path: root/innobase/fil/fil0fil.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'innobase/fil/fil0fil.c')
1 files changed, 3148 insertions, 452 deletions
diff --git a/innobase/fil/fil0fil.c b/innobase/fil/fil0fil.c
index 1750294ac94..16ae8e6e228 100644
--- a/innobase/fil/fil0fil.c
+++ b/innobase/fil/fil0fil.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-The low-level file system
+The tablespace memory cache
(c) 1995 Innobase Oy
@@ -16,16 +16,22 @@ Created 10/25/1995 Heikki Tuuri
#include "mach0data.h"
#include "ibuf0ibuf.h"
#include "buf0buf.h"
+#include "buf0flu.h"
+#include "buf0lru.h"
#include "log0log.h"
#include "log0recv.h"
#include "fsp0fsp.h"
#include "srv0srv.h"
+#include "srv0start.h"
+#include "mtr0mtr.h"
+#include "mtr0log.h"
- ===========================================
+ =============================================
-The file system is responsible for providing fast read/write access to
+The tablespace cache is responsible for providing fast read/write access to
tablespaces and logs of the database. File creation and deletion is done
in other modules which know more of the logic of the operation, however.
@@ -88,20 +94,31 @@ ulint fil_n_pending_tablespace_flushes = 0;
/* Null file address */
fil_addr_t fil_addr_null = {FIL_NULL, 0};
-/* File system file node data structure */
+/* File node of a tablespace or the log data space */
typedef struct fil_node_struct fil_node_t;
struct fil_node_struct {
- char* name; /* the file name or path */
+ fil_space_t* space; /* backpointer to the space where this node
+ belongs */
+ char* name; /* path to the file */
ibool open; /* TRUE if file open */
os_file_t handle; /* OS handle to the file, if file open */
- ulint size; /* size of the file in database pages
- (where the possible last incomplete megabyte
- is ignored) */
+ ibool is_raw_disk;/* TRUE if the 'file' is actually a raw
+ device or a raw disk partition */
+ ulint size; /* size of the file in database pages, 0 if
+ not known yet; the possible last incomplete
+ megabyte may be ignored if space == 0 */
ulint n_pending;
- /* count of pending i/o-ops on this file */
- ibool is_modified; /* this is set to TRUE when we write
- to the file and FALSE when we call fil_flush
- for this file space */
+ /* count of pending i/o's on this file;
+ closing of the file is not allowed if
+ this is > 0 */
+ ulint n_pending_flushes;
+ /* count of pending flushes on this file;
+ closing of the file is not allowed if
+ this is > 0 */
+ ib_longlong modification_counter;/* when we write to the file we
+ increment this by one */
+ ib_longlong flush_counter;/* up to what modification_counter value
+ we have flushed the modifications to disk */
UT_LIST_NODE_T(fil_node_t) chain;
/* link field for the file chain */
UT_LIST_NODE_T(fil_node_t) LRU;
@@ -111,19 +128,54 @@ struct fil_node_struct {
#define FIL_NODE_MAGIC_N 89389
-/* File system tablespace or log data structure: let us call them by a common
-name space */
+/* Tablespace or log data space: let us call them by a common name space */
struct fil_space_struct {
- char* name; /* space name */
+ char* name; /* space name = the path to the first file in
+ it */
ulint id; /* space id */
+ ib_longlong tablespace_version;
+ /* in DISCARD/IMPORT this timestamp is used to
+ check if we should ignore an insert buffer
+ merge request for a page because it actually
+ was for the previous incarnation of the
+ space */
+ ibool mark; /* this is set to TRUE at database startup if
+ the space corresponds to a table in the InnoDB
+ data dictionary; so we can print a warning of
+ orphaned tablespaces */
+ ibool stop_ios;/* TRUE if we want to rename the .ibd file of
+ tablespace and want to stop temporarily
+ posting of new i/o requests on the file */
+ ibool stop_ibuf_merges;
+ /* we set this TRUE when we start deleting a
+ single-table tablespace */
+ ibool is_being_deleted;
+ /* this is set to TRUE when we start
+ deleting a single-table tablespace and its
+ file; when this flag is set no further i/o
+ or flush requests can be placed on this space,
+ though there may be such requests still being
+ processed on this space */
ulint purpose;/* FIL_TABLESPACE, FIL_LOG, or FIL_ARCH_LOG */
UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(fil_node_t) chain;
/* base node for the file chain */
- ulint size; /* space size in pages */
+ ulint size; /* space size in pages; 0 if a single-table
+ tablespace whose size we do not know yet;
+ last incomplete megabytes in data files may be
+ ignored if space == 0 */
ulint n_reserved_extents;
/* number of reserved free extents for
ongoing operations like B-tree page split */
+ ulint n_pending_flushes; /* this is > 0 when flushing
+ the tablespace to disk; dropping of the
+ tablespace is forbidden if this is > 0 */
+ ulint n_pending_ibuf_merges;/* this is > 0 when merging
+ insert buffer entries to a page so that we
+ may need to access the ibuf bitmap page in the
+ tablespade: dropping of the tablespace is
+ forbidden if this is > 0 */
hash_node_t hash; /* hash chain node */
+ hash_node_t name_hash;/* hash chain the name_hash table */
rw_lock_t latch; /* latch protecting the file space storage
allocation */
UT_LIST_NODE_T(fil_space_t) space_list;
@@ -135,80 +187,126 @@ struct fil_space_struct {
#define FIL_SPACE_MAGIC_N 89472
-/* The file system data structure */
+/* The tablespace memory cache; also the totality of logs = the log data space,
+is stored here; below we talk about tablespaces, but also the ib_logfiles
+form a 'space' and it is handled here */
typedef struct fil_system_struct fil_system_t;
struct fil_system_struct {
- mutex_t mutex; /* The mutex protecting the system */
+ mutex_t mutex; /* The mutex protecting the cache */
hash_table_t* spaces; /* The hash table of spaces in the
- system */
+ system; they are hashed on the space
+ id */
+ hash_table_t* name_hash; /* hash table based on the space
+ name */
UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(fil_node_t) LRU;
/* base node for the LRU list of the
- most recently used open files */
- ulint n_open_pending; /* current number of open files with
- pending i/o-ops on them */
- ulint max_n_open; /* maximum allowed open files */
- os_event_t can_open; /* this event is set to the signaled
- state when the system is capable of
- opening a new file, i.e.,
- n_open_pending < max_n_open */
+ most recently used open files with no
+ pending i/o's; if we start an i/o on
+ the file, we first remove it from this
+ list, and return it to the start of
+ the list when the i/o ends;
+ log files and the system tablespace are
+ not put to this list: they are opened
+ after the startup, and kept open until
+ shutdown */
+ ulint n_open; /* number of files currently open */
+ ulint max_n_open; /* n_open is not allowed to exceed
+ this */
+ ib_longlong modification_counter;/* when we write to a file we
+ increment this by one */
+ ulint max_assigned_id;/* maximum space id in the existing
+ tables, or assigned during the time
+ mysqld has been up; at an InnoDB
+ startup we scan the data dictionary
+ and set here the maximum of the
+ space id's of the tables there */
+ ib_longlong tablespace_version;
+ /* a counter which is incremented for
+ every space object memory creation;
+ every space mem object gets a
+ 'timestamp' from this; in DISCARD/
+ IMPORT this is used to check if we
+ should ignore an insert buffer merge
+ request */
UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(fil_space_t) space_list;
/* list of all file spaces */
-/* The file system. This variable is NULL before the module is initialized. */
+/* The tablespace memory cache. This variable is NULL before the module is
+initialized. */
fil_system_t* fil_system = NULL;
-/* The file system hash table size */
+/* The tablespace memory cache hash table size */
+#define FIL_SYSTEM_HASH_SIZE 50 /* TODO: make bigger! */
-Reserves a right to open a single file. The right must be released with
-fil_release_right_to_open. */
+NOTE: you must call fil_mutex_enter_and_prepare_for_io() first!
