diff options
authorBogler <>2012-12-07 15:28:10 +0100
committerBogler <>2012-12-07 15:28:10 +0100
commit4e48024924d9441cc4431b26bf6e1c9d1f3697e8 (patch)
Initial commit of Node State Manager
24 files changed, 4702 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62bf195
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Jean-Pierre Bogler <>
+Christian Domke <>
diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14e2f77
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+Mozilla Public License Version 2.0
+1. Definitions
+1.1. "Contributor"
+ means each individual or legal entity that creates, contributes to
+ the creation of, or owns Covered Software.
+1.2. "Contributor Version"
+ means the combination of the Contributions of others (if any) used
+ by a Contributor and that particular Contributor's Contribution.
+1.3. "Contribution"
+ means Covered Software of a particular Contributor.
+1.4. "Covered Software"
+ means Source Code Form to which the initial Contributor has attached
+ the notice in Exhibit A, the Executable Form of such Source Code
+ Form, and Modifications of such Source Code Form, in each case
+ including portions thereof.
+1.5. "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses"
+ means
+ (a) that the initial Contributor has attached the notice described
+ in Exhibit B to the Covered Software; or
+ (b) that the Covered Software was made available under the terms of
+ version 1.1 or earlier of the License, but not also under the
+ terms of a Secondary License.
+1.6. "Executable Form"
+ means any form of the work other than Source Code Form.
+1.7. "Larger Work"
+ means a work that combines Covered Software with other material, in
+ a separate file or files, that is not Covered Software.
+1.8. "License"
+ means this document.
+1.9. "Licensable"
+ means having the right to grant, to the maximum extent possible,
+ whether at the time of the initial grant or subsequently, any and
+ all of the rights conveyed by this License.
+1.10. "Modifications"
+ means any of the following:
+ (a) any file in Source Code Form that results from an addition to,
+ deletion from, or modification of the contents of Covered
+ Software; or
+ (b) any new file in Source Code Form that contains any Covered
+ Software.
+1.11. "Patent Claims" of a Contributor
+ means any patent claim(s), including without limitation, method,
+ process, and apparatus claims, in any patent Licensable by such
+ Contributor that would be infringed, but for the grant of the
+ License, by the making, using, selling, offering for sale, having
+ made, import, or transfer of either its Contributions or its
+ Contributor Version.
+1.12. "Secondary License"
+ means either the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0, the GNU
+ Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, the GNU Affero General
+ Public License, Version 3.0, or any later versions of those
+ licenses.
+1.13. "Source Code Form"
+ means the form of the work preferred for making modifications.
+1.14. "You" (or "Your")
+ means an individual or a legal entity exercising rights under this
+ License. For legal entities, "You" includes any entity that
+ controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with You. For
+ purposes of this definition, "control" means (a) the power, direct
+ or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity,
+ whether by contract or otherwise, or (b) ownership of more than
+ fifty percent (50%) of the outstanding shares or beneficial
+ ownership of such entity.
+2. License Grants and Conditions
+2.1. Grants
+Each Contributor hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free,
+non-exclusive license:
+(a) under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark)
+ Licensable by such Contributor to use, reproduce, make available,
+ modify, display, perform, distribute, and otherwise exploit its
+ Contributions, either on an unmodified basis, with Modifications, or
+ as part of a Larger Work; and
+(b) under Patent Claims of such Contributor to make, use, sell, offer
+ for sale, have made, import, and otherwise transfer either its
+ Contributions or its Contributor Version.
+2.2. Effective Date
+The licenses granted in Section 2.1 with respect to any Contribution
+become effective for each Contribution on the date the Contributor first
+distributes such Contribution.
+2.3. Limitations on Grant Scope
+The licenses granted in this Section 2 are the only rights granted under
+this License. No additional rights or licenses will be implied from the
+distribution or licensing of Covered Software under this License.
+Notwithstanding Section 2.1(b) above, no patent license is granted by a
+(a) for any code that a Contributor has removed from Covered Software;
+ or
+(b) for infringements caused by: (i) Your and any other third party's
+ modifications of Covered Software, or (ii) the combination of its
+ Contributions with other software (except as part of its Contributor
+ Version); or
+(c) under Patent Claims infringed by Covered Software in the absence of
+ its Contributions.
+This License does not grant any rights in the trademarks, service marks,
+or logos of any Contributor (except as may be necessary to comply with
+the notice requirements in Section 3.4).
+2.4. Subsequent Licenses
+No Contributor makes additional grants as a result of Your choice to
+distribute the Covered Software under a subsequent version of this
+License (see Section 10.2) or under the terms of a Secondary License (if
+permitted under the terms of Section 3.3).
+2.5. Representation
+Each Contributor represents that the Contributor believes its
+Contributions are its original creation(s) or it has sufficient rights
+to grant the rights to its Contributions conveyed by this License.
+2.6. Fair Use
+This License is not intended to limit any rights You have under
+applicable copyright doctrines of fair use, fair dealing, or other
+2.7. Conditions
+Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 are conditions of the licenses granted
+in Section 2.1.
+3. Responsibilities
+3.1. Distribution of Source Form
+All distribution of Covered Software in Source Code Form, including any
+Modifications that You create or to which You contribute, must be under
+the terms of this License. You must inform recipients that the Source
+Code Form of the Covered Software is governed by the terms of this
+License, and how they can obtain a copy of this License. You may not
+attempt to alter or restrict the recipients' rights in the Source Code
+3.2. Distribution of Executable Form
+If You distribute Covered Software in Executable Form then:
+(a) such Covered Software must also be made available in Source Code
+ Form, as described in Section 3.1, and You must inform recipients of
+ the Executable Form how they can obtain a copy of such Source Code
+ Form by reasonable means in a timely manner, at a charge no more
+ than the cost of distribution to the recipient; and
+(b) You may distribute such Executable Form under the terms of this
+ License, or sublicense it under different terms, provided that the
+ license for the Executable Form does not attempt to limit or alter
+ the recipients' rights in the Source Code Form under this License.
+3.3. Distribution of a Larger Work
+You may create and distribute a Larger Work under terms of Your choice,
+provided that You also comply with the requirements of this License for
+the Covered Software. If the Larger Work is a combination of Covered
+Software with a work governed by one or more Secondary Licenses, and the
+Covered Software is not Incompatible With Secondary Licenses, this
+License permits You to additionally distribute such Covered Software
+under the terms of such Secondary License(s), so that the recipient of
+the Larger Work may, at their option, further distribute the Covered
+Software under the terms of either this License or such Secondary
+3.4. Notices
+You may not remove or alter the substance of any license notices
+(including copyright notices, patent notices, disclaimers of warranty,
+or limitations of liability) contained within the Source Code Form of
+the Covered Software, except that You may alter any license notices to
+the extent required to remedy known factual inaccuracies.
+3.5. Application of Additional Terms
+You may choose to offer, and to charge a fee for, warranty, support,
+indemnity or liability obligations to one or more recipients of Covered
+Software. However, You may do so only on Your own behalf, and not on
+behalf of any Contributor. You must make it absolutely clear that any
+such warranty, support, indemnity, or liability obligation is offered by
+You alone, and You hereby agree to indemnify every Contributor for any
+liability incurred by such Contributor as a result of warranty, support,
+indemnity or liability terms You offer. You may include additional
+disclaimers of warranty and limitations of liability specific to any
+4. Inability to Comply Due to Statute or Regulation
+If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this
+License with respect to some or all of the Covered Software due to
+statute, judicial order, or regulation then You must: (a) comply with
+the terms of this License to the maximum extent possible; and (b)
+describe the limitations and the code they affect. Such description must
+be placed in a text file included with all distributions of the Covered
+Software under this License. Except to the extent prohibited by statute
+or regulation, such description must be sufficiently detailed for a
+recipient of ordinary skill to be able to understand it.
+5. Termination
+5.1. The rights granted under this License will terminate automatically
+if You fail to comply with any of its terms. However, if You become
+compliant, then the rights granted under this License from a particular
+Contributor are reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until such
+Contributor explicitly and finally terminates Your grants, and (b) on an
+ongoing basis, if such Contributor fails to notify You of the
+non-compliance by some reasonable means prior to 60 days after You have
+come back into compliance. Moreover, Your grants from a particular
+Contributor are reinstated on an ongoing basis if such Contributor
+notifies You of the non-compliance by some reasonable means, this is the
+first time You have received notice of non-compliance with this License
+from such Contributor, and You become compliant prior to 30 days after
+Your receipt of the notice.
+5.2. If You initiate litigation against any entity by asserting a patent
+infringement claim (excluding declaratory judgment actions,
+counter-claims, and cross-claims) alleging that a Contributor Version
+directly or indirectly infringes any patent, then the rights granted to
+You by any and all Contributors for the Covered Software under Section
+2.1 of this License shall terminate.
+5.3. In the event of termination under Sections 5.1 or 5.2 above, all
+end user license agreements (excluding distributors and resellers) which
+have been validly granted by You or Your distributors under this License
+prior to termination shall survive termination.
+* *
+* 6. Disclaimer of Warranty *
+* ------------------------- *
+* *
+* Covered Software is provided under this License on an "as is" *
+* basis, without warranty of any kind, either expressed, implied, or *
+* statutory, including, without limitation, warranties that the *
+* Covered Software is free of defects, merchantable, fit for a *
+* particular purpose or non-infringing. The entire risk as to the *
+* quality and performance of the Covered Software is with You. *
+* Should any Covered Software prove defective in any respect, You *
+* (not any Contributor) assume the cost of any necessary servicing, *
+* repair, or correction. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an *
+* essential part of this License. No use of any Covered Software is *
+* authorized under this License except under this disclaimer. *
+* *
+* *
+* 7. Limitation of Liability *
+* -------------------------- *
+* *
+* Under no circumstances and under no legal theory, whether tort *
+* (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, shall any *
+* Contributor, or anyone who distributes Covered Software as *
+* permitted above, be liable to You for any direct, indirect, *
+* special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character *
+* including, without limitation, damages for lost profits, loss of *
+* goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any *
+* and all other commercial damages or losses, even if such party *
+* shall have been informed of the possibility of such damages. This *
+* limitation of liability shall not apply to liability for death or *
+* personal injury resulting from such party's negligence to the *
+* extent applicable law prohibits such limitation. Some *
+* jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of *
+* incidental or consequential damages, so this exclusion and *
+* limitation may not apply to You. *
+* *
+8. Litigation
+Any litigation relating to this License may be brought only in the
+courts of a jurisdiction where the defendant maintains its principal
+place of business and such litigation shall be governed by laws of that
+jurisdiction, without reference to its conflict-of-law provisions.
+Nothing in this Section shall prevent a party's ability to bring
+cross-claims or counter-claims.
+9. Miscellaneous
+This License represents the complete agreement concerning the subject
+matter hereof. If any provision of this License is held to be
+unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
+necessary to make it enforceable. Any law or regulation which provides
+that the language of a contract shall be construed against the drafter
+shall not be used to construe this License against a Contributor.
+10. Versions of the License
+10.1. New Versions
+Mozilla Foundation is the license steward. Except as provided in Section
+10.3, no one other than the license steward has the right to modify or
+publish new versions of this License. Each version will be given a
+distinguishing version number.
+10.2. Effect of New Versions
+You may distribute the Covered Software under the terms of the version
+of the License under which You originally received the Covered Software,
+or under the terms of any subsequent version published by the license
+10.3. Modified Versions
+If you create software not governed by this License, and you want to
+create a new license for such software, you may create and use a
+modified version of this License if you rename the license and remove
+any references to the name of the license steward (except to note that
+such modified license differs from this License).
+10.4. Distributing Source Code Form that is Incompatible With Secondary
+If You choose to distribute Source Code Form that is Incompatible With
+Secondary Licenses under the terms of this version of the License, the
+notice described in Exhibit B of this License must be attached.
+Exhibit A - Source Code Form License Notice
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ file, You can obtain one at
+If it is not possible or desirable to put the notice in a particular
+file, then You may include the notice in a location (such as a LICENSE
+file in a relevant directory) where a recipient would be likely to look
+for such a notice.
+You may add additional accurate notices of copyright ownership.
+Exhibit B - "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" Notice
+ This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
+ defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ChangeLog
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a485fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Continental Automotive Systems, Inc.
+# Author:
+# Makefile template for the NodeStateManager
+# Process this file with automake to produce a
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+SUBDIRS = NodeStateAccessStub NodeStateMachineStub NodeStateManager
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24338f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+* Initial release of the NodeStateManager
+* Stubs used for NodeStateMAchine and NodeStateAccess
+* D-Bus interface wrappers, because of legal concerns
diff --git a/NodeStateAccessStub/ b/NodeStateAccessStub/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58e190e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NodeStateAccessStub/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Continental Automotive Systems, Inc.
+# Author:
+# Makefile template for the NodeStateMachineStub
+# Process this file with automake to produce a
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+libNodeStateAccess_la_CFLAGS = \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/NodeStateManager \
+libNodeStateAccess_la_SOURCES = NodeStateAccess.c NodeStateAccess.h
diff --git a/NodeStateAccessStub/NodeStateAccess.c b/NodeStateAccessStub/NodeStateAccess.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e1fbc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NodeStateAccessStub/NodeStateAccess.c
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2012 Continental Automotive Systems, Inc.
+* Author:
+* Interface between NodeStateManager and IPC
+* This source file is a part of the NodeStateAccess library (NSMA) stub.
+* The architecture requires that the NodeStateManager (NSM) is independent
+* from the D-Bus binding and generated code. The interface functions of the
+* library have to be implemented according to their description.
+* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+* file, You can obtain one at
+* Date Author Reason
+* 24.10.2012 Jean-Pierre Bogler CSP_WZ#1322: Initial creation
+* Header includes
+/* generic includes for the NodeStateAccess library */
+#include "gio/gio.h" /* glib types */
+#include "NodeStateAccess.h" /* own header */
+#include "NodeStateTypes.h" /* Type defintions of the NSM */
+/* additional includes to use D-Bus */
+* Local variables
+/* Variables to handle main loop and bus connection */
+* Prototypes for file local functions (see implementation for description)
+* Local (static) functions
+* Interfaces. Exported functions. See Header for detailed description.
+gboolean NSMA_boInit(const NSMA_tstObjectCallbacks *pstCallbacks)
+ return FALSE;
+gboolean NSMA_boWaitForEvents(void)
+ return FALSE;
+gboolean NSMA_boSendNodeStateSignal(const NsmNodeState_e enNodeState)
+ return FALSE;
+gboolean NSMA_boSendSessionSignal(const NsmSession_s *pstSession)
+ return FALSE;
+gboolean NSMA_boSendApplicationModeSignal(const NsmApplicationMode_e enApplicationMode)
+ return FALSE;
+gboolean NSMA_boSetBootMode(gint i32BootMode)
+ return FALSE;
+gboolean NSMA_boGetBootMode(gint *pi32BootMode)
+ return FALSE;
+gboolean NSMA_boSetRunningReason(const NsmRunningReason_e enRunningReason)
+ return FALSE;
+gboolean NSMA_boGetRunningReason(NsmRunningReason_e *penRunningReason)
+ return FALSE;
+gboolean NSMA_boSetShutdownReason(const NsmShutdownReason_e enShutdownReason)
+ return FALSE;
+gboolean NSMA_boGetShutdownReason(NsmShutdownReason_e *penShutdownReason)
+ return FALSE;
+gboolean NSMA_boSetRestartReason(const NsmRestartReason_e enRestartReason)
+ return FALSE;
+gboolean NSMA_boGetRestartReason(NsmRestartReason_e *penRestartReason)
+ return FALSE;
+gboolean NSMA_boQuitEventLoop(void)
+ return FALSE;
+gboolean NSMA_boFreeLcConsumerProxy(NSMA_tLcConsumerHandle hLcConsumer)
+ return FALSE;
+NSMA_tLcConsumerHandle NSMA_hCreateLcConsumer(const gchar* sBusName,
+ const gchar* sObjName,
+ const guint u32TimeoutMs)
+ return NULL;
+gboolean NSMA_boCallLcClientRequest(NSMA_tLcConsumerHandle hLcClient,
+ guint u32ShutdownType)
+ return FALSE;
+gboolean NSMA_boSetLcClientTimeout(NSMA_tLcConsumerHandle hClient, guint u32TimeoutMs)
+ return FALSE;
+gboolean NSMA_boGetLcClientTimeout(NSMA_tLcConsumerHandle hClient, guint *pu32TimeoutMs)
+ return FALSE;
+gboolean NSMA_boDeInit(void)
+ return FALSE;
diff --git a/NodeStateAccessStub/NodeStateAccess.h b/NodeStateAccessStub/NodeStateAccess.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96beb25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NodeStateAccessStub/NodeStateAccess.h
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2012 Continental Automotive Systems, Inc.
+* Author:
+* Interface between NodeStateManager and IPC
+* This header file is a part of the NodeStateAccess library (NSMA) stub.
+* The architecture requires that the NodeStateManager (NSM) is independent
+* from the D-Bus binding and generated code. The interface functions of the
+* library have to be implemented according to their description.
+* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+* file, You can obtain one at
+* Date Author Reason
+* 24.10.2012 Jean-Pierre Bogler CSP_WZ#1322: Initial creation
+#include "NodeStateTypes.h" /* NodeStateTypes to communicate with NSM */
+#include "gio/gio.h" /* glib types for easier ICP connection */
+/* Type definitions of callbacks that the NSM registers for the object interfaces */
+typedef NsmErrorStatus_e (*NSMA_tpfSetBootModeCb) (const gint i32BootMode);
+typedef NsmErrorStatus_e (*NSMA_tpfSetNodeStateCb) (const NsmNodeState_e enNodeState);
+typedef NsmErrorStatus_e (*NSMA_tpfSetAppModeCb) (const NsmApplicationMode_e enApplMode);
+typedef NsmErrorStatus_e (*NSMA_tpfRequestNodeRestartCb) (const NsmRestartReason_e enRestartReason,
+ const guint u32RestartType);
+typedef NsmErrorStatus_e (*NSMA_tpfSetAppHealthStatusCb) (const gchar *sAppName,
+ const gboolean boAppState);
+typedef gboolean (*NSMA_tpfCheckLucRequiredCb) (void);
+typedef NsmErrorStatus_e (*NSMA_tpfRegisterSessionCb) (const gchar *sSessionName,
+ const gchar *sSessionOwner,
+ const NsmSeat_e enSeatId,
+ const NsmSessionState_e ensessionState);
+typedef NsmErrorStatus_e (*NSMA_tpfUnRegisterSessionCb) (const gchar *sSessionName,
+ const gchar *sSessionOwner,
+ const NsmSeat_e enSeatId);
+typedef NsmErrorStatus_e (*NSMA_tpfRegisterLifecycleClientCb) (const gchar *sBusName,
+ const gchar *sObjName,
+ const guint u32ShutdownMode,
+ const guint u32TimeoutMs);
+typedef NsmErrorStatus_e (*NSMA_tpfUnRegisterLifecycleClientCb)(const gchar *sBusName,
+ const gchar *sObjName,
+ const guint u32ShutdownMode);
+typedef NsmErrorStatus_e (*NSMA_tpfGetAppModeCb) (NsmApplicationMode_e *penAppMode);
+typedef NsmErrorStatus_e (*NSMA_tpfGetSessionStateCb) (const gchar *sSessionName,
+ const NsmSeat_e enSeatId,
+ NsmSessionState_e *penSessionState);
+typedef NsmErrorStatus_e (*NSMA_tpfGetNodeStateCb) (NsmNodeState_e *penNodeState);
+typedef NsmErrorStatus_e (*NSMA_tpfSetSessionStateCb) (const gchar *sSessionName,
+ const gchar *sSessionOwner,
+ const NsmSeat_e enSeatId,
+ const NsmSessionState_e enSessionState);
+typedef guint (*NSMA_tpfGetAppHealthCountCb) (void);
+typedef guint (*NSMA_tpfGetInterfaceVersionCb) (void);
+/* Type definition for the management of Lifecycle clients */
+typedef gpointer NSMA_tLcConsumerHandle;
+typedef void (*NSMA_tpfLifecycleReqFinish)(const NsmErrorStatus_e enErrorStatus);
+/* Type definition to wrap all callbacks in a structure */
+typedef struct
+ NSMA_tpfSetBootModeCb pfSetBootModeCb;
+ NSMA_tpfSetNodeStateCb pfSetNodeStateCb;
+ NSMA_tpfSetAppModeCb pfSetAppModeCb;
+ NSMA_tpfRequestNodeRestartCb pfRequestNodeRestartCb;
+ NSMA_tpfSetAppHealthStatusCb pfSetAppHealthStatusCb;
+ NSMA_tpfCheckLucRequiredCb pfCheckLucRequiredCb;
+ NSMA_tpfRegisterSessionCb pfRegisterSessionCb;
+ NSMA_tpfUnRegisterSessionCb pfUnRegisterSessionCb;
+ NSMA_tpfRegisterLifecycleClientCb pfRegisterLifecycleClientCb;
+ NSMA_tpfUnRegisterLifecycleClientCb pfUnRegisterLifecycleClientCb;
+ NSMA_tpfGetAppModeCb pfGetAppModeCb;
+ NSMA_tpfGetSessionStateCb pfGetSessionStateCb;
+ NSMA_tpfGetNodeStateCb pfGetNodeStateCb;
+ NSMA_tpfSetSessionStateCb pfSetSessionStateCb;
+ NSMA_tpfGetAppHealthCountCb pfGetAppHealthCountCb;
+ NSMA_tpfGetInterfaceVersionCb pfGetInterfaceVersionCb;
+ NSMA_tpfLifecycleReqFinish pfLcClientRequestFinish;
+} NSMA_tstObjectCallbacks;
+/* There are no exported global variables */
+* The function is called to initialize the NodeStateAccess library.
+* It initializes the internal variables and creates a new GMainLoop.
+* @return TRUE: The NodeStateAccess library could be initialized.
+* FALSE: Error initializing the NodeStateAccess library.
+gboolean NSMA_boInit(const NSMA_tstObjectCallbacks *pstCallbacks);
+* The function is used to send the "NodeState" signal via the IPC.
+* @param enNodeState: NodeState to be send.
+* @return TRUE: Signal has been send successfully.
+* FALSE: Error. Signal could not be send.
+gboolean NSMA_boSendNodeStateSignal(const NsmNodeState_e enNodeState);
+* The function is used to send the "SessionChanged" signal via the IPC.
+* @param pstSession: Pointer to session structure that should be send.
+* @return TRUE: Signal has been send successfully.
+* FALSE: Error. Signal could not be send.
+gboolean NSMA_boSendSessionSignal(const NsmSession_s *pstSession);
+* The function is used to send the "ApplicationMode" signal via the IPC.
+* @param enApplicationMode: ApplicationMode to be send.
+* @return TRUE: Signal has been send successfully.
+* FALSE: Error. Signal could not be send.
+gboolean NSMA_boSendApplicationModeSignal(const NsmApplicationMode_e enApplicationMode);
+* The function is used to set the value of the BootMode property.
+* @param i32BootMode: New value of BootMode property.
+* @return TRUE: Successfully set the properties value.
+* FALSE: Error setting the properties value.
+gboolean NSMA_boSetBootMode(gint i32BootMode);
+* The function is used to get the value of the BootMode property.
+* @param pi32BootMode: Pointer where to store the BootMode.
+* @return TRUE: Successfully got the properties value.
+* FALSE: Error getting the properties value.
+gboolean NSMA_boGetBootMode(gint *pi32BootMode);
+* The function is used to set the value of the RestartReason property.
+* @param enRestartReason: New value of RestartReason property.
+* @return TRUE: Successfully set the properties value.
+* FALSE: Error setting the properties value.
+gboolean NSMA_boSetRestartReason(const NsmRestartReason_e enRestartReason);
+* The function is used to get the value of the RestartReason property.
+* @param penRestartReason: Pointer where to store the RestartReason.
+* @return TRUE: Successfully got the properties value.
+* FALSE: Error getting the properties value.
+gboolean NSMA_boGetRestartReason(NsmRestartReason_e *penRestartReason);
+* The function is used to set the value of the WakeUpReason property.
+* @param enRunningReason: New value of WakeUpReason property.
+* @return TRUE: Successfully set the properties value.
+* FALSE: Error setting the properties value.
+gboolean NSMA_boSetRunningReason(const NsmRunningReason_e enRunningReason);
+* The function is used to get the value of the RunningReason property.
+* @param penRunningReason: Pointer where to store the RunningReason.
+* @return TRUE: Successfully got the properties value.
+* FALSE: Error getting the properties value.
+gboolean NSMA_boGetRunningReason(NsmRunningReason_e *penRunningReason);
+* The function is used to set the value of the ShutdownReason property.
+* @param enShutdownReason: New value of ShutdownReason property.
+* @return TRUE: Successfully set the properties value.
+* FALSE: Error setting the properties value.
+gboolean NSMA_boSetShutdownReason(const NsmShutdownReason_e enShutdownReason);
+* The function is used to get the value of the ShutdownReason property.
+* @param penShutdownReason: Pointer where to store the ShutdownReason.
+* @return TRUE: Successfully got the properties value.
+* FALSE: Error getting the properties value.
+gboolean NSMA_boGetShutdownReason(NsmShutdownReason_e *penShutdownReason);
+* The function is used to create a LifecycleConsumer client.
+* @param sBusName: Bus name of the client object.
+* @param sObjName: Object name of the client object.
+* @param u32TimeoutMs: Timeout for client calls in ms.
+* @return Handle to the new life cycle consumer or NULL, if there was an error.
+NSMA_tLcConsumerHandle NSMA_hCreateLcConsumer(const gchar* sBusName, const gchar* sObjName, const guint u32TimeoutMs);
+* The function is used to call the "LifecycleRequest" method of a client.
+* @param hLcClient: Handle of the client (created with "NSMA_hCreateLcConsumer").
+* @param u32ShutdownType: Shutdown type.
+* @return TRUE: Successfully called client
+* FALSE: Error calling the client.
+gboolean NSMA_boCallLcClientRequest(NSMA_tLcConsumerHandle hLcClient, guint u32ShutdownType);
+* The function is called to set the default timeout for calls to the life cycle client.
+* @param hLcClient: Handle of the life cycle client.
+* @param u32TimeoutMs: Timeout value in ms.
+* @return TRUE: Successfully set timeout time for client.
+* FALSE: Error setting the clients timeout time.
+gboolean NSMA_boSetLcClientTimeout(NSMA_tLcConsumerHandle hClient, guint u32TimeoutMs);
+* The function is called to get the default timeout for calls to the life cycle client.
+* @param hLcClient: Handle of the life cycle client.
+* @param pu32TimeoutMs: Pointer where to store the timeout value in ms.
+* @return TRUE: Successfully got timeout time for client.
+* FALSE: Error getting the clients timeout time.
+gboolean NSMA_boGetLcClientTimeout(NSMA_tLcConsumerHandle hClient, guint *pu32TimeoutMs);
+* The function is used to delete a "LifecycleRequest".
+* @param hLcClient: Handle of the client (created with "NSMA_hCreateLcConsumer").
+* @return TRUE: Successfully freed clients memory.
+* FALSE: Error freeing the clients memory.
+gboolean NSMA_boFreeLcConsumerProxy(NSMA_tLcConsumerHandle hLcConsumer);
+* The function is blocking. It waits in a loop for events and forwards them to the related callback functions.
+* @return TRUE: Returned because of user call.
+* FALSE: Returned because of an internal error.
+gboolean NSMA_boWaitForEvents(void);
+* The function is used to force the return of "NSMA_boWaitForEvents".
+* @return TRUE: Accepted return request.
+* FALSE: Error. Return request not accepted.
+gboolean NSMA_boQuitEventLoop(void);
+* The function is de-initialize the NodeStateAccess library and release all memory used by it.
+* @return TRUE: Successfully de-initialized access library.
+* FALSE: Error de-initializing the library.
+gboolean NSMA_boDeInit(void);
+#endif /* NODESTATEACCESS_H_ */
diff --git a/NodeStateAccessStub/model/org.genivi.NodeStateManager.Consumer.xml b/NodeStateAccessStub/model/org.genivi.NodeStateManager.Consumer.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5845d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NodeStateAccessStub/model/org.genivi.NodeStateManager.Consumer.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+<!-- Auto-Generated interface from Rhapsody: 'Repository::ssw_LifecycleSupport::NodeStateManagement::Concept::Interface::INSM_Consumer' -->
+<!-- Created at 2012-06-01 09:36:05 by uid65904 -->
+ <!--
+ org.genivi.NodeStateManager.Consumer:
+ @short_description: "Consumer" interface of the NodeStateManager.
+ This interface contains functions which are not safety critical and can be accessed by "every" client without further restrictions.
+ -->
+ <interface name="org.genivi.NodeStateManager.Consumer">
+ <!--
+ RestartReason: This property informs clients about the reason for the last restart. The values are based upon the enummeration NsmRestartReason_e. Note: The value is only set once at start-up.
+ -->
+ <property name="RestartReason" type="i" access="read"/>
+ <!--
+ ShutdownReason: This property informs clients about the reason for the last shutdown. The values are based upon the enummeration NsmShutdownReason_e. Note: The value is only set once at start-up.
+ -->
+ <property name="ShutdownReason" type="i" access="read"/>
+ <!--
+ WakeUpReason: This property informs clients about the recent reason for waking up the target. The values are based upon the enummeration NsmWakeUpReason_e. Note: The value is only set once at start-up.
+ -->
+ <property name="WakeUpReason" type="i" access="read"/>
+ <!--
+ BootMode: This property informs clients about the recent BootMode of the target. The values will be defined by a third party header, which has not been delivered yet. The description needs to be updated as soon as the header is available.
+ -->
+ <property name="BootMode" type="i" access="read"/>
+ <!--
+ NodeState:
+ @NodeState: Numeric value for the current NodeState, defined in NsmNodeState_e.
+ Clients can register for notifications when the NodeState is updated inside the NodeStateManager. This signal is sent to registered clients and will include the current NodeState as a parameter.
+ -->
+ <signal name="NodeState">
+ <arg name="NodeState" type="i"/>
+ </signal>
+ <!--
+ NodeApplicationMode:
+ @ApplicationModeId: Numeric value for the current ApplicationMode, defined in NsmAplicationMode_e.
+ Clients can register for notifications when the NodeApplicationMode is updated inside the NodeStateManager. This signal is sent to registered clients and will include the current NodeApplicationMode as a parameter.
+ -->
+ <signal name="NodeApplicationMode">
+ <arg name="ApplicationModeId" type="i"/>
+ </signal>
+ <!--
+ SessionStateChanged:
+ @SessionStateName: The SessionName will be based upon either the pre-defined platform SessionNames or using a newly added product defined session name.
+ @SeatID: This parameter will be based upon the enum NsmSeat_e.
+ @SessionState: This parameter will be based upon the NsmSessionState_e but it will not be bounded by the values in that enumeration. The listed values are the default values that are mandatory for platform sessions, but product sessions may have additional session states.
+ This signal is sent to registered clients when a particular session is state is changed. The client can register for notification about a specific session through the use of the SessionName, as a "match rule".
+ -->
+ <signal name="SessionStateChanged">
+ <arg name="SessionStateName" type="s"/>
+ <arg name="SeatID" type="i"/>
+ <arg name="SessionState" type="i"/>
+ </signal>
+ <!--
+ GetNodeState:
+ @NodeStateId: Will be based on the NsmNodeState_e.
+ @ErrorCode: Return value passed to the caller, based upon NsmErrorStatus_e.
+ The method is used by other applications to get the NodeState without the need of registration to the signal.
+ -->
+ <method name="GetNodeState">
+ <arg name="NodeStateId" direction="out" type="i"/>
+ <arg name="ErrorCode" direction="out" type="i"/>
+ </method>
+ <!--
+ SetSessionState:
+ @SessionName: The SessionName will be based upon either the pre-defined platform SessionNames (see NSM content page) or using a newly added product defined session name.
+ @SessionOwner: This parameter defines the name of the application that is setting the state of the session. This must be the applications systemd unit filename.
+ @SeatID: This parameter will be based upon the enum NsmSeat_e
+ @SessionState: This parameter will be based upon the NsmSessionState_e but it will not be bounded by the values in that enumeration. The listed values are the default values that are mandatory for platform sessions, but product sessions may have additional SessionStates.
+ @ErrorCode: Return value passed to the caller, based upon NsmErrorStatus_e.
+ The method is used by applications to set the state of a session.
+ -->
+ <method name="SetSessionState">
+ <arg name="SessionName" direction="in" type="s"/>
+ <arg name="SessionOwner" direction="in" type="s"/>
+ <arg name="SeatID" direction="in" type="i"/>
+ <arg name="SessionState" direction="in" type="i"/>
+ <arg name="ErrorCode" direction="out" type="i"/>
+ </method>
+ <!--
+ GetSessionState:
+ @SessionName: The SessionName will be based upon either the pre-defined platform session names (see NSM content page) or using a newly added product defined SessionName.
+ @SeatID: This parameter will be based upon the enum NsmSeat_e.
+ @SessionState: This parameter will be based upon the NsmSessionState_e but it will not be bounded by the values in that enumeration. The listed values are the default values that are mandatory for platform sessions, but product sessions may have additional SessionStates.
+ @ErrorCode: Return value passed to the caller, based upon NsmErrorStatus_e.
+ The method is used by applications to get the state of a session.
+ -->
+ <method name="GetSessionState">
+ <arg name="SessionName" direction="in" type="s"/>
+ <arg name="SeatID" direction="in" type="i"/>
+ <arg name="SessionState" direction="out" type="i"/>
+ <arg name="ErrorCode" direction="out" type="i"/>
+ </method>
+ <!--
+ GetApplicationMode:
+ @ApplicationModeId: This parameter will be based upon the NsmNodeApplicationMode_e.
+ @ErrorCode: Return value passed to the caller, based upon NsmErrorStatus_e.
+ The method is used by other applications to get the application mode.
+ -->
+ <method name="GetApplicationMode">
+ <arg name="ApplicationModeId" direction="out" type="i"/>
+ <arg name="ErrorCode" direction="out" type="i"/>
+ </method>
+ <!--
+ RegisterShutdownClient:
+ @BusName: Bus name of remote application.
+ @ObjName: Object name of remote object that provides the shutdown interface.
+ @ShutdownMode: Shutdown mode for which client wants to be informed (i.e normal, fast etc).
+ @TimeoutMs: Max. Timeout to wait for response from shutdown client in ms.
+ @ErrorCode: Return value passed to the caller, based upon NsmErrorStatus_e.
+ The method is used by other applications to register themselves as shutdown client. Any client that registers must provide a method in their D-Bus object called "LifecycleRequest". This method will take one parameter which is the RequestType (NSM_SHUTDOWNTYPE_NORMAL, NSM_SHUTDOWNTYPE_FAST). For an example of the required client interface please see the BootManager component who will be a client of the NSM.
+ -->
+ <method name="RegisterShutdownClient">
+ <arg name="BusName" direction="in" type="s"/>
+ <arg name="ObjName" direction="in" type="s"/>
+ <arg name="ShutdownMode" direction="in" type="u"/>
+ <arg name="TimeoutMs" direction="in" type="u"/>
+ <arg name="ErrorCode" direction="out" type="i"/>
+ </method>
+ <!--
+ UnRegisterShutdownClient:
+ @BusName: Bus name of remote application.
+ @ObjName: Object name of remote object that provides the shutdown interface.
+ @ShutdownMode: Shutdown mode for which client wants to unregister (NSM_SHUTDOWNTYPE_NORMAL, NSM_SHUTDOWNTYPE_FAST).
+ @ErrorCode: Return value passed to the caller, based upon NsmErrorStatus_e.
+ The method is used by other applications to unregister themselves as shutdown client.
+ -->
+ <method name="UnRegisterShutdownClient">
+ <arg name="BusName" direction="in" type="s"/>
+ <arg name="ObjName" direction="in" type="s"/>
+ <arg name="ShutdownMode" direction="in" type="u"/>
+ <arg name="ErrorCode" direction="out" type="i"/>
+ </method>
+ <!--
+ RegisterSession:
+ @SessionName: The SessionName will be based upon either the pre-defined platform session names (see NSM content page) or using a newly added product defined SessionName.
+ @SessionOwner: This is the name of the application that is registering the new session (this must be the applications systemd unit filename).
+ @SeatID: This parameter will be based upon the enum NsmSeatId_e
+ @SessionState: This parameter will be based upon the NsmSessionState_e but it will not be bounded by the values in that enumeration. The listed values are the default values that are mandatory for platform sessions, but product sessions may have additional session states.
+ @ErrorCode: Return value passed to the caller, based upon NsmErrorStatus_e.
+ The method is used by other applications to register a new session whose state should be observed and distributed by the NSM.
+ -->
+ <method name="RegisterSession">
+ <arg name="SessionName" direction="in" type="s"/>
+ <arg name="SessionOwner" direction="in" type="s"/>
+ <arg name="SeatID" direction="in" type="i"/>
+ <arg name="SessionState" direction="in" type="i"/>
+ <arg name="ErrorCode" direction="out" type="i"/>
+ </method>
+ <!--
+ UnRegisterSession:
+ @SessionName: The SessionName will be based upon either the pre-defined platform session names (see NSM content page) or using a newly added product defined SessionName.
+ @SessionOwner: This is the name of the application that originally registered the session. It will be validated that this value matches the stored value from the registration.
+ @SeatID: This parameter will be based upon the enum NsmSeat_e.
+ @ErrorCode: Return value passed to the caller, based upon NsmErrorStatus_e.
+ The method is used by other applications to remove a new session from the session list hosted by NSM.
+ -->
+ <method name="UnRegisterSession">
+ <arg name="SessionName" direction="in" type="s"/>
+ <arg name="SessionOwner" direction="in" type="s"/>
+ <arg name="SeatID" direction="in" type="i"/>
+ <arg name="ErrorCode" direction="out" type="i"/>
+ </method>
+ <!--
+ GetAppHealthCount:
+ @Count: Return value passed to the caller. Number of applications that crashed or terminated accidentally.
+ The method returns the number of applications that crashed or terminated accidentally, within the current life cycle. It can be used to observe the system state.
+ -->
+ <method name="GetAppHealthCount">
+ <arg name="Count" direction="out" type="u"/>
+ </method>
+ <!--
+ GetInterfaceVersion:
+ @Version: Unsigned integer that represents the version number of the Node State Manager.
+ The method returns the version number of the Node State Manager. The number is organized in four bytes:
+ Version: VVV.RRR.PPP.BBB
+ <literallayout>
+ VVV => Version [1..255]
+ RRR => Release [0..255]
+ PPP => Patch [0..255]
+ BBB => Build [0..255]
+ </literallayout>
+ -->
+ <method name="GetInterfaceVersion">
+ <arg name="Version" direction="out" type="u"/>
+ </method>
+ <!--
+ LifecycleRequestComplete:
+ @RequestId: The request Id of the called life cycle client. The value has been passed when "LifecycleRequest" was called.
+ @Status: The result of the call to "LifecycleRequest". NsmErrorStatus_Ok: Request successfully processed. NsmErrorStatus_Error: An error occured while processing the "LifecycleRequest".
+ @ErrorCode: Return value passed to the caller, based upon NsmErrorStatus_e.
+ The function has to be called by a "asynchrounous" lifecycle client, when he processed the "LifecycleRequest".
+ -->
+ <method name="LifecycleRequestComplete">
+ <arg name="RequestId" direction="in" type="u"/>
+ <arg name="Status" direction="in" type="i"/>
+ <arg name="ErrorCode" direction="out" type="i"/>
+ </method>
+ </interface>
diff --git a/NodeStateAccessStub/model/org.genivi.NodeStateManager.LifecycleConsumer.xml b/NodeStateAccessStub/model/org.genivi.NodeStateManager.LifecycleConsumer.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec1162b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NodeStateAccessStub/model/org.genivi.NodeStateManager.LifecycleConsumer.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ <!--
+ org.genivi.NodeStateManager.LifeCycleConsumer:
+ @short_description: Interface of a life cycle client.
+ This interface contains functions, which need to be implemented by life cycle clients, to be able to receive life cycle requests.
+ -->
+ <interface name="org.genivi.NodeStateManager.LifeCycleConsumer">
+ <!--
+ LifecycleRequest:
+ @Request: The type of the life cycle request. Can be NSM_SHUTDOWNTYPE_RUNUP, NSM_SHUTDOWNTYPE_NORMAL or NSM_SHUTDOWNTYPE_FAST.
+ @RequestId: The Id of the client (current request). This Id needs to be passed to the NSM again via the interface "LifecycleRequestComplete", when the client has processed the "LifecycleRequest".
+ @ErrorCode: Client's return value, passed to the NodeStateManager. Based upon NsmErrorStatus_e. NsmErrorStatus_Ok: Request was successfully processed. NsmErrorStatus_ResponsePending: Processing of request started. LifecycleRequestComplete will be called to pass the status after completion. NsmErrorStatus_Error: An error occured, the request could not be processed.
+ The method has to be implemented by every life cycle client and is called by the NodeStateManager, when the node is shutting down (fast or normal) or an ongoing shutdown is cancelled (run up).
+ -->
+ <method name="LifecycleRequest">
+ <arg name="Request" direction="in" type="u"/>
+ <arg name="RequestId" direction="in" type="u"/>
+ <arg name="ErrorCode" direction="out" type="i"/>
+ </method>
+ </interface>
diff --git a/NodeStateAccessStub/model/org.genivi.NodeStateManager.LifecycleControl.xml b/NodeStateAccessStub/model/org.genivi.NodeStateManager.LifecycleControl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8b45da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NodeStateAccessStub/model/org.genivi.NodeStateManager.LifecycleControl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+<!-- Auto-Generated interface from Rhapsody: 'Repository::ssw_LifecycleSupport::NodeStateManagement::Concept::Interface::INSM_LifecycleControl' -->
+<!-- Created at 2012-06-01 09:36:05 by uid65904 -->
+ <!--
+ org.genivi.NodeStateManager.LifecycleControl:
+ @short_description: "Control" interface of the NodeStateManager.
+ This interface contains functions, which have direct influence on the system state and therefore have to be handled with care. The interface can only be used by certain clients, which need to be configured in the D-Bus configuration.
+ -->
+ <interface name="org.genivi.NodeStateManager.LifecycleControl">
+ <!--
+ RequestNodeRestart:
+ @RestartReason: The passed value will be based upon the enum NsmRestartReason_e.
+ @RestartType: This is the type of restart that is required, i.e. during Coding process it is normal for a fast shutdown to be requested whereas other Diagnosis restart requests would be normal. Possible values are NSM_SHUTDOWNTYPE_FAST and NSM_SHUTDOWNTYPE_NORMAL.
+ @ErrorCode: Return value passed to the caller, based upon NsmErrorStatus_e.
+ The method is used by other applications to request a restart of the node.
+ -->
+ <method name="RequestNodeRestart">
+ <arg name="RestartReason" direction="in" type="i"/>
+ <arg name="RestartType" direction="in" type="u"/>
+ <arg name="ErrorCode" direction="out" type="i"/>
+ </method>
+ <!--
+ SetApplicationMode:
+ @ApplicationModeId: This parameter will be based upon the NsmNodeApplicationMode_e.
+ @ErrorCode: Return value passed to the caller, based upon NsmErrorStatus_e.
+ The method is used by other applications to set the application mode.
+ -->
+ <method name="SetApplicationMode">
+ <arg name="ApplicationModeId" direction="in" type="i"/>
+ <arg name="ErrorCode" direction="out" type="i"/>
+ </method>
+ <!--
+ SetNodeState:
+ @NodeStateId: The passed value will be based upon the enum NsmNodeState_e.
+ @ErrorCode: Return value passed to the caller, based upon NsmErrorStatus_e.
+ The method is used by other applications to set the NodeState. When this method is called to change the current NodeState a signal will be sent to notify registered consumers of the new state.
+ -->
+ <method name="SetNodeState">
+ <arg name="NodeStateId" direction="in" type="i"/>
+ <arg name="ErrorCode" direction="out" type="i"/>
+ </method>
+ <!--
+ SetBootMode:
+ @BootMode: New BootMode to be set. The values will be defined by a third party header, which has not been delivered yet. The description needs to be updated as soon as the header is available.
+ @ErrorCode: Return value passed to the caller, based upon NsmErrorStatus_e.
+ The method has been introduced, because the property "BootMode" can only be read by other applications. Nevertheless there are some exceptions where the property should be set by a restricted set of applications which will be handled within this method.
+ -->
+ <method name="SetBootMode">
+ <arg name="BootMode" direction="in" type="i"/>
+ <arg name="ErrorCode" direction="out" type="i"/>
+ </method>
+ <!--
+ SetAppHealthStatus:
+ @AppName: This parameter can be used to give the name of the application that has failed (this must be the applications systemd unit name).
+ @AppRunning: The AppState will be FALSE for failed and TRUE for running.
+ @ErrorCode: Return value passed to the caller, based upon NsmErrorStatus_e.
+ This method will be used by the Node Health Monitor to report to the NSM if an application has failed and if it is running again. Internally the NSM will use this information to keep a count of the number of failed applications within the current lifecycle. Additionally it will unset any sessions that the failing application may have had active. It will also be possible for the product node state machine to make a decision on what to do with this information, i.e. even reset the node or reset the node if too many applications have failed.
+ -->
+ <method name="SetAppHealthStatus">
+ <arg name="AppName" direction="in" type="s"/>
+ <arg name="AppRunning" direction="in" type="b"/>
+ <arg name="ErrorCode" direction="out" type="i"/>
+ </method>
+ <!--
+ CheckLucRequired:
+ @LucWanted: This will be a simple TRUE or FALSE to define whether the LUC is wanted in the current Lifecycle.
+ This method will be called exclusivley by the Boot Manager to find out whether the LUC Applications should be started in the current Lifecycle. This is required whilst in certain Node Application Modes (i.e. Transport, Factory) we do not want the LUC Applications started.
+ -->
+ <method name="CheckLucRequired">
+ <arg name="LucWanted" direction="out" type="b"/>
+ </method>
+ </interface>
diff --git a/NodeStateMachineStub/ b/NodeStateMachineStub/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e07ce57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NodeStateMachineStub/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Continental Automotive Systems, Inc.
+# Author:
+# Makefile template for the NodeStateMachineStub
+# Process this file with automake to produce a
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+libNodeStateMachine_la_CFLAGS = \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/NodeStateManager \
+libNodeStateMachine_la_SOURCES = NodeStateMachine.c NodeStateMachine.h
diff --git a/NodeStateMachineStub/NodeStateMachine.c b/NodeStateMachineStub/NodeStateMachine.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07f22c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NodeStateMachineStub/NodeStateMachine.c
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2012 Continental Automotive Systems, Inc.
+* Author:
+* Header for the NodestateMachine stub.
+* The header file defines the interfaces offered by the NodeStateMachine stub.
+* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+* file, You can obtain one at
+* Date Author Reason
+* 27.09.2012 Jean-Pierre Bogler CSP_WZ#1194: Initial creation.
+* 24.10.2012 Jean-Pierre Bogler CSP_WZ#1322: Changed parameter types of interface functions.
+* Header includes
+#include "NodeStateMachine.h" /* own header file */
+#include "NodeStateManager.h"
+#include "NodeStateTypes.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+* Local defines, macros, constants and type definitions.
+/* There are currently no local defines, macros or types */
+* Local variables
+/* There are currently no local variables */
+* Prototypes for file local functions (see implementation for description)
+/* There are no file local functions */
+* Local (static) functions
+/* There are no file local functions */
+* Interfaces, exported functions. See header for detailed description.
+unsigned char NsmcInit(void)
+ printf("NSMC: NsmcInit called.\n");
+ return 1;
+unsigned char NsmcLucRequired(void)
+ printf("NSMC: NsmcLucRequired called.\n");
+ return 1;
+NsmErrorStatus_e NsmcSetData(NsmDataType_e enData, unsigned char *pData, unsigned int u32DataLen)
+ printf("NSMC: NsmcSetData called. enData: %d. pData: 0x%08X. u32DataLen: %d\n", enData, (unsigned int) pData, u32DataLen);
+ return NsmErrorStatus_Ok;
+unsigned char NsmcRequestNodeRestart(void)
+ printf("NSMC: NsmcRequestNodeRestart called.\n");
+ return 1;
+unsigned int NsmcGetInterfaceVersion(void)
+ printf("NSMC: NsmcGetInterfaceVersion called.\n");
diff --git a/NodeStateMachineStub/NodeStateMachine.h b/NodeStateMachineStub/NodeStateMachine.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c486d20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NodeStateMachineStub/NodeStateMachine.h
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2012 Continental Automotive Systems, Inc.
+* Author:
+* Header for the NodestateMachine stub.
+* The header file defines the interfaces offred by the NodeStateMachine stub.
+* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+* file, You can obtain one at
+* Date Author Reason
+* 27.09.2012 Jean-Pierre Bogler CSP_WZ#1194: Initial creation.
+* 24.10.2012 Jean-Pierre Bogler CSP_WZ#1322: Changed parameter types of interface functions.
+* No change of major interface version, because
+* the same native types are used.
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+#include "NodeStateTypes.h"
+ * Module version, use SswVersion to interpret the value.
+ * The lower significant byte is equal 0 for released version only
+ */
+#define NSMC_INTERFACE_VERSION 0x01010000U
+/* There are no own types defined */
+/* There are no exported global variables */
+/** \brief Initialize the NodeStateMachine
+\retval true: The NodeStateMachine could be initialized and is running. false: An error occurred. NodeStateMachine not started.
+This function will be used to initialize the Node State Machine, it will be called by the Node State Manager.
+At the point where this function returns the machine is available to accept events via its interfaces from
+the NSM. It is envisaged that in this call the NSMC will create and transfer control of the NSMC to its own
+thread and will return in the original thread.*/
+unsigned char NsmcInit(void);
+/** \brief Check for Last User Context
+\retval true: Last User Context (LUC) is required. false: No LUC required.
+This will be used by the NSM to check whether in the current Lifecycle the Last User Context (LUC) should
+be started. This allows the product to define its own handling for specific Application modes. */
+unsigned char NsmcLucRequired(void);
+/** \brief Set data in the NodeStateMachine.
+\param[in] enData Type of the data to set (see ::NsmDataType_e).
+\param[in] pData Pointer to the memory location containing the data.
+\param[in] u32DataLen Length of the data that should be set (in byte).
+\retval see ::NsmErrorStatus_e
+This is a generic interface that can be used by the NSM to inform the NSMC about changes
+to data items (i.e. events that have occurred in the system) */
+NsmErrorStatus_e NsmcSetData(NsmDataType_e enData, unsigned char *pData, unsigned int u32DataLen);
+/** \brief Request a NodeRestart.
+\retval true: The request for the restart could be processed. false: Error processing the restart request.
+This will be used by the NSM to request a node restart when requested by one of its clients.*/
+unsigned char NsmcRequestNodeRestart(void);
+/** \brief Get version of the interface
+\retval Version of the interface as defined in ::SswVersion_t
+This function asks the lifecycle to perform a restart of the main controller. */
+unsigned int NsmcGetInterfaceVersion(void);
+/* There are no macros defined */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+/** \} */ /* End of SSW_NSMC_INTERFACE */
+/** \} */ /* End of SSW_NSMC_TEMPLATE */
diff --git a/NodeStateManager/ b/NodeStateManager/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6de96e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NodeStateManager/
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Continental Automotive Systems, Inc.
+# Author:
+# Makefile template for the NodeStateManager
+# Process this file with automake to produce a
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+bin_PROGRAMS = NodeStateManager
+NodeStateManager_SOURCES = NodeStateManager.c
+NodeStateManager_CFLAGS = \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/NodeStateMachineStub \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/NodeStateAccessStub \
+NodeStateManager_LDFLAGS = \
+NodeStateManager_LDADD = \
+ -L$(top_srcdir)/NodeStateAccessStub -lNodeStateAccess \
+ -L$(top_srcdir)/NodeStateMachineStub -lNodeStateMachine \
+ $(DLT_LIBS) \
+ $(GIO_LIBS) \
+ $(GLIB_LIBS) \
+include_HEADERS = NodeStateManager.h NodeStateTypes.h
+systemdsystemunit_DATA = config/nodestatemanager-daemon.service
+dbussystemunit_DATA = config/org.genivi.NodeStateManager.LifeCycleControl.service
+dbuspolicy_DATA = config/org.genivi.NodeStateManager.conf
+EXTRA_DIST = $(systemdsystemunit_DATA) \
+ $(dbussystemunit_DATA) \
+ $(dbuspolicy_DATA)
diff --git a/NodeStateManager/NodeStateManager.c b/NodeStateManager/NodeStateManager.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c92188f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NodeStateManager/NodeStateManager.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2494 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2012 Continental Automotive Systems, Inc.
+* Author:
+* Implementation of the NodeStateManager
+* The NodeStateManager (NSM) is a central state manager for the system node. It manages the "NodeState",
+* the "ApplicationMode" and many other states of the complete system. In addition, the NSM offers a
+* session handling and a shutdown management.
+* The NSM communicates with the NodeStateMachine (NSMC) to request and inform it about state changes
+* and the NodeStateAccess (NSMA) to connect to the D-Bus.
+* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+* file, You can obtain one at
+* Date Author Reason
+* 20.06.2012 Jean-Pierre Bogler CSP_WZ#388: Initial creation
+* 19.09.2012 Jean-Pierre Bogler OvipRbt#135: Added new default sessions for product, thermal and power
+* management. Fixed bug, when calling 'GetSessionState'.
+* Undefined parameter 'SessionOwner' was used.
+* 27.09.2012 Jean-Pierre Bogler CSP_WZ#1194: Changed file header structure and license to be released
+* as open source package. Introduced 'NodeStateTypes.h' to
+* avoid circle includes and encapsulate type definitions.
+* 08.10.2012 Jean-Pierre Bogler CSP_WZ#951: Introduced improvements and changes from 4-eye review:
+* - Changed handling of failed applications
+* - Changed handling of platform sessions
+* - Fixed some QAC warnings
+* - Added deallocation of GError objects
+* 24.10.2012 Jean-Pierre Bogler CSP_WZ#1322: The NSM does not use generated D-Bus objects anymore,
+* due to legal restrictions. Instead, it registers
+* callbacks at the NodeStateAccess library NSMA.
+* Therefore, the parameters of the callbacks changed.
+* In addition, the establishment of the connection and
+* the handling of life cycle clients (timeout observation)
+* is done by the NSMA.
+* 01.11.2012 C. Domke CSP_WZ#666: Instrumented with LTPRO messages
+* Header includes
+#include "NodeStateManager.h" /* Own Header file */
+#include "NodeStateTypes.h" /* Typedefinitions to use the NSM */
+#include "string.h" /* Memcpy etc. */
+#include "gio/gio.h" /* GLib lists */
+#include "dlt/dlt.h" /* DLT Log'n'Trace */
+#include "NodeStateMachine.h" /* Talk to NodeStateMachine */
+#include "NodeStateAccess.h" /* Access the IPC (D-Bus) */
+#include "syslog.h" /* Syslog messages */
+* Local defines, macros and type definitions.
+/* The type defines the structure for a lifecycle consumer client */
+typedef struct
+ gchar *sBusName; /* Bus name of the lifecycle client */
+ gchar *sObjName; /* Object path of the client */
+ guint32 u32RegisteredMode; /* Bit array of shutdown modes */
+ NSMA_tLcConsumerHandle hClient; /* Handle for proxy object for lifecycle client */
+ gboolean boShutdown; /* Only "run up" clients which are shut down */
+} NSM__tstLifecycleClient;
+/* The type is used to store failed applications. A struct is used to allow extsions in future */
+typedef struct
+} NSM__tstFailedApplication;
+/* List of names for the available default sessions, will are automatically provided by NSM */
+static const gchar* NSM__asDefaultSessions[] = { "DiagnosisSession",
+ "HevacSession",
+ "HmiActiveSession",
+ "NetworkActiveSession",
+ "NetworkPassiveSession",
+ "PdcSession",
+ "PermanentModeSession",
+ "PhoneSession",
+ "RvcSession",
+ "SwlSession",
+ "ProductLcSession",
+ "PlatformThermalSession",
+ "PlatformSupplySession",
+ "PersistencySession"
+ };
+* Prototypes for file local functions (see implementation for description)
+/* Helper functions to destruct objects */
+static void NSM__vFreeFailedApplicationObject(gpointer pFailedApplication);
+static void NSM__vFreeSessionObject (gpointer pSession );
+static void NSM__vFreeLifecycleClientObject (gpointer pLifecycleClient );
+/* Helper functions to compare objects in lists */
+static gboolean NSM__boIsPlatformSession (NsmSession_s *pstSession);
+static gint NSM__i32LifecycleClientCompare (gconstpointer pL1, gconstpointer pL2);
+static gint NSM__i32SessionOwnerNameSeatCompare(gconstpointer pS1, gconstpointer pS2);
+static gint NSM__i32SessionNameSeatCompare (gconstpointer pS1, gconstpointer pS2);
+static gint NSM__i32SessionOwnerCompare (gconstpointer pS1, gconstpointer pS2);
+static gint NSM__i32ApplicationCompare (gconstpointer pA1, gconstpointer pA2);
+/* Helper functions to recognize failed applications and disable their sessions */
+static void NSM__vDisableSessionsForApp(NSM__tstFailedApplication* pstFailedApp);
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enSetAppStateFailed (NSM__tstFailedApplication* pstFailedApp);
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enSetAppStateValid (NSM__tstFailedApplication* pstFailedApp);
+/* Helper functions to control and start the "lifecycle request" sequence */
+static void NSM__vCallNextLifecycleClient(void);
+static void NSM__vOnLifecycleRequestFinish(const NsmErrorStatus_e enErrorStatus);
+/* Internal functions, to set and get values. Indirectly used by D-Bus and StateMachine */
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enSetNodeState (NsmNodeState_e enNodeState,
+ gboolean boInformBus,
+ gboolean boInformMachine);
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enSetBootMode (const gint i32BootMode,
+ gboolean boInformMachine);
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enSetApplicationMode (NsmApplicationMode_e enApplicationMode,
+ gboolean boInformBus,
+ gboolean boInformMachine);
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enSetShutdownReason (NsmShutdownReason_e enNewShutdownReason,
+ gboolean boInformMachine);
+static void NSM__vPublishSessionChange (NsmSession_s *pstChangedSession,
+ gboolean boInformBus,
+ gboolean boInformMachine);
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enSetDefaultSessionState(NsmSession_s *pstSession,
+ gboolean boInformBus,
+ gboolean boInformMachine);
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enSetProductSessionState(NsmSession_s *pstSession,
+ gboolean boInformBus,
+ gboolean boInformMachine);
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enSetSessionState (NsmSession_s *pstSession,
+ gboolean boInformBus,
+ gboolean boInformMachine);
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enGetSessionState (NsmSession_s *pstSession);
+/* Internal functions that are directly used from D-Bus and StateMachine */
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enGetNodeState (NsmNodeState_e *penNodeState);
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enGetApplicationMode(NsmApplicationMode_e *penApplicationMode);
+/* Callbacks for D-Bus interfaces of the NodeStateManager */
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enOnHandleSetBootMode (const gint i32BootMode);
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enOnHandleSetNodeState (const NsmNodeState_e enNodeState);
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enOnHandleSetApplicationMode (const NsmApplicationMode_e enApplMode);
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enOnHandleRequestNodeRestart (const NsmRestartReason_e enRestartReason,
+ const guint u32RestartType);
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enOnHandleSetAppHealthStatus (const gchar *sAppName,
+ const gboolean boAppState);
+static gboolean NSM__boOnHandleCheckLucRequired (void);
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enOnHandleRegisterSession (const gchar *sSessionName,
+ const gchar *sSessionOwner,
+ const NsmSeat_e enSeatId,
+ const NsmSessionState_e enSessionState);
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enOnHandleUnRegisterSession (const gchar *sSessionName,
+ const gchar *sSessionOwner,
+ const NsmSeat_e enSeatId);
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enOnHandleRegisterLifecycleClient (const gchar *sBusName,
+ const gchar *sObjName,
+ const guint u32ShutdownMode,
+ const guint u32TimeoutMs);
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enOnHandleUnRegisterLifecycleClient(const gchar *sBusName,
+ const gchar *sObjName,
+ const guint u32ShutdownMode);
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enOnHandleGetSessionState (const gchar *sSessionName,
+ const NsmSeat_e enSeatId,
+ NsmSessionState_e *penSessionState);
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enOnHandleSetSessionState (const gchar *sSessionName,
+ const gchar *sSessionOwner,
+ const NsmSeat_e enSeatId,
+ const NsmSessionState_e enSessionState);
+static guint NSM__u32OnHandleGetAppHealthCount (void);
+static guint NSM__u32OnHandleGetInterfaceVersion (void);
+/* Functions to simplify internal work flow */
+static void NSM__vInitializeVariables (void);
+static void NSM__vCreatePlatformSessions(void);
+static void NSM__vCreateMutexes (void);
+static void NSM__vDeleteMutexes (void);
+/* LTPROF helper function */
+static void NSM__vLtProf(gchar *pszBus, gchar *pszObj, guint32 dwReason, gchar *pszInOut, guint32 dwValue);
+static void NSM__vSyslogOpen(void);
+static void NSM__vSyslogClose(void);
+* Local variables and constants
+/* Context for Log'n'Trace */
+/* Variables for "Properties" hosted by the NSM */
+static GMutex *NSM__pSessionMutex = NULL;
+static GSList *NSM__pSessions = NULL;
+static GList *NSM__pLifecycleClients = NULL;
+static GMutex *NSM__pNodeStateMutex = NULL;
+static NsmNodeState_e NSM__enNodeState = NsmNodeState_NotSet;
+static GMutex *NSM__pApplicationModeMutex = NULL;
+static NsmApplicationMode_e NSM__enApplicationMode = NsmApplicationMode_NotSet;
+static GSList *NSM__pFailedApplications = NULL;
+/* Variables for internal state management (of lifecycle requests) */
+static NSM__tstLifecycleClient *NSM__pCurrentLifecycleClient = NULL;
+/* Constant array of callbacks which are registered at the NodeStateAccess library */
+static const NSMA_tstObjectCallbacks NSM__stObjectCallBacks = { &NSM__enOnHandleSetBootMode,
+ &NSM__enOnHandleSetNodeState,
+ &NSM__enOnHandleSetApplicationMode,
+ &NSM__enOnHandleRequestNodeRestart,
+ &NSM__enOnHandleSetAppHealthStatus,
+ &NSM__boOnHandleCheckLucRequired,
+ &NSM__enOnHandleRegisterSession,
+ &NSM__enOnHandleUnRegisterSession,
+ &NSM__enOnHandleRegisterLifecycleClient,
+ &NSM__enOnHandleUnRegisterLifecycleClient,
+ &NSM__enGetApplicationMode,
+ &NSM__enOnHandleGetSessionState,
+ &NSM__enGetNodeState,
+ &NSM__enOnHandleSetSessionState,
+ &NSM__u32OnHandleGetAppHealthCount,
+ &NSM__u32OnHandleGetInterfaceVersion,
+ &NSM__vOnLifecycleRequestFinish
+ };
+* Local (static) functions
+* This helper function is called from various places to check if a session is a "platform" session.
+* @param pstSession: Pointer to the session for which a check should be done, if it is a platform session
+* @return TRUE: The session is a "platform" session
+* FALSE: The session is not a "platform" session
+static gboolean NSM__boIsPlatformSession(NsmSession_s *pstSession)
+ /* Function local variables */
+ gboolean boIsPlatformSession = FALSE;
+ guint16 u16SessionIdx = 0;
+ for(u16SessionIdx = 0;
+ (u16SessionIdx < sizeof(NSM__asDefaultSessions)/sizeof(gchar*))
+ && (boIsPlatformSession == FALSE);
+ u16SessionIdx++)
+ {
+ boIsPlatformSession = (g_strcmp0(pstSession->sName, NSM__asDefaultSessions[u16SessionIdx]) == 0);
+ }
+ return boIsPlatformSession;
+* The function is called from IPC and StateMachine to set the NodeState.
+* @param enNodeState: New NodeState that should be stored.
+* @param boInformBus: Defines whether a D-Bus signal should be send when the NodeState could be changed.
+* @param boInformMachine: Defines whether the StateMachine should be informed about the new NodeState.
+* @return see NsmErrorStatus_e
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enSetNodeState(NsmNodeState_e enNodeState, gboolean boInformBus, gboolean boInformMachine)
+ /* Function local variables */
+ NsmErrorStatus_e enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_NotSet; /* Return value */
+ /* Check if the passed parameter is valid */
+ if((enNodeState > NsmNodeState_NotSet) && (enNodeState < NsmNodeState_Last))
+ {
+ /* Assert that the Node not already is shut down. Otherwise it will switch of immediately */
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_Ok;
+ g_mutex_lock(NSM__pNodeStateMutex);
+ /* Only store the new value and emit a signal, if the new value is different */
+ if(NSM__enNodeState != enNodeState)
+ {
+ /* Store the last NodeState, before switching to the new one */
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_INFO, DLT_STRING("NSM: Changed NodeState." ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Old NodeState: "), DLT_INT((gint) NSM__enNodeState),
+ DLT_STRING(" New NodeState: "), DLT_INT((gint) enNodeState ));
+ /* Store the passed NodeState and emit a signal to inform system that the NodeState changed */
+ NSM__enNodeState = enNodeState;
+ /* If required, inform the D-Bus about the change (send signal) */
+ if(boInformBus == TRUE)
+ {
+ (void) NSMA_boSendNodeStateSignal(NSM__enNodeState);
+ }
+ /* If required, inform the StateMachine about the change */
+ if(boInformMachine == TRUE)
+ {
+ NsmcSetData(NsmDataType_NodeState, (unsigned char*) &NSM__enNodeState, sizeof(NsmDataType_NodeState));
+ }
+ /* Leave the lock now, because its not recursive. 'NSM__vCallNextLifecycleClient' may need it. */
+ g_mutex_unlock(NSM__pNodeStateMutex);
+ /* Check if a new life cycle request needs to be started based on the new ShutdownType */
+ if(NSM__pCurrentLifecycleClient == NULL)
+ {
+ NSM__vCallNextLifecycleClient();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* NodeState stays the same. Just leave the lock. */
+ g_mutex_unlock(NSM__pNodeStateMutex);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Error: The passed boot mode is invalid. Return an error. */
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_Parameter;
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_ERROR, DLT_STRING("NSM: Failed to change NodeState. Invalid parameter."),
+ DLT_STRING(" Old NodeState: "), DLT_INT(NSM__enNodeState ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Desired NodeState: "), DLT_INT((gint) enNodeState) );
+ }
+ return enRetVal;
+* The function is called from IPC and StateMachine to get the NodeState.
+* @return see NsmNodeState_e
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enGetNodeState(NsmNodeState_e *penNodeState)
+ NsmErrorStatus_e enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_NotSet;
+ if(penNodeState != NULL)
+ {
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_Ok;
+ g_mutex_lock(NSM__pNodeStateMutex);
+ *penNodeState = NSM__enNodeState;
+ g_mutex_unlock(NSM__pNodeStateMutex);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_Parameter;
+ }
+ return enRetVal;
+* The function is called from IPC and StateMachine to set the BootMode.
+* @param i32BootMode: New BootMode that should be stored.
+* @param boInformBus: Defines whether a D-Bus signal should be send when the BootMode could be changed.
+* @param boInformMachine: Defines whether the StateMachine should be informed about the new BootMode.
+* @return see NsmErrorStatus_e
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enSetBootMode(const gint i32BootMode, gboolean boInformMachine)
+ /* Function local variables */
+ gint i32CurrentBootMode = 0;
+ NsmErrorStatus_e enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_NotSet;
+ /* The BootMode property should be thread safe by D-Bus. No critical section need. */
+ (void) NSMA_boGetBootMode(&i32CurrentBootMode);
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_Ok;
+ if(i32CurrentBootMode != i32BootMode)
+ {
+ (void) NSMA_boSetBootMode(i32BootMode);
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_INFO, DLT_STRING("NSM: Changed BootMode." ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Old BootMode: "), DLT_INT(i32CurrentBootMode),
+ DLT_STRING(" New BootMode: "), DLT_INT(i32BootMode ));
+ /* Inform the machine if desired. The D-Bus will auto. update, because this is property */
+ if(boInformMachine == TRUE)
+ {
+ NsmcSetData(NsmDataType_BootMode, (unsigned char*) &i32BootMode, sizeof(gint));
+ }
+ }
+ /* Return ok. There is no limitation for this value. */
+ return enRetVal;
+* The function is called from IPC and StateMachine to set the ApplicationMode.
+* @param enApplicationMode: New application mode that should be stored.
+* @param boInformBus: Defines whether a D-Bus signal should be send when the ApplicationMode could be changed.
+* @param boInformMachine: Defines whether the StateMachine should be informed about the new ApplicationMode.
+* @return see NsmErrorStatus_e
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enSetApplicationMode(NsmApplicationMode_e enApplicationMode, gboolean boInformBus, gboolean boInformMachine)
+ /* Function local variables */
+ NsmErrorStatus_e enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_NotSet; /* Return value */
+ /* Check if the passed parameter is valid */
+ if((enApplicationMode > NsmApplicationMode_NotSet) && (enApplicationMode < NsmApplicationMode_Last))
+ {
+ /* The passed parameter is valid. Return OK */
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_Ok;
+ g_mutex_lock(NSM__pApplicationModeMutex);
+ /* Only store the new value and emit a signal, if the new value is different */
+ if(NSM__enApplicationMode != enApplicationMode)
+ {
+ /* Store new value and emit signal with new application mode */
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_INFO, DLT_STRING("NSM: Changed ApplicationMode."),
+ DLT_STRING(" Old ApplicationMode: "), DLT_INT(NSM__enApplicationMode ),
+ DLT_STRING(" New ApplicationMode: "), DLT_INT((gint) enApplicationMode));
+ NSM__enApplicationMode = enApplicationMode;
+ if(boInformBus == TRUE)
+ {
+ NSMA_boSendApplicationModeSignal(NSM__enApplicationMode);
+ }
+ if(boInformMachine == TRUE)
+ {
+ NsmcSetData(NsmDataType_AppMode, (unsigned char*) &NSM__enApplicationMode, sizeof(NsmApplicationMode_e));
+ }
+ }
+ g_mutex_unlock(NSM__pApplicationModeMutex);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Error: The passed application mode is invalid. Return an error. */
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_Parameter;
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_ERROR, DLT_STRING("NSM: Failed to change ApplicationMode. Invalid parameter." ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Old ApplicationMode: "), DLT_INT(NSM__enApplicationMode ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Desired ApplicationMode: "), DLT_INT((gint) enApplicationMode));
+ }
+ return enRetVal;
+* The function is called from IPC and StateMachine to get the ApplicationMode.
+* @return see NsmApplicationMode_e
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enGetApplicationMode(NsmApplicationMode_e *penApplicationMode)
+ NsmErrorStatus_e enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_NotSet;
+ if(penApplicationMode != NULL)
+ {
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_Ok;
+ g_mutex_lock(NSM__pApplicationModeMutex);
+ *penApplicationMode = NSM__enApplicationMode;
+ g_mutex_unlock(NSM__pApplicationModeMutex);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_Parameter;
+ }
+ return enRetVal;
+* The function is called from the StateMachine. There is no D-Bus interface to set the ShutdownReason,
+* because it is a property.
+* @param enNewShutdownReason: New ShutdownReason that should be stored.
+* @param boInformMachine: Determines if StateMachine needs to be called on a successful change.
+* Most of the time this should be false, because the machine sets the
+* value and can check the return value for errors.
+* @return see NsmErrorStatus_e
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enSetShutdownReason(NsmShutdownReason_e enNewShutdownReason, gboolean boInformMachine)
+ /* Function local variables */
+ NsmErrorStatus_e enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_NotSet; /* Return value */
+ NsmShutdownReason_e enCurrentShutdownReason = NsmShutdownReason_NotSet;
+ /* Check if the passed parameter is valid */
+ if((enNewShutdownReason > NsmShutdownReason_NotSet) && (enNewShutdownReason < NsmShutdownReason_Last))
+ {
+ /* The passed parameter is valid. Return OK */
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_Ok;
+ (void) NSMA_boGetShutdownReason(&enCurrentShutdownReason);
+ /* Only store the new value and emit a signal, if the new value is different */
+ if(enNewShutdownReason != enCurrentShutdownReason)
+ {
+ /* Store new value and emit signal with new application mode */
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_INFO, DLT_STRING("NSM: Changed ShutdownReason."),
+ DLT_STRING(" Old ShutdownReason: "), DLT_INT((gint) enCurrentShutdownReason),
+ DLT_STRING(" New ShutdownReason: "), DLT_INT((gint) enNewShutdownReason ));
+ (void) NSMA_boSetShutdownReason(enNewShutdownReason);
+ if(boInformMachine == TRUE)
+ {
+ NsmcSetData(NsmDataType_ShutdownReason, (unsigned char*) &enNewShutdownReason, sizeof(NsmShutdownReason_e));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Error: The passed application mode is invalid. Return an error. */
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_Parameter;
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_ERROR, DLT_STRING("NSM: Failed to change ShutdownReason. Invalid parameter." ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Old ShutdownReason: "), DLT_INT((gint) enCurrentShutdownReason),
+ DLT_STRING(" Desired ShutdownReason: "), DLT_INT((gint) enNewShutdownReason ));
+ }
+ return enRetVal;
+* The function is called when a session state changed. It informs the system (IPC and StateMachine) about
+* the changed session state.
+* @param pstSession: Pointer to structure with updated session information.
+* @param boInformBus: Defines whether a D-Bus signal should be send on session change.
+* @param boInformMachine: Defines whether the StateMachine should be informed about session change.
+static void NSM__vPublishSessionChange(NsmSession_s *pstChangedSession, gboolean boInformBus, gboolean boInformMachine)
+ NsmErrorStatus_e enStateMachineReturn = NsmErrorStatus_NotSet;
+ if(boInformBus == TRUE)
+ {
+ NSMA_boSendSessionSignal(pstChangedSession);
+ }
+ if(boInformMachine == TRUE)
+ {
+ enStateMachineReturn = NsmcSetData(NsmDataType_SessionState, (unsigned char*) pstChangedSession, sizeof(NsmSession_s));
+ if(enStateMachineReturn != NsmErrorStatus_Ok)
+ {
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_ERROR, DLT_STRING("NSM: Failed to inform state machine about changed session state." ),
+ DLT_STRING(" State machine returned: "), DLT_INT( enStateMachineReturn ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Application: "), DLT_STRING(pstChangedSession->sOwner ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Session: "), DLT_STRING(pstChangedSession->sName ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Seat: "), DLT_INT( pstChangedSession->enSeat ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Desired state: "), DLT_INT( pstChangedSession->enState));
+ }
+ }
+* The function is called when the state of a product session should be changed.
+* @param pstSession: Pointer to structure where session name, owner, seat and desired SessionState are defined.
+* @param boInformBus: Defines whether a D-Bus signal should be send on session change.
+* @param boInformMachine: Defines whether the StateMachine should be informed about session change.
+* @return see NsmErrorStatus_e
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enSetProductSessionState(NsmSession_s *pstSession, gboolean boInformBus, gboolean boInformMachine)
+ /* Function local variables */
+ NsmErrorStatus_e enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_NotSet; /* Return value */
+ GSList *pListEntry = NULL;
+ NsmSession_s *pExistingSession = NULL;
+ g_mutex_lock(NSM__pSessionMutex);
+ pListEntry = g_slist_find_custom(NSM__pSessions, pstSession, &NSM__i32SessionOwnerNameSeatCompare);
+ if(pListEntry != NULL)
+ {
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_Ok;
+ pExistingSession = (NsmSession_s*) pListEntry->data;
+ if(pExistingSession->enState != pstSession->enState)
+ {
+ pExistingSession->enState = pstSession->enState;
+ NSM__vPublishSessionChange(pExistingSession, boInformBus, boInformMachine);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_WrongSession;
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_ERROR, DLT_STRING("NSM: Failed to set session state. Session unknown."),
+ DLT_STRING(" Application: "), DLT_STRING(pstSession->sOwner ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Session: "), DLT_STRING(pstSession->sName ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Seat: "), DLT_INT( pstSession->enSeat ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Desired state: "), DLT_INT( pstSession->enState));
+ }
+ g_mutex_unlock(NSM__pSessionMutex);
+ return enRetVal;
+* The function is called when the state of a default session should be changed.
+* @param pstSession: Pointer to structure where session name, owner, seat and desired SessionState are defined.
+* @param boInformBus: Defines whether a D-Bus signal should be send on session change.
+* @param boInformMachine: Defines whether the StateMachine should be informed about session change.
+* @return see NsmErrorStatus_e
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enSetDefaultSessionState(NsmSession_s *pstSession, gboolean boInformBus, gboolean boInformMachine)
+ /* Function local variables */
+ NsmErrorStatus_e enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_NotSet; /* Return value */
+ GSList *pListEntry = NULL;
+ NsmSession_s *pExistingSession = NULL;
+ /* Lock the sessions to be able to change them! */
+ g_mutex_lock(NSM__pSessionMutex);
+ pListEntry = g_slist_find_custom(NSM__pSessions, pstSession, &NSM__i32SessionNameSeatCompare);
+ if(pListEntry != NULL)
+ {
+ pExistingSession = (NsmSession_s*) pListEntry->data;
+ /* Check that the caller owns the session */
+ if(g_strcmp0(pExistingSession->sOwner, pstSession->sOwner) == 0)
+ {
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_Ok;
+ if(pExistingSession->enState != pstSession->enState)
+ {
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_INFO, DLT_STRING("NSM: Changed default session's state."),
+ DLT_STRING(" Application: "), DLT_STRING(pExistingSession->sOwner ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Session: "), DLT_STRING(pExistingSession->sName ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Seat: "), DLT_INT( pExistingSession->enSeat ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Old state: "), DLT_INT( pExistingSession->enState),
+ DLT_STRING(" New state: "), DLT_INT( pstSession->enState ));
+ pExistingSession->enState = pstSession->enState;
+ NSM__vPublishSessionChange(pExistingSession, boInformBus, boInformMachine);
+ if(pstSession->enState == NsmSessionState_Inactive)
+ {
+ g_strlcpy(pExistingSession->sOwner, NSM_DEFAULT_SESSION_OWNER, sizeof(pExistingSession->sOwner));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* The caller does not own the session. Check if he can become the owner. */
+ if(g_strcmp0(pExistingSession->sOwner, NSM_DEFAULT_SESSION_OWNER) == 0)
+ {
+ /* The session has no owner. The new owner can obtain the session by setting it to an "active" state */
+ if(pstSession->enState != NsmSessionState_Inactive)
+ {
+ /* The session has been activated. Overtake the owner. Broadcast new state. */
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_Ok;
+ g_strlcpy(pExistingSession->sOwner, pstSession->sOwner, sizeof(pExistingSession->sOwner));
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_INFO, DLT_STRING("NSM: Changed default session's state."),
+ DLT_STRING(" Application: "), DLT_STRING(pExistingSession->sOwner ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Session: "), DLT_STRING(pExistingSession->sName ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Seat: "), DLT_INT( pExistingSession->enSeat ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Old state: "), DLT_INT( pExistingSession->enState),
+ DLT_STRING(" New state: "), DLT_INT( pstSession->enState ));
+ pExistingSession->enState = pstSession->enState;
+ NSM__vPublishSessionChange(pExistingSession, boInformBus, boInformMachine);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* The session has no owner, but could not be activated because the passed state is "inactive". */
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_Parameter;
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_ERROR, DLT_STRING("NSM: Failed to enable default session. Passed state is 'inactive'. "),
+ DLT_STRING(" Session: "), DLT_STRING(pstSession->sName ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Seat: "), DLT_INT( pstSession->enSeat ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Owning application: "), DLT_STRING(pExistingSession->sOwner ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Requesting application: "), DLT_STRING(pstSession->sOwner ));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* The session owners do not match and the existing session has an owner */
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_Error;
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_ERROR, DLT_STRING("NSM: Failed to set default session state. Session has another owner."),
+ DLT_STRING(" Session: "), DLT_STRING(pstSession->sName ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Seat: "), DLT_INT( pstSession->enSeat ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Owning application: "), DLT_STRING(pExistingSession->sOwner ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Requesting application: "), DLT_STRING(pstSession->sOwner ));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* This should never happen, because the function is only called for default sessions! */
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_Internal;
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_ERROR, DLT_STRING("NSM: Critical error. Default session not found in session list!"),
+ DLT_STRING(" Application: "), DLT_STRING(pstSession->sOwner ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Session: "), DLT_STRING(pstSession->sName ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Seat: "), DLT_INT( pstSession->enSeat ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Desired state: "), DLT_INT( pstSession->enState ));
+ }
+ /* Unlock the sessions again. */
+ g_mutex_unlock(NSM__pSessionMutex);
+ return enRetVal;
+* The function is called from IPC and StateMachine to set a session state.
+* @param pstSession: Pointer to structure where session name, owner, seat and desired SessionState are defined.
+* @param boInformBus: Defines whether a D-Bus signal should be send on session change.
+* @param boInformMachine: Defines whether the StateMachine should be informed about session change.
+* @return see NsmErrorStatus_e
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enSetSessionState(NsmSession_s *pstSession, gboolean boInformBus, gboolean boInformMachine)
+ /* Function local variables */
+ NsmErrorStatus_e enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_NotSet; /* Return value */
+ /* Check if the passed parameters are valid. */
+ if( (g_strcmp0(pstSession->sOwner, NSM_DEFAULT_SESSION_OWNER) != 0)
+ && (pstSession->enState > NsmSessionState_Unregistered )
+ && (pstSession->enSeat > NsmSeat_NotSet )
+ && (pstSession->enSeat < NsmSeat_Last ))
+ {
+ /* Parameters are valid. Check if a platform session state is set */
+ if(NSM__boIsPlatformSession(pstSession) == TRUE)
+ {
+ enRetVal = NSM__enSetDefaultSessionState(pstSession, boInformBus, boInformMachine);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ enRetVal = NSM__enSetProductSessionState(pstSession, boInformBus, boInformMachine);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Error: An invalid parameter has been passed. */
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_Parameter;
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_ERROR, DLT_STRING("NSM: Failed to change session state. Invalid paramter."),
+ DLT_STRING(" Application: "), DLT_STRING(pstSession->sOwner ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Session: "), DLT_STRING(pstSession->sName ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Seat: "), DLT_INT( pstSession->enSeat ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Desired state: "), DLT_INT( pstSession->enState ));
+ }
+ return enRetVal;
+* The function is called from IPC and StateMachine to get the session state.
+* @param pstSession: Pointer to structure where session name, owner and seat are defined and SessionState will be set.
+* @return see NsmErrorStatus_e
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enGetSessionState(NsmSession_s *pstSession)
+ /* Function local variables */
+ NsmErrorStatus_e enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_NotSet; /* Return value */
+ NsmSession_s *pExistingSession = NULL; /* Pointer to existing session */
+ GSList *pListEntry = NULL;
+ g_mutex_lock(NSM__pSessionMutex);
+ /* Search for session with name, seat and owner. */
+ pListEntry = g_slist_find_custom(NSM__pSessions, pstSession, &NSM__i32SessionNameSeatCompare);
+ if(pListEntry != NULL)
+ {
+ /* Found the session in the list. Return its state. */
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_Ok;
+ pExistingSession = (NsmSession_s*) pListEntry->data;
+ pstSession->enState = pExistingSession->enState;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Error: The session is unknown. */
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_WrongSession;
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_WARN, DLT_STRING("NSM: Failed to retrieve session state. Unknown session."),
+ DLT_STRING(" Session: "), DLT_STRING(pstSession->sName ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Seat: "), DLT_INT( pstSession->enSeat ));
+ }
+ g_mutex_unlock(NSM__pSessionMutex);
+ return enRetVal;
+static void NSM__vFreeFailedApplicationObject(gpointer pFailedApplication)
+ /* Function local variables. Cast the passed object */
+ NSM__tstFailedApplication *pstFailedApplication = (NSM__tstFailedApplication*) pFailedApplication;
+ g_free(pstFailedApplication);
+* The function is called either manually for one object or for every "session object", when the list of registered
+* sessions is destroyed with "g_slist_free_full". All memory occupied by the "session object" is released.
+* @param pSession: Pointer to the session object
+* @return void
+static void NSM__vFreeSessionObject(gpointer pSession)
+ /* Function local variables. Cast the passed object */
+ NsmSession_s *pstSession = (NsmSession_s*) pSession;
+ /* Free the session object */
+ g_free(pstSession);
+* The function is called either manually for one object or for every "lifecycle client object", when the list of
+* registered lifecycle clients is destroyed with "g_slist_free_full".
+* All memory occupied by the "lifecycle client object" is released.
+* @param pLifecycleClient: Pointer to the lifecycle client object
+* @return void
+static void NSM__vFreeLifecycleClientObject(gpointer pLifecycleClient)
+ /* Function local variables. Cast the passed object */
+ NSM__tstLifecycleClient *pstLifecycleClient = (NSM__tstLifecycleClient*) pLifecycleClient;
+ /* Free internal strings and objects */
+ g_free(pstLifecycleClient->sBusName);
+ g_free(pstLifecycleClient->sObjName);
+ /* No need to check for NULL. Only valid clients come here */
+ NSMA_boFreeLcConsumerProxy(pstLifecycleClient->hClient);
+ /* Free the shutdown client object */
+ g_free(pstLifecycleClient);
+* The function is used to "custom compare" and identify a lifecycle client in the list of clients.
+* Because the function is not used for sorting, the return value 1 is not used.
+* @param pS1: Lifecycle client from list
+* @param pS2: Lifecycle client to compare
+* @return -1: pL1 < pL2
+* 0: pL1 = pL2
+* 1: pL1 > pL2 (unused, because function not used for sorting)
+static gint NSM__i32LifecycleClientCompare(gconstpointer pL1, gconstpointer pL2)
+ /* Function local variables. Cast the passed objects */
+ NSM__tstLifecycleClient *pListClient = NULL;
+ NSM__tstLifecycleClient *pCompareClient = NULL;
+ gint i32RetVal = 1;
+ pListClient = (NSM__tstLifecycleClient*) pL1;
+ pCompareClient = (NSM__tstLifecycleClient*) pL2;
+ /* Compare the bus name of the client */
+ if(g_strcmp0(pListClient->sBusName, pCompareClient->sBusName) == 0)
+ {
+ /* Bus names are equal. Now compare object name */
+ if(g_strcmp0(pListClient->sObjName, pCompareClient->sObjName) == 0)
+ {
+ i32RetVal = 0; /* Clients are identical. Return 0. */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ i32RetVal = -1; /* Object names are different. Return -1. */
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ i32RetVal = -1; /* Bus names are different. Return -1. */
+ }
+ return i32RetVal; /* Return result of comparison. */
+* The function is used to "custom compare" and identify a session in the list of sessions.
+* It compares the "session name", the "session owner" and "seat".
+* Because the function is not used for sorting, the return value 1 is not used.
+* @param pS1: Session from list
+* @param pS2: Session to compare
+* @return -1: pS1 < pS2
+* 0: pS1 = pS2
+* 1: pS1 > pS2 (unused, because function not used for sorting)
+static gint NSM__i32SessionOwnerNameSeatCompare(gconstpointer pS1, gconstpointer pS2)
+ /* Function local variables. Cast the passed objects */
+ NsmSession_s *pListSession = NULL;
+ NsmSession_s *pSearchSession = NULL;
+ gint i32RetVal = 1;
+ pListSession = (NsmSession_s*) pS1;
+ pSearchSession = (NsmSession_s*) pS2;
+ if(g_strcmp0(pListSession->sOwner, pSearchSession->sOwner) == 0)
+ {
+ i32RetVal = NSM__i32SessionNameSeatCompare(pS1, pS2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ i32RetVal = -1; /* Session owners differ. Return -1. */
+ }
+ return i32RetVal; /* Return result of comparison */
+* The function is used to "custom compare" and identify a session in the list of sessions.
+* It compares the "session name" and "seat".
+* Because the function is not used for sorting, the return value 1 is not used.
+* @param pS1: Session from list
+* @param pS2: Session to compare
+* @return -1: pS1 < pS2
+* 0: pS1 = pS2
+* 1: pS1 > pS2 (unused, because function not used for sorting)
+static gint NSM__i32SessionNameSeatCompare(gconstpointer pS1, gconstpointer pS2)
+ /* Function local variables. Cast the passed objects */
+ NsmSession_s *pListSession = NULL;
+ NsmSession_s *pSearchSession = NULL;
+ gint i32RetVal = 1;
+ pListSession = (NsmSession_s*) pS1;
+ pSearchSession = (NsmSession_s*) pS2;
+ /* Compare seats of the sessions. */
+ if(pListSession->enSeat == pSearchSession->enSeat)
+ {
+ /* Seats are equal. Compare session names. */
+ if(g_strcmp0(pListSession->sName, pSearchSession->sName) == 0)
+ {
+ i32RetVal = 0; /* Session are equal. Return 0. */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ i32RetVal = -1; /* Session names differ. Return -1. */
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ i32RetVal = -1; /* Session seats differ. Return -1. */
+ }
+ return i32RetVal;
+* The function is used to "custom compare" and identify an application name.
+* Because the function is not used for sorting, the return value 1 is not used.
+* @param pA1: Application object from list
+* @param pA2: Application object to compare
+* @return -1: pA1 < pA2
+* 0: pA1 = pA2
+* 1: pA1 > pA2 (unused, because function not used for sorting)
+static gint NSM__i32ApplicationCompare(gconstpointer pA1, gconstpointer pA2)
+ /* Function local variables. Cast the passed objects */
+ NSM__tstFailedApplication *pListApp = NULL;
+ NSM__tstFailedApplication *pSearchApp = NULL;
+ gint i32RetVal = 1;
+ pListApp = (NSM__tstFailedApplication*) pA1;
+ pSearchApp = (NSM__tstFailedApplication*) pA2;
+ /* Compare names of the applications */
+ if(g_strcmp0(pListApp->sName, pSearchApp->sName) == 0)
+ {
+ i32RetVal = 0; /* Names are equal. Return 0. */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ i32RetVal = -1; /* Names are different. Return -1. */
+ }
+ return i32RetVal; /* Return result of comparison */
+* The function is used to "custom compare" and identify a session with a special owner.
+* Because the function is not used for sorting, the return value 1 is not used.
+* @param pS1: Session from list
+* @param pS2: Session to compare
+* @return -1: pS1 < pS2
+* 0: pS1 = pS2
+* 1: pS1 > pS2 (unused, because function not used for sorting)
+static gint NSM__i32SessionOwnerCompare(gconstpointer pS1, gconstpointer pS2)
+ /* Function local variables. Cast the passed objects */
+ NsmSession_s *pListSession = NULL;
+ NsmSession_s *pSearchSession = NULL;
+ gint i32RetVal = 1;
+ pListSession = (NsmSession_s*) pS1;
+ pSearchSession = (NsmSession_s*) pS2;
+ /* Compare owners of the sessions */
+ if(g_strcmp0(pListSession->sOwner, pSearchSession->sOwner) == 0)
+ {
+ i32RetVal = 0; /* Owners are equal. Return 0. */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ i32RetVal = -1; /* Owners are different. Return -1. */
+ }
+ return i32RetVal; /* Return result of comparison */
+* The function is called after a lifecycle client was informed about the changed life cycle.
+* The return value of the last informed client will be evaluated and the next lifecycle client
+* to inform will be determined and called.
+* If there is no client left, the lifecycle sequence will be finished.
+* @param pSrcObject: Source object (lifecycle client proxy)
+* @param pRes: Result of asynchronous call
+* @param pUserData: Pointer to the current lifecycle client object
+* @return void
+static void NSM__vOnLifecycleRequestFinish(const NsmErrorStatus_e enErrorStatus)
+ if(enErrorStatus == NsmErrorStatus_Ok)
+ {
+ /* The clients "LifecycleRequest" has been successfully processed. */
+ NSM__vLtProf(NSM__pCurrentLifecycleClient->sBusName, NSM__pCurrentLifecycleClient->sObjName, 0, "leave: ", 0);
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_INFO, DLT_STRING("NSM: Successfully called lifecycle client."));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Error: The method of the lifecycle client returned an error */
+ NSM__vLtProf(NSM__pCurrentLifecycleClient->sBusName, NSM__pCurrentLifecycleClient->sObjName, 0, "leave: error: ", enErrorStatus);
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_WARN, DLT_STRING("NSM: Failed to call life cycle client." ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Return Value: "), DLT_INT((gint) enErrorStatus));
+ }
+ NSM__vCallNextLifecycleClient();
+* The function is called when:
+* - The NodeState changes (NSM__boHandleSetNodeState), to initiate a lifecycle sequence
+* - A client returned and the next client has to be called (NSM__vOnLifecycleRequestFinish)
+* If the clients need to "run up" or shut down for the current NodeState, the function
+* searches the list forward or backward until a client is found, which needs to be informed.
+* PLEASE NOTE: If all clients have been informed about a "shut down", this function will quit the
+* "g_main_loop", which leads to the the termination of the NSM!
+* @return void
+static void NSM__vCallNextLifecycleClient(void)
+ /* Function local variables */
+ GList *pListEntry = NULL; /* Iterate through list entries */
+ NSM__tstLifecycleClient *pClient = NULL; /* Client object from list */
+ guint32 u32ShutdownType = NSM_SHUTDOWNTYPE_NOT; /* Return value */
+ gboolean boShutdown = FALSE;
+ NSM__pCurrentLifecycleClient = NULL;
+ g_mutex_lock(NSM__pNodeStateMutex);
+ /* Based on NodeState determine if clients have to shutdown or run up. Find a client that has not been informed */
+ switch(NSM__enNodeState)
+ {
+ /* For "shutdown" search backward in the list, until there is a client that has not been shut down */
+ case NsmNodeState_ShuttingDown:
+ for( pListEntry = g_list_last(NSM__pLifecycleClients);
+ (pListEntry != NULL) && (NSM__pCurrentLifecycleClient == NULL);
+ pListEntry = g_list_previous(pListEntry))
+ {
+ /* Check if client has not been shut down and is registered for "normal shutdown" */
+ pClient = (NSM__tstLifecycleClient*) pListEntry->data;
+ if( ( pClient->boShutdown == FALSE)
+ && ( (pClient->u32RegisteredMode & u32ShutdownType) != 0 ))
+ {
+ /* Found a "running" previous client, registered for the shutdown mode */
+ NSM__pCurrentLifecycleClient = (NSM__tstLifecycleClient*) pListEntry->data;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ /* For "fast shutdown" search backward in the list, until there is a client that has not been shut down */
+ case NsmNodeState_FastShutdown:
+ u32ShutdownType = NSM_SHUTDOWNTYPE_FAST;
+ for( pListEntry = g_list_last(NSM__pLifecycleClients);
+ (pListEntry != NULL) && (NSM__pCurrentLifecycleClient == NULL);
+ pListEntry = g_list_previous(pListEntry))
+ {
+ /* Check if client has not been shut down and is registered for "fast shutdown" */
+ pClient = (NSM__tstLifecycleClient*) pListEntry->data;
+ if( ( pClient->boShutdown == FALSE)
+ && ( (pClient->u32RegisteredMode & u32ShutdownType) != 0 ))
+ {
+ /* Found a "running" previous client, registered for the shutdown mode */
+ NSM__pCurrentLifecycleClient = (NSM__tstLifecycleClient*) pListEntry->data;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ /* For a "running" mode search forward in the list (get next), until there is a client that is shut down */
+ default:
+ for(pListEntry = g_list_first(NSM__pLifecycleClients);
+ (pListEntry != NULL) && (NSM__pCurrentLifecycleClient == NULL);
+ pListEntry = g_list_next(pListEntry))
+ {
+ /* Check if client is shut down */
+ pClient = (NSM__tstLifecycleClient*) pListEntry->data;
+ if(pClient->boShutdown == TRUE)
+ {
+ /* The client was shutdown. It should run up, because we are in a running mode */
+ NSM__pCurrentLifecycleClient = (NSM__tstLifecycleClient*) pListEntry->data;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Check if a client could be found that needs to be informed */
+ if(NSM__pCurrentLifecycleClient != NULL)
+ {
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_INFO, DLT_STRING("NSM: Call lifecycle client." ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Bus name: "), DLT_STRING(NSM__pCurrentLifecycleClient->sBusName ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Obj name: "), DLT_STRING(NSM__pCurrentLifecycleClient->sObjName ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Registered types: "), DLT_INT(NSM__pCurrentLifecycleClient->u32RegisteredMode),
+ DLT_STRING(" Client: "), DLT_INT( (guint) NSM__pCurrentLifecycleClient->hClient ),
+ DLT_STRING(" ShutdownType: "), DLT_UINT(u32ShutdownType ));
+ /* Remember that client received a run-up or shutdown call */
+ pClient->boShutdown = (u32ShutdownType != NSM_SHUTDOWNTYPE_RUNUP);
+ NSM__vLtProf(NSM__pCurrentLifecycleClient->sBusName, NSM__pCurrentLifecycleClient->sObjName, u32ShutdownType, "enter: ", 0);
+ NSMA_boCallLcClientRequest(NSM__pCurrentLifecycleClient->hClient, u32ShutdownType);
+ boShutdown = FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* The last client was called. Depending on the NodeState check if we can end. */
+ switch(NSM__enNodeState)
+ {
+ /* All registered clients have been 'fast shutdown'. Set NodeState to "shutdown" */
+ case NsmNodeState_FastShutdown:
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_INFO, DLT_STRING("NSM: Informed all registered clients about 'fast shutdown'. Set NodeState to 'shutdown'"));
+ NSM__enNodeState = NsmNodeState_Shutdown;
+ NsmcSetData(NsmDataType_NodeState, (unsigned char*) &NSM__enNodeState, sizeof(NsmNodeState_e));
+ NSMA_boSendNodeStateSignal(NSM__enNodeState);
+ boShutdown = TRUE;
+ break;
+ /* All registered clients have been 'shutdown'. Set NodeState to "shutdown" */
+ case NsmNodeState_ShuttingDown:
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_INFO, DLT_STRING("NSM: Informed all registered clients about 'shutdown'. Set NodeState to 'shutdown'."));
+ NSM__enNodeState = NsmNodeState_Shutdown;
+ NsmcSetData(NsmDataType_NodeState, (unsigned char*) &NSM__enNodeState, sizeof(NsmNodeState_e));
+ NSMA_boSendNodeStateSignal(NSM__enNodeState);
+ boShutdown = TRUE;
+ break;
+ /* We are in a running state. Nothing to do */
+ default:
+ boShutdown = FALSE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ g_mutex_unlock(NSM__pNodeStateMutex);
+ if(boShutdown == TRUE)
+ {
+ NSMA_boQuitEventLoop();
+ }
+* The callback is called when a check for LUC is required.
+* It uses the NodeStateMachine to determine whether LUC is required.
+* @param pboRetVal: Pointer, where to store the StateMAchine's return value
+static gboolean NSM__boOnHandleCheckLucRequired(void)
+ /* Determine if LUC is required by asking the NodeStateMachine */
+ return (NsmcLucRequired() == 0x01) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+* The callback is called when the "boot mode" should be set.
+* It sets the BootMode using an internal function.
+* @param i32BootMode: New boot mode
+* @param penRetVal: Pointer, where to store the return value
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enOnHandleSetBootMode(const gint i32BootMode)
+ /* Use internal setter to set the BootMode and inform the StateMachine */
+ return NSM__enSetBootMode(i32BootMode, TRUE);
+* The callback is called when the "node state" should be set.
+* It sets the NodeState using an internal function.
+* @param enNodeStateId: New node state
+* @param penRetVal: Pointer, where to store the return value
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enOnHandleSetNodeState(const NsmNodeState_e enNodeState)
+ return NSM__enSetNodeState(enNodeState, TRUE, TRUE);
+* The callback is called when the "application mode" should be set.
+* It sets the ApplicationMode using an internal function.
+* @param enApplicationModeId: New application mode
+* @param penRetVal: Pointer, where to store the return value
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enOnHandleSetApplicationMode(const NsmApplicationMode_e enApplMode)
+ return NSM__enSetApplicationMode(enApplMode, TRUE, TRUE);
+* The callback is called when the node reset is requested.
+* It passes the request to the NodestateMachine.
+* @param i32RestartReason: Restart reason
+* @param i32RestartType: Restart type
+* @param penRetVal: Pointer, where to store the return value
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enOnHandleRequestNodeRestart(const NsmRestartReason_e enRestartReason,
+ const guint u32RestartType)
+ NsmErrorStatus_e enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_NotSet;
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_INFO, DLT_STRING("NSM: Node restart has been requested."));
+ if(NsmcRequestNodeRestart() == 0x01)
+ {
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_Ok;
+ (void) NSMA_boSetRestartReason(enRestartReason);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_Error;
+ }
+ return enRetVal;
+* The called is called when a new session should be registered.
+* It checks the passed parameters and creates a NsmSession_s structure of them.
+* If everything is ok, the new session will be created and the system and StateMachine will be informed.
+* @param sSessionName: Name of the new session
+* @param sSessionOwner: Owner of the new session
+* @param enSeatId: Seat which belongs to the new session
+* @param enSessionState: Initial state of the new session
+* @param penRetVal: Pointer, where to store the return value
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enOnHandleRegisterSession(const gchar *sSessionName,
+ const gchar *sSessionOwner,
+ const NsmSeat_e enSeatId,
+ const NsmSessionState_e enSessionState)
+ /* Function local variables */
+ NsmSession_s *pNewSession = NULL; /* Pointer to new created session */
+ GSList *pListEntry = NULL; /* Pointer to list entry */
+ size_t u32SessionNameLen = 0; /* Length of passed session owner */
+ size_t u32SessionOwnerLen = 0; /* Length of passed session name */
+ NsmSession_s stSearchSession; /* To search for existing session */
+ gboolean boOwnerValid = FALSE;
+ NsmErrorStatus_e enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_NotSet;
+ /* Initialize variables */
+ memset(&stSearchSession, 0, sizeof(stSearchSession));
+ /* Check if the passed parameters are valid */
+ u32SessionNameLen = strlen(sSessionName);
+ u32SessionOwnerLen = strlen(sSessionOwner);
+ boOwnerValid = (g_strcmp0(sSessionOwner, NSM_DEFAULT_SESSION_OWNER) != 0);
+ if( (boOwnerValid == TRUE )
+ && (u32SessionNameLen < NSM_MAX_SESSION_NAME_LENGTH )
+ && (u32SessionOwnerLen < NSM_MAX_SESSION_OWNER_LENGTH)
+ && (enSeatId > NsmSeat_NotSet )
+ && (enSeatId < NsmSeat_Last )
+ && (enSessionState > NsmSessionState_Unregistered))
+ {
+ /* Initialize temporary session object to check if session already exists */
+ g_strlcpy((gchar*) stSearchSession.sName, sSessionName, sizeof(stSearchSession.sName) );
+ g_strlcpy((gchar*) stSearchSession.sOwner, sSessionOwner, sizeof(stSearchSession.sOwner));
+ stSearchSession.enSeat = enSeatId;
+ stSearchSession.enState = enSessionState;
+ if(NSM__boIsPlatformSession(&stSearchSession) == FALSE)
+ {
+ g_mutex_lock(NSM__pSessionMutex);
+ pListEntry = g_slist_find_custom(NSM__pSessions, &stSearchSession, &NSM__i32SessionNameSeatCompare);
+ if(pListEntry == NULL)
+ {
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_Ok;
+ pNewSession = g_new0(NsmSession_s, 1);
+ memcpy(pNewSession, &stSearchSession, sizeof(NsmSession_s));
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_INFO, DLT_STRING("NSM: Registered session." ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Name: " ), DLT_STRING(sSessionName ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Owner: " ), DLT_STRING(sSessionOwner ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Seat: " ), DLT_INT((gint) enSeatId ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Initial state: "), DLT_INT((gint) enSessionState));
+ /* Return OK and append new object */
+ NSM__pSessions = g_slist_append(NSM__pSessions, pNewSession);
+ /* Inform D-Bus and StateMachine about the new session. */
+ NSM__vPublishSessionChange(pNewSession, TRUE, TRUE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Error: The session already exists. Don't store passed state. */
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_WrongSession;
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_WARN, DLT_STRING("NSM: Failed to register session. Session already exists."),
+ DLT_STRING(" Name: " ), DLT_STRING(sSessionName ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Owner: " ), DLT_STRING(sSessionOwner ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Seat: " ), DLT_INT((gint) enSeatId ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Initial state: "), DLT_INT((gint) enSessionState ));
+ }
+ g_mutex_unlock(NSM__pSessionMutex);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Error: It is not allowed to re-register a default session! */
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_Parameter;
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_ERROR, DLT_STRING("NSM: Failed to register session. Re-Registration of default session not allowed."),
+ DLT_STRING(" Name: " ), DLT_STRING(sSessionName ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Owner: " ), DLT_STRING(sSessionOwner ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Seat: " ), DLT_INT((gint) enSeatId ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Initial state: "), DLT_INT((gint) enSessionState ));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Error: A parameter with an invalid value has been passed */
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_Parameter;
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_ERROR, DLT_STRING("NSM: Failed to register session. 'Unregistered' not allowed."),
+ DLT_STRING(" Name: " ), DLT_STRING(sSessionName ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Owner: " ), DLT_STRING(sSessionOwner ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Seat: " ), DLT_INT((gint) enSeatId ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Initial state: "), DLT_INT((gint) enSessionState ));
+ }
+ return enRetVal;
+* The callback is called when a session should be unregistered.
+* It checks the passed parameters and creates a NsmSession_s structure of them.
+* If everything is ok, the new session will be removed and the system and StateMachine will be informed.
+* @param sSessionName: Name of the new session that should be unregistered.
+* @param sSessionOwner: Current owner of the session that should be unregistered.
+* @param enSeat: Seat for which the session should be unregistered.
+* @param penRetVal: Pointer, where to store the return value
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enOnHandleUnRegisterSession(const gchar *sSessionName,
+ const gchar *sSessionOwner,
+ const NsmSeat_e enSeatId)
+ /* Function local variables */
+ NsmSession_s *pExistingSession = NULL; /* Pointer to existing session */
+ GSList *pListEntry = NULL; /* Pointer to list entry */
+ size_t u32SessionNameLen = 0; /* Length of passed session owner */
+ size_t u32SessionOwnerLen = 0; /* Length of passed session name */
+ NsmSession_s stSearchSession; /* To search for existing session */
+ NsmErrorStatus_e enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_NotSet;
+ /* Initialize variables */
+ memset(&stSearchSession, 0, sizeof(stSearchSession));
+ /* Check if the passed parameters are valid */
+ u32SessionNameLen = strlen(sSessionName);
+ u32SessionOwnerLen = strlen(sSessionOwner);
+ if( (u32SessionNameLen < NSM_MAX_SESSION_NAME_LENGTH )
+ && (u32SessionOwnerLen < NSM_MAX_SESSION_OWNER_LENGTH))
+ {
+ /* Assign seat, session name and owner to search for session */
+ stSearchSession.enSeat = enSeatId;
+ g_strlcpy((gchar*) stSearchSession.sName, sSessionName, sizeof(stSearchSession.sName) );
+ g_strlcpy((gchar*) stSearchSession.sOwner, sSessionOwner, sizeof(stSearchSession.sOwner));
+ if(NSM__boIsPlatformSession(&stSearchSession) == FALSE)
+ {
+ g_mutex_lock(NSM__pSessionMutex);
+ pListEntry = g_slist_find_custom(NSM__pSessions, &stSearchSession, &NSM__i32SessionOwnerNameSeatCompare);
+ /* Check if the session exists */
+ if(pListEntry != NULL)
+ {
+ /* Found the session in the list. Now remove it. */
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_Ok;
+ pExistingSession = (NsmSession_s*) pListEntry->data;
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_INFO, DLT_STRING("NSM: Unregistered session." ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Name: " ), DLT_STRING(pExistingSession->sName ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Owner: " ), DLT_STRING(pExistingSession->sOwner ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Seat: " ), DLT_INT( pExistingSession->enSeat ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Last state: "), DLT_INT( pExistingSession->enState));
+ pExistingSession->enState = NsmSessionState_Unregistered;
+ /* Inform D-Bus and StateMachine about the unregistered session */
+ NSM__vPublishSessionChange(pExistingSession, TRUE, TRUE);
+ NSM__vFreeSessionObject(pExistingSession);
+ NSM__pSessions = g_slist_remove(NSM__pSessions, pExistingSession);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Error: The session is unknown. */
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_WrongSession;
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_WARN, DLT_STRING("NSM: Failed to unregister session. Session unknown."),
+ DLT_STRING(" Name: " ), DLT_STRING(sSessionName ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Owner: " ), DLT_STRING(sSessionOwner ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Seat: " ), DLT_INT((gint) enSeatId ));
+ }
+ g_mutex_unlock(NSM__pSessionMutex);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Error: Failed to unregister session. The passed session is a "platform" session. */
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_WrongSession;
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_ERROR, DLT_STRING("NSM: Failed to unregister session. The session is a platform session."),
+ DLT_STRING(" Name: " ), DLT_STRING(sSessionName ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Owner: " ), DLT_STRING(sSessionOwner ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Seat: " ), DLT_INT((gint) enSeatId ));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Error: Invalid parameter. The session or owner name is to long. */
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_Parameter;
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_ERROR, DLT_STRING("NSM: Failed to unregister session. The session or owner name is to long."),
+ DLT_STRING(" Name: " ), DLT_STRING(sSessionName ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Owner: " ), DLT_STRING(sSessionOwner ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Seat: " ), DLT_INT((gint) enSeatId ));
+ }
+ return enRetVal;
+* The callback is called when a lifecycle client should be registered.
+* In the list of lifecycle clients it will be checked if the client already exists.
+* If it exists, it's settings will be updated. Otherwise a new client will be created.
+* @param sBusName: Bus name of the remote application that hosts the lifecycle client interface
+* @param sObjName: Object name of the lifecycle client
+* @param u32ShutdownMode: Shutdown mode for which the client wants to be informed
+* @param u32TimeoutMs: Timeout in ms. If the client does not return after the specified time, the NSM
+* aborts its shutdown and calls the next client.
+* @param penRetVal: Pointer, where to store the return value
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enOnHandleRegisterLifecycleClient(const gchar *sBusName,
+ const gchar *sObjName,
+ const guint u32ShutdownMode,
+ const guint u32TimeoutMs)
+ NSM__tstLifecycleClient stTestLifecycleClient = {0};
+ NSM__tstLifecycleClient *pstNewClient = NULL;
+ NSM__tstLifecycleClient *pstExistingClient = NULL;
+ GList *pListEntry = NULL;
+ NSMA_tLcConsumerHandle *hConsumer = NULL;
+ GError *pError = NULL;
+ NsmErrorStatus_e enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_NotSet;
+ /* The parameters are valid. Create a temporary client to search the list */
+ stTestLifecycleClient.sBusName = (gchar*) sBusName;
+ stTestLifecycleClient.sObjName = (gchar*) sObjName;
+ /* Check if the lifecycle client already is registered */
+ pListEntry = g_list_find_custom(NSM__pLifecycleClients, &stTestLifecycleClient, &NSM__i32LifecycleClientCompare);
+ if(pListEntry == NULL)
+ {
+ /* The client does not exist. Try to create a new proxy */
+ hConsumer = NSMA_hCreateLcConsumer(sBusName, sObjName, u32TimeoutMs);
+ /* The new proxy could be created. Create and store new client */
+ if(hConsumer != NULL)
+ {
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_Ok;
+ /* Create client object and copies of the strings. */
+ pstNewClient = g_new0(NSM__tstLifecycleClient, 1);
+ pstNewClient->u32RegisteredMode = u32ShutdownMode;
+ pstNewClient->sBusName = g_strdup(sBusName);
+ pstNewClient->sObjName = g_strdup(sObjName);
+ pstNewClient->boShutdown = FALSE;
+ pstNewClient->hClient = hConsumer;
+ /* Append the new client to the list */
+ NSM__pLifecycleClients = g_list_append(NSM__pLifecycleClients, pstNewClient);
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_INFO, DLT_STRING("NSM: Registered new lifecycle consumer." ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Bus name: "), DLT_STRING(pstNewClient->sBusName ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Obj name: "), DLT_STRING(pstNewClient->sObjName ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Timeout: " ), DLT_UINT( u32TimeoutMs ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Mode(s): "), DLT_INT( pstNewClient->u32RegisteredMode),
+ DLT_STRING(" Client: "), DLT_UINT((guint) pstNewClient->hClient ));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_Dbus;
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_INFO, DLT_STRING("NSM: Failed to register new lifecycle consumer. D-Bus error."),
+ DLT_STRING(" Bus name: "), DLT_STRING(sBusName ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Obj name: "), DLT_STRING(sObjName ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Timeout: " ), DLT_UINT( u32TimeoutMs ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Registered mode(s): "), DLT_INT( u32ShutdownMode ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Error: "), DLT_STRING(pError->message ));
+ g_error_free(pError);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* The client already exists. Assert to update the values for timeout and mode */
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_Ok;
+ pstExistingClient = (NSM__tstLifecycleClient*) pListEntry->data;
+ pstExistingClient->u32RegisteredMode |= u32ShutdownMode;
+ NSMA_boSetLcClientTimeout(pstExistingClient->hClient, u32TimeoutMs);
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_INFO, DLT_STRING("NSM: Changed lifecycle consumer registration." ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Bus name: "), DLT_STRING(pstExistingClient->sBusName ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Obj name: "), DLT_STRING(pstExistingClient->sObjName ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Timeout: " ), DLT_UINT( u32TimeoutMs ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Registered mode(s): "), DLT_INT( pstExistingClient->u32RegisteredMode));
+ }
+ return enRetVal;
+* The callback is called when a lifecycle client should be unregistered or a shutdown
+* mode should be removed. In the list of lifecycle clients will be checked if the client exists. If the
+* client is found, the registration for the passed shutdown modes will be removed. If the client finally
+* is not registered for any shutdown mode, its entry will be removed from the list.
+* @param sBusName: Bus name of the remote application that hosts the lifecycle client interface
+* @param sObjName: Object name of the lifecycle client
+* @param u32ShutdownMode: Shutdown mode for which the client wants to unregister
+* @param penRetVal: Pointer, where to store the return value
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enOnHandleUnRegisterLifecycleClient(const gchar *sBusName,
+ const gchar *sObjName,
+ const guint u32ShutdownMode)
+ NSM__tstLifecycleClient *pstExistingClient = NULL;
+ NSM__tstLifecycleClient stSearchClient = {0};
+ GList *pListEntry = NULL;
+ NsmErrorStatus_e enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_NotSet;
+ stSearchClient.sBusName = (gchar*) sBusName;
+ stSearchClient.sObjName = (gchar*) sObjName;
+ /* Check if the lifecycle client already is registered */
+ pListEntry = g_list_find_custom(NSM__pLifecycleClients, &stSearchClient, &NSM__i32LifecycleClientCompare);
+ /* Check if an existing client could be found */
+ if(pListEntry != NULL)
+ {
+ /* The client could be found in the list. Change the registered shutdown mode */
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_Ok;
+ pstExistingClient = (NSM__tstLifecycleClient*) pListEntry->data;
+ pstExistingClient->u32RegisteredMode &= ~(u32ShutdownMode);
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_INFO, DLT_STRING("NSM: Unregistered lifecycle consumer for mode(s)." ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Bus name: "), DLT_STRING(pstExistingClient->sBusName ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Obj name: "), DLT_STRING(pstExistingClient->sObjName ),
+ DLT_STRING(" New mode: "), DLT_INT( pstExistingClient->u32RegisteredMode),
+ DLT_STRING(" Client: " ), DLT_UINT((guint) pstExistingClient->hClient) );
+ if(pstExistingClient->u32RegisteredMode == NSM_SHUTDOWNTYPE_NOT)
+ {
+ /* The client is not registered for at least one mode. Remove it from the list */
+ NSM__vFreeLifecycleClientObject(pstExistingClient);
+ NSM__pLifecycleClients = g_list_remove(NSM__pLifecycleClients, pstExistingClient);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Warning: The client could not be found in the list of clients. */
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_Parameter;
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_WARN, DLT_STRING("NSM: Failed to unregister lifecycle consumer."),
+ DLT_STRING(" Bus name: "), DLT_STRING(sBusName),
+ DLT_STRING(" Obj name: "), DLT_STRING(sObjName),
+ DLT_STRING(" Unregistered mode(s): "), DLT_INT( u32ShutdownMode));
+ }
+ return enRetVal;
+* The function is used to get the state of the passed session.
+* It checks the passed parameters and creates a NsmSession_s structure of them.
+* If everything is ok, the state of the session will be determined and written to penSessionState.
+* @param sSessionName: Name of the session whose state just be returned
+* @param sSessionName: Owner of the session whose state just be returned
+* @param enSeatId: Seat of the session
+* @param penSessionState: Pointer where to store the session state
+* @param penRetVal: Pointer where to store the return value
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enOnHandleGetSessionState(const gchar *sSessionName,
+ const NsmSeat_e enSeatId,
+ NsmSessionState_e *penSessionState)
+ /* Function local variables */
+ NsmErrorStatus_e enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_NotSet;
+ size_t u32SessionNameLen = 0; /* Length of passed session owner */
+ NsmSession_s stSearchSession; /* To search for existing session */
+ /* Initialize variables */
+ memset(&stSearchSession, 0, sizeof(stSearchSession));
+ /* Check if the passed parameters are valid */
+ u32SessionNameLen = strlen(sSessionName);
+ if(u32SessionNameLen < NSM_MAX_SESSION_OWNER_LENGTH)
+ {
+ /* Search for session with name, seat and owner. */
+ stSearchSession.enSeat = enSeatId;
+ g_strlcpy((gchar*) stSearchSession.sName, sSessionName, sizeof(stSearchSession.sName) );
+ enRetVal = NSM__enGetSessionState(&stSearchSession);
+ *penSessionState = stSearchSession.enState;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Error: Invalid parameter. The session or owner name is to long. */
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_Parameter;
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_ERROR, DLT_STRING("NSM: Failed to get session state. The session name is to long."),
+ DLT_STRING(" Name: " ), DLT_STRING(sSessionName ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Seat: " ), DLT_INT((gint) enSeatId ));
+ }
+ return enRetVal;
+* The function sets the state of a session to a passed value.
+* It checks the passed parameters and creates a NsmSession_s structure of them.
+* If everything is ok, the state of the session will be set accordingly.
+* @param sSessionName: Name of the session whose state just be set
+* @param sSessionOwner: Owner of the session
+* @param enSeatId: Seat of the session
+* @param enSessionState: New state of the session
+* @param penRetVal: Pointer where to store the return value
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enOnHandleSetSessionState(const gchar *sSessionName,
+ const gchar *sSessionOwner,
+ const NsmSeat_e enSeatId,
+ const NsmSessionState_e enSessionState)
+ /* Function local variables */
+ NsmErrorStatus_e enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_NotSet;
+ size_t u32SessionNameLen = 0; /* Length of passed session owner */
+ size_t u32SessionOwnerLen = 0; /* Length of passed session name */
+ NsmSession_s stSession; /* Session object passed to internal function */
+ /* Initialize variables */
+ memset(&stSession, 0, sizeof(stSession));
+ /* Check if the passed parameters are valid */
+ u32SessionNameLen = strlen(sSessionName);
+ u32SessionOwnerLen = strlen(sSessionOwner);
+ if( (u32SessionNameLen < NSM_MAX_SESSION_NAME_LENGTH )
+ && (u32SessionOwnerLen < NSM_MAX_SESSION_OWNER_LENGTH))
+ {
+ /* Build session object to pass it internally */
+ g_strlcpy((gchar*) stSession.sName, sSessionName, sizeof(stSession.sName) );
+ g_strlcpy((gchar*) stSession.sOwner, sSessionOwner, sizeof(stSession.sOwner));
+ stSession.enSeat = enSeatId;
+ stSession.enState = enSessionState;
+ enRetVal = NSM__enSetSessionState(&stSession, TRUE, TRUE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Error: Invalid parameter. The session or owner name is to long. */
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_Parameter;
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_ERROR, DLT_STRING("NSM: Failed to set session state. Invalid parameter."),
+ DLT_STRING(" Name: " ), DLT_STRING(sSessionName ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Owner: " ), DLT_STRING(sSessionOwner ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Seat: " ), DLT_INT((gint) enSeatId ));
+ }
+ return enRetVal;
+* The helper function is called by 'NSM__boOnHandleSetAppHealthStatus', when an application became valid again.
+* It removes the application from the list of invalid apps.
+* @param pstFailedApp: Pointer to structure with information about the failed application.
+* @return NsmErrorStatus_Ok: The application has been removed from the list of failed apps.
+* NsmErrorStatus_WrongSession: The application has never been on the list of failed apps.
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enSetAppStateValid(NSM__tstFailedApplication* pstFailedApp)
+ /* Function local variables */
+ GSList *pAppListEntry = NULL; /* List entry of application */
+ NsmErrorStatus_e enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_NotSet; /* Return value */
+ NSM__tstFailedApplication *pstExistingApplication = NULL;
+ /* An application has become valid again. Check if it really was invalid before. */
+ pAppListEntry = g_slist_find_custom(NSM__pFailedApplications, pstFailedApp, &NSM__i32ApplicationCompare);
+ if(pAppListEntry != NULL)
+ {
+ /* We found at least one entry for the application. Remove it from the list */
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_Ok;
+ pstExistingApplication = (NSM__tstFailedApplication*) pAppListEntry->data;
+ NSM__pFailedApplications = g_slist_remove(NSM__pFailedApplications, pstExistingApplication);
+ NSM__vFreeFailedApplicationObject(pstExistingApplication);
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_INFO, DLT_STRING("NSM: An application has become valid again." ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Application: "), DLT_STRING(pstFailedApp->sName));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Error: There was no session registered for the application that failed. */
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_Error;
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_WARN, DLT_STRING("NSM: Failed to set application valid. Application was never invalid."),
+ DLT_STRING(" Application: "), DLT_STRING(pstFailedApp->sName ));
+ }
+ return enRetVal;
+* The helper function is called by 'NSM__enSetAppStateFailed', when an application failed.
+* It looks for sessions that have been registered by the app.
+* @param pstFailedApp: Pointer to structure with information about the failed application.
+static void NSM__vDisableSessionsForApp(NSM__tstFailedApplication* pstFailedApp)
+ /* Function local variables */
+ GSList *pSessionListEntry = NULL;
+ NsmSession_s *pstExistingSession = NULL;
+ NsmSession_s stSearchSession;
+ /* Initialize variables */
+ memset(&stSearchSession, 0, sizeof(stSearchSession));
+ /* Only set the "owner" of the session (to the AppName) to search for all sessions of the app. */
+ g_strlcpy(stSearchSession.sOwner, pstFailedApp->sName, sizeof(stSearchSession.sOwner));
+ g_mutex_lock(NSM__pSessionMutex);
+ pSessionListEntry = g_slist_find_custom(NSM__pSessions, &stSearchSession, &NSM__i32SessionOwnerCompare);
+ if(pSessionListEntry != NULL)
+ {
+ /* Found at least one session. */
+ do
+ {
+ /* Get the session object for the list entry */
+ pstExistingSession = (NsmSession_s*) pSessionListEntry->data;
+ pstExistingSession->enState = NsmSessionState_Unregistered;
+ /* Inform D-Bus and StateMachine that a session became invalid */
+ NSM__vPublishSessionChange(pstExistingSession, TRUE, TRUE);
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_INFO, DLT_STRING("NSM: A session has become invalid, because an application failed."),
+ DLT_STRING(" Application: "), DLT_STRING(pstExistingSession->sOwner ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Session: "), DLT_STRING(pstExistingSession->sName ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Seat: "), DLT_INT( pstExistingSession->enSeat ),
+ DLT_STRING(" State: "), DLT_INT( pstExistingSession->enState ));
+ /* Remove or "reset" session */
+ if(NSM__boIsPlatformSession(pstExistingSession) == TRUE)
+ {
+ /* It is a default session. Don't remove it. Set owner to NSM again. */
+ g_strlcpy(pstExistingSession->sOwner, NSM_DEFAULT_SESSION_OWNER, sizeof(pstExistingSession->sOwner));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* The session has been registered by a failed app. Remove it. */
+ NSM__pSessions = g_slist_remove(NSM__pSessions, pstExistingSession);
+ NSM__vFreeSessionObject(pstExistingSession);
+ }
+ /* Try to find the next session that had been registered for the app. */
+ pSessionListEntry = g_slist_find_custom(NSM__pSessions, &stSearchSession, &NSM__i32SessionOwnerCompare);
+ } while(pSessionListEntry != NULL);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* There have been no session registered for this application. */
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_INFO, DLT_STRING("NSM: There had been no registered sessions." ),
+ DLT_STRING(" Application: "), DLT_STRING(pstFailedApp->sName));
+ }
+ g_mutex_unlock(NSM__pSessionMutex);
+* The helper function is called by 'NSM__boOnHandleSetAppHealthStatus', when an application failed.
+* @param pstFailedApp: Pointer to structure with information about the failed application.
+* @return always "NsmErrorStatus_Ok"
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enSetAppStateFailed(NSM__tstFailedApplication* pstFailedApp)
+ /* Function local variables */
+ GSList *pFailedAppListEntry = NULL; /* List entry of application */
+ NsmErrorStatus_e enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_NotSet; /* Return value */
+ NSM__tstFailedApplication *pstFailedApplication = NULL;
+ /* An application failed. Check if the application already is known as 'failed'. */
+ pFailedAppListEntry = g_slist_find_custom(NSM__pFailedApplications, pstFailedApp, &NSM__i32ApplicationCompare);
+ if(pFailedAppListEntry == NULL)
+ {
+ /* The application is not on the list yet. Create it. */
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_Ok;
+ pstFailedApplication = g_new(NSM__tstFailedApplication, 1);
+ g_strlcpy(pstFailedApplication->sName, pstFailedApp->sName, sizeof(pstFailedApplication->sName));
+ NSM__pFailedApplications = g_slist_append(NSM__pFailedApplications, pstFailedApplication);
+ /* Disable all session that have been registered by the application */
+ NSM__vDisableSessionsForApp(pstFailedApplication);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Warning: The application is already in the list of failed session. */
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_Ok;
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_WARN, DLT_STRING("NSM: The application has already been marked as 'failed'."),
+ DLT_STRING(" Application: "), DLT_STRING(pstFailedApp->sName ));
+ }
+ return enRetVal;
+* The function is called when an application has become invalid or valid again.
+* If an application became inactive, it will be added to the list of failed applications
+* and signals for the session registered by the application will be emitted.
+* If an application became valid again, it will only be removed from the list of failed sessions.
+* @param sAppName: Application which changed its state.
+* @param boAppState: Indicates if the application became invalid or valid again.
+* @param penRetVal: Pointer where to store the return value
+static NsmErrorStatus_e NSM__enOnHandleSetAppHealthStatus(const gchar *sAppName,
+ const gboolean boAppState)
+ /* Function local variables */
+ NSM__tstFailedApplication stSearchApplication; /* Temporary application object for search */
+ NsmErrorStatus_e enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_NotSet;
+ /* Initialize variables */
+ memset(&stSearchApplication, 0, sizeof(stSearchApplication));
+ /* Check if passed parameters are valid */
+ if(strlen(sAppName) < NSM_MAX_SESSION_OWNER_LENGTH)
+ {
+ /* The application name is valid. Copy it for further checks. */
+ g_strlcpy((gchar*) stSearchApplication.sName, sAppName, sizeof(stSearchApplication.sName));
+ if(boAppState == TRUE)
+ {
+ enRetVal = NSM__enSetAppStateValid(&stSearchApplication);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ enRetVal = NSM__enSetAppStateFailed(&stSearchApplication);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Error: The passed application name is too long. */
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_Parameter;
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_ERROR, DLT_STRING("NSM: Failed to set application health status. The application name is too long."),
+ DLT_STRING(" Owner: " ), DLT_STRING(sAppName ),
+ DLT_STRING(" State: " ), DLT_INT(boAppState ));
+ }
+ return enRetVal;
+* The function returns the current AppHealthCount, which is stored in local variable.
+* @param pu32AppHealthCount: Pointer where to store the AppHealthCount (number of failed applications).
+static guint NSM__u32OnHandleGetAppHealthCount(void)
+ return g_slist_length(NSM__pFailedApplications);
+* The function returns the current interface version of the NodeStateManager.
+* @param pu32InterfaceVersion: Pointer where to store the interface version.
+static guint NSM__u32OnHandleGetInterfaceVersion(void)
+ /* Return interface version to caller. */
+* The function initializes all file local variables
+static void NSM__vInitializeVariables(void)
+ /* Initialize file local variables */
+ NSM__pSessionMutex = NULL;
+ NSM__pSessions = NULL;
+ NSM__pLifecycleClients = NULL;
+ NSM__pNodeStateMutex = NULL;
+ NSM__enNodeState = NsmNodeState_NotSet;
+ NSM__pApplicationModeMutex = NULL;
+ NSM__enApplicationMode = NsmApplicationMode_NotSet;
+ NSM__pFailedApplications = NULL;
+ NSM__pCurrentLifecycleClient = NULL;
+* The function creates the platform sessions, configured in "NSM__asDefaultSessions".
+static void NSM__vCreatePlatformSessions(void)
+ NsmSession_s *pNewDefaultSession = NULL;
+ guint u32DefaultSessionIdx = 0;
+ NsmSeat_e enSeatIdx = NsmSeat_NotSet;
+ /* Configure the default sessions, which are always available */
+ for(u32DefaultSessionIdx = 0;
+ u32DefaultSessionIdx < sizeof(NSM__asDefaultSessions)/sizeof(gchar*);
+ u32DefaultSessionIdx++)
+ {
+ /* Create a session for every session name and seat */
+ for(enSeatIdx = NsmSeat_NotSet + 1; enSeatIdx < NsmSeat_Last; enSeatIdx++)
+ {
+ pNewDefaultSession = g_new0(NsmSession_s, 1);
+ g_strlcpy((gchar*) pNewDefaultSession->sName, NSM__asDefaultSessions[u32DefaultSessionIdx], sizeof(pNewDefaultSession->sName));
+ g_strlcpy((gchar*) pNewDefaultSession->sOwner, NSM_DEFAULT_SESSION_OWNER, sizeof(pNewDefaultSession->sOwner));
+ pNewDefaultSession->enSeat = enSeatIdx;
+ pNewDefaultSession->enState = NsmSessionState_Inactive;
+ NSM__pSessions = g_slist_append(NSM__pSessions, pNewDefaultSession);
+ }
+ }
+* The function creates the mutexes used in the NSM.
+static void NSM__vCreateMutexes(void)
+ /* Initialize the local mutexes */
+ NSM__pNodeStateMutex = g_mutex_new();
+ NSM__pApplicationModeMutex = g_mutex_new();
+ NSM__pSessionMutex = g_mutex_new();
+* The function deletes the mutexes used in the NSM.
+static void NSM__vDeleteMutexes(void)
+ /* Delete the local mutexes */
+ g_mutex_free(NSM__pNodeStateMutex);
+ g_mutex_free(NSM__pApplicationModeMutex);
+ g_mutex_free(NSM__pSessionMutex);
+* The function is called to trace a syslog message for a shutdown client.
+* @param sBus: Bus name of the shutdown client.
+* @param sObj: Object name of the lifecycle client.
+* @param u32Reason: Shutdown reason send to the client.
+* @param sInOut: "enter" or "leave" (including failure reason)
+* @param enErrorStatus: Error value
+static void NSM__vLtProf(gchar *sBus, gchar *sObj, guint32 u32Reason, gchar *sInOut, NsmErrorStatus_e enErrorStatus)
+ gchar pszLtprof[128] = "LTPROF: bus:%s obj:%s (0x%08X:%d) ";
+ guint32 dwLength = 128;
+ g_strlcat(pszLtprof, sInOut, dwLength);
+ if(u32Reason != 0)
+ {
+ {
+ g_strlcat(pszLtprof, "runup", dwLength);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g_strlcat(pszLtprof, "shutdown", dwLength);
+ }
+ }
+ syslog(LOG_NOTICE, (char *)pszLtprof, sBus, sObj, u32Reason, enErrorStatus);
+* The function is used to initialize syslog
+static void NSM__vSyslogOpen(void)
+ openlog("NSM", LOG_PID, LOG_USER);
+* The function is used to deinitialize syslog
+static void NSM__vSyslogClose(void)
+ closelog();
+* Interfaces. Exported functions. See Header for detailed description.
+/* The function is called by the NodeStateMachine to set a "property" of the NSM. */
+NsmErrorStatus_e NsmSetData(NsmDataType_e enData, unsigned char *pData, unsigned int u32DataLen)
+ /* Function local variables */
+ NsmErrorStatus_e enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_NotSet; /* Return value */
+ /* Check which data the NSMC wants to set */
+ switch(enData)
+ {
+ /* NSMC wants to set the NodeState */
+ case NsmDataType_NodeState:
+ enRetVal = (u32DataLen == sizeof(NsmNodeState_e))
+ ? NSM__enSetNodeState((NsmNodeState_e) *pData, TRUE, FALSE)
+ : NsmErrorStatus_Parameter;
+ break;
+ /* NSMC wants to set the AppMode */
+ case NsmDataType_AppMode:
+ enRetVal = (u32DataLen == sizeof(NsmApplicationMode_e))
+ ? NSM__enSetApplicationMode((NsmApplicationMode_e) *pData, TRUE, FALSE)
+ : NsmErrorStatus_Parameter;
+ break;
+ /* NSMC wants to set the BootMode */
+ case NsmDataType_BootMode:
+ enRetVal = (u32DataLen == sizeof(gint))
+ ? NSM__enSetBootMode((gint) *pData, FALSE)
+ : NsmErrorStatus_Parameter;
+ break;
+ /* NSMC wants to set the ShutdownReason */
+ case NsmDataType_ShutdownReason:
+ enRetVal = (u32DataLen == sizeof(NsmShutdownReason_e))
+ ? NSM__enSetShutdownReason((NsmShutdownReason_e) *pData, FALSE)
+ : NsmErrorStatus_Parameter;
+ break;
+ /* NSMC wants to set a SessionState */
+ case NsmDataType_SessionState:
+ enRetVal = (u32DataLen == sizeof(NsmSession_s))
+ ? NSM__enSetSessionState((NsmSession_s*) pData, TRUE, FALSE)
+ : NsmErrorStatus_Parameter;
+ break;
+ /* Error: The type of the data NSMC is trying to set is unknown or the data is read only! */
+ case NsmDataType_RestartReason:
+ case NsmDataType_RunningReason:
+ default:
+ enRetVal = NsmErrorStatus_Parameter;
+ break;
+ }
+ return enRetVal;
+/* The function is called by the NodeStateMachine to get a "property" of the NSM. */
+int NsmGetData(NsmDataType_e enData, unsigned char *pData, unsigned int u32DataLen)
+ /* Function local variables */
+ int i32RetVal = -1; /* Return value. Positive: Amount of written bytes.
+ Negative: An error occurred. */
+ /* Check which data the NSMC wants to get */
+ switch(enData)
+ {
+ /* NSMC wants to get the NodeState */
+ case NsmDataType_NodeState:
+ if(u32DataLen == sizeof(NsmNodeState_e))
+ {
+ if(NSM__enGetNodeState((NsmNodeState_e*) pData) == NsmErrorStatus_Ok)
+ {
+ i32RetVal = sizeof(NsmNodeState_e);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ /* NSMC wants to get the ApplicationMode */
+ case NsmDataType_AppMode:
+ if(u32DataLen == sizeof(NsmApplicationMode_e))
+ {
+ if(NSM__enGetApplicationMode((NsmApplicationMode_e*) pData) == NsmErrorStatus_Ok)
+ {
+ i32RetVal = sizeof(NsmApplicationMode_e);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ /* NSMC wants to get the BootMode */
+ case NsmDataType_BootMode:
+ if(u32DataLen == sizeof(gint))
+ {
+ if(NSMA_boGetBootMode((gint*) pData) == TRUE)
+ {
+ i32RetVal = sizeof(gint);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ /* NSMC wants to get the RunningReason */
+ case NsmDataType_RunningReason:
+ if(u32DataLen == sizeof(NsmRunningReason_e))
+ {
+ if(NSMA_boGetRunningReason((NsmRunningReason_e*) pData) == TRUE)
+ {
+ i32RetVal = sizeof(NsmRunningReason_e);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ /* NSMC wants to get the ShutdownReason */
+ case NsmDataType_ShutdownReason:
+ if(u32DataLen == sizeof(NsmShutdownReason_e))
+ {
+ if(NSMA_boGetShutdownReason((NsmShutdownReason_e*) pData) == TRUE)
+ {
+ i32RetVal = sizeof(NsmShutdownReason_e);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ /* NSMC wants to get the RestartReason */
+ case NsmDataType_RestartReason:
+ if(u32DataLen == sizeof(NsmRestartReason_e))
+ {
+ if(NSMA_boGetRestartReason((NsmRestartReason_e*) pData) == TRUE)
+ {
+ i32RetVal = sizeof(NsmRestartReason_e);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ /* NSMC wants to get the SessionState */
+ case NsmDataType_SessionState:
+ if(u32DataLen == sizeof(NsmSession_s))
+ {
+ if(NSM__enGetSessionState((NsmSession_s*) pData) == NsmErrorStatus_Ok)
+ {
+ i32RetVal = sizeof(NsmSession_s);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ /* Error: The type of the data NSMC is trying to set is unknown. */
+ default:
+ i32RetVal = -1;
+ break;
+ }
+ return i32RetVal;
+unsigned int NsmGetInterfaceVersion(void)
+/* The main function of the NodeStateManager */
+int main(void)
+ gboolean boEndByUser = FALSE;
+ /* Initialize glib for using "g" types */
+ g_type_init();
+ /* Register NSM for DLT */
+ DLT_REGISTER_APP("NSM", "Node State Manager");
+ DLT_REGISTER_CONTEXT(NsmContext, "005", "Context for the NSM");
+ /* Initialize syslog */
+ NSM__vSyslogOpen();
+ /* Print first msg. to show that NSM is going to start */
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_INFO, DLT_STRING("NSM: NodeStateManager started."));
+ /* Currently no other resources accessing the NSM. Prepare it now! */
+ NSM__vInitializeVariables(); /* Initialize file local variables*/
+ NSM__vCreatePlatformSessions(); /* Create platform sessions */
+ NSM__vCreateMutexes(); /* Create mutexes */
+ /* Initialize the NSMA before the NSMC, because the NSMC can access properties */
+ if(NSMA_boInit(&NSM__stObjectCallBacks) == TRUE)
+ {
+ /* Set the properties to initial values */
+ (void) NSMA_boSetBootMode(0);
+ (void) NSMA_boSetRestartReason(NsmRestartReason_NotSet);
+ (void) NSMA_boSetShutdownReason(NsmShutdownReason_NotSet);
+ (void) NSMA_boSetRunningReason(NsmRunningReason_WakeupCan);
+ /* Initialize/start the NSMC */
+ if(NsmcInit() == 0x01)
+ {
+ /* The event loop is only canceled if the Node is completely shut down or there is an internal error. */
+ boEndByUser = NSMA_boWaitForEvents();
+ if(boEndByUser == TRUE)
+ {
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_INFO, DLT_STRING("NSM: Successfully canceled event loop. "),
+ DLT_STRING("Shutting down NodeStateManager." ));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_INFO, DLT_STRING("NSM: Error in event loop. " ),
+ DLT_STRING("Shutting down NodeStateManager."));
+ }
+ /* The event loop returned. Clean up the NSMA. */
+ (void) NSMA_boDeInit();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Error: Failed to initialize the NSMC. Clean up NSMA, because it is not needed anymore. */
+ (void) NSMA_boDeInit();
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_ERROR, DLT_STRING("NSM: Error. Failed to initialize the NSMC."));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Error: Failed to initialize the NSMA. */
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_ERROR, DLT_STRING("NSM: Error. Failed to initialize the NSMA."));
+ }
+ /* Free the mutexes */
+ NSM__vDeleteMutexes();
+ /* Remove data from all lists */
+ g_slist_free_full(NSM__pSessions, &NSM__vFreeSessionObject);
+ g_slist_free_full(NSM__pFailedApplications, &NSM__vFreeFailedApplicationObject);
+ g_list_free_full (NSM__pLifecycleClients, &NSM__vFreeLifecycleClientObject);
+ DLT_LOG(NsmContext, DLT_LOG_INFO, DLT_STRING("NSM: NodeStateManager stopped."));
+ /* Deinit syslog */
+ NSM__vSyslogClose();
+ /* Unregister NSM from DLT */
+ return 0;
diff --git a/NodeStateManager/NodeStateManager.h b/NodeStateManager/NodeStateManager.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61b9995
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NodeStateManager/NodeStateManager.h
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2012 Continental Automotive Systems, Inc.
+* Author:
+* Interface between NodeStateManager and other components in the same process
+* The file defines the interfaces and data types, which components in the same process or on the D-Bus
+* can use to communicate to the NodeStateManager (NSM). Please note that there are further interfaces
+* defined in XML to access the NSM via D-Bus.
+* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+* file, You can obtain one at
+* Date Author Reason
+* 2012.06.01 uidu5846 CSP_WZ#388: Initial version of the NodeStateManager interface
+* 2012.09.27 uidu5846 CSP_WZ#1194: Changed file header structure and license to be released
+* as open source package. Introduced 'NodeStateTypes.h' to
+* avoid circle includes and encapsulate type definitions.
+* 2012.10.24 uidu5846 CSP_WZ#1322: Changed types of interface parameters to native types.
+* Since the same native types are used, no interface change.
+/** \ingroup SSW_LCS */
+/** \defgroup SSW_NSM_TEMPLATE Node State Manager
+ * \{
+ */
+/** \defgroup SSW_NSM_INTERFACE API document
+ * \{
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+#include "NodeStateTypes.h"
+ * Module version, use SswVersion to interpret the value.
+ * The lower significant byte is equal 0 for released version only
+ */
+#define NSM_INTERFACE_VERSION 0x01020000U
+/* There are no types defined here */
+/* There are no exported global variables */
+/** \brief Set data (property) of the NodeStateManager.
+\param[in] enData Type of the data to set (see ::NsmDataType_e).
+\param[in] pData Pointer to the memory location containing the data.
+\param[in] u32DataLen Length of the data that should be set (in byte).
+\retval see ::NsmErrorStatus_e
+This is a generic interface that can be used by the NSMc to write a specific data item that from the NSM. */
+NsmErrorStatus_e NsmSetData(NsmDataType_e enData, unsigned char *pData, unsigned int u32DataLen);
+/** \brief Get data (property) of the NodeStateManager.
+\param[in] enData Type of the data to get (see ::NsmDataType_e).
+\param[out] pData Pointer to the memory location where the data should be stored.
+\param[in] u32DataLen Length of the data that should be stored (in byte).
+\retval A positive value indicates the number of bytes that have been written to the out buffer pData.
+ A negative value indicates an error.
+This is a generic interface that can be used by the NSMc to read a specific data item that from the NSM. */
+int NsmGetData(NsmDataType_e enData, unsigned char *pData, unsigned int u32DataLen);
+/** \brief Get version of the interface
+\retval Version of the interface as defined in ::SswVersion_t
+This function asks the lifecycle to perform a restart of the main controller. */
+unsigned int NsmGetInterfaceVersion(void);
+/* There are no macros defined */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+/** \} */ /* End of SSW_NSM_INTERFACE */
+/** \} */ /* End of SSW_NSM_TEMPLATE */
diff --git a/NodeStateManager/NodeStateTypes.h b/NodeStateManager/NodeStateTypes.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..023dfa9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NodeStateManager/NodeStateTypes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2012 Continental Automotive Systems, Inc.
+* Author:
+* Type and constant definitions to communicate with the NSM.
+* The file defines types and constants to be able to communicate with the NSM.
+* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+* file, You can obtain one at
+* Date Author Reason
+* 2012.09.27 uidu5846 CSP_WZ#1194: Introduced 'NodeStateTypes.h' to avoid circle includes
+* and encapsulate type definitions.
+* 2012.10.24 uidu5846 CSP_WZ#1322: Removed "ssw_types" redefinition from header.
+* Since the same native types are used, no interface change.
+/** \ingroup SSW_LCS */
+/** \defgroup SSW_NSM_TEMPLATE Node State Manager
+ * \{
+ */
+/** \defgroup SSW_NSM_INTERFACE API document
+ * \{
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+/* Definitions of D-Bus names and addresses */
+#define NSM_BUS_TYPE 1 /**< Defines bus type according to GBusType */
+#define NSM_BUS_NAME "org.genivi.NodeStateManager" /**< The bus name of the NSM */
+#define NSM_LIFECYCLE_OBJECT "/org/genivi/NodeStateManager/LifecycleControl" /**< Address of the lifecycle object */
+#define NSM_CONSUMER_OBJECT "/org/genivi/NodeStateManager/Consumer" /**< Address of the consumer object */
+/* Defines for session handling */
+#define NSM_DEFAULT_SESSION_OWNER "NodeStateManager" /**< "Owner" of the default sessions */
+/* Defines for internal settings like max. string lenghts */
+#define NSM_MAX_SESSION_NAME_LENGTH 256 /**< Max. number of chars a session name can have */
+#define NSM_MAX_SESSION_OWNER_LENGTH 256 /**< Max. number of chars for name of session owner */
+ * Defines for shutdown handling as bit masks. Used to register for multiple shutdown types and as parameter to
+ * inform clients about the shutdown type via the LifecycleConsumer interface.
+ */
+#define NSM_SHUTDOWNTYPE_NOT 0x00000000U /**< Client not registered for any shutdown */
+#define NSM_SHUTDOWNTYPE_NORMAL 0x00000001U /**< Client registered for normal shutdown */
+#define NSM_SHUTDOWNTYPE_FAST 0x00000002U /**< Client registered for fast shutdown */
+#define NSM_SHUTDOWNTYPE_RUNUP 0x80000000U /**< The shutdown type "run up" can not be used for
+ registration. Clients which are registered and
+ have been shut down, will automatically be
+ informed about the "run up", when the shut down
+ is canceled. */
+ * The enumeration defines the different types of data that can be exchanged between the NodeStateManager (NSM)
+ * and the NodeStateMachine (NSMC). Based on this value, the setter and getter functions of the NSM and NSMC will
+ * interpret data behind the passed byte pointer.
+ */
+typedef enum _NsmDataType_e
+ NsmDataType_AppMode, /**< An ApplicationMode should be set or get */
+ NsmDataType_NodeState, /**< A NodeState should be set or get */
+ NsmDataType_RestartReason, /**< A RestartReason should be set or get */
+ NsmDataType_SessionState, /**< A SessionState should be set or get */
+ NsmDataType_ShutdownReason, /**< A ShutdownReason should be set or get */
+ NsmDataType_BootMode, /**< A BootMode should be set or get */
+ NsmDataType_RunningReason /**< A RunningReason should be set or get */
+} NsmDataType_e;
+ * The enumeration defines the different wake up reasons.
+ */
+typedef enum _NsmErrorStatus_e
+ NsmErrorStatus_NotSet, /**< Initial value when error type is not set */
+ NsmErrorStatus_Ok, /**< Value when no error occurred */
+ NsmErrorStatus_Error, /**< A general, non-specific error occurred */
+ NsmErrorStatus_Dbus, /**< Error in D-Bus communication */
+ NsmErrorStatus_Internal, /**< Internal error (memory alloc. failed, etc.) */
+ NsmErrorStatus_Parameter, /**< A passed parameter was incorrect */
+ NsmErrorStatus_WrongSession, /**< The requested session is unknown. */
+ NsmErrorStatus_ResponsePending, /**< Command accepted, return value delivered asynch. */
+ NsmErrorStatus_Last /**< Last error value to identify valid errors */
+} NsmErrorStatus_e;
+ * Possible application modes of the node.
+ */
+typedef enum _NsmApplicationMode_e
+ NsmApplicationMode_NotSet, /**< Initial state */
+ NsmApplicationMode_Parking, /**< Parking mode */
+ NsmApplicationMode_Factory, /**< Factory mode */
+ NsmApplicationMode_Transport, /**< Transport mode */
+ NsmApplicationMode_Normal, /**< Normal mode */
+ NsmApplicationMode_Swl, /**< Software loading mode */
+ NsmApplicationMode_Last /**< Last value to identify valid values */
+ * The enumeration defines the different restart reasons.
+ */
+typedef enum _NsmRestartReason_e
+ NsmRestartReason_NotSet, /**< Initial value when reset reason is not set */
+ NsmRestartReason_ApplicationFailure, /**< Reset was requested by System Health Mon. */
+ NsmRestartReason_Diagnosis, /**< Reset was requested by diagnosis */
+ NsmRestartReason_Swl, /**< Reset was requested by the SWL application */
+ NsmRestartReason_User, /**< Reset was requested by an user application */
+ NsmRestartReason_Last /**< Last value to identify valid reset reasons */
+} NsmRestartReason_e;
+ * Session can be enabled seat depended.
+ */
+typedef enum _NsmSeat_e
+ NsmSeat_NotSet, /**< Initial state */
+ NsmSeat_Driver, /**< Driver seat */
+ NsmSeat_CoDriver, /**< CoDriver seat */
+ NsmSeat_Rear1, /**< Rear 1 */
+ NsmSeat_Rear2, /**< Rear 2 */
+ NsmSeat_Rear3, /**< Rear 3 */
+ NsmSeat_Last /**< Last valid state */
+ * The enumeration defines the different wake up reasons.
+ */
+typedef enum _NsmSessionState_e
+ NsmSessionState_Unregistered, /**< Initial state, equals "not set" */
+ NsmSessionState_Inactive, /**< Session is inactive */
+ NsmSessionState_Active /**< Session is active */
+} NsmSessionState_e;
+ * The enumeration defines the different shutdown reasons.
+ */
+typedef enum _NsmShutdownReason_e
+ NsmShutdownReason_NotSet, /**< Initial value when ShutdownReason not set */
+ NsmShutdownReason_Normal, /**< A normal shutdown has been performed */
+ NsmShutdownReason_SupplyBad, /**< Shutdown because of bad supply */
+ NsmShutdownReason_SupplyPoor, /**< Shutdown because of poor supply */
+ NsmShutdownReason_ThermalBad, /**< Shutdown because of bad thermal state */
+ NsmShutdownReason_ThermalPoor, /**< Shutdown because of poor thermal state */
+ NsmShutdownReason_SwlNotActive, /**< Shutdown after software loading */
+ NsmShutdownReason_Last /**< Last value. Identify valid ShutdownReasons */
+} NsmShutdownReason_e;
+ * The enumeration defines the different start or wake up reasons.
+ */
+typedef enum _NsmRunningReason_e
+ NsmRunningReason_NotSet, /**< Initial value when reason is not set. */
+ NsmRunningReason_WakeupCan, /**< Wake up because of CAN activity */
+ NsmRunningReason_WakeupMediaEject, /**< Wake up because of 'Eject' button */
+ NsmRunningReason_WakeupMediaInsertion, /**< Wake up because of media insertion */
+ NsmRunningReason_WakeupHevac, /**< Wake up because of user uses the HEVAC unit in the car.
+ Even if the HEVAC actually causes activity on the CAN bus a
+ different wakeup reason is required as it could result in a
+ different level of functionality being started */
+ NsmRunningReason_WakeupPhone, /**< Wake up because of a phone call being received.
+ Even if this is passed as a CAN event a different wakeup reason
+ is required as it could result in a different level of
+ functionality being started */
+ NsmRunningReason_WakeupPowerOnButton, /**< Startup because user presses the "Power ON" button in the car.
+ Even if this is passed as a CAN event a different wakeup reason
+ is required as it could result in a different level of
+ functionality being started */
+ NsmRunningReason_StartupFstp, /**< System was started due to a first switch to power */
+ NsmRunningReason_StartupSwitchToPower, /**< System was switched to power */
+ NsmRunningReason_RestartSwRequest, /**< System was restarted due to an internal SW Request
+ (i.e. SWL or Diagnosis) */
+ NsmRunningReason_RestartInternalHealth, /**< System was restarted due to an internal health problem */
+ NsmRunningReason_RestartExternalHealth, /**< System was restarted due to an external health problem
+ (i.e. external wdog believed node was in failure) */
+ NsmRunningReason_RestartUnexpected, /**< System was restarted due to an unexpected kernel restart.
+ This will be the default catch when no other reason is known */
+ NsmRunningReason_RestartUser, /**< Target was reset due to user action (i.e user 3 finger press) */
+ NsmRunningReason_PlatformEnd = 0x7F, /**< Last value (127) to identify where the platform defines end
+ (product will start from here on) */
+ NsmRunningReason_ProductOffset = NsmRunningReason_PlatformEnd + 1 /**< product will start from here with index 0 */
+} NsmRunningReason_e;
+ * The enumeration defines the different node states
+ */
+typedef enum _NsmNodeState_e
+ NsmNodeState_NotSet, /**< Initial state when node state is not set */
+ NsmNodeState_StartUp, /**< Basic system is starting up */
+ NsmNodeState_BaseRunning, /**< Basic system components have been started */
+ NsmNodeState_LucRunning, /**< All 'Last user context' components have been started */
+ NsmNodeState_FullyRunning, /**< All 'foreground' components have been started */
+ NsmNodeState_FullyOperational, /**< All components have been started */
+ NsmNodeState_ShuttingDown, /**< The system is shutting down */
+ NsmNodeState_ShutdownDelay, /**< Shutdown request active. System will shutdown soon */
+ NsmNodeState_FastShutdown, /**< Fast shutdown active */
+ NsmNodeState_DegradedPower, /**< Node is in degraded power state */
+ NsmNodeState_Shutdown, /**< Node is completely shut down */
+ NsmNodeState_Last /**< Last valid entry to identify valid node states */
+} NsmNodeState_e;
+/** The type defines the structure for a session. */
+typedef struct _NsmSession_s
+ char sName[NSM_MAX_SESSION_NAME_LENGTH]; /**< Name of the session */
+ char sOwner[NSM_MAX_SESSION_OWNER_LENGTH]; /**< Owner of the session */
+ NsmSeat_e enSeat; /**< Seat of the session */
+ NsmSessionState_e enState; /**< State of the session */
+} NsmSession_s, *pNsmSession_s;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+/** \} */ /* End of SSW_NSM_INTERFACE */
+/** \} */ /* End of SSW_NSM_TEMPLATE */
+#endif /* NODESTATETYPES_H */
diff --git a/NodeStateManager/config/ b/NodeStateManager/config/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03177bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NodeStateManager/config/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# This file is for starting the nodestatemanager-daemon as a service with systemd
+Description=NodeStateManager to provide system states, session and shutdown handling
+Wants=dbus.service dlt-daemon.service
+After=dbus.service dlt-daemon.service
+# Start up very early, because it doesn't need anything to run prior to it:
diff --git a/NodeStateManager/config/ b/NodeStateManager/config/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6e3d8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NodeStateManager/config/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+[D-BUS Service]
+SystemdService = nodestatemanager-daemon.service
diff --git a/NodeStateManager/config/org.genivi.NodeStateManager.conf b/NodeStateManager/config/org.genivi.NodeStateManager.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74b188e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NodeStateManager/config/org.genivi.NodeStateManager.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- -*- XML -*- -->
+<!DOCTYPE busconfig PUBLIC
+ "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Bus Configuration 1.0//EN"
+ "">
+ <!-- Only root can own the service -->
+ <policy user="root">
+ <allow own="org.genivi.NodeStateManager"/>
+ </policy>
+ <policy at_console="true">
+ <allow send_destination="org.genivi.NodeStateManager"/>
+ <allow send_interface="org.genivi.NodeStateManager.LifeCycleConsumer"/>
+ </policy>
+ <policy context="default">
+ <allow send_destination="org.genivi.NodeStateManager"/>
+ <allow send_interface="org.genivi.NodeStateManager.LifeCycleConsumer"/>
+ </policy>
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c575858
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+GENIVI NodeStateManager (NSM) README
+This is the official source of the GENIVI NodeStateManager. At present, all
+relevant documentation for this project is available in the GENIVI wiki on:
+For licensing information see the COPYING file,
+distributed along with this project.
+Build Dependencies and Instructions
+The NodeStateManager needs glib >= 2.30.0 to be compiled.
+In addition, the NodeStateManager(NSM) has dependencies
+to the NodeStateMachine (NSMC) and NodeStateAccess (NSMA).
+The NSMC and NSMA are delivered within this package as
+stubs. To understand the tasks of these two components,
+please see their interface headers.
+Please note: Due to legal restrictions the NSMA had to be
+introduced. It is responsible for binding the NSM to the
+IPC. In most cases probably D-Bus is used for the IPC and
+the xml files in the "model" folder of the NSM describe the
+IPC interfaces offered by the NSM.
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c34b34d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+autoreconf --install --symlink
+./configure $@
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed014e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Continental Automotive Systems, Inc.
+# Author:
+# Configure template for the NodeStateManager
+# Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+dnl ***************************
+dnl *** Initialize autoconf ***
+dnl ***************************
+AC_INIT([node-state-manager], [])
+AC_COPYRIGHT([Copyright (c) 2012 Continental Automotive GmbH])
+dnl ***************************
+dnl *** Initialize automake ***
+dnl ***************************
+dnl ********************************
+dnl *** Check for basic programs ***
+dnl ********************************
+dnl ***************************************
+dnl *** Initialize lib tool ***
+dnl ***************************************
+dnl ***************************************
+dnl *** Check for standard header files ***
+dnl ***************************************
+dnl ************************************
+dnl *** Check for standard functions ***
+dnl ************************************
+dnl ***********************************
+dnl *** Check for required packages ***
+dnl ***********************************
+PKG_CHECK_MODULES([DLT], [automotive-dlt >= 2.2.0])
+PKG_CHECK_MODULES([GIO], [gio-2.0 >= 2.30.0])
+PKG_CHECK_MODULES([GIO_UNIX], [gio-unix-2.0 >= 2.30.0])
+PKG_CHECK_MODULES([GLIB], [glib-2.0 >= 2.30.0])
+PKG_CHECK_MODULES([GOBJECT], [gobject-2.0 >= 2.30.0])
+dnl *************************************
+dnl *** Define extra paths ***
+dnl *************************************
+ AS_HELP_STRING([--with-systemdsystemunitdir=DIR], [Directory for systemd service files]),
+ [],
+ [with_systemdsystemunitdir=$(pkg-config --silence-errors --variable=systemdsystemunitdir systemd)])
+AC_SUBST([systemdsystemunitdir], [$with_systemdsystemunitdir])
+ AS_HELP_STRING([--with-dbussystemunitdir=DIR], [Directory for D-Bus system service files]),
+ [],
+ [with_dbussystemunitdir=$(pkg-config --silence-errors --variable=system_bus_services_dir dbus-1)])
+AC_SUBST([dbussystemunitdir], [$with_dbussystemunitdir])
+ AS_HELP_STRING([--with-dbuspolicydirdir=DIR], [Directory for D-Bus system policy files]),
+ [],
+ [with_dbuspolicydir=$(pkg-config --silence-errors --variable=sysconfdir dbus-1)/dbus-1/system.d])
+AC_SUBST([dbuspolicydir], [$with_dbuspolicydir])
+dnl ************************************
+dnl *** Define configure output ***
+dnl ************************************
+AC_OUTPUT(Makefile NodeStateManager/Makefile NodeStateAccessStub/Makefile NodeStateMachineStub/Makefile NodeStateManager/config/nodestatemanager-daemon.service NodeStateManager/config/org.genivi.NodeStateManager.LifeCycleControl.service)