path: root/bytecomp/
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Diffstat (limited to 'bytecomp/')
1 files changed, 139 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index ff8267e7d8..7007771a27 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -421,14 +421,130 @@ let as_procs sync e =
let rec get_chan_rec id = function
| [] -> raise Not_found
| (oid,x)::rem ->
- if id = oid then x else get_chan_rec id rem
+ if Ident.same id oid then x else get_chan_rec id rem
-let dump_idx fp (id, _) = fprintf fp "%s" (Ident.unique_name id)
+open Printf
+let dump_chan fp chan =
+ fprintf fp "{id=%s, sync=%b}"
+ (Ident.unique_name chan.jchannel_ident)
+ chan.jchannel_sync
+let compile_auto a =
+ eprintf "AUTO:" ;
+ List.iter (fun (_,chan) -> eprintf " %a" dump_chan chan) a.jauto_names ;
+ eprintf "\n%!" ;
+ let get_chan tag id =
+ try get_chan_rec id a.jauto_names
+ with Not_found ->
+ fatal_error
+ (Printf.sprintf "Transljoin.compile_auto [%s]: %s" tag
+ (Ident.unique_name id)) in
+ let (disps, reacs), new_names =
+ Joinmatching.compile a.jauto_loc
+ (
+ (fun cl ->
+ let jpats,g = cl.jclause_desc in
+ cl.jclause_loc,jpats,g)
+ a.jauto_desc) in
+(* Allocate new names for dispatchers and guarded processes *)
+ let disps = (fun disp -> Ident.create "#d#", disp) disps
+ and reacs,fwds = match reacs with
+ | [((_,[_],_),_) as reac] -> (* Case of (single) forwarder *)
+ [],[Ident.create "#f", reac]
+ | _ ->
+ (fun reac -> Ident.create "#g#", reac) reacs, [] in
+(* Automaton names *)
+ let name = Ident.create "#auto#"
+ and name_wrapped = Ident.create "#wrapped#" in
+(* Collect forwarders *)
+ let fwd_names =
+ (fun (d_id,(id,_,_)) ->
+ let chan = get_chan "dispatchers" id in
+ id,(chan,(Alone d_id)))
+ disps in
+ let fwd_names =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun fwd r ->
+ let g_id,(_old,(patss,_gd)) = fwd in
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun pats r ->
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun pat r ->
+ let jid,_ = pat.jpat_desc in
+ let id = jid.jident_desc in
+ let chan = get_chan "forwarders" id in
+ (id,(chan,Alone g_id))::r)
+ pats r)
+ patss r)
+ fwds fwd_names in
+(* Collect channels *)
+ let is_fwd id =
+ try ignore(get_chan_rec id fwd_names) ; true
+ with Not_found -> false in
+(* First orignal names unsplit by compilation, and not a forwarder *)
+ let all_names,nchans =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (id,chan) (chans,nchans as k) ->
+ if is_fwd id then k
+ else
+ (id,(chan,Chan (name,nchans)))::chans,nchans+1)
+ a.jauto_names (fwd_names,0) in
+(* Then new names, introduced by pattern matching compilation *)
+ let all_names,nchans =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (id,ids) k ->
+ let chan = get_chan "old_name" id in
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun id (chans,nchans) ->
+ let chan = { chan with jchannel_ident = id} in
+ (id,(chan,Chan (name,nchans)))::chans,nchans+1)
+ ids k)
+ new_names (all_names,nchans) in
+(* Original names, with information *)
+ let is_orig id =
+ try ignore(get_chan_rec id a.jauto_names) ; true
+ with Not_found -> false in
+ let original = List.filter (fun (id,_) -> is_orig id) all_names in
+(* Precompile dispatchers *)
+ let disps =
+ let find_channel id =
+ try get_chan_rec id all_names
+ with Not_found ->
+ fatal_error
+ (Printf.sprintf "find_channel: %s"
+ (Ident.unique_name id)) in
+ (fun disp ->