+Prepares a file node for i/o. Opens the file if it is closed. Updates the
+pending i/o's field in the node and the system appropriately. Takes the node
+off the LRU list if it is in the LRU list. The caller must hold the fil_sys
+mutex. */
- mutex_enter(&(fil_system->mutex));
- if (fil_system->n_open_pending == fil_system->max_n_open) {
- /* It is not sure we can open the file if it is closed: wait */
- os_event_reset(fil_system->can_open);
- mutex_exit(&(fil_system->mutex));
+ fil_node_t* node, /* in: file node */
+ fil_system_t* system, /* in: tablespace memory cache */
+ fil_space_t* space); /* in: space */
+Updates the data structures when an i/o operation finishes. Updates the
+pending i/o's field in the node appropriately. */
+ fil_node_t* node, /* in: file node */
+ fil_system_t* system, /* in: tablespace memory cache */
+ ulint type); /* in: OS_FILE_WRITE or OS_FILE_READ; marks
+ the node as modified if
+ type == OS_FILE_WRITE */
+Checks if a single-table tablespace for a given table name exists in the
+tablespace memory cache. */
+ /* out: space id, ULINT_UNDEFINED if not
+ found */
+ const char* name); /* in: table name in the standard
+ 'databasename/tablename' format */
- os_event_wait(fil_system->can_open);
- goto loop;
- }
+Returns the version number of a tablespace, -1 if not found. */
- fil_system->max_n_open--;
+ /* out: version number, -1 if the tablespace does not
+ exist in the memory cache */
+ ulint id) /* in: space id */
+ fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
+ fil_space_t* space;
+ ib_longlong version = -1;
- mutex_exit(&(fil_system->mutex));
+ ut_ad(system);
-Releases a right to open a single file. */
+ mutex_enter(&(system->mutex));
- mutex_enter(&(fil_system->mutex));
- if (fil_system->n_open_pending == fil_system->max_n_open) {
+ HASH_SEARCH(hash, system->spaces, id, space, space->id == id);
- os_event_set(fil_system->can_open);
+ if (space) {
+ version = space->tablespace_version;
- fil_system->max_n_open++;
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
- mutex_exit(&(fil_system->mutex));
+ return(version);
@@ -220,8 +318,8 @@ fil_space_get_latch(
/* out: latch protecting storage allocation */
ulint id) /* in: space id */
- fil_space_t* space;
fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
+ fil_space_t* space;
@@ -229,6 +327,8 @@ fil_space_get_latch(
HASH_SEARCH(hash, system->spaces, id, space, space->id == id);
+ ut_a(space);
@@ -243,8 +343,8 @@ fil_space_get_type(
ulint id) /* in: space id */
- fil_space_t* space;
fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
+ fil_space_t* space;
@@ -252,6 +352,8 @@ fil_space_get_type(
HASH_SEARCH(hash, system->spaces, id, space, space->id == id);
+ ut_a(space);
@@ -266,17 +368,21 @@ fil_space_get_ibuf_data(
/* out: ibuf data for this space */
ulint id) /* in: space id */
+ fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
fil_space_t* space;
- fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
+ ut_a(id == 0);
HASH_SEARCH(hash, system->spaces, id, space, space->id == id);
+ ut_a(space);
@@ -286,18 +392,19 @@ Appends a new file to the chain of files of a space. File must be closed. */
- char* name, /* in: file name (file must be closed) */
- ulint size, /* in: file size in database blocks, rounded downwards
- to an integer */
- ulint id) /* in: space id where to append */
+ const char* name, /* in: file name (file must be closed) */
+ ulint size, /* in: file size in database blocks, rounded
+ downwards to an integer */
+ ulint id, /* in: space id where to append */
+ ibool is_raw) /* in: TRUE if a raw device or
+ a raw disk partition */
+ fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
fil_node_t* node;
fil_space_t* space;
- fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
- ut_a(size > 0);
@@ -305,29 +412,199 @@ fil_node_create(
node->name = mem_strdup(name);
node->open = FALSE;
+ ut_a(!is_raw || srv_start_raw_disk_in_use);
+ node->is_raw_disk = is_raw;
node->size = size;
node->magic_n = FIL_NODE_MAGIC_N;
node->n_pending = 0;
+ node->n_pending_flushes = 0;
- node->is_modified = FALSE;
+ node->modification_counter = 0;
+ node->flush_counter = 0;
HASH_SEARCH(hash, system->spaces, id, space, space->id == id);
+ if (!space) {
+ ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
+ fprintf(stderr,
+" InnoDB: Error: Could not find tablespace %lu for\n"
+"InnoDB: file ", (ulong) id);
+ ut_print_filename(stderr, name);
+ fputs(" in the tablespace memory cache.\n", stderr);
+ mem_free(node->name);
+ mem_free(node);
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+ return;
+ }
space->size += size;
+ node->space = space;
UT_LIST_ADD_LAST(chain, space->chain, node);
+Opens a the file of a node of a tablespace. The caller must own the fil_system
+mutex. */
+ fil_node_t* node, /* in: file node */
+ fil_system_t* system, /* in: tablespace memory cache */
+ fil_space_t* space) /* in: space */
+ ib_longlong size_bytes;
+ ulint size_low;
+ ulint size_high;
+ ibool ret;
+ byte* buf2;
+ byte* page;
+ ibool success;
+ ulint space_id;
+ ut_ad(mutex_own(&(system->mutex)));
+#endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */
+ ut_a(node->n_pending == 0);
+ ut_a(node->open == FALSE);
+ if (node->size == 0) {
+ /* It must be a single-table tablespace and we do not know the
+ size of the file yet. First we open the file in the normal
+ mode, no async I/O here, for simplicity. Then do some checks,
+ and close the file again.
