path: root/storage/connect/tabmysql.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'storage/connect/tabmysql.cpp')
1 files changed, 211 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/storage/connect/tabmysql.cpp b/storage/connect/tabmysql.cpp
index b1353a47013..28da47d2d33 100644
--- a/storage/connect/tabmysql.cpp
+++ b/storage/connect/tabmysql.cpp
@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ MYSQLDEF::MYSQLDEF(void)
Isview = FALSE;
Bind = FALSE;
Delayed = FALSE;
+ Xsrc = FALSE;
} // end of MYSQLDEF constructor
@@ -347,6 +348,7 @@ bool MYSQLDEF::DefineAM(PGLOBAL g, LPCSTR am, int poff)
if ((Srcdef = Cat->GetStringCatInfo(g, "Srcdef", NULL)))
Isview = TRUE;
+ Xsrc = Cat->GetBoolCatInfo("Execsrc", FALSE);
return FALSE;
} // end of DefineAM
@@ -355,7 +357,9 @@ bool MYSQLDEF::DefineAM(PGLOBAL g, LPCSTR am, int poff)
- if (Catfunc == FNC_COL)
+ if (Xsrc)
+ return new(g) TDBMYEXC(this);
+ else if (Catfunc == FNC_COL)
return new(g) TDBMCL(this);
return new(g) TDBMYSQL(this);
@@ -1280,6 +1284,212 @@ void MYSQLCOL::WriteColumn(PGLOBAL g)
} // end of WriteColumn
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Implementation of the TDBMYSQL class. */
+// Is this really useful ???
+ {
+ PTDB tp;
+ PCOL cp1, cp2;
+ PGLOBAL g = t->G;
+ tp = new(g) TDBMYEXC(g, this);
+ for (cp1 = Columns; cp1; cp1 = cp1->GetNext()) {
+ cp2 = new(g) MYXCOL((PMYXCOL)cp1, tp);
+ NewPointer(t, cp1, cp2);
+ } // endfor cp1
+ return tp;
+ } // end of CopyOne
+/* Allocate MYSQL column description block. */
+PCOL TDBMYEXC::MakeCol(PGLOBAL g, PCOLDEF cdp, PCOL cprec, int n)
+ {
+ PMYXCOL colp = new(g) MYXCOL(cdp, this, cprec, n);
+ if (!colp->Flag)
+ Cmdcol = colp->GetName();
+ return colp;
+ } // end of MakeCol
+/* MakeCMD: make the SQL statement to send to MYSQL connection. */
+ {
+ char *xcmd = NULL;
+ if (To_Filter) {
+ if (Cmdcol) {
+ char col[128], cmd[1024];
+ int n;
+ memset(cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd));
+ n = sscanf(To_Filter, "%s = '%1023c", col, cmd);
+ if (n == 2 && !stricmp(col, Cmdcol)) {
+ xcmd = (char*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, strlen(cmd) + 1);
+ strcpy(xcmd, cmd);
+ xcmd[strlen(xcmd) - 1] = 0;
+ } else
+ strcpy(g->Message, "Invalid command specification filter");
+ } else
+ strcpy(g->Message, "No command column in select list");
+ } else if (!Srcdef)
+ strcpy(g->Message, "No Srcdef default command");
+ else
+ xcmd = Srcdef;
+ return xcmd;
+ } // end of MakeCMD
+/* EXC GetMaxSize: returns the maximum number of rows in the table. */
+int TDBMYEXC::GetMaxSize(PGLOBAL g)
+ {
+ if (MaxSize < 0) {
+ MaxSize = 1;
+ } // endif MaxSize
+ return MaxSize;
+ } // end of GetMaxSize
+/* MySQL Exec Access Method opening routine. */
+ {
+ int rc;
+ if (Use == USE_OPEN) {
+ strcpy(g->Message, "Multiple execution is not allowed");
+ return true;
+ } // endif use
+ /*********************************************************************/
+ /* Open a MySQL connection for this table. */
+ /* Note: this may not be the proper way to do. Perhaps it is better */
+ /* to test whether a connection is already open for this server */
+ /* and if so to allocate just a new result set. But this only for */
+ /* servers allowing concurency in getting results ??? */
+ /*********************************************************************/
+ if (!Myc.Connected())
+ if (Myc.Open(g, Host, Database, User, Pwd, Port))
+ return true;
+ Use = USE_OPEN; // Do it now in case we are recursively called
+ if (Mode != MODE_READ) {
+ strcpy(g->Message, "No INSERT/DELETE/UPDATE of MYSQL EXEC tables");
+ return true;
+ } // endif Mode
+ /*********************************************************************/
+ /* Get the command to execute. */
+ /*********************************************************************/
+ if (!(Query = MakeCMD(g))) {
+ Myc.Close();
+ return true;
+ } // endif Query
+ if ((rc = Myc.ExecSQL(g, Query)) == RC_NF) {
+ strcpy(g->Message, "Affected rows");
+ AftRows = Myc.m_Rows;
+ } else if (rc == RC_OK) {
+ sprintf(g->Message, "Columns and %d rows", Myc.m_Rows);
+ AftRows = Myc.m_Fields;
+ } else
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ } // end of OpenDB
+/* Data Base read routine for MYSQL access method. */
+ {
+ return (++N) ? RC_EF : RC_OK;
+ } // end of ReadDB
+/* WriteDB: Data Base write routine for Exec MYSQL access methods. */
+ {
+ strcpy(g->Message, "EXEC MYSQL tables are read only");
+ return RC_FX;
+ } // end of WriteDB
+// ------------------------- MYXCOL functions ---------------------------
+/* MYXCOL public constructor. */
+MYXCOL::MYXCOL(PCOLDEF cdp, PTDB tdbp, PCOL cprec, int i, PSZ am)
+ : MYSQLCOL(cdp, tdbp, cprec, i, am)
+ {
+ // Set additional EXEC MYSQL access method information for column.
+ Flag = cdp->GetOffset();
+ } // end of MYSQLCOL constructor
+/* MYSQLCOL public constructor. */
+MYXCOL::MYXCOL(MYSQL_FIELD *fld, PTDB tdbp, int i, PSZ am)
+ : MYSQLCOL(fld, tdbp, i, am)
+ {
+ if (trace)
+ htrc(" making new %sCOL C%d %s at %p\n", am, Index, Name, this);
+ } // end of MYSQLCOL constructor
+/* MYXCOL constructor used for copying columns. */
+/* tdbp is the pointer to the new table descriptor. */
+MYXCOL::MYXCOL(MYXCOL *col1, PTDB tdbp) : MYSQLCOL(col1, tdbp)
+ {
+ Flag = col1->Flag;
+ } // end of MYXCOL copy constructor
+/* ReadColumn: */
+void MYXCOL::ReadColumn(PGLOBAL g)
+ {
+ PTDBMYX tdbp = (PTDBMYX)To_Tdb;
+ switch (Flag) {
+ case 0: Value->SetValue_psz(tdbp->Query); break;
+ case 1: Value->SetValue(tdbp->AftRows); break;
+ case 2: Value->SetValue_psz(g->Message); break;
+ default: Value->SetValue_psz("Invalid Flag"); break;
+ } // endswitch Flag
+ } // end of ReadColumn
+/* WriteColumn: should never be called. */
+void MYXCOL::WriteColumn(PGLOBAL g)
+ {
+ assert(false);
+ } // end of WriteColumn
/* ---------------------------TDBMCL class --------------------------- */