path: root/support-files/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'support-files/')
1 files changed, 125 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/support-files/ b/support-files/
index 657dd3fbbdf..4ea34f13ce9 100644
--- a/support-files/
+++ b/support-files/
@@ -121,43 +121,62 @@
%define distro_specific 0
%if %{distro_specific}
- %if %(test -f /etc/redhat-release && echo 1 || echo 0)
- %define elver %(rpm -qf --qf '%%{version}\\n' /etc/redhat-release | sed -e 's/^\\([0-9]*\\).*/\\1/g')
+ %if %(test -f /etc/enterprise-release && echo 1 || echo 0)
+ %define elver %(rpm -qf --qf '%%{version}\\n' /etc/enterprise-release | sed -e 's/^\\([0-9]*\\).*/\\1/g')
%if "%elver" == "4"
- %define distro_description Enterprise Linux 4
+ %define distro_description Oracle Enterprise Linux 4
%define distro_releasetag el4
%define distro_buildreq gcc-c++ gperf ncurses-devel perl readline-devel time zlib-devel
%define distro_requires chkconfig coreutils grep procps shadow-utils
%if "%elver" == "5"
- %define distro_description Enterprise Linux 5
+ %define distro_description Oracle Enterprise Linux 5
%define distro_releasetag el5
%define distro_buildreq gcc-c++ gperf ncurses-devel perl readline-devel time zlib-devel
%define distro_requires chkconfig coreutils grep procps shadow-utils
- %{error:Enterprise Linux %{elver} is unsupported}
+ %{error:Oracle Enterprise Linux %{elver} is unsupported}
- %if %(test -f /etc/SuSE-release && echo 1 || echo 0)
- %define susever %(rpm -qf --qf '%%{version}\\n' /etc/SuSE-release)
- %if "%susever" == "10"
- %define distro_description SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
- %define distro_releasetag sles10
- %define distro_buildreq gcc-c++ gdbm-devel gperf ncurses-devel openldap2-client readline-devel zlib-devel
- %define distro_requires aaa_base coreutils grep procps pwdutils
+ %if %(test -f /etc/redhat-release && echo 1 || echo 0)
+ %define rhelver %(rpm -qf --qf '%%{version}\\n' /etc/redhat-release | sed -e 's/^\\([0-9]*\\).*/\\1/g')
+ %if "%rhelver" == "4"
+ %define distro_description Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4
+ %define distro_releasetag rhel4
+ %define distro_buildreq gcc-c++ gperf ncurses-devel perl readline-devel time zlib-devel
+ %define distro_requires chkconfig coreutils grep procps shadow-utils
- %if "%susever" == "11"
- %define distro_description SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
- %define distro_releasetag sles11
- %define distro_buildreq gcc-c++ gdbm-devel gperf ncurses-devel openldap2-client procps pwdutils readline-devel zlib-devel
- %define distro_requires aaa_base coreutils grep procps pwdutils
+ %if "%rhelver" == "5"
+ %define distro_description Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5
+ %define distro_releasetag rhel5
+ %define distro_buildreq gcc-c++ gperf ncurses-devel perl readline-devel time zlib-devel
+ %define distro_requires chkconfig coreutils grep procps shadow-utils
- %{error:SuSE %{susever} is unsupported}
+ %{error:Red Hat Enterprise Linux %{rhelver} is unsupported}
- %{error:Unsupported distribution}
+ %if %(test -f /etc/SuSE-release && echo 1 || echo 0)
+ %define susever %(rpm -qf --qf '%%{version}\\n' /etc/SuSE-release)
+ %if "%susever" == "10"
+ %define distro_description SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
+ %define distro_releasetag sles10
+ %define distro_buildreq gcc-c++ gdbm-devel gperf ncurses-devel openldap2-client readline-devel zlib-devel
+ %define distro_requires aaa_base coreutils grep procps pwdutils
+ %else
+ %if "%susever" == "11"
+ %define distro_description SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
+ %define distro_releasetag sles11