+ NOTE that we could not use the simple file read function
+ os_file_read() in Windows to read from a file opened for
+ async I/O! */
+ node->handle = os_file_create_simple_no_error_handling(
+ node->name, OS_FILE_OPEN,
+ OS_FILE_READ_ONLY, &success);
+ if (!success) {
+ /* The following call prints an error message */
+ os_file_get_last_error(TRUE);
+ ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
+ fprintf(stderr,
+" InnoDB: Fatal error: cannot open %s\n."
+"InnoDB: Have you deleted .ibd files under a running mysqld server?\n",
+ node->name);
+ ut_a(0);
+ }
+ ut_a(space->purpose != FIL_LOG);
+ ut_a(space->id != 0);
+ os_file_get_size(node->handle, &size_low, &size_high);
+ size_bytes = (((ib_longlong)size_high) << 32)
+ + (ib_longlong)size_low;
+ node->size = (ulint) (size_bytes / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
+ fprintf(stderr,
+"InnoDB: Error: the size of single-table tablespace file %s\n"
+"InnoDB: is only %lu %lu, should be at least %lu!", node->name,
+ (ulong) size_high,
+ (ulong) size_low, (ulong) (4 * UNIV_PAGE_SIZE));
+ ut_a(0);
+ }
+ /* Read the first page of the tablespace */
+ buf2 = ut_malloc(2 * UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
+ /* Align the memory for file i/o if we might have O_DIRECT
+ set */
+ page = ut_align(buf2, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
+ success = os_file_read(node->handle, page, 0, 0,
+ space_id = fsp_header_get_space_id(page);
+ ut_free(buf2);
+ /* Close the file now that we have read the space id from it */
+ os_file_close(node->handle);
+ if (space_id == ULINT_UNDEFINED || space_id == 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr,
+"InnoDB: Error: tablespace id %lu in file %s is not sensible\n",
+ (ulong) space_id,
+ node->name);
+ ut_a(0);
+ }
+ if (space_id != space->id) {
+ fprintf(stderr,
+"InnoDB: Error: tablespace id is %lu in the data dictionary\n"
+"InnoDB: but in file %s it is %lu!\n", space->id, node->name, space_id);
+ ut_a(0);
+ }
+ if (size_bytes >= FSP_EXTENT_SIZE * UNIV_PAGE_SIZE) {
+ node->size = (ulint) ((size_bytes / (1024 * 1024))
+ * ((1024 * 1024) / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE));
+ } else {
+ node->size = (ulint) (size_bytes / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
+ }
+ space->size += node->size;
+ }
+ /* printf("Opening file %s\n", node->name); */
+ /* Open the file for reading and writing, in Windows normally in the
+ unbuffered async I/O mode, though global variables may make
+ os_file_create() to fall back to the normal file I/O mode. */
+ if (space->purpose == FIL_LOG) {
+ node->handle = os_file_create(node->name, OS_FILE_OPEN,
+ } else if (node->is_raw_disk) {
+ node->handle = os_file_create(node->name,
+ } else {
+ node->handle = os_file_create(node->name, OS_FILE_OPEN,
+ }
+ ut_a(ret);
+ node->open = TRUE;
+ system->n_open++;
+ if (space->purpose == FIL_TABLESPACE && space->id != 0) {
+ /* Put the node to the LRU list */
+ UT_LIST_ADD_FIRST(LRU, system->LRU, node);
+ }
Closes a file. */
fil_node_t* node, /* in: file node */
- fil_system_t* system) /* in: file system */
+ fil_system_t* system) /* in: tablespace memory cache */
ibool ret;
@@ -337,24 +614,215 @@ fil_node_close(
#endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */
ut_a(node->n_pending == 0);
+ ut_a(node->n_pending_flushes == 0);
+ ut_a(node->modification_counter == node->flush_counter);
ret = os_file_close(node->handle);
+ /* printf("Closing file %s\n", node->name); */
node->open = FALSE;
+ ut_a(system->n_open > 0);
+ system->n_open--;
+ if (node->space->purpose == FIL_TABLESPACE && node->space->id != 0) {
+ ut_a(UT_LIST_GET_LEN(system->LRU) > 0);
+ /* The node is in the LRU list, remove it */
+ UT_LIST_REMOVE(LRU, system->LRU, node);
+ }
+Tries to close a file in the LRU list. The caller must hold the fil_sys
+mutex. */
+ /* out: TRUE if success, FALSE if should retry
+ later; since i/o's generally complete in <
+ 100 ms, and as InnoDB writes at most 128 pages
+ from the buffer pool in a batch, and then
+ immediately flushes the files, there is a good
+ chance that the next time we find a suitable
+ node from the LRU list */
+ ibool print_info) /* in: if TRUE, prints information why it
+ cannot close a file */
+ fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
+ fil_node_t* node;
+ ut_ad(mutex_own(&(system->mutex)));
+#endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */
+ node = UT_LIST_GET_LAST(system->LRU);
+ if (print_info) {
+ fprintf(stderr,
+"InnoDB: fil_sys open file LRU len %lu\n", (ulong) UT_LIST_GET_LEN(system->LRU));
+ }
+ while (node != NULL) {
+ if (node->modification_counter == node->flush_counter
+ && node->n_pending_flushes == 0) {
+ fil_node_close_file(node, system);
+ return(TRUE);
+ }
+ if (print_info && node->n_pending_flushes > 0) {
+ fputs("InnoDB: cannot close file ", stderr);
+ ut_print_filename(stderr, node->name);
+ fprintf(stderr, ", because n_pending_flushes %lu\n",
+ (ulong) node->n_pending_flushes);
+ }
+ if (print_info
+ && node->modification_counter != node->flush_counter) {
+ fputs("InnoDB: cannot close file ", stderr);
+ ut_print_filename(stderr, node->name);
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ ", because mod_count %ld != fl_count %ld\n",
+ (ulong) node->modification_counter,
+ (ulong) node->flush_counter);
+ }
+ node = UT_LIST_GET_PREV(LRU, node);
+ }
+ return(FALSE);
+Reserves the fil_system mutex and tries to make sure we can open at least one
