diff options
authorH. Peter Anvin <>2007-09-16 22:16:24 -0700
committerH. Peter Anvin <>2007-09-16 22:16:24 -0700
commite8bfecf2751ad9bdeaeb0b39abed09b6a1e0e936 (patch)
parent21d6be423f0bbe921fe67d454eceeb39e5e6c773 (diff)
Fix Makefile for MSVC++ 2005, delete obsolete Makefiles
New Makefile for MSVC++ 2005, delete old unmaintained Makefiles.
20 files changed, 231 insertions, 3280 deletions
diff --git a/Mkfiles/Makefile.b32 b/Mkfiles/Makefile.b32
deleted file mode 100644
index 65b391cc..00000000
--- a/Mkfiles/Makefile.b32
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for the Netwide Assembler under 32 bit NT console
-# The Netwide Assembler is copyright (C) 1996 Simon Tatham and
-# Julian Hall. All rights reserved. The software is
-# redistributable under the licence given in the file "Licence"
-# distributed in the NASM archive.
-# This Makefile is designed to build NASM with the latest
-# version of Borland C++Builder and has been tested with
-# Borland C++ 5.5 (Borland C++Builder 5.0) in combination
-# Borland MAKE 5.2
-# Additionally, the free Borland C++ Compiler 5.5 is supported;
-# see
-# MAKEFILE is maintained by
-# If "BINDIR=C:\...." has not been defined on the command line
-# assume that the binary files are in the same directory as the
-# MAKE utility
-!message ****************************************************
-!message Note:
-!message -----
-!if $d(BINDIR)
- !message Path to tools set to $(BINDIR)
- !message Assuming path to tools to be $(BINDIR)
- !message
- !message You can change this assumption by specifying
- !message -DBINDIR=C:\my_path
- !message as a command line paramter for MAKE
-!message ****************************************************
-CCFLAGS=-q -Q -tWC -c -O2 -A -d -w-8057
- # /q: Suppress compiler identification banner
- # /Q: Extended compiler error information
- # /-tWC: Windows console mode application
- # /c: Compile, do not link
- # /O2: Optimize for speed
- # /A: ANSI compatible code only
- # /d: Merge duplicate strings
- # /-w-8057: Turn off "Parameter <param> never used in function <func>" warning
-LINKFLAGS=/V4.0 /q /x /c /ap /L$(BINDIR)\..\LIB # /L -> default LIB directory
- # /V4.0: marked as Win95 / NT application in PE header
- # /q: suppress command-line banner
- # /x: no map file
- # /c: case sensitive link
- # /ap: link for 32-bit console application
- # /L...: path to .lib directory
-# default libraries for Win32 console applications
-LIBRARIES=cw32.lib import32.lib
-# default startup code for Win32 console applications
-# default extension for our EXE
-# default extension for OBJ files
-SUFFIX= w# # by default, this makefile produces nasmw.exe and ndisasmw.exe
-# Builds C files to OBJ
- $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $*.c
-NASMOBJS = nasm.$(OBJ) nasmlib.$(OBJ) float.$(OBJ) insnsa.$(OBJ) \
- assemble.$(OBJ) labels.$(OBJ) parser.$(OBJ) outform.$(OBJ) \
- output\outbin.$(OBJ) output\outaout.$(OBJ) output\outcoff.$(OBJ) \
- output\outelf32.$(OBJ) output\outelf64.$(OBJ) \
- output\outobj.$(OBJ) output\outas86.$(OBJ) output\outrdf.$(OBJ) output\outdbg.$(OBJ) \
- output\outrdf2.$(OBJ) output\outieee.$(OBJ) \
- preproc.$(OBJ) listing.$(OBJ) eval.$(OBJ)
-NDISASMOBJS = ndisasm.$(OBJ) disasm.$(OBJ) sync.$(OBJ) nasmlib.$(OBJ) \
- insnsd.$(OBJ)
-BuildAll: nasm$(SUFFIX)$(EXE) ndisasm$(SUFFIX)$(EXE)
- $(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) @&&| #open temp response file
- $(STARTUP) $**
- nasm$(SUFFIX)$(EXE)
- # default MAP file name for EXE
-| # close temp file, first column!
- $(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) @&&| #open temp response file
- $(STARTUP) $**
- ndisasm$(SUFFIX)$(EXE)
- # default MAP file name for EXE
-| # close temp file, first column!
-# These source files are automagically generated from a single
-# instruction-table file by a Perl script. They're distributed,
-# though, so it isn't necessary to have Perl just to recompile NASM
-# from the distribution.
-insnsa.c: insns.dat
- $(PERL) $(srcdir)/ -a $(srcdir)/insns.dat
-insnsd.c: insns.dat
- $(PERL) $(srcdir)/ -d $(srcdir)/insns.dat
-insnsi.h: insns.dat
- $(PERL) $(srcdir)/ -i $(srcdir)/insns.dat
-insnsn.c: insns.dat
- $(PERL) $(srcdir)/ -n $(srcdir)/insns.dat
-# This source file is generated from the standard macros file
-# `standard.mac' by another Perl script. Again, it's part of the
-# standard distribution.
-macros.c: standard.mac version.mac
- $(PERL) $(srcdir)/ $(srcdir)/standard.mac version.mac
-# These files contains all the standard macros that are derived from
-# the version number.
-version.h: version
- $(PERL) $(srcdir)/ h < $(srcdir)/version > version.h
-version.mac: version
- $(PERL) $(srcdir)/ mac < $(srcdir)/version > version.mac
-# These source files are generated from regs.dat by yet another
-# perl script.
-regs.c: regs.dat
- $(PERL) $(srcdir)/ c $(srcdir)/regs.dat > regs.c
-regflags.c: regs.dat
- $(PERL) $(srcdir)/ fc $(srcdir)/regs.dat > regflags.c
-regdis.c: regs.dat
- $(PERL) $(srcdir)/ dc $(srcdir)/regs.dat > regdis.c
-regvals.c: regs.dat
- $(PERL) $(srcdir)/ vc $(srcdir)/regs.dat > regvals.c
-regs.h: regs.dat
- $(PERL) $(srcdir)/ h $(srcdir)/regs.dat > regs.h
- @-del /S *.obj 2> NUL 1>&2
- @-del /S *.il? 2> NUL 1>&2
- @-del /S *.tds 2> NUL 1>&2
- @-del /S *.~* 2> NUL 1>&2
- @-del /S nasm$(SUFFIX)$(EXE) 2> NUL 1>&2
- @-del /S ndisasm$(SUFFIX)$(EXE) 2> NUL 1>&2
-#-- Magic hints to --#
-# @object-ending: ".$(OBJ)"
-# @path-separator: "\"
-#-- Everything below is generated by - do not edit --#
-assemble.$(OBJ): assemble.c preproc.h insns.h pptok.h regs.h regflags.c \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h regvals.c assemble.h insnsi.h
-crc64.$(OBJ): crc64.c
-disasm.$(OBJ): disasm.c insns.h sync.h regdis.c regs.h config.h regs.c \
- version.h nasm.h insnsn.c names.c insnsi.h disasm.h
-eval.$(OBJ): eval.c labels.h eval.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h
-float.$(OBJ): float.c regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-hashtbl.$(OBJ): hashtbl.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h hashtbl.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsa.$(OBJ): insnsa.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsd.$(OBJ): insnsd.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsn.$(OBJ): insnsn.c
-labels.$(OBJ): labels.c regs.h config.h version.h hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-listing.$(OBJ): listing.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h listing.h
-macros.$(OBJ): macros.c
-names.$(OBJ): names.c regs.c insnsn.c
-nasm.$(OBJ): nasm.c labels.h preproc.h insns.h parser.h eval.h pptok.h \
- regs.h outform.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h assemble.h \
- insnsi.h listing.h
-nasmlib.$(OBJ): nasmlib.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-ndisasm.$(OBJ): ndisasm.c insns.h sync.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h disasm.h
-outform.$(OBJ): outform.c regs.h config.h outform.h version.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-output\outaout.$(OBJ): output\outaout.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output\outas86.$(OBJ): output\outas86.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output\outbin.$(OBJ): output\outbin.c labels.h eval.h regs.h outform.h \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output\outcoff.$(OBJ): output\outcoff.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output\outdbg.$(OBJ): output\outdbg.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output\outelf32.$(OBJ): output\outelf32.c regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output\outelf64.$(OBJ): output\outelf64.c regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output\outieee.$(OBJ): output\outieee.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output\outmacho.$(OBJ): output\outmacho.c compiler.h regs.h outform.h \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output\outobj.$(OBJ): output\outobj.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output\outrdf.$(OBJ): output\outrdf.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output\outrdf2.$(OBJ): output\outrdf2.c rdoff\rdoff.h regs.h outform.h \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-parser.$(OBJ): parser.c insns.h parser.h float.h regs.h regflags.c config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-pptok.$(OBJ): pptok.c preproc.h pptok.h nasmlib.h
-preproc.$(OBJ): preproc.c preproc.h macros.c pptok.h regs.h config.h \
- version.h hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-regdis.$(OBJ): regdis.c
-regflags.$(OBJ): regflags.c
-regs.$(OBJ): regs.c
-regvals.$(OBJ): regvals.c
-stdscan.$(OBJ): stdscan.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- stdscan.h insnsi.h
-sync.$(OBJ): sync.c sync.h
-tokhash.$(OBJ): tokhash.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
diff --git a/Mkfiles/Makefile.bc3 b/Mkfiles/Makefile.bc3
deleted file mode 100644
index bb44ed7a..00000000
--- a/Mkfiles/Makefile.bc3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for the Netwide Assembler under 16-bit DOS (aimed at Borland C)
-# The Netwide Assembler is copyright (C) 1996 Simon Tatham and
-# Julian Hall. All rights reserved. The software is
-# redistributable under the licence given in the file "Licence"
-# distributed in the NASM archive.
-# This Makefile compiles NASM and NDISASM for 16 bit DOS using Borland
-# C++; tested with version 3.1. It probably should work for any
-# version of Turbo C++ or Borland C++ from version 3.0 upwards.
-# For Turbo C++, replace "bcc" with "tcc", and replace "-O1" with "-O".
-# Most everything is remarked, and explaned in full, it should be
-# easy to convert it to another compiler. I tried to make the devision
-# of information logical, and easy to follow.
-# Make sure the line below is set to the propper location of your standard
-# Libaries, if not you'll get some errors. Make sure to keep the trailing
-# backslash, as it's needed, and remeber to use \\ not \ as that will cause
-# some errors.
-# This Makefile was updated with NASM 0.98.31, and could compile that
-# version correctly using Borland C++ 3.1 under DOS.
-CC = bcc #compiler
-# opimizations
-OPTFLAGS = -d -O1 -Ogmp -k-
- # -d = merge duplicate strings
- # -O1 = optimize for size
- # -Og = enable global common subexpression elimination
- # -Om = enable loop invariant removal
- # -Op = enable constant propagation
- # ** WARNING: DO NOT ENABLE -Ov (strength reduction) ON BORLAND C++ 3.1 **
- # -k- = omit stack frames where practical
-#output formats
-#compiler flags
- # -mh = model huge
- # -f- = no floating point
-LINKFLAGS = -d -mh -M -f-
- # -d = merge duplicate strings
- # -M = generate map file (to find address space bottlenecks)
-LIBS = #any libaries to add, out side of the standard libary
-EXE = .exe #executable file extention (keep the . as the start)
-OBJ = obj #OBJ file extention
-LIB = lib #LIB file extension
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o$@ $<
-# The OBJ files that NASM is dependent on
-NASMOBJS = nasm.$(OBJ) nasmlib.$(OBJ) float.$(OBJ) \
- assemble.$(OBJ) labels.$(OBJ) \
- parser.$(OBJ) outform.$(OBJ) preproc.$(OBJ) \
- listing.$(OBJ) eval.$(OBJ) insnsa.$(OBJ)
-# The OBJ files that NDISASM is dependent on
-NDISASMOBJS = ndisasm.$(OBJ) disasm.$(OBJ) sync.$(OBJ) \
- nasmlib.$(OBJ) insnsd.$(OBJ)
-# The OBJ file for the output formats
-OUTOBJ= output\\outbin.$(OBJ) output\\outaout.$(OBJ) output\\outcoff.$(OBJ) \
- output\\outelf32.$(OBJ) output\\outelf64.$(OBJ) \
- output\\outobj.$(OBJ) output\\outas86.$(OBJ) \
- output\\outdbg.$(OBJ) output\\outrdf2.$(OBJ) output\\outieee.$(OBJ)
-# Build everything
-all : nasm$(EXE) ndisasm$(EXE)
-# Rules to put the CFLAGS in a file
-CFLAGS: Makefile
- echo $(CFLAGS) > CFLAGS
- $(MAKE) clean
-# NASM, NDISASM link. The &&!...! construct in Borland Make
-# creates a temporary file and inserts its name on the command
-# line. It works around the DOS 127-character command line
-# limit.
-nasm$(EXE): $(NASMOBJS) output\\out.$(LIB)
- $(CC) $(LINKFLAGS) -onasm$(EXE) @&&!
-ndisasm$(EXE): $(NDISASMOBJS)
- $(CC) $(LINKFLAGS) -ondisasm$(EXE) @&&!
-# Build the output formats as a library
-# The & ... $? construct tells Borland Make to repeat for all
-# out of date dependencies
-output\\out.$(LIB): $(OUTOBJ)
- -del output\\out.$(LIB)
- for %a in (output\\*.$(OBJ)) do tlib /C output\\out.$(LIB) +%a
-# A quick way to delete the OBJ files as well as the binaries.
-clean :
- -del *.$(OBJ)
- -del output\\*.$(OBJ)
- -del output\\out.$(LIB)
- -del *.$(LIB)
- -del insnsa_?.c
- -del nasm$(EXE)
- -del ndisasm$(EXE)
- -del *.map
- -del CFLAGS
-#-- Magic hints to --#
-# @object-ending: ".$(OBJ)"
-# @path-separator: "\\"
-#-- Everything below is generated by - do not edit --#
-assemble.$(OBJ): assemble.c preproc.h insns.h pptok.h regs.h regflags.c \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h regvals.c assemble.h insnsi.h
-crc64.$(OBJ): crc64.c
-disasm.$(OBJ): disasm.c insns.h sync.h regdis.c regs.h config.h regs.c \
- version.h nasm.h insnsn.c names.c insnsi.h disasm.h
-eval.$(OBJ): eval.c labels.h eval.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h
-float.$(OBJ): float.c regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-hashtbl.$(OBJ): hashtbl.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h hashtbl.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsa.$(OBJ): insnsa.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsd.$(OBJ): insnsd.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsn.$(OBJ): insnsn.c
-labels.$(OBJ): labels.c regs.h config.h version.h hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-listing.$(OBJ): listing.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h listing.h
-macros.$(OBJ): macros.c
-names.$(OBJ): names.c regs.c insnsn.c
-nasm.$(OBJ): nasm.c labels.h preproc.h insns.h parser.h eval.h pptok.h \
- regs.h outform.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h assemble.h \
- insnsi.h listing.h
-nasmlib.$(OBJ): nasmlib.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-ndisasm.$(OBJ): ndisasm.c insns.h sync.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h disasm.h
-outform.$(OBJ): outform.c regs.h config.h outform.h version.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-output\\outaout.$(OBJ): output\\outaout.c regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output\\outas86.$(OBJ): output\\outas86.c regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output\\outbin.$(OBJ): output\\outbin.c labels.h eval.h regs.h outform.h \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output\\outcoff.$(OBJ): output\\outcoff.c regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output\\outdbg.$(OBJ): output\\outdbg.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output\\outelf32.$(OBJ): output\\outelf32.c regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output\\outelf64.$(OBJ): output\\outelf64.c regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output\\outieee.$(OBJ): output\\outieee.c regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output\\outmacho.$(OBJ): output\\outmacho.c compiler.h regs.h outform.h \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output\\outobj.$(OBJ): output\\outobj.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output\\outrdf.$(OBJ): output\\outrdf.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output\\outrdf2.$(OBJ): output\\outrdf2.c rdoff\\rdoff.h regs.h outform.h \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-parser.$(OBJ): parser.c insns.h parser.h float.h regs.h regflags.c config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-pptok.$(OBJ): pptok.c preproc.h pptok.h nasmlib.h
-preproc.$(OBJ): preproc.c preproc.h macros.c pptok.h regs.h config.h \
- version.h hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-regdis.$(OBJ): regdis.c
-regflags.$(OBJ): regflags.c
-regs.$(OBJ): regs.c
-regvals.$(OBJ): regvals.c
-stdscan.$(OBJ): stdscan.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- stdscan.h insnsi.h
-sync.$(OBJ): sync.c sync.h
-tokhash.$(OBJ): tokhash.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
diff --git a/Mkfiles/Makefile.bor b/Mkfiles/Makefile.bor
deleted file mode 100644
index d9930fc8..00000000
--- a/Mkfiles/Makefile.bor
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for the Netwide Assembler under 16-bit DOS
-# The Netwide Assembler is copyright (C) 1996 Simon Tatham and
-# Julian Hall. All rights reserved. The software is
-# redistributable under the licence given in the file "Licence"
-# distributed in the NASM archive.
-# This Makefile is designed to build NASM using a 16-bit DOS C
-# compiler such as Borland C, and has been tested with Borland C 2.3
-# and Borland Make.
-# CC = cl
-# CCFLAGS = /c /O /AL
-# LINK = cl
-CC = bcc
-CCFLAGS = -c -O -ml -A
-LINK = tlink /c /Lc:\bc\lib
-EXE = .exe#
-OBJ = obj#
- $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $*.c
-NASMOBJS1 = nasm.$(OBJ) nasmlib.$(OBJ) float.$(OBJ) insnsa.$(OBJ)
-NASMOBJS2 = assemble.$(OBJ) labels.$(OBJ) parser.$(OBJ) outform.$(OBJ)
-NASMOBJS3 = output/outbin.$(OBJ) output/outaout.$(OBJ) output/outcoff.$(OBJ) output/outelf32.$(OBJ) output/outelf64.$(OBJ)
-NASMOBJS4 = output/outobj.$(OBJ) output/outas86.$(OBJ) output/outdbg.$(OBJ) output/outrdf.$(OBJ)
-NASMOBJS5 = output/outrdf2.$(OBJ) output/outieee.$(OBJ)
-NASMOBJS6 = preproc.$(OBJ) listing.$(OBJ) eval.$(OBJ)
-NDISASMOBJS = ndisasm.$(OBJ) disasm.$(OBJ) sync.$(OBJ) nasmlib.$(OBJ) \
- insnsd.$(OBJ)
-all : nasm$(EXE) ndisasm$(EXE)
-# We have to have a horrible kludge here to get round the 128 character
-# limit, as usual...
-nasm$(EXE): $(NASMOBJS)
-# $(LINK) /Fenasm.exe a*.obj f*.obj insnsa.obj l*.obj na*.obj o*.obj p*.obj
- echo c0l.obj $(NASMOBJS1) +> nasmobjs.tmp
- echo $(NASMOBJS2) +>> nasmobjs.tmp
- echo $(NASMOBJS3) +>> nasmobjs.tmp
- echo $(NASMOBJS4) +>> nasmobjs.tmp
- echo $(NASMOBJS5),nasm.exe,,cl.lib, >> nasmobjs.tmp
- $(LINK) /Tde @nasmobjs.tmp
-ndisasm$(EXE): $(NDISASMOBJS)
-# $(LINK) /Fendisasm.exe $(NDISASMOBJS)
- $(LINK) /Tde $(NDISASMOBJS),ndisasm.exe,,cl.lib,
-clean :
- del *.obj
- del nasm$(EXE)
- del ndisasm$(EXE)
-#-- Magic hints to --#
-# @object-ending: ".$(OBJ)"
-# @path-separator: "/" # Is this really right? -hpa
-#-- Everything below is generated by - do not edit --#
-assemble.$(OBJ): assemble.c preproc.h insns.h pptok.h regs.h regflags.c \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h regvals.c assemble.h insnsi.h
-crc64.$(OBJ): crc64.c
-disasm.$(OBJ): disasm.c insns.h sync.h regdis.c regs.h config.h regs.c \
- version.h nasm.h insnsn.c names.c insnsi.h disasm.h
-eval.$(OBJ): eval.c labels.h eval.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h
-float.$(OBJ): float.c regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-hashtbl.$(OBJ): hashtbl.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h hashtbl.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsa.$(OBJ): insnsa.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsd.$(OBJ): insnsd.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsn.$(OBJ): insnsn.c
-labels.$(OBJ): labels.c regs.h config.h version.h hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-listing.$(OBJ): listing.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h listing.h
-macros.$(OBJ): macros.c
-names.$(OBJ): names.c regs.c insnsn.c
-nasm.$(OBJ): nasm.c labels.h preproc.h insns.h parser.h eval.h pptok.h \
- regs.h outform.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h assemble.h \
- insnsi.h listing.h
-nasmlib.$(OBJ): nasmlib.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-ndisasm.$(OBJ): ndisasm.c insns.h sync.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h disasm.h
-outform.$(OBJ): outform.c regs.h config.h outform.h version.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-output/outaout.$(OBJ): output/outaout.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outas86.$(OBJ): output/outas86.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outbin.$(OBJ): output/outbin.c labels.h eval.h regs.h outform.h \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outcoff.$(OBJ): output/outcoff.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outdbg.$(OBJ): output/outdbg.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outelf32.$(OBJ): output/outelf32.c regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outelf64.$(OBJ): output/outelf64.c regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outieee.$(OBJ): output/outieee.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outmacho.$(OBJ): output/outmacho.c compiler.h regs.h outform.h \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outobj.$(OBJ): output/outobj.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outrdf.$(OBJ): output/outrdf.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outrdf2.$(OBJ): output/outrdf2.c rdoff/rdoff.h regs.h outform.h \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-parser.$(OBJ): parser.c insns.h parser.h float.h regs.h regflags.c config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-pptok.$(OBJ): pptok.c preproc.h pptok.h nasmlib.h
-preproc.$(OBJ): preproc.c preproc.h macros.c pptok.h regs.h config.h \
- version.h hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-regdis.$(OBJ): regdis.c
-regflags.$(OBJ): regflags.c
-regs.$(OBJ): regs.c
-regvals.$(OBJ): regvals.c
-stdscan.$(OBJ): stdscan.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- stdscan.h insnsi.h
-sync.$(OBJ): sync.c sync.h
-tokhash.$(OBJ): tokhash.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
diff --git a/Mkfiles/Makefile.dcp b/Mkfiles/Makefile.dcp
deleted file mode 100644
index 94406c76..00000000
--- a/Mkfiles/Makefile.dcp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-# Static Dev-Cpp/MinGW makefile for the Netwide Assembler.
-# The Netwide Assembler is copyright (C) 1996 Simon Tatham and
-# Julian Hall. All rights reserved. The software is
-# redistributable under the GNU Lesser General Public License.
-# You may need to adjust these values.
-CC = gcc.exe
-WINDRES = windres.exe
-RES =
-LIBS = -L"C:/Dev-Cpp/lib"
-INCS = -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"
-CXXINCS = -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/include" -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include/c++/3.4.2/backward" -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include/c++/3.4.2/mingw32" -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include/c++/3.4.2" -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"
-PERL = perl
-RM = rm -f
-# You _shouldn't_ need to adjust anything below this line.
-NASMEXE = nasmw.exe
-NDISASMEXE = ndisasmw.exe
-CFLAGS = $(INCS) -I. -O2
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<
-NASM = nasm.o nasmlib.o float.o insnsa.o assemble.o labels.o \
- parser.o outform.o output/outbin.o output/outaout.o \
- output/outcoff.o output/outelf32.o output/outelf64.o \
- output/outobj.o output/outas86.o output/outdbg.o preproc.o listing.o \
- eval.o output/outrdf2.o output/outieee.o output/outmacho.o
-NDISASM = ndisasm.o disasm.o sync.o nasmlib.o insnsd.o
-.PHONY: all clean
- $(CC) -o $(NASMEXE) $(NASM)
-# These files contains all the standard macros that are derived from
-# the version number.
-version.h: version
- $(PERL) h < version > version.h
-version.mac: version
- $(PERL) mac < version > version.mac
-# This source file is generated from the standard macros file
-# `standard.mac' by another Perl script. Again, it's part of the
-# standard distribution.
-macros.c: standard.mac version.mac
- $(PERL) standard.mac version.mac
-insnsa.c: insns.dat
- $(PERL) -a insns.dat
-insnsd.c: insns.dat
- $(PERL) -d insns.dat
-insnsi.h: insns.dat
- $(PERL) -i insns.dat
-insnsn.c: insns.dat
- $(PERL) -n insns.dat
-# These source files are generated from regs.dat by yet another
-# perl script.
-regs.c: regs.dat
- $(PERL) c regs.dat > regs.c
-regflags.c: regs.dat
- $(PERL) fc regs.dat > regflags.c
-regdis.c: regs.dat
- $(PERL) dc regs.dat > regdis.c
-regvals.c: regs.dat
- $(PERL) vc regs.dat > regvals.c
-regs.h: regs.dat
- $(PERL) h regs.dat > regs.h
-# This target generates all files that require perl.
-# This allows easier generation of distribution (see dist target).
-PERLREQ = macros.c insnsa.c insnsd.c insnsi.h insnsn.c \
- regs.c regs.h regflags.c regdis.c regvals.c \
- version.h version.mac
-perlreq: $(PERLREQ)
-install: $(NASMEXE) $(NDISASMEXE)
- $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) nasm $(bindir)/nasm
- $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) ndisasm $(bindir)/ndisasm
- $(INSTALL_DATA) nasm.1 $(mandir)/man1/nasm.1
- $(INSTALL_DATA) ndisasm.1 $(mandir)/man1/ndisasm.1
- $(MAKE) -C rdoff
-rdf_install install_rdf:
- $(MAKE) -C rdoff install
-#-- Magic hints to --#
-# @object-ending: ".o"
-# @path-separator: "/"
-#-- Everything below is generated by - do not edit --#
-assemble.o: assemble.c preproc.h insns.h regs.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- regvals.c insnsi.h assemble.h
-disasm.o: disasm.c insns.h sync.h regdis.c regs.h regs.c version.h nasm.h \
- insnsn.c names.c insnsi.h disasm.h
-eval.o: eval.c labels.h eval.h regs.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h
-float.o: float.c regs.h version.h nasm.h
-insnsa.o: insnsa.c insns.h regs.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsd.o: insnsd.c insns.h regs.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsn.o: insnsn.c
-labels.o: labels.c regs.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h
-listing.o: listing.c regs.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h listing.h
-macros.o: macros.c
-names.o: names.c regs.c insnsn.c
-nasm.o: nasm.c labels.h preproc.h insns.h parser.h eval.h regs.h outform.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h assemble.h insnsi.h listing.h
-nasmlib.o: nasmlib.c insns.h regs.h regs.c version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsn.c names.c insnsi.h
-ndisasm.o: ndisasm.c insns.h sync.h regs.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h disasm.h
-outform.o: outform.c regs.h outform.h version.h nasm.h
-output/outaout.o: output/outaout.c regs.h outform.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h
-output/outas86.o: output/outas86.c regs.h outform.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h
-output/outbin.o: output/outbin.c labels.h eval.h regs.h outform.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h
-output/outcoff.o: output/outcoff.c regs.h outform.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h
-output/outdbg.o: output/outdbg.c regs.h outform.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h
-output/outelf32.o: output/outelf32.c regs.h outform.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h
-output/outelf64.o: output/outelf64.c regs.h outform.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h
-output/outieee.o: output/outieee.c regs.h outform.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h
-output/outmacho.o: output/outmacho.c regs.h outform.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h
-output/outobj.o: output/outobj.c regs.h outform.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h
-output/outrdf.o: output/outrdf.c regs.h outform.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h
-output/outrdf2.o: output/outrdf2.c rdoff/rdoff.h regs.h outform.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h
-parser.o: parser.c insns.h parser.h float.h regs.h regflags.c version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-preproc.o: preproc.c macros.c regs.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h
-regdis.o: regdis.c
-regflags.o: regflags.c
-regs.o: regs.c
-regvals.o: regvals.c
-sync.o: sync.c sync.h
-#-- Everything below is generated by - do not edit --#
-assemble.o: assemble.c preproc.h insns.h pptok.h regs.h regflags.c config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h regvals.c assemble.h insnsi.h
-crc64.o: crc64.c
-disasm.o: disasm.c insns.h sync.h regdis.c regs.h config.h regs.c version.h \
- nasm.h insnsn.c names.c insnsi.h disasm.h
-eval.o: eval.c labels.h eval.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-float.o: float.c regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-hashtbl.o: hashtbl.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h hashtbl.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-insnsa.o: insnsa.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsd.o: insnsd.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsn.o: insnsn.c
-labels.o: labels.c regs.h config.h version.h hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-listing.o: listing.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h \
- listing.h
-macros.o: macros.c
-names.o: names.c regs.c insnsn.c
-nasm.o: nasm.c labels.h preproc.h insns.h parser.h eval.h pptok.h regs.h \
- outform.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h assemble.h insnsi.h \
- listing.h
-nasmlib.o: nasmlib.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-ndisasm.o: ndisasm.c insns.h sync.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h disasm.h
-outform.o: outform.c regs.h config.h outform.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outaout.o: output/outaout.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outas86.o: output/outas86.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outbin.o: output/outbin.c labels.h eval.h regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outcoff.o: output/outcoff.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outdbg.o: output/outdbg.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outelf32.o: output/outelf32.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outelf64.o: output/outelf64.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outieee.o: output/outieee.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outmacho.o: output/outmacho.c compiler.h regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outobj.o: output/outobj.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outrdf.o: output/outrdf.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outrdf2.o: output/outrdf2.c rdoff/rdoff.h regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-parser.o: parser.c insns.h parser.h float.h regs.h regflags.c config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-pptok.o: pptok.c preproc.h pptok.h nasmlib.h
-preproc.o: preproc.c preproc.h macros.c pptok.h regs.h config.h version.h \
- hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-regdis.o: regdis.c
-regflags.o: regflags.c
-regs.o: regs.c
-regvals.o: regvals.c
-stdscan.o: stdscan.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- stdscan.h insnsi.h
-sync.o: sync.c sync.h
-tokhash.o: tokhash.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
diff --git a/Mkfiles/ b/Mkfiles/
deleted file mode 100644
index 11ebc83b..00000000
--- a/Mkfiles/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-# host: dos
-# target: dos 32bit
-# Makefile for the Netwide Assembler
-# The Netwide Assembler is copyright (C) 1996 Simon Tatham and
-# Julian Hall. All rights reserved. The software is
-# redistributable under the licence given in the file "Licence"
-# distributed in the NASM archive.
-# makefile designed for djgpp 2.xx
-# djgpp is GNU C compiler ported by mighty DJ Delorie
-# and any simtel mirror
-# You may need to adjust these values.
-CC = gcc
-CFLAGS = -O2 -I.
-# You _shouldn't_ need to adjust anything below this line.
- $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $*.c
-NASM = nasm.o nasmlib.o float.o insnsa.o assemble.o labels.o \
- parser.o outform.o output/outbin.o output/outaout.o output/outcoff.o \
- output/outelf32.o output/outelf64.o \
- output/outobj.o output/outas86.o output/outrdf.o output/outdbg.o preproc.o listing.o \
- eval.o output/outrdf2.o output/outieee.o
-NDISASM = ndisasm.o disasm.o sync.o nasmlib.o insnsd.o
-all: nasm.exe ndisasm.exe
-nasm.exe: $(NASM)
- $(CC) -o $@ $(NASM)
-ndisasm.exe: $(NDISASM)
- $(CC) -o $@ $(NDISASM)
-# These source files are automagically generated from a single
-# instruction-table file by a Perl script. They're distributed,
-# though, so it isn't necessary to have Perl just to recompile NASM
-# from the distribution.
-insnsa.c: insns.dat
- perl -a insns.dat
-insnsd.c: insns.dat
- perl -d insns.dat
-insnsi.h: insns.dat
- perl -i insns.dat
-insnsn.c: insns.dat
- perl -n insns.dat
-# These files contains all the standard macros that are derived from
-# the version number.
-version.h: version
- perl h < version > version.h
-version.mac: version
- perl mac < version > version.mac
-# This source file is generated from the standard macros file
-# `standard.mac' by another Perl script. Again, it's part of the
-# standard distribution.
-macros.c: standard.mac version.mac
- perl standard.mac version.mac
-# These source files are generated from regs.dat by yet another
-# perl script.
-regs.c: regs.dat
- perl c regs.dat > regs.c
-regflags.c: regs.dat
- perl fc regs.dat > regflags.c
-regdis.c: regs.dat
- perl dc regs.dat > regdis.c
-regvals.c: regs.dat
- perl vc regs.dat > regvals.c
-regs.h: regs.dat
- perl h regs.dat > regs.h
- rm -f *.o *.exe output/*.o
-#-- Magic hints to --#
-# @object-ending: ".o"
-# @path-separator: "/"
-#-- Everything below is generated by - do not edit --#
-assemble.o: assemble.c preproc.h insns.h pptok.h regs.h regflags.c config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h regvals.c assemble.h insnsi.h
-crc64.o: crc64.c
-disasm.o: disasm.c insns.h sync.h regdis.c regs.h config.h regs.c version.h \
- nasm.h insnsn.c names.c insnsi.h disasm.h
-eval.o: eval.c labels.h eval.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-float.o: float.c regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-hashtbl.o: hashtbl.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h hashtbl.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-insnsa.o: insnsa.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsd.o: insnsd.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsn.o: insnsn.c
-labels.o: labels.c regs.h config.h version.h hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-listing.o: listing.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h \
- listing.h
-macros.o: macros.c
-names.o: names.c regs.c insnsn.c
-nasm.o: nasm.c labels.h preproc.h insns.h parser.h eval.h pptok.h regs.h \
- outform.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h assemble.h insnsi.h \
- listing.h
-nasmlib.o: nasmlib.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-ndisasm.o: ndisasm.c insns.h sync.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h disasm.h
-outform.o: outform.c regs.h config.h outform.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outaout.o: output/outaout.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outas86.o: output/outas86.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outbin.o: output/outbin.c labels.h eval.h regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outcoff.o: output/outcoff.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outdbg.o: output/outdbg.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outelf32.o: output/outelf32.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outelf64.o: output/outelf64.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outieee.o: output/outieee.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outmacho.o: output/outmacho.c compiler.h regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outobj.o: output/outobj.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outrdf.o: output/outrdf.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outrdf2.o: output/outrdf2.c rdoff/rdoff.h regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-parser.o: parser.c insns.h parser.h float.h regs.h regflags.c config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-pptok.o: pptok.c preproc.h pptok.h nasmlib.h
-preproc.o: preproc.c preproc.h macros.c pptok.h regs.h config.h version.h \
- hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-regdis.o: regdis.c
-regflags.o: regflags.c
-regs.o: regs.c
-regvals.o: regvals.c
-stdscan.o: stdscan.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- stdscan.h insnsi.h
-sync.o: sync.c sync.h
-tokhash.o: tokhash.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
diff --git a/Mkfiles/Makefile.djo b/Mkfiles/Makefile.djo
deleted file mode 100644
index feff6f88..00000000
--- a/Mkfiles/Makefile.djo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-# host: dos
-# target: dos 16bit and 32bit
-# Makefile for the Netwide Assembler
-# This is a modification (by John Fine) of
-# It uses the syntax of "Opus Make", which is the make program I prefer.
-# It builds two targets:
-# nasm.exe 32-bit built with DJGPP
-# ndisasm.exe NASM disassembler (DJGPP version)
-.SUFFIXES: .exe .ol .o .obj .c .dat .pl
-# The Netwide Assembler is copyright (C) 1996 Simon Tatham and
-# Julian Hall. All rights reserved. The software is
-# redistributable under the licence given in the file "Licence"
-# distributed in the NASM archive.
-# makefile designed for djgpp 2.xx
-# djgpp is GNU C compiler ported by mighty DJ Delorie
-# and any simtel mirror
-CC = gcc
-# redir -eo $(CC) -g -c -O2 -finline-functions -Wall -ansi -pedantic $*.c >$*.err
- $(CC) -g -c -O2 -finline-functions -Wall -ansi -pedantic $*.c
-NASM = nasm.o nasmlib.o float.o insnsa.o assemble.o labels.o \
- parser.o outform.o output/outbin.o output/outaout.o output/outcoff.o \
- output/outelf32.o output/outelf64.o \
- output/outobj.o output/outas86.o output/outrdf.o output/outrdf2.o output/outieee.o output/outdbg.o preproc.o listing.o \
- eval.o
-NDISASM = ndisasm.o disasm.o sync.o nasmlib.o insnsd.o
-nasm.exe: $(NASM)
- $(CC) @<<
--s -o $@ $(NASM)
- djp nasm.exe
-ndisasm.exe: $(NDISASM)
- $(CC) @<<
--s -o $@ $(NDISASM)
- djp ndisasm.exe
-# These four source files are automagically generated from a single
-# instruction-table file by a Perl script. They're distributed,
-# though, so it isn't necessary to have Perl just to recompile NASM
-# from the distribution.
-insnsa.c insnsd.c insnsi.h insnsn.c: insns.dat
- perl insns.dat
-# These files contains all the standard macros that are derived from
-# the version number.
-version.h: version
- perl $(srcdir)/ h < $(srcdir)/version > version.h
-version.mac: version
- perl $(srcdir)/ mac < $(srcdir)/version > version.mac
-# This source file is generated from the standard macros file
-# `standard.mac' by another Perl script. Again, it's part of the
-# standard distribution.
-macros.c: standard.mac version.mac
- perl standard.mac version.mac
-# These source files are generated from regs.dat by yet another
-# perl script.
-regs.c: regs.dat
- perl c regs.dat > regs.c
-regflags.c: regs.dat
- perl fc regs.dat > regflags.c
-regdis.c: regs.dat
- perl dc regs.dat > regdis.c
-regvals.c: regs.dat
- perl vc regs.dat > regvals.c
-regs.h: regs.dat
- perl h regs.dat > regs.h
- rm -f *.o nasm ndisasm
-#-- Magic hints to --#
-# @object-ending: ".o"
-# @path-separator: "/"
-#-- Everything below is generated by - do not edit --#
-assemble.o: assemble.c preproc.h insns.h pptok.h regs.h regflags.c config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h regvals.c assemble.h insnsi.h
-crc64.o: crc64.c
-disasm.o: disasm.c insns.h sync.h regdis.c regs.h config.h regs.c version.h \
- nasm.h insnsn.c names.c insnsi.h disasm.h
-eval.o: eval.c labels.h eval.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-float.o: float.c regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-hashtbl.o: hashtbl.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h hashtbl.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-insnsa.o: insnsa.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsd.o: insnsd.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsn.o: insnsn.c
-labels.o: labels.c regs.h config.h version.h hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-listing.o: listing.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h \
- listing.h
-macros.o: macros.c
-names.o: names.c regs.c insnsn.c
-nasm.o: nasm.c labels.h preproc.h insns.h parser.h eval.h pptok.h regs.h \
- outform.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h assemble.h insnsi.h \
- listing.h
-nasmlib.o: nasmlib.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-ndisasm.o: ndisasm.c insns.h sync.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h disasm.h
-outform.o: outform.c regs.h config.h outform.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outaout.o: output/outaout.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outas86.o: output/outas86.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outbin.o: output/outbin.c labels.h eval.h regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outcoff.o: output/outcoff.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outdbg.o: output/outdbg.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outelf32.o: output/outelf32.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outelf64.o: output/outelf64.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outieee.o: output/outieee.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outmacho.o: output/outmacho.c compiler.h regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outobj.o: output/outobj.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outrdf.o: output/outrdf.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outrdf2.o: output/outrdf2.c rdoff/rdoff.h regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-parser.o: parser.c insns.h parser.h float.h regs.h regflags.c config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-pptok.o: pptok.c preproc.h pptok.h nasmlib.h
-preproc.o: preproc.c preproc.h macros.c pptok.h regs.h config.h version.h \
- hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-regdis.o: regdis.c
-regflags.o: regflags.c
-regs.o: regs.c
-regvals.o: regvals.c
-stdscan.o: stdscan.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- stdscan.h insnsi.h
-sync.o: sync.c sync.h
-tokhash.o: tokhash.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
diff --git a/Mkfiles/Makefile.dl b/Mkfiles/Makefile.dl
deleted file mode 100644
index 28e4eaec..00000000
--- a/Mkfiles/Makefile.dl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-# The Netwide Assembler is copyright (C) 1996 Simon Tatham and
-# Julian Hall. All rights reserved. The software is
-# redistributable under the licence given in the file "Licence"
-# distributed in the NASM archive.
-# This Makefile is designed to build NASM using David Lindauer's
-# cc386
-CC = cc386 /C+N
-LINK = valx -case -use32 -map
-OBJ = obj
- $(CC) $&
- &nasm -fobj $&.ASM
-NDISASMOBJS = ndisasm.$(OBJ) disasm.$(OBJ) sync.$(OBJ) nasmlib.$(OBJ) \
- insnsd.$(OBJ)
-NASMOBJS = nasm.$(OBJ) nasmlib.$(OBJ) eval.$(OBJ) float.$(OBJ) insnsa.$(OBJ) \
- assemble.$(OBJ) labels.$(OBJ) parser.$(OBJ) outform.$(OBJ) \
- output/outbin.$(OBJ) output/outaout.$(OBJ) output/outcoff.$(OBJ) \
- output/outelf32.$(OBJ) output/outelf64.$(OBJ) \
- output/outobj.$(OBJ) output/outas86.$(OBJ) output/outrdf.$(OBJ) output/outrdf2.$(OBJ) output/outdbg.$(OBJ) \
- preproc.$(OBJ) listing.$(OBJ) output/outieee.$(OBJ)
-all : nasm.exe ndisasm.exe
-# We have to have a horrible kludge here to get round the 128 character
-# limit, as usual...
-LINKOBJS = a*.obj e*.obj f*.obj insnsa.obj l*.obj na*.obj o*.obj p*.obj z*.obj
-nasm.exe: $(NASMOBJS)
- $(LINK) \cc386\lib\c0dos $(LINKOBJS:.obj=),nasm,nasm,\cc386\lib\cldos
-ndisasm.exe: $(NDISASMOBJS)
- $(LINK) \cc386\lib\c0dos.obj $(NDISASMOBJS:.obj=),ndisasm,ndisasm,\cc386\lib\cldos
-clean :
- del *.asm
- del *.obj
- del *.map
- del *.exe
-#-- Magic hints to --#
-# @object-ending: ".$(OBJ)"
-# @path-separator: "/"
-#-- Everything below is generated by - do not edit --#
-assemble.$(OBJ): assemble.c preproc.h insns.h pptok.h regs.h regflags.c \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h regvals.c assemble.h insnsi.h
-crc64.$(OBJ): crc64.c
-disasm.$(OBJ): disasm.c insns.h sync.h regdis.c regs.h config.h regs.c \
- version.h nasm.h insnsn.c names.c insnsi.h disasm.h
-eval.$(OBJ): eval.c labels.h eval.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h
-float.$(OBJ): float.c regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-hashtbl.$(OBJ): hashtbl.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h hashtbl.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsa.$(OBJ): insnsa.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsd.$(OBJ): insnsd.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsn.$(OBJ): insnsn.c
-labels.$(OBJ): labels.c regs.h config.h version.h hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-listing.$(OBJ): listing.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h listing.h
-macros.$(OBJ): macros.c
-names.$(OBJ): names.c regs.c insnsn.c
-nasm.$(OBJ): nasm.c labels.h preproc.h insns.h parser.h eval.h pptok.h \
- regs.h outform.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h assemble.h \
- insnsi.h listing.h
-nasmlib.$(OBJ): nasmlib.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-ndisasm.$(OBJ): ndisasm.c insns.h sync.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h disasm.h
-outform.$(OBJ): outform.c regs.h config.h outform.h version.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-output/outaout.$(OBJ): output/outaout.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outas86.$(OBJ): output/outas86.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outbin.$(OBJ): output/outbin.c labels.h eval.h regs.h outform.h \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outcoff.$(OBJ): output/outcoff.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outdbg.$(OBJ): output/outdbg.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outelf32.$(OBJ): output/outelf32.c regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outelf64.$(OBJ): output/outelf64.c regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outieee.$(OBJ): output/outieee.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outmacho.$(OBJ): output/outmacho.c compiler.h regs.h outform.h \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outobj.$(OBJ): output/outobj.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outrdf.$(OBJ): output/outrdf.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outrdf2.$(OBJ): output/outrdf2.c rdoff/rdoff.h regs.h outform.h \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-parser.$(OBJ): parser.c insns.h parser.h float.h regs.h regflags.c config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-pptok.$(OBJ): pptok.c preproc.h pptok.h nasmlib.h
-preproc.$(OBJ): preproc.c preproc.h macros.c pptok.h regs.h config.h \
- version.h hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-regdis.$(OBJ): regdis.c
-regflags.$(OBJ): regflags.c
-regs.$(OBJ): regs.c
-regvals.$(OBJ): regvals.c
-stdscan.$(OBJ): stdscan.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- stdscan.h insnsi.h
-sync.$(OBJ): sync.c sync.h
-tokhash.$(OBJ): tokhash.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
diff --git a/Mkfiles/Makefile.dos b/Mkfiles/Makefile.dos
deleted file mode 100644
index eec2bf91..00000000
--- a/Mkfiles/Makefile.dos
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for the Netwide Assembler under 16-bit DOS
-# The Netwide Assembler is copyright (C) 1996 Simon Tatham and
-# Julian Hall. All rights reserved. The software is
-# redistributable under the licence given in the file "Licence"
-# distributed in the NASM archive.
-# This Makefile is designed to build NASM using a 16-bit DOS C
-# compiler such as Microsoft C, provided you have a compatible MAKE.
-# It's been tested with Microsoft C 5.x plus Borland Make. (Yes, I
-# know it's silly, but...)
-CC = cl /c /O /AL /Gt
-QCL = qcl /c /AL /Gt
-LINK = cl
-EXE = .exe#
-OBJ = obj#
- $(CC) $*.c
-NASMOBJS = nasm.$(OBJ) nasmlib.$(OBJ) float.$(OBJ) insnsa.$(OBJ) \
- assemble.$(OBJ) labels.$(OBJ) parser.$(OBJ) outform.$(OBJ) \
- output/outbin.$(OBJ) output/outaout.$(OBJ) output/outcoff.$(OBJ) \
- output/outelf32.$(OBJ) output/outelf64.$(OBJ) \
- output/outobj.$(OBJ) output/outas86.$(OBJ) output/outrdf.$(OBJ) output/outrdf2.$(OBJ) \
- output/outieee.$(OBJ) output/outdbg.$(OBJ) preproc.$(OBJ) listing.$(OBJ) \
- eval.$(OBJ)
-NDISASMOBJS = ndisasm.$(OBJ) disasm.$(OBJ) sync.$(OBJ) nasmlib.$(OBJ) \
- insnsd.$(OBJ)
-all : nasm$(EXE) ndisasm$(EXE)
-# We have to have a horrible kludge here to get round the 128 character
-# limit, as usual...
-LINKOBJS = a*.obj e*.obj f*.obj insnsa.obj l*.obj na*.obj o*.obj p*.obj
-nasm$(EXE): $(NASMOBJS)
- cl /Fenasm.exe /F 4000 $(LINKOBJS)
-ndisasm$(EXE): $(NDISASMOBJS)
- cl /Fendisasm.exe $(NDISASMOBJS)
-# Another grotty hack: QC is less likely to run out of memory than
-# CL proper; and we don't need any optimisation in these modules
-# since they're just data.
