path: root/bytecomp/
diff options
authorLuc Maranget <>2004-06-30 16:32:26 +0000
committerLuc Maranget <>2004-06-30 16:32:26 +0000
commitc1fb5eba69490a311358a3699ec18ab7b650ccc3 (patch)
tree47b7183bd9bcb260258b76cf8f36370fb898919f /bytecomp/
parent979a09d20f9f3aaccf053e93b07bedb07eef4f55 (diff)
sorry qin, you started from an old version
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'bytecomp/')
1 files changed, 74 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 817ea93603..69f90019ec 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -311,8 +311,9 @@ let transl_prim prim args =
(*> JOCAML *)
- Build a sequence if needed,
- note that non debugging information is inserted
+ Build a sequence if needed, this function is called to put sequence
+ instead of ``&'' in some occasions.
+ No debugging information is inserted
let make_sequence lam1 lam2 =
if lam1 = lambda_unit then
@@ -762,114 +763,130 @@ and transl_exp0 e =
cl_type = Tcty_signature cty;
cl_env = e.exp_env }
(*> JOCAML *)
- | Texp_spawn (e) -> transl_spawn true None None e
+ | Texp_spawn (e) -> transl_spawn None e
(*< JOCAML *)
| _ ->
Location.print Format.err_formatter e.exp_loc ;
fatal_error "Translcore.transl_exp"
(*> JOCAML *)
-(* sync is None of asynchronous threads and Some id where id
- is the principal name *)
+ - die is a boolean that indicates that produced code ends by
+ the death of the current thread. As a consequence,
+ the last asynchronous send need not fork a thread in case
+ it fires a guarded process.
+ - sync is None of asynchronous threads and Some id where id
+ is the principal name
-and transl_proc tail sync p = match p.exp_desc with
+and transl_proc die sync p = match p.exp_desc with
(* Mixed constructs *)
| Texp_let(rec_flag, pat_expr_list, body) ->
- transl_let rec_flag pat_expr_list (transl_proc tail sync body)
+ transl_let rec_flag pat_expr_list (transl_proc die sync body)
| Texp_def (d,body) ->
- do_transl_def None d (transl_proc tail sync body)
+ do_transl_def None d (transl_proc die sync body)
| Texp_loc (d,body) ->
- transl_loc d (transl_proc tail sync body)
+ transl_loc d (transl_proc die sync body)
| Texp_ifthenelse(cond, ifso, Some ifnot) ->
(transl_exp cond,
- transl_proc tail sync ifso,
- transl_proc tail sync ifnot)
+ transl_proc die sync ifso,
+ transl_proc die sync ifnot)
| Texp_ifthenelse(cond, ifso, None) ->
assert (sync = None) ;
- Lifthenelse(transl_exp cond, transl_proc tail sync ifso, lambda_unit)
+ Lifthenelse (transl_exp cond, transl_proc die sync ifso, lambda_unit)
| Texp_sequence(e1, p2) ->
- make_sequence (transl_exp e1) (transl_proc tail sync p2)
+ make_sequence (transl_exp e1) (transl_proc die sync p2)
| Texp_when(cond, body) ->
- (transl_exp cond, transl_proc tail sync body, staticfail)
+ (transl_exp cond, transl_proc die sync body, staticfail)
| Texp_match({exp_desc = Texp_tuple argl} as arg, pat_expr_list, partial) ->
Matching.for_multiple_match p.exp_loc
(transl_list argl)
- (transl_cases no_event (transl_proc tail sync) pat_expr_list) partial
+ (transl_cases no_event (transl_proc die sync) pat_expr_list) partial
| Texp_match(arg, pat_expr_list, partial) ->
Matching.for_function p.exp_loc None
(transl_exp arg)
- (transl_cases no_event (transl_proc tail sync) pat_expr_list) partial
+ (transl_cases no_event (transl_proc die sync) pat_expr_list) partial
(* Proc constructs *)
| Texp_par (e1,e2) ->
let psync, seqs, forks = Transljoin.as_procs sync p in
+(* psync is some expression to compute as a result *)
begin match psync with
| None ->
begin match forks, seqs with
| [],[] -> lambda_unit
| fst::rem,_ ->
- List.fold_right transl_seq seqs
- (List.fold_right (transl_fork None) rem
- (transl_proc tail None fst))
+ transl_as_seq false seqs
+ (List.fold_right
+ (transl_fork None)
+ rem (transl_proc die None fst))
| [],_ ->
- List.fold_right transl_seq seqs lambda_unit
+ transl_as_seq die seqs lambda_unit
| Some psync ->
- List.fold_right transl_seq seqs
+ transl_as_seq false seqs
(List.fold_right (transl_fork None) forks
- (transl_proc tail sync psync))
+ (transl_proc false sync psync))
| Texp_asyncsend (_,_) | Texp_reply (_,_) | Texp_null | Texp_exec (_) ->
- transl_simple_proc tail sync p
+ transl_simple_proc die sync p
| _ ->
Location.print Format.err_formatter p.exp_loc ;
fatal_error "Translcore.transl_proc"
-and transl_simple_proc tail sync p = match p.exp_desc with
+ Simple procs are defined as follows : the code for them does
+ terminate and never fails,
+ As a consequence, ``&'' can get translated to ``;''
+and transl_simple_proc die sync p = match p.exp_desc with
(* Mixed constructs *)
| Texp_let(rec_flag, pat_expr_list, body) ->
- transl_let rec_flag pat_expr_list (transl_simple_proc tail sync body)
+ transl_let rec_flag pat_expr_list (transl_simple_proc die sync body)
| Texp_def (d,body) ->
- do_transl_def None d (transl_simple_proc tail sync body)
+ do_transl_def None d (transl_simple_proc die sync body)
| Texp_loc (d,body) ->
- transl_loc d (transl_simple_proc tail sync body)
+ transl_loc d (transl_simple_proc die sync body)
| Texp_ifthenelse(cond, ifso, Some ifnot) ->
(transl_exp cond,
- transl_simple_proc tail sync ifso,
- transl_simple_proc tail sync ifnot)
+ transl_simple_proc die sync ifso,
+ transl_simple_proc die sync ifnot)
| Texp_ifthenelse(cond, ifso, None) ->
- Lifthenelse
- (transl_exp cond,
- transl_proc tail sync ifso,
- lambda_unit)
+ Lifthenelse (transl_exp cond,
+ transl_simple_proc die sync ifso,
+ lambda_unit)
| Texp_sequence(e, p) ->
- make_sequence (transl_exp e) (transl_simple_proc tail sync p)
+ make_sequence (transl_exp e) (transl_simple_proc die sync p)
| Texp_when(cond, body) ->
- (transl_exp cond, transl_simple_proc tail sync body,
- staticfail))
+ (transl_exp cond, transl_simple_proc die sync body, staticfail))
| Texp_match({exp_desc = Texp_tuple argl} as arg, pat_expr_list, partial) ->
Matching.for_multiple_match p.exp_loc
(transl_list argl)
- (transl_cases
- no_event (transl_simple_proc tail sync) pat_expr_list) partial
+ (transl_cases no_event
+ (transl_simple_proc die sync) pat_expr_list) partial
| Texp_match(arg, pat_expr_list, partial) ->
Matching.for_function p.exp_loc None
(transl_exp arg)
- (transl_cases no_event (transl_simple_proc tail sync) pat_expr_list) partial
+ (transl_cases no_event
+ (transl_simple_proc die sync) pat_expr_list) partial
(* Proc constructs *)
| Texp_exec (e) -> transl_exp e
-| Texp_par (_,_) -> transl_spawn tail sync None p
+| Texp_par (p1,p2) -> (* We can translate this ``&'' as a sequence *)
+ make_sequence
+ (transl_simple_proc false sync p1)
+ (transl_simple_proc die sync p2)
| Texp_asyncsend
({exp_desc=Texp_ident (_,{val_kind=Val_channel (auto,num,alone)})},e2) ->
- (if tail then
- Transljoin.tail_send_async
- else
- Transljoin.send_async)
+ (if die then Transljoin.tail_direct_send_async
+ else Transljoin.direct_send_async)
auto num alone (transl_exp e2)
-| Texp_asyncsend (e1,e2) -> Lapply (transl_exp e1,[transl_exp e2])
+| Texp_asyncsend (e1,e2) ->
+ (if die then Transljoin.tail_send_async else Transljoin.send_async)
+ (transl_exp e1) (transl_exp e2)
| Texp_reply (e, (Pident id as path)) ->
begin match sync with
| Some main_id when main_id = id -> transl_exp e
@@ -911,21 +928,25 @@ and guarded_proc_as_fun cl_loc sync jpats p =
params, body
(* transl_spawn separates e into a forked part and a part to execute now *)
-and transl_spawn tail sync some_loc e =
- let psync, seqs, forks = Transljoin.as_procs sync e in
- let lam_end = match psync with
- | None -> lambda_unit
- | Some p -> transl_proc tail sync p in
+and transl_spawn some_loc e =
+ let _, seqs, forks = Transljoin.as_procs None e in
let lforks =
- List.fold_right (transl_fork some_loc) forks lam_end in
- List.fold_right transl_seq seqs lforks
+ List.fold_right (transl_fork some_loc) forks lambda_unit in
+ transl_as_seq false seqs lforks
(* Do perform a fork *)
and transl_fork some_loc e k =
make_sequence (Transljoin.do_spawn some_loc (transl_proc true None e)) k
(* Sequence for processes *)
-and transl_seq e k = make_sequence (transl_simple_proc false None e) k
+and transl_as_seq die es k = match es with
+| [] -> k
+| [e] -> make_sequence (transl_simple_proc die None e) k
+| e::rem ->
+ make_sequence
+ (transl_simple_proc false None e)
+ (transl_as_seq die rem k)
(*< JOCAML *)
and transl_list expr_list = transl_exp expr_list