tag namev1.1.2 (e1a51eaff3e905638db61e600d064bf5d97644de)
tag date2011-09-05 13:18:16 +0000
tagged byJonathan Kolb <>
tagged objectcommit 3eed28f33f...
Changes with nginx 1.1.2 05 Sep 2011
*) Change: now if total size of all ranges is greater than source response size, then nginx disables ranges and returns just the source response. *) Feature: the "max_ranges" directive. *) Bugfix: the "ssl_verify_client", "ssl_verify_depth", and "ssl_prefer_server_ciphers" directives might work incorrectly if SNI was used. *) Bugfix: in the "proxy/fastcgi/scgi/uwsgi_ignore_client_abort" directives.