+ %define distro_buildreq gcc-c++ gdbm-devel gperf ncurses-devel openldap2-client procps pwdutils readline-devel zlib-devel
+ %define distro_requires aaa_base coreutils grep procps pwdutils
+ %else
+ %{error:SuSE %{susever} is unsupported}
+ %endif
+ %endif
+ %else
+ %{error:Unsupported distribution}
+ %endif
@@ -396,8 +415,9 @@ mkdir debug
-e 's/ -ip / /' \
-e 's/^ //' \
-e 's/ $//'`
- # XXX: MYSQL_UNIX_ADDR should be in cmake/* but mysql_version is included before
- # XXX: install_layout so we can't just set it based on INSTALL_LAYOUT=RPM
+ # XXX: MYSQL_UNIX_ADDR should be in cmake/* but mysql_version is included
+ # XXX: before install_layout so we can't just set it based on
${CMAKE} ../%{src_dir} -DBUILD_CONFIG=mysql_release -DINSTALL_LAYOUT=RPM \
-DMYSQL_UNIX_ADDR="/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock" \
@@ -410,8 +430,9 @@ mkdir debug
mkdir release
cd release
- # XXX: MYSQL_UNIX_ADDR should be in cmake/* but mysql_version is included before
- # XXX: install_layout so we can't just set it based on INSTALL_LAYOUT=RPM
+ # XXX: MYSQL_UNIX_ADDR should be in cmake/* but mysql_version is included
+ # XXX: before install_layout so we can't just set it based on
${CMAKE} ../%{src_dir} -DBUILD_CONFIG=mysql_release -DINSTALL_LAYOUT=RPM \
-DMYSQL_UNIX_ADDR="/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock" \
@@ -468,8 +489,10 @@ install -d $RBR%{_sbindir}
mv -v $RBR/%{_libdir}/*.a $RBR/%{_libdir}/mysql/
# Install logrotate and autostart
-install -m 644 $MBD/release/support-files/mysql-log-rotate $RBR%{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/mysql
-install -m 755 $MBD/release/support-files/mysql.server $RBR%{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql
+install -m 644 $MBD/release/support-files/mysql-log-rotate \
+ $RBR%{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/mysql
+install -m 755 $MBD/release/support-files/mysql.server \
+ $RBR%{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql
# Create a symlink "rcmysql", pointing to the init.script. SuSE users
# will appreciate that, as all services usually offer this.
@@ -487,7 +510,8 @@ install -m 600 $MBD/%{src_dir}/support-files/RHEL4-SElinux/mysql.{fc,te} \
# Even though this is a shared library, put it under /usr/lib*/mysql, so it
# doesn't conflict with possible shared lib by the same name in /usr/lib*. See
# `mysql_config --variable=pkglibdir` and mysqld_safe for how this is used.
-install -m 644 "%{malloc_lib_source}" "$RBR%{_libdir}/mysql/%{malloc_lib_target}"
+install -m 644 "%{malloc_lib_source}" \
+ "$RBR%{_libdir}/mysql/%{malloc_lib_target}"
# Remove man pages we explicitly do not want to package, avoids 'unpackaged
@@ -511,15 +535,19 @@ if [ $? -eq 0 -a -n "$installed" ]; then
- old_family=`echo $version | sed -n -e 's,^\([1-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\)\..*$,\1,p'`
- new_family=`echo $myversion | sed -n -e 's,^\([1-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\)\..*$,\1,p'`
+ old_family=`echo $version \
+ | sed -n -e 's,^\([1-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\)\..*$,\1,p'`
+ new_family=`echo $myversion \
+ | sed -n -e 's,^\([1-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\)\..*$,\1,p'`
[ -z "$vendor" ] && vendor='<unknown>'
[ -z "$old_family" ] && old_family="<unrecognized version $version>"
[ -z "$new_family" ] && new_family="<bad package specification: version $myversion>"
- if [ "$vendor" != "$myoldvendor" -a "$vendor" != "$myvendor_2" -a "$vendor" != "$myvendor" ]; then
+ if [ "$vendor" != "$myoldvendor" \
+ -a "$vendor" != "$myvendor_2" \
+ -a "$vendor" != "$myvendor" ]; then
The current MySQL server package is provided by a different
vendor ($vendor) than $myoldvendor, $myvendor_2, or $myvendor.
@@ -569,9 +597,9 @@ fi
# Shut down a previously installed server first
if [ -x %{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql ] ; then
- %{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql stop > /dev/null 2>&1
- echo "Giving mysqld 5 seconds to exit nicely"
- sleep 5
+ %{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql stop > /dev/null 2>&1
+ echo "Giving mysqld 5 seconds to exit nicely"
+ sleep 5
%post -n MySQL-server%{product_suffix}
@@ -589,10 +617,10 @@ if [ ! -d $mysql_datadir/test ] ; then mkdir $mysql_datadir/test; fi
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# use insserv for older SuSE Linux versions
if [ -x /sbin/insserv ] ; then
- /sbin/insserv %{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql
+ /sbin/insserv %{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql
# use chkconfig on Enterprise Linux and newer SuSE releases
elif [ -x /sbin/chkconfig ] ; then
- /sbin/chkconfig --add mysql
+ /sbin/chkconfig --add mysql
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -600,8 +628,10 @@ fi
# exists.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
groupadd -r %{mysqld_group} 2> /dev/null || true
-useradd -M -r -d $mysql_datadir -s /bin/bash -c "MySQL server" -g %{mysqld_group} %{mysqld_user} 2> /dev/null || true
-# The user may already exist, make sure it has the proper group nevertheless (BUG#12823)
+useradd -M -r -d $mysql_datadir -s /bin/bash -c "MySQL server" \
+ -g %{mysqld_group} %{mysqld_user} 2> /dev/null || true
+# The user may already exist, make sure it has the proper group nevertheless
+# (BUG#12823)
usermod -g %{mysqld_group} %{mysqld_user} 2> /dev/null || true
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -630,32 +660,66 @@ chown -R %{mysqld_user}:%{mysqld_group} $mysql_datadir
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
chmod -R og-rw $mysql_datadir/mysql
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# install SELinux files - but don't override existing ones
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+if [ -f /etc/redhat-release ] \
+ && (grep -q "Red Hat Enterprise Linux .. release 4" /etc/redhat-release \
+ || grep -q "CentOS release 4" /etc/redhat-release) ; then
+ echo
+ echo
+ echo 'Notes regarding SELinux on this platform:'
+ echo '========================================='
+ echo
+ echo 'The default policy might cause server startup to fail because it is'
+ echo 'not allowed to access critical files. In this case, please update'
+ echo 'your installation.'
+ echo
+ echo 'The default policy might also cause inavailability of SSL related'
+ echo 'features because the server is not allowed to access /dev/random'
+ echo 'and /dev/urandom. If this is a problem, please do the following:'
+ echo
+ echo ' 1) install selinux-policy-targeted-sources from your OS vendor'
+ echo ' 2) add the following two lines to '$SEDOMPROG/mysqld.te':'
+ echo ' allow mysqld_t random_device_t:chr_file read;'
+ echo ' allow mysqld_t urandom_device_t:chr_file read;'
+ echo ' 3) cd to '$SETARGETDIR' and issue the following command:'
+ echo ' make load'
+ echo
+ echo
+if [ -x sbin/restorecon ] ; then
+ sbin/restorecon -R var/lib/mysql
# Restart in the same way that mysqld will be started normally.
-%{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql start
+if [ -x %{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql ] ; then
+ %{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql start
+ echo "Giving mysqld 2 seconds to start"
+ sleep 2
# Allow mysqld_safe to start mysqld and print a message before we exit
sleep 2
-#echo "Thank you for installing the MySQL Community Server! For Production
-#systems, we recommend MySQL Enterprise, which contains enterprise-ready
-#software, intelligent advisory services, and full production support with
-#scheduled service packs and more. Visit for more
%preun -n MySQL-server%{product_suffix}
if [ $1 = 0 ] ; then
- # Stop MySQL before uninstalling it
- if [ -x %{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql ] ; then
- %{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql stop > /dev/null
- # Remove autostart of MySQL
- # For older SuSE Linux versions
- if [ -x /sbin/insserv ] ; then
- /sbin/insserv -r %{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql
- # use chkconfig on Enterprise Linux and newer SuSE releases
- elif [ -x /sbin/chkconfig ] ; then
- /sbin/chkconfig --del mysql
- fi
- fi
+ # Stop MySQL before uninstalling it
+ if [ -x %{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql ] ; then
+ %{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql stop > /dev/null
+ # Remove autostart of MySQL
+ # For older SuSE Linux versions
+ if [ -x /sbin/insserv ] ; then
+ /sbin/insserv -r %{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql
+ # use chkconfig on Enterprise Linux and newer SuSE releases
+ elif [ -x /sbin/chkconfig ] ; then
+ /sbin/chkconfig --del mysql
+ fi
+ fi
# We do not remove the mysql user since it may still own a lot of
@@ -665,7 +729,8 @@ fi
# Clean up the BuildRoot after build is done
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-[ "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != "/" ] && [ -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT ] && rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT;
+[ "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != "/" ] && [ -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT ] \
+ && rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT;
# Files section
@@ -846,6 +911,10 @@ fi
# merging BK trees)
+* Tue Jun 1 2010 Jonathan Perkin <>
+- Implement SELinux checks from distribution-specific spec file.
* Wed May 12 2010 Jonathan Perkin <>
- Large number of changes to build using CMake