path: root/gate/live_migration/hooks/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gate/live_migration/hooks/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/gate/live_migration/hooks/ b/gate/live_migration/hooks/
deleted file mode 100755
index acadb36d6c..0000000000
--- a/gate/live_migration/hooks/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-function nfs_setup {
- if uses_debs; then
- module=apt
- elif is_fedora; then
- module=yum
- fi
- $ANSIBLE all --become -f 5 -i "$WORKSPACE/inventory" -m $module \
- -a "name=nfs-common state=present"
- $ANSIBLE primary --become -f 5 -i "$WORKSPACE/inventory" -m $module \
- -a "name=nfs-kernel-server state=present"
- $ANSIBLE primary --become -f 5 -i "$WORKSPACE/inventory" -m ini_file -a "dest=/etc/idmapd.conf section=Mapping option=Nobody-User value=nova"
- $ANSIBLE primary --become -f 5 -i "$WORKSPACE/inventory" -m ini_file -a "dest=/etc/idmapd.conf section=Mapping option=Nobody-Group value=nova"
- for SUBNODE in $SUBNODES ; do
- $ANSIBLE primary --become -f 5 -i "$WORKSPACE/inventory" -m lineinfile -a "dest=/etc/exports line='/opt/stack/data/nova/instances $SUBNODE(rw,fsid=0,insecure,no_subtree_check,async,no_root_squash)'"
- done
- $ANSIBLE primary --become -f 5 -i "$WORKSPACE/inventory" -m shell -a "exportfs -a"
- $ANSIBLE primary --become -f 5 -i "$WORKSPACE/inventory" -m service -a "name=nfs-kernel-server state=restarted"
- GetDistro
- if [[ ! ${DISTRO} =~ (xenial) ]]; then
- $ANSIBLE primary --become -f 5 -i "$WORKSPACE/inventory" -m service -a "name=idmapd state=restarted"
- fi
- $ANSIBLE primary --become -f 5 -i "$WORKSPACE/inventory" -m shell -a "iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 111 -j ACCEPT"
- $ANSIBLE primary --become -f 5 -i "$WORKSPACE/inventory" -m shell -a "iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 111 -j ACCEPT"
- $ANSIBLE primary --become -f 5 -i "$WORKSPACE/inventory" -m shell -a "iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 2049 -j ACCEPT"
- $ANSIBLE primary --become -f 5 -i "$WORKSPACE/inventory" -m shell -a "iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 2049 -j ACCEPT"
- $ANSIBLE subnodes --become -f 5 -i "$WORKSPACE/inventory" -m shell -a "mount -t nfs4 -o proto\=tcp,port\=2049 $primary_node:/ /opt/stack/data/nova/instances/"
-function nfs_configure_tempest {
- $ANSIBLE primary --become -f 5 -i "$WORKSPACE/inventory" -m ini_file -a "dest=$BASE/new/tempest/etc/tempest.conf section=compute-feature-enabled option=block_migration_for_live_migration value=False"
-function nfs_verify_setup {
- $ANSIBLE subnodes --become -f 5 -i "$WORKSPACE/inventory" -m file -a "path=/opt/stack/data/nova/instances/test_file state=touch"
- if [ ! -e '/opt/stack/data/nova/instances/test_file' ]; then
- die $LINENO "NFS configuration failure"
- fi
-function nfs_teardown {
- #teardown nfs shared storage
- $ANSIBLE subnodes --become -f 5 -i "$WORKSPACE/inventory" -m shell -a "umount -t nfs4 /opt/stack/data/nova/instances/"
- $ANSIBLE primary --become -f 5 -i "$WORKSPACE/inventory" -m service -a "name=nfs-kernel-server state=stopped"
-} \ No newline at end of file