path: root/storage/bdb/test/dbscript.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'storage/bdb/test/dbscript.tcl')
1 files changed, 357 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/storage/bdb/test/dbscript.tcl b/storage/bdb/test/dbscript.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5decc493e9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage/bdb/test/dbscript.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+# Copyright (c) 1996-2002
+# Sleepycat Software. All rights reserved.
+# $Id: dbscript.tcl,v 11.14 2002/04/01 16:28:16 bostic Exp $
+# Random db tester.
+# Usage: dbscript file numops min_del max_add key_avg data_avgdups
+# method: method (we pass this in so that fixed-length records work)
+# file: db file on which to operate
+# numops: number of operations to do
+# ncurs: number of cursors
+# min_del: minimum number of keys before you disable deletes.
+# max_add: maximum number of keys before you disable adds.
+# key_avg: average key size
+# data_avg: average data size
+# dups: 1 indicates dups allowed, 0 indicates no dups
+# errpct: What percent of operations should generate errors
+# seed: Random number generator seed (-1 means use pid)
+source ./include.tcl
+source $test_path/test.tcl
+source $test_path/testutils.tcl
+set usage "dbscript file numops ncurs min_del max_add key_avg data_avg dups errpcnt"
+# Verify usage
+if { $argc != 10 } {
+ puts stderr "FAIL:[timestamp] Usage: $usage"
+ exit
+# Initialize arguments
+set method [lindex $argv 0]
+set file [lindex $argv 1]
+set numops [ lindex $argv 2 ]
+set ncurs [ lindex $argv 3 ]
+set min_del [ lindex $argv 4 ]
+set max_add [ lindex $argv 5 ]
+set key_avg [ lindex $argv 6 ]
+set data_avg [ lindex $argv 7 ]
+set dups [ lindex $argv 8 ]
+set errpct [ lindex $argv 9 ]
+berkdb srand $rand_init
+puts "Beginning execution for [pid]"
+puts "$file database"
+puts "$numops Operations"
+puts "$ncurs cursors"
+puts "$min_del keys before deletes allowed"
+puts "$max_add or fewer keys to add"
+puts "$key_avg average key length"
+puts "$data_avg average data length"
+if { $dups != 1 } {
+ puts "No dups"
+} else {
+ puts "Dups allowed"
+puts "$errpct % Errors"
+flush stdout
+set db [berkdb_open $file]
+set cerr [catch {error_check_good dbopen [is_substr $db db] 1} cret]
+if {$cerr != 0} {
+ puts $cret
+ return
+# set method [$db get_type]
+set record_based [is_record_based $method]
+# Initialize globals including data
+global nkeys
+global l_keys
+global a_keys
+set nkeys [db_init $db 1]
+puts "Initial number of keys: $nkeys"
+set pflags ""
+set gflags ""
+set txn ""
+# Open the cursors
+set curslist {}
+for { set i 0 } { $i < $ncurs } { incr i } {
+ set dbc [$db cursor]
+ set cerr [catch {error_check_good dbopen [is_substr $dbc $db.c] 1} cret]
+ if {$cerr != 0} {
+ puts $cret
+ return
+ }
+ set cerr [catch {error_check_bad cursor_create $dbc NULL} cret]
+ if {$cerr != 0} {
+ puts $cret
+ return
+ }
+ lappend curslist $dbc
+# On each iteration we're going to generate random keys and
+# data. We'll select either a get/put/delete operation unless
+# we have fewer than min_del keys in which case, delete is not
+# an option or more than max_add in which case, add is not
+# an option. The tcl global arrays a_keys and l_keys keep track
+# of key-data pairs indexed by key and a list of keys, accessed
+# by integer.
+set adds 0
+set puts 0
+set gets 0
+set dels 0
+set bad_adds 0
+set bad_puts 0
+set bad_gets 0
+set bad_dels 0
+for { set iter 0 } { $iter < $numops } { incr iter } {
+ set op [pick_op $min_del $max_add $nkeys]
+ set err [is_err $errpct]
+ # The op0's indicate that there aren't any duplicates, so we
+ # exercise regular operations. If dups is 1, then we'll use
+ # cursor ops.
+ switch $op$dups$err {
+ add00 {
+ incr adds
+ set k [random_data $key_avg 1 a_keys $record_based]
+ set data [random_data $data_avg 0 0]
+ set data [chop_data $method $data]
+ set ret [eval {$db put} $txn $pflags \
+ {-nooverwrite $k $data}]
+ set cerr [catch {error_check_good put $ret 0} cret]
+ if {$cerr != 0} {
+ puts $cret
+ return
+ }
+ newpair $k [pad_data $method $data]
+ }
+ add01 {
+ incr bad_adds
+ set k [random_key]
+ set data [random_data $data_avg 0 0]
+ set data [chop_data $method $data]
+ set ret [eval {$db put} $txn $pflags \
+ {-nooverwrite $k $data}]
+ set cerr [catch {error_check_good put $ret 0} cret]
+ if {$cerr != 0} {
+ puts $cret
+ return
+ }
+ # Error case so no change to data state
+ }
+ add10 {
+ incr adds
+ set dbcinfo [random_cursor $curslist]
+ set dbc [lindex $dbcinfo 0]
+ if { [berkdb random_int 1 2] == 1 } {
+ # Add a new key
+ set k [random_data $key_avg 1 a_keys \
+ $record_based]
+ set data [random_data $data_avg 0 0]
+ set data [chop_data $method $data]
+ set ret [eval {$dbc put} $txn \
+ {-keyfirst $k $data}]
+ newpair $k [pad_data $method $data]
+ } else {
+ # Add a new duplicate
+ set dbc [lindex $dbcinfo 0]
+ set k [lindex $dbcinfo 1]
+ set data [random_data $data_avg 0 0]
+ set op [pick_cursput]
+ set data [chop_data $method $data]
+ set ret [eval {$dbc put} $txn {$op $k $data}]
+ adddup $k [lindex $dbcinfo 2] $data
+ }
+ }
+ add11 {
+ # TODO
+ incr bad_adds
+ set ret 1
+ }
+ put00 {
+ incr puts
+ set k [random_key]
+ set data [random_data $data_avg 0 0]
+ set data [chop_data $method $data]
+ set ret [eval {$db put} $txn {$k $data}]
+ changepair $k [pad_data $method $data]
+ }
+ put01 {
+ incr bad_puts
+ set k [random_key]
+ set data [random_data $data_avg 0 0]
+ set data [chop_data $method $data]
+ set ret [eval {$db put} $txn $pflags \
+ {-nooverwrite $k $data}]
+ set cerr [catch {error_check_good put $ret 0} cret]
+ if {$cerr != 0} {
+ puts $cret
+ return
+ }
+ # Error case so no change to data state
+ }
+ put10 {
+ incr puts
+ set dbcinfo [random_cursor $curslist]
+ set dbc [lindex $dbcinfo 0]
+ set k [lindex $dbcinfo 1]
+ set data [random_data $data_avg 0 0]
+ set data [chop_data $method $data]
+ set ret [eval {$dbc put} $txn {-current $data}]
+ changedup $k [lindex $dbcinfo 2] $data
+ }
+ put11 {
+ incr bad_puts
+ set k [random_key]
+ set data [random_data $data_avg 0 0]
+ set data [chop_data $method $data]
+ set dbc [$db cursor]
+ set ret [eval {$dbc put} $txn {-current $data}]
+ set cerr [catch {error_check_good curs_close \
+ [$dbc close] 0} cret]
+ if {$cerr != 0} {
+ puts $cret
+ return
+ }
+ # Error case so no change to data state
+ }
+ get00 {
+ incr gets
+ set k [random_key]
+ set val [eval {$db get} $txn {$k}]
+ set data [pad_data $method [lindex [lindex $val 0] 1]]
+ if { $data == $a_keys($k) } {
+ set ret 0
+ } else {
+ set ret "FAIL: Error got |$data| expected |$a_keys($k)|"
+ }
+ # Get command requires no state change
+ }
+ get01 {
+ incr bad_gets
+ set k [random_data $key_avg 1 a_keys $record_based]
+ set ret [eval {$db get} $txn {$k}]
+ # Error case so no change to data state
+ }
+ get10 {
+ incr gets
+ set dbcinfo [random_cursor $curslist]
+ if { [llength $dbcinfo] == 3 } {
+ set ret 0
+ else
+ set ret 0
+ }
+ # Get command requires no state change
+ }
+ get11 {
+ incr bad_gets
+ set k [random_key]
+ set dbc [$db cursor]
+ if { [berkdb random_int 1 2] == 1 } {
+ set dir -next
+ } else {
+ set dir -prev
+ }
+ set ret [eval {$dbc get} $txn {-next $k}]
+ set cerr [catch {error_check_good curs_close \
+ [$dbc close] 0} cret]
+ if {$cerr != 0} {
+ puts $cret
+ return
+ }
+ # Error and get case so no change to data state
+ }
+ del00 {
+ incr dels
+ set k [random_key]
+ set ret [eval {$db del} $txn {$k}]
+ rempair $k
+ }
+ del01 {
+ incr bad_dels
+ set k [random_data $key_avg 1 a_keys $record_based]
+ set ret [eval {$db del} $txn {$k}]
+ # Error case so no change to data state
+ }
+ del10 {
+ incr dels
+ set dbcinfo [random_cursor $curslist]
+ set dbc [lindex $dbcinfo 0]
+ set ret [eval {$dbc del} $txn]
+ remdup [lindex dbcinfo 1] [lindex dbcinfo 2]
+ }
+ del11 {
+ incr bad_dels
+ set c [$db cursor]
+ set ret [eval {$c del} $txn]
+ set cerr [catch {error_check_good curs_close \
+ [$c close] 0} cret]
+ if {$cerr != 0} {
+ puts $cret
+ return
+ }
+ # Error case so no change to data state
+ }
+ }
+ if { $err == 1 } {
+ # Verify failure.
+ set cerr [catch {error_check_good $op$dups$err:$k \
+ [is_substr Error $ret] 1} cret]
+ if {$cerr != 0} {
+ puts $cret
+ return
+ }
+ } else {
+ # Verify success
+ set cerr [catch {error_check_good $op$dups$err:$k $ret 0} cret]
+ if {$cerr != 0} {
+ puts $cret
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ flush stdout
+# Close cursors and file
+foreach i $curslist {
+ set r [$i close]
+ set cerr [catch {error_check_good cursor_close:$i $r 0} cret]
+ if {$cerr != 0} {
+ puts $cret
+ return
+ }
+set r [$db close]
+set cerr [catch {error_check_good db_close:$db $r 0} cret]
+if {$cerr != 0} {
+ puts $cret
+ return
+puts "[timestamp] [pid] Complete"
+puts "Successful ops: $adds adds $gets gets $puts puts $dels dels"
+puts "Error ops: $bad_adds adds $bad_gets gets $bad_puts puts $bad_dels dels"
+flush stdout
+filecheck $file $txn