+file while holding it. This should be called before calling
+fil_node_prepare_for_io(), because that function may need to open a file. */
+ ulint space_id) /* in: space id */
+ fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
+ fil_space_t* space;
+ ibool success;
+ ibool print_info = FALSE;
+ ulint count = 0;
+ ulint count2 = 0;
+ ut_ad(!mutex_own(&(system->mutex)));
+#endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */
+ mutex_enter(&(system->mutex));
+ if (space_id == 0 || space_id >= SRV_LOG_SPACE_FIRST_ID) {
+ /* We keep log files and system tablespace files always open;
+ this is important in preventing deadlocks in this module, as
+ a page read completion often performs another read from the
+ insert buffer. The insert buffer is in tablespace 0, and we
+ cannot end up waiting in this function. */
+ return;
+ }
+ if (system->n_open < system->max_n_open) {
+ return;
+ }
+ HASH_SEARCH(hash, system->spaces, space_id, space,
+ space->id == space_id);
+ if (space != NULL && space->stop_ios) {
+ /* We are going to do a rename file and want to stop new i/o's
+ for a while */
+ if (count2 > 20000) {
+ fputs("InnoDB: Warning: tablespace ", stderr);
+ ut_print_filename(stderr, space->name);
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ " has i/o ops stopped for a long time %lu\n",
+ (ulong) count2);
+ }
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+ os_thread_sleep(20000);
+ count2++;
+ goto retry;
+ }
+ /* If the file is already open, no need to do anything; if the space
+ does not exist, we handle the situation in the function which called
+ this function */
+ if (!space || UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(space->chain)->open) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (count > 1) {
+ print_info = TRUE;
+ }
+ /* Too many files are open, try to close some */
+ success = fil_try_to_close_file_in_LRU(print_info);
+ if (success && system->n_open >= system->max_n_open) {
+ goto close_more;
+ }
+ if (system->n_open < system->max_n_open) {
+ /* Ok */
- /* The node is in the LRU list, remove it */
- UT_LIST_REMOVE(LRU, system->LRU, node);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (count >= 2) {
+ ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
+ fprintf(stderr,
+" InnoDB: Warning: too many (%lu) files stay open while the maximum\n"
+"InnoDB: allowed value would be %lu.\n"
+"InnoDB: You may need to raise the value of innodb_max_files_open in\n"
+"InnoDB: my.cnf.\n", (ulong) system->n_open, (ulong) system->max_n_open);
+ return;
+ }
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+ /* Wake the i/o-handler threads to make sure pending i/o's are
+ performed */
+ os_aio_simulated_wake_handler_threads();
+ os_thread_sleep(20000);
+ /* Flush tablespaces so that we can close modified files in the LRU
+ list */
+ fil_flush_file_spaces(FIL_TABLESPACE);
+ count++;
+ goto retry;
-Frees a file node object from a file system. */
+Frees a file node object from a tablespace memory cache. */
fil_node_t* node, /* in, own: file node */
- fil_system_t* system, /* in: file system */
+ fil_system_t* system, /* in: tablespace memory cache */
fil_space_t* space) /* in: space where the file node is chained */
ut_ad(node && system && space);
@@ -362,9 +830,15 @@ fil_node_free(
#endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */
ut_a(node->magic_n == FIL_NODE_MAGIC_N);
+ ut_a(node->n_pending == 0);
if (node->open) {
- fil_node_close(node, system);
+ /* We fool the assertion in fil_node_close_file() to think
+ there are no unflushed modifications in the file */
+ node->modification_counter = node->flush_counter;
+ fil_node_close_file(node, system);
space->size -= node->size;
@@ -387,9 +861,9 @@ fil_space_truncate_start(
if this does not equal to the combined size of
some initial files in the space */
+ fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
fil_node_t* node;
fil_space_t* space;
- fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
@@ -398,7 +872,6 @@ fil_space_truncate_start(
while (trunc_len > 0) {
node = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(space->chain);
ut_a(node->size * UNIV_PAGE_SIZE >= trunc_len);
@@ -409,17 +882,346 @@ fil_space_truncate_start(
+Creates a space memory object and puts it to the tablespace memory cache. If
+there is an error, prints an error message to the .err log. */
+ /* out: TRUE if success */
+ const char* name, /* in: space name */
+ ulint id, /* in: space id */
+ ulint purpose)/* in: FIL_TABLESPACE, or FIL_LOG if log */
+ fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
+ fil_space_t* space;
+ ulint namesake_id;
+ /*printf(
+ "InnoDB: Adding tablespace %lu of name %s, purpose %lu\n", id, name,
+ purpose);*/
+ ut_a(system);
+ ut_a(name);
+ mutex_enter(&(system->mutex));
+ HASH_SEARCH(name_hash, system->name_hash, ut_fold_string(name), space,
+ 0 == strcmp(name, space->name));
+ if (space != NULL) {
+ ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
+ fprintf(stderr,
+" InnoDB: Warning: trying to init to the tablespace memory cache\n"
+"InnoDB: a tablespace %lu of name ", (ulong) id);
+ ut_print_filename(stderr, name);
+ fprintf(stderr, ",\n"
+"InnoDB: but a tablespace %lu of the same name\n"
+"InnoDB: already exists in the tablespace memory cache!\n",
+ (ulong) space->id);
+ if (id == 0 || purpose != FIL_TABLESPACE) {
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr,
+"InnoDB: We assume that InnoDB did a crash recovery, and you had\n"
