path: root/storage/ndb/test/ndbapi/flexTT.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'storage/ndb/test/ndbapi/flexTT.cpp')
1 files changed, 937 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/storage/ndb/test/ndbapi/flexTT.cpp b/storage/ndb/test/ndbapi/flexTT.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7cd5ac8e3b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/ndb/test/ndbapi/flexTT.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,937 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
+#include <ndb_global.h>
+#include <NdbApi.hpp>
+#include <NdbSchemaCon.hpp>
+#include <NdbMain.h>
+#include <md5_hash.hpp>
+#include <NdbThread.h>
+#include <NdbSleep.h>
+#include <NdbTick.h>
+#include <NdbOut.hpp>
+#include <NdbTimer.hpp>
+#include <NdbTest.hpp>
+#include <NDBT_Error.hpp>
+#define MAX_PARTS 4
+#define MAX_SEEK 16
+#define MAXSTRLEN 16
+#define MAXATTR 64
+#define MAXTABLES 64
+#define MAXTHREADS 128
+#define MAXPAR 1024
+#define MAXATTRSIZE 1000
+#define PKSIZE 1
+#ifdef NDB_WIN32
+inline long lrand48(void) { return rand(); };
+enum StartType {
+ stIdle,
+ stInsert,
+ stRead,
+ stUpdate,
+ stDelete,
+ stStop
+} ;
+struct ThreadNdb
+ int threadNo;
+ Ndb* threadNdb;
+ Uint32 threadBase;
+ Uint32 threadLoopCounter;
+ Uint32 threadNextStart;
+ Uint32 threadStop;
+ Uint32 threadLoopStop;
+ Uint32 threadIncrement;
+ Uint32 threadNoCompleted;
+ bool threadCompleted;
+ StartType threadStartType;
+struct TransNdb
+ char transRecord[128];
+ Ndb* transNdb;
+ StartType transStartType;
+ Uint32 vpn_number;
+ Uint32 vpn_identity;
+ Uint32 transErrorCount;
+ NdbOperation* transOperation;
+ ThreadNdb* transThread;
+extern "C" { static void* threadLoop(void*); }
+static void setAttrNames(void);
+static void setTableNames(void);
+static int readArguments(int argc, const char** argv);
+static int createTables(Ndb*);
+static bool defineOperation(NdbConnection* aTransObject, TransNdb*,
+ Uint32 vpn_nb, Uint32 vpn_id);
+static bool executeTransaction(TransNdb* transNdbRef);
+static StartType random_choice();
+static void execute(StartType aType);
+static bool executeThread(ThreadNdb*, TransNdb*);
+static void executeCallback(int result, NdbConnection* NdbObject,
+ void* aObject);
+static bool error_handler(const NdbError & err) ;
+static Uint32 getKey(Uint32, Uint32) ;
+static void input_error();
+ErrorData * flexTTErrorData;
+static NdbThread* threadLife[MAXTHREADS];
+static int tNodeId;
+static int ThreadReady[MAXTHREADS];
+static StartType ThreadStart[MAXTHREADS];
+static char tableName[1][MAXSTRLEN+1];
+static char attrName[5][MAXSTRLEN+1];
+// Program Parameters
+static bool tInsert = false;
+static bool tDelete = false;
+static bool tReadUpdate = true;
+static int tUpdateFreq = 20;
+static bool tLocal = false;
+static int tLocalPart = 0;
+static int tMinEvents = 0;
+static int tSendForce = 0;
+static int tNoOfLoops = 1;
+static Uint32 tNoOfThreads = 1;
+static Uint32 tNoOfParallelTrans = 32;
+static Uint32 tNoOfTransactions = 500;
+static Uint32 tLoadFactor = 80;
+static bool tempTable = false;
+static bool startTransGuess = true;
+//Program Flags
+static int theSimpleFlag = 0;
+static int theDirtyFlag = 0;
+static int theWriteFlag = 0;
+static int theTableCreateFlag = 1;
+#define START_TIMER { NdbTimer timer; timer.doStart();
+#define STOP_TIMER timer.doStop();
+#define PRINT_TIMER(text, trans, opertrans) timer.printTransactionStatistics(text, trans, opertrans); };
+static void
+ for (int i = 0; i < tNoOfThreads ; i++) {
+ ThreadReady[i] = 0;
+ ThreadStart[i] = stIdle;
+ }//for
+static void
+ int cont = 0;
+ do {
+ cont = 0;
+ NdbSleep_MilliSleep(20);
+ for (int i = 0; i < tNoOfThreads ; i++) {
+ if (ThreadReady[i] == 0) {
+ cont = 1;
+ }//if
+ }//for
+ } while (cont == 1);
+static void
+tellThreads(StartType what)
+ for (int i = 0; i < tNoOfThreads ; i++)
+ ThreadStart[i] = what;
+static Ndb_cluster_connection *g_cluster_connection= 0;
+NDB_COMMAND(flexTT, "flexTT", "flexTT", "flexTT", 65535)
+ ndb_init();
+ ThreadNdb* pThreadData;
+ int returnValue = NDBT_OK;
+ int i;
+ flexTTErrorData = new ErrorData;
+ flexTTErrorData->resetErrorCounters();
+ if (readArguments(argc, argv) != 0){
+ input_error();
+ return NDBT_ProgramExit(NDBT_WRONGARGS);
+ }
+ pThreadData = new ThreadNdb[MAXTHREADS];
+ ndbout << endl << "FLEXTT - Starting normal mode" << endl;
+ ndbout << "Perform TimesTen benchmark" << endl;
+ ndbout << " " << tNoOfThreads << " number of concurrent threads " << endl;
+ ndbout << " " << tNoOfParallelTrans;
+ ndbout << " number of parallel transaction per thread " << endl;
+ ndbout << " " << tNoOfTransactions << " transaction(s) per round " << endl;
+ ndbout << " " << tNoOfLoops << " iterations " << endl;
+ ndbout << " " << "Update Frequency is " << tUpdateFreq << "%" << endl;
+ ndbout << " " << "Load Factor is " << tLoadFactor << "%" << endl;
+ if (tLocal == true) {
+ ndbout << " " << "We only use Local Part = ";
+ ndbout << tLocalPart << endl;
+ }//if
+ if (tempTable == true) {
+ ndbout << " Tables are without logging " << endl;
+ } else {
+ ndbout << " Tables are with logging " << endl;
+ }//if
+ if (startTransGuess == true) {
+ ndbout << " Transactions are executed with hint provided" << endl;
+ } else {
+ ndbout << " Transactions are executed with round robin scheme" << endl;
+ }//if
+ if (tSendForce == 0) {
+ ndbout << " No force send is used, adaptive algorithm used" << endl;
+ } else if (tSendForce == 1) {
+ ndbout << " Force send used" << endl;
+ } else {
+ ndbout << " No force send is used, adaptive algorithm disabled" << endl;
+ }//if
+ ndbout << endl;
+ /* print Setting */
+ flexTTErrorData->printSettings(ndbout);
+ NdbThread_SetConcurrencyLevel(2 + tNoOfThreads);
+ setAttrNames();
+ setTableNames();
+ Ndb_cluster_connection con;
+ if(con.connect(12, 5, 1) != 0)
+ {
+ return NDBT_ProgramExit(NDBT_FAILED);
+ }
+ g_cluster_connection= &con;
+ Ndb * pNdb = new Ndb(g_cluster_connection, "TEST_DB");
+ pNdb->init();
+ tNodeId = pNdb->getNodeId();
+ ndbout << " NdbAPI node with id = " << pNdb->getNodeId() << endl;
+ ndbout << endl;
+ ndbout << "Waiting for ndb to become ready..." <<endl;
+ if (pNdb->waitUntilReady(2000) != 0){
+ ndbout << "NDB is not ready" << endl;
+ ndbout << "Benchmark failed!" << endl;
+ returnValue = NDBT_FAILED;
+ }
+ if(returnValue == NDBT_OK){
+ if (createTables(pNdb) != 0){
+ returnValue = NDBT_FAILED;
+ }
+ }
+ if(returnValue == NDBT_OK){
+ /****************************************************************
+ * Create NDB objects. *
+ ****************************************************************/
+ resetThreads();
+ for (i = 0; i < tNoOfThreads ; i++) {
+ pThreadData[i].threadNo = i;
+ threadLife[i] = NdbThread_Create(threadLoop,
+ (void**)&pThreadData[i],
+ 32768,
+ "flexAsynchThread",
+ }//for
+ ndbout << endl << "All NDB objects and table created" << endl << endl;
+ int noOfTransacts = tNoOfParallelTrans * tNoOfTransactions *
+ tNoOfThreads * tNoOfLoops;
+ /****************************************************************
+ * Execute program. *
+ ****************************************************************/
+ /****************************************************************
+ * Perform inserts. *
