path: root/sql/share/serbian/errmsg.txt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sql/share/serbian/errmsg.txt')
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/sql/share/serbian/errmsg.txt b/sql/share/serbian/errmsg.txt
index 051417b6c3d..c888b0d438b 100644
--- a/sql/share/serbian/errmsg.txt
+++ b/sql/share/serbian/errmsg.txt
@@ -236,20 +236,20 @@ character-set=cp1250
"Mešanje tabela koje podržavaju transakcije i onih koje ne podržavaju transakcije je isključeno",
"Opcija '%s' je upotrebljena dva puta u istom iskazu",
"User '%-.64s' has exceeded the '%s' resource (current value: %ld)",
-"Access denied. You need the %-.128s privilege for this operation",
+"Access denied; you need the %-.128s privilege for this operation",
"Variable '%-.64s' is a SESSION variable and can't be used with SET GLOBAL",
"Variable '%-.64s' is a GLOBAL variable and should be set with SET GLOBAL",
"Variable '%-.64s' doesn't have a default value",
"Variable '%-.64s' can't be set to the value of '%-.64s'",
-"Wrong argument type to variable '%-.64s'",
+"Incorrect argument type to variable '%-.64s'",
"Variable '%-.64s' can only be set, not read",
-"Wrong usage/placement of '%s'",
+"Incorrect usage/placement of '%s'",
"This version of MySQL doesn't yet support '%s'",
"Got fatal error %d: '%-.128s' from master when reading data from binary log",
"Slave SQL thread ignored the query because of replicate-*-table rules",
"Variable '%-.64s' is a %s variable",
-"Wrong foreign key definition for '%-.64s': %s",
-"Key reference and table reference doesn't match",
+"Incorrect foreign key definition for '%-.64s': %s",
+"Key reference and table reference don't match",
"Operand should contain %d column(s)",
"Subquery returns more than 1 row",
"Unknown prepared statement handler (%ld) given to %s",
@@ -257,15 +257,15 @@ character-set=cp1250
"Cyclic reference on subqueries",
"Converting column '%s' from %s to %s",
"Reference '%-.64s' not supported (%s)",
-"Every derived table must have it's own alias",
-"Select %u was reduced during optimisation",
-"Table '%-.64s' from one of SELECT's can not be used in %-.32s",
+"Every derived table must have its own alias",
+"Select %u was reduced during optimization",
+"Table '%-.64s' from one of SELECTs can not be used in %-.32s",
"Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client",
"All parts of a SPATIAL KEY must be NOT NULL",
"COLLATION '%s' is not valid for CHARACTER SET '%s'",
"Slave is already running",
"Slave has already been stopped",
-"Too big size of uncompressed data. The maximum size is %d. (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)",
+"Uncompressed data size too large; the maximum size is %d (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)",
"Z_MEM_ERROR: Not enough memory available for zlib",
"Z_BUF_ERROR: Not enough room in the output buffer for zlib (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)",
"Z_DATA_ERROR: Input data was corrupted for zlib",
@@ -283,11 +283,11 @@ character-set=cp1250
"Illegal mix of collations for operation '%s'",
"Variable '%-.64s' is not a variable component (Can't be used as XXXX.variable_name)",
"Unknown collation: '%-.64s'",
-"SSL parameters in CHANGE MASTER are ignored because this MySQL slave was compiled without SSL support; they can be used later when MySQL slave with SSL will be started",
+"SSL parameters in CHANGE MASTER are ignored because this MySQL slave was compiled without SSL support; they can be used later if MySQL slave with SSL is started",
"Server is running in --secure-auth mode, but '%s'@'%s' has a password in the old format; please change the password to the new format",
"Field or reference '%-.64s%s%-.64s%s%-.64s' of SELECT #%d was resolved in SELECT #%d",
-"Wrong parameter or combination of parameters for START SLAVE UNTIL",
-"It is recommended to run with --skip-slave-start when doing step-by-step replication with START SLAVE UNTIL, otherwise you are not safe in case of unexpected slave's mysqld restart",
+"Incorrect parameter or combination of parameters for START SLAVE UNTIL",
+"It is recommended to run with --skip-slave-start when doing step-by-step replication with START SLAVE UNTIL; otherwise, you are not safe in case of unexpected slave's mysqld restart",
"SQL thread is not to be started so UNTIL options are ignored",
"Incorrect index name '%-.100s'",
"Incorrect catalog name '%-.100s'",