path: root/glance
diff options
authorPranali Deore <>2021-07-05 13:10:54 +0000
committerDan Smith <>2021-09-02 16:05:19 -0700
commitc64083badcf6261c55f01fd8098b1e47f19fbb5b (patch)
tree02d498219fa3c119dad13bd06de38841d5bf28ab /glance
parent035e714f83effde844425db30423117dced50688 (diff)
Implement project personas for metadef resource-types
This commit updates the policies for metadef resource types to use default roles available from keystone. Implements: blueprint secure-rbac Change-Id: Ia0809b2b27ac8cf9325e264b3298149feea07eb4
Diffstat (limited to 'glance')
2 files changed, 188 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/glance/policies/ b/glance/policies/
index 0bc1498b7..35575d017 100644
--- a/glance/policies/
+++ b/glance/policies/
@@ -149,14 +149,60 @@ metadef_policies = [
- policy.RuleDefault(name="list_metadef_resource_types",
- check_str="rule:metadef_default"),
- policy.RuleDefault(name="get_metadef_resource_type",
- check_str="rule:metadef_default"),
- policy.RuleDefault(name="add_metadef_resource_type_association",
- check_str="rule:metadef_admin"),
- policy.RuleDefault(name="remove_metadef_resource_type_association",
- check_str="rule:metadef_admin"),
+ policy.DocumentedRuleDefault(
+ name="list_metadef_resource_types",
+ scope_types=['system', 'project'],
+ description="List meta definition resource types.",
+ operations=[
+ {'path': '/v2/metadefs/resource_types',
+ 'method': 'GET'}
+ ],
+ deprecated_rule=policy.DeprecatedRule(
+ name="list_metadef_resource_types",
+ check_str="rule:metadef_default",
+ deprecated_reason=DEPRECATED_REASON,
+ deprecated_since=versionutils.deprecated.XENA
+ ),
+ ),
+ policy.DocumentedRuleDefault(
+ name="get_metadef_resource_type",
+ scope_types=['system', 'project'],
+ description="Get meta definition resource types associations.",
+ operations=[
+ {'path': '/v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/resource_types',
+ 'method': 'GET'}
+ ],
+ deprecated_rule=policy.DeprecatedRule(
+ name="get_metadef_resource_type",
+ check_str="rule:metadef_default",
+ deprecated_reason=DEPRECATED_REASON,
+ deprecated_since=versionutils.deprecated.XENA
+ ),
+ ),
+ policy.DocumentedRuleDefault(
+ name="add_metadef_resource_type_association",
+ check_str="rule:metadef_admin",
+ scope_types=['system', 'project'],
+ description="Create meta definition resource types association.",
+ operations=[
+ {'path': '/v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/resource_types',
+ 'method': 'POST'}
+ ],
+ ),
+ policy.DocumentedRuleDefault(
+ name="remove_metadef_resource_type_association",
+ check_str="rule:metadef_admin",
+ scope_types=['system', 'project'],
+ description="Delete meta definition resource types association.",
+ operations=[
+ {'path': '/v2/metadefs/namespaces/{namespace_name}/resource_types'
+ '/{name}',
+ 'method': 'POST'}
+ ],
+ ),
diff --git a/glance/tests/functional/v2/ b/glance/tests/functional/v2/
index 2f0bc8a09..d483396b4 100644
--- a/glance/tests/functional/v2/
+++ b/glance/tests/functional/v2/
@@ -13,15 +13,15 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
-import uuid
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
+from oslo_utils.fixture import uuidsentinel as uuids
import requests
from six.moves import http_client as http
from glance.tests import functional
-TENANT1 = str(uuid.uuid4())
+TENANT1 = uuids.owner1
+TENANT2 = uuids.owner2
class TestMetadefResourceTypes(functional.FunctionalTest):
@@ -147,3 +147,134 @@ class TestMetadefResourceTypes(functional.FunctionalTest):
metadef_resource_type = jsonutils.loads(response.text)
0, len(metadef_resource_type['resource_type_associations']))
+ def _create_namespace(self, path, headers, data):
+ response =, headers=headers, json=data)
+ self.assertEqual(http.CREATED, response.status_code)
+ return response.json()
+ def _create_resource_type(self, namespaces):
+ resource_types = []
+ for namespace in namespaces:
+ headers = self._headers({'X-Tenant-Id': namespace['owner']})
+ data = {
+ "name": "resource_type_of_%s" % (namespace['namespace']),
+ "prefix": "hw_",
+ "properties_target": "image"
+ }
+ path = self._url('/v2/metadefs/namespaces/%s/resource_types' %
+ (namespace['namespace']))
+ response =, headers=headers, json=data)