+"InnoDB: an .ibd file for which the table did not exist in the\n"
+"InnoDB: InnoDB internal data dictionary in the ibdata files.\n"
+"InnoDB: We assume that you later removed the .ibd and .frm files,\n"
+"InnoDB: and are now trying to recreate the table. We now remove the\n"
+"InnoDB: conflicting tablespace object from the memory cache and try\n"
+"InnoDB: the init again.\n");
+ namesake_id = space->id;
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+ fil_space_free(namesake_id);
+ goto try_again;
+ }
+ HASH_SEARCH(hash, system->spaces, id, space, space->id == id);
+ if (space != NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,
+"InnoDB: Error: trying to add tablespace %lu of name ", (ulong) id);
+ ut_print_filename(stderr, name);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n"
+"InnoDB: to the tablespace memory cache, but tablespace\n"
+"InnoDB: %lu of name ", (ulong) space->id);
+ ut_print_filename(stderr, space->name);
+ fputs(" already exists in the tablespace\n"
+"InnoDB: memory cache!\n", stderr);
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ space = mem_alloc(sizeof(fil_space_t));
+ space->name = mem_strdup(name);
+ space->id = id;
+ system->tablespace_version++;
+ space->tablespace_version = system->tablespace_version;
+ space->mark = FALSE;
+ if (purpose == FIL_TABLESPACE && id > system->max_assigned_id) {
+ system->max_assigned_id = id;
+ }
+ space->stop_ios = FALSE;
+ space->stop_ibuf_merges = FALSE;
+ space->is_being_deleted = FALSE;
+ space->purpose = purpose;
+ space->size = 0;
+ space->n_reserved_extents = 0;
+ space->n_pending_flushes = 0;
+ space->n_pending_ibuf_merges = 0;
+ UT_LIST_INIT(space->chain);
+ space->magic_n = FIL_SPACE_MAGIC_N;
+ space->ibuf_data = NULL;
+ rw_lock_create(&(space->latch));
+ rw_lock_set_level(&(space->latch), SYNC_FSP);
+ HASH_INSERT(fil_space_t, hash, system->spaces, id, space);
+ HASH_INSERT(fil_space_t, name_hash, system->name_hash,
+ ut_fold_string(name), space);
+ UT_LIST_ADD_LAST(space_list, system->space_list, space);
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+ return(TRUE);
+Assigns a new space id for a new single-table tablespace. This works simply by
+incrementing the global counter. If 4 billion id's is not enough, we may need
+to recycle id's. */
+ /* out: new tablespace id; ULINT_UNDEFINED if could
+ not assign an id */
+ fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
+ ulint id;
+ mutex_enter(&(system->mutex));
+ system->max_assigned_id++;
+ id = system->max_assigned_id;
+ if (id > (SRV_LOG_SPACE_FIRST_ID / 2) && (id % 1000000UL == 0)) {
+ ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
+ fprintf(stderr,
+"InnoDB: Warning: you are running out of new single-table tablespace id's.\n"
+"InnoDB: Current counter is %lu and it must not exceed %lu!\n"
+"InnoDB: To reset the counter to zero you have to dump all your tables and\n"
+"InnoDB: recreate the whole InnoDB installation.\n", (ulong) id,
+ }
+ if (id >= SRV_LOG_SPACE_FIRST_ID) {
+ ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
+ fprintf(stderr,
+"InnoDB: You have run out of single-table tablespace id's!\n"
+"InnoDB: Current counter is %lu.\n"
+"InnoDB: To reset the counter to zero you have to dump all your tables and\n"
+"InnoDB: recreate the whole InnoDB installation.\n", (ulong) id);
+ system->max_assigned_id--;
+ }
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+ return(id);
+Frees a space object from the tablespace memory cache. Closes the files in
+the chain but does not delete them. There must not be any pending i/o's or
+flushes on the files. */
+ /* out: TRUE if success */
+ ulint id) /* in: space id */
+ fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
+ fil_space_t* space;
+ fil_space_t* namespace;
+ fil_node_t* fil_node;
+ mutex_enter(&(system->mutex));
+ HASH_SEARCH(hash, system->spaces, id, space, space->id == id);
+ if (!space) {
+ ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
+ fprintf(stderr,
+" InnoDB: Error: trying to remove tablespace %lu from the cache but\n"
+"InnoDB: it is not there.\n", (ulong) id);
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ HASH_DELETE(fil_space_t, hash, system->spaces, id, space);
+ HASH_SEARCH(name_hash, system->name_hash, ut_fold_string(space->name),
+ namespace, 0 == strcmp(space->name, namespace->name));
+ ut_a(namespace);
+ ut_a(space == namespace);
+ HASH_DELETE(fil_space_t, name_hash, system->name_hash,
+ ut_fold_string(space->name), space);
+ UT_LIST_REMOVE(space_list, system->space_list, space);
+ ut_a(space->magic_n == FIL_SPACE_MAGIC_N);
+ ut_a(0 == space->n_pending_flushes);
+ fil_node = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(space->chain);
+ while (fil_node != NULL) {
+ fil_node_free(fil_node, system, space);
+ fil_node = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(space->chain);
+ }
+ ut_a(0 == UT_LIST_GET_LEN(space->chain));
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+ rw_lock_free(&(space->latch));
+ mem_free(space->name);
+ mem_free(space);
+ return(TRUE);
+Returns the tablespace object for a given id, or NULL if not found from the
+tablespace memory cache. */
+ /* out: tablespace object or NULL; NOTE that you must
+ own &(fil_system->mutex) to call this function! */
+ ulint id) /* in: space id */
+ fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
+ fil_space_t* space;
+ ut_ad(system);
+ HASH_SEARCH(hash, system->spaces, id, space, space->id == id);
+ return(space);
+Returns the size of the space in pages. The tablespace must be cached in the
+memory cache. */
+ /* out: space size, 0 if space not found */
+ ulint id) /* in: space id */
+ fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
+ fil_node_t* node;
+ fil_space_t* space;
+ ulint size;
+ ut_ad(system);
+ fil_mutex_enter_and_prepare_for_io(id);
+ HASH_SEARCH(hash, system->spaces, id, space, space->id == id);
+ if (space == NULL) {
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+ return(0);
+ }
+ if (space->size == 0 && space->purpose == FIL_TABLESPACE) {
+ ut_a(id != 0);
+ ut_a(1 == UT_LIST_GET_LEN(space->chain));
+ node = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(space->chain);
+ /* It must be a single-table tablespace and we have not opened
+ the file yet; the following calls will open it and update the
+ size fields */
+ fil_node_prepare_for_io(node, system, space);
+ fil_node_complete_io(node, system, OS_FILE_READ);
+ }
+ size = space->size;
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+ return(size);
+Checks if the pair space, page_no refers to an existing page in a tablespace
+file space. The tablespace must be cached in the memory cache. */
+ /* out: TRUE if the address is meaningful */
+ ulint id, /* in: space id */
+ ulint page_no)/* in: page number */
+ if (fil_space_get_size(id) > page_no) {
+ return(TRUE);
+ }
+ return(FALSE);
-Creates a file system object. */
+Creates a the tablespace memory cache. */
- /* out, own: file system object */
+ /* out, own: tablespace memory cache */
ulint hash_size, /* in: hash table size */
- ulint max_n_open) /* in: maximum number of open files */
+ ulint max_n_open) /* in: maximum number of open files; must be
+ > 10 */
fil_system_t* system;
@@ -433,12 +1235,17 @@ fil_system_create(
mutex_set_level(&(system->mutex), SYNC_ANY_LATCH);
system->spaces = hash_create(hash_size);
+ system->name_hash = hash_create(hash_size);
- system->n_open_pending = 0;
+ system->n_open = 0;
system->max_n_open = max_n_open;
- system->can_open = os_event_create(NULL);
+ system->modification_counter = 0;
+ system->max_assigned_id = 0;
+ system->tablespace_version = 0;
@@ -446,7 +1253,7 @@ fil_system_create(
-Initializes the file system of this module. */
+Initializes the tablespace memory cache. */
@@ -455,11 +1262,120 @@ fil_init(
ut_a(fil_system == NULL);
+ /*printf("Initializing the tablespace cache with max %lu open files\n",
+ max_n_open); */
fil_system = fil_system_create(FIL_SYSTEM_HASH_SIZE, max_n_open);
+Opens all log files and system tablespace data files. They stay open until the
+database server shutdown. This should be called at a server startup after the
+space objects for the log and the system tablespace have been created. The
+purpose of this operation is to make sure we never run out of file descriptors
+if we need to read from the insert buffer or to write to the log. */
+ fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
+ fil_space_t* space;
+ fil_node_t* node;
+ mutex_enter(&(system->mutex));
+ space = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(system->space_list);
+ while (space != NULL) {
+ if (space->purpose != FIL_TABLESPACE || space->id == 0) {
+ node = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(space->chain);
+ while (node != NULL) {
+ if (!node->open) {
+ fil_node_open_file(node, system,
+ space);
+ }
+ if (system->max_n_open < 10 + system->n_open) {
+ fprintf(stderr,
+"InnoDB: Warning: you must raise the value of innodb_max_open_files in\n"
+"InnoDB: my.cnf! Remember that InnoDB keeps all log files and all system\n"
+"InnoDB: tablespace files open for the whole time mysqld is running, and\n"
+"InnoDB: needs to open also some .ibd files if the file-per-table storage\n"
+"InnoDB: model is used. Current open files %lu, max allowed open files %lu.\n",
+ (ulong) system->n_open,
+ (ulong) system->max_n_open);
+ }
+ node = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(chain, node);
+ }
+ }
+ space = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(space_list, space);
+ }
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+Closes all open files. There must not be any pending i/o's or not flushed
+modifications in the files. */
+ fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
+ fil_space_t* space;
+ fil_node_t* node;
+ mutex_enter(&(system->mutex));
+ space = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(system->space_list);
+ while (space != NULL) {
+ node = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(space->chain);
+ while (node != NULL) {
+ if (node->open) {
+ fil_node_close_file(node, system);
+ }
+ node = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(chain, node);
+ }
+ space = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(space_list, space);
+ }
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+Sets the max tablespace id counter if the given number is bigger than the
+previous value. */
+ ulint max_id) /* in: maximum known id */
+ fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
+ if (max_id >= SRV_LOG_SPACE_FIRST_ID) {
+ fprintf(stderr,
+"InnoDB: Fatal error: max tablespace id is too high, %lu\n", (ulong) max_id);
+ ut_a(0);
+ }
+ mutex_enter(&(system->mutex));
+ if (system->max_assigned_id < max_id) {
+ system->max_assigned_id = max_id;
+ }
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
-Writes the flushed lsn to the header of each file space. */
+Initializes the ibuf data structure for space 0 == the system tablespace.
