluggable and it provides two different Matchmaker classes.
+MatchmakerDummy: default matchmaker driver for all-in-one scenario (messages
+are sent to itself; used mainly for testing).
+MatchmakerRedis: loads the hash table from a remote Redis server, supports
+dynamic host/topic registrations, host expiration, and hooks for consuming
+applications to acknowledge or neg-acknowledge service availability.
+For ZeroMQ driver Redis is configured in transport_url also. For using Redis
+specify the URL as follows::
+ transport_url = "zmq+redis://"
+In order to cleanup redis storage from expired records (e.g. target listener
+goes down) TTL may be applied for keys. Configure 'zmq_target_expire' option
+which is 300 (seconds) by default. The option is related not specifically to
+redis so it is also defined in [oslo_messaging_zmq] section. If option value
+is <= 0 then keys don't expire and live forever in the storage.
+The other option is 'zmq_target_update' (180 seconds by default) which
+specifies how often each RPC-Server should update the matchmaker. This option's
+optimal value generally is zmq_target_expire / 2 (or 1.5). It is recommended to
+calculate it based on 'zmq_target_expire' so services records wouldn't expire
+earlier than being updated from alive services.
+Generally matchmaker can be considered as an alternate approach to services
+Matchmaker Data Source (mandatory)
+Matchmaker data source is stored in files or Redis server discussed in the
+previous section. How to make up the database is the key issue for making ZeroMQ
+driver work.
+If deploying the MatchmakerRedis, a Redis server is required. Each (K, V) pair
+stored in Redis is that the key is a base topic and the corresponding values are
+hostname arrays to be sent to.
+HA for Redis database
+Single node Redis works fine for testing, but for production there is some
+availability guarantees wanted. Without Redis database zmq deployment should
+continue working anyway, because there is no need in Redis for services when
+connections established already. But if you would like to restart some services
+or run more workers or add more hardware nodes to the deployment you will need
+nodes discovery mechanism to work and it requires Redis.
+To provide database recovery in situations when redis node goes down for example,
+we use Sentinel solution and redis master-slave-slave configuration (if we have
+3 controllers and run Redis on each of them).
+To deploy redis with HA follow the `sentinel-install`_ instructions. From the
+messaging driver's side you will need to setup following configuration ::
+ transport_url = "zmq+sentinel://host1:26379,host2:26379,host3:26379"
+Listening Address (optional)
+All services bind to an IP address or Ethernet adapter. By default, all services
+bind to '*', effectively binding to This may be changed with the option
+'rpc_zmq_bind_address' which accepts a wildcard, IP address, or Ethernet adapter.
+This configuration can be set in [oslo_messaging_zmq] section.
+For example::
+ rpc_zmq_bind_address = *
+Currently zmq driver uses dynamic port binding mechanism, which means that
+each listener will allocate port of a random number (static, i.e. fixed, ports
+may only be used for sockets inside proxies now). Ports range is controlled
+by two options 'rpc_zmq_min_port' and 'rpc_zmq_max_port'. Change them to
+restrict current service's port binding range. 'rpc_zmq_bind_port_retries'
+controls number of retries before 'ports range exceeded' failure.
+For example::
+ rpc_zmq_min_port = 49153
+ rpc_zmq_max_port = 65536
+ rpc_zmq_bind_port_retries = 100
+Existing Configurations
+Static Direct Connections
+The example of service config file::
+ transport_url = "zmq+redis://host-1:6379"
+ [oslo_messaging_zmq]
+ use_pub_sub = false
+ use_router_proxy = false
+ use_dynamic_connections = false
+ zmq_target_expire = 60
+ zmq_target_update = 30
+ rpc_zmq_min_port = 49153
+ rpc_zmq_max_port = 65536
+In both static and dynamic direct connections configuration it is necessary to
+configure firewall to open binding port range on each node::
+ iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --match multiport --dports 49152:65535 -j ACCEPT
+The sequrity recommendation here (it is general for any RPC backend) is to
+setup private network for message bus and another open network for public APIs.
+ZeroMQ driver doesn't support authentication and encryption on its level.
+As stated above this configuration is the simplest one since it requires only a
+Matchmaker service to be running. That is why driver's options configured by
+default in a way to use this type of topology.
+The biggest advantage of static direct connections (other than simplicity) is
+it's huge performance. On small deployments (20 - 50 nodes) it can outperform
+brokered solutions (or solutions with proxies) 3x - 5x times. It becomes possible
+because this configuration doesn't have a central node bottleneck so it's
+throughput is limited by only a TCP and network bandwidth.
+Unfortunately this approach can not be applied as is on a big scale (over 500 nodes).
+The main problem is the number of connections between services and particularly
+the number of connections on each controller node grows (in a worst case) as
+a square function of number of the whole running services. That's not
+However this approach can be successfully used and is recommended to be used
+when services on controllers doesn't talk to agent services on resource nodes
+using oslo.messaging RPC, but RPC is used only to communicate controller
+services between each other.
+Examples here may be Cinder+Ceph backend and Ironic how it utilises
+For all the other cases like Nova and Neutron on a big scale using proxy-based
+configurations or dynamic connections configuration is more appropriate.
+The exception here may be the case when using OpenStack services inside Docker
+containers with Kubernetes. Since Kubernetes already solves similar problems by
+using KubeProxy and virtual IP addresses for each container. So it manages all
+the traffic using iptables which is more than appropriate to solve the problem
+described above.
+Summing up it is recommended to use this type of zmq configuration for
+1. Small clouds (up to 100 nodes)
+2. Cinder+Ceph deployment
+3. Ironic deployment
+4. OpenStack + Kubernetes (OpenStack in containers) deployment
+Dynamic Direct Connections
+The example of service config file::
+ transport_url = "zmq+redis://host-1:6379"
+ [oslo_messaging_zmq]
+ use_pub_sub = false
+ use_router_proxy = false
+ use_dynamic_connections = true
+ zmq_failover_connections = 2
+ zmq_linger = 60
+ zmq_target_expire = 60
+ zmq_target_update = 30
+ rpc_zmq_min_port = 49153
+ rpc_zmq_max_port = 65536
+The 'use_dynamic_connections = true' obviously states that connections are dynamic.
+'zmq_linger' become crucial with dynamic connections in order to avoid socket
+leaks. If socket being connected to a wrong (dead) host which somehow still
+present in the Matchmaker and message was sent, then the socket can not be closed
+until message stays in the queue (the default linger is infinite waiting). So
+need to specify linger explicitly.
+Services often run more than one worker on the same topic. Workers are equal, so
+any can handle the message. In order to connect to more than one available worker
+need to setup 'zmq_failover_connections' option to some value (2 by default which
+means 2 additional connections). Take care because it may also result in slow-down.
+All recommendations regarding port ranges described in previous section are also
+valid here.
+Most things are similar to what we had with static connections the only
+difference is that each message causes connection setup and disconnect afterwards
+immediately after message was sent.
+The advantage of this deployment is that average number of connections on
+controller node at any moment is not high even for quite large deployments.
+The disadvantage is overhead caused by need to connect/disconnect per message.
+So this configuration can with no doubt be considered as the slowest one. The
+good news is the RPC of OpenStack doesn't require "thousands message per second"
+bandwidth per each particular service (do not confuse with central broker/proxy
+bandwidth which is needed as high as possible for a big scale and can be a
+serious bottleneck).
+One more bad thing about this particular configuration is fanout. Here it is
+completely linear complexity operation and it suffers the most from
+connect/disconnect overhead per message. So for fanout it is fair to say that
+services can have significant slow-down with dynamic connections.
+The recommended way to solve this problem is to use combined solution with
+proxied PUB/SUB infrastructure for fanout and dynamic direct connections for
+direct message types (plain CAST and CALL messages). This combined approach
+will be described later in the text.
+Router Proxy
+The example of service config file::
+ transport_url = "zmq+redis://host-1:6379"
+ [oslo_messaging_zmq]
+ use_pub_sub = false
+ use_router_proxy = true
+ use_dynamic_connections = false
+The example of proxy config file::
+ transport_url = "zmq+redis://host-1:6379"
+ [oslo_messaging_zmq]
+ use_pub_sub = false
+ [zmq_proxy_opt]
+ host = host-1
+RPC may consume too many TCP sockets on controller node in directly connected
+configuration. To solve the issue ROUTER proxy may be used.
