path: root/storage/myisammrg/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'storage/myisammrg/')
1 files changed, 579 insertions, 89 deletions
diff --git a/storage/myisammrg/ b/storage/myisammrg/
index 8a914e8a2de..f91b0dc7a92 100644
--- a/storage/myisammrg/
+++ b/storage/myisammrg/
@@ -14,6 +14,82 @@
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
+ MyISAM MERGE tables
+ A MyISAM MERGE table is kind of a union of zero or more MyISAM tables.
+ Besides the normal form file (.frm) a MERGE table has a meta file
+ (.MRG) with a list of tables. These are paths to the MyISAM table
+ files. The last two components of the path contain the database name
+ and the table name respectively.
+ When a MERGE table is open, there exists an TABLE object for the MERGE
+ table itself and a TABLE object for each of the MyISAM tables. For
+ abbreviated writing, I call the MERGE table object "parent" and the
+ MyISAM table objects "children".
+ A MERGE table is almost always opened through open_and_lock_tables()
+ and hence through open_tables(). When the parent appears in the list
+ of tables to open, the initial open of the handler does nothing but
+ read the meta file and collect a list of TABLE_LIST objects for the
+ children. This list is attached to the parent TABLE object as
+ TABLE::child_l. The end of the children list is saved in
+ TABLE::child_last_l.
+ Back in open_tables(), add_merge_table_list() is called. It updates
+ each list member with the lock type and a back pointer to the parent
+ TABLE_LIST object TABLE_LIST::parent_l. The list is then inserted in
+ the list of tables to open, right behind the parent. Consequently,
+ open_tables() opens the children, one after the other. The TABLE
+ references of the TABLE_LIST objects are implicitly set to the open
+ tables. The children are opened as independent MyISAM tables, right as
+ if they are used by the SQL statement.
+ TABLE_LIST::parent_l is required to find the parent 1. when the last
+ child has been opened and children are to be attached, and 2. when an
+ error happens during child open and the child list must be removed
+ from the queuery list. In these cases the current child does not have
+ TABLE::parent set or does not have a TABLE at all respectively.
+ When the last child is open, attach_merge_children() is called. It
+ removes the list of children from the open list. Then the children are
+ "attached" to the parent. All required references between parent and
+ children are set up.
+ The MERGE storage engine sets up an array with references to the
+ low-level MyISAM table objects (MI_INFO). It remembers the state of
+ the table in MYRG_INFO::children_attached.
+ Every child TABLE::parent references the parent TABLE object. That way
+ TABLE objects belonging to a MERGE table can be identified.
+ TABLE::parent is required because the parent and child TABLE objects
+ can live longer than the parent TABLE_LIST object. So the path
+ child->pos_in_table_list->parent_l->table can be broken.
+ If necessary, the compatibility of parent and children is checked.
+ This check is necessary when any of the objects are reopend. This is
+ detected by comparing the current table def version against the
+ remembered child def version. On parent open, the list members are
+ initialized to an "impossible"/"undefined" version value. So the check
+ is always executed on the first attach.
+ The version check is done in myisammrg_attach_children_callback(),
+ which is called for every child. ha_myisammrg::attach_children()
+ initializes 'need_compat_check' to FALSE and
+ myisammrg_attach_children_callback() sets it ot TRUE if a table
+ def version mismatches the remembered child def version.
+ Finally the parent TABLE::children_attached is set.
+ ---
+ On parent open the storage engine structures are allocated and initialized.
+ They stay with the open table until its final close.
#pragma implementation // gcc: Class implementation
@@ -22,14 +98,11 @@
#include "mysql_priv.h"
#include <mysql/plugin.h>
#include <m_ctype.h>
+#include "../myisam/ha_myisam.h"
#include "ha_myisammrg.h"
#include "myrg_def.h"
-** MyISAM MERGE tables
static handler *myisammrg_create_handler(handlerton *hton,
MEM_ROOT *mem_root)
@@ -38,10 +111,23 @@ static handler *myisammrg_create_handler(handlerton *hton,
+ @brief Constructor
ha_myisammrg::ha_myisammrg(handlerton *hton, TABLE_SHARE *table_arg)
:handler(hton, table_arg), file(0)
+ @brief Destructor
static const char *ha_myisammrg_exts[] = {
@@ -89,25 +175,311 @@ const char *ha_myisammrg::index_type(uint key_number)
-int ha_myisammrg::open(const char *name, int mode, uint test_if_locked)
+ @brief Callback function for open of a MERGE parent table.
+ @detail This function adds a TABLE_LIST object for a MERGE child table
+ to a list of tables of the parent TABLE object. It is called for
+ each child table.
+ The list of child TABLE_LIST objects is kept in the TABLE object of
+ the parent for the whole life time of the MERGE table. It is
+ inserted in the statement list behind the MERGE parent TABLE_LIST
+ object when the MERGE table is opened. It is removed from the
+ statement list after the last child is opened.
+ All memeory used for the child TABLE_LIST objects and the strings
+ referred by it are taken from the parent TABLE::mem_root. Thus they
+ are all freed implicitly at the final close of the table.
+ TABLE::child_l -> TABLE_LIST::next_global -> TABLE_LIST::next_global
+ # # ^ # ^
+ # # | # |
+ # # +--------- TABLE_LIST::prev_global
+ # # |
+ # |<--- TABLE_LIST::prev_global |
+ # |
+ TABLE::child_last_l -----------------------------------------+
+ @param[in] callback_param data pointer as given to myrg_parent_open()
+ @param[in] filename file name of MyISAM table
+ without extension.
+ @return status
+ @retval 0 OK
+ @retval != 0 Error
+static int myisammrg_parent_open_callback(void *callback_param,
+ const char *filename)
+ ha_myisammrg *ha_myrg;
+ TABLE *parent;
+ TABLE_LIST *child_l;
+ const char *db;
+ const char *table_name;
+ uint dirlen;
+ char dir_path[FN_REFLEN];
+ DBUG_ENTER("myisammrg_parent_open_callback");
+ /* Extract child table name and database name from filename. */
+ dirlen= dirname_length(filename);
+ if (dirlen >= FN_REFLEN)
+ {
+ /* purecov: begin inspected */
+ DBUG_PRINT("error", ("name too long: '%.64s'", filename));
+ my_errno= ENAMETOOLONG;
+ /* purecov: end */
+ }
+ table_name= filename + dirlen;
+ dirlen--; /* Strip off trailing '/'. */
+ memcpy(dir_path, filename, dirlen);
+ dir_path[dirlen]= '\0';
+ db= base_name(dir_path);
+ dirlen-= db - dir_path; /* This is now the length of 'db'. */
+ DBUG_PRINT("myrg", ("open: '%s'.'%s'", db, table_name));
+ ha_myrg= (ha_myisammrg*) callback_param;
+ parent= ha_myrg->table_ptr();
+ /* Get a TABLE_LIST object. */
+ if (!(child_l= (TABLE_LIST*) alloc_root(&parent->mem_root,
+ sizeof(TABLE_LIST))))
+ {
+ /* purecov: begin inspected */
+ DBUG_PRINT("error", ("my_malloc error: %d", my_errno));
+ /* purecov: end */
+ }
+ bzero((char*) child_l, sizeof(TABLE_LIST));
+ /* Set database (schema) name. */
+ child_l->db_length= dirlen;
+ child_l->db= strmake_root(&parent->mem_root, db, dirlen);
+ /* Set table name. */
+ child_l->table_name_length= strlen(table_name);
+ child_l->table_name= strmake_root(&parent->mem_root, table_name,
+ child_l->table_name_length);
+ /* Convert to lowercase if required. */
+ if (lower_case_table_names && child_l->table_name_length)
+ child_l->table_name_length= my_casedn_str(files_charset_info,
+ child_l->table_name);
+ /* Set alias. */
+ child_l->alias= child_l->table_name;
+ /* Initialize table map to 'undefined'. */
+ child_l->init_child_def_version();
+ /* Link TABLE_LIST object into the parent list. */
+ if (!parent->child_last_l)
+ {
+ /* Initialize parent->child_last_l when handling first child. */
+ parent->child_last_l= &parent->child_l;
+ }
+ *parent->child_last_l= child_l;
+ child_l->prev_global= parent->child_last_l;
+ parent->child_last_l= &child_l->next_global;
+ @brief Callback function for attaching a MERGE child table.
+ @detail This function retrieves the MyISAM table handle from the
+ next child table. It is called for each child table.
+ @param[in] callback_param data pointer as given to
+ myrg_attach_children()
+ @return pointer to open MyISAM table structure
+ @retval !=NULL OK, returning pointer
+ @retval NULL, my_errno == 0 Ok, no more child tables
+ @retval NULL, my_errno != 0 error
+static MI_INFO *myisammrg_attach_children_callback(void *callback_param)
+ ha_myisammrg *ha_myrg;
+ TABLE *parent;
+ TABLE *child;
+ TABLE_LIST *child_l;
+ MI_INFO *myisam;
+ DBUG_ENTER("myisammrg_attach_children_callback");
+ my_errno= 0;
+ ha_myrg= (ha_myisammrg*) callback_param;
+ parent= ha_myrg->table_ptr();
+ /* Get child list item. */
+ child_l= ha_myrg->next_child_attach;
+ if (!child_l)
+ {
+ DBUG_PRINT("myrg", ("No more children to attach"));
+ }
+ child= child_l->table;
+ DBUG_PRINT("myrg", ("child table: '%s'.'%s' 0x%lx", child->s->db.str,
+ child->s->table_name.str, (long) child));
+ /*
+ Prepare for next child. Used as child_l in next call to this function.
+ We cannot rely on a NULL-terminated chain.
+ */
+ if (&child_l->next_global == parent->child_last_l)
+ {
+ DBUG_PRINT("myrg", ("attaching last child"));
+ ha_myrg->next_child_attach= NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ ha_myrg->next_child_attach= child_l->next_global;
+ /* Set parent reference. */
+ child->parent= parent;
+ /*
+ Do a quick compatibility check. The table def version is set when
+ the table share is created. The child def version is copied
+ from the table def version after a sucessful compatibility check.
+ We need to repeat the compatibility check only if a child is opened
+ from a different share than last time it was used with this MERGE
+ table.
+ */
+ DBUG_PRINT("myrg", ("table_def_version last: %lu current: %lu",
+ (ulong) child_l->get_child_def_version(),
+ (ulong) child->s->get_table_def_version()));
+ if (child_l->get_child_def_version() != child->s->get_table_def_version())
+ ha_myrg->need_compat_check= TRUE;
+ /*
+ If parent is temporary, children must be temporary too and vice
+ versa. This check must be done for every child on every open because
+ the table def version can overlap between temporary and
+ non-temporary tables. We need to detect the case where a
+ non-temporary table has been replaced with a temporary table of the
+ same version. Or vice versa. A very unlikely case, but it could
+ happen.
+ */
+ if (child->s->tmp_table != parent->s->tmp_table)
+ {
+ DBUG_PRINT("error", ("temporary table mismatch parent: %d child: %d",
+ parent->s->tmp_table, child->s->tmp_table));
+ goto err;
+ }
+ /* Extract the MyISAM table structure pointer from the handler object. */
+ if ((child->file->ht->db_type != DB_TYPE_MYISAM) ||
+ !(myisam= ((ha_myisam*) child->file)->file_ptr()))
+ {
+ DBUG_PRINT("error", ("no MyISAM handle for child table: '%s'.'%s' 0x%lx",
+ child->s->db.str, child->s->table_name.str,
+ (long) child));
+ }
+ DBUG_PRINT("myrg", ("MyISAM handle: 0x%lx my_errno: %d",
+ (long) myisam, my_errno));
+ err:
+ DBUG_RETURN(my_errno ? NULL : myisam);
+ @brief Open a MERGE parent table, not its children.
+ @detail This function initializes the MERGE storage engine structures
+ and adds a child list of TABLE_LIST to the parent TABLE.
+ @param[in] name MERGE table path name
+ @param[in] mode read/write mode, unused
+ @param[in] test_if_locked open flags
+ @return status
+ @retval 0 OK
+ @retval -1 Error, my_errno gives reason
+int ha_myisammrg::open(const char *name, int mode __attribute__((unused)),
+ uint test_if_locked)
+ DBUG_ENTER("ha_myisammrg::open");
+ DBUG_PRINT("myrg", ("name: '%s' table: 0x%lx", name, (long) table));
+ DBUG_PRINT("myrg", ("test_if_locked: %u", test_if_locked));
+ /* Save for later use. */
+ this->test_if_locked= test_if_locked;
+ /* retrieve children table list. */
+ my_errno= 0;
+ if (!(file= myrg_parent_open(name, myisammrg_parent_open_callback, this)))
+ {
+ DBUG_PRINT("error", ("my_errno %d", my_errno));
+ DBUG_RETURN(my_errno ? my_errno : -1);
+ }
+ DBUG_PRINT("myrg", ("MYRG_INFO: 0x%lx", (long) file));
+ @brief Attach children to a MERGE table.
+ @detail Let the storage engine attach its children through a callback
+ function. Check table definitions for consistency.
+ @note Special thd->open_options may be in effect. We can make use of
+ them in attach. I.e. we use HA_OPEN_FOR_REPAIR to report the names
+ of mismatching child tables. We cannot transport these options in
+ ha_myisammrg::test_if_locked because they may change after the
+ parent is opened. The parent is kept open in the table cache over
+ multiple statements and can be used by other threads. Open options
+ can change over time.
+ @return status
+ @retval 0 OK
+ @retval != 0 Error, my_errno gives reason
+int ha_myisammrg::attach_children(void)
- MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo;
- MI_COLUMNDEF *recinfo;
- MYRG_TABLE *u_table;
- uint recs;
- uint keys= table->s->keys;
- int error;
- char name_buff[FN_REFLEN];
+ MYRG_TABLE *u_table;
+ MI_COLUMNDEF *recinfo;
+ MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo;
+ uint recs;
+ uint keys= table->s->keys;
+ int error;
+ DBUG_ENTER("ha_myisammrg::attach_children");
+ DBUG_PRINT("myrg", ("table: '%s'.'%s' 0x%lx", table->s->db.str,
+ table->s->table_name.str, (long) table));
+ DBUG_PRINT("myrg", ("test_if_locked: %u", this->test_if_locked));
+ DBUG_ASSERT(!this->file->children_attached);
+ /*
+ Initialize variables that are used, modified, and/or set by
+ myisammrg_attach_children_callback().
+ 'next_child_attach' traverses the chain of TABLE_LIST objects
+ that has been compiled during myrg_parent_open(). Every call
+ to myisammrg_attach_children_callback() moves the pointer to
+ the next object.
+ 'need_compat_check' is set by myisammrg_attach_children_callback()
+ if a child fails the table def version check.
+ 'my_errno' is set by myisammrg_attach_children_callback() in
+ case of an error.
+ */
+ next_child_attach= table->child_l;
+ need_compat_check= FALSE;
+ my_errno= 0;
- DBUG_PRINT("info", ("ha_myisammrg::open"));
- if (!(file=myrg_open(fn_format(name_buff,name,"","",
- mode, test_if_locked)))
+ if (myrg_attach_children(this->file, this->test_if_locked |
+ current_thd->open_options,
+ myisammrg_attach_children_callback, this))
- DBUG_PRINT("info", ("ha_myisammrg::open exit %d", my_errno));
- return (my_errno ? my_errno : -1);
+ DBUG_PRINT("error", ("my_errno %d", my_errno));
+ DBUG_RETURN(my_errno ? my_errno : -1);
- DBUG_PRINT("info", ("ha_myisammrg::open myrg_extrafunc..."));
+ DBUG_PRINT("myrg", ("calling myrg_extrafunc"));
myrg_extrafunc(file, query_cache_invalidate_by_MyISAM_filename_ref);
if (!(test_if_locked == HA_OPEN_WAIT_IF_LOCKED ||
test_if_locked == HA_OPEN_ABORT_IF_LOCKED))
@@ -116,69 +488,147 @@ int ha_myisammrg::open(const char *name, int mode, uint test_if_locked)
if (!(test_if_locked & HA_OPEN_WAIT_IF_LOCKED))
- if (table->s->reclength != stats.mean_rec_length && stats.mean_rec_length)
- {
- DBUG_PRINT("error",("reclength: %lu mean_rec_length: %lu",
- table->s->reclength, stats.mean_rec_length));
- if (test_if_locked & HA_OPEN_FOR_REPAIR)
- myrg_print_wrong_table(file->open_tables->table->filename);
- goto err;
- }
- if ((error= table2myisam(table, &keyinfo, &recinfo, &recs)))
- {
- /* purecov: begin inspected */
- DBUG_PRINT("error", ("Failed to convert TABLE object to MyISAM "
- "key and column definition"));
- goto err;
- /* purecov: end */
- }
- for (u_table= file->open_tables; u_table < file->end_table; u_table++)
+ /*
+ The compatibility check is required only if one or more children do
+ not match their table def version from the last check. This will
+ always happen at the first attach because the reference child def
+ version is initialized to 'undefined' at open.
+ */
+ DBUG_PRINT("myrg", ("need_compat_check: %d", need_compat_check));
+ if (need_compat_check)
- if (check_definition(keyinfo, recinfo, keys, recs,
- u_table->table->s->keyinfo, u_table->table->s->rec,
- u_table->table->s->base.keys,
- u_table->table->s->base.fields, false))
+ TABLE_LIST *child_l;
+ if (table->s->reclength != stats.mean_rec_length && stats.mean_rec_length)
+ DBUG_PRINT("error",("reclength: %lu mean_rec_length: %lu",
+ table->s->reclength, stats.mean_rec_length));
if (test_if_locked & HA_OPEN_FOR_REPAIR)
- myrg_print_wrong_table(u_table->table->filename);
- else
+ myrg_print_wrong_table(file->open_tables->table->filename);
+ goto err;
+ }
+ /*
+ Both recinfo and keyinfo are allocated by my_multi_malloc(), thus
+ only recinfo must be freed.
+ */
+ if ((error= table2myisam(table, &keyinfo, &recinfo, &recs)))
+ {
+ /* purecov: begin inspected */
+ DBUG_PRINT("error", ("failed to convert TABLE object to MyISAM "
+ "key and column definition"));
+ goto err;
+ /* purecov: end */
+ }
+ for (u_table= file->open_tables; u_table < file->end_table; u_table++)
+ {
+ if (check_definition(keyinfo, recinfo, keys, recs,
+ u_table->table->s->keyinfo, u_table->table->s->rec,
+ u_table->table->s->base.keys,
+ u_table->table->s->base.fields, false))
- my_free((uchar*) recinfo, MYF(0));
- goto err;
+ DBUG_PRINT("error", ("table definition mismatch: '%s'",
+ u_table->table->filename));
+ if (!(this->test_if_locked & HA_OPEN_FOR_REPAIR))
+ {
+ my_free((uchar*) recinfo, MYF(0));
+ goto err;
+ }
+ myrg_print_wrong_table(u_table->table->filename);
+ my_free((uchar*) recinfo, MYF(0));
+ if (error == HA_ERR_WRONG_MRG_TABLE_DEF)
+ goto err;
+ /* All checks passed so far. Now update child def version. */
+ for (child_l= table->child_l; ; child_l= child_l->next_global)
+ {
+ child_l->set_child_def_version(
+ child_l->table->s->get_table_def_version());
+ if (&child_l->next_global == table->child_last_l)
+ break;
+ }
- my_free((uchar*) recinfo, MYF(0));
- if (error == HA_ERR_WRONG_MRG_TABLE_DEF)
- goto err;
#if !defined(BIG_TABLES) || SIZEOF_OFF_T == 4
/* Merge table has more than 2G rows */
if (table->s->crashed)
+ DBUG_PRINT("error", ("MERGE table marked crashed"));
goto err;
- return (0);
- myrg_close(file);
- file=0;
- return (my_errno= error);
+ myrg_detach_children(file);
+ DBUG_RETURN(my_errno= error);
+ @brief Detach all children from a MERGE table.
+ @note Detach must not touch the children in any way.
+ They may have been closed at ths point already.
+ All references to the children should be removed.
+ @return status
+ @retval 0 OK
+ @retval != 0 Error, my_errno gives reason
+int ha_myisammrg::detach_children(void)
+ DBUG_ENTER("ha_myisammrg::detach_children");
+ DBUG_ASSERT(this->file && this->file->children_attached);
+ if (myrg_detach_children(this->file))
+ {
+ /* purecov: begin inspected */
+ DBUG_PRINT("error", ("my_errno %d", my_errno));
+ DBUG_RETURN(my_errno ? my_errno : -1);
+ /* purecov: end */
+ }
+ @brief Close a MERGE parent table, not its children.
+ @note The children are expected to be closed separately by the caller.
+ @return status
+ @retval 0 OK
+ @retval != 0 Error, my_errno gives reason
int ha_myisammrg::close(void)
- return myrg_close(file);
+ int rc;
+ DBUG_ENTER("ha_myisammrg::close");
+ /*
+ Children must not be attached here. Unless the MERGE table has no
+ children. In this case children_attached is always true.
+ */
+ DBUG_ASSERT(!this->file->children_attached || !this->file->tables);
+ rc= myrg_close(file);
+ file= 0;
int ha_myisammrg::write_row(uchar * buf)
+ DBUG_ENTER("ha_myisammrg::write_row");
+ DBUG_ASSERT(this->file->children_attached);
if (file->merge_insert_method == MERGE_INSERT_DISABLED || !file->tables)
if (table->timestamp_field_type & TIMESTAMP_AUTO_SET_ON_INSERT)
@@ -186,13 +636,14 @@ int ha_myisammrg::write_row(uchar * buf)
int error;
if ((error= update_auto_increment()))
- return error;
+ DBUG_RETURN(error); /* purecov: inspected */
- return myrg_write(file,buf);
+ DBUG_RETURN(myrg_write(file,buf));
int ha_myisammrg::update_row(const uchar * old_data, uchar * new_data)
+ DBUG_ASSERT(this->file->children_attached);
if (table->timestamp_field_type & TIMESTAMP_AUTO_SET_ON_UPDATE)
@@ -201,6 +652,7 @@ int ha_myisammrg::update_row(const uchar * old_data, uchar * new_data)
int ha_myisammrg::delete_row(const uchar * buf)
+ DBUG_ASSERT(this->file->children_attached);
return myrg_delete(file,buf);
@@ -209,6 +661,7 @@ int ha_myisammrg::index_read_map(uchar * buf, const uchar * key,
key_part_map keypart_map,
enum ha_rkey_function find_flag)
+ DBUG_ASSERT(this->file->children_attached);
int error=myrg_rkey(file,buf,active_index, key, keypart_map, find_flag);
table->status=error ? STATUS_NOT_FOUND: 0;
@@ -219,6 +672,7 @@ int ha_myisammrg::index_read_idx_map(uchar * buf, uint index, const uchar * key,
key_part_map keypart_map,
enum ha_rkey_function find_flag)
+ DBUG_ASSERT(this->file->children_attached);
int error=myrg_rkey(file,buf,index, key, keypart_map, find_flag);
table->status=error ? STATUS_NOT_FOUND: 0;
@@ -228,6 +682,7 @@ int ha_myisammrg::index_read_idx_map(uchar * buf, uint index, const uchar * key,
int ha_myisammrg::index_read_last_map(uchar *buf, const uchar *key,
key_part_map keypart_map)
+ DBUG_ASSERT(this->file->children_attached);
int error=myrg_rkey(file,buf,active_index, key, keypart_map,
@@ -237,6 +692,7 @@ int ha_myisammrg::index_read_last_map(uchar *buf, const uchar *key,
int ha_myisammrg::index_next(uchar * buf)
+ DBUG_ASSERT(this->file->children_attached);
int error=myrg_rnext(file,buf,active_index);
table->status=error ? STATUS_NOT_FOUND: 0;
@@ -245,6 +701,7 @@ int ha_myisammrg::index_next(uchar * buf)
int ha_myisammrg::index_prev(uchar * buf)
+ DBUG_ASSERT(this->file->children_attached);
int error=myrg_rprev(file,buf, active_index);
table->status=error ? STATUS_NOT_FOUND: 0;
@@ -253,6 +710,7 @@ int ha_myisammrg::index_prev(uchar * buf)
int ha_myisammrg::index_first(uchar * buf)
+ DBUG_ASSERT(this->file->children_attached);
int error=myrg_rfirst(file, buf, active_index);
table->status=error ? STATUS_NOT_FOUND: 0;
@@ -261,6 +719,7 @@ int ha_myisammrg::index_first(uchar * buf)
int ha_myisammrg::index_last(uchar * buf)
+ DBUG_ASSERT(this->file->children_attached);
int error=myrg_rlast(file, buf, active_index);
table->status=error ? STATUS_NOT_FOUND: 0;
@@ -271,6 +730,7 @@ int ha_myisammrg::index_next_same(uchar * buf,
const uchar *key __attribute__((unused)),
uint length __attribute__((unused)))
+ DBUG_ASSERT(this->file->children_attached);
int error=myrg_rnext_same(file,buf);
table->status=error ? STATUS_NOT_FOUND: 0;
@@ -280,12 +740,14 @@ int ha_myisammrg::index_next_same(uchar * buf,
int ha_myisammrg::rnd_init(bool scan)
+ DBUG_ASSERT(this->file->children_attached);
return myrg_reset(file);
int ha_myisammrg::rnd_next(uchar *buf)
+ DBUG_ASSERT(this->file->children_attached);
int error=myrg_rrnd(file, buf, HA_OFFSET_ERROR);
table->status=error ? STATUS_NOT_FOUND: 0;
@@ -295,6 +757,7 @@ int ha_myisammrg::rnd_next(uchar *buf)
int ha_myisammrg::rnd_pos(uchar * buf, uchar *pos)
+ DBUG_ASSERT(this->file->children_attached);
int error=myrg_rrnd(file, buf, my_get_ptr(pos,ref_length));
table->status=error ? STATUS_NOT_FOUND: 0;
@@ -303,6 +766,7 @@ int ha_myisammrg::rnd_pos(uchar * buf, uchar *pos)
void ha_myisammrg::position(const uchar *record)
+ DBUG_ASSERT(this->file->children_attached);
ulonglong row_position= myrg_position(file);
my_store_ptr(ref, ref_length, (my_off_t) row_position);
@@ -311,6 +775,7 @@ void ha_myisammrg::position(const uchar *record)
ha_rows ha_myisammrg::records_in_range(uint inx, key_range *min_key,
key_range *max_key)
+ DBUG_ASSERT(this->file->children_attached);
return (ha_rows) myrg_records_in_range(file, (int) inx, min_key, max_key);
@@ -318,6 +783,7 @@ ha_rows ha_myisammrg::records_in_range(uint inx, key_range *min_key,
int ha_myisammrg::info(uint flag)
MYMERGE_INFO mrg_info;
+ DBUG_ASSERT(this->file->children_attached);
(void) myrg_status(file,&mrg_info,flag);
The following fails if one has not compiled MySQL with -DBIG_TABLES
@@ -387,6 +853,23 @@ int ha_myisammrg::info(uint flag)
int ha_myisammrg::extra(enum ha_extra_function operation)
+ if (operation == HA_EXTRA_ATTACH_CHILDREN)
+ {
+ int rc= attach_children();
+ if (!rc)
+ (void) extra(HA_EXTRA_NO_READCHECK); // Not needed in SQL
+ return(rc);
+ }
+ else if (operation == HA_EXTRA_DETACH_CHILDREN)
+ {
+ /*
+ Note that detach must not touch the children in any way.
+ They may have been closed at ths point already.
+ */
+ int rc= detach_children();
+ return(rc);
+ }
/* As this is just a mapping, we don't have to force the underlying
tables to be closed */
if (operation == HA_EXTRA_FORCE_REOPEN ||
@@ -404,6 +887,7 @@ int ha_myisammrg::reset(void)
int ha_myisammrg::extra_opt(enum ha_extra_function operation, ulong cache_size)
+ DBUG_ASSERT(this->file->children_attached);
if ((specialflag & SPECIAL_SAFE_MODE) && operation == HA_EXTRA_WRITE_CACHE)
return 0;
return myrg_extra(file, operation, (void*) &cache_size);
@@ -411,11 +895,13 @@ int ha_myisammrg::extra_opt(enum ha_extra_function operation, ulong cache_size)
int ha_myisammrg::external_lock(THD *thd, int lock_type)
+ DBUG_ASSERT(this->file->children_attached);
return myrg_lock_database(file,lock_type);
uint ha_myisammrg::lock_count(void) const
+ DBUG_ASSERT(this->file->children_attached);
return file->tables;
@@ -425,6 +911,7 @@ THR_LOCK_DATA **ha_myisammrg::store_lock(THD *thd,
enum thr_lock_type lock_type)
MYRG_TABLE *open_table;
+ DBUG_ASSERT(this->file->children_attached);
for (open_table=file->open_tables ;
open_table != file->end_table ;
@@ -519,47 +1006,50 @@ int ha_myisammrg::create(const char *name, register TABLE *form,
uint dirlgt= dirname_length(name);
+ /* Allocate a table_names array in thread mem_root. */
if (!(table_names= (const char**)
thd->alloc((create_info->merge_list.elements+1) * sizeof(char*))))
+ /* Create child path names. */
for (pos= table_names; tables; tables= tables->next_local)
const char *table_name;
- TABLE *tbl= 0;
- if (create_info->options & HA_LEX_CREATE_TMP_TABLE)
- tbl= find_temporary_table(thd, tables);
- if (!tbl)
- {
- /*
- Construct the path to the MyISAM table. Try to meet two conditions:
- 1.) Allow to include MyISAM tables from different databases, and
- 2.) allow for moving DATADIR around in the file system.
- The first means that we need paths in the .MRG file. The second
- means that we should not have absolute paths in the .MRG file.
- The best, we can do, is to use 'mysql_data_home', which is '.'
- in mysqld and may be an absolute path in an embedded server.
- This means that it might not be possible to move the DATADIR of
- an embedded server without changing the paths in the .MRG file.
- */
- uint length= build_table_filename(buff, sizeof(buff),
- tables->db, tables->table_name, "", 0);
- /*
- If a MyISAM table is in the same directory as the MERGE table,
- we use the table name without a path. This means that the
- DATADIR can easily be moved even for an embedded server as long
- as the MyISAM tables are from the same database as the MERGE table.
- */
- if ((dirname_length(buff) == dirlgt) && ! memcmp(buff, name, dirlgt))
- table_name= tables->table_name;
- else
- if (! (table_name= thd->strmake(buff, length)))
- }
+ /*
+ Construct the path to the MyISAM table. Try to meet two conditions:
+ 1.) Allow to include MyISAM tables from different databases, and
+ 2.) allow for moving DATADIR around in the file system.
+ The first means that we need paths in the .MRG file. The second
+ means that we should not have absolute paths in the .MRG file.
+ The best, we can do, is to use 'mysql_data_home', which is '.'
+ in mysqld and may be an absolute path in an embedded server.
+ This means that it might not be possible to move the DATADIR of
+ an embedded server without changing the paths in the .MRG file.
+ Do the same even for temporary tables. MERGE children are now
+ opened through the table cache. They are opened by db.table_name,
+ not by their path name.
+ */
+ uint length= build_table_filename(buff, sizeof(buff),
+ tables->db, tables->table_name, "", 0);
+ /*
+ If a MyISAM table is in the same directory as the MERGE table,
+ we use the table name without a path. This means that the
+ DATADIR can easily be moved even for an embedded server as long
+ as the MyISAM tables are from the same database as the MERGE table.
+ */
+ if ((dirname_length(buff) == dirlgt) && ! memcmp(buff, name, dirlgt))
+ table_name= tables->table_name;
- table_name= tbl->s->path.str;
+ if (! (table_name= thd->strmake(buff, length)))
+ DBUG_RETURN(HA_ERR_OUT_OF_MEM); /* purecov: inspected */
*pos++= table_name;
+ /* Create a MERGE meta file from the table_names array. */
@@ -642,7 +1132,7 @@ static int myisammrg_init(void *p)
myisammrg_hton->db_type= DB_TYPE_MRG_MYISAM;
myisammrg_hton->create= myisammrg_create_handler;
myisammrg_hton->panic= myisammrg_panic;
- myisammrg_hton->flags= HTON_CAN_RECREATE|HTON_NO_PARTITION;
+ myisammrg_hton->flags= HTON_NO_PARTITION;
return 0;