path: root/server-tools/instance-manager/
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1 files changed, 417 insertions, 213 deletions
diff --git a/server-tools/instance-manager/ b/server-tools/instance-manager/
index 8254cdc302b..f1166fdd804 100644
--- a/server-tools/instance-manager/
+++ b/server-tools/instance-manager/
@@ -35,7 +35,9 @@
#include "thread_registry.h"
#include "instance_map.h"
-/* {{{ Platform-specific functions. */
+ {{{ Platform-specific functions.
#ifndef __WIN__
typedef pid_t My_process_info;
@@ -44,34 +46,6 @@ typedef PROCESS_INFORMATION My_process_info;
- Proxy thread is a simple way to avoid all pitfalls of the threads
- implementation in the OS (e.g. LinuxThreads). With such a thread we
- don't have to process SIGCHLD, which is a tricky business if we want
- to do it in a portable way.
-class Instance_monitor: public Thread
- Instance_monitor(Instance *instance_arg) :instance(instance_arg) {}
- virtual void run();
- void start_and_monitor_instance(Instance_options *old_instance_options,
- Instance_map *instance_map,
- Thread_registry *thread_registry);
- Instance *instance;
-void Instance_monitor::run()
- start_and_monitor_instance(&instance->options,
- Manager::get_instance_map(),
- Manager::get_thread_registry());
- delete this;
Wait for an instance
@@ -284,113 +258,149 @@ int kill(pid_t pid, int signum)
-/* }}} */
+ }}}
-/* {{{ Static constants. */
+ {{{ Static constants.
Instance::DFLT_INSTANCE_NAME= { C_STRING_WITH_LEN("mysqld") };
-/* }}} */
+ }}}
- Fork child, exec an instance and monitor it.
+ {{{ Instance Monitor thread.
- start_and_monitor_instance()
- old_instance_options Pointer to the options of the instance to be
- launched. This info is likely to become obsolete
- when function returns from wait_process()
- instance_map Pointer to the instance_map. We use it to protect
- the instance from deletion, while we are working
- with it.
+ Proxy thread is a simple way to avoid all pitfalls of the threads
+ implementation in the OS (e.g. LinuxThreads). With such a thread we
+ don't have to process SIGCHLD, which is a tricky business if we want
+ to do it in a portable way.
- Fork a child, then exec and monitor it. When the child is dead,
- find appropriate instance (for this purpose we save its name),
- set appropriate flags and wake all threads waiting for instance
- to stop.
- A separate thread for starting/monitoring instance is a simple way
- to avoid all pitfalls of the threads implementation in the OS (e.g.
- LinuxThreads). For one, with such a thread we don't have to process
- SIGCHLD, which is a tricky business if we want to do it in a
- portable way.
+ Instance Monitor Thread forks a child process, execs mysqld and waits for
+ the child to die.
- Function returns no value
+ Instance Monitor assumes that the monitoring instance will not be dropped.
+ This is guaranteed by having flag monitoring_thread_active and
+ Instance::is_active() operation.
-start_and_monitor_instance(Instance_options *old_instance_options,
- Instance_map *instance_map,
- Thread_registry *thread_registry)
+class Instance_monitor: public Thread
- Instance_name instance_name(&old_instance_options->instance_name);
- Instance *current_instance;
- My_process_info process_info;
- Thread_info thread_info;
+ Instance_monitor(Instance *instance_arg) :instance(instance_arg) {}
+ virtual void run();
+ void start_and_monitor_instance();
+ Instance *instance;
+void Instance_monitor::run()
+ start_and_monitor_instance();
+ delete this;
+void Instance_monitor::start_and_monitor_instance()
+ Thread_registry *thread_registry= Manager::get_thread_registry();
+ Guardian *guardian= Manager::get_guardian();
+ My_process_info mysqld_process_info;
+ Thread_info monitor_thread_info;
log_info("Instance '%s': Monitor: started.",
(const char *) instance->get_name()->str);
- if (!old_instance_options->nonguarded)
- {
- /*
- Register thread in Thread_registry to wait for it to stop on shutdown
- only if instance is guarded. If instance is guarded, the thread will not
- finish, because nonguarded instances are not stopped on shutdown.
- */
- thread_registry->register_thread(&thread_info, FALSE);
- }
- Lock instance map to guarantee that no instances are deleted during
- strmake() and execv() calls.
+ For guarded instance register the thread in Thread_registry to wait for
+ the thread to stop on shutdown (nonguarded instances are not stopped on
+ shutdown, so the thread will no finish).
- instance_map->lock();
- /*
- Save the instance name in the case if Instance object we
- are using is destroyed. (E.g. by "FLUSH INSTANCES")
- */
+ if (instance->is_guarded())
+ {
+ thread_registry->register_thread(&monitor_thread_info, FALSE);
+ }
+ /* Starting mysqld. */
log_info("Instance '%s': Monitor: starting mysqld...",
(const char *) instance->get_name()->str);
- if (start_process(old_instance_options, &process_info))
+ if (start_process(&instance->options, &mysqld_process_info))
- instance_map->unlock();
- return; /* error is logged */
+ instance->lock();
+ instance->monitoring_thread_active= FALSE;
+ instance->unlock();
+ return;
- /* allow users to delete instances */
- instance_map->unlock();
+ /* Waiting for mysqld to die. */
log_info("Instance '%s': Monitor: waiting for mysqld to stop...",
(const char *) instance->get_name()->str);
- wait_process(&process_info); /* Don't check for return value. */
+ wait_process(&mysqld_process_info); /* Don't check for return value. */
- instance_map->lock();
+ log_info("Instance '%s': Monitor: mysqld stopped.",
+ (const char *) instance->get_name()->str);
- current_instance= instance_map->find(instance_name.get_str());
+ /* Update instance status. */
- if (current_instance)
- current_instance->set_crash_flag_n_wake_all();
+ instance->lock();
- instance_map->unlock();
+ if (instance->is_guarded())
+ thread_registry->unregister_thread(&monitor_thread_info);
- if (!old_instance_options->nonguarded)
- thread_registry->unregister_thread(&thread_info);
+ instance->crashed= TRUE;
+ instance->monitoring_thread_active= FALSE;
log_info("Instance '%s': Monitor: finished.",
(const char *) instance->get_name()->str);
+ instance->unlock();
+ /* Wake up guardian. */
+ guardian->ping();
+ }}}
+ {{{ Static operations.
+ The operation is intended to check whether string is a well-formed
+ instance name or not.
+ is_name_valid()
+ name string to check
+ TRUE string is a valid instance name
+ FALSE string is not a valid instance name
+ TODO: Move to Instance_name class: Instance_name::is_valid().
bool Instance::is_name_valid(const LEX_STRING *name)
@@ -404,21 +414,83 @@ bool Instance::is_name_valid(const LEX_STRING *name)
+ The operation is intended to check if the given instance name is
+ mysqld-compatible or not.
+ is_mysqld_compatible_name()
+ name name to check
+ TRUE name is mysqld-compatible
+ FALSE otherwise
+ TODO: Move to Instance_name class: Instance_name::is_mysqld_compatible().
bool Instance::is_mysqld_compatible_name(const LEX_STRING *name)
return strcmp(name->str, DFLT_INSTANCE_NAME.str) == 0;
+ Return client state name. Must not be used outside the class.
+ Use Instance::get_state_name() instead.
+const char * Instance::get_instance_state_name(enum_instance_state state)
+ switch (state) {
+ case STOPPED:
+ return "offline";
+ return "not started";
+ case STARTING:
+ return "starting";
+ case STARTED:
+ return "online";
+ return "failed";
+ case CRASHED:
+ return "crashed";
-/* {{{ Constructor & destructor */
+ return "abandoned";
+ case STOPPING:
+ return "stopping";
+ }
+ return NULL; /* just to ignore compiler warning. */
+ }}}
+ {{{ Initialization & deinitialization.
- :crashed(FALSE),
- configured(FALSE)
+ :monitoring_thread_active(FALSE),
+ crashed(FALSE),
+ configured(FALSE),
+ /* mysqld_compatible is initialized in init() */
+ state(NOT_STARTED),
+ restart_counter(0),
+ crash_moment(0),
+ last_checked(0)
pthread_mutex_init(&LOCK_instance, 0);
- pthread_cond_init(&COND_instance_stopped, 0);
@@ -426,13 +498,11 @@ Instance::~Instance()
log_info("Instance '%s': destroying...", (const char *) get_name()->str);
- pthread_cond_destroy(&COND_instance_stopped);
-/* }}} */
Initialize instance options.
@@ -452,7 +522,7 @@ bool Instance::init(const LEX_STRING *name_arg)
Complete instance options initialization.
@@ -473,7 +543,47 @@ bool Instance::complete_initialization()
+ }}}
+ {{{ Instance: public interface implementation.
+ Determine if there is some activity with the instance.
+ is_active()
+ An instance is active if one of the following conditions is true:
+ - Instance-monitoring thread is running;
+ - Instance is guarded and its state is other than STOPPED;
+ - Corresponding mysqld-server accepts connections.
+ MT-NOTE: instance must be locked before calling the operation.
+ TRUE - instance is active
+ FALSE - otherwise.
+bool Instance::is_active()
+ if (monitoring_thread_active)
+ return TRUE;
+ if (is_guarded() && get_state() != STOPPED)
+ return TRUE;
+ return is_mysqld_running();
Determine if mysqld is accepting connections.
@@ -483,7 +593,7 @@ bool Instance::complete_initialization()
Try to connect to mysqld with fake login/password to check whether it is
accepting connections or not.
- MT-NOTE: this operation must be called under acquired LOCK_instance.
+ MT-NOTE: instance must be locked before calling the operation.
TRUE - mysqld is alive and accept connections
@@ -507,8 +617,6 @@ bool Instance::is_mysqld_running()
if (!port && !options.mysqld_socket)
- pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_instance);
/* try to connect to a server with a fake username/password pair */
if (mysql_real_connect(&mysql, LOCAL_HOST, username,
@@ -522,7 +630,6 @@ bool Instance::is_mysqld_running()
log_error("Instance '%s': was able to log into mysqld.",
(const char *) get_name()->str);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_instance);
return_val= TRUE; /* server is alive */
@@ -530,145 +637,145 @@ bool Instance::is_mysqld_running()
sizeof(access_denied_message) - 1));
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_instance);
return return_val;
- The method starts an instance.
+ Start mysqld.
- start()
+ start_mysqld()
+ Reset flags and start Instance Monitor thread, which will start mysqld.
+ MT-NOTE: instance must be locked before calling the operation.
- 0 ok
- ER_CANNOT_START_INSTANCE Cannot start instance
- ER_INSTANCE_ALREADY_STARTED The instance on the specified port/socket
- is already started
+ FALSE - ok
+ TRUE - could not start instance
-int Instance::start()
+bool Instance::start_mysqld()
- /* clear crash flag */
- pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_instance);
- crashed= FALSE;
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_instance);
+ Instance_monitor *instance_monitor;
+ /*
+ Prepare instance to start Instance Monitor thread.
- if (configured && !is_mysqld_running())
- {
- Instance_monitor *instance_monitor;
- remove_pid();
+ NOTE: It's important to set these actions here in order to avoid
+ race conditions -- these actions must be done under acquired lock on
+ Instance.
+ */
- instance_monitor= new Instance_monitor(this);
+ crashed= FALSE;
+ monitoring_thread_active= TRUE;
- if (instance_monitor == NULL || instance_monitor->start(Thread::DETACHED))
- {
- delete instance_monitor;
- log_error("Instance::start(): failed to create the monitoring thread"
- " to start an instance");
- }
- /* The monitoring thread will delete itself when it's finished. */
+ remove_pid();
- return 0;
- }
+ /* Create and start the Instance Monitor thread. */
- /* The instance is started already or misconfigured. */
+ instance_monitor= new Instance_monitor(this);
- The method sets the crash flag and wakes all waiters on
- COND_instance_stopped and COND_guardian
+ if (instance_monitor == NULL || instance_monitor->start(Thread::DETACHED))
+ {
+ delete instance_monitor;
+ monitoring_thread_active= FALSE;
- set_crash_flag_n_wake_all()
+ log_error("Instance '%s': can not create instance monitor thread.",
+ (const char *) get_name()->str);
- The method is called when an instance is crashed or terminated.
- In the former case it might indicate that guardian probably should
- restart it.
+ return TRUE;
+ }
- Function returns no value
+ ++restart_counter;
-void Instance::set_crash_flag_n_wake_all()
- /* set instance state to crashed */
- pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_instance);
- crashed= TRUE;
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_instance);
+ /* The Instance Monitor thread will delete itself when it's finished. */
- /*
- Wake connection threads waiting for an instance to stop. This
- is needed if a user issued command to stop an instance via
- mysql connection. This is not the case if Guardian stop the thread.
- */
- pthread_cond_signal(&COND_instance_stopped);
- /* wake guardian */
- pthread_cond_signal(&Manager::get_guardian()->COND_guardian);
+ return FALSE;
- Stop an instance.
+ Stop mysqld.
- stop()
+ stop_mysqld()
- 0 ok
- ER_INSTANCE_IS_NOT_STARTED Looks like the instance it is not started
- ER_STOP_INSTANCE mysql_shutdown reported an error
+ Try to stop mysqld gracefully. Otherwise kill it with SIGKILL.
-int Instance::stop()
- struct timespec timeout;
- uint waitchild= (uint) DEFAULT_SHUTDOWN_DELAY;
+ MT-NOTE: instance must be locked before calling the operation.
- if (is_mysqld_running())
- {
- waitchild= options.get_shutdown_delay();
+ FALSE - ok
+ TRUE - could not stop the instance
- kill_mysqld(SIGTERM);
- /* sleep on condition to wait for SIGCHLD */
+bool Instance::stop_mysqld()
+ log_info("Instance '%s': stopping mysqld...",
+ (const char *) get_name()->str);
- timeout.tv_sec= time(NULL) + waitchild;
- timeout.tv_nsec= 0;
- if (pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_instance))
+ kill_mysqld(SIGTERM);
- while (options.load_pid() != 0) /* while server isn't stopped */
- {
- int status;
+ if (!wait_for_stop())
+ {
+ log_info("Instance '%s': mysqld stopped gracefully.",
+ (const char *) get_name()->str);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
- status= pthread_cond_timedwait(&COND_instance_stopped,
- &LOCK_instance,
- &timeout);
- if (status == ETIMEDOUT || status == ETIME)
- break;
- }
+ log_info("Instance '%s': mysqld failed to stop gracefully within %d seconds.",
+ (const char *) get_name()->str,
+ (int) options.get_shutdown_delay());
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_instance);
+ log_info("Instance'%s': killing mysqld...",
+ (const char *) get_name()->str);
- kill_mysqld(SIGKILL);
+ kill_mysqld(SIGKILL);
- return 0;
+ if (!wait_for_stop())
+ {
+ log_info("Instance '%s': mysqld has been killed.",
+ (const char *) get_name()->str);
+ return FALSE;
+ log_info("Instance '%s': can not kill mysqld within %d seconds.",
+ (const char *) get_name()->str,
+ (int) options.get_shutdown_delay());
+ return TRUE;
Send signal to mysqld.
+ Load pid from the pid file and send the given signal to that process.
+ If the signal is SIGKILL, remove the pid file after sending the signal.
+ MT-NOTE: instance must be locked before calling the operation.
+ This too low-level and OS-specific operation for public interface.
+ Also, it has some implicit behaviour for SIGKILL signal. Probably, we
+ should have the following public operations instead:
+ - start_mysqld() -- as is;
+ - stop_mysqld -- request mysqld to shutdown gracefully (send SIGTERM);
+ don't wait for complete shutdown;
+ - wait_for_stop() (or join_mysqld()) -- wait for mysqld to stop within
+ time interval;
+ - kill_mysqld() -- request to terminate mysqld; don't wait for
+ completion.
+ These operations should also be used in Guardian to manage instances.
void Instance::kill_mysqld(int signum)
@@ -706,27 +813,91 @@ void Instance::kill_mysqld(int signum)
- Return crashed flag.
- is_crashed()
- TRUE - mysqld crashed
- FALSE - mysqld hasn't crashed yet
+ Lock instance.
-bool Instance::is_crashed()
+void Instance::lock()
- bool val;
- val= crashed;
+ Unlock instance.
+void Instance::unlock()
- return val;
+ Return instance state name.
+ get_state_name()
+ The operation returns user-friendly state name. The operation can be
+ used both for guarded and non-guarded instances.
+ MT-NOTE: instance must be locked before calling the operation.
+ TODO: Replace with the static get_state_name(state_code) function.
+const char *Instance::get_state_name()
+ if (!is_configured())
+ return "misconfigured";
+ if (is_guarded())
+ {
+ /* The instance is managed by Guardian: we can report precise state. */
+ return get_instance_state_name(get_state());
+ }
+ /* The instance is not managed by Guardian: we can report status only. */
+ return is_active() ? "online" : "offline";
+ Reset statistics.
+ reset_stat()
+ The operation resets statistics used for guarding the instance.
+ MT-NOTE: instance must be locked before calling the operation.
+ TODO: Make private.
+void Instance::reset_stat()
+ restart_counter= 0;
+ crash_moment= 0;
+ last_checked= 0;
+ }}}
+ {{{ Instance: implementation of private operations.
Remove pid file.
@@ -743,3 +914,36 @@ void Instance::remove_pid()
(const char *) options.instance_name.str);
+ Wait for mysqld to stop within shutdown interval.
+bool Instance::wait_for_stop()
+ int start_time= time(NULL);
+ int finish_time= start_time + options.get_shutdown_delay();
+ log_info("Instance '%s': waiting for mysqld to stop "
+ "(timeout: %d seconds)...",
+ (const char *) get_name()->str,
+ (int) options.get_shutdown_delay());
+ while (true)
+ {
+ if (options.load_pid() == 0 && !is_mysqld_running())
+ return FALSE;
+ if (time(NULL) >= finish_time)
+ return TRUE;
+ /* Sleep for 0.3 sec and check again. */
+ my_sleep(300000);
+ }
+ }}}