path: root/innobase/usr/usr0sess.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'innobase/usr/usr0sess.c')
1 files changed, 9 insertions, 510 deletions
diff --git a/innobase/usr/usr0sess.c b/innobase/usr/usr0sess.c
index 1455a16057e..359c1552421 100644
--- a/innobase/usr/usr0sess.c
+++ b/innobase/usr/usr0sess.c
@@ -12,21 +12,7 @@ Created 6/25/1996 Heikki Tuuri
#include "usr0sess.ic"
-#include "ut0rnd.h"
-#include "mach0data.h"
-#include "ha0ha.h"
#include "trx0trx.h"
-#include "que0que.h"
-#include "pars0pars.h"
-#include "pars0sym.h"
-#include "dict0dict.h"
-#include "dict0mem.h"
-#include "odbc0odbc.h"
-#define SESS_ERR_BUF_SIZE 8192
-/* The session system global data structure */
-sess_sys_t* sess_sys = NULL;
Closes a session, freeing the memory occupied by it. */
@@ -35,247 +21,28 @@ void
sess_t* sess); /* in, own: session object */
-Communicates an error message to the client. If sess->client_waits is not
-TRUE, puts the session to error state and does not try to send the error
-message. */
- sess_t* sess); /* in: session object */
-Copies error info to a session. Sends to the transaction a signal which will
-rollback the latest incomplete SQL statement and then send the error message
-to the client. NOTE: This function will take care of the freeing of the error
-string, thus the caller must supply a copy of the error string. */
- sess_t* sess, /* in: session object */
- ulint err_no, /* in: error number */
- char* err_str);/* in, own: error string or NULL;
- NOTE: the function will take care of freeing of the
- string! */
-Folds a session id to a ulint. Because this function is used also in
-calculating a checksum for the id to write in the message, it is performs
-also a XOR operation to mix the values more thoroughly. */
- /* out: folded value; can be used also as the checksum
- for id */
- dulint id) /* in: session id */
- return(ut_fold_dulint(id) ^ 2945794411U);
-Sets the session id in a client message. */
- byte* str, /* in/out: message string */
- dulint sess_id)/* in: session id */
- ulint fold;
- mach_write_to_8(str + SESS_CLI_MSG_SESS_ID, sess_id);
- fold = sess_id_fold(sess_id);
- mach_write_to_4(str + SESS_CLI_MSG_SESS_ID_CHECK, fold);
-Decrements the reference count of a session and closes it, if desired. */
- sess_t* sess) /* in: session */
- ut_ad(mutex_own(&kernel_mutex));
- ut_ad(sess->refer_count > 0);
- sess->refer_count--;
- if (sess->disconnecting && (sess->refer_count == 0)) {
- sess_close(sess);
- }
-Increments the reference count of a session. */
- sess_t* sess) /* in: session */
- ut_ad(mutex_own(&kernel_mutex));
- sess->refer_count++;
-Creates a session system at a database start. */
- sess_sys = mem_alloc(sizeof(sess_sys_t));
- sess_sys->state = SESS_SYS_RUNNING;
- sess_sys->free_sess_id = ut_dulint_create(0, 1);
- sess_sys->hash = hash_create(SESS_HASH_SIZE);
-Gets the message type of a message from client. */
- /* out: message type */
- byte* str) /* in: message string */
- ut_ad(mutex_own(&kernel_mutex));
- return(mach_read_from_4(str + SESS_CLI_MSG_TYPE));
-Gets the message number of a message from client. */
- /* out: message number */
- byte* str) /* in: message string */
- ut_ad(mutex_own(&kernel_mutex));
- return(mach_read_from_8(str + SESS_CLI_MSG_NO));
-Gets the continue field of a message from client. */
- /* out: SESS_MSG_SINGLE_PART, ... */
- byte* str) /* in: message string */
- ut_ad(mutex_own(&kernel_mutex));
- return(mach_read_from_4(str + SESS_CLI_MSG_CONTINUE));
-Gets the size of a big message in kilobytes. */
- /* out: size in kilobytes */
- byte* str) /* in: message string */
- ut_ad(mutex_own(&kernel_mutex));
- return(mach_read_from_4(str + SESS_CLI_MSG_CONT_SIZE));
-Checks the consistency of a message from a client. */
- /* out: TRUE if ok */
- byte* str, /* in: message string */
- ulint len) /* in: message string length */
- ulint fold;
- ut_ad(mutex_own(&kernel_mutex));
- if (len < SESS_CLI_MSG_DATA) {
- return(FALSE);
- }
- ut_ad(SESS_CLI_MSG_CHECKSUM == 0);
- fold = ut_fold_binary(str + 4, len - 4);
- if (mach_read_from_4(str + SESS_CLI_MSG_CHECKSUM) != fold) {
- return(FALSE);
- }
- return(TRUE);
Opens a session. */
/* out, own: session object */
- com_endpoint_t* endpoint, /* in: communication endpoint used
- for receiving messages from the client,
- or NULL if no client */
- byte* addr_buf, /* in: client address (= user name) */
- ulint addr_len) /* in: client address length */
sess_t* sess;
- ulint fold;
+#endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */
sess = mem_alloc(sizeof(sess_t));
- sess->id = sess_sys->free_sess_id;
- UT_DULINT_INC(sess_sys->free_sess_id);
sess->state = SESS_ACTIVE;
- sess->disconnecting = FALSE;
- sess->msgs_sent = ut_dulint_zero;
- sess->msgs_recv = ut_dulint_zero;
- sess->client_waits = TRUE;
- sess->err_no = 0;
- sess->err_str = NULL;
- sess->error_count = ut_dulint_zero;
- sess->big_msg = NULL;
sess->trx = trx_create(sess);
- sess->next_graph_id = 0;
- fold = sess_id_fold(sess->id);
- HASH_INSERT(sess_t, hash, sess_sys->hash, fold, sess);
- sess->endpoint = endpoint;
- sess->addr_buf = mem_alloc(addr_len);
- ut_memcpy(sess->addr_buf, addr_buf, addr_len);
- sess->addr_len = addr_len;
@@ -288,23 +55,11 @@ sess_close(
sess_t* sess) /* in, own: session object */
- ulint fold;
- ut_ad(sess->disconnecting);
+#endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */
ut_ad(sess->trx == NULL);
- ut_ad(sess->refer_count == 0);
- fold = ut_fold_dulint(sess->id);
- HASH_DELETE(sess_t, hash, sess_sys->hash, fold, sess);
-/* sess_reply_to_client_rel_kernel(sess); */
- if (sess->err_str != NULL) {
- mem_free(sess->err_str);
- }
- mem_free(sess->addr_buf);
@@ -318,10 +73,10 @@ sess_try_close(
/* out: TRUE if closed */
sess_t* sess) /* in, own: session object */
- if (sess->disconnecting && (UT_LIST_GET_LEN(sess->graphs) == 0)
- && (sess->refer_count == 0)) {
+#endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */
+ if (UT_LIST_GET_LEN(sess->graphs) == 0) {
@@ -329,259 +84,3 @@ sess_try_close(
-Initializes the first fields of a message to client. */
- sess_t* sess, /* in: session object */
- byte* buf, /* in: message buffer, must be at least of size
- ulint type) /* in: message type */
- ut_ad(mutex_own(&kernel_mutex));
- sess->msgs_sent = ut_dulint_add(sess->msgs_sent, 1);
- mach_write_to_8(buf + SESS_SRV_MSG_SESS_ID, sess->id);
- mach_write_to_4(buf + SESS_SRV_MSG_TYPE, type);
- mach_write_to_8(buf + SESS_SRV_MSG_NO, sess->msgs_sent);
- ut_ad(com_endpoint_get_max_size(sess->endpoint) >= SESS_SRV_MSG_DATA);
-Sends a message to the client. */
- /* out: 0 if success, else error number */
- sess_t* sess, /* in: session object */
- byte* buf, /* in: message buffer */
- ulint len, /* in: message length */
- ulint rel_ker)/* in: SESS_RELEASE_KERNEL if the kernel mutex should
- be temporarily released in the call; otherwise
- ulint ret;
- ut_ad((rel_ker == SESS_NOT_RELEASE_KERNEL)
- || (rel_ker == SESS_RELEASE_KERNEL));
- ut_ad(mutex_own(&kernel_mutex));
- ut_ad(len <= com_endpoint_get_max_size(sess->endpoint));
- ut_ad(len >= SESS_SRV_MSG_DATA);
- if (sess->client_waits == FALSE) {
- sess_error_low(sess, SESS_ERR_EXTRANEOUS_SRV_MSG, NULL);
- return(1);
- }
- /* The client will now receive an error message: if the session is
- in the error state, we can reset it to the normal state */
- if (sess->state == SESS_ERROR) {
- sess->state = SESS_ACTIVE;
- }
- /* We reset the client_waits flag to FALSE, regardless of whether the
- message gets delivered to the client or not. This convention makes
- things simpler. */
- sess->client_waits = FALSE;
- if (rel_ker == SESS_RELEASE_KERNEL) {
- mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex);
- }
- ret = com_sendto(sess->endpoint, buf, len, sess->addr_buf,
- sess->addr_len);
- if (rel_ker == SESS_RELEASE_KERNEL) {
- mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex);
- }
- if (ret != 0) {
- sess_error_low(sess, SESS_ERR_REPLY_FAILED, NULL);
- }
- return(ret);
-Sends a message to the client. If the session is in the error state, sends
-the error message instead of buf. */
- /* out: 0 if success, else error number */
- sess_t* sess, /* in: session object */
- byte* buf, /* in: message buffer */
- ulint len, /* in: message length */
- ulint rel_ker)/* in: SESS_RELEASE_KERNEL if the kernel mutex should
- be temporarily released in the call; otherwise
- ulint ret;
- ut_ad(mutex_own(&kernel_mutex));
- if (sess->state == SESS_ERROR) {
- sess_srv_msg_send_error(sess);
- return(2);
- }
- ret = sess_srv_msg_send_low(sess, buf, len, rel_ker);
- return(ret);
-Sends a simple message to client. */
- sess_t* sess, /* in: session object */
- ulint type, /* in: message type */
- ulint rel_kernel) /* in: SESS_RELEASE_KERNEL or
- byte buf[SESS_SRV_MSG_DATA];
- ut_ad(mutex_own(&kernel_mutex));
- sess_srv_msg_init(sess, buf, type);
- sess_srv_msg_send(sess, buf, SESS_SRV_MSG_DATA, rel_kernel);
-Communicates an error message to the client. If sess->client_waits is not
-TRUE, puts the session to error state and does not try to send the error
-message. */
- sess_t* sess) /* in: session object */
- ulint err_no;
- byte* err_str;
- ulint err_len;
- ulint max_len;
- byte buf[SESS_ERR_BUF_SIZE];
- ulint ret;
- ut_ad(sess->client_waits);
- ut_ad(mutex_own(&kernel_mutex));
- ut_ad(sess->state == SESS_ERROR);
- ut_ad(!UT_LIST_GET_FIRST((sess->trx)->signals));
- if (!sess->client_waits) {
- /* Cannot send the error message now: leave the session to
- the error state and send it later */
- return;
- }
- err_no = sess->err_no;
- err_str = (byte*)sess->err_str;
- err_len = sess->err_len;
- max_len = ut_min(SESS_ERR_BUF_SIZE,
- com_endpoint_get_max_size(sess->endpoint));
- sess_srv_msg_init(sess, buf, SESS_SRV_ERROR);
- if (err_len + SESS_SRV_MSG_DATA > max_len) {
- err_len = max_len - SESS_SRV_MSG_DATA;
- }
- ut_memcpy(buf + SESS_SRV_MSG_DATA, err_str, err_len);
- ret = sess_srv_msg_send_low(sess, buf, SESS_SRV_MSG_DATA + err_len,
-Copies error info to a session. Sends to the transaction a signal which will
-rollback the latest incomplete SQL statement and then send the error message
-to the client. NOTE: This function will take care of the freeing of the error
-string, thus the caller must supply a copy of the error string. */
- sess_t* sess, /* in: session object */
- ulint err_no, /* in: error number */
- char* err_str)/* in, own: error string or NULL;
- NOTE: the function will take care of freeing of the
- string! */
- ut_ad(mutex_own(&kernel_mutex));
- UT_DULINT_INC(sess->error_count);
- printf("Error string::: %s\n", err_str);
- if (sess->state == SESS_ERROR) {
- /* Ignore the error because the session is already in the
- error state */
- if (err_str) {
- mem_free(err_str);
- }
- return;
- }
- sess->err_no = err_no;
- if (sess->err_str) {
- mem_free(sess->err_str);
- }
- sess->err_str = err_str;
- sess->err_len = ut_strlen(err_str);
- sess->state = SESS_ERROR;
- if (sess->big_msg) {
- mem_free(sess->big_msg);
- }
- /* Send a signal which will roll back the latest incomplete SQL
- statement: the error message will be sent to the client by the error
- handling mechanism after the rollback is completed. */
- trx_sig_send(sess->trx, TRX_SIG_ERROR_OCCURRED, TRX_SIG_SELF, FALSE,
-When a command has been completed, this function sends the message about it
-to the client. */
- sess_t* sess, /* in: session */
- byte* msg, /* in: message buffer */
- ulint len) /* in: message data length */
- mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex);
- sess_srv_msg_send(sess, msg, SESS_SRV_MSG_DATA + len,
- mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex);