path: root/smoketests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'smoketests/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 566 deletions
diff --git a/smoketests/ b/smoketests/
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index ad95114d40..0000000000
--- a/smoketests/
+++ /dev/null
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-# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
-# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the
-# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-import commands
-import os
-import random
-import re
-import sys
-import time
-import unittest
-import zipfile
-import paramiko
-from smoketests import flags
-from smoketests import novatestcase
-SUITE_NAMES = '[user, image, security, public_network, volume]'
-FLAGS = flags.FLAGS
-flags.DEFINE_string('suite', None, 'Specific test suite to run ' + SUITE_NAMES)
-# TODO(devamcar): Use random tempfile
-ZIP_FILENAME = '/tmp/'
-data = {}
-test_prefix = 'test%s' % int(random.random()*1000000)
-test_username = '%suser' % test_prefix
-test_bucket = '%s_bucket' % test_prefix
-test_key = '%s_key' % test_prefix
-# Test admin credentials and user creation
-class UserTests(novatestcase.NovaTestCase):
- def test_001_admin_can_connect(self):
- conn = self.connection_for('admin')
- self.assert_(conn)
- def test_002_admin_can_create_user(self):
- userinfo = self.create_user(test_username)
- self.assertEqual(userinfo.username, test_username)
- def test_003_user_can_download_credentials(self):
- buf = self.get_signed_zip(test_username)
- output = open(ZIP_FILENAME, 'w')
- output.write(buf)
- output.close()
- zip = zipfile.ZipFile(ZIP_FILENAME, 'a', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
- bad = zip.testzip()
- zip.close()
- self.failIf(bad)
- def test_999_tearDown(self):
- self.delete_user(test_username)
- user = self.get_user(test_username)
- self.assert_(user is None)
- try:
- os.remove(ZIP_FILENAME)
- except:
- pass
-# Test image bundling, registration, and launching
-class ImageTests(novatestcase.NovaTestCase):
- def test_000_setUp(self):
- self.create_user(test_username)
- def test_001_admin_can_bundle_image(self):
- self.assertTrue(self.bundle_image(FLAGS.bundle_image))
- def test_002_admin_can_upload_image(self):
- self.assertTrue(self.upload_image(test_bucket, FLAGS.bundle_image))
- def test_003_admin_can_register_image(self):
- image_id = self.register_image(test_bucket, FLAGS.bundle_image)
- self.assert_(image_id is not None)
- data['image_id'] = image_id
- def test_004_admin_can_bundle_kernel(self):
- self.assertTrue(self.bundle_image(FLAGS.bundle_kernel, kernel=True))
- def test_005_admin_can_upload_kernel(self):
- self.assertTrue(self.upload_image(test_bucket, FLAGS.bundle_kernel))
- def test_006_admin_can_register_kernel(self):
- # FIXME(devcamcar): registration should verify that bucket/manifest
- # exists before returning successfully.
- kernel_id = self.register_image(test_bucket, FLAGS.bundle_kernel)
- self.assert_(kernel_id is not None)
- data['kernel_id'] = kernel_id
- def test_007_admin_images_are_available_within_10_seconds(self):
- for i in xrange(10):
- image = self.admin.get_image(data['image_id'])
- if image and image.state == 'available':
- break
- time.sleep(1)
- else:
- print image.state
- self.assert_(False) # wasn't available within 10 seconds
- self.assert_(image.type == 'machine')
- for i in xrange(10):
- kernel = self.admin.get_image(data['kernel_id'])
- if kernel and kernel.state == 'available':
- break
- time.sleep(1)
- else:
- self.assert_(False) # wasn't available within 10 seconds
- self.assert_(kernel.type == 'kernel')
- def test_008_admin_can_describe_image_attribute(self):
- attrs = self.admin.get_image_attribute(data['image_id'],
- 'launchPermission')
- self.assert_(, 'launch_permission')
- def test_009_me_cannot_see_non_public_images(self):
- conn = self.connection_for(test_username)
- images = conn.get_all_images(image_ids=[data['image_id']])
- self.assertEqual(len(images), 0)
- def test_010_admin_can_modify_image_launch_permission(self):
- conn = self.connection_for(test_username)
- self.admin.modify_image_attribute(image_id=data['image_id'],
- operation='add',
- attribute='launchPermission',
- groups='all')
- image = conn.get_image(data['image_id'])
- self.assertEqual(, data['image_id'])
- def test_011_me_can_list_public_images(self):
- conn = self.connection_for(test_username)
- images = conn.get_all_images(image_ids=[data['image_id']])
- self.assertEqual(len(images), 1)
- pass
- def test_012_me_can_see_launch_permission(self):
- attrs = self.admin.get_image_attribute(data['image_id'],
- 'launchPermission')
- self.assert_(, 'launch_permission')
- self.assert_(attrs.groups[0], 'all')
- # FIXME: add tests that user can launch image
-# def test_013_user_can_launch_admin_public_image(self):
-# # TODO: Use openwrt kernel instead of default kernel
-# conn = self.connection_for(test_username)
-# reservation = conn.run_instances(data['image_id'])
-# self.assertEqual(len(reservation.instances), 1)
-# data['my_instance_id'] = reservation.instances[0].id
-# def test_014_instances_launch_within_30_seconds(self):
-# pass
-# def test_015_user_can_terminate(self):
-# conn = self.connection_for(test_username)
-# terminated = conn.terminate_instances(
-# instance_ids=[data['my_instance_id']])
-# self.assertEqual(len(terminated), 1)
- def test_016_admin_can_deregister_kernel(self):
- self.assertTrue(self.admin.deregister_image(data['kernel_id']))
- def test_017_admin_can_deregister_image(self):
- self.assertTrue(self.admin.deregister_image(data['image_id']))
- def test_018_admin_can_delete_bundle(self):
- self.assertTrue(self.delete_bundle_bucket(test_bucket))
- def test_999_tearDown(self):
- data = {}
- self.delete_user(test_username)
-# Test key pairs and security groups
-class SecurityTests(novatestcase.NovaTestCase):
- def test_000_setUp(self):
- self.create_user(test_username + '_me')
- self.create_user(test_username + '_you')
- data['image_id'] = 'ami-tiny'
- def test_001_me_can_create_keypair(self):
- conn = self.connection_for(test_username + '_me')
- key = self.create_key_pair(conn, test_key)
- self.assertEqual(, test_key)
- def test_002_you_can_create_keypair(self):
- conn = self.connection_for(test_username + '_you')
- key = self.create_key_pair(conn, test_key+ 'yourkey')
- self.assertEqual(, test_key+'yourkey')
- def test_003_me_can_create_instance_with_keypair(self):
- conn = self.connection_for(test_username + '_me')
- reservation = conn.run_instances(data['image_id'], key_name=test_key)
- self.assertEqual(len(reservation.instances), 1)
- data['my_instance_id'] = reservation.instances[0].id
- def test_004_me_can_obtain_private_ip_within_60_seconds(self):
- conn = self.connection_for(test_username + '_me')
- reservations = conn.get_all_instances([data['my_instance_id']])
- instance = reservations[0].instances[0]
- # allow 60 seconds to exit pending with IP
- for x in xrange(60):
- instance.update()
- if instance.state != u'pending':
- break
- time.sleep(1)
- else:
- self.assert_(False)
- # self.assertEqual(instance.state, u'running')
- ip = reservations[0].instances[0].private_dns_name
- self.failIf(ip == '')
- data['my_private_ip'] = ip
- print data['my_private_ip'],
- def test_005_can_ping_private_ip(self):
- for x in xrange(120):
- # ping waits for 1 second
- status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(
- 'ping -c1 -w1 %s' % data['my_private_ip'])
- if status == 0:
- break
- else:
- self.assert_('could not ping instance')
- #def test_005_me_cannot_ssh_when_unauthorized(self):
- # self.assertRaises(paramiko.SSHException, self.connect_ssh,
- # data['my_private_ip'], 'mykey')
- #def test_006_me_can_authorize_ssh(self):
- # conn = self.connection_for(test_username + '_me')
- # self.assertTrue(
- # conn.authorize_security_group(
- # 'default',
- # ip_protocol='tcp',
- # from_port=22,
- # to_port=22,
- # cidr_ip=''
- # )
- # )
- def test_007_me_can_ssh_when_authorized(self):
- conn = self.connect_ssh(data['my_private_ip'], test_key)
- conn.close()
- #def test_008_me_can_revoke_ssh_authorization(self):
- # conn = self.connection_for('me')
- # self.assertTrue(
- # conn.revoke_security_group(
- # 'default',
- # ip_protocol='tcp',
- # from_port=22,
- # to_port=22,
- # cidr_ip=''
- # )
- # )
- #def test_009_you_cannot_ping_my_instance(self):
- # TODO: should ping my_private_ip from with an instance started by you.