+In order to configure driver to use ROUTER proxy set up the 'use_router_proxy'
+option to true in [oslo_messaging_zmq] section (false is set by default).
+Pay attention to 'use_pub_sub = false' line, which has to match for all
+services and proxies configs, so it wouldn't work if proxy uses PUB/SUB and
+services don't.
+Not less than 3 proxies should be running on controllers or on stand alone
+nodes. The parameters for the script oslo-messaging-zmq-proxy should be::
+ oslo-messaging-zmq-proxy
+ --config-file /etc/oslo/zeromq.conf
+ --log-file /var/log/oslo/zeromq-router-proxy.log
+ --host node-123
+ --frontend-port 50001
+ --backend-port 50002
+ --debug
+Config file for proxy consists of default section, 'oslo_messaging_zmq' section
+and additional 'zmq_proxy_opts' section.
+Command line arguments like host, frontend_port, backend_port and publisher_port
+respectively can also be set in 'zmq_proxy_opts' section of a configuration
+file (i.e., /etc/oslo/zeromq.conf). All arguments are optional.
+Port value of 0 means random port (see the next section for more details).
+Take into account that --debug flag makes proxy to make a log record per every
+dispatched message which influences proxy performance significantly. So it is
+not recommended flag to use in production. Without --debug there will be only
+Matchmaker updates or critical errors in proxy logs.
+In this configuration we use proxy as a very simple dispatcher (so it has the
+best performance with minimal overhead). The only thing proxy does is getting
+binary routing-key frame from the message and dispatch message on this key.
+In this kind of deployment client is in charge of doing fanout. Before sending
+fanout message client takes a list of available hosts for the topic and sends
+as many messages as the number of hosts it got.
+This configuration just uses DEALER/ROUTER pattern of ZeroMQ and doesn't use
+PUB/SUB as it was stated above.
+Disadvantage of this approach is again slower client fanout. But it is much
+better than with dynamic direct connections because we don't need to connect
+and disconnect per each message.
+ZeroMQ PUB/SUB Infrastructure
+The example of service config file::
+ transport_url = "zmq+redis://host-1:6379"
+ [oslo_messaging_zmq]
+ use_pub_sub = true
+ use_router_proxy = true
+ use_dynamic_connections = false
+The example of proxy config file::
+ transport_url = "zmq+redis://host-1:6379"
+ [oslo_messaging_zmq]
+ use_pub_sub = true
+ [zmq_proxy_opt]
+ host = host-1
+It seems obvious that fanout pattern of oslo.messaging maps on ZeroMQ PUB/SUB
+pattern, but it is only at first glance. It does really, but lets look a bit
+First caveat is that in oslo.messaging it is a client who makes fanout (and
+generally initiates conversation), server is passive. While in ZeroMQ publisher
+is a server and subscribers are clients. And here is the problem: RPC-servers
+are subscribers in terms of ZeroMQ PUB/SUB, they hold the SUB socket and wait
+for messages. And they don't know anything about RPC-clients, and clients
+generally come later than servers. So servers don't have a PUB to subscribe
+on start, so we need to introduce something in the middle, and here the proxy
+plays the role.
+Publisher proxy has ROUTER socket on the front-end and PUB socket on the back-end.
+So client connects to ROUTER and sends a single message to a publisher proxy.
+Proxy redirects this message to PUB socket which performs actual publishing.
+Command to run central publisher proxy::
+ oslo-messaging-zmq-proxy
+ --config-file /etc/oslo/zeromq.conf
+ --log-file /var/log/oslo/zeromq-router-proxy.log
+ --host node-123
+ --frontend-port 50001
+ --publisher-port 50003
+ --debug
+When we run a publisher proxy we need to specify a --publisher-port option.
+Random port will be picked up otherwise and clients will get it from the
+The advantage of this approach is really fast fanout, while it takes time on
+proxy to publish, but ZeroMQ PUB/SUB is one of the fastest fanout pattern
+implementations. It also makes clients faster, because they need to send only a
+single message to a proxy.
