path: root/nova/conductor
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authorMatt Riedemann <>2019-02-14 17:27:41 -0500
committerMatt Riedemann <>2019-12-09 12:40:30 -0500
commit0d653f35c4c7c130065fd35bd7602207fff23b1e (patch)
tree2b7bc232ed0e9c9ad1cd37bd5173b377742c5a45 /nova/conductor
parente937c5c6c47658e695b1e934b3d6e660dc6514ed (diff)
Add ConfirmResizeTask
This adds the ConfirmResizeTask task which will be called from the API to orchestrate confirming a cross-cell resize. This task is responsible for cleaning up the source host and cell including destroying the guest from the source hypervisor and hard deleting the instance-related records from the source cell database. It also updates the information about the instance and migration in the target cell database. The resize.confirm.(start|end) notifications, which are traditionally sent from the confirm_resize() method on the source host, are sent from this task since confirming a cross cell resize spans multiple cells. Part of blueprint cross-cell-resize Change-Id: I5b9d41ef34385689d8da9b3962a1eac759eddf6a
Diffstat (limited to 'nova/conductor')
1 files changed, 213 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nova/conductor/tasks/ b/nova/conductor/tasks/
index 435b8d1cb8..b1ecbf20d2 100644
--- a/nova/conductor/tasks/
+++ b/nova/conductor/tasks/
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ import oslo_messaging as messaging
from oslo_utils import excutils
from nova import availability_zones
+from nova.compute import instance_actions
+from nova.compute import power_state
from nova.compute import task_states
from nova.compute import utils as compute_utils
from nova.compute import vm_states
@@ -29,6 +31,8 @@ from nova import image as nova_image
from nova import network
from import constants as neutron_constants
from nova import objects
+from nova.objects import fields
+from nova.scheduler import utils as scheduler_utils
from nova.volume import cinder
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -888,3 +892,212 @@ class CrossCellMigrationTask(base.TaskBase):
except Exception:
LOG.exception('Rollback for task %s failed.', task_name)
+def get_instance_from_source_cell(
+ target_cell_context, source_compute, instance_uuid):
+ """Queries the instance from the source cell database.
+ :param target_cell_context: nova auth request context targeted at the
+ target cell database
+ :param source_compute: name of the source compute service host
+ :param instance_uuid: UUID of the instance
+ :returns: Instance object from the source cell database.
+ """
+ # We can get the source cell via the host mapping based on the
+ # source_compute in the migration object.
+ source_host_mapping = objects.HostMapping.get_by_host(
+ target_cell_context, source_compute)
+ source_cell_mapping = source_host_mapping.cell_mapping
+ # Clone the context targeted at the target cell and then target the
+ # clone at the source cell.
+ source_cell_context = copy.copy(target_cell_context)
+ nova_context.set_target_cell(source_cell_context, source_cell_mapping)
+ # Now get the instance from the source cell DB using the source
+ # cell context which will make the source cell instance permanently
+ # targeted to the source cell database.
+ return objects.Instance.get_by_uuid(
+ source_cell_context, instance_uuid,
+ expected_attrs=['flavor', 'info_cache', 'system_metadata'])
+class ConfirmResizeTask(base.TaskBase):
+ """Task which orchestrates a cross-cell resize confirm operation
+ When confirming a cross-cell resize, the instance is in both the source
+ and target cell databases and on the source and target compute hosts.
+ The API operation is performed on the target cell instance and it is the
+ job of this task to cleanup the source cell host and database and
+ update the status of the instance in the target cell.
+ This can be called either asynchronously from the API service during a
+ normal confirmResize server action or synchronously when deleting a server
+ in VERIFY_RESIZE status.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, context, instance, migration, legacy_notifier,
+ compute_rpcapi):
+ """Initialize this ConfirmResizeTask instance
+ :param context: nova auth request context targeted at the target cell
+ :param instance: Instance object in "resized" status from the target
+ cell
+ :param migration: Migration object from the target cell for the resize
+ operation expected to have status "confirming"
+ :param legacy_notifier: LegacyValidatingNotifier for sending legacy
+ unversioned notifications
+ :param compute_rpcapi: instance of nova.compute.rpcapi.ComputeAPI
+ """
+ super(ConfirmResizeTask, self).__init__(context, instance)
+ self.migration = migration
+ self.legacy_notifier = legacy_notifier
+ self.compute_rpcapi = compute_rpcapi
+ def _send_resize_confirm_notification(self, instance, phase):
+ """Sends an unversioned and versioned resize.confirm.(phase)
+ notification.
+ :param instance: The instance whose resize is being confirmed.
+ :param phase: The phase for the resize.confirm operation (either
+ "start" or "end").
+ """
+ ctxt = instance._context
+ # Send the legacy unversioned notification.
+ compute_utils.notify_about_instance_usage(
+ self.legacy_notifier, ctxt, instance, 'resize.confirm.%s' % phase)
+ # Send the versioned notification.
+ compute_utils.notify_about_instance_action(
+ ctxt, instance,, # TODO(mriedem): Use
+ action=fields.NotificationAction.RESIZE_CONFIRM,
+ phase=phase)
+ def _cleanup_source_host(self, source_instance):
+ """Cleans up the instance from the source host.
+ Creates a confirmResize instance action in the source cell DB.
+ Destroys the guest from the source hypervisor, cleans up networking
+ and storage and frees up resource usage on the source host.
+ :param source_instance: Instance object from the source cell DB
+ """
+ ctxt = source_instance._context
+ # The confirmResize instance action has to be created in the source
+ # cell database before calling the compute service to properly
+ # track action events. Note that the API created the same action
+ # record but on the target cell instance.
+ objects.InstanceAction.action_start(
+ ctxt, source_instance.uuid, instance_actions.CONFIRM_RESIZE,
+ want_result=False)
+ # Get the Migration record from the source cell database.
+ source_migration = objects.Migration.get_by_uuid(
+ ctxt, self.migration.uuid)
+ LOG.debug('Cleaning up source host %s for cross-cell resize confirm.',
+ source_migration.source_compute, instance=source_instance)
+ # The instance.old_flavor field needs to be set before the source
+ # host drops the MoveClaim in the ResourceTracker.
+ source_instance.old_flavor = source_instance.flavor
+ # Use the EventReport context manager to create the same event that
+ # the source compute will create but in the target cell DB so we do not
+ # have to explicitly copy it over from source to target DB.
+ event_name = 'compute_confirm_snapshot_based_resize_at_source'
+ with compute_utils.EventReporter(
+ self.context, event_name, source_migration.source_compute,
+ source_instance.uuid):
+ self.compute_rpcapi.confirm_snapshot_based_resize_at_source(
+ ctxt, source_instance, source_migration)
+ def _finish_confirm_in_target_cell(self):
+ """Sets "terminal" states on the migration and instance in target cell.
+ This is similar to how ``confirm_resize`` works in the compute service
+ for same-cell resize.
+ """
+ LOG.debug('Updating migration and instance status in target cell DB.',
+ instance=self.instance)
+ # Complete the migration confirmation.
+ self.migration.status = 'confirmed'
+ # Update the target cell instance.
+ # Delete stashed information for the resize.
+ self.instance.old_flavor = None
+ self.instance.new_flavor = None
+ self.instance.system_metadata.pop('old_vm_state', None)
+ self._set_vm_and_task_state()
+ self.instance.drop_migration_context()
+ # There are multiple possible task_states set on the instance because
+ # if we are called from the confirmResize instance action the
+ # task_state should be None, but if we are called from
+ # _confirm_resize_on_deleting then the instance is being deleted.
+ None, task_states.DELETING, task_states.SOFT_DELETING])
+ def _set_vm_and_task_state(self):
+ """Sets the target cell instance vm_state based on the power_state.
+ The task_state is set to None.
+ """
+ # The old_vm_state could be STOPPED but the user might have manually
+ # powered up the instance to confirm the resize/migrate, so we need to
+ # check the current power state on the instance and set the vm_state
+ # appropriately. We default to ACTIVE because if the power state is
+ # not SHUTDOWN, we assume the _sync_power_states periodic task in the
+ # compute service will clean it up.
+ p_state = self.instance.power_state
+ if p_state == power_state.SHUTDOWN:
+ vm_state = vm_states.STOPPED
+ LOG.debug("Resized/migrated instance is powered off. "
+ "Setting vm_state to '%s'.", vm_state,
+ instance=self.instance)
+ else:
+ vm_state = vm_states.ACTIVE
+ self.instance.vm_state = vm_state
+ self.instance.task_state = None
+ def _execute(self):
+ # First get the instance from the source cell so we can cleanup.
+ source_cell_instance = get_instance_from_source_cell(
+ self.context, self.migration.source_compute, self.instance.uuid)
+ # Send the resize.confirm.start notification(s) using the source
+ # cell instance since we start there.
+ self._send_resize_confirm_notification(
+ source_cell_instance, fields.NotificationPhase.START)
+ # RPC call the source compute to cleanup.
+ self._cleanup_source_host(source_cell_instance)
+ # Now we can delete the instance in the source cell database.
+'Deleting instance record from source cell %s',
+ source_cell_instance._context.cell_uuid,
+ instance=source_cell_instance)
+ # This needs to be a hard delete because we want to be able to resize
+ # back to this cell without hitting a duplicate entry unique constraint
+ # error.
+ source_cell_instance.destroy(hard_delete=True)
+ # Update the information in the target cell database.
+ self._finish_confirm_in_target_cell()
+ # Send the resize.confirm.end notification using the target cell
+ # instance since we end there.
+ self._send_resize_confirm_notification(
+ self.instance, fields.NotificationPhase.END)
+ def rollback(self, ex):
+ with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
+ LOG.exception(
+ 'An error occurred while confirming the resize for instance '
+ 'in target cell %s. Depending on the error, a copy of the '
+ 'instance may still exist in the source cell database which '
+ 'contains the source host %s. At this point the instance is '
+ 'on the target host %s and anything left in the source cell '
+ 'can be cleaned up.', self.context.cell_uuid,
+ self.migration.source_compute, self.migration.dest_compute,
+ instance=self.instance)
+ # If anything failed set the migration status to 'error'.
+ self.migration.status = 'error'
+ # Put the instance in the target DB into ERROR status, record
+ # a fault and send an error notification.
+ updates = {'vm_state': vm_states.ERROR, 'task_state': None}
+ request_spec = objects.RequestSpec.get_by_instance_uuid(
+ self.context, self.instance.uuid)
+ scheduler_utils.set_vm_state_and_notify(
+ self.context, self.instance.uuid, 'compute_task',
+ 'migrate_server', updates, ex, request_spec)