- #self.assertFalse(self.can_ping(data['my_private_ip']))
- def test_010_you_cannot_ssh_to_my_instance(self):
- try:
- conn = self.connect_ssh(data['my_private_ip'],
- test_key + 'yourkey')
- conn.close()
- except paramiko.SSHException:
- pass
- else:
-"expected SSHException")
- def test_999_tearDown(self):
- conn = self.connection_for(test_username + '_me')
- self.delete_key_pair(conn, test_key)
- if data.has_key('my_instance_id'):
- conn.terminate_instances([data['my_instance_id']])
- conn = self.connection_for(test_username + '_you')
- self.delete_key_pair(conn, test_key + 'yourkey')
- conn = self.connection_for('admin')
- self.delete_user(test_username + '_me')
- self.delete_user(test_username + '_you')
- #self.tearDown_test_image(conn, data['image_id'])
-# TODO: verify wrt image boots
-# build python into wrt image
-# build boto/m2crypto into wrt image
-# build euca2ools into wrt image
-# build a script to download and unpack credentials
-# - return "ok" to stdout for comparison in self.assertEqual()
-# build a script to bundle the instance
-# build a script to upload the bundle
-# status, output = commands.getstatusoutput('cmd')
-# if status == 0:
-# print 'ok'
-# else:
-# print output
-# Testing rebundling
-class RebundlingTests(novatestcase.NovaTestCase):
- def test_000_setUp(self):
- self.create_user('me')
- self.create_user('you')
- # TODO: create keypair for me
- # upload smoketest img
- # run instance
- def test_001_me_can_download_credentials_within_instance(self):
- conn = self.connect_ssh(data['my_private_ip'], 'mykey')
- stdin, stdout = conn.exec_command(
- 'python ~/smoketests/')
- conn.close()
- self.assertEqual(stdout, 'ok')
- def test_002_me_can_rebundle_within_instance(self):
- conn = self.connect_ssh(data['my_private_ip'], 'mykey')
- stdin, stdout = conn.exec_command(
- 'python ~/smoketests/')
- conn.close()
- self.assertEqual(stdout, 'ok')
- def test_003_me_can_upload_image_within_instance(self):
- conn = self.connect_ssh(data['my_private_ip'], 'mykey')
- stdin, stdout = conn.exec_command(
- 'python ~/smoketests/')
- conn.close()
- self.assertEqual(stdout, 'ok')
- def test_004_me_can_register_image_within_instance(self):
- conn = self.connect_ssh(data['my_private_ip'], 'mykey')
- stdin, stdout = conn.exec_command(
- 'python ~/smoketests/')
- conn.close()
- if re.matches('ami-{\w+}', stdout):
- data['my_image_id'] = stdout.strip()
- else:
-'expected ami-nnnnnn, got:\n ' + stdout)
- def test_005_you_cannot_see_my_private_image(self):
- conn = self.connection_for('you')
- image = conn.get_image(data['my_image_id'])
- self.assertEqual(image, None)
- def test_006_me_can_make_image_public(self):
- conn = self.connection_for(test_username)
- conn.modify_image_attribute(image_id=data['my_image_id'],
- operation='add',
- attribute='launchPermission',
- groups='all')
- def test_007_you_can_see_my_public_image(self):
- conn = self.connection_for('you')
- image = conn.get_image(data['my_image_id'])
- self.assertEqual(, data['my_image_id'])
- def test_999_tearDown(self):
- self.delete_user('me')
- self.delete_user('you')
- #if data.has_key('image_id'):
- # deregister rebundled image
- # TODO: tear down instance
- # delete keypairs
- data = {}
-# Test elastic IPs
-class ElasticIPTests(novatestcase.NovaTestCase):
- def test_000_setUp(self):
- data['image_id'] = 'ami-tiny'
- self.create_user('me')
- conn = self.connection_for('me')
- self.create_key_pair(conn, 'mykey')
- conn = self.connection_for('admin')
- #data['image_id'] = self.setUp_test_image(FLAGS.bundle_image)
- def test_001_me_can_launch_image_with_keypair(self):
- conn = self.connection_for('me')
- reservation = conn.run_instances(data['image_id'], key_name='mykey')
- self.assertEqual(len(reservation.instances), 1)
- data['my_instance_id'] = reservation.instances[0].id
- def test_002_me_can_allocate_elastic_ip(self):
- conn = self.connection_for('me')
- data['my_public_ip'] = conn.allocate_address()
- self.assert_(data['my_public_ip'].public_ip)
- def test_003_me_can_associate_ip_with_instance(self):
- self.assertTrue(data['my_public_ip'].associate(data['my_instance_id']))
- def test_004_me_can_ssh_with_public_ip(self):
- conn = self.connect_ssh(data['my_public_ip'].public_ip, 'mykey')
- conn.close()
- def test_005_me_can_disassociate_ip_from_instance(self):
- self.assertTrue(data['my_public_ip'].disassociate())
- def test_006_me_can_deallocate_elastic_ip(self):
- self.assertTrue(data['my_public_ip'].delete())