+ ****************************************************************/
+ if (tInsert == true) {
+ tInsert = false;
+ tReadUpdate = false;
+ execute(stInsert);
+ PRINT_TIMER("insert", noOfTransacts, 1);
+ }//if
+ /****************************************************************
+ * Perform read + updates. *
+ ****************************************************************/
+ if (tReadUpdate == true) {
+ execute(stRead);
+ PRINT_TIMER("update + read", noOfTransacts, 1);
+ }//if
+ /****************************************************************
+ * Perform delete. *
+ ****************************************************************/
+ if (tDelete == true) {
+ tDelete = false;
+ execute(stDelete);
+ PRINT_TIMER("delete", noOfTransacts, 1);
+ }//if
+ ndbout << "--------------------------------------------------" << endl;
+ execute(stStop);
+ void * tmp;
+ for(i = 0; i<tNoOfThreads; i++){
+ NdbThread_WaitFor(threadLife[i], &tmp);
+ NdbThread_Destroy(&threadLife[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ delete [] pThreadData;
+ delete pNdb;
+ //printing errorCounters
+ flexTTErrorData->printErrorCounters(ndbout);
+ return NDBT_ProgramExit(returnValue);
+static void execute(StartType aType)
+ resetThreads();
+ tellThreads(aType);
+ waitForThreads();
+static void*
+threadLoop(void* ThreadData)
+ Ndb* localNdb;
+ ThreadNdb* tabThread = (ThreadNdb*)ThreadData;
+ int loc_threadNo = tabThread->threadNo;
+ void * mem = malloc(sizeof(TransNdb)*tNoOfParallelTrans);
+ TransNdb* pTransData = (TransNdb*)mem;
+ localNdb = new Ndb(g_cluster_connection, "TEST_DB");
+ localNdb->init(1024);
+ localNdb->waitUntilReady();
+ if (tLocal == false) {
+ tabThread->threadIncrement = 1;
+ } else {
+ tabThread->threadIncrement = MAX_SEEK;
+ }//if
+ tabThread->threadBase = (loc_threadNo << 16) + tNodeId;
+ tabThread->threadNdb = localNdb;
+ tabThread->threadStop = tNoOfParallelTrans * tNoOfTransactions;
+ tabThread->threadStop *= tabThread->threadIncrement;
+ tabThread->threadLoopStop = tNoOfLoops;
+ Uint32 i, j;
+ for (i = 0; i < tNoOfParallelTrans; i++) {
+ pTransData[i].transNdb = localNdb;
+ pTransData[i].transThread = tabThread;
+ pTransData[i].transOperation = NULL;
+ pTransData[i].transStartType = stIdle;
+ pTransData[i].vpn_number = tabThread->threadBase;
+ pTransData[i].vpn_identity = 0;
+ pTransData[i].transErrorCount = 0;
+ for (j = 0; j < 128; j++) {
+ pTransData[i].transRecord[j] = 0x30;
+ }//for
+ }//for
+ for (;;){
+ while (ThreadStart[loc_threadNo] == stIdle) {
+ NdbSleep_MilliSleep(10);
+ }//while
+ // Check if signal to exit is received
+ if (ThreadStart[loc_threadNo] == stStop) {
+ break;
+ }//if
+ tabThread->threadStartType = ThreadStart[loc_threadNo];
+ tabThread->threadLoopCounter = 0;
+ tabThread->threadCompleted = false;
+ tabThread->threadNoCompleted = 0;
+ tabThread->threadNextStart = 0;
+ ThreadStart[loc_threadNo] = stIdle;
+ if(!executeThread(tabThread, pTransData)){
+ break;
+ }
+ ThreadReady[loc_threadNo] = 1;
+ }//for
+ free(mem);
+ delete localNdb;
+ ThreadReady[loc_threadNo] = 1;
+ return NULL; // Thread exits
+executeThread(ThreadNdb* tabThread, TransNdb* atransDataArrayPtr) {
+ Uint32 i;
+ for (i = 0; i < tNoOfParallelTrans; i++) {
+ TransNdb* transNdbPtr = &atransDataArrayPtr[i];
+ transNdbPtr->vpn_identity = i * tabThread->threadIncrement;
+ transNdbPtr->transStartType = tabThread->threadStartType;
+ if (executeTransaction(transNdbPtr) == false) {
+ return false;
+ }//if
+ }//for
+ tabThread->threadNextStart = tNoOfParallelTrans * tabThread->threadIncrement;
+ do {
+ tabThread->threadNdb->sendPollNdb(3000, tMinEvents, tSendForce);
+ } while (tabThread->threadCompleted == false);
+ return true;
+bool executeTransaction(TransNdb* transNdbRef)
+ NdbConnection* MyTrans;
+ ThreadNdb* tabThread = transNdbRef->transThread;
+ Ndb* aNdbObject = transNdbRef->transNdb;
+ Uint32 threadBase = tabThread->threadBase;
+ Uint32 startKey = transNdbRef->vpn_identity;
+ if (tLocal == true) {
+ startKey = getKey(startKey, threadBase);
+ }//if
+ if (startTransGuess == true) {
+ Uint32 tKey[2];
+ tKey[0] = startKey;
+ tKey[1] = threadBase;
+ MyTrans = aNdbObject->startTransaction((Uint32)0, //Priority
+ (const char*)&tKey[0], //Main PKey
+ (Uint32)8); //Key Length
+ } else {
+ MyTrans = aNdbObject->startTransaction();
+ }//if
+ if (MyTrans == NULL) {
+ error_handler(aNdbObject->getNdbError());
+ ndbout << endl << "Unable to recover! Quiting now" << endl ;
+ return false;
+ }//if
+ //-------------------------------------------------------
+ // Define the operation, but do not execute it yet.
+ //-------------------------------------------------------
+ if (!defineOperation(MyTrans, transNdbRef, startKey, threadBase))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+getKey(Uint32 aBase, Uint32 aThreadBase) {
+ Uint32 Tfound = aBase;
+ Uint32 hash;
+ Uint64 Tkey64;
+ Uint32* tKey32 = (Uint32*)&Tkey64;
+ tKey32[0] = aThreadBase;
+ for (int i = aBase; i < (aBase + MAX_SEEK); i++) {
+ tKey32[1] = (Uint32)i;
+ hash = md5_hash((Uint64*)&Tkey64, (Uint32)2);
+ hash = (hash >> 6) & (MAX_PARTS - 1);
+ if (hash == tLocalPart) {
+ Tfound = i;
+ break;
+ }//if
+ }//for
+ return Tfound;
+static void
+executeCallback(int result, NdbConnection* NdbObject, void* aObject)
+ TransNdb* transNdbRef = (TransNdb*)aObject;
+ ThreadNdb* tabThread = transNdbRef->transThread;
+ Ndb* tNdb = transNdbRef->transNdb;
+ Uint32 vpn_id = transNdbRef->vpn_identity;
+ Uint32 vpn_nb = tabThread->threadBase;
+ if (result == -1) {
+// Add complete error handling here
+ int retCode = flexTTErrorData->handleErrorCommon(NdbObject->getNdbError());
+ if (retCode == 1) {
+ if (NdbObject->getNdbError().code != 626 &&
+ NdbObject->getNdbError().code != 630) {
+ ndbout_c("execute: %s", NdbObject->getNdbError().message);
+ ndbout_c("Error code = %d", NdbObject->getNdbError().code);
+ }
+ } else if (retCode == 2) {
+ ndbout << "4115 should not happen in flexTT" << endl;
+ } else if (retCode == 3) {
+ /* What can we do here? */
+ ndbout_c("execute: %s", NdbObject->getNdbError().message);
+ }//if(retCode == 3)
+ transNdbRef->transErrorCount++;
+ const NdbError & err = NdbObject->getNdbError();
+ switch (err.classification) {
+ case NdbError::NoDataFound:
+ case NdbError::ConstraintViolation:
+ ndbout << "Error with vpn_id = " << vpn_id << " and vpn_nb = ";
+ ndbout << vpn_nb << endl;
+ ndbout << err << endl;
+ goto checkCompleted;
+ case NdbError::OverloadError:
+ NdbSleep_MilliSleep(10);
+ case NdbError::NodeRecoveryError:
+ case NdbError::UnknownResultError:
+ case NdbError::TimeoutExpired:
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto checkCompleted;
+ }//if
+ if ((transNdbRef->transErrorCount > 10) ||
+ (tabThread->threadNoCompleted > 0)) {
+ goto checkCompleted;
+ }//if
+ } else {
+ if (tabThread->threadNoCompleted == 0) {
+ transNdbRef->transErrorCount = 0;
+ transNdbRef->vpn_identity = tabThread->threadNextStart;
+ if (tabThread->threadNextStart == tabThread->threadStop) {
+ tabThread->threadLoopCounter++;
+ transNdbRef->vpn_identity = 0;
+ tabThread->threadNextStart = 0;
+ if (tabThread->threadLoopCounter == tNoOfLoops) {
+ goto checkCompleted;
+ }//if
+ }//if
+ tabThread->threadNextStart += tabThread->threadIncrement;
+ } else {
+ goto checkCompleted;
+ }//if
+ }//if
+ tNdb->closeTransaction(NdbObject);
+ executeTransaction(transNdbRef);
+ return;
+ tNdb->closeTransaction(NdbObject);
+ tabThread->threadNoCompleted++;
+ if (tabThread->threadNoCompleted == tNoOfParallelTrans) {
+ tabThread->threadCompleted = true;
+ }//if
+ return;
+// Generate a random key between 0 and tNoOfRecords - 1
+ UintR random_number = lrand48() % 100;
+ if (random_number < tUpdateFreq)
+ return stUpdate;
+ else
+ return stRead;
+static bool
+defineOperation(NdbConnection* localNdbConnection, TransNdb* transNdbRef,
+ unsigned int vpn_id, unsigned int vpn_nb)
+ NdbOperation* localNdbOperation;
+ StartType TType = transNdbRef->transStartType;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------
+ // Set-up the attribute values for this operation.
+ //-------------------------------------------------------
+ localNdbOperation = localNdbConnection->getNdbOperation(tableName[0]);
+ if (localNdbOperation == NULL) {
+ error_handler(localNdbConnection->getNdbError());
+ return false;
+ }//if
+ switch (TType) {
+ case stInsert: // Insert case
+ if (theWriteFlag == 1 && theDirtyFlag == 1) {
+ localNdbOperation->dirtyWrite();
+ } else if (theWriteFlag == 1) {
+ localNdbOperation->writeTuple();
+ } else {
+ localNdbOperation->insertTuple();
+ }//if
+ break;
+ case stRead: // Read Case
+ TType = random_choice();
+ if (TType == stRead) {
+ if (theSimpleFlag == 1) {
+ localNdbOperation->simpleRead();
+ } else if (theDirtyFlag == 1) {
+ localNdbOperation->dirtyRead();
+ } else {
+ localNdbOperation->readTuple();
+ }//if
+ } else {
+ if (theWriteFlag == 1 && theDirtyFlag == 1) {
+ localNdbOperation->dirtyWrite();
+ } else if (theWriteFlag == 1) {
+ localNdbOperation->writeTuple();
+ } else if (theDirtyFlag == 1) {
+ localNdbOperation->dirtyUpdate();
+ } else {
+ localNdbOperation->updateTuple();
+ }//if
+ }//if
+ break;
+ case stDelete: // Delete Case
+ localNdbOperation->deleteTuple();
+ break;
+ default:
+ error_handler(localNdbOperation->getNdbError());
+ }//switch
+ localNdbOperation->equal((Uint32)0,vpn_id);
+ localNdbOperation->equal((Uint32)1,vpn_nb);
+ char* attrValue = &transNdbRef->transRecord[0];
+ switch (TType) {
+ case stInsert: // Insert case
+ localNdbOperation->setValue((Uint32)2, attrValue);
+ localNdbOperation->setValue((Uint32)3, attrValue);
+ localNdbOperation->setValue((Uint32)4, attrValue);
+ break;
+ case stUpdate: // Update Case
+ localNdbOperation->setValue((Uint32)3, attrValue);
+ break;
+ case stRead: // Read Case
+ localNdbOperation->getValue((Uint32)2, attrValue);
+ localNdbOperation->getValue((Uint32)3, attrValue);
+ localNdbOperation->getValue((Uint32)4, attrValue);
+ break;
+ case stDelete: // Delete Case
+ break;
+ default:
+ error_handler(localNdbOperation->getNdbError());
+ }//switch
+ localNdbConnection->executeAsynchPrepare(Commit, &executeCallback,
+ (void*)transNdbRef);
+ return true;
+static void setAttrNames()
+ BaseString::snprintf(attrName[0], MAXSTRLEN, "VPN_ID");
+ BaseString::snprintf(attrName[1], MAXSTRLEN, "VPN_NB");
+ BaseString::snprintf(attrName[2], MAXSTRLEN, "DIRECTORY_NB");
+ BaseString::snprintf(attrName[3], MAXSTRLEN, "LAST_CALL_PARTY");
+ BaseString::snprintf(attrName[4], MAXSTRLEN, "DESCR");
+static void setTableNames()
+ BaseString::snprintf(tableName[0], MAXSTRLEN, "VPN_USERS");
+createTables(Ndb* pMyNdb){
+ NdbSchemaCon *MySchemaTransaction;
+ NdbSchemaOp *MySchemaOp;
+ int check;
+ if (theTableCreateFlag == 0) {
+ ndbout << "Creating Table: vpn_users " << "..." << endl;
+ MySchemaTransaction = NdbSchemaCon::startSchemaTrans(pMyNdb);
+ if(MySchemaTransaction == NULL &&
+ (!error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbError())))
+ return -1;
+ MySchemaOp = MySchemaTransaction->getNdbSchemaOp();
+ if(MySchemaOp == NULL &&
+ (!error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbError())))
+ return -1;
+ check = MySchemaOp->createTable( tableName[0]
+ ,8 // Table Size
+ ,TupleKey // Key Type
+ ,40 // Nr of Pages
+ ,All
+ ,6
+ ,(tLoadFactor - 5)
+ ,tLoadFactor
+ ,1
+ ,!tempTable
+ );
+ if (check == -1 &&
+ (!error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbError())))
+ return -1;
+ check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( (char*)attrName[0],
+ TupleKey,
+ 32,
+ 1,
+ UnSigned,
+ MMBased,
+ NotNullAttribute );
+ if (check == -1 &&
+ (!error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbError())))
+ return -1;
+ check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( (char*)attrName[1],
+ TupleKey,
+ 32,
+ 1,
+ UnSigned,
+ MMBased,
+ NotNullAttribute );
+ if (check == -1 &&
+ (!error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbError())))
+ return -1;
+ check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( (char*)attrName[2],
+ NoKey,
+ 8,
+ 10,
+ UnSigned,
+ MMBased,
+ NotNullAttribute );
+ if (check == -1 &&
+ (!error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbError())))
+ return -1;
+ check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( (char*)attrName[3],
+ NoKey,
+ 8,
+ 10,
+ UnSigned,
+ MMBased,
+ NotNullAttribute );
+ if (check == -1 &&
+ (!error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbError())))
+ return -1;
+ check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( (char*)attrName[4],
+ NoKey,
+ 8,
+ 100,
+ UnSigned,
+ MMBased,
+ NotNullAttribute );
+ if (check == -1 &&
+ (!error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbError())))
+ return -1;
+ if (MySchemaTransaction->execute() == -1 &&
+ (!error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbError())))
+ return -1;
+ NdbSchemaCon::closeSchemaTrans(MySchemaTransaction);
+ }//if
+ return 0;
+bool error_handler(const NdbError& err){
+ ndbout << err << endl ;
+ switch(err.classification){
+ case NdbError::NodeRecoveryError:
+ case NdbError::SchemaError:
+ case NdbError::TimeoutExpired:
+ ndbout << endl << "Attempting to recover and continue now..." << endl ;
+ return true ; // return true to retry
+ }
+ return false;
+#if 0
+bool error_handler(const char* error_string, int error_int) {
+ ndbout << error_string << endl ;
+ if ((4008 == error_int) ||
+ (677 == error_int) ||
+ (891 == error_int) ||
+ (1221 == error_int) ||
+ (721 == error_int) ||
+ (266 == error_int)) {
+ ndbout << endl << "Attempting to recover and continue now..." << endl ;
+ return true ; // return true to retry
+ }
+ return false ; // return false to abort
+readArguments(int argc, const char** argv){
+ int i = 1;
+ while (argc > 1){
+ if (strcmp(argv[i], "-t") == 0){
+ tNoOfThreads = atoi(argv[i+1]);
+ if ((tNoOfThreads < 1) || (tNoOfThreads > MAXTHREADS)){
+ ndbout_c("Invalid no of threads");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-p") == 0){
+ tNoOfParallelTrans = atoi(argv[i+1]);
+ if ((tNoOfParallelTrans < 1) || (tNoOfParallelTrans > MAXPAR)){
+ ndbout_c("Invalid no of parallell transactions");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-o") == 0) {
+ tNoOfTransactions = atoi(argv[i+1]);
+ if (tNoOfTransactions < 1){
+ ndbout_c("Invalid no of transactions");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-l") == 0){
+ tNoOfLoops = atoi(argv[i+1]);
+ if (tNoOfLoops < 1) {
+ ndbout_c("Invalid no of loops");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-e") == 0){
+ tMinEvents = atoi(argv[i+1]);
+ if ((tMinEvents < 1) || (tMinEvents > tNoOfParallelTrans)) {
+ ndbout_c("Invalid no of loops");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-local") == 0){
+ tLocalPart = atoi(argv[i+1]);
+ tLocal = true;
+ startTransGuess = true;
+ if ((tLocalPart < 0) || (tLocalPart > MAX_PARTS)){
+ ndbout_c("Invalid local part");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-ufreq") == 0){
+ tUpdateFreq = atoi(argv[i+1]);
+ if ((tUpdateFreq < 0) || (tUpdateFreq > 100)){
+ ndbout_c("Invalid Update Frequency");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-load_factor") == 0){
+ tLoadFactor = atoi(argv[i+1]);
+ if ((tLoadFactor < 40) || (tLoadFactor >= 100)){
+ ndbout_c("Invalid LoadFactor");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-d") == 0){
+ tDelete = true;
+ argc++;
+ i--;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-i") == 0){
+ tInsert = true;
+ argc++;
+ i--;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-simple") == 0){
+ theSimpleFlag = 1;
+ argc++;
+ i--;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-adaptive") == 0){
+ tSendForce = 0;
+ argc++;
+ i--;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-force") == 0){
+ tSendForce = 1;
+ argc++;
+ i--;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-non_adaptive") == 0){
+ tSendForce = 2;
+ argc++;
+ i--;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-write") == 0){
+ theWriteFlag = 1;
+ argc++;
+ i--;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-dirty") == 0){
+ theDirtyFlag = 1;
+ argc++;
+ i--;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-table_create") == 0){
+ theTableCreateFlag = 0;
+ tInsert = true;
+ argc++;
+ i--;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-temp") == 0){
+ tempTable = true;
+ argc++;
+ i--;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-no_hint") == 0){
+ startTransGuess = false;
+ argc++;
+ i--;
+ } else {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ argc -= 2;
+ i = i + 2;
+ }//while
+ if (tLocal == true) {
+ if (startTransGuess == false) {
+ ndbout_c("Not valid to use no_hint with local");
+ }//if
+ }//if
+ return 0;
+ ndbout_c("FLEXTT");
+ ndbout_c(" Perform benchmark of insert, update and delete transactions");
+ ndbout_c("");
+ ndbout_c("Arguments:");
+ ndbout_c(" -t Number of threads to start, default 1");
+ ndbout_c(" -p Number of parallel transactions per thread, default 32");
+ ndbout_c(" -o Number of transactions per loop, default 500");
+ ndbout_c(" -ufreq Number Update Frequency in percent (0 -> 100), rest is read");
+ ndbout_c(" -load_factor Number Fill level in index in percent (40 -> 99)");
+ ndbout_c(" -l Number of loops to run, default 1, 0=infinite");
+ ndbout_c(" -i Start by inserting all records");
+ ndbout_c(" -d End by deleting all records (only one loop)");
+ ndbout_c(" -simple Use simple read to read from database");
+ ndbout_c(" -dirty Use dirty read to read from database");
+ ndbout_c(" -write Use writeTuple in insert and update");
+ ndbout_c(" -n Use standard table names");
+ ndbout_c(" -table_create Create tables in db");
+ ndbout_c(" -temp Create table(s) without logging");
+ ndbout_c(" -no_hint Don't give hint on where to execute transaction coordinator");
+ ndbout_c(" -adaptive Use adaptive send algorithm (default)");
+ ndbout_c(" -force Force send when communicating");
+ ndbout_c(" -non_adaptive Send at a 10 millisecond interval");
+ ndbout_c(" -local Number of part, only use keys in one part out of 16");