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authorIvan Molodetskikh <>2020-11-27 18:45:21 +0300
committerMarge Bot <>2021-02-05 17:05:19 +0000
commit34a9e6a8f86a0f80196102df617e0290e17223b5 (patch)
parent01b30ff9e4406eb2c48af3f145e08990e3dcaa55 (diff)
clutter/frame-clock: Fix presentation time alignment
Before this commit, next presentation time could end up behind now_us or ahead of now_us depending on how presentation times happened to be aligned relative to integer multiples of refresh_interval_us. It's not clear whether this was originally intended because even if it the next presentation time ends up behind now_us, it is moved ahead by a while loop down below in this function. Even though this difference in behavior didn't really matter, it made reasoning about the subsequent branches more complex. It would also potentially introduce bugs if the logic was to be modified. So this commit makes it so next presentation time is always ahead of now_us. It also adds a comment with a graph detailing the computations, and adjusts the variable names to drop unfortunate terminology mistakes. Part-of: <>
1 files changed, 50 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/clutter/clutter/clutter-frame-clock.c b/clutter/clutter/clutter-frame-clock.c
index 2f617d0a5..bcc6bae6a 100644
--- a/clutter/clutter/clutter-frame-clock.c
+++ b/clutter/clutter/clutter-frame-clock.c
@@ -266,18 +266,59 @@ calculate_next_update_time_us (ClutterFrameClock *frame_clock,
last_presentation_time_us = frame_clock->last_presentation_time_us;
next_presentation_time_us = last_presentation_time_us + refresh_interval_us;
- /* Skip ahead to get close to the actual next presentation time. */
+ /*
+ * However, the last presentation could have happened more than a frame ago.
+ * For example, due to idling (nothing on screen changed, so no need to
+ * redraw) or due to frames missing deadlines (GPU busy with heavy rendering).
+ * The following code adjusts next_presentation_time_us to be in the future,
+ * but still aligned to display presentation times. Instead of
+ * next presentation = last presentation + 1 * refresh interval, it will be
+ * next presentation = last presentation + N * refresh interval.
+ */
if (next_presentation_time_us < now_us)
- int64_t logical_clock_offset_us;
- int64_t logical_clock_phase_us;
- int64_t hw_clock_offset_us;
+ int64_t presentation_phase_us;
+ int64_t current_phase_us;
+ int64_t current_refresh_interval_start_us;
+ /*
+ * Let's say we're just past next_presentation_time_us.
+ *
+ * First, we compute presentation_phase_us. Real presentation times don't
+ * have to be exact multiples of refresh_interval_us and
+ * presentation_phase_us represents this difference. Next, we compute
+ * current phase and the refresh interval start corresponding to now_us.
+ * Finally, add presentation_phase_us and a refresh interval to get the
+ * next presentation after now_us.
+ *
+ * last_presentation_time_us
+ * / next_presentation_time_us
+ * / / now_us
+ * / / / new next_presentation_time_us
+ * |--|-------|---o---|-------|--> presentation times
+ * | __|
+ * | |presentation_phase_us
+ * | |
+ * | | now_us - presentation_phase_us
+ * | | /
+ * |-------|---o---|-------|-----> integer multiples of refresh_interval_us
+ * | \__/
+ * | |current_phase_us
+ * | \
+ * | current_refresh_interval_start_us
+ * 0
+ *
+ */
+ presentation_phase_us = last_presentation_time_us % refresh_interval_us;
+ current_phase_us = (now_us - presentation_phase_us) % refresh_interval_us;
+ current_refresh_interval_start_us =
+ now_us - presentation_phase_us - current_phase_us;
- logical_clock_offset_us = now_us % refresh_interval_us;
- logical_clock_phase_us = now_us - logical_clock_offset_us;
- hw_clock_offset_us = last_presentation_time_us % refresh_interval_us;
- next_presentation_time_us = logical_clock_phase_us + hw_clock_offset_us;
+ next_presentation_time_us =
+ current_refresh_interval_start_us +
+ presentation_phase_us +
+ refresh_interval_us;