path: root/mysql-test/r
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mysql-test/r')
2 files changed, 129 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/init_connect.result b/mysql-test/r/init_connect.result
index eeae422edc4..f90ee5913a1 100644
--- a/mysql-test/r/init_connect.result
+++ b/mysql-test/r/init_connect.result
@@ -22,3 +22,117 @@ set GLOBAL init_connect="adsfsdfsdfs";
select @a;
Got one of the listed errors
drop table t1;
+End of 4.1 tests
+create table t1 (x int);
+insert into t1 values (3), (5), (7);
+create table t2 (y int);
+create user mysqltest1@localhost;
+grant all privileges on test.* to mysqltest1@localhost;
+set global init_connect="create procedure p1() select * from t1";
+call p1();
+drop procedure p1;
+set global init_connect="create procedure p1(x int)\
+ select count(*) from t1;\
+ select * from t1;\
+ set @x = x;
+call p1(42);
+select @x;
+set global init_connect="call p1(4711)";
+select @x;
+set global init_connect="drop procedure if exists p1";
+call p1();
+ERROR 42000: PROCEDURE test.p1 does not exist
+create procedure p1(out sum int)
+declare n int default 0;
+declare c cursor for select * from t1;
+declare exit handler for not found
+close c;
+set sum = n;
+open c;
+declare x int;
+fetch c into x;
+if x > 3 then
+set n = n + x;
+end if;
+end loop;
+set global init_connect="call p1(@sum)";
+select @sum;
+drop procedure p1;
+create procedure p1(tbl char(10), v int)
+set @s = concat('insert into ', tbl, ' values (?)');
+set @v = v;
+prepare stmt1 from @s;
+execute stmt1 using @v;
+deallocate prepare stmt1;
+set global init_connect="call p1('t1', 11)";
+select * from t1;
+drop procedure p1;
+create function f1() returns int
+declare n int;
+select count(*) into n from t1;
+return n;
+set global init_connect="set @x = f1()";
+select @x;
+set global init_connect="create view v1 as select f1()";
+select * from v1;
+set global init_connect="drop view v1";
+select * from v1;
+ERROR 42S02: Table 'test.v1' doesn't exist
+drop function f1;
+create trigger trg1
+after insert on t2
+for each row
+insert into t1 values (new.y);
+set global init_connect="insert into t2 values (13), (17), (19)";
+select * from t1;
+drop trigger trg1;
+set global init_connect=default;
+revoke all privileges, grant option from mysqltest1@localhost;
+drop user mysqltest1@localhost;
+drop table t1, t2;
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/init_file.result b/mysql-test/r/init_file.result
index 9766475a418..1569f2c3d68 100644
--- a/mysql-test/r/init_file.result
+++ b/mysql-test/r/init_file.result
@@ -1 +1,16 @@
+end of 4.1 tests
+select * from t1;
+select * from t2;
+drop table t1, t2;