path: root/storage/bdb/test/test084.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'storage/bdb/test/test084.tcl')
1 files changed, 53 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/storage/bdb/test/test084.tcl b/storage/bdb/test/test084.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..89bc13978b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/bdb/test/test084.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+# Copyright (c) 2000-2002
+# Sleepycat Software. All rights reserved.
+# $Id: test084.tcl,v 11.11 2002/07/13 18:09:14 margo Exp $
+# TEST test084
+# TEST Basic sanity test (test001) with large (64K) pages.
+proc test084 { method {nentries 10000} {tnum 84} {pagesize 65536} args} {
+ source ./include.tcl
+ set txnenv 0
+ set eindex [lsearch -exact $args "-env"]
+ #
+ # If we are using an env, then testfile should just be the db name.
+ # Otherwise it is the test directory and the name.
+ if { $eindex == -1 } {
+ set testfile $testdir/test0$tnum-empty.db
+ set env NULL
+ } else {
+ set testfile test0$tnum-empty.db
+ incr eindex
+ set env [lindex $args $eindex]
+ set txnenv [is_txnenv $env]
+ if { $txnenv == 1 } {
+ append args " -auto_commit "
+ }
+ set testdir [get_home $env]
+ }
+ set pgindex [lsearch -exact $args "-pagesize"]
+ if { $pgindex != -1 } {
+ puts "Test084: skipping for specific pagesizes"
+ return
+ }
+ cleanup $testdir $env
+ set args "-pagesize $pagesize $args"
+ eval {test001 $method $nentries 0 $tnum 0} $args
+ set omethod [convert_method $method]
+ set args [convert_args $method $args]
+ # For good measure, create a second database that's empty
+ # with the large page size. (There was a verifier bug that
+ # choked on empty 64K pages. [#2408])
+ set db [eval {berkdb_open -create -mode 0644} $args $omethod $testfile]
+ error_check_good empty_db [is_valid_db $db] TRUE
+ error_check_good empty_db_close [$db close] 0