+ let d_id,(chan_id, cls, par) = disp in
+ let chan = find_channel chan_id
+ and cls = (fun (p,id) -> p,find_channel id) cls in
+ d_id,chan,cls,par)
+ disps in
+(* Precompile reactions, little to do: flatten *)
+ let precomp_reac (id,((_loc,pat,e),(pats,bv))) = id,pat,pats,bv,e in
+ let fwds = precomp_reac fwds
+ and reacs = precomp_reac reacs in
+(* Gather everything... *)
+ {
+ cauto_name = name,name_wrapped;
+ cauto_channels = all_names;
+ cauto_nchans = nchans;
+ cauto_original = original;
+ cauto_loc = a.jauto_loc;
+ cauto_dispatchers = disps;
+ cauto_forwarders = fwds;
+ cauto_reactions = reacs;
+ }
let get_num msg names id =
- let {jchannel_id=x} = get_chan_rec id names in
- match x with
+ let _,opt = get_chan_rec id names in
+ match opt with
| Chan (_,num) -> num
| _ ->
@@ -441,8 +557,8 @@ let get_num msg names id =
let get_chan msg names id =
- let {jchannel_id=x} = get_chan_rec id names in
- x
+ let _,opt = get_chan_rec id names in
+ opt
| Not_found ->
@@ -464,17 +580,18 @@ let rec principal_param ipri params nums = match params, nums with
let names_block nchans names =
let t = Array.create nchans "" in
- (fun (id, {jchannel_id=x}) ->match x with
- | Chan (_,i) -> t.(i) <- Ident.unique_name id
- | _ -> ())
+ (fun (id, (_,opt)) ->
+ match opt with
+ | Chan (_,i) -> t.(i) <- Ident.unique_name id
+ | _ -> ())
names ;
(0, Array.fold_right (fun s r -> Const_base (Const_string s)::r) t []))
let create_auto
- { jauto_name=(auto_name, wrapped_name);
- jauto_names = names ; jauto_nchans=nchans ; } k =
+ { cauto_name=(auto_name, wrapped_name);
+ cauto_channels = names ; cauto_nchans=nchans ; } k =
if nchans > 0 then
(Strict, auto_name,
@@ -485,15 +602,14 @@ let create_auto
(Strict, wrapped_name, wrap_automaton auto_name Location.none, k))
else k
-let create_channels {jauto_name=(raw_name, name) ; jauto_names=names} k =
+let create_channels {cauto_name=(raw_name, name) ; cauto_channels=names} k =
- (fun (id,jc) k ->
- let {jchannel_sync=sync ; jchannel_id=x} = jc in
- match x with
+ (fun (id,(jc,opt)) k ->
+ match opt with
| Chan (_,num) ->
(StrictOpt, id,
- (if sync then
+ (if jc.jchannel_sync then
create_async) name num Location.none,
@@ -543,10 +659,10 @@ let create_forwarders autos dispss fwdss r =
(fun auto r ->
- (fun (_,chan) r -> match chan.jchannel_id with
+ (fun (_,(chan,opt)) r -> match opt with
| Alone g -> make_g "fwd" chan g::r
| Chan (_,_) -> r)
- auto.jauto_names r)
+ auto.cauto_channels r)
autos id2g in
(* patch forwarder data structure *)
let r =
@@ -707,13 +823,13 @@ let lapply (f,args) = Lapply (f,args,Location.none)
(* gs is a list of compiled guarded processes *)
let create_table auto gs r =
- let n_chans = auto.jauto_nchans in
+ let n_chans = auto.cauto_nchans in
if n_chans =0 then r
- let name,_ = auto.jauto_name (* wrapped name of automaton *)
- and names = auto.jauto_names in (* all channels *)
+ let name,_ = auto.cauto_name (* wrapped name of automaton *)
+ and names = auto.cauto_channels in (* all channels *)
- let rec do_guard (Reac reac) (_, sync, _) k =
+ let rec do_guard reac (_, sync, _) k =
let (g, _, actual, _, _) = reac in
let create_reaction jpats r =
@@ -773,7 +889,7 @@ let create_table auto gs r =
let pats = explode actual in
List.fold_right create_reaction pats k in
- let _, reacs, _ = auto.jauto_desc in
+ let reacs = auto.cauto_reactions in
(patch_table name
(List.fold_right2 do_guard reacs gs []) Location.none,