+ self.assertEqual(http.CREATED, response.status_code)
+ rs_type = response.json()
+ resource_type = dict()
+ resource_type[namespace['namespace']] = rs_type['name']
+ resource_types.append(resource_type)
+ return resource_types
+ def test_role_base_metadef_resource_types_lifecycle(self):
+ # Create public and private namespaces for tenant1 and tenant2
+ path = self._url('/v2/metadefs/namespaces')
+ headers = self._headers({'content-type': 'application/json'})
+ tenant1_namespaces = []
+ tenant2_namespaces = []
+ for tenant in [TENANT1, TENANT2]:
+ headers['X-Tenant-Id'] = tenant
+ for visibility in ['public', 'private']:
+ data = {
+ "namespace": "%s_%s_namespace" % (tenant, visibility),
+ "display_name": "My User Friendly Namespace",
+ "description": "My description",
+ "visibility": visibility,
+ "owner": tenant
+ }
+ namespace = self._create_namespace(path, headers, data)
+ if tenant == TENANT1:
+ tenant1_namespaces.append(namespace)
+ else:
+ tenant2_namespaces.append(namespace)
+ # Create a resource type for each namespace created above
+ tenant1_resource_types = self._create_resource_type(
+ tenant1_namespaces)
+ tenant2_resource_types = self._create_resource_type(
+ tenant2_namespaces)
+ def _check_resource_type_access(namespaces, tenant):
+ headers = self._headers({'X-Tenant-Id': tenant,
+ 'X-Roles': 'reader,member'})
+ for namespace in namespaces:
+ path = self._url('/v2/metadefs/namespaces/%s/resource_types' %
+ (namespace['namespace']))
+ response = requests.get(path, headers=headers)
+ if namespace['visibility'] == 'public':
+ self.assertEqual(http.OK, response.status_code)
+ else:
+ self.assertEqual(http.NOT_FOUND, response.status_code)
+ def _check_resource_types(tenant, total_rs_types):
+ # Resource types are visible across tenants for all users
+ path = self._url('/v2/metadefs/resource_types')
+ headers = self._headers({'X-Tenant-Id': tenant,
+ 'X-Roles': 'reader,member'})
+ response = requests.get(path, headers=headers)
+ self.assertEqual(http.OK, response.status_code)
+ metadef_resource_type = response.json()
+ # The resource types list count should be same as the total
+ # resource types created across the tenants.
+ self.assertEqual(
+ sorted(x['name']
+ for x in metadef_resource_type['resource_types']),
+ sorted(value for x in total_rs_types
+ for key, value in x.items()))
+ # Check Tenant 1 can access resource types of all public namespace
+ # and cannot access resource type of private namespace of Tenant 2
+ _check_resource_type_access(tenant2_namespaces, TENANT1)
+ # Check Tenant 2 can access public namespace and cannot access private
+ # namespace of Tenant 1
+ _check_resource_type_access(tenant1_namespaces, TENANT2)
+ # List all resource type irrespective of namespace & tenant are
+ # accessible non admin roles
+ total_resource_types = tenant1_resource_types + tenant2_resource_types
+ _check_resource_types(TENANT1, total_resource_types)
+ _check_resource_types(TENANT2, total_resource_types)
+ # Disassociate resource type should not be allowed to non admin role
+ for resource_type in total_resource_types:
+ for namespace, rs_type in resource_type.items():
+ path = \
+ self._url('/v2/metadefs/namespaces/%s/resource_types/%s' %
+ (namespace, rs_type))
+ response = requests.delete(
+ path, headers=self._headers({
+ 'X-Roles': 'reader,member',
+ 'X-Tenant-Id': namespace.split('_')[0]
+ }))
+ self.assertEqual(http.FORBIDDEN, response.status_code)
+ # Disassociate of all metadef resource types
+ headers = self._headers()
+ for resource_type in total_resource_types:
+ for namespace, rs_type in resource_type.items():
+ path = \
+ self._url('/v2/metadefs/namespaces/%s/resource_types/%s' %
+ (namespace, rs_type))
+ response = requests.delete(path, headers=headers)
+ self.assertEqual(http.NO_CONTENT, response.status_code)
+ # Disassociated resource type should not be exist
+ # When the specified resource type is not associated with given
+ # namespace then it returns empty list in response instead of
+ # raising not found error
+ path = self._url(
+ '/v2/metadefs/namespaces/%s/resource_types' % namespace)
+ response = requests.get(path, headers=headers)
+ metadef_resource_type = response.json()
+ self.assertEqual(
+ [], metadef_resource_type['resource_type_associations'])