path: root/deps/v8/tools/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/v8/tools/')
1 files changed, 56 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/deps/v8/tools/ b/deps/v8/tools/
index 511ab2bcdf..de3dc90bd4 100755
--- a/deps/v8/tools/
+++ b/deps/v8/tools/
@@ -226,6 +226,10 @@ def scavenge_scope(r):
return r['pause'] - r['external']
return 0
+def real_mutator(r):
+ return r['mutator'] - r['stepstook']
plots = [
Set('style fill solid 0.5 noborder'),
@@ -236,7 +240,24 @@ plots = [
Item('Sweep', 'sweep', lc = 'blue'),
Item('Compaction', 'compact', lc = 'red'),
Item('External', 'external', lc = '#489D43'),
- Item('Other', other_scope, lc = 'grey'))
+ Item('Other', other_scope, lc = 'grey'),
+ Item('IGC Steps', 'stepstook', lc = '#FF6347'))
+ ],
+ [
+ Set('style fill solid 0.5 noborder'),
+ Set('style histogram rowstacked'),
+ Set('style data histograms'),
+ Plot(Item('Scavenge', scavenge_scope, lc = 'green'),
+ Item('Marking', 'mark', lc = 'purple'),
+ Item('Sweep', 'sweep', lc = 'blue'),
+ Item('Compaction', 'compact', lc = 'red'),
+ Item('External', 'external', lc = '#489D43'),
+ Item('Other', other_scope, lc = '#ADD8E6'),
+ Item('External', 'external', lc = '#D3D3D3'))
+ ],
+ [
+ Plot(Item('Mutator', real_mutator, lc = 'black', style = 'lines'))
Set('style histogram rowstacked'),
@@ -275,7 +296,7 @@ def freduce(f, field, trace, init):
return reduce(lambda t,r: f(t, r[field]), trace, init)
def calc_total(trace, field):
- return freduce(lambda t,v: t + v, field, trace, 0)
+ return freduce(lambda t,v: t + long(v), field, trace, long(0))
def calc_max(trace, field):
return freduce(lambda t,r: max(t, r), field, trace, 0)
@@ -290,6 +311,8 @@ def process_trace(filename):
marksweeps = filter(lambda r: r['gc'] == 'ms', trace)
markcompacts = filter(lambda r: r['gc'] == 'mc', trace)
scavenges = filter(lambda r: r['gc'] == 's', trace)
+ globalgcs = filter(lambda r: r['gc'] != 's', trace)
charts = plot_all(plots, trace, filename)
@@ -302,7 +325,7 @@ def process_trace(filename):
avg = 0
if n > 1:
- dev = math.sqrt(freduce(lambda t,r: (r - avg) ** 2, field, trace, 0) /
+ dev = math.sqrt(freduce(lambda t,r: t + (r - avg) ** 2, field, trace, 0) /
(n - 1))
dev = 0
@@ -311,6 +334,31 @@ def process_trace(filename):
'<td>%d</td><td>%d [dev %f]</td></tr>' %
(prefix, n, total, max, avg, dev))
+ def HumanReadable(size):
+ suffixes = ['bytes', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB']
+ power = 1
+ for i in range(len(suffixes)):
+ if size < power*1024:
+ return "%.1f" % (float(size) / power) + " " + suffixes[i]
+ power *= 1024
+ def throughput(name, trace):
+ total_live_after = calc_total(trace, 'total_size_after')
+ total_live_before = calc_total(trace, 'total_size_before')
+ total_gc = calc_total(trace, 'pause')
+ if total_gc == 0:
+ return
+ out.write('GC %s Throughput (after): %s / %s ms = %s/ms<br/>' %
+ (name,
+ HumanReadable(total_live_after),
+ total_gc,
+ HumanReadable(total_live_after / total_gc)))
+ out.write('GC %s Throughput (before): %s / %s ms = %s/ms<br/>' %
+ (name,
+ HumanReadable(total_live_before),
+ total_gc,
+ HumanReadable(total_live_before / total_gc)))
with open(filename + '.html', 'w') as out:
@@ -329,6 +377,11 @@ def process_trace(filename):
filter(lambda r: r['external'] != 0, trace),
+ throughput('TOTAL', trace)
+ throughput('MS', marksweeps)
+ throughput('MC', markcompacts)
+ throughput('OLDSPACE', globalgcs)
+ out.write('<br/>')
for chart in charts:
out.write('<img src="%s">' % chart)