-insnsa.$(OBJ): insnsa.c nasm.h version.h insnsi.h insns.h
- $(QCL) insnsa.c
-insnsd.$(OBJ): insnsd.c nasm.h version.h insnsi.h insns.h
- $(QCL) insnsd.c
-clean :
- del *.obj
- del nasm$(EXE)
- del ndisasm$(EXE)
-#-- Magic hints to --#
-# @object-ending: ".$(OBJ)"
-# @path-separator: "/"
-#-- Everything below is generated by - do not edit --#
-assemble.$(OBJ): assemble.c preproc.h insns.h pptok.h regs.h regflags.c \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h regvals.c assemble.h insnsi.h
-crc64.$(OBJ): crc64.c
-disasm.$(OBJ): disasm.c insns.h sync.h regdis.c regs.h config.h regs.c \
- version.h nasm.h insnsn.c names.c insnsi.h disasm.h
-eval.$(OBJ): eval.c labels.h eval.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h
-float.$(OBJ): float.c regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-hashtbl.$(OBJ): hashtbl.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h hashtbl.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsa.$(OBJ): insnsa.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsd.$(OBJ): insnsd.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsn.$(OBJ): insnsn.c
-labels.$(OBJ): labels.c regs.h config.h version.h hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-listing.$(OBJ): listing.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h listing.h
-macros.$(OBJ): macros.c
-names.$(OBJ): names.c regs.c insnsn.c
-nasm.$(OBJ): nasm.c labels.h preproc.h insns.h parser.h eval.h pptok.h \
- regs.h outform.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h assemble.h \
- insnsi.h listing.h
-nasmlib.$(OBJ): nasmlib.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-ndisasm.$(OBJ): ndisasm.c insns.h sync.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h disasm.h
-outform.$(OBJ): outform.c regs.h config.h outform.h version.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-output/outaout.$(OBJ): output/outaout.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outas86.$(OBJ): output/outas86.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outbin.$(OBJ): output/outbin.c labels.h eval.h regs.h outform.h \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outcoff.$(OBJ): output/outcoff.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outdbg.$(OBJ): output/outdbg.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outelf32.$(OBJ): output/outelf32.c regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outelf64.$(OBJ): output/outelf64.c regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outieee.$(OBJ): output/outieee.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outmacho.$(OBJ): output/outmacho.c compiler.h regs.h outform.h \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outobj.$(OBJ): output/outobj.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outrdf.$(OBJ): output/outrdf.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outrdf2.$(OBJ): output/outrdf2.c rdoff/rdoff.h regs.h outform.h \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-parser.$(OBJ): parser.c insns.h parser.h float.h regs.h regflags.c config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-pptok.$(OBJ): pptok.c preproc.h pptok.h nasmlib.h
-preproc.$(OBJ): preproc.c preproc.h macros.c pptok.h regs.h config.h \
- version.h hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-regdis.$(OBJ): regdis.c
-regflags.$(OBJ): regflags.c
-regs.$(OBJ): regs.c
-regvals.$(OBJ): regvals.c
-stdscan.$(OBJ): stdscan.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- stdscan.h insnsi.h
-sync.$(OBJ): sync.c sync.h
-tokhash.$(OBJ): tokhash.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
diff --git a/Mkfiles/Makefile.emx b/Mkfiles/Makefile.emx
deleted file mode 100644
index eb299373..00000000
--- a/Mkfiles/Makefile.emx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-# Generated automatically from by configure.
-# Auto-configuring Makefile for the Netwide Assembler.
-# The Netwide Assembler is copyright (C) 1996 Simon Tatham and
-# Julian Hall. All rights reserved. The software is
-# redistributable under the licence given in the file "Licence"
-# distributed in the NASM archive.
-srcdir = .
-prefix = /usr/local
-exec_prefix = ${prefix}
-bindir = ${exec_prefix}/bin
-mandir = ${prefix}/man
-CC = gcc
-CFLAGS = -s -Zomf -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -Wall -pedantic \
- -I$(srcdir) -I. -DTASM_COMPAT
-LDFLAGS = -s -Zomf -Zexe -Zcrtdll
-LIBS = -lgcc
-INSTALL = ./install-sh -c
-NROFF = echo
-PERL = perl
-.SUFFIXES: .c .i .s .o .1 .man
-.PHONY: all doc rdf install clean distclean cleaner spotless install_rdf
-.PHONY: install_doc everything install_everything
- $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
- $(CC) -S $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
- $(CC) -E $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
- $(NROFF) -man $< > $@
-NASM = nasm.o nasmlib.o float.o insnsa.o assemble.o labels.o \
- parser.o outform.o output/outbin.o output/outaout.o output/outcoff.o \
- output/outelf32.o output/outelf64.o \
- output/outobj.o output/outas86.o output/outrdf.o output/outrdf2.o output/outdbg.o output/outieee.o \
- preproc.o listing.o eval.o
-NDISASM = ndisasm.o disasm.o sync.o nasmlib.o insnsd.o
-all: nasm ndisasm
- $(MAKE) -C rdoff -f Makefile.emx all
-nasm: $(NASM)
- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o nasm $(NASM) $(LIBS)
-ndisasm: $(NDISASM)
- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o ndisasm $(NDISASM) $(LIBS)
-# These source files are automagically generated from a single
-# instruction-table file by a Perl script. They're distributed,
-# though, so it isn't necessary to have Perl just to recompile NASM
-# from the distribution.
-insnsa.c: insns.dat
- $(PERL) $(srcdir)/ -a $(srcdir)/insns.dat
-insnsd.c: insns.dat
- $(PERL) $(srcdir)/ -d $(srcdir)/insns.dat
-insnsi.h: insns.dat
- $(PERL) $(srcdir)/ -i $(srcdir)/insns.dat
-insnsn.c: insns.dat
- $(PERL) $(srcdir)/ -n $(srcdir)/insns.dat
-# These files contains all the standard macros that are derived from
-# the version number.
-version.h: version
- $(PERL) $(srcdir)/ h < $(srcdir)/version > version.h
-version.mac: version
- $(PERL) $(srcdir)/ mac < $(srcdir)/version > version.mac
-# This source file is generated from the standard macros file
-# `standard.mac' by another Perl script. Again, it's part of the
-# standard distribution.
-macros.c: standard.mac version.mac
- $(PERL) $(srcdir)/ $(srcdir)/standard.mac version.mac
-# These source files are generated from regs.dat by yet another
-# perl script.
-regs.c: regs.dat
- $(PERL) $(srcdir)/ c $(srcdir)/regs.dat > regs.c
-regflags.c: regs.dat
- $(PERL) $(srcdir)/ fc $(srcdir)/regs.dat > regflags.c
-regdis.c: regs.dat
- $(PERL) $(srcdir)/ dc $(srcdir)/regs.dat > regdis.c
-regvals.c: regs.dat
- $(PERL) $(srcdir)/ vc $(srcdir)/regs.dat > regvals.c
-regs.h: regs.dat
- $(PERL) $(srcdir)/ h $(srcdir)/regs.dat > regs.h
-install: nasm ndisasm
- $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) nasm $(INSTALLROOT)$(bindir)/nasm
- $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) ndisasm $(INSTALLROOT)$(bindir)/ndisasm
- $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/nasm.1 $(INSTALLROOT)$(mandir)/man1/nasm.1
- $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/ndisasm.1 $(INSTALLROOT)$(mandir)/man1/ndisasm.1
- rm -f *.o *.s *.i nasm ndisasm
- cd rdoff && $(MAKE) clean
-distclean: clean
- rm -f config.* Makefile *~ *.bak *.lst *.bin
- cd rdoff && $(MAKE) distclean
-cleaner: clean
- rm -f insnsa.c insnsd.c insnsi.h insnsn.c macros.c *.man
- cd doc && $(MAKE) clean
-spotless: distclean cleaner
- cd rdoff && $(MAKE)
-rdf_install install_rdf:
- cd rdoff && $(MAKE) install
- cd doc && $(MAKE) all
-doc_install install_doc:
- cd doc && $(MAKE) install
-everything: all doc rdf
-install_everything: everything install install_doc install_rdf
-#-- Magic hints to --#
-# @object-ending: ".o"
-# @path-separator: "/"
-#-- Everything below is generated by - do not edit --#
-assemble.o: assemble.c preproc.h insns.h pptok.h regs.h regflags.c config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h regvals.c assemble.h insnsi.h
-crc64.o: crc64.c
-disasm.o: disasm.c insns.h sync.h regdis.c regs.h config.h regs.c version.h \
- nasm.h insnsn.c names.c insnsi.h disasm.h
-eval.o: eval.c labels.h eval.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-float.o: float.c regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-hashtbl.o: hashtbl.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h hashtbl.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-insnsa.o: insnsa.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsd.o: insnsd.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsn.o: insnsn.c
-labels.o: labels.c regs.h config.h version.h hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-listing.o: listing.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h \
- listing.h
-macros.o: macros.c
-names.o: names.c regs.c insnsn.c
-nasm.o: nasm.c labels.h preproc.h insns.h parser.h eval.h pptok.h regs.h \
- outform.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h assemble.h insnsi.h \
- listing.h
-nasmlib.o: nasmlib.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-ndisasm.o: ndisasm.c insns.h sync.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h disasm.h
-outform.o: outform.c regs.h config.h outform.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outaout.o: output/outaout.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outas86.o: output/outas86.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outbin.o: output/outbin.c labels.h eval.h regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outcoff.o: output/outcoff.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outdbg.o: output/outdbg.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outelf32.o: output/outelf32.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outelf64.o: output/outelf64.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outieee.o: output/outieee.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outmacho.o: output/outmacho.c compiler.h regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outobj.o: output/outobj.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outrdf.o: output/outrdf.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outrdf2.o: output/outrdf2.c rdoff/rdoff.h regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-parser.o: parser.c insns.h parser.h float.h regs.h regflags.c config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-pptok.o: pptok.c preproc.h pptok.h nasmlib.h
-preproc.o: preproc.c preproc.h macros.c pptok.h regs.h config.h version.h \
- hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-regdis.o: regdis.c
-regflags.o: regflags.c
-regs.o: regs.c
-regvals.o: regvals.c
-stdscan.o: stdscan.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- stdscan.h insnsi.h
-sync.o: sync.c sync.h
-tokhash.o: tokhash.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
diff --git a/Mkfiles/Makefile.lcc b/Mkfiles/Makefile.lcc
deleted file mode 100644
index 38d63ffa..00000000
--- a/Mkfiles/Makefile.lcc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-# host: windows nt/95
-# target: windows nt/95
-# Makefile for the Netwide Assembler
-# The Netwide Assembler is copyright (C) 1996 Simon Tatham and
-# Julian Hall. All rights reserved. The software is
-# redistributable under the licence given in the file "Licence"
-# distributed in the NASM archive.
-# makefile designed for lcc-win32
-# lcc-win32 is lcc (c compiler coded by guys from princeton uni)
-# ported to win32 by jacob navia
-# available at
-CFLAGS = -c -O -g2
-CC = lcc.exe $(CFLAGS)
-LFLAGS = -subsystem console -s
-LD = lcclnk.exe $(LFLAGS)
-OBJ = obj
- $(CC) -o $@ $*.c
-NASM = nasm.${OBJ} nasmlib.${OBJ} float.${OBJ} insnsa.${OBJ} assemble.${OBJ} labels.${OBJ} \
- parser.${OBJ} outform.${OBJ} output/outbin.${OBJ} output/outaout.${OBJ} output/outcoff.${OBJ} \
- output/outelf32.${OBJ} output/outelf64.${OBJ} \
- output/outobj.${OBJ} output/outas86.${OBJ} output/outrdf.${OBJ} output/outdbg.${OBJ} output/outrdf2.${OBJ} \
- output/outieee.${OBJ} preproc.${OBJ} listing.${OBJ} eval.${OBJ}
-NDISASM = ndisasm.${OBJ} disasm.${OBJ} sync.${OBJ} nasmlib.${OBJ} insnsd.${OBJ}
-all: nasm ndisasm
-# linker response files
-# that may take long, too much spawning :)
-NASM.LNK: makefile.lcc
- echo nasm.$(OBJ) > NASM.LNK
- echo nasmlib.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo eval.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo float.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo insnsa.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo assemble.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo labels.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo listing.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo parser.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo preproc.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo outform.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo output/outbin.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo output/outaout.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo output/outcoff.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo output/outelf32.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo output/outelf64.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo output/outobj.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo output/outas86.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo output/outrdf.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo output/outrdf2.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo output/outieee.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo output/outdbg.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
-NDISASM.LNK: makefile.lcc
- echo ndisasm.$(OBJ) > NDISASM.LNK
- echo disasm.$(OBJ) >> NDISASM.LNK
- echo sync.$(OBJ) >> NDISASM.LNK
- echo nasmlib.$(OBJ) >> NDISASM.LNK
- echo insnsd.$(OBJ) >> NDISASM.LNK
-nasm: $(NASM) nasm.lnk
- $(LD) -o nasm.exe @nasm.lnk
-ndisasm: $(NDISASM) ndisasm.lnk
- $(LD) -o ndisasm.exe @ndisasm.lnk
-# These source files are automagically generated from a single
-# instruction-table file by a Perl script. They're distributed,
-# though, so it isn't necessary to have Perl just to recompile NASM
-# from the distribution.
-insnsa.c insnsd.c insnsi.h insnsn.c: insns.dat
- perl insns.dat
-# These files contains all the standard macros that are derived from
-# the version number.
-version.h: version
- perl h < version > version.h
-version.mac: version
- perl mac < version > version.mac
-# This source file is generated from the standard macros file
-# `standard.mac' by another Perl script. Again, it's part of the
-# standard distribution.
-macros.c: standard.mac version.mac
- perl standard.mac version.mac
-# These source files are generated from regs.dat by yet another
-# perl script.
-regs.c: regs.dat
- perl c regs.dat > regs.c
-regflags.c: regs.dat
- perl fc regs.dat > regflags.c
-regdis.c: regs.dat
- perl dc regs.dat > regdis.c
-regvals.c: regs.dat
- perl vc regs.dat > regvals.c
-regs.h: regs.dat
- perl h regs.dat > regs.h
- rm -f *.${OBJ} nasm.exe ndisasm.exe
-#-- Magic hints to --#
-# @object-ending: ".${OBJ}"
-# @path-separator: "/"
-#-- Everything below is generated by - do not edit --#
-assemble.${OBJ}: assemble.c preproc.h insns.h pptok.h regs.h regflags.c \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h regvals.c assemble.h insnsi.h
-crc64.${OBJ}: crc64.c
-disasm.${OBJ}: disasm.c insns.h sync.h regdis.c regs.h config.h regs.c \
- version.h nasm.h insnsn.c names.c insnsi.h disasm.h
-eval.${OBJ}: eval.c labels.h eval.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h
-float.${OBJ}: float.c regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-hashtbl.${OBJ}: hashtbl.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h hashtbl.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsa.${OBJ}: insnsa.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsd.${OBJ}: insnsd.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsn.${OBJ}: insnsn.c
-labels.${OBJ}: labels.c regs.h config.h version.h hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-listing.${OBJ}: listing.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h listing.h
-macros.${OBJ}: macros.c
-names.${OBJ}: names.c regs.c insnsn.c
-nasm.${OBJ}: nasm.c labels.h preproc.h insns.h parser.h eval.h pptok.h \
- regs.h outform.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h assemble.h \
- insnsi.h listing.h
-nasmlib.${OBJ}: nasmlib.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-ndisasm.${OBJ}: ndisasm.c insns.h sync.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h disasm.h
-outform.${OBJ}: outform.c regs.h config.h outform.h version.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-output/outaout.${OBJ}: output/outaout.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outas86.${OBJ}: output/outas86.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outbin.${OBJ}: output/outbin.c labels.h eval.h regs.h outform.h \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outcoff.${OBJ}: output/outcoff.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outdbg.${OBJ}: output/outdbg.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outelf32.${OBJ}: output/outelf32.c regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outelf64.${OBJ}: output/outelf64.c regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outieee.${OBJ}: output/outieee.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outmacho.${OBJ}: output/outmacho.c compiler.h regs.h outform.h \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outobj.${OBJ}: output/outobj.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outrdf.${OBJ}: output/outrdf.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outrdf2.${OBJ}: output/outrdf2.c rdoff/rdoff.h regs.h outform.h \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-parser.${OBJ}: parser.c insns.h parser.h float.h regs.h regflags.c config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-pptok.${OBJ}: pptok.c preproc.h pptok.h nasmlib.h
-preproc.${OBJ}: preproc.c preproc.h macros.c pptok.h regs.h config.h \
- version.h hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-regdis.${OBJ}: regdis.c
-regflags.${OBJ}: regflags.c
-regs.${OBJ}: regs.c
-regvals.${OBJ}: regvals.c
-stdscan.${OBJ}: stdscan.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- stdscan.h insnsi.h
-sync.${OBJ}: sync.c sync.h
-tokhash.${OBJ}: tokhash.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
diff --git a/Mkfiles/Makefile.ms7 b/Mkfiles/Makefile.ms7
deleted file mode 100644
index 10fd32d3..00000000
--- a/Mkfiles/Makefile.ms7
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for the Netwide Assembler under 16-bit DOS
-# The Netwide Assembler is copyright (C) 1996 Simon Tatham and
-# Julian Hall. All rights reserved. The software is
-# redistributable under the licence given in the file "Licence"
-# distributed in the NASM archive.
-# This Makefile is designed to build NASM using a 16-bit DOS C
-# compiler such as Microsoft C, provided you have a compatible MAKE.
-# It's been tested with Microsoft C 5.x plus Borland Make. (Yes, I
-# know it's silly, but...)
-# update: MSC 5.1 will not compile 'nasmlib.c' (arg lists don't match)
-# MSC 6.00A will not compile 'insnsa.c' (qcl is required)
-# MSC 7.00 will compile all
-# GNU software compiled by DJGPP is also required:
-# grep 2.4
-# perl 5.6.1
-# Source and DOS/Windows binaries may be downloaded from:
-# Compilation has been tested under Windows 98 & Windows 2000
-# MSC 7.00 & DJGPP applications require a DPMI interface, which is
-# a part of MSC 7.00 under DOS. It is also a part of Windows.
-# For a 16-bit compiler, we don't need all the formats
-#CC = cl /c /O /AL /Gt
-# Compile for a 286, ain't nobody using an 8086 anymore
-CC = cl /c /Oz /AL /Gt256 /G2 /I.. # MSC 7.00
-#QCL = qcl /c /AL /Gt
-QCL = $(CC) # MSC 7.00
-LINK = link
-LINKFLAGS = /F4000 /Fm
-EXE = .exe#
-OBJ = obj#
- $(CC) $(CONFIG) /Fo$@ $*.c
-NASMOBJS1 = nasm.$(OBJ) nasmlib.$(OBJ) float.$(OBJ) insnsa.$(OBJ) \
- assemble.$(OBJ) labels.$(OBJ) parser.$(OBJ) outform.$(OBJ)
-NASMOBJS2 = output\outbin.$(OBJ) output\outaout.$(OBJ) output\outcoff.$(OBJ)
-NASMOBJS3 = output\outelf32.$(OBJ) output\outelf64.$(OBJ) output\outobj.$(OBJ) output\outas86.$(OBJ)
-NASMOBJS4 = output\outrdf.$(OBJ) output\outrdf2.$(OBJ) output\outieee.$(OBJ)
-NASMOBJS5 = output\outdbg.$(OBJ) preproc.$(OBJ) listing.$(OBJ) eval.$(OBJ)
-NDISASMOBJS = ndisasm.$(OBJ) disasm.$(OBJ) sync.$(OBJ) nasmlib.$(OBJ) \
- insnsd.$(OBJ)
-all : nasm$(EXE) ndisasm$(EXE)
-# We have to have a horrible kludge here to get round the 128 character
-# limit, as usual...
-LINKOBJS = a*.obj e*.obj f*.obj insnsa.obj l*.obj na*.obj o*.obj p*.obj
-nasm$(EXE): $(NASMOBJS)
- echo $(NASMOBJS1) + >foo
- echo $(NASMOBJS2) + >>foo
- echo $(NASMOBJS3) + >>foo
- echo $(NASMOBJS4) + >>foo
- echo $(NASMOBJS5) >> foo
- $(LINK) /st:4096 @foo,nasm;
-ndisasm$(EXE): $(NDISASMOBJS)
- $(LINK) $(NDISASMOBJS), ndisasm;
-output\version.h: version.h
- copy version.h output
-output\nasm.h: nasm.h
- copy nasm.h output
-output\insnsi.h: insnsi.h
- copy insnsi.h output
-output\nasmlib.h: nasmlib.h
- copy nasmlib.h output
-output\outform.h: outform.h
- copy outform.h output
-# These files contains all the standard macros that are derived from
-# the version number.
-version.h: version
- perl h < version > version.h
-version.mac: version
- perl mac < version > version.mac
-# This source file is generated from the standard macros file
-# `standard.mac' by another Perl script. Again, it's part of the
-# standard distribution.
-macros.c: standard.mac version.mac
- perl standard.mac version.mac
-insnsa.c insnsd.c insnsi.h insnsn.c: insns16.dat
- perl insns16.dat
-insns16.dat: insns.dat
- grep -v WILLAMETTE insns.dat | grep -v KATMAI | grep -v SSE | \
- grep -v MMX | grep -v 3DNOW | grep -v UNDOC >insns16.dat
-# These source files are generated from regs.dat by yet another
-# perl script.
- regs.c: regs.dat
- perl c regs.dat > regs.c
-regflags.c: regs.dat
- perl fc regs.dat > regflags.c
-regdis.c: regs.dat
- perl dc regs.dat > regdis.c
-regvals.c: regs.dat
- perl vc regs.dat > regvals.c
-regs.h: regs.dat
- perl h regs.dat > regs.h
-# Another grotty hack: QC is less likely to run out of memory than
-# CL proper; and we don't need any optimisation in these modules
-# since they're just data.
-insnsa.$(OBJ): insnsa.c nasm.h version.h insnsi.h insns.h
- $(QCL) insnsa.c
-insnsd.$(OBJ): insnsd.c nasm.h version.h insnsi.h insns.h
- $(QCL) insnsd.c
- del output\*.h
- del *.$(OBJ)
- del output\*.$(OBJ)
-clean : tidy
- del nasm$(EXE)
- del ndisasm$(EXE)
-spotless: clean
- del insns16.dat
- del insnsa.c
- del insnsd.c
- del insnsi.h
- del insnsn.c
- del version.h
-#-- Magic hints to --#
-# @object-ending: ".$(OBJ)"
-# @path-separator: "\"
-#-- Everything below is generated by - do not edit --#
-assemble.$(OBJ): assemble.c preproc.h insns.h pptok.h regs.h regflags.c \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h regvals.c assemble.h insnsi.h
-crc64.$(OBJ): crc64.c
-disasm.$(OBJ): disasm.c insns.h sync.h regdis.c regs.h config.h regs.c \
- version.h nasm.h insnsn.c names.c insnsi.h disasm.h
-eval.$(OBJ): eval.c labels.h eval.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h
-float.$(OBJ): float.c regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-hashtbl.$(OBJ): hashtbl.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h hashtbl.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsa.$(OBJ): insnsa.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsd.$(OBJ): insnsd.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsn.$(OBJ): insnsn.c
-labels.$(OBJ): labels.c regs.h config.h version.h hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-listing.$(OBJ): listing.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h listing.h
-macros.$(OBJ): macros.c
-names.$(OBJ): names.c regs.c insnsn.c
-nasm.$(OBJ): nasm.c labels.h preproc.h insns.h parser.h eval.h pptok.h \
- regs.h outform.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h assemble.h \
- insnsi.h listing.h
-nasmlib.$(OBJ): nasmlib.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-ndisasm.$(OBJ): ndisasm.c insns.h sync.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h disasm.h
-outform.$(OBJ): outform.c regs.h config.h outform.h version.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-output\outaout.$(OBJ): output\outaout.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output\outas86.$(OBJ): output\outas86.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output\outbin.$(OBJ): output\outbin.c labels.h eval.h regs.h outform.h \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output\outcoff.$(OBJ): output\outcoff.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output\outdbg.$(OBJ): output\outdbg.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output\outelf32.$(OBJ): output\outelf32.c regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output\outelf64.$(OBJ): output\outelf64.c regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output\outieee.$(OBJ): output\outieee.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output\outmacho.$(OBJ): output\outmacho.c compiler.h regs.h outform.h \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output\outobj.$(OBJ): output\outobj.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output\outrdf.$(OBJ): output\outrdf.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output\outrdf2.$(OBJ): output\outrdf2.c rdoff\rdoff.h regs.h outform.h \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-parser.$(OBJ): parser.c insns.h parser.h float.h regs.h regflags.c config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-pptok.$(OBJ): pptok.c preproc.h pptok.h nasmlib.h
-preproc.$(OBJ): preproc.c preproc.h macros.c pptok.h regs.h config.h \
- version.h hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-regdis.$(OBJ): regdis.c
-regflags.$(OBJ): regflags.c
-regs.$(OBJ): regs.c
-regvals.$(OBJ): regvals.c
-stdscan.$(OBJ): stdscan.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- stdscan.h insnsi.h
-sync.$(OBJ): sync.c sync.h
-tokhash.$(OBJ): tokhash.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
diff --git a/Mkfiles/Makefile.os2 b/Mkfiles/Makefile.os2
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d0681f3..00000000
--- a/Mkfiles/Makefile.os2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for the Netwide Assembler under OS/2 (aimed at Borland C++ for OS/2)
-# The Netwide Assembler is copyright (C) 1996 Simon Tatham and
-# Julian Hall. All rights reserved. The software is
-# redistributable under the licence given in the file "Licence"
-# distributed in the NASM archive.
-# This makefile is made to compile NASMOS2 and NDISASM2
-# using Borland C++ for OS/2.
-# Make Directives
-.SUFFIXES : .rc .res .obj .c .cpp .asm .hlp .itl .ipf
-# Make Macros
-LIBS = c2 + os2
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# c compile only
-# v include full sybolic debugging information
-# b force enums to be of type int
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCFLAGS = /d /c /O /v /b
-CC = bcc #compiler
-LINK = tlink #linker
-LINKFLAGS = /c /x #linker flags
- #/c=case sIgnificance on symbols
- #/x=No map file at all
-LIBRARIES = #any libaries to add, out side of the standard libary
-EXE = .exe #executable file extention (keep the . as the start)
-OBJ = obj #OBJ file extention
-# How to build an object file from a C file
- $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) /o$*.$(OBJ) $*.c
-#The OBJ files that NASM is dependent on
-NASMOBJS = nasm.$(OBJ) nasmlib.$(OBJ) float.$(OBJ) \
- insnsa.$(OBJ) assemble.$(OBJ) labels.$(OBJ) \
- parser.$(OBJ) outform.$(OBJ) preproc.$(OBJ) \
- listing.$(OBJ) eval.$(OBJ)
-#The OBJ files that NDISASM is dependent on
-NDISASMOBJS = ndisasm.$(OBJ) disasm.$(OBJ) sync.$(OBJ) \
- nasmlib.$(OBJ) insnsd.$(OBJ)
-#The OBJ file for the output formats.
-OUTOBJ= output\\outbin.$(OBJ) output\\outaout.$(OBJ) output\\outcoff.$(OBJ) \
- output\\outelf32.$(OBJ) output\\outelf64.$(OBJ) \
- output\\outobj.$(OBJ) output\\outas86.$(OBJ) \
- output\\outrdf.$(OBJ) output\\outdbg.$(OBJ) output\\outrdf2.$(OBJ) \
- output\\outieee.$(OBJ)
-# Build everything
-all : nasmos2$(EXE) ndisasm2$(EXE)
-#NASM, NDISASM compile, I hope it's self explanitory
-nasmos2$(EXE): $(NASMOBJS) $(OUTOBJ)
- $(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) @&&! #command for the linker
- C02 $(NASMOBJS) $(OUTOBJ) #OBJ file list
- $(EXED)nasmos2$(EXE) #EXE file name
- $(LIBS) #Libaries needed
- NASMOS2.DEF #Link Definition file
-ndisasm2$(EXE): $(NDISASMOBJS)
- $(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) @&&! #command for the linker
- c02.obj $(NDISASMOBJS) #OBJ file list
- $(EXED)ndisasm2$(EXE) #EXE file name
- $(LIBS) $(LIBRARIES) #Libaries needed
-clean :
- del *.obj
- del nasmos2$(EXE)
- del ndisasm2$(EXE)
-# Makefile created by Chuck Crayne <> --05/4/99
-# Based on Makefile.bc2 by Fox Cutter <> --01/27/97
-#-- Magic hints to --#
-# @object-ending: ".$(OBJ)"
-# @path-separator: "\\"
-#-- Everything below is generated by - do not edit --#
-assemble.$(OBJ): assemble.c preproc.h insns.h pptok.h regs.h regflags.c \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h regvals.c assemble.h insnsi.h
-crc64.$(OBJ): crc64.c
-disasm.$(OBJ): disasm.c insns.h sync.h regdis.c regs.h config.h regs.c \
- version.h nasm.h insnsn.c names.c insnsi.h disasm.h
-eval.$(OBJ): eval.c labels.h eval.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h
-float.$(OBJ): float.c regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-hashtbl.$(OBJ): hashtbl.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h hashtbl.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsa.$(OBJ): insnsa.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsd.$(OBJ): insnsd.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsn.$(OBJ): insnsn.c
-labels.$(OBJ): labels.c regs.h config.h version.h hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-listing.$(OBJ): listing.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h listing.h
-macros.$(OBJ): macros.c
-names.$(OBJ): names.c regs.c insnsn.c
-nasm.$(OBJ): nasm.c labels.h preproc.h insns.h parser.h eval.h pptok.h \
- regs.h outform.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h assemble.h \
- insnsi.h listing.h
-nasmlib.$(OBJ): nasmlib.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-ndisasm.$(OBJ): ndisasm.c insns.h sync.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h disasm.h
-outform.$(OBJ): outform.c regs.h config.h outform.h version.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-output\\outaout.$(OBJ): output\\outaout.c regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output\\outas86.$(OBJ): output\\outas86.c regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output\\outbin.$(OBJ): output\\outbin.c labels.h eval.h regs.h outform.h \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output\\outcoff.$(OBJ): output\\outcoff.c regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output\\outdbg.$(OBJ): output\\outdbg.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output\\outelf32.$(OBJ): output\\outelf32.c regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output\\outelf64.$(OBJ): output\\outelf64.c regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output\\outieee.$(OBJ): output\\outieee.c regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output\\outmacho.$(OBJ): output\\outmacho.c compiler.h regs.h outform.h \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output\\outobj.$(OBJ): output\\outobj.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output\\outrdf.$(OBJ): output\\outrdf.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output\\outrdf2.$(OBJ): output\\outrdf2.c rdoff\\rdoff.h regs.h outform.h \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-parser.$(OBJ): parser.c insns.h parser.h float.h regs.h regflags.c config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-pptok.$(OBJ): pptok.c preproc.h pptok.h nasmlib.h
-preproc.$(OBJ): preproc.c preproc.h macros.c pptok.h regs.h config.h \
- version.h hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-regdis.$(OBJ): regdis.c
-regflags.$(OBJ): regflags.c
-regs.$(OBJ): regs.c
-regvals.$(OBJ): regvals.c
-stdscan.$(OBJ): stdscan.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- stdscan.h insnsi.h
-sync.$(OBJ): sync.c sync.h
-tokhash.$(OBJ): tokhash.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
diff --git a/Mkfiles/ b/Mkfiles/
deleted file mode 100644
index 47427476..00000000
--- a/Mkfiles/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for the Netwide Assembler under 32-bit DOS(tm)
-# The Netwide Assembler is copyright (C) 1996 Simon Tatham and
-# Julian Hall. All rights reserved. The software is
-# redistributable under the licence given in the file "Licence"
-# distributed in the NASM archive.
-# This Makefile is designed to build NASM using the 32-bit WIN32 C
-# compiler Symantec(tm) C++ 7.5, provided you have a MAKE-utility
-# that's compatible to SMAKE.
-CC = sc
-CCFLAGS = -c -a1 -mx -Nc -w2 -w7 -o+time -5
-# -5 optimize for pentium (tm)
-# -c compile only
-# -o-all no optimizations (to avoid problems in disasm.c)
-# -o+time optimize for speed
-# -o+space optimize for size
-# -A1 byte alignment for structures
-# -mn compile for Win32 executable
-# -mx compile for DOS386 (DOSX) executable
-# -Nc create COMDAT records
-# -w2 possible unattended assignment: off
-# -w7 for loops with empty instruction-body
-LINK = link
-LINKFLAGS = /noi /exet:DOSX
-# /noignorecase all symbols are case-sensitive
-# /exet:NT Exetype: NT (Win32)
-# /exet:DOSX Exetype: DOSX (DOS32)
-# /su:console Subsystem: Console (Console-App)
-EXE = .exe
-OBJ = obj
- $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $*.c
-# modules needed for different programs
-NASMOBJS = nasm.$(OBJ) nasmlib.$(OBJ) float.$(OBJ) insnsa.$(OBJ) \
- assemble.$(OBJ) labels.$(OBJ) parser.$(OBJ) outform.$(OBJ) \
- output/outbin.$(OBJ) output/outaout.$(OBJ) output/outcoff.$(OBJ) \
- output/outelf32.$(OBJ) output/outelf64.$(OBJ) \
- output/outobj.$(OBJ) output/outas86.$(OBJ) output/outrdf.$(OBJ) output/outrdf2.$(OBJ) \
- output/outieee.$(OBJ) output/outdbg.$(OBJ) \
- preproc.$(OBJ) listing.$(OBJ) eval.$(OBJ)
-NDISASMOBJS = ndisasm.$(OBJ) disasm.$(OBJ) sync.$(OBJ) nasmlib.$(OBJ) \
- insnsd.$(OBJ)
-# programs to create
-all : nasm$(EXE) ndisasm$(EXE)
-# We have to have a horrible kludge here to get round the 128 character
-# limit, as usual... we'll simply use LNK-files :)
-nasm$(EXE): $(NASMOBJS)
- $(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) @<<
-cx.obj $(NASMOBJS)
-ndisasm$(EXE): $(NDISASMOBJS)
- $(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) @<<
-cx.obj $(NDISASMOBJS)
-# modules for programs
-clean :
- del *.obj
- del nasm$(EXE)
- del ndisasm$(EXE)
-#-- Magic hints to --#
-# @object-ending: ".$(OBJ)"
-# @path-separator: "/"
-#-- Everything below is generated by - do not edit --#
-assemble.$(OBJ): assemble.c preproc.h insns.h pptok.h regs.h regflags.c \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h regvals.c assemble.h insnsi.h
-crc64.$(OBJ): crc64.c
-disasm.$(OBJ): disasm.c insns.h sync.h regdis.c regs.h config.h regs.c \
- version.h nasm.h insnsn.c names.c insnsi.h disasm.h
-eval.$(OBJ): eval.c labels.h eval.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h
-float.$(OBJ): float.c regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-hashtbl.$(OBJ): hashtbl.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h hashtbl.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsa.$(OBJ): insnsa.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsd.$(OBJ): insnsd.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsn.$(OBJ): insnsn.c
-labels.$(OBJ): labels.c regs.h config.h version.h hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-listing.$(OBJ): listing.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h listing.h
-macros.$(OBJ): macros.c
-names.$(OBJ): names.c regs.c insnsn.c
-nasm.$(OBJ): nasm.c labels.h preproc.h insns.h parser.h eval.h pptok.h \
- regs.h outform.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h assemble.h \
- insnsi.h listing.h
-nasmlib.$(OBJ): nasmlib.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-ndisasm.$(OBJ): ndisasm.c insns.h sync.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h disasm.h
-outform.$(OBJ): outform.c regs.h config.h outform.h version.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-output/outaout.$(OBJ): output/outaout.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outas86.$(OBJ): output/outas86.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outbin.$(OBJ): output/outbin.c labels.h eval.h regs.h outform.h \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outcoff.$(OBJ): output/outcoff.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outdbg.$(OBJ): output/outdbg.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outelf32.$(OBJ): output/outelf32.c regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outelf64.$(OBJ): output/outelf64.c regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outieee.$(OBJ): output/outieee.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outmacho.$(OBJ): output/outmacho.c compiler.h regs.h outform.h \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outobj.$(OBJ): output/outobj.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outrdf.$(OBJ): output/outrdf.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outrdf2.$(OBJ): output/outrdf2.c rdoff/rdoff.h regs.h outform.h \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-parser.$(OBJ): parser.c insns.h parser.h float.h regs.h regflags.c config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-pptok.$(OBJ): pptok.c preproc.h pptok.h nasmlib.h
-preproc.$(OBJ): preproc.c preproc.h macros.c pptok.h regs.h config.h \
- version.h hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-regdis.$(OBJ): regdis.c
-regflags.$(OBJ): regflags.c
-regs.$(OBJ): regs.c
-regvals.$(OBJ): regvals.c
-stdscan.$(OBJ): stdscan.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- stdscan.h insnsi.h
-sync.$(OBJ): sync.c sync.h
-tokhash.$(OBJ): tokhash.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
diff --git a/Mkfiles/Makefile.scw b/Mkfiles/Makefile.scw
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fde2d6a..00000000
--- a/Mkfiles/Makefile.scw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for the Netwide Assembler under 32-bit Windows(tm)
-# The Netwide Assembler is copyright (C) 1996 Simon Tatham and
-# Julian Hall. All rights reserved. The software is
-# redistributable under the licence given in the file "Licence"
-# distributed in the NASM archive.
-# This Makefile is designed to build NASM using the 32-bit WIN32 C
-# compiler Symantec(tm) C++ 7.5, provided you have a MAKE-utility
-# that's compatible to SMAKE.
-CC = sc
-CCFLAGS = -c -a1 -mn -Nc -w2 -w7 -o+time -5
-# -5 optimize for pentium (tm)
-# -c compile only
-# -o-all no optimizations (to avoid problems in disasm.c)
-# -o+time optimize for speed
-# -o+space optimize for size
-# -A1 byte alignment for structures
-# -mn compile for Win32 executable
-# -mx compile for DOS386 (DOSX) executable
-# -Nc create COMDAT records
-# -w2 possible unattended assignment: off
-# -w7 for loops with empty instruction-body
-LINK = link
-LINKFLAGS = /noi /exet:NT /su:console
-# /noignorecase all symbols are case-sensitive
-# /exet:NT Exetype: NT (Win32)
-# /exet:DOSX Exetype: DOSX (DOS32)
-# /su:console Subsystem: Console (Console-App)
-EXE = .exe
-OBJ = obj
- $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $*.c
-# modules needed for different programs
-NASMOBJS = nasm.$(OBJ) nasmlib.$(OBJ) float.$(OBJ) insnsa.$(OBJ) \
- assemble.$(OBJ) labels.$(OBJ) parser.$(OBJ) outform.$(OBJ) \
- output/outbin.$(OBJ) output/outaout.$(OBJ) output/outcoff.$(OBJ) \
- output/outelf32.$(OBJ) output/outelf64.$(OBJ) \
- output/outobj.$(OBJ) output/outas86.$(OBJ) output/outrdf.$(OBJ) output/outdbg.$(OBJ) \
- output/outrdf2.$(OBJ) output/outieee.$(OBJ) \
- preproc.$(OBJ) listing.$(OBJ) eval.$(OBJ)
-NDISASMOBJS = ndisasm.$(OBJ) disasm.$(OBJ) sync.$(OBJ) nasmlib.$(OBJ) \
- insnsd.$(OBJ)
-# programs to create
-all : nasmw$(EXE) ndisasmw$(EXE)
-# We have to have a horrible kludge here to get round the 128 character
-# limit, as usual... we'll simply use LNK-files :)
-nasmw$(EXE): $(NASMOBJS)
- $(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) @<<
-ndisasmw$(EXE): $(NDISASMOBJS)
- $(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) @<<
-clean :
- del *.obj
- del nasmw$(EXE)
- del ndisasmw$(EXE)
-#-- Magic hints to --#
-# @object-ending: ".$(OBJ)"
-# @path-separator: "/"
-#-- Everything below is generated by - do not edit --#
-assemble.$(OBJ): assemble.c preproc.h insns.h pptok.h regs.h regflags.c \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h regvals.c assemble.h insnsi.h
-crc64.$(OBJ): crc64.c
-disasm.$(OBJ): disasm.c insns.h sync.h regdis.c regs.h config.h regs.c \
- version.h nasm.h insnsn.c names.c insnsi.h disasm.h
-eval.$(OBJ): eval.c labels.h eval.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h
-float.$(OBJ): float.c regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-hashtbl.$(OBJ): hashtbl.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h hashtbl.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsa.$(OBJ): insnsa.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsd.$(OBJ): insnsd.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsn.$(OBJ): insnsn.c
-labels.$(OBJ): labels.c regs.h config.h version.h hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-listing.$(OBJ): listing.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h listing.h
-macros.$(OBJ): macros.c
-names.$(OBJ): names.c regs.c insnsn.c
-nasm.$(OBJ): nasm.c labels.h preproc.h insns.h parser.h eval.h pptok.h \
- regs.h outform.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h assemble.h \
- insnsi.h listing.h
-nasmlib.$(OBJ): nasmlib.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-ndisasm.$(OBJ): ndisasm.c insns.h sync.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h disasm.h
-outform.$(OBJ): outform.c regs.h config.h outform.h version.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-output/outaout.$(OBJ): output/outaout.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outas86.$(OBJ): output/outas86.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outbin.$(OBJ): output/outbin.c labels.h eval.h regs.h outform.h \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outcoff.$(OBJ): output/outcoff.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outdbg.$(OBJ): output/outdbg.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outelf32.$(OBJ): output/outelf32.c regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outelf64.$(OBJ): output/outelf64.c regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outieee.$(OBJ): output/outieee.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outmacho.$(OBJ): output/outmacho.c compiler.h regs.h outform.h \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outobj.$(OBJ): output/outobj.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outrdf.$(OBJ): output/outrdf.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outrdf2.$(OBJ): output/outrdf2.c rdoff/rdoff.h regs.h outform.h \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-parser.$(OBJ): parser.c insns.h parser.h float.h regs.h regflags.c config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-pptok.$(OBJ): pptok.c preproc.h pptok.h nasmlib.h
-preproc.$(OBJ): preproc.c preproc.h macros.c pptok.h regs.h config.h \
- version.h hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-regdis.$(OBJ): regdis.c
-regflags.$(OBJ): regflags.c
-regs.$(OBJ): regs.c
-regvals.$(OBJ): regvals.c
-stdscan.$(OBJ): stdscan.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- stdscan.h insnsi.h
-sync.$(OBJ): sync.c sync.h
-tokhash.$(OBJ): tokhash.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
diff --git a/Mkfiles/Makefile.unx b/Mkfiles/Makefile.unx
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a8ae798..00000000
--- a/Mkfiles/Makefile.unx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-# Unix fall-back makefile for the Netwide Assembler. For use if
-# `configure' fails to generate a workable Makefile.
-# If `configure' doesn't work for you, *please* inform
-# <>
-# The Netwide Assembler is copyright (C) 1996 Simon Tatham and
-# Julian Hall. All rights reserved. The software is
-# redistributable under the GNU Lesser General Public License.
-# You may need to adjust these values.
-prefix = /usr/local
-CC = cc
-CFLAGS = -O -I.
-PERL = perl
-INSTALL = install -c
-exec_prefix = $(prefix)
-bindir = $(exec_prefix)/bin
-mandir = $(prefix)/man
-# You _shouldn't_ need to adjust anything below this line.
-.SUFFIXES: .c .o .h .mac .pl
- $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -o $*.o $*.c
-NASM = nasm.o nasmlib.o float.o insnsa.o assemble.o labels.o \
- parser.o outform.o output/outbin.o output/outaout.o \
- output/outcoff.o output/outelf32.o output/outelf64.o \
- output/outobj.o output/outas86.o output/outdbg.o preproc.o listing.o \
- eval.o output/outrdf2.o output/outieee.o output/outmacho.o
-NDISASM = ndisasm.o disasm.o sync.o nasmlib.o insnsd.o
-all: nasm ndisasm
-nasm: $(NASM)
- $(CC) -o nasm $(NASM)
-ndisasm: $(NDISASM)
- $(CC) -o ndisasm $(NDISASM)
-# These files contains all the standard macros that are derived from
-# the version number.
-version.h: version
- $(PERL) h < version > version.h
-version.mac: version
- $(PERL) mac < version > version.mac
-# This source file is generated from the standard macros file
-# `standard.mac' by another Perl script. Again, it's part of the
-# standard distribution.
-macros.c: standard.mac version.mac
- $(PERL) standard.mac version.mac
-insnsa.c: insns.dat
- $(PERL) -a insns.dat
-insnsd.c: insns.dat
- $(PERL) -d insns.dat
-insnsi.h: insns.dat
- $(PERL) -i insns.dat
-insnsn.c: insns.dat
- $(PERL) -n insns.dat
-# These source files are generated from regs.dat by yet another
-# perl script.
-regs.c: regs.dat
- $(PERL) c regs.dat > regs.c
-regflags.c: regs.dat
- $(PERL) fc regs.dat > regflags.c
-regdis.c: regs.dat
- $(PERL) dc regs.dat > regdis.c
-regvals.c: regs.dat
- $(PERL) vc regs.dat > regvals.c
-regs.h: regs.dat
- $(PERL) h regs.dat > regs.h
-# This target generates all files that require perl.
-# This allows easier generation of distribution (see dist target).
-PERLREQ = macros.c insnsa.c insnsd.c insnsi.h insnsn.c \
- regs.c regs.h regflags.c regdis.c regvals.c \
- version.h version.mac
-perlreq: $(PERLREQ)
-install: nasm ndisasm
- $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) nasm $(bindir)/nasm
- $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) ndisasm $(bindir)/ndisasm
- $(INSTALL_DATA) nasm.1 $(mandir)/man1/nasm.1
- $(INSTALL_DATA) ndisasm.1 $(mandir)/man1/ndisasm.1
- rm -f *.o nasm ndisasm
- $(MAKE) -C rdoff clean
- $(MAKE) -C rdoff
-rdf_install install_rdf:
- $(MAKE) -C rdoff install
-#-- Magic hints to --#
-# @object-ending: ".o"
-# @path-separator: "/"
-#-- Everything below is generated by - do not edit --#
-assemble.o: assemble.c preproc.h insns.h pptok.h regs.h regflags.c config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h regvals.c assemble.h insnsi.h
-crc64.o: crc64.c
-disasm.o: disasm.c insns.h sync.h regdis.c regs.h config.h regs.c version.h \
- nasm.h insnsn.c names.c insnsi.h disasm.h
-eval.o: eval.c labels.h eval.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-float.o: float.c regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-hashtbl.o: hashtbl.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h hashtbl.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-insnsa.o: insnsa.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsd.o: insnsd.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsn.o: insnsn.c
-labels.o: labels.c regs.h config.h version.h hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-listing.o: listing.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h \
- listing.h
-macros.o: macros.c
-names.o: names.c regs.c insnsn.c
-nasm.o: nasm.c labels.h preproc.h insns.h parser.h eval.h pptok.h regs.h \
- outform.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h assemble.h insnsi.h \
- listing.h
-nasmlib.o: nasmlib.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-ndisasm.o: ndisasm.c insns.h sync.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h disasm.h
-outform.o: outform.c regs.h config.h outform.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outaout.o: output/outaout.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outas86.o: output/outas86.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outbin.o: output/outbin.c labels.h eval.h regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outcoff.o: output/outcoff.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outdbg.o: output/outdbg.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outelf32.o: output/outelf32.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outelf64.o: output/outelf64.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outieee.o: output/outieee.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outmacho.o: output/outmacho.c compiler.h regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outobj.o: output/outobj.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outrdf.o: output/outrdf.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outrdf2.o: output/outrdf2.c rdoff/rdoff.h regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-parser.o: parser.c insns.h parser.h float.h regs.h regflags.c config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-pptok.o: pptok.c preproc.h pptok.h nasmlib.h
-preproc.o: preproc.c preproc.h macros.c pptok.h regs.h config.h version.h \
- hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-regdis.o: regdis.c
-regflags.o: regflags.c
-regs.o: regs.c
-regvals.o: regvals.c
-stdscan.o: stdscan.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- stdscan.h insnsi.h
-sync.o: sync.c sync.h
-tokhash.o: tokhash.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
diff --git a/Mkfiles/ b/Mkfiles/
deleted file mode 100644
index 148d1bb6..00000000
--- a/Mkfiles/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for the Netwide Assembler under Win32
-# The Netwide Assembler is copyright (C) 1996 Simon Tatham and
-# Julian Hall. All rights reserved. The software is
-# redistributable under the licence given in the file "Licence"
-# distributed in the NASM archive.
-# This Makefile is designed to build NASM as a Win32 command-
-# line executable. It's been tested with Visual C++ 1.10.
-CC = cl /c /Ox /GF /I.
-QCL = cl /c
-LINK = cl
-EXE = .exe#
-OBJ = obj#
-SUFFIX = w# # by default, this makefile produces nasmw.exe and ndisasmw.exe
- $(CC) $*.c
-NASMOBJS = nasm.$(OBJ) nasmlib.$(OBJ) float.$(OBJ) insnsa.$(OBJ) \
- assemble.$(OBJ) labels.$(OBJ) parser.$(OBJ) outform.$(OBJ) \
- output/outbin.$(OBJ) output/outaout.$(OBJ) output/outcoff.$(OBJ) \
- output/outelf32.$(OBJ) output/outelf64.$(OBJ) \
- output/outobj.$(OBJ) output/outas86.$(OBJ) output/outrdf.$(OBJ) output/outdbg.$(OBJ) \
- preproc.$(OBJ) listing.$(OBJ) eval.$(OBJ) output/outrdf2.$(OBJ) \
- output/outieee.$(OBJ)
-NDISASMOBJS = ndisasm.$(OBJ) disasm.$(OBJ) sync.$(OBJ) nasmlib.$(OBJ) \
- insnsd.$(OBJ)
-all : nasm$(SUFFIX)$(EXE) ndisasm$(SUFFIX)$(EXE)
-# We have to have a horrible kludge here to get round the 128 character
-# limit, as usual...
-LINKOBJS = a*.obj e*.obj f*.obj insnsa.obj l*.obj na*.obj o*.obj p*.obj z*.obj
- cl /Fenasm$(SUFFIX).exe $(LINKOBJS)
- cl /Fendisasm$(SUFFIX).exe $(NDISASMOBJS)
-# Another grotty hack: QC is less likely to run out of memory than
-# CL proper; and we don't need any optimisation in these modules
-# since they're just data.
-insnsa.$(OBJ): insnsa.c nasm.h version.h insnsi.h insns.h
- $(QCL) insnsa.c
-insnsd.$(OBJ): insnsd.c nasm.h version.h insnsi.h insns.h
- $(QCL) insnsd.c
-# These source files are automagically generated from a single
-# instruction-table file by a Perl script. They're distributed,
-# though, so it isn't necessary to have Perl just to recompile NASM
-# from the distribution.
-insnsa.c: insns.dat
- perl -a insns.dat
-insnsd.c: insns.dat
- perl -d insns.dat
-insnsi.h: insns.dat
- perl -i insns.dat
-insnsn.c: insns.dat
- perl -n insns.dat
-# These files contains all the standard macros that are derived from
-# the version number.
-version.h: version
- perl h < version > version.h
-version.mac: version
- perl mac < version > version.mac
-# This source file is generated from the standard macros file
-# `standard.mac' by another Perl script. Again, it's part of the
-# standard distribution.
-macros.c: standard.mac version.mac
- perl standard.mac version.mac
-# These source files are generated from regs.dat by yet another
-# perl script.
-regs.c: regs.dat
- perl c regs.dat > regs.c
-regflags.c: regs.dat
- perl fc regs.dat > regflags.c
-regdis.c: regs.dat
- perl dc regs.dat > regdis.c
-regvals.c: regs.dat
- perl vc regs.dat > regvals.c
-regs.h: regs.dat
- perl h regs.dat > regs.h
-clean :
- del *.obj
- del nasm$(SUFFIX)$(EXE)
- del ndisasm$(SUFFIX)$(EXE)
-#-- Magic hints to --#
-# @object-ending: ".$(OBJ)"
-# @path-separator: "/"
-#-- Everything below is generated by - do not edit --#
-assemble.$(OBJ): assemble.c preproc.h insns.h pptok.h regs.h regflags.c \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h regvals.c assemble.h insnsi.h
-crc64.$(OBJ): crc64.c
-disasm.$(OBJ): disasm.c insns.h sync.h regdis.c regs.h config.h regs.c \
- version.h nasm.h insnsn.c names.c insnsi.h disasm.h
-eval.$(OBJ): eval.c labels.h eval.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h
-float.$(OBJ): float.c regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-hashtbl.$(OBJ): hashtbl.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h hashtbl.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsa.$(OBJ): insnsa.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsd.$(OBJ): insnsd.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsn.$(OBJ): insnsn.c
-labels.$(OBJ): labels.c regs.h config.h version.h hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-listing.$(OBJ): listing.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h listing.h
-macros.$(OBJ): macros.c
-names.$(OBJ): names.c regs.c insnsn.c
-nasm.$(OBJ): nasm.c labels.h preproc.h insns.h parser.h eval.h pptok.h \
- regs.h outform.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h assemble.h \
- insnsi.h listing.h
-nasmlib.$(OBJ): nasmlib.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-ndisasm.$(OBJ): ndisasm.c insns.h sync.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h disasm.h
-outform.$(OBJ): outform.c regs.h config.h outform.h version.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-output/outaout.$(OBJ): output/outaout.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outas86.$(OBJ): output/outas86.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outbin.$(OBJ): output/outbin.c labels.h eval.h regs.h outform.h \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outcoff.$(OBJ): output/outcoff.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outdbg.$(OBJ): output/outdbg.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outelf32.$(OBJ): output/outelf32.c regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outelf64.$(OBJ): output/outelf64.c regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outieee.$(OBJ): output/outieee.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outmacho.$(OBJ): output/outmacho.c compiler.h regs.h outform.h \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outobj.$(OBJ): output/outobj.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outrdf.$(OBJ): output/outrdf.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outrdf2.$(OBJ): output/outrdf2.c rdoff/rdoff.h regs.h outform.h \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-parser.$(OBJ): parser.c insns.h parser.h float.h regs.h regflags.c config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-pptok.$(OBJ): pptok.c preproc.h pptok.h nasmlib.h
-preproc.$(OBJ): preproc.c preproc.h macros.c pptok.h regs.h config.h \
- version.h hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-regdis.$(OBJ): regdis.c
-regflags.$(OBJ): regflags.c
-regs.$(OBJ): regs.c
-regvals.$(OBJ): regvals.c
-stdscan.$(OBJ): stdscan.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- stdscan.h insnsi.h
-sync.$(OBJ): sync.c sync.h
-tokhash.$(OBJ): tokhash.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
diff --git a/Mkfiles/Makefile.wc b/Mkfiles/Makefile.wc
deleted file mode 100644
index 17c8cf27..00000000
--- a/Mkfiles/Makefile.wc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-# host: watcom c (dos, windows, os/2)
-# target: dos 32bit
-# Makefile for the Netwide Assembler
-# The Netwide Assembler is copyright (C) 1996 Simon Tatham and
-# Julian Hall. All rights reserved. The software is
-# redistributable under the licence given in the file "Licence"
-# distributed in the NASM archive.
-# this makefile is designed for use with dos version of Watcom C 32 bit
-# compiler, it generates dos 32 bit executable
-# it has been tested with
-# borland make.exe 4.0
-# microsoft nmake.exe 1.3
-# watcom wmake.exe /u 3.2 (remember about that /u option :)
-# all this should compile under watcom c 9.5, 10.0, 10.5 and 10.6
-# i dont know about 11.0 because i didnt yet see it
-CFLAGS = -fpi -mf -3r -s -bt=dos -oilrt
-# -fpi inline math + emulation
-# -mf flat model (isnt it by default :)
-# -3r 386 register calling (does everyone have pentium nowadays ?)
-# -s no stack checking
-# -bt=dos target system - dos
-# -oilrt mega cool optimization :)
-CC = wcc386.exe $(CFLAGS)
-# compiler
-# linker flags
-# target system - dos4gw
-LD = wlink.exe $(LFLAGS)
-# linker
-OBJ = obj
-# whatever
- $(CC) $*.c
-NASMOBJS = nasm.$(OBJ) nasmlib.$(OBJ) float.$(OBJ) insnsa.$(OBJ) \
- assemble.$(OBJ) labels.$(OBJ) parser.$(OBJ) outform.$(OBJ) \
- output/outbin.$(OBJ) output/outaout.$(OBJ) output/outcoff.$(OBJ) \
- output/outelf32.$(OBJ) output/outelf64.$(OBJ) \
- output/outobj.$(OBJ) output/outas86.$(OBJ) output/outrdf.$(OBJ) output/outdbg.$(OBJ) \
- preproc.$(OBJ) listing.$(OBJ) eval.$(OBJ) output/outrdf2.$(OBJ) \
- output/outieee.$(OBJ)
-NDISASMOBJS = ndisasm.$(OBJ) disasm.$(OBJ) sync.$(OBJ) nasmlib.$(OBJ) \
- insnsd.$(OBJ)
-all : nasm.exe ndisasm.exe
- echo This is dummy command for dumb make
-nasm.exe: $(NASMOBJS) NASM.LNK
-# linker response files
-# that may take long, too much spawning :)
-NASM.LNK: makefile.wc
- echo N nasm.exe > NASM.LNK
- echo F nasm.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F nasmlib.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F eval.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F float.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F insnsa.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F assemble.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F labels.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F listing.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F parser.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F preproc.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F outform.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F output/outbin.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F output/outaout.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F output/outcoff.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F output/outelf32.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F output/outelf64.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F output/outobj.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F output/outas86.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F output/outrdf.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F output/outrdf2.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F output/outieee.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F output/outdbg.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
-NDISASM.LNK: makefile.wc
- echo N ndisasm.exe > NDISASM.LNK
- echo F ndisasm.$(OBJ) >> NDISASM.LNK
- echo F disasm.$(OBJ) >> NDISASM.LNK
- echo F sync.$(OBJ) >> NDISASM.LNK
- echo F nasmlib.$(OBJ) >> NDISASM.LNK
- echo F insnsd.$(OBJ) >> NDISASM.LNK
-clean :
- del *.obj
- del *.lnk
- del nasm.exe
- del ndisasm.exe
-#-- Magic hints to --#
-# @object-ending: ".$(OBJ)"
-# @path-separator: "/"
-#-- Everything below is generated by - do not edit --#
-assemble.$(OBJ): assemble.c preproc.h insns.h pptok.h regs.h regflags.c \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h regvals.c assemble.h insnsi.h
-crc64.$(OBJ): crc64.c
-disasm.$(OBJ): disasm.c insns.h sync.h regdis.c regs.h config.h regs.c \
- version.h nasm.h insnsn.c names.c insnsi.h disasm.h
-eval.$(OBJ): eval.c labels.h eval.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h
-float.$(OBJ): float.c regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-hashtbl.$(OBJ): hashtbl.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h hashtbl.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsa.$(OBJ): insnsa.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsd.$(OBJ): insnsd.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsn.$(OBJ): insnsn.c
-labels.$(OBJ): labels.c regs.h config.h version.h hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-listing.$(OBJ): listing.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h listing.h
-macros.$(OBJ): macros.c
-names.$(OBJ): names.c regs.c insnsn.c
-nasm.$(OBJ): nasm.c labels.h preproc.h insns.h parser.h eval.h pptok.h \
- regs.h outform.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h assemble.h \
- insnsi.h listing.h
-nasmlib.$(OBJ): nasmlib.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-ndisasm.$(OBJ): ndisasm.c insns.h sync.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h disasm.h
-outform.$(OBJ): outform.c regs.h config.h outform.h version.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-output/outaout.$(OBJ): output/outaout.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outas86.$(OBJ): output/outas86.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outbin.$(OBJ): output/outbin.c labels.h eval.h regs.h outform.h \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outcoff.$(OBJ): output/outcoff.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outdbg.$(OBJ): output/outdbg.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outelf32.$(OBJ): output/outelf32.c regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outelf64.$(OBJ): output/outelf64.c regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outieee.$(OBJ): output/outieee.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outmacho.$(OBJ): output/outmacho.c compiler.h regs.h outform.h \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outobj.$(OBJ): output/outobj.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outrdf.$(OBJ): output/outrdf.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outrdf2.$(OBJ): output/outrdf2.c rdoff/rdoff.h regs.h outform.h \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-parser.$(OBJ): parser.c insns.h parser.h float.h regs.h regflags.c config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-pptok.$(OBJ): pptok.c preproc.h pptok.h nasmlib.h
-preproc.$(OBJ): preproc.c preproc.h macros.c pptok.h regs.h config.h \
- version.h hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-regdis.$(OBJ): regdis.c
-regflags.$(OBJ): regflags.c
-regs.$(OBJ): regs.c
-regvals.$(OBJ): regvals.c
-stdscan.$(OBJ): stdscan.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- stdscan.h insnsi.h
-sync.$(OBJ): sync.c sync.h
-tokhash.$(OBJ): tokhash.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
diff --git a/Mkfiles/Makefile.wcd b/Mkfiles/Makefile.wcd
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d1a034e..00000000
--- a/Mkfiles/Makefile.wcd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-# host: watcom c (dos, windows, os/2)
-# target: dos 16bit
-# Makefile for the Netwide Assembler
-# The Netwide Assembler is copyright (C) 1996 Simon Tatham and
-# Julian Hall. All rights reserved. The software is
-# redistributable under the licence given in the file "Licence"
-# distributed in the NASM archive.
-# this makefile is designed for use with the OpenWatcom C
-# compiler, it generates dos 16 bit executable
-# it has been tested with
-# OpenWatcom wmake.exe /u 1.1-rc1 (remember about that /u option :)
-# Tested with OpenWatcom 1.1-rc1.
-# output formats
-# compiler flags
-CFLAGS = -fpi -ml -j -s -bt=dos -ohk -zp1 -os -zt32 -I$(%WATCOM)\h $(OUTFORMS)
-# -fpi inline math + emulation
-# -ml large model
-# -j signed char
-# -s no stack checking
-# -bt=dos target system - dos
-# -ohk optimizations
-# -zp1 don't align structure members
-# -os optimize for size
-# -zt32 put objects > 32 bytes in separate segments
-# compiler
-CC = wcc $(CFLAGS)
-# linker flags
-# linker
-LD = wcl
-# object file extension
-OBJ = obj
-# Where C directories live
-.c : .;.\output\
- $(CC) -fo=$@ $[@
-NASMOBJS = nasm.$(OBJ) nasmlib.$(OBJ) float.$(OBJ) insnsa.$(OBJ) \
- assemble.$(OBJ) labels.$(OBJ) parser.$(OBJ) outform.$(OBJ) \
- outbin.$(OBJ) outaout.$(OBJ) outcoff.$(OBJ) \
- outelf32.$(OBJ) outelf64.$(OBJ) outobj.$(OBJ) outas86.$(OBJ) \
- outrdf.$(OBJ) outdbg.$(OBJ) \
- preproc.$(OBJ) listing.$(OBJ) eval.$(OBJ) outrdf2.$(OBJ) \
- outieee.$(OBJ)
-NDISASMOBJS = ndisasm.$(OBJ) disasm.$(OBJ) sync.$(OBJ) nasmlib.$(OBJ) \
- insnsd.$(OBJ)
-all : nasm.exe ndisasm.exe
- rem This is dummy command for dumb make
-nasm.exe: $(NASMOBJS)
- $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -fe=nasm.exe $(NASMOBJS)
-ndisasm.exe: $(NDISASMOBJS)
- $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -fe=ndisasm.exe $(NDISASMOBJS)
-# linker response files
-nasm.lnk: $(NASMOBJS)
- %create $@
- %append $@ N nasm.exe
- for %i in ($(NASMOBJS)) do %append $@ F %i
- %create $@
- %append $@ N nasm.exe
- for %i in ($(NDISASMOBJS)) do %append $@ F %i
-clean : .SYMBOLIC
- -del *.obj
- -del *.lnk
- -del nasm.exe
- -del ndisasm.exe
-#-- Magic hints to --#
-# @object-ending: ".$(OBJ)"
-# @path-separator: "" # This means kill the path completely
-#-- Everything below is generated by - do not edit --#
-assemble.$(OBJ): assemble.c preproc.h insns.h pptok.h regs.h regflags.c \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h regvals.c assemble.h insnsi.h
-crc64.$(OBJ): crc64.c
-disasm.$(OBJ): disasm.c insns.h sync.h regdis.c regs.h config.h regs.c \
- version.h nasm.h insnsn.c names.c insnsi.h disasm.h
-eval.$(OBJ): eval.c labels.h eval.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h
-float.$(OBJ): float.c regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-hashtbl.$(OBJ): hashtbl.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h hashtbl.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsa.$(OBJ): insnsa.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsd.$(OBJ): insnsd.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsn.$(OBJ): insnsn.c
-labels.$(OBJ): labels.c regs.h config.h version.h hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-listing.$(OBJ): listing.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h listing.h
-macros.$(OBJ): macros.c
-names.$(OBJ): names.c regs.c insnsn.c
-nasm.$(OBJ): nasm.c labels.h preproc.h insns.h parser.h eval.h pptok.h \
- regs.h outform.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h assemble.h \
- insnsi.h listing.h
-nasmlib.$(OBJ): nasmlib.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-ndisasm.$(OBJ): ndisasm.c insns.h sync.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h disasm.h
-outform.$(OBJ): outform.c regs.h config.h outform.h version.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-outaout.$(OBJ): outaout.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-outas86.$(OBJ): outas86.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h
-outbin.$(OBJ): outbin.c labels.h eval.h regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-outcoff.$(OBJ): outcoff.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h
-outdbg.$(OBJ): outdbg.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-outelf32.$(OBJ): outelf32.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-outelf64.$(OBJ): outelf64.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-outieee.$(OBJ): outieee.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h
-outmacho.$(OBJ): outmacho.c compiler.h regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-outobj.$(OBJ): outobj.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- stdscan.h insnsi.h
-outrdf.$(OBJ): outrdf.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-outrdf2.$(OBJ): outrdf2.c rdoff.h regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-parser.$(OBJ): parser.c insns.h parser.h float.h regs.h regflags.c config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-pptok.$(OBJ): pptok.c preproc.h pptok.h nasmlib.h
-preproc.$(OBJ): preproc.c preproc.h macros.c pptok.h regs.h config.h \
- version.h hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-regdis.$(OBJ): regdis.c
-regflags.$(OBJ): regflags.c
-regs.$(OBJ): regs.c
-regvals.$(OBJ): regvals.c
-stdscan.$(OBJ): stdscan.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- stdscan.h insnsi.h
-sync.$(OBJ): sync.c sync.h
-tokhash.$(OBJ): tokhash.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
diff --git a/Mkfiles/Makefile.wcw b/Mkfiles/Makefile.wcw
deleted file mode 100644
index f36c6b0b..00000000
--- a/Mkfiles/Makefile.wcw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-# host: watcom c (dos, windows, os/2)
-# target: windows nt character mode executable
-# Makefile for the Netwide Assembler
-# The Netwide Assembler is copyright (C) 1996 Simon Tatham and
-# Julian Hall. All rights reserved. The software is
-# redistributable under the licence given in the file "Licence"
-# distributed in the NASM archive.
