tag namev0.8.12 (796e5d9e0f0c288c101a0cfcee264849c2d39c9a)
tag date2012-10-12 08:53:38 -0700
tagged byisaacs <>
tagged objectcommit 38c72d4e29...
2012.10.12, Version 0.8.12 (Stable)
* npm: Upgrade to 1.1.63 * crypto: Reduce stability index to 2-Unstable (isaacs) * windows: fix handle leak in uv_fs_utime (Bert Belder) * windows: fix application crashed popup in debug version (Bert Belder) * buffer: report proper retained size in profiler (Ben Noordhuis) * buffer: fix byteLength with UTF-16LE (koichik) * repl: make "end of input" JSON.parse() errors throw in the REPL (Nathan Rajlich) * repl: make invalid RegExp modifiers throw in the REPL (Nathan Rajlich) * http: handle multiple Proxy-Authenticate values (Willi Eggeling) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (Darwin) iQEcBAABAgAGBQJQeD0CAAoJELCniwpsSBz2VMMH/ixcN6sV1Gm0RNhs5jiZ91hI R04yV8GoyknuxvDf2rnLnfu4FamNtp6Zm2wbL5gdJiyLK1tkQpsX9f4fn9vCg+/Y ZoIKi0XGeo2sSJh0bsyOT8PQmMCz/EPOD4eTaeE0Qp6gpSgVH6BUyZpBA5rd04u2 r17JICwdQ6YrCEUcjGXAtRlaMHcZhqqrQjkDkBAUTd1EM3P55EiQe6UQbRhkwVKK 9/9KtUeA2BHqUQlJvw3AUAsKLbQa6h21Bj/tG8fVtkv9vjPR0tzT1aAJiFv2xYQz WdyxmCppHs5kXFvDa+cemxhfBoLqFFUlGmiFEUhsO4gY0/XSRW3GwdsslH3Net4= =2KxL -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----