- def test_999_tearDown(self):
- conn = self.connection_for('me')
- self.delete_key_pair(conn, 'mykey')
- conn = self.connection_for('admin')
- #self.tearDown_test_image(conn, data['image_id'])
- data = {}
-ZONE = 'nova'
-DEVICE = 'vdb'
-# Test iscsi volumes
-class VolumeTests(novatestcase.NovaTestCase):
- def test_000_setUp(self):
- self.create_user(test_username)
- data['image_id'] = 'ami-tiny' # A7370FE3
- conn = self.connection_for(test_username)
- self.create_key_pair(conn, test_key)
- reservation = conn.run_instances(data['image_id'],
- instance_type='m1.tiny',
- key_name=test_key)
- data['instance_id'] = reservation.instances[0].id
- data['private_ip'] = reservation.instances[0].private_dns_name
- # wait for instance to show up
- for x in xrange(120):
- # ping waits for 1 second
- status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(
- 'ping -c1 -w1 %s' % data['private_ip'])
- if status == 0:
- break
- else:
-'unable to ping instance')
- def test_001_me_can_create_volume(self):
- conn = self.connection_for(test_username)
- volume = conn.create_volume(1, ZONE)
- self.assertEqual(volume.size, 1)
- data['volume_id'] =
- # give network time to find volume
- time.sleep(5)
- def test_002_me_can_attach_volume(self):
- conn = self.connection_for(test_username)
- conn.attach_volume(
- volume_id = data['volume_id'],
- instance_id = data['instance_id'],
- device = '/dev/%s' % DEVICE
- )
- # give instance time to recognize volume
- time.sleep(5)
- def test_003_me_can_mount_volume(self):
- conn = self.connect_ssh(data['private_ip'], test_key)
- # FIXME(devcamcar): the tiny image doesn't create the node properly
- # this will make /dev/vd* if it doesn't exist
- stdin, stdout, stderr = conn.exec_command(
- 'grep %s /proc/partitions |' + \
- '`awk \'{print "mknod /dev/"$4" b "$1" "$2}\'`' % DEVICE)
- commands = []
- commands.append('mkdir -p /mnt/vol')
- commands.append('mkfs.ext2 /dev/%s' % DEVICE)
- commands.append('mount /dev/%s /mnt/vol' % DEVICE)
- commands.append('echo success')
- stdin, stdout, stderr = conn.exec_command(' && '.join(commands))
- out =
- conn.close()
- if not out.strip().endswith('success'):
-'Unable to mount: %s %s' % (out,
- def test_004_me_can_write_to_volume(self):
- conn = self.connect_ssh(data['private_ip'], test_key)
- # FIXME(devcamcar): This doesn't fail if the volume hasn't been mounted
- stdin, stdout, stderr = conn.exec_command(
- 'echo hello > /mnt/vol/test.txt')
- err =
- conn.close()
- if len(err) > 0:
-'Unable to write to mount: %s' % (err))
- def test_005_volume_is_correct_size(self):
- conn = self.connect_ssh(data['private_ip'], test_key)
- stdin, stdout, stderr = conn.exec_command(
- "df -h | grep %s | awk {'print $2'}" % DEVICE)
- out =
- conn.close()
- if not out.strip() == '1007.9M':
-'Volume is not the right size: %s %s' % (out,
- def test_006_me_can_umount_volume(self):
- conn = self.connect_ssh(data['private_ip'], test_key)
- stdin, stdout, stderr = conn.exec_command('umount /mnt/vol')
- err =
- conn.close()
- if len(err) > 0:
-'Unable to unmount: %s' % (err))
- def test_007_me_can_detach_volume(self):
- conn = self.connection_for(test_username)
- self.assertTrue(conn.detach_volume(volume_id = data['volume_id']))
- def test_008_me_can_delete_volume(self):
- conn = self.connection_for(test_username)
- self.assertTrue(conn.delete_volume(data['volume_id']))
- def test_009_volume_size_must_be_int(self):
- conn = self.connection_for(test_username)
- self.assertRaises(Exception, conn.create_volume, 'foo', ZONE)
- def test_999_tearDown(self):
- global data
- conn = self.connection_for(test_username)
- self.delete_key_pair(conn, test_key)
- if data.has_key('instance_id'):
- conn.terminate_instances([data['instance_id']])
- self.delete_user(test_username)
- data = {}
-def build_suites():
- return {
- 'user': unittest.makeSuite(UserTests),
- 'image': unittest.makeSuite(ImageTests),
- 'security': unittest.makeSuite(SecurityTests),
- 'public_network': unittest.makeSuite(ElasticIPTests),
- 'volume': unittest.makeSuite(VolumeTests),
- }
-def main():
- argv = FLAGS(sys.argv)
- suites = build_suites()
- if FLAGS.suite:
- try:
- suite = suites[FLAGS.suite]
- except KeyError:
- print >> sys.stderr, 'Available test suites:', SUITE_NAMES
- return 1
- unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)
- else:
- for suite in suites.itervalues():
- unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- sys.exit(main())