-# this makefile is designed for use with of Watcom C 32 bit compiler
-# it generates win32 console (character mode) executable
-# it has been tested with
-# borland make.exe 4.0
-# microsoft nmake.exe 1.3
-# watcom wmake.exe /u 3.2 (remember about that /u option :)
-# all this should compile under watcom c 9.5, 10.0, 10.5 and 10.6
-# i dont know about 11.0 because i didnt yet see it
-CFLAGS = -fpi -mf -3r -s -bt=dos -oilrt
-# -fpi inline math + emulation
-# -mf flat model (isnt it by default :)
-# -3r 386 register calling (does everyone have pentium nowadays ?)
-# -s no stack checking
-# -bt=nt target system - windows nt
-# -oilrt mega cool optimization :)
-CC = wcc386.exe $(CFLAGS)
-# compiler
-# linker flags
-# target system nt - character mode
-LD = wlink.exe $(LFLAGS)
-# linker
-OBJ = obj
-# whatever
- $(CC) $*.c
-NASMOBJS = nasm.$(OBJ) nasmlib.$(OBJ) float.$(OBJ) insnsa.$(OBJ) \
- assemble.$(OBJ) labels.$(OBJ) parser.$(OBJ) outform.$(OBJ) \
- output/outbin.$(OBJ) output/outaout.$(OBJ) output/outcoff.$(OBJ) \
- output/outelf32.$(OBJ) output/outelf64.$(OBJ) \
- output/outobj.$(OBJ) output/outas86.$(OBJ) output/outrdf.$(OBJ) output/outdbg.$(OBJ) \
- preproc.$(OBJ) listing.$(OBJ) eval.$(OBJ) output/outrdf2.$(OBJ) \
- output/outieee.$(OBJ)
-NDISASMOBJS = ndisasm.$(OBJ) disasm.$(OBJ) sync.$(OBJ) nasmlib.$(OBJ) \
- insnsd.$(OBJ)
-all : nasm.exe ndisasm.exe
- echo This is dummy command for dumb make
-nasm.exe: $(NASMOBJS) NASM.LNK
-# linker response files
-# that may take long, too much spawning :)
-NASM.LNK: makefile.wcw
- echo N nasm.exe > NASM.LNK
- echo F nasm.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F nasmlib.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F eval.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F float.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F insnsa.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F assemble.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F labels.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F listing.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F parser.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F preproc.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F outform.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F output/outbin.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F output/outaout.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F output/outcoff.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F output/outelf32.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F output/outelf64.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F output/outobj.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F output/outas86.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F output/outrdf.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F output/outrdf2.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F output/outieee.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
- echo F output/outdbg.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
-NDISASM.LNK: makefile.wcw
- echo N ndisasm.exe > NDISASM.LNK
- echo F ndisasm.$(OBJ) >> NDISASM.LNK
- echo F disasm.$(OBJ) >> NDISASM.LNK
- echo F sync.$(OBJ) >> NDISASM.LNK
- echo F nasmlib.$(OBJ) >> NDISASM.LNK
- echo F insnsd.$(OBJ) >> NDISASM.LNK
-clean :
- del *.obj
- del *.lnk
- del nasm.exe
- del ndisasm.exe
-#-- Magic hints to --#
-# @object-ending: ".$(OBJ)"
-# @path-separator: "/"
-#-- Everything below is generated by - do not edit --#
-assemble.$(OBJ): assemble.c preproc.h insns.h pptok.h regs.h regflags.c \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h regvals.c assemble.h insnsi.h
-crc64.$(OBJ): crc64.c
-disasm.$(OBJ): disasm.c insns.h sync.h regdis.c regs.h config.h regs.c \
- version.h nasm.h insnsn.c names.c insnsi.h disasm.h
-eval.$(OBJ): eval.c labels.h eval.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h
-float.$(OBJ): float.c regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-hashtbl.$(OBJ): hashtbl.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h hashtbl.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsa.$(OBJ): insnsa.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsd.$(OBJ): insnsd.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-insnsn.$(OBJ): insnsn.c
-labels.$(OBJ): labels.c regs.h config.h version.h hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-listing.$(OBJ): listing.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h listing.h
-macros.$(OBJ): macros.c
-names.$(OBJ): names.c regs.c insnsn.c
-nasm.$(OBJ): nasm.c labels.h preproc.h insns.h parser.h eval.h pptok.h \
- regs.h outform.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h assemble.h \
- insnsi.h listing.h
-nasmlib.$(OBJ): nasmlib.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-ndisasm.$(OBJ): ndisasm.c insns.h sync.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
- nasm.h insnsi.h disasm.h
-outform.$(OBJ): outform.c regs.h config.h outform.h version.h nasm.h \
- insnsi.h
-output/outaout.$(OBJ): output/outaout.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outas86.$(OBJ): output/outas86.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outbin.$(OBJ): output/outbin.c labels.h eval.h regs.h outform.h \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outcoff.$(OBJ): output/outcoff.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outdbg.$(OBJ): output/outdbg.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outelf32.$(OBJ): output/outelf32.c regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outelf64.$(OBJ): output/outelf64.c regs.h outform.h config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outieee.$(OBJ): output/outieee.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outmacho.$(OBJ): output/outmacho.c compiler.h regs.h outform.h \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outobj.$(OBJ): output/outobj.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-output/outrdf.$(OBJ): output/outrdf.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
- nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-output/outrdf2.$(OBJ): output/outrdf2.c rdoff/rdoff.h regs.h outform.h \
- config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-parser.$(OBJ): parser.c insns.h parser.h float.h regs.h regflags.c config.h \
- version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
-pptok.$(OBJ): pptok.c preproc.h pptok.h nasmlib.h
-preproc.$(OBJ): preproc.c preproc.h macros.c pptok.h regs.h config.h \
- version.h hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
-regdis.$(OBJ): regdis.c
-regflags.$(OBJ): regflags.c
-regs.$(OBJ): regs.c
-regvals.$(OBJ): regvals.c
-stdscan.$(OBJ): stdscan.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
- stdscan.h insnsi.h
-sync.$(OBJ): sync.c sync.h
-tokhash.$(OBJ): tokhash.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
diff --git a/Mkfiles/msvc.mak b/Mkfiles/msvc.mak
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..66fe7f2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mkfiles/msvc.mak
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+# Makefile for building NASM using Microsoft Visual C++ and NMAKE.
+# Tested on Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition.
+# Make sure to put the appropriate directories in your PATH, in
+# the case of MSVC++ 2005, they are ...\VC\bin and ...\Common7\IDE.
+top_srcdir = .
+srcdir = .
+VPATH = .
+prefix = C:\Program Files\NASM
+exec_prefix = $(prefix)
+bindir = $(prefix)/bin
+mandir = $(prefix)/man
+CC = cl
+CFLAGS = /O2 /Ox /Oy /W2
+BUILD_CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) /I$(srcdir)/inttypes
+INTERNAL_CFLAGS = /I$(srcdir) /I. /Dsnprintf=sprintf_s
+PERL = perl -I$(srcdir)/perllib
+# Binary suffixes
+O = obj
+X = .exe
+.SUFFIXES: .c .i .s .$(O) .1 .man
+ $(CC) /c $(ALL_CFLAGS) /Fo$@ $<
+NASM = nasm.$(O) nasmlib.$(O) float.$(O) insnsa.$(O) assemble.$(O) \
+ labels.$(O) hashtbl.$(O) crc64.$(O) parser.$(O) \
+ outform.$(O) output/outbin.$(O) \
+ output/outaout.$(O) output/outcoff.$(O) \
+ output/outelf32.$(O) output/outelf64.$(O) \
+ output/outobj.$(O) output/outas86.$(O) output/outrdf2.$(O) \
+ output/outdbg.$(O) output/outieee.$(O) output/outmacho.$(O) \
+ preproc.$(O) pptok.$(O) \
+ listing.$(O) eval.$(O) stdscan.$(O) tokhash.$(O)
+NDISASM = ndisasm.$(O) disasm.$(O) sync.$(O) nasmlib.$(O) insnsd.$(O)
+all: nasm$(X) ndisasm$(X)
+ rem cd rdoff && $(MAKE) all
+nasm$(X): $(NASM)
+ $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) /Fenasm$(X) $(NASM) $(LIBS)
+ndisasm$(X): $(NDISASM)
+ $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) /Fendisasm$(X) $(NDISASM) $(LIBS)
+# These source files are automagically generated from a single
+# instruction-table file by a Perl script. They're distributed,
+# though, so it isn't necessary to have Perl just to recompile NASM
+# from the distribution.
+insnsa.c: insns.dat
+ $(PERL) $(srcdir)/ -a $(srcdir)/insns.dat
+insnsd.c: insns.dat
+ $(PERL) $(srcdir)/ -d $(srcdir)/insns.dat
+insnsi.h: insns.dat
+ $(PERL) $(srcdir)/ -i $(srcdir)/insns.dat
+insnsn.c: insns.dat
+ $(PERL) $(srcdir)/ -n $(srcdir)/insns.dat
+# These files contains all the standard macros that are derived from
+# the version number.
+version.h: version
+ $(PERL) $(srcdir)/ h < $(srcdir)/version > version.h
+version.mac: version
+ $(PERL) $(srcdir)/ mac < $(srcdir)/version > version.mac
+# This source file is generated from the standard macros file
+# `standard.mac' by another Perl script. Again, it's part of the
+# standard distribution.
+macros.c: standard.mac version.mac
+ $(PERL) $(srcdir)/ $(srcdir)/standard.mac version.mac
+# These source files are generated from regs.dat by yet another
+# perl script.
+regs.c: regs.dat
+ $(PERL) $(srcdir)/ c $(srcdir)/regs.dat > regs.c
+regflags.c: regs.dat
+ $(PERL) $(srcdir)/ fc $(srcdir)/regs.dat > regflags.c
+regdis.c: regs.dat
+ $(PERL) $(srcdir)/ dc $(srcdir)/regs.dat > regdis.c
+regvals.c: regs.dat
+ $(PERL) $(srcdir)/ vc $(srcdir)/regs.dat > regvals.c
+regs.h: regs.dat
+ $(PERL) $(srcdir)/ h $(srcdir)/regs.dat > regs.h
+# Assembler token hash
+tokhash.c: insns.dat regs.dat tokens.dat perllib/
+ $(PERL) $(srcdir)/ $(srcdir)/insns.dat $(srcdir)/regs.dat \
+ $(srcdir)/tokens.dat > tokhash.c
+# Preprocessor token hash
+pptok.h: pptok.dat perllib/
+ $(PERL) $(srcdir)/ h $(srcdir)/pptok.dat pptok.h
+pptok.c: pptok.dat perllib/
+ $(PERL) $(srcdir)/ c $(srcdir)/pptok.dat pptok.c
+# This target generates all files that require perl.
+# This allows easier generation of distribution (see dist target).
+PERLREQ = macros.c insnsa.c insnsd.c insnsi.h insnsn.c \
+ regs.c regs.h regflags.c regdis.c regvals.c tokhash.c \
+ version.h version.mac pptok.h pptok.c
+perlreq: $(PERLREQ)
+ -del /f *.$(O)
+ -del /f *.s
+ -del /f *.i
+ -del /f output\*.$(O)
+ -del /f output\*.s
+ -del /f output\*.i
+ -del /f nasm$(X)
+ -del /f ndisasm$(X)
+ rem cd rdoff && $(MAKE) clean
+distclean: clean
+ -del /f config.h
+ -del /f config.log
+ -del /f config.status
+ -del /f Makefile
+ -del /f *~
+ -del /f *.bak
+ -del /f *.lst
+ -del /f *.bin
+ -del /f output\*~
+ -del /f output\*.bak
+ -del /f test\*.lst
+ -del /f test\*.bin
+ -del /f test\*.$(O)
+ -del /f test\*.bin
+ -del /f/s autom4te*.cache
+ rem cd rdoff && $(MAKE) distclean
+cleaner: clean
+ -del /f $(PERLREQ)
+ -del /f *.man
+ -del /f nasm.spec
+ rem cd doc && $(MAKE) clean
+spotless: distclean cleaner
+ -del /f doc\Makefile
+ -del doc\*~
+ -del doc\*.bak
+ # cd rdoff && $(MAKE)
+ # cd doc && $(MAKE) all
+everything: all doc rdf
+#-- Magic hints to --#
+# @object-ending: ".$(O)"
+# @path-separator: "/"
+#-- Everything below is generated by - do not edit --#
+assemble.$(O): assemble.c preproc.h insns.h pptok.h regs.h regflags.c \
+ config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h regvals.c insnsi.h assemble.h
+crc64.$(O): crc64.c
+disasm.$(O): disasm.c insns.h sync.h regdis.c regs.h config.h regs.c \
+ version.h nasm.h insnsn.c names.c insnsi.h disasm.h
+eval.$(O): eval.c labels.h eval.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
+ insnsi.h
+float.$(O): float.c regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
+hashtbl.$(O): hashtbl.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h hashtbl.h nasm.h \
+ insnsi.h
+insnsa.$(O): insnsa.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
+insnsd.$(O): insnsd.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
+insnsn.$(O): insnsn.c
+labels.$(O): labels.c regs.h config.h version.h hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
+ insnsi.h
+listing.$(O): listing.c regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h \
+ listing.h
+macros.$(O): macros.c
+names.$(O): names.c regs.c insnsn.c
+nasm.$(O): nasm.c labels.h preproc.h insns.h parser.h eval.h pptok.h regs.h \
+ outform.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h assemble.h insnsi.h \
+ listing.h
+nasmlib.$(O): nasmlib.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
+ insnsi.h
+ndisasm.$(O): ndisasm.c insns.h sync.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h \
+ nasm.h insnsi.h disasm.h
+outform.$(O): outform.c regs.h config.h outform.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h
+output/outaout.$(O): output/outaout.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
+ nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
+output/outas86.$(O): output/outas86.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
+ nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
+output/outbin.$(O): output/outbin.c labels.h eval.h regs.h outform.h \
+ config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
+output/outcoff.$(O): output/outcoff.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
+ nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
+output/outdbg.$(O): output/outdbg.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
+ nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
+output/outelf32.$(O): output/outelf32.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
+ nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
+output/outelf64.$(O): output/outelf64.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
+ nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
+output/outieee.$(O): output/outieee.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
+ nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
+output/outmacho.$(O): output/outmacho.c compiler.h regs.h outform.h config.h \
+ version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
+output/outobj.$(O): output/outobj.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
+ nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
+output/outrdf.$(O): output/outrdf.c regs.h outform.h config.h version.h \
+ nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
+output/outrdf2.$(O): output/outrdf2.c rdoff/rdoff.h regs.h outform.h \
+ config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
+parser.$(O): parser.c insns.h parser.h float.h regs.h regflags.c config.h \
+ version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h stdscan.h insnsi.h
+pptok.$(O): pptok.c preproc.h pptok.h nasmlib.h
+preproc.$(O): preproc.c preproc.h macros.c pptok.h regs.h config.h version.h \
+ hashtbl.h nasmlib.h nasm.h insnsi.h
+regdis.$(O): regdis.c
+regflags.$(O): regflags.c
+regs.$(O): regs.c
+regvals.$(O): regvals.c
+stdscan.$(O): stdscan.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasmlib.h nasm.h \
+ stdscan.h insnsi.h
+sync.$(O): sync.c sync.h
+tokhash.$(O): tokhash.c insns.h regs.h config.h version.h nasm.h insnsi.h