diff options
authorLuc Maranget <>2010-06-29 09:35:17 +0000
committerLuc Maranget <>2010-06-29 09:35:17 +0000
commit63713d7c6e540726ae254ae7074036820266f2f8 (patch)
parent6f5e146ecdefd6a5ce919903c954761e4143a4b7 (diff)
Typer bug: force unification of join-pattern arguments before
compiling pattern matching in join-patterns. git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
2 files changed, 30 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/Changes_JoCaml b/Changes_JoCaml
index c4a4848c92..09f811e8b5 100644
--- a/Changes_JoCaml
+++ b/Changes_JoCaml
@@ -1,4 +1,17 @@
-- Added new librairies JoinHelper and JoinPool
+- Corrected bug in typing : arguments of join-patterns must
+ get unified, channel per channel, before compiling algebraic
+ patterns in join-patterns. Reason: the compilation assumes
+ that patterns are type-correct.
+- Added new librairy JoinTextProc
+- Corrected subtle threading bug in JoinProc: fork & parent channels
+ closing in critical section.
+- Added new librairy JoinCom [producer/consumers, previously in JoinFifo]
+- Added new librairies JoinHelper, JoinPool and JoinProc (replacement
+ for Unix fork/exec helpers, which are not thread safe at all)
- Corrected incorrect handling of channel names in object bodies. Costly
(bug #1, rev 10200)
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 5232e5dd60..57ce030f2d 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ let reset_def scp =
def_ids := []
(* All channels defined by a join definition *)
-let auto_chans = ref ([] : (Ident.t * type_expr * Location.t) list)
+let auto_chans = ref ([] : (Ident.t * type_expr * Location.t * type_expr) list)
let reset_auto () = auto_chans := []
@@ -638,19 +638,20 @@ let create_channel chan =
raise (Error (chan.pjident_loc, Multiply_bound_variable name)) ;
let id = Ident.create chan.pjident_desc
and ty = newvar()
- and loc = chan.pjident_loc in
+ and loc = chan.pjident_loc
+ and ty_arg = newvar() in
def_ids := id :: !def_ids ;
- auto_chans := (id, ty, loc) :: !auto_chans ;
+ auto_chans := (id, ty, loc, ty_arg) :: !auto_chans ;
let name = chan.pjident_desc in
match !def_scope with
| None -> ()
| Some s -> Stypes.record (Stypes.An_ident (loc, name, s));
- (id, ty)
- | (id, ty, _)::rem ->
+ (id, ty, ty_arg)
+ | (id, ty, _,ty_arg)::rem ->
if id = name then
- (id, ty)
+ (id, ty, ty_arg)
do_rec rem in
do_rec !auto_chans
@@ -678,7 +679,7 @@ let rec get_type id env = match env with
if Ident.same id jd then ty,loc
else get_type id env
-let type_auto_lhs env scope {pjauto_desc=sauto ; pjauto_loc=auto_loc} =
+let type_auto_lhs tenv scope {pjauto_desc=sauto ; pjauto_loc=auto_loc} =
(* Type patterns *)
reset_auto () ;
let auto =
@@ -690,9 +691,11 @@ let type_auto_lhs env scope {pjauto_desc=sauto ; pjauto_loc=auto_loc} =
(fun sjpat ->
let schan, sarg = sjpat.pjpat_desc in
- let (id, ty) = enter_channel schan in
- let chan = mk_jident id schan.pjident_loc ty env
- and arg = type_pat env sarg in
+ let (id, ty, ty_arg) = enter_channel schan in
+ let chan = mk_jident id schan.pjident_loc ty tenv
+ and arg = type_pat tenv sarg in
+ (* Unify arguments before compilation of patterns in join patterns *)
+ unify_pat tenv arg ty_arg ;
{jpat_desc = chan, arg;
jpat_kont = ref None ;
jpat_loc = sjpat.pjpat_loc;})
@@ -701,11 +704,12 @@ let type_auto_lhs env scope {pjauto_desc=sauto ; pjauto_loc=auto_loc} =
(get_ref pattern_variables, get_ref pattern_force))
sauto in
(* get orginal channel names now *)
- let env = get_ref auto_chans in
- let original = (fun (id,_,_) -> id) env in
+ let env = get_ref auto_chans in (* get rid of [now useless] argument types *)
+ let original = (fun (id,_,_,_) -> id) env in
(* compile algebraic pattern in joinpatterns *)
let (disps, reacs), new_names = Joinmatching.compile auto_loc auto in
(* collect all names *)
+ let env = (fun (id,ty,loc,_) -> id,ty,loc) env in
let env =
(fun (id, ids) r ->