+This can be called after the file space headers have been created and the
+dictionary system has been initialized. */
@@ -468,28 +1384,26 @@ fil_ibuf_init_at_db_start(void)
fil_space_t* space;
space = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(fil_system->space_list);
- while (space) {
- if (space->purpose == FIL_TABLESPACE) {
- space->ibuf_data = ibuf_data_init_for_space(space->id);
- }
- space = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(space_list, space);
- }
+ ut_a(space);
+ ut_a(space->purpose == FIL_TABLESPACE);
+ space->ibuf_data = ibuf_data_init_for_space(space->id);
-Writes the flushed lsn and the latest archived log number to the page
-header of the first page of a data file. */
+Writes the flushed lsn and the latest archived log number to the page header
+of the first page of a data file. */
ulint space_id, /* in: space number */
- ulint sum_of_sizes, /* in: combined size of previous files in space,
- in database pages */
+ ulint sum_of_sizes, /* in: combined size of previous files in
+ space, in database pages */
dulint lsn, /* in: lsn to write */
- ulint arch_log_no) /* in: archived log number to write */
+ ulint arch_log_no /* in: archived log number to write */
+ __attribute__((unused)))
byte* buf1;
byte* buf;
@@ -500,7 +1414,6 @@ fil_write_lsn_and_arch_no_to_file(
fil_read(TRUE, space_id, sum_of_sizes, 0, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE, buf, NULL);
mach_write_to_8(buf + FIL_PAGE_FILE_FLUSH_LSN, lsn);
- mach_write_to_4(buf + FIL_PAGE_ARCH_LOG_NO, arch_log_no);
fil_write(TRUE, space_id, sum_of_sizes, 0, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE, buf, NULL);
@@ -509,7 +1422,7 @@ fil_write_lsn_and_arch_no_to_file(
Writes the flushed lsn and the latest archived log number to the page
-header of the first page of each data file. */
+header of the first page of each data file in the system tablespace. */
@@ -528,18 +1441,22 @@ fil_write_flushed_lsn_to_data_files(
space = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(fil_system->space_list);
while (space) {
+ /* We only write the lsn to all existing data files which have
+ been open during the lifetime of the mysqld process; they are
+ represented by the space objects in the tablespace memory
+ cache. Note that all data files in the system tablespace 0 are
+ always open. */
if (space->purpose == FIL_TABLESPACE) {
sum_of_sizes = 0;
node = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(space->chain);
while (node) {
err = fil_write_lsn_and_arch_no_to_file(
- space->id,
- sum_of_sizes,
- lsn, arch_log_no);
+ space->id, sum_of_sizes,
+ lsn, arch_log_no);
if (err != DB_SUCCESS) {
@@ -548,11 +1465,9 @@ fil_write_flushed_lsn_to_data_files(
sum_of_sizes += node->size;
node = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(chain, node);
space = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(space_list, space);
@@ -571,15 +1486,16 @@ fil_read_flushed_lsn_and_arch_log_no(
os_file_t data_file, /* in: open data file */
ibool one_read_already, /* in: TRUE if min and max parameters
below already contain sensible data */
- dulint* min_flushed_lsn, /* in/out: */
ulint* min_arch_log_no, /* in/out: */
- dulint* max_flushed_lsn, /* in/out: */
- ulint* max_arch_log_no) /* in/out: */
+ ulint* max_arch_log_no, /* in/out: */
+#endif /* UNIV_LOG_ARCHIVE */
+ dulint* min_flushed_lsn, /* in/out: */
+ dulint* max_flushed_lsn) /* in/out: */
byte* buf;
byte* buf2;
dulint flushed_lsn;
- ulint arch_log_no;
buf2 = ut_malloc(2 * UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
/* Align the memory for a possible read from a raw device */
@@ -588,16 +1504,16 @@ fil_read_flushed_lsn_and_arch_log_no(
os_file_read(data_file, buf, 0, 0, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
flushed_lsn = mach_read_from_8(buf + FIL_PAGE_FILE_FLUSH_LSN);
- arch_log_no = mach_read_from_4(buf + FIL_PAGE_ARCH_LOG_NO);
if (!one_read_already) {
*min_flushed_lsn = flushed_lsn;
*max_flushed_lsn = flushed_lsn;
*min_arch_log_no = arch_log_no;
*max_arch_log_no = arch_log_no;
+#endif /* UNIV_LOG_ARCHIVE */
@@ -607,116 +1523,1590 @@ fil_read_flushed_lsn_and_arch_log_no(
if (ut_dulint_cmp(*max_flushed_lsn, flushed_lsn) < 0) {
*max_flushed_lsn = flushed_lsn;
if (*min_arch_log_no > arch_log_no) {
*min_arch_log_no = arch_log_no;
if (*max_arch_log_no < arch_log_no) {
*max_arch_log_no = arch_log_no;
+#endif /* UNIV_LOG_ARCHIVE */
+/*================ SINGLE-TABLE TABLESPACES ==========================*/
-Creates a space object and puts it to the file system. */
+Increments the count of pending insert buffer page merges, if space is not
+being deleted. */
+ /* out: TRUE if being deleted, and ibuf merges should
+ be skipped */
+ ulint id) /* in: space id */
+ fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
+ fil_space_t* space;
+ mutex_enter(&(system->mutex));
+ HASH_SEARCH(hash, system->spaces, id, space, space->id == id);
+ if (space == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,
+"InnoDB: Error: trying to do ibuf merge to a dropped tablespace %lu\n",
+ (ulong) id);
+ }
+ if (space == NULL || space->stop_ibuf_merges) {
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+ return(TRUE);
+ }
+ space->n_pending_ibuf_merges++;
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+ return(FALSE);
+Decrements the count of pending insert buffer page merges. */
+ ulint id) /* in: space id */
+ fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
+ fil_space_t* space;
+ mutex_enter(&(system->mutex));
+ HASH_SEARCH(hash, system->spaces, id, space, space->id == id);
+ if (space == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,
+"InnoDB: Error: decrementing ibuf merge of a dropped tablespace %lu\n",
+ (ulong) id);
+ }
+ if (space != NULL) {
+ space->n_pending_ibuf_merges--;
+ }
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+Creates the database directory for a table if it does not exist yet. */
+ const char* name) /* in: name in the standard
+ 'databasename/tablename' format */
+ const char* namend;
+ char* path;
+ ulint len;
+ len = strlen(fil_path_to_mysql_datadir);
+ namend = strchr(name, '/');
+ ut_a(namend);
+ path = mem_alloc(len + (namend - name) + 2);
+ memcpy(path, fil_path_to_mysql_datadir, len);
+ path[len] = '/';
+ memcpy(path + len + 1, name, namend - name);
+ path[len + (namend - name) + 1] = 0;
+ srv_normalize_path_for_win(path);
+ ut_a(os_file_create_directory(path, FALSE));
+ mem_free(path);
+Writes a log record about an .ibd file create/rename/delete. */
- char* name, /* in: space name */
- ulint id, /* in: space id */
- ulint purpose)/* in: FIL_TABLESPACE, or FIL_LOG if log */
+ ulint type, /* in: MLOG_FILE_CREATE,
+ ulint space_id, /* in: space id */
+ const char* name, /* in: table name in the familiar
+ 'databasename/tablename' format, or
+ the file path in the case of
+ const char* new_name, /* in: if type is MLOG_FILE_RENAME,
+ the new table name in the
+ 'databasename/tablename' format */
+ mtr_t* mtr) /* in: mini-transaction handle */
- fil_space_t* space;
- fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
+ byte* log_ptr;
+ log_ptr = mlog_open(mtr, 30);
- ut_a(system);
- ut_a(name);
+ log_ptr = mlog_write_initial_log_record_for_file_op(type, space_id, 0,
+ log_ptr, mtr);
+ /* Let us store the strings as null-terminated for easier readability
+ and handling */
+ mach_write_to_2(log_ptr, ut_strlen(name) + 1);
+ log_ptr += 2;
+ mlog_close(mtr, log_ptr);
+ mlog_catenate_string(mtr, (byte*) name, ut_strlen(name) + 1);
- /* Spaces with an odd id number are reserved to replicate spaces
- used in log debugging */
+ if (type == MLOG_FILE_RENAME) {
+ log_ptr = mlog_open(mtr, 30);
+ mach_write_to_2(log_ptr, ut_strlen(new_name) + 1);
+ log_ptr += 2;
- ut_a((purpose == FIL_LOG) || (id % 2 == 0));
+ mlog_close(mtr, log_ptr);
+ mlog_catenate_string(mtr, (byte*) new_name,
+ ut_strlen(new_name) + 1);
+ }
- mutex_enter(&(system->mutex));
- space = mem_alloc(sizeof(fil_space_t));
+Parses the body of a log record written about an .ibd file operation. That is,
+the log record part after the standard (type, space id, page no) header of the
+log record.
+If desired, also replays the delete or rename operation if the .ibd file
+exists and the space id in it matches. Replays the create operation if a file
+at that path does not exist yet. If the database directory for the file to be
+created does not exist, then we create the directory, too.
+Note that ibbackup --apply-log sets fil_path_to_mysql_datadir to point to the
+datadir that we should use in replaying the file operations. */
+ /* out: end of log record, or NULL if the
+ record was not completely contained between
+ ptr and end_ptr */
+ byte* ptr, /* in: buffer containing the log record body,
+ or an initial segment of it, if the record does
+ not fir completely between ptr and end_ptr */
+ byte* end_ptr, /* in: buffer end */
+ ulint type, /* in: the type of this log record */
+ ibool do_replay, /* in: TRUE if we want to replay the
+ operation, and not just parse the log record */
+ ulint space_id) /* in: if do_replay is TRUE, the space id of
+ the tablespace in question; otherwise
+ ignored */
+ ulint name_len;
+ ulint new_name_len;
+ const char* name;
+ const char* new_name = NULL;
- space->name = mem_strdup(name);
- space->id = id;
- space->purpose = purpose;
- space->size = 0;
+ if (end_ptr < ptr + 2) {
- space->n_reserved_extents = 0;
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ name_len = mach_read_from_2(ptr);
+ ptr += 2;
+ if (end_ptr < ptr + name_len) {
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ name = (const char*) ptr;
+ ptr += name_len;
+ if (type == MLOG_FILE_RENAME) {
+ if (end_ptr < ptr + 2) {
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ new_name_len = mach_read_from_2(ptr);
+ ptr += 2;
+ if (end_ptr < ptr + new_name_len) {
+ return(NULL);
+ }
+ new_name = (const char*) ptr;
+ ptr += new_name_len;
+ }
+ /* We managed to parse a full log record body */
+ printf("Parsed log rec of type %lu space %lu\n"
+ "name %s\n", type, space_id, name);
+ if (type == MLOG_FILE_RENAME) {
+ printf("new name %s\n", new_name);
+ }
+ if (do_replay == FALSE) {
+ return(ptr);
+ }
+ /* Let us try to perform the file operation, if sensible. Note that
+ ibbackup has at this stage already read in all space id info to the
+ fil0fil.c data structures.
- UT_LIST_INIT(space->chain);
- space->magic_n = FIL_SPACE_MAGIC_N;
+ NOTE that our algorithm is not guaranteed to work correctly if there
+ were renames of tables during the backup. See ibbackup code for more
+ on the problem. */
- space->ibuf_data = NULL;
+ if (type == MLOG_FILE_DELETE) {
+ if (fil_tablespace_exists_in_mem(space_id)) {
+ ut_a(fil_delete_tablespace(space_id));
+ }
+ } else if (type == MLOG_FILE_RENAME) {
+ /* We do the rename based on space id, not old file name;
+ this should guarantee that after the log replay each .ibd file
+ has the correct name for the latest log sequence number; the
+ proof is left as an exercise :) */
+ if (fil_tablespace_exists_in_mem(space_id)) {
+ /* Create the database directory for the new name, if
+ it does not exist yet */
+ fil_create_directory_for_tablename(new_name);
- rw_lock_create(&(space->latch));
- rw_lock_set_level(&(space->latch), SYNC_FSP);
+ /* Rename the table if there is not yet a tablespace
+ with the same name */
+ if (fil_get_space_id_for_table(new_name)
+ /* We do not care of the old name, that is
+ why we pass NULL as the first argument */
+ ut_a(fil_rename_tablespace(NULL, space_id,
+ new_name));
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ ut_a(type == MLOG_FILE_CREATE);
+ if (fil_tablespace_exists_in_mem(space_id)) {
+ /* Do nothing */
+ } else if (fil_get_space_id_for_table(name) !=
+ /* Do nothing */
+ } else {
+ /* Create the database directory for name, if it does
+ not exist yet */
+ fil_create_directory_for_tablename(name);
+ ut_a(space_id != 0);
+ ut_a(DB_SUCCESS ==
+ fil_create_new_single_table_tablespace(
+ &space_id, name, FALSE,
+ }
+ }
+ return(ptr);
+Deletes a single-table tablespace. The tablespace must be cached in the
+memory cache. */
+ /* out: TRUE if success */
+ ulint id) /* in: space id */
+ fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
+ ibool success;
+ fil_space_t* space;
+ fil_node_t* node;
+ ulint count = 0;
+ char* path;
+ ut_a(id != 0);
+ mutex_enter(&(system->mutex));
+ HASH_SEARCH(hash, system->spaces, id, space, space->id == id);
+ if (space != NULL) {
+ space->stop_ibuf_merges = TRUE;
+ if (space->n_pending_ibuf_merges == 0) {
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+ count = 0;
+ goto try_again;
+ } else {
+ if (count > 5000) {
+ ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
+ fputs(
+" InnoDB: Warning: trying to delete tablespace ", stderr);
+ ut_print_filename(stderr, space->name);
+ fprintf(stderr, ",\n"
+"InnoDB: but there are %lu pending ibuf merges on it.\n"
+"InