path: root/mysql-test/lib/v1/My/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mysql-test/lib/v1/My/')
1 files changed, 422 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mysql-test/lib/v1/My/ b/mysql-test/lib/v1/My/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5491e341ddc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/lib/v1/My/
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+# -*- cperl -*-
+package My::Config::Option;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+sub new {
+ my ($class, $option_name, $option_value)= @_;
+ my $self= bless { name => $option_name,
+ value => $option_value
+ }, $class;
+ return $self;
+sub name {
+ my ($self)= @_;
+ return $self->{name};
+sub value {
+ my ($self)= @_;
+ return $self->{value};
+package My::Config::Group;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+sub new {
+ my ($class, $group_name)= @_;
+ my $self= bless { name => $group_name,
+ options => [],
+ options_by_name => {},
+ }, $class;
+ return $self;
+sub insert {
+ my ($self, $option_name, $value, $if_not_exist)= @_;
+ my $option= $self->option($option_name);
+ if (defined($option) and !$if_not_exist) {
+ $option->{value}= $value;
+ }
+ else {
+ my $option= My::Config::Option->new($option_name, $value);
+ # Insert option in list
+ push(@{$self->{options}}, $option);
+ # Insert option in hash
+ $self->{options_by_name}->{$option_name}= $option;
+ }
+ return $option;
+sub remove {
+ my ($self, $option_name)= @_;
+ # Check that option exists
+ my $option= $self->option($option_name);
+ return undef unless defined $option;
+ # Remove from the hash
+ delete($self->{options_by_name}->{$option_name}) or die;
+ # Remove from the array
+ @{$self->{options}}= grep { $_->name ne $option_name } @{$self->{options}};
+ return $option;
+sub options {
+ my ($self)= @_;
+ return @{$self->{options}};
+sub name {
+ my ($self)= @_;
+ return $self->{name};
+# Return a specific option in the group
+sub option {
+ my ($self, $option_name)= @_;
+ return $self->{options_by_name}->{$option_name};
+# Return a specific value for an option in the group
+sub value {
+ my ($self, $option_name)= @_;
+ my $option= $self->option($option_name);
+ die "No option named '$option_name' in this group"
+ if ! defined($option);
+ return $option->value();
+package My::Config;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::File;
+use File::Basename;
+# Constructor for My::Config
+# - represents a my.cnf config file
+# Array of arrays
+sub new {
+ my ($class, $path)= @_;
+ my $group_name= undef;
+ my $self= bless { groups => [] }, $class;
+ my $F= IO::File->new($path, "<")
+ or die "Could not open '$path': $!";
+ while ( my $line= <$F> ) {
+ chomp($line);
+ # [group]
+ if ( $line =~ /\[(.*)\]/ ) {
+ # New group found
+ $group_name= $1;
+ #print "group: $group_name\n";
+ $self->insert($group_name, undef, undef);
+ }
+ # Magic #! comments
+ elsif ( $line =~ /^#\!/) {
+ my $magic= $line;
+ die "Found magic comment '$magic' outside of group"
+ unless $group_name;
+ #print "$magic\n";
+ $self->insert($group_name, $magic, undef);
+ }
+ # Comments
+ elsif ( $line =~ /^#/ || $line =~ /^;/) {
+ # Skip comment
+ next;
+ }
+ # Empty lines
+ elsif ( $line =~ /^$/ ) {
+ # Skip empty lines
+ next;
+ }
+ # !include <filename>
+ elsif ( $line =~ /^\!include\s*(.*?)\s*$/ ) {
+ my $include_file_name= dirname($path)."/".$1;
+ # Check that the file exists
+ die "The include file '$include_file_name' does not exist"
+ unless -f $include_file_name;
+ $self->append(My::Config->new($include_file_name));
+ }
+ # <option>
+ elsif ( $line =~ /^([\@\w-]+)\s*$/ ) {
+ my $option= $1;
+ die "Found option '$option' outside of group"
+ unless $group_name;
+ #print "$option\n";
+ $self->insert($group_name, $option, undef);
+ }
+ # <option>=<value>
+ elsif ( $line =~ /^([\@\w-]+)\s*=\s*(.*?)\s*$/ ) {
+ my $option= $1;
+ my $value= $2;
+ die "Found option '$option=$value' outside of group"
+ unless $group_name;
+ #print "$option=$value\n";
+ $self->insert($group_name, $option, $value);
+ } else {
+ die "Unexpected line '$line' found in '$path'";
+ }
+ }
+ undef $F; # Close the file
+ return $self;
+# Insert a new group if it does not already exist
+# and add option if defined
+sub insert {
+ my ($self, $group_name, $option, $value, $if_not_exist)= @_;
+ my $group;
+ # Create empty array for the group if it doesn't exist
+ if ( !$self->group_exists($group_name) ) {
+ $group= $self->_group_insert($group_name);
+ }
+ else {
+ $group= $self->group($group_name);
+ }
+ if ( defined $option ) {
+ #print "option: $option, value: $value\n";
+ # Add the option to the group
+ $group->insert($option, $value, $if_not_exist);
+ }
+# Remove a option, given group and option name
+sub remove {
+ my ($self, $group_name, $option_name)= @_;
+ my $group= $self->group($group_name);
+ die "group '$group_name' does not exist"
+ unless defined($group);
+ $group->remove($option_name) or
+ die "option '$option_name' does not exist";
+# Check if group with given name exists in config
+sub group_exists {
+ my ($self, $group_name)= @_;
+ foreach my $group ($self->groups()) {
+ return 1 if $group->{name} eq $group_name;
+ }
+ return 0;
+# Insert a new group into config
+sub _group_insert {
+ my ($self, $group_name)= @_;
+ caller eq __PACKAGE__ or die;
+ # Check that group does not already exist
+ die "Group already exists" if $self->group_exists($group_name);
+ my $group= My::Config::Group->new($group_name);
+ push(@{$self->{groups}}, $group);
+ return $group;
+# Append a configuration to current config
+sub append {
+ my ($self, $from)= @_;
+ foreach my $group ($from->groups()) {
+ foreach my $option ($group->options()) {
+ $self->insert($group->name(), $option->name(), $option->value());
+ }
+ }
+# Return a list with all the groups in config
+sub groups {
+ my ($self)= @_;
+ return ( @{$self->{groups}} );
+# Return a list of all the groups in config
+# starting with the given string
+sub like {
+ my ($self, $prefix)= @_;
+ return ( grep ( $_->{name} =~ /^$prefix/, $self->groups()) );
+# Return the first group in config
+# starting with the given string
+sub first_like {
+ my ($self, $prefix)= @_;
+ return ($self->like($prefix))[0];
+# Return a specific group in the config
+sub group {
+ my ($self, $group_name)= @_;
+ foreach my $group ( $self->groups() ) {
+ return $group if $group->{name} eq $group_name;
+ }
+ return undef;
+# Return a list of all options in a specific group in the config
+sub options_in_group {
+ my ($self, $group_name)= @_;
+ my $group= $self->group($group_name);
+ return () unless defined $group;
+ return $group->options();
+# Return a value given group and option name
+sub value {
+ my ($self, $group_name, $option_name)= @_;
+ my $group= $self->group($group_name);
+ die "group '$group_name' does not exist"
+ unless defined($group);
+ my $option= $group->option($option_name);
+ die "option '$option_name' does not exist"
+ unless defined($option);
+ return $option->value();
+# Check if an option exists
+sub exists {
+ my ($self, $group_name, $option_name)= @_;
+ my $group= $self->group($group_name);
+ die "group '$group_name' does not exist"
+ unless defined($group);
+ my $option= $group->option($option_name);
+ return defined($option);
+# Overload "to string"-operator with 'stringify'
+use overload
+ '""' => \&stringify;
+# Return the config as a string in my.cnf file format
+sub stringify {
+ my ($self)= @_;
+ my $res;
+ foreach my $group ($self->groups()) {
+ $res .= "[$group->{name}]\n";
+ foreach my $option ($group->options()) {
+ $res .= $option->name();
+ my $value= $option->value();
+ if (defined $value) {
+ $res .= "=$value";
+ }
+ $res .= "\n";
+ }
+ $res .= "\n";
+ }
+ return $res;
+# Save the config to named file
+sub save {
+ my ($self, $path)= @_;
+ my $F= IO::File->new($path, ">")
+ or die "Could not open '$path': $!";
+ print $F $self;
+ undef $F; # Close the file