tag namev0.2.6 (1907f933a9c08fb5c821b07afc3ad1f6d8d372d8)
tag date2005-10-05 12:54:56 +0000
tagged byJonathan Kolb <>
tagged objectcommit f975df2451...
Changes with nginx 0.2.6 05 Oct 2005
*) Change: while using load-balancing the time before the failed backend retry was decreased from 60 to 10 seconds. *) Change: the "proxy_pass_unparsed_uri" was canceled, the original URI now passed, if the URI part is omitted in "proxy_pass" directive. *) Feature: the "error_page" directive supports redirects and allows more flexible to change an error code. *) Change: the charset in the "Content-Type" header line now is ignored in proxied subrequests. *) Bugfix: if the URI was changed in the "if" block and request did not found new configuration, then the ngx_http_rewrite_module rules ran again. *) Bugfix: if the "set" directive set the ngx_http_geo_module variable in some configuration part, the this variable was not available in other configuration parts and the "using uninitialized variable" error was occurred; bug appeared in 0.2.2.