path: root/storage/ndb/src/old_files/client/odbc/driver/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'storage/ndb/src/old_files/client/odbc/driver/')
1 files changed, 352 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/storage/ndb/src/old_files/client/odbc/driver/ b/storage/ndb/src/old_files/client/odbc/driver/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1064a6a6c6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/ndb/src/old_files/client/odbc/driver/
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+use strict;
+$| = 1;
+use vars qw($func);
+my $action = shift;
+my @args = @ARGV;
+if (! $action) {
+ print <<END;
+usage: perl $0 <data|name|code|move> ...
+data -unixodbc -- write new to stdout
+name [-[no]auto -type] [suffix] -- list function names
+code -- write auto/*.cpp
+diff -- diff against auto/*.cpp
+move -- move auto/*.cpp to .
+functab -- write struct entiries for SQLGetFunctions
+ exit(0);
+# indents
+my $i1 = " " x (1*4);
+my $i2 = " " x (2*4);
+my $i3 = " " x (3*4);
+my $i4 = " " x (4*4);
+if ($action eq 'data') {
+ my @entry = ();
+ while (@args) {
+ my $file = shift(@args);
+ if ($file eq '-unixodbc') {
+ unshift(@args, </usr/local/include/{sql,sqlext}.h>);
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($file eq '-iodbc') {
+ unshift(@args, </usr/local/opt/iODBC/include/{sql,sqlext}.h>);
+ next;
+ }
+ warn "read $file\n";
+ open(F, "<$file") || die "$file: $!";
+ my $text = undef;
+ my $odbcver = undef;
+ while ($_ = <F>) {
+ chomp;
+ if (/^\s*$/) {
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/^\s*#\s*if\s+(.*\bODBCVER\b.*)$/) {
+ $odbcver = $1;
+ $odbcver =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+ $odbcver =~ s/^\(+|\)+$//g;
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/^\s*#\s*endif\b/) {
+ $odbcver = undef;
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/^\s*SQLRETURN\b/) {
+ $text = "";
+ }
+ if (defined($text)) {
+ $text .= $_;
+ if (/;\s*$/) {
+ push(@entry, {
+ text => $text,
+ odbcver => $odbcver || 'ODBCVER >= 0x0000',
+ });
+ $text = undef;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close(F);
+ }
+ warn "@{[ scalar @entry ]} entries\n";
+ $func = {};
+ for my $e (@entry) {
+ my $text = $e->{text};
+ $text =~ s!/\*.+?\*/!!g;
+ $text =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+ $text =~ s/\s\s*/\040/g;
+ $text =~ /^(SQLRETURN)\s+(SQL_API\s+)?(\w+)\s*\((.*)\)\s*;/
+ or warn "discard: $_\n", next;
+ my $type = $1;
+ my $name = $3;
+ my $body = $4;
+ my $f = {};
+ $f->{type} = $type;
+ $f->{name} = $name;
+ my @body = split(/,/, $body);
+ my $param = [];
+ for my $s (@body) {
+ $s =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
+ my($ptype, $pptr, $pname);
+ if ($s =~ /^(\w+)\s+(\w+)$/) {
+ $ptype = $1;
+ $pptr = 0;
+ $pname = $2;
+ } elsif ($s =~ /^(\w+)\s*\*\s*(\w+)$/) {
+ $ptype = $1;
+ $pptr = 1;
+ $pname = $2;
+ } else {
+ warn "discard: $name: param $s\n";
+ $param = undef;
+ last;
+ }
+ my $pindex = scalar @$param;
+ push(@$param, {
+ type => $ptype,
+ ptr => $pptr,
+ name => $pname,
+ index => $pindex,
+ });
+ }
+ $param or next;
+ $f->{param} = $param;
+ $f->{odbcver} = $e->{odbcver};
+ $func->{$name}
+ and warn "duplicate: $name\n", next;
+ $func->{$name} = $f;
+ }
+ print "\$func = {\n";
+ for my $name (sort keys %$func) {
+ my $f = $func->{$name};
+ print "${i1}$name => {\n";
+ print "${i2}type => '$f->{type}',\n";
+ print "${i2}name => '$f->{name}',\n";
+ print "${i2}param => [\n";
+ for my $p (@{$f->{param}}) {
+ print "${i3}\{\n";
+ print "${i4}type => '$p->{type}',\n";
+ print "${i4}ptr => $p->{ptr},\n";
+ print "${i4}name => '$p->{name}',\n";
+ print "${i4}index => $p->{index},\n";
+ print "${i3}\},\n";
+ }
+ print "${i2}],\n";
+ print "${i2}odbcver => '$f->{odbcver}',\n";
+ print "${i1}},\n";
+ }
+ printf "};\n";
+ $action = undef;
+if ($action eq 'name') {
+ my %functab = (); # bit in FuncTab
+ my $functab = "../handles/FuncTab.cpp";
+ if (! open(F, "<$functab")) {
+ warn "$functab: $!";
+ } else {
+ while ($_ = <F>) {
+ if (/SQL_API_([A-Z]+)[\s,]*([01])/) {
+ defined $functab{$1} and die "$_";
+ $functab{$1} = $2;
+ }
+ }
+ close(F);
+ }
+ require './';
+ my $auto = 1;
+ my $noauto = 1;
+ my $type = 0;
+ while ($args[0] =~ /^-(\w+)$/) {
+ $noauto = 0 if $1 eq 'auto';
+ $auto = 0 if $1 eq 'noauto';
+ $type = 1 if $1 eq 'type';
+ shift(@args);
+ }
+ my $suffix = shift(@args);
+ for my $name (sort keys %$func) {
+ my $f = $func->{$name};
+ local $/ = undef;
+ my($x1);
+ if (open(F, "<$name.cpp")) {
+ $x1 = <F>;
+ close(F);
+ if ($x1 =~ /\bauto_$name\b/) {
+ $auto || next;
+ print "A " if $type;
+ } else {
+ $noauto || next;
+ print "- " if $type;
+ }
+ if ($type) {
+ my $y = $functab{uc $name};
+ $y = "?" if $y !~ /^[01]$/;
+ print "$y ";
+ my $z = $f->{odbcver};
+ $z =~ s/^.*(...)$/$1/;
+ print "$z ";
+ }
+ }
+ print "$name$suffix\n";
+ }
+ $action = undef;
+if ($action eq 'code') {
+ require './';
+ system("rm -rf auto; mkdir auto");
+ for my $name (sort keys %$func) {
+ my $f = $func->{$name};
+ my $file = "auto/$name.cpp";
+ open(F, ">$file") || die "$file: $!\n";
+ print F "#include \"driver.hpp\"\n";
+ print F "\n";
+ printf F "#if $f->{odbcver}\n";
+ print F "$f->{type} SQL_API\n";
+ print F "$f->{name}(";
+ for my $p (@{$f->{param}}) {
+ print F "," if $p->{index} > 0;
+ print F "\n${i1}$p->{type}";
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < $p->{ptr}; $i++) {
+ print F "*";
+ }
+ print F " $p->{name}";
+ }
+ print F ")\n";
+ print F "{\n";
+ print F "${i1}const char* const sqlFunction = \"$f->{name}\";\n";
+ print F "#ifndef auto_$name\n";
+ print F "${i1}Ctx ctx;\n";
+ print F "${i1}ctx.log(1, \"*** not implemented: %s\", sqlFunction);\n";
+ print F "${i1}return SQL_ERROR;\n";
+ print F "#else\n";
+ my @ihandle = ();
+ my @ohandle = ();
+ for my $p (@{$f->{param}}) {
+ if ($p->{type} =~ /^SQLH(ENV|DBC|STMT|DESC)$/) {
+ $p->{btype} = lc $1;
+ my $h = ! $p->{ptr} ? \@ihandle : \@ohandle;
+ push(@$h, $p);
+ }
+ }
+ if (! @ihandle) { # use root handle instance
+ push(@ihandle, {
+ type => 'SQLHROOT',
+ name => '(SQLHANDLE*)0',
+ });
+ }
+ for my $p (@ihandle, @ohandle) {
+ $p->{htype} = "Handle" . (ucfirst lc $p->{btype});
+ $p->{hname} = "p" . (ucfirst lc $p->{btype});
+ }
+ if (@ihandle) {
+ print F "${i1}HandleRoot* const pRoot = HandleRoot::instance();\n";
+ }
+ for my $p (@ihandle) {
+ print F "${i1}$p->{htype}* $p->{hname} = ";
+ print F "pRoot->find" . ucfirst($p->{btype}). "($p->{name});\n";
+ print F "${i1}if ($p->{hname} == 0)\n";
+ print F "${i2}return SQL_INVALID_HANDLE;\n";
+ }
+ {
+ my $p = $ihandle[0];
+ print F "${i1}Ctx& ctx = $p->{hname}->initCtx();\n";
+ print F "${i1}ctx.logSqlEnter(sqlFunction);\n";
+ }
+ for my $p (@ohandle) {
+ print F "${i1}$p->{htype}* $p->{hname} = 0;\n";
+ }
+ {
+ my $p = $ihandle[0];
+ my $fname = $f->{name};
+ $fname =~ s/^SQL/sql/; # keep sql prefix
+ print F "${i1}if (ctx.ok())\n";
+ print F "${i2}$p->{hname}->$fname(\n";
+ print F "${i3}ctx";
+ }
+ for my $p (@{$f->{param}}) {
+ if ($p == $ihandle[0]) {
+ next;
+ }
+ print F ",";
+ print F "\n${i3}";
+ if (grep($_ == $p, @ihandle)) {
+ print F "$p->{hname}";
+ } elsif (grep($_ == $p, @ohandle)) {
+ print F "$p->{name} != 0 ? &$p->{hname} : 0";
+ } else {
+ print F "&" if $p->{ptr} > 0;
+ print F "$p->{name}";
+ }
+ }
+ print F "\n${i2});\n";
+ for my $p (@ohandle) {
+ print F "${i1}if ($p->{name} != 0)\n";
+ print F "${i2}*$p->{name} = ";
+ print F "pRoot->from" . ucfirst($p->{btype}) . "($p->{hname});\n";
+ }
+ {
+ my $p = $ihandle[0];
+ print F "${i1}$p->{hname}->saveCtx(ctx);\n";
+ }
+ print F "${i1}ctx.logSqlExit();\n";
+ print F "${i1}return ctx.getCode();\n";
+ print F "#endif\n";
+ print F "}\n";
+ print F "#endif // $f->{odbcver}\n";
+ close(F);
+ }
+ $action = undef;
+if ($action eq 'diff' || $action eq 'move') {
+ require './';
+ for my $name (sort keys %$func) {
+ local $/ = undef;
+ my($x1, $x2);
+ if (open(F, "<$name.cpp")) {
+ $x1 = <F>;
+ close(F);
+ if ($x1 !~ /\bauto_$name\b/) {
+ warn "$name.cpp: not auto-generated\n" if $action eq 'move';
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ if (! open(F, "<auto/$name.cpp")) {
+ die "auto/$name.cpp: $!\n";
+ }
+ $x2 = <F>;
+ close(F);
+ if ($x1 eq $x2) {
+ warn "$name: no changes\n" if $action eq 'move';
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($action eq 'diff') {
+ print "=" x 40, "\n";
+ print "diff $name.cpp auto/", "\n";
+ system("diff $name.cpp auto/$name.cpp");
+ } else {
+ rename("auto/$name.cpp", "$name.cpp")
+ or die "rename $name: $!\n";
+ warn "$name: updated\n" if 0;
+ }
+ }
+ $action = undef;
+if ($action eq 'functab') {
+ require './';
+ for my $name (sort keys %$func) {
+ printf "%4s{%3s%-30s, 0 },\n", "", "", uc "SQL_API_$name";
+ }
+ $action = undef;
+$action && die "$action: undefined\n";
+# vim: set sw=4: