path: root/neutron/tests/unit/
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1 files changed, 30 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/neutron/tests/unit/ b/neutron/tests/unit/
index 24eab08440..ec624c59fb 100644
--- a/neutron/tests/unit/
+++ b/neutron/tests/unit/
@@ -2641,6 +2641,36 @@ class TestSubnetsV2(NeutronDbPluginV2TestCase):
+ def test_delete_subnet_ipv6_slaac_port_exists(self):
+ """Test IPv6 SLAAC subnet delete when a port is still using subnet."""
+ res = self._create_network(fmt=self.fmt, name='net',
+ admin_state_up=True)
+ network = self.deserialize(self.fmt, res)
+ # Create an IPv6 SLAAC subnet and a port using that subnet
+ subnet = self._make_subnet(self.fmt, network, gateway='fe80::1',
+ cidr='fe80::/64', ip_version=6,
+ ipv6_ra_mode=constants.IPV6_SLAAC,
+ ipv6_address_mode=constants.IPV6_SLAAC)
+ res = self._create_port(self.fmt, net_id=network['network']['id'])
+ port = self.deserialize(self.fmt, res)
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(port['port']['fixed_ips']))
+ # The port should have an address from the subnet
+ req = self.new_show_request('ports', port['port']['id'], self.fmt)
+ res = req.get_response(self.api)
+ sport = self.deserialize(self.fmt, req.get_response(self.api))
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(sport['port']['fixed_ips']))
+ # Delete the subnet
+ req = self.new_delete_request('subnets', subnet['subnet']['id'])
+ res = req.get_response(self.api)
+ self.assertEqual(webob.exc.HTTPNoContent.code, res.status_int)
+ # The port should no longer have an address from the deleted subnet
+ req = self.new_show_request('ports', port['port']['id'], self.fmt)
+ res = req.get_response(self.api)
+ sport = self.deserialize(self.fmt, req.get_response(self.api))
+ self.assertEqual(0, len(sport['port']['fixed_ips']))
def test_delete_network(self):
gateway_ip = ''
cidr = ''