+In order to balance load and HA it is recommended to have at least 3 proxies basically,
+but the number of running proxies is not limited. They also don't form a cluster,
+so there are no limitations on number caused by consistency algorithm requirements.
+The disadvantage is that number of connections on proxy increased twice compared
+to previous deployment, because we still need to use router for direct messages.
+The documented limitation of ZeroMQ PUB/SUB is 10k subscribers.
+In order to limit the number of subscribers and connections the local proxies
+may be used. In order to run local publisher the following command may be used::
+ oslo-messaging-zmq-proxy
+ --local-publisher
+ --config-file /etc/oslo/zeromq.conf
+ --log-file /var/log/oslo/zeromq-router-proxy.log
+ --host localhost
+ --publisher-port 60001
+ --debug
+Pay attention to --local-publisher flag which specifies the type of a proxy.
+Local publishers may be running on every single node of a deployment. To make
+services use of local publishers the 'subscribe_on' option has to be specified
+in service's config file::
+ transport_url = "zmq+redis://host-1:6379"
+ [oslo_messaging_zmq]
+ use_pub_sub = true
+ use_router_proxy = true
+ use_dynamic_connections = false
+ subscribe_on = localhost:60001
+If we forgot to specify the 'subscribe_on' services will take info from Matchmaker
+and still connect to a central proxy, so the trick wouldn't work. Local proxy
+gets all the needed info from the matchmaker in order to find central proxies
+and subscribes on them. Frankly speaking you can pub a central proxy in the
+'subscribe_on' value, even a list of hosts may be passed the same way as we do
+for the transport_url::
+ subscribe_on = host-1:50003,host-2:50003,host-3:50003
+This is completely valid, just not necessary because we have information about
+central proxies in Matchmaker. One more thing to highlight about 'subscribe_on'
+is that it has higher priority than Matchmaker if being explicitly mentioned.
+Concluding all the above, fanout over PUB/SUB proxies is the best choice
+because of static connections infrastructure, fail over when one or some publishers
+die, and ZeroMQ PUB/SUB high performance.
+What If Mix Different Configurations?
+Three boolean variables 'use_pub_sub', 'use_router_proxy' and 'use_dynamic_connections'
+give us exactly 8 possible combinations. But from practical perspective not all
+of them are usable. So lets discuss only those which make sense.
+The main recommended combination is Dynamic Direct Connections plus PUB/SUB
+infrastructure. So we deploy PUB/SUB proxies as described in corresponding
+paragraph (either with local+central proxies or with only a central proxies).
+And the services configuration file will look like the following::
+ transport_url = "zmq+redis://host-1:6379"
+ [oslo_messaging_zmq]
+ use_pub_sub = true
+ use_router_proxy = false
+ use_dynamic_connections = true
+So we just tell the driver not to pass direct messages CALL and CAST over router,
+but send them directly to RPC servers. All the details of configuring services
+and port ranges has to be taken from 'Dynamic Direct Connections' paragraph.
+So it's combined configuration. Currently it is the best choice from number of
+connections perspective.
+Frankly speaking, deployment from the 'ZeroMQ PUB/SUB Infrastructure' section is
+also a combination of 'Router Proxy' with PUB/SUB, we've just used the same
+proxies for both.
+Here we've discussed combination inside the same service. But configurations can
+also be combined on a higher level, a level of services. So you could have for
+example a deployment where Cinder uses static direct connections and Nova/Neutron
+use combined PUB/SUB + dynamic direct connections. But such approach needs additional
+caution and may be confusing for cloud operators. Still it provides maximum
+optimization of performance and number of connections on proxies and controller
+DevStack Support
+ZeroMQ driver can be tested on a single node deployment with DevStack. Take
+into account that on a single node it is not that obvious any performance
+increase compared to other backends. To see significant speed up you need at least
+20 nodes.
+In local.conf [localrc] section need to enable zmq plugin which lives in
+`devstack-plugin-zmq`_ repository.
+For example::
+ enable_plugin zmq
+Example of local.conf::
+ [[local|localrc]]
+ SERVICE_TOKEN=password
+ enable_plugin zmq
+ LIBS_FROM_GIT=oslo.messaging
+.. _devstack-plugin-zmq:
+.. _sentinel-install: