diff options
authorLuc Maranget <>2012-08-28 14:33:47 +0000
committerLuc Maranget <>2012-08-28 14:33:47 +0000
commit60d53419e4bbcb8adfc7b8f69342cb0404c33d4e (patch)
parent7e19129da385eac735ffd8a3211c3f08591d60cc (diff)
Restored join-compilation with simplified typedtree
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
-rwxr-xr-xboot/ocamlcbin1301630 -> 1302272 bytes
14 files changed, 400 insertions, 339 deletions
diff --git a/boot/ocamlc b/boot/ocamlc
index fbc4ec1bf4..b51e40827d 100755
--- a/boot/ocamlc
+++ b/boot/ocamlc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index a793a1e2a7..5f9e7553c5 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -32,6 +32,23 @@ type error =
exception Error of Location.t * error
+(* Optimisation of channnel send/calls,
+ Done with side effect so as not to distroy code structure *)
+let chan_env = ref (Ident.empty)
+let add_chan_env ids =
+ chan_env :=
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun k (id,x) -> Ident.add id x k)
+ !chan_env
+ ids
+let get_chan_env id =
+ try Some (Ident.find_same id !chan_env)
+ with Not_found -> None
(* Forward declaration -- to be filled in by Translmod.transl_module *)
let transl_module =
ref((fun cc rootpath modl -> assert false) :
@@ -631,7 +648,7 @@ and transl_exp0 e =
raise(Error(e.exp_loc, Free_super_var))
| Texp_ident
(path, _,
- {val_kind = Val_reg|Val_self _|Val_channel (_,_)|Val_alone _}) ->
+ {val_kind = Val_reg|Val_self _}) ->
transl_path path
| Texp_ident _ -> fatal_error "Translcore.transl_exp: bad Texp_ident"
| Texp_constant cst ->
@@ -641,8 +658,8 @@ and transl_exp0 e =
rec_flag pat_expr_list (event_before body (transl_exp body))
(*> JOCAML *)
| Texp_def (d,body) ->
- do_transl_def d (transl_exp body)
+ do_transl_def d (fun () -> transl_exp body)
| Texp_function (_, pat_expr_list, partial) ->
let ((kind, params), body) =
event_function e
@@ -651,20 +668,6 @@ and transl_exp0 e =
transl_function e.exp_loc !Clflags.native_code repr partial pl)
Lfunction(kind, params, body)
-(* two small optimizations *)
- | Texp_apply
- ({exp_desc = Texp_ident(path, _, {val_kind = Val_alone id})},
- [_,Some arg,_])
- ->
- Lapply (Lvar id,[transl_exp arg],e.exp_loc)
- | Texp_apply
- ({exp_desc = Texp_ident(path, _, {val_kind = Val_channel (auto,idx)})},
- [_,Some arg,_])
- ->
- Transljoin.local_send_sync
- auto idx (transl_exp arg)
- e.exp_loc
| Texp_apply({exp_desc = Texp_ident(path, _, {val_kind = Val_prim p})}, oargs)
when List.length oargs >= p.prim_arity
&& List.for_all (fun (_, arg,_) -> arg <> None) oargs ->
@@ -703,7 +706,24 @@ and transl_exp0 e =
| Texp_apply(funct, oargs) ->
- event_after e (transl_apply (transl_exp funct) oargs e.exp_loc)
+(* two small optimizations *)
+ begin match funct.exp_desc,oargs with
+ | Texp_ident(Pident id, _, {val_kind = Val_reg}),
+ [_,Some arg,_] ->
+ begin match get_chan_env id with
+ | Some (Alone id) ->
+ Lapply (Lvar id,[transl_exp arg],e.exp_loc)
+ | Some (Chan (id,idx)) ->
+ Transljoin.local_send_sync
+ id idx (transl_exp arg)
+ e.exp_loc
+ | None ->
+ event_after e
+ (transl_apply (transl_exp funct) oargs e.exp_loc)
+ end
+ | _,_ ->
+ event_after e (transl_apply (transl_exp funct) oargs e.exp_loc)
+ end
| Texp_match({exp_desc = Texp_tuple argl}, pat_expr_list, partial) ->
Matching.for_multiple_match (id_lam,e.exp_loc)
(transl_list transl_exp argl)
@@ -930,7 +950,7 @@ and transl_proc die sync p = match p.exp_desc with
(fun e -> Transljoin.reply_handler sync p transl_exp e)
rec_flag pat_expr_list (transl_proc die sync body)
| Texp_def (d,body) ->
- do_transl_def d (transl_proc die sync body)
+ do_transl_def d (fun () -> transl_proc die sync body)
| Texp_ifthenelse(cond, ifso, Some ifnot) ->
(Transljoin.reply_handler sync p transl_exp cond,
@@ -1012,7 +1032,7 @@ and transl_simple_proc die sync p = match p.exp_desc with
rec_flag pat_expr_list (transl_simple_proc die sync body)
| Texp_def (d,body) ->
- do_transl_def d (transl_simple_proc die sync body)
+ do_transl_def d (fun () -> transl_simple_proc die sync body)
| Texp_ifthenelse(cond, ifso, Some ifnot) ->
(transl_exp cond,
@@ -1045,19 +1065,25 @@ and transl_simple_proc die sync p = match p.exp_desc with
(transl_simple_proc false sync p1)
(transl_simple_proc die sync p2)
-| Texp_asyncsend
- ({exp_desc=Texp_ident (_,_,{val_kind=Val_channel (auto,num)})},e2) ->
- (if die then Transljoin.local_tail_send_async
- else Transljoin.local_send_async)
- auto num (transl_exp e2) p.exp_loc
-| Texp_asyncsend
- ({exp_desc=Texp_ident (_,_,{val_kind=Val_alone (guard)})},e2) ->
- (if die then Transljoin.local_tail_send_alone
- else Transljoin.local_send_alone)
- guard (transl_exp e2) p.exp_loc
| Texp_asyncsend (e1,e2) ->
- (if die then Transljoin.tail_send_async else Transljoin.send_async)
- (transl_exp e1) (transl_exp e2) p.exp_loc
+ let default e1 e2 =
+ (if die then Transljoin.tail_send_async else Transljoin.send_async)
+ (transl_exp e1) (transl_exp e2) p.exp_loc in
+ begin match e1.exp_desc with
+ | Texp_ident (Pident id,_,{val_kind=Val_reg}) ->
+ begin match get_chan_env id with
+ | Some (Alone id) ->
+ (if die then Transljoin.local_tail_send_alone
+ else Transljoin.local_send_alone)
+ id (transl_exp e2) p.exp_loc
+ | Some (Chan (id,idx)) ->
+ (if die then Transljoin.local_tail_send_async
+ else Transljoin.local_send_async)
+ id idx (transl_exp e2) p.exp_loc
+ | None -> default e1 e2
+ end
+ | _ -> default e1 e2
+ end
| Texp_reply (e, id) ->
begin match sync with
| Some main_id when main_id = id -> transl_exp e
@@ -1080,7 +1106,7 @@ and transl_simple_proc die sync p = match p.exp_desc with
(* Parameter list for a guarded process *)
-and transl_reaction (name,_) (Reac reac) =
+and transl_reaction (name,_) reac =
let (x, _ , actuals, idpats, p) = reac in
(* Principal continuation, as computed by typing *)
let sync = Transljoin.principal p in
@@ -1119,14 +1145,15 @@ and transl_reaction (name,_) (Reac reac) =
x, sync, lam
and transl_dispatcher disp =
- let Disp (d_id, chan, cls, partial) = disp in
+ let d_id, (chan,_) , cls, partial = disp in
let z = Ident.create "#z#" in
- let rhs chan =
- if chan.jchannel_sync then match chan.jchannel_id with
+ let rhs (chan,opt) =
+ if chan.jchannel_sync then match opt with
| Chan (name, i) ->
Transljoin.local_send_sync name i (Lvar z) Location.none
| Alone g -> Lapply (Lvar g, [Lvar z],Location.none)
- else match chan.jchannel_id with
+ else match opt with
| Chan (name, i) ->
Transljoin.local_tail_send_async name i
(Lvar z) Location.none
@@ -1136,28 +1163,28 @@ and transl_dispatcher disp =
let body =
let allchans =
- (fun (p, chan) -> match chan.jchannel_id with
- | Chan (auto,i) -> auto,(p,i)
- | Alone _ -> raise Exit)
- cls in
- match allchans with
- | [] -> assert false
- | (auto,_)::_ ->
- let cls =
- (fun (_,(p,i)) ->
- p,Lconst (Const_base (Const_int i)))
- allchans in
- (if chan.jchannel_sync then
- Transljoin.local_send_sync2
- else
- Transljoin.local_tail_send_async2)
- auto
- (Matching.for_function
- (id_lam,Location.none) None (Lvar z)
- cls partial)
- (Lvar z)
+ (fun (p, (chan,opt)) -> match opt with
+ | Chan (auto,i) -> auto,(p,i)
+ | Alone _ -> raise Exit)
+ cls in
+ match allchans with
+ | [] -> assert false
+ | (auto,_)::_ ->
+ let cls =
+ (fun (_,(p,i)) ->
+ p,Lconst (Const_base (Const_int i)))
+ allchans in
+ (if chan.jchannel_sync then
+ Transljoin.local_send_sync2
+ else
+ Transljoin.local_tail_send_async2)
+ auto
+ (Matching.for_function
+ (id_lam,Location.none) None (Lvar z)
+ cls partial)
+ (Lvar z)
with Exit ->
let cls = (fun (p, chan) -> p, rhs chan) cls in
@@ -1166,7 +1193,7 @@ and transl_dispatcher disp =
let lam = Lfunction (Curried, params, body) in
d_id, chan, lam
-and transl_forwarder (Fwd reac) =
+and transl_forwarder reac =
let (x, jpat, _, idpats, p) = reac in
let sync = Transljoin.principal p in
let body =
@@ -1327,16 +1354,27 @@ and transl_let reply_handler transl_exp rec_flag pat_expr_list body =
Lletrec(List.map2 transl_case pat_expr_list idlist, body)
(*> JOCAML *)
-and do_transl_def autos body =
+(* Compile pattern matching in join patterns *)
+and do_transl_def autos kbody =
+(* Precompile automata, this includes PM compilation *)
+ let autos = Transljoin.compile_auto autos in
+(* Add info and compile body *)
+ let saved_chan_env = !chan_env in
+ List.iter
+ (fun a ->
+ add_chan_env
+ ( (fun (id,(_,opt)) ->id,opt) a.cauto_original))
+ autos ;
+ let body = kbody () in
(* compile (and name) real guarded processes *)
let reactions =
(fun auto ->
- if auto.jauto_nchans = 0 then []
+ if auto.cauto_nchans = 0 then []
- let _,reacs,_ = auto.jauto_desc in
- (transl_reaction auto.jauto_name) reacs)
+ let reacs = auto.cauto_reactions in
+ (transl_reaction auto.cauto_name) reacs)
autos in
(* compile firing of guarded processes (aka automaton table) *)
@@ -1358,13 +1396,13 @@ and do_transl_def autos body =
let disps =
(fun auto ->
- let disps,_,_ = auto.jauto_desc in
+ let disps = auto.cauto_dispatchers in transl_dispatcher disps)
and fwds =
(fun auto ->
- let _,_,fwds = auto.jauto_desc in
+ let fwds = auto.cauto_forwarders in transl_forwarder fwds)
autos in
let r =
@@ -1376,11 +1414,11 @@ and do_transl_def autos body =
Transljoin.create_forwarders autos disps fwds r in
(* create channels structures *)
- let r =
- List.fold_right Transljoin.create_channels autos r in
+ let r = List.fold_right Transljoin.create_channels autos r in
(* create automata structures *)
- let r =
- List.fold_right Transljoin.create_auto autos r in
+ let r = List.fold_right Transljoin.create_auto autos r in
+(* Restore channel env *)
+ chan_env := saved_chan_env ;
@@ -1455,7 +1493,7 @@ and transl_record all_labels repres lbl_expr_list opt_init_expr =
(*> JOCAML *)
(* For external usage *)
-let transl_def d k = do_transl_def d k
+let transl_def d k = do_transl_def d (fun () -> k)
and transl_let = transl_let id_lam transl_exp
(*< JOCAML *)
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index ff8267e7d8..7007771a27 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -421,14 +421,130 @@ let as_procs sync e =
let rec get_chan_rec id = function
| [] -> raise Not_found
| (oid,x)::rem ->
- if id = oid then x else get_chan_rec id rem
+ if Ident.same id oid then x else get_chan_rec id rem
-let dump_idx fp (id, _) = fprintf fp "%s" (Ident.unique_name id)
+open Printf
+let dump_chan fp chan =
+ fprintf fp "{id=%s, sync=%b}"
+ (Ident.unique_name chan.jchannel_ident)
+ chan.jchannel_sync
+let compile_auto a =
+ eprintf "AUTO:" ;
+ List.iter (fun (_,chan) -> eprintf " %a" dump_chan chan) a.jauto_names ;
+ eprintf "\n%!" ;
+ let get_chan tag id =
+ try get_chan_rec id a.jauto_names
+ with Not_found ->
+ fatal_error
+ (Printf.sprintf "Transljoin.compile_auto [%s]: %s" tag
+ (Ident.unique_name id)) in
+ let (disps, reacs), new_names =
+ Joinmatching.compile a.jauto_loc
+ (
+ (fun cl ->
+ let jpats,g = cl.jclause_desc in
+ cl.jclause_loc,jpats,g)
+ a.jauto_desc) in
+(* Allocate new names for dispatchers and guarded processes *)
+ let disps = (fun disp -> Ident.create "#d#", disp) disps
+ and reacs,fwds = match reacs with
+ | [((_,[_],_),_) as reac] -> (* Case of (single) forwarder *)
+ [],[Ident.create "#f", reac]
+ | _ ->
+ (fun reac -> Ident.create "#g#", reac) reacs, [] in
+(* Automaton names *)
+ let name = Ident.create "#auto#"
+ and name_wrapped = Ident.create "#wrapped#" in
+(* Collect forwarders *)
+ let fwd_names =
+ (fun (d_id,(id,_,_)) ->
+ let chan = get_chan "dispatchers" id in
+ id,(chan,(Alone d_id)))
+ disps in
+ let fwd_names =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun fwd r ->
+ let g_id,(_old,(patss,_gd)) = fwd in
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun pats r ->
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun pat r ->
+ let jid,_ = pat.jpat_desc in
+ let id = jid.jident_desc in
+ let chan = get_chan "forwarders" id in
+ (id,(chan,Alone g_id))::r)
+ pats r)
+ patss r)
+ fwds fwd_names in
+(* Collect channels *)
+ let is_fwd id =
+ try ignore(get_chan_rec id fwd_names) ; true
+ with Not_found -> false in
+(* First orignal names unsplit by compilation, and not a forwarder *)
+ let all_names,nchans =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (id,chan) (chans,nchans as k) ->
+ if is_fwd id then k
+ else
+ (id,(chan,Chan (name,nchans)))::chans,nchans+1)
+ a.jauto_names (fwd_names,0) in
+(* Then new names, introduced by pattern matching compilation *)
+ let all_names,nchans =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (id,ids) k ->
+ let chan = get_chan "old_name" id in
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun id (chans,nchans) ->
+ let chan = { chan with jchannel_ident = id} in
+ (id,(chan,Chan (name,nchans)))::chans,nchans+1)
+ ids k)
+ new_names (all_names,nchans) in
+(* Original names, with information *)
+ let is_orig id =
+ try ignore(get_chan_rec id a.jauto_names) ; true
+ with Not_found -> false in
+ let original = List.filter (fun (id,_) -> is_orig id) all_names in
+(* Precompile dispatchers *)
+ let disps =
+ let find_channel id =
+ try get_chan_rec id all_names
+ with Not_found ->
+ fatal_error
+ (Printf.sprintf "find_channel: %s"
+ (Ident.unique_name id)) in
+ (fun disp ->
+ let d_id,(chan_id, cls, par) = disp in
+ let chan = find_channel chan_id
+ and cls = (fun (p,id) -> p,find_channel id) cls in
+ d_id,chan,cls,par)
+ disps in
+(* Precompile reactions, little to do: flatten *)
+ let precomp_reac (id,((_loc,pat,e),(pats,bv))) = id,pat,pats,bv,e in
+ let fwds = precomp_reac fwds
+ and reacs = precomp_reac reacs in
+(* Gather everything... *)
+ {
+ cauto_name = name,name_wrapped;
+ cauto_channels = all_names;
+ cauto_nchans = nchans;
+ cauto_original = original;
+ cauto_loc = a.jauto_loc;
+ cauto_dispatchers = disps;
+ cauto_forwarders = fwds;
+ cauto_reactions = reacs;
+ }
let get_num msg names id =
- let {jchannel_id=x} = get_chan_rec id names in
- match x with
+ let _,opt = get_chan_rec id names in
+ match opt with
| Chan (_,num) -> num
| _ ->
@@ -441,8 +557,8 @@ let get_num msg names id =
let get_chan msg names id =
- let {jchannel_id=x} = get_chan_rec id names in
- x
+ let _,opt = get_chan_rec id names in
+ opt
| Not_found ->
@@ -464,17 +580,18 @@ let rec principal_param ipri params nums = match params, nums with
let names_block nchans names =
let t = Array.create nchans "" in
- (fun (id, {jchannel_id=x}) ->match x with
- | Chan (_,i) -> t.(i) <- Ident.unique_name id
- | _ -> ())
+ (fun (id, (_,opt)) ->
+ match opt with
+ | Chan (_,i) -> t.(i) <- Ident.unique_name id
+ | _ -> ())
names ;
(0, Array.fold_right (fun s r -> Const_base (Const_string s)::r) t []))
let create_auto
- { jauto_name=(auto_name, wrapped_name);
- jauto_names = names ; jauto_nchans=nchans ; } k =
+ { cauto_name=(auto_name, wrapped_name);
+ cauto_channels = names ; cauto_nchans=nchans ; } k =
if nchans > 0 then
(Strict, auto_name,
@@ -485,15 +602,14 @@ let create_auto
(Strict, wrapped_name, wrap_automaton auto_name Location.none, k))
else k
-let create_channels {jauto_name=(raw_name, name) ; jauto_names=names} k =
+let create_channels {cauto_name=(raw_name, name) ; cauto_channels=names} k =
- (fun (id,jc) k ->
- let {jchannel_sync=sync ; jchannel_id=x} = jc in
- match x with
+ (fun (id,(jc,opt)) k ->
+ match opt with
| Chan (_,num) ->
(StrictOpt, id,
- (if sync then
+ (if jc.jchannel_sync then
create_async) name num Location.none,
@@ -543,10 +659,10 @@ let create_forwarders autos dispss fwdss r =
(fun auto r ->
- (fun (_,chan) r -> match chan.jchannel_id with
+ (fun (_,(chan,opt)) r -> match opt with
| Alone g -> make_g "fwd" chan g::r
| Chan (_,_) -> r)
- auto.jauto_names r)
+ auto.cauto_channels r)
autos id2g in
(* patch forwarder data structure *)
let r =
@@ -707,13 +823,13 @@ let lapply (f,args) = Lapply (f,args,Location.none)
(* gs is a list of compiled guarded processes *)
let create_table auto gs r =
- let n_chans = auto.jauto_nchans in
+ let n_chans = auto.cauto_nchans in
if n_chans =0 then r
- let name,_ = auto.jauto_name (* wrapped name of automaton *)
- and names = auto.jauto_names in (* all channels *)
+ let name,_ = auto.cauto_name (* wrapped name of automaton *)
+ and names = auto.cauto_channels in (* all channels *)
- let rec do_guard (Reac reac) (_, sync, _) k =
+ let rec do_guard reac (_, sync, _) k =
let (g, _, actual, _, _) = reac in
let create_reaction jpats r =
@@ -773,7 +889,7 @@ let create_table auto gs r =
let pats = explode actual in
List.fold_right create_reaction pats k in
- let _, reacs, _ = auto.jauto_desc in
+ let reacs = auto.cauto_reactions in
(patch_table name
(List.fold_right2 do_guard reacs gs []) Location.none,
diff --git a/bytecomp/transljoin.mli b/bytecomp/transljoin.mli
index 027f79ab66..e5066fb547 100644
--- a/bytecomp/transljoin.mli
+++ b/bytecomp/transljoin.mli
@@ -72,25 +72,27 @@ val principal : Typedtree.expression -> Ident.t option
(* Building definitions and locations *)
+val compile_auto : Typedtree.joinautomaton -> Typedtree.compiledautomaton
val create_auto :
- 'a Typedtree.joinautomaton_gen ->
+ Typedtree.compiledautomaton ->
Lambda.lambda -> Lambda.lambda
val create_channels :
- 'a Typedtree.joinautomaton_gen -> Lambda.lambda -> Lambda.lambda
+ Typedtree.compiledautomaton -> Lambda.lambda -> Lambda.lambda
val create_dispatchers :
(Ident.t * Typedtree.joinchannel * Lambda.lambda) list ->
Lambda.lambda -> Lambda.lambda
val create_forwarders :
- 'a Typedtree.joinautomaton_gen list ->
+ Typedtree.compiledautomaton list ->
(Ident.t * Typedtree.joinchannel * Lambda.lambda) list list ->
(Ident.t * Lambda.lambda) list list ->
Lambda.lambda -> Lambda.lambda
val create_table:
- Typedtree.joinautomaton ->
+ Typedtree.compiledautomaton ->
(Ident.t * Ident.t option * 'a) list -> Lambda.lambda ->
diff --git a/parsing/parsetree.mli b/parsing/parsetree.mli
index a01c2d1308..9a30d22324 100644
--- a/parsing/parsetree.mli
+++ b/parsing/parsetree.mli
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ and joinautomaton =
and joinclause =
{pjclause_desc : joinpattern list * expression ;
- pjclause_loc : Location.t}
+ pjclause_loc : Location.t}
and joinpattern =
{ pjpat_desc: joinpattern_desc;
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 8a4fc81d89..9a2c4a2e25 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -1101,13 +1101,6 @@ and add_continuation id desc env =
and remove_continuations t = {t with continuations = EnvTbl.empty}
-let do_purge ((path,d),sl as c) = match d.val_kind with
- | Val_channel _|Val_alone _ -> (path,{ d with val_kind = Val_reg; }),sl
- | _ -> c
-let remove_channel_info t =
- { t with values = do_purge t.values ; }
(*< JOCAML *)
let add_local_constraint id info elv env =
diff --git a/typing/env.mli b/typing/env.mli
index 9f551fd367..1fa00b77d7 100644
--- a/typing/env.mli
+++ b/typing/env.mli
@@ -94,8 +94,6 @@ val add_signature: signature -> t -> t
(*> JOCAML *)
val add_continuation: Ident.t -> continuation_description -> t -> t
val remove_continuations: t -> t
-(* Erase channel information *)
-val remove_channel_info: t -> t
(*< JOCAML *)
(* Insertion of all fields of a signature, relative to the given path.
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 411f04cfe3..853ff5acf1 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ let collect cls =
| Not_found ->
Hashtbl.add tbl_id_args jid.jident_desc [arg] in
- let collect_clause ((_, jpats, _),_) = List.iter collect_jpat jpats in
+ let collect_clause (_, jpats, _) = List.iter collect_jpat jpats in
List.iter collect_clause cls;
let f id args ls = (id,args)::ls in
Hashtbl.fold f tbl_id_args []
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ let y auto_loc ((disp, reac, new_names) as auto) id args =
yfinal auto id par dag
| _ ->
- (* Compute all possible lubs of some patterns fromp pats
+ (* Compute all possible lubs of some patterns from pats
ref. the F function in Step 1
pattern list -> pattern list *)
let rec compute_lubs pats =
@@ -280,15 +280,15 @@ type 'a reaction = Location.t * joinpattern list * 'a
type dispatcher =
Ident.t * (pattern * Ident.t) list * partial
-type ('a, 'b) guard =
- ('a reaction * 'b) * (* old clause *)
+type 'a guard =
+ 'a reaction * (* old clause *)
(joinpattern list list * (* new joinpattern *)
(Ident.t * Typedtree.pattern) list) (* inserted matching *)
let compile auto_loc cls =
let name_args = collect cls
and cls =
- let trivial_clause (((_, jpats, _),_) as cl) =
+ let trivial_clause ((_, jpats, _) as cl) =
cl, (jpats,[]), [] in trivial_clause cls in
diff --git a/typing/joinmatching.mli b/typing/joinmatching.mli
index e9e6d73777..c1323d6e1f 100644
--- a/typing/joinmatching.mli
+++ b/typing/joinmatching.mli
@@ -27,13 +27,13 @@ type 'a reaction = Location.t * joinpattern list * 'a
type dispatcher =
Ident.t * (pattern * Ident.t) list * partial
-type ('a, 'b) guard =
- ('a reaction * 'b) * (* old clause *)
+type 'a guard =
+ 'a reaction * (* old clause *)
(joinpattern list list * (* new joinpattern *)
(Ident.t * Typedtree.pattern) list) (* inserted matching *)
val compile :
Location.t (* location of automaton *)->
- ('a reaction * 'b) list (* clauses *) ->
- (dispatcher list * ('a, 'b) guard list) * (* compiled clauses *)
+ 'a reaction list (* clauses *) ->
+ (dispatcher list * 'a guard list) * (* compiled clauses *)
(Ident.t * Ident.t list) list (* new channels *)
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index c7c91ad7f6..ac816ecc2c 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -1035,7 +1035,7 @@ let reset_def scp =
def_ids := []
(* All channels defined by a join definition *)
-let auto_chans = ref ([] : (Ident.t * type_expr * Location.t * type_expr) list)
+let auto_chans = ref ([] : (Ident.t * type_expr * string loc * type_expr) list)
let reset_auto () = auto_chans := []
@@ -1058,14 +1058,14 @@ let create_channel chan =
raise (Error (chan.loc, Multiply_bound_variable name)) ;
let id = Ident.create name
and ty = newvar()
- and loc = chan.loc
and ty_arg = newvar() in
def_ids := id :: !def_ids ;
- auto_chans := (id, ty, loc, ty_arg) :: !auto_chans ;
+ auto_chans := (id, ty, chan, ty_arg) :: !auto_chans ;
match !def_scope with
| None -> ()
- | Some s -> Stypes.record (Stypes.An_ident (loc, name, s));
+ | Some s ->
+ Stypes.record (Stypes.An_ident (chan.loc, name, s));
(id, ty, ty_arg)
| (id, ty, _,ty_arg)::rem ->
@@ -1084,10 +1084,10 @@ let enter_channel chan =
reaction_chans := name :: !reaction_chans ;
create_channel chan
-let mk_jident id loc ty env =
+let mk_jident id orig ty env =
jident_desc = id ;
- jident_loc = loc;
+ jident_orig = orig;
jident_type = ty;
jident_env = env;
@@ -1098,6 +1098,16 @@ let rec get_type id env = match env with
if Ident.same id jd then ty,loc
else get_type id env
+type auto_partly_typed =
+ { apt_loc : Location.t ;
+ apt_names : (Ident.t * Types.type_expr) list ;
+ apt_desc :
+ ((Location.t * Typedtree.joinpattern list * Parsetree.expression) *
+ ((Ident.t * Types.type_expr * string Asttypes.loc * Location.t *
+ bool)
+ list * (unit -> unit) list))
+ list ; }
let type_auto_lhs tenv scope {pjauto_desc=sauto ; pjauto_loc=auto_loc} =
(* Type patterns *)
reset_auto () ;
@@ -1111,7 +1121,7 @@ let type_auto_lhs tenv scope {pjauto_desc=sauto ; pjauto_loc=auto_loc} =
(fun sjpat ->
let schan, sarg = sjpat.pjpat_desc in
let (id, ty, ty_arg) = enter_channel schan in
- let chan = mk_jident id schan.loc ty tenv
+ let chan = mk_jident id schan ty tenv
and arg =
let rtenv = ref tenv
and ty_pat = newvar () in
@@ -1126,65 +1136,10 @@ let type_auto_lhs tenv scope {pjauto_desc=sauto ; pjauto_loc=auto_loc} =
(get_ref pattern_variables, get_ref pattern_force))
sauto in
(* get orginal channel names now *)
- let env = get_ref auto_chans in (* get rid of [now useless] argument types *)
- let original = (fun (id,_,_,_) -> id) env in
-(* compile algebraic pattern in joinpatterns *)
- let (disps, reacs), new_names = Joinmatching.compile auto_loc auto in
+ let env = get_ref auto_chans in
(* collect all names *)
- let env = (fun (id,ty,loc,_) -> id,ty,loc) env in
- let env =
- List.fold_right
- (fun (id, ids) r ->
- let ty,loc = get_type id env in
- List.fold_right (fun id r -> (id,ty,loc)::r) ids r)
- new_names env in
-(* allocate names for guarded processes *)
- let disps =
- (fun disp -> Ident.create "#d#", disp) disps
- and reacs, fwds = match reacs with
- | [((_,[_],_),_),_ as reac] ->
- [],[Ident.create "#f", reac]
- | _ ->
- (fun reac -> Ident.create "#g#", reac) reacs, [] in
-(* collect forwarders *)
- let alone_env =
- (fun (d_id,(id,_,_)) -> id, d_id) disps in
- let alone_env =
- List.fold_right
- (fun fwd r -> match fwd with
- | g_id,(_old,(patss,_gd)) ->
- List.fold_right
- (fun pats r ->
- List.fold_right
- (fun pat r ->
- let chan,_ = pat.jpat_desc in
- let id = chan.jident_desc in
- (id, g_id)::r)
- pats r)
- patss alone_env)
- fwds alone_env in
-(* automaton structure names *)
- let name = Ident.create "#auto#"
- and name_wrapped = Ident.create "#wrapped#" in
-(* Allocate channel slots *)
- let auto_count = ref 0 in
- let chan_names =
- (fun (id, ty, _) ->
- try
- let g = List.assoc id alone_env in
- id,(ty, Alone g)
- with Not_found ->
- let num = !auto_count in
- incr auto_count ;
- id, (ty, Chan (name,num)))
- env in
- auto_loc,
- (name, name_wrapped),
- (!auto_count, original, chan_names),
- (disps, reacs, fwds)
+ let env = (fun (id,ty,_,_) -> id,ty) env in
+ { apt_loc = auto_loc; apt_names = env; apt_desc = auto; }
let rec do_type_autos_lhs env scope = function
| [] -> []
@@ -3471,21 +3426,9 @@ and type_let ?(check = fun s -> Warnings.Unused_var s)
(List.combine pat_list exp_list, new_env, unpacks)
(*> JOCAML *)
-and type_dispatcher names disp =
- let d_id,(chan_id, cls, par) = disp in
- let find_channel id =
- try List.assoc id names
- with Not_found -> assert false in
- let chan = find_channel chan_id
- and cls =
- (fun (p,id) -> p, find_channel id) cls in
- Disp (d_id, chan, cls, par)
-and type_clause env names reac =
- let g_id,(old,(actual_pats, gd)) = reac in
- let (loc_clause,jpats,sexp),(pat_vars,pat_force) = old in
+and type_clause env names cl =
+ let (loc_clause,jpats,sexp),(pat_vars,pat_force) = cl in
(* First build environment for guarded process *)
let conts = ref [] in
@@ -3498,7 +3441,8 @@ and type_clause env names reac =
conts := kdesc :: !conts;
Env.add_continuation kid kdesc env
- and add_pat_var (id, ty, _name, loc, as_var) env = (* _name info forgotten *)
+ and add_pat_var (id, ty, _name, loc, as_var) env =
+ (* _name info forgotten *)
let check =
if as_var then fun s -> Warnings.Unused_var s
else fun s -> Warnings.Unused_var_strict s in
@@ -3526,7 +3470,7 @@ and type_clause env names reac =
let chan, arg = jpat.jpat_desc in
let tchan =
- let (ty,_) = List.assoc chan.jident_desc names in
+ let ty = List.assoc chan.jident_desc names in
with Not_found -> assert false in
let targ = arg.pat_type in
@@ -3552,48 +3496,34 @@ and type_clause env names reac =
with Not_found -> assert false in
jpat.jpat_kont := Some cont_id)
jpats !conts ;
- g_id, jpats, actual_pats, gd, exp
-and type_reac env names reac = Reac (type_clause env names reac)
-and type_fwd env names reac = Fwd (type_clause env names reac)
+ { jclause_loc = loc_clause ; jclause_desc = jpats, exp; }
-and type_auto env
- (my_loc, my_names,
- (nchans, original, def_names),
- (disps,reacs,fwds)) =
+and type_auto env {apt_loc=my_loc; apt_names=def_names; apt_desc=cls; } =
let env = Env.remove_continuations env in
- let reacs = (type_reac env def_names) reacs
- and fwds = (type_fwd env def_names) fwds in
+ let cls = (type_clause env def_names) cls in
let def_names =
- (fun (chan, (ty, id)) ->
+ (fun (chan, ty) ->
match (expand_head env ty).desc with
| Tarrow (_, _, _, _) ->
chan, {jchannel_sync=true; jchannel_env=env ;
jchannel_ident=chan ;
- jchannel_type=ty ; jchannel_id=id}
+ jchannel_type=ty ; }
| Tconstr (p, _, _) (* when Path.same p Predef.path_channel *) ->
chan, {jchannel_sync=false; jchannel_env=env ;
jchannel_ident=chan ;
- jchannel_type=ty; jchannel_id=id}
+ jchannel_type=ty;}
| _ -> assert false)
def_names in
-(* type dispacher second, it needs the new def_name *)
- let disps = (type_dispatcher def_names) disps in
- {jauto_desc = (disps, reacs, fwds);
- jauto_name = my_names ;
- jauto_nchans = nchans ;
- jauto_names = def_names;
- jauto_original = original ;
- jauto_loc = my_loc }
+ { jauto_desc = cls;
+ jauto_loc = my_loc;
+ jauto_names = def_names; }
and generalize_auto env auto =
- let _,reacs,fwds = auto.jauto_desc in
+ let cls = auto.jauto_desc in
- (fun reac ->
- let _,jpats,_,_,_ = reac in
+ (fun cl ->
+ let jpats,_ = cl.jclause_desc in
let tys = ref [] in
(fun jpat ->
@@ -3608,31 +3538,17 @@ and generalize_auto env auto =
end in
iter_type_expr f chan.jident_type ;
tys := !newtys @ !tys)
- jpats)
- ( (fun (Fwd r) -> r) fwds @
- (fun (Reac r) -> r) reacs) ;
+ jpats) cls ;
(fun (id,chan) -> generalize chan.jchannel_type)
-and add_auto_names p env names =
+and add_auto_names loc p env names =
- (fun env (id,(ty,nat)) ->
- if p id then
- let kind = match nat with
- | Chan (name,num)-> Val_channel (name,num)
- | Alone g -> Val_alone g in
- Env.add_value id
- {val_type = ty; val_kind = kind; Types.val_loc = Location.none; } env
- else env)
- env names
-and add_auto_names_as_regular p env names =
- List.fold_left
- (fun env (id,(ty,_)) ->
+ (fun env (id,ty) ->
if p id then
Env.add_value id
- {val_type = ty; val_kind = Val_reg; Types.val_loc = Location.none} env
+ {val_type = ty; val_kind = Val_reg; Types.val_loc = loc} env
else env)
env names
@@ -3643,8 +3559,10 @@ and type_def toplevel env sautos scope =
let names_lhs_list = type_autos_lhs env sautos scope in
let new_env =
- (fun env (_, _ , (_,_,names), _) ->
- add_auto_names (fun _ -> true) env names)
+ (fun env lhs ->
+ let names = lhs.apt_names
+ and loc = lhs.apt_loc in
+ add_auto_names loc (fun _ -> true) env names)
env names_lhs_list in
let autos = (type_auto new_env) names_lhs_list in
@@ -3653,22 +3571,7 @@ and type_def toplevel env sautos scope =
(* Generalization *)
List.iter (generalize_auto env) autos ;
-(* For toplevel def, should change the bindings of channels,
- so as to avoid internal automaton name escaping *)
- let final_env =
- if toplevel then
- List.fold_left
- (fun env (_ , _, (_,original,names), _) ->
- let p id = List.mem id original in
- add_auto_names_as_regular p env names)
- env names_lhs_list
- else
- List.fold_left
- (fun env (_ , _, (_,original,names), _) ->
- let p id = List.mem id original in
- add_auto_names p env names)
- env names_lhs_list in
- autos, final_env
+ autos, new_env
(* Got to export those *)
let type_exp env e = do_type_exp E env e
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index cd6e6065e9..d2fac4cfd9 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -110,56 +110,32 @@ and expression_desc =
| Texp_reply of expression * Ident.t
| Texp_def of joinautomaton list * expression
-and 'a joinautomaton_gen =
- {jauto_desc : 'a ;
- jauto_name : Ident.t * Ident.t ;
- jauto_names : (Ident.t * joinchannel) list ;
- jauto_original : Ident.t list ;
- jauto_nchans : int;
- (* names defined, description *)
- jauto_loc : Location.t}
and joinautomaton =
- (joindispatcher list * joinreaction list * joinforwarder list)
- joinautomaton_gen
-and joindispatcher =
- Disp of
- Ident.t * joinchannel * (pattern * joinchannel) list * partial
-and joinclause =
- Ident.t * joinpattern list * joinpattern list list *
- (Ident.t * pattern) list * expression
-and joinreaction = Reac of joinclause
-and joinforwarder = Fwd of joinclause
+ {jauto_desc : joinclause list ;
+ jauto_loc : Location.t ;
+ jauto_names : (Ident.t * joinchannel) list ; (* Channel defined *) }
and joinchannel =
{jchannel_sync : bool ;
- jchannel_id : jchannel_id ;
jchannel_ident : Ident.t ;
jchannel_type : type_expr;
jchannel_env : Env.t;}
-and jchannel_id = Chan of Ident.t * int | Alone of Ident.t
+and joinclause =
+ { jclause_desc : joinpattern list * expression;
+ jclause_loc : Location.t; }
and joinpattern =
- { jpat_desc: joinident * pattern ;
- jpat_kont : Ident.t option ref ;
- jpat_loc: Location.t}
+ { jpat_desc: joinident * pattern ;
+ jpat_loc: Location.t ;
+ (* For synchronous channels, can be shared by several patterns *)
+ jpat_kont : Ident.t option ref ; }
and joinident =
{ jident_desc : Ident.t ;
- jident_loc : Location.t;
+ jident_orig : string loc ; (* Original ident as in source *)
jident_type : type_expr;
jident_env : Env.t;}
-and joinarg =
- { jarg_desc : Ident.t option ;
- jarg_loc : Location.t;
- jarg_type : type_expr;
- jarg_env : Env.t;}
(*< JOCAML *)
and meth =
@@ -511,7 +487,8 @@ let let_bound_idents pat = fst (let_bound_idents_with_loc pat)
(*> JOCAML *)
let do_def_bound_idents autos r =
- (fun {jauto_original=names} r -> names@r)
+ (fun {jauto_names=names} r ->
+ List.fold_right (fun (id,_) k -> id::k) names r)
autos r
let def_bound_idents d = do_def_bound_idents d []
@@ -538,3 +515,33 @@ let rec alpha_pat env p = match p.pat_desc with
let mkloc = Location.mkloc
let mknoloc = Location.mknoloc
+(*>JOCAML *)
+(* Compiled join automaton *)
+type joinchannelopt = Chan of Ident.t * int | Alone of Ident.t
+type joinchannelfull= joinchannel * joinchannelopt
+type dispatcher =
+ Ident.t * joinchannelfull * (pattern * joinchannelfull) list * partial
+type reaction = Ident.t * joinpattern list * joinpattern list list *
+ (Ident.t * pattern) list * expression
+type channel_env = (Ident.t * joinchannelfull) list
+type compiledautomaton =
+ {
+ cauto_name : Ident.t * Ident.t; (* auto name, wrapped auto name *)
+ (* All names defined, with sort of *)
+ cauto_channels : channel_env ;
+ cauto_nchans : int ; (* number of actual channels *)
+ (* Original names *)
+ cauto_original : channel_env ;
+ cauto_loc : Location.t ;
+ cauto_dispatchers : dispatcher list ;
+ cauto_forwarders : reaction list ;
+ cauto_reactions : reaction list ;
+ }
+(*<JOCAML *)
diff --git a/typing/typedtree.mli b/typing/typedtree.mli
index 40d0f90210..2fb7590dc6 100644
--- a/typing/typedtree.mli
+++ b/typing/typedtree.mli
@@ -109,49 +109,30 @@ and expression_desc =
| Texp_reply of expression * Ident.t
| Texp_def of joinautomaton list * expression
-and 'a joinautomaton_gen =
- {jauto_desc : 'a ;
- jauto_name : Ident.t * Ident.t; (* auto name, wrapped auto name *)
- jauto_names : (Ident.t * joinchannel) list ;
- jauto_original : Ident.t list ;
- jauto_nchans : int;
- (* names defined, description*)
- jauto_loc : Location.t}
and joinautomaton =
- (joindispatcher list * joinreaction list * joinforwarder list)
- joinautomaton_gen
-and joindispatcher =
- Disp of
- Ident.t * joinchannel * (pattern * joinchannel) list * partial
-and joinclause =
- Ident.t * joinpattern list * joinpattern list list *
- (Ident.t * pattern) list * expression
-and joinreaction = Reac of joinclause
-and joinforwarder = Fwd of joinclause
+ {jauto_desc : joinclause list ;
+ jauto_loc : Location.t ;
+ jauto_names : (Ident.t * joinchannel) list ; (* Channel defined *) }
and joinchannel =
{jchannel_sync : bool ;
- jchannel_id : jchannel_id ;
jchannel_ident : Ident.t ;
jchannel_type : type_expr;
jchannel_env : Env.t;}
-and jchannel_id = Chan of Ident.t * int | Alone of Ident.t
+and joinclause =
+ { jclause_desc : joinpattern list * expression;
+ jclause_loc : Location.t; }
and joinpattern =
- { jpat_desc: joinident * pattern ; (* as given in source *)
- jpat_kont : Ident.t option ref ; (* For synchronous channels, can be shared by several patterns *)
- jpat_loc: Location.t}
+ { jpat_desc: joinident * pattern ;
+ jpat_loc: Location.t ;
+ (* For synchronous channels, can be shared by several patterns *)
+ jpat_kont : Ident.t option ref ; }
and joinident =
{ jident_desc : Ident.t ;
- jident_loc : Location.t;
+ jident_orig : string loc ; (* Original ident as in source *)
jident_type : type_expr;
jident_env : Env.t;}
(*< JOCAML *)
@@ -460,3 +441,38 @@ val mknoloc: 'a -> 'a Asttypes.loc
val mkloc: 'a -> Location.t -> 'a Asttypes.loc
val pat_bound_idents: pattern -> (Ident.t * string Asttypes.loc) list
+(*>JOCAML *)
+(* Compiled join automaton *)
+type joinchannelopt = Chan of Ident.t * int | Alone of Ident.t
+type joinchannelfull= joinchannel * joinchannelopt
+type dispatcher =
+ Ident.t * joinchannelfull * (pattern * joinchannelfull) list * partial
+type reaction =
+ Ident.t * (* Guarded process identifier *)
+ joinpattern list * (* Original join patterns *)
+ joinpattern list list * (* Compiled joinpatterns *)
+ (Ident.t * pattern) list * (* Added matching *)
+ expression (* Guarded process *)
+type channel_env = (Ident.t * joinchannelfull) list
+type compiledautomaton =
+ {
+ cauto_name : Ident.t * Ident.t; (* auto name, wrapped auto name *)
+ (* All names defined, with sort of *)
+ cauto_channels : channel_env ;
+ cauto_nchans : int ; (* number of actual channels *)
+ (* Original names *)
+ cauto_original : channel_env ;
+ cauto_loc : Location.t ;
+ cauto_dispatchers : dispatcher list ;
+ cauto_forwarders : reaction list ;
+ cauto_reactions : reaction list ;
+ }
+(*<JOCAML *)
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 00d8396f74..f53a60aed4 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -110,12 +110,6 @@ and value_kind =
| Val_anc of (string * Ident.t) list * string
(* Ancestor *)
| Val_unbound (* Unbound variable *)
-(*> JOCAML *)
- | Val_channel of Ident.t * int
- (* Channel: automaton, index *)
- | Val_alone of Ident.t
- (* Channel: guard *)
-(*< JOCAML *)
(* Constructor descriptions *)
diff --git a/typing/types.mli b/typing/types.mli
index 96b9710083..4441c91ebf 100644
--- a/typing/types.mli
+++ b/typing/types.mli
@@ -108,12 +108,6 @@ and value_kind =
| Val_anc of (string * Ident.t) list * string
(* Ancestor *)
| Val_unbound (* Unbound variable *)
-(*> JOCAML *)
- | Val_channel of Ident.t * int
- (* Channel: automaton, index *)
- | Val_alone of Ident.t
- (* Channel: guard *)
-(*< JOCAML *)
(* Constructor descriptions *)