tag namev0.8.0 (6af6894821522c34f0cef1e26edd5c4915a14ede)
tag date2012-06-25 07:57:03 -0700
tagged byisaacs <>
tagged objectcommit 8b8a7a7f9b...
2012.06.25, Version 0.8.0 (stable)
* V8: upgrade to v3.11.10.10 * npm: Upgrade to 1.1.32 * Deprecate iowatcher (Ben Noordhuis) * windows: update icon (Bert Belder) * http: Hush 'MUST NOT have a body' warnings to debug() (isaacs) * Move content into repository (isaacs) * Fix #3503: stdin: resume() on pipe(dest) (isaacs) * crypto: fix error reporting in SetKey() (Fedor Indutny) * Add --no-deprecation and --trace-deprecation command-line flags (isaacs) * fs: fix fs.watchFile() (Ben Noordhuis) * fs: Fix fs.readfile() on pipes (isaacs) * Rename GYP variable node_use_system_openssl to be consistent (Ryan Dahl) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (Darwin) iQEcBAABAgAGBQJP6Hw/AAoJELCniwpsSBz2Rm8H+weMR/OxLcJMhylRRJdxfcDL Xd0BOV3Yd5dzu8UvWdswfGF9Mdbl9ZjMUBi/nxz8Ja2F4IhTMU6chGvJF4lzM+7V M8xAtqhc82Qo8jZPoVoqFSQrTNNbbXes1DQ3O7A59S9vPqpfGqPoPjJRHQEDfzsT Zsrh9wBmfoFhCDOTAsD8Bjb0bogl7C30XYaq4je/l8NIjDA/GZZTSML9tp/WwS2B HcuWWt5wzw5YRDxaYzRDHJhkoeEYnqnTmzOtEBfdDBb11YeOLscGY1kJId908j3s Q9pPXOns1mUhvVChKukkC6MQpW8Dd9pPEPfaD8rGlS11aifSM2oWsJ/xR5TDxjE= =1oA9 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----