diff options
authorJacques Garrigue <garrigue at>2010-12-14 01:38:37 +0000
committerJacques Garrigue <garrigue at>2010-12-14 01:38:37 +0000
commit625ff1c9697a20c9ef2c0945088fe4223bc6e25c (patch)
parent052c8f93d1961571267e05946985bccaba2d5d2d (diff)
make it work with
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 851a9d25e4..e43723a02b 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -690,6 +690,10 @@ let get_level env p =
(* no newtypes in predef *)
Path.binding_time p
+let is_newtype env p =
+ try (Env.find_type p env).type_newtype_level <> None
+ with Not_found -> false
let rec update_level env level ty =
let ty = repr ty in
if ty.level > level then begin
@@ -697,6 +701,7 @@ let rec update_level env level ty =
Tconstr(p, tl, abbrev) when level < get_level env p ->
(* Try first to replace an abbreviation by its expansion. *)
begin try
+ if is_newtype env p then raise Cannot_expand;
link_type ty (!forward_try_expand_once env ty);
update_level env level ty
with Cannot_expand ->
@@ -2128,45 +2133,36 @@ and unify3 env t1 t1' t2 t2' =
&& umode = Pattern ->
let source,destination =
if get_newtype_level !env path > get_newtype_level !env path'
- then p,t2
- else p',t1
+ then p,t2'
+ else p',t1'
- begin_def ();
let destination = duplicate_type destination in
- end_def ();
- generalize destination;
let source_lev = get_newtype_level !env (Path.Pident source) in
let decl = new_declaration (Some source_lev) (Some destination) in
env := Env.add_local_constraint source decl !env;
cleanup_abbrev ()
| (Tconstr ((Path.Pident p) as path,[],_), _)
when is_abstract_newtype !env path && umode = Pattern ->
- reify env t2 ;
- local_non_recursive_abbrev !env (Path.Pident p) t2;
- begin_def ();
- let t2 = duplicate_type t2 in
- end_def ();
- generalize t2 ;
+ reify env t2';
+ local_non_recursive_abbrev !env (Path.Pident p) t2';
+ let t2' = duplicate_type t2' in
let source_level = get_newtype_level !env path in
- let decl = new_declaration (Some source_level) (Some t2) in
+ let decl = new_declaration (Some source_level) (Some t2') in
env := Env.add_local_constraint p decl !env;
cleanup_abbrev ()
| (_, Tconstr ((Path.Pident p) as path,[],_))
when is_abstract_newtype !env path && umode = Pattern ->
- reify env t1 ;
- local_non_recursive_abbrev !env (Path.Pident p) t1;
- begin_def ();
- let t1 = duplicate_type t1 in
- end_def ();
- generalize t1 ;
+ reify env t1' ;
+ local_non_recursive_abbrev !env (Path.Pident p) t1';
+ let t1' = duplicate_type t1' in
let source_level = get_newtype_level !env path in
- let decl = new_declaration (Some source_level) (Some t1) in
+ let decl = new_declaration (Some source_level) (Some t1') in
env := Env.add_local_constraint p decl !env;
cleanup_abbrev ()
| (Tconstr (p1,_,_), Tconstr (p2,_,_)) when umode = Pattern ->
- reify env t1;
- reify env t2;
- mcomp !env t1 t2
+ reify env t1';
+ reify env t2';
+ mcomp !env t1' t2'
| (Tobject (fi1, nm1), Tobject (fi2, _)) ->
if concrete_object t1' && concrete_object t2' then
unify_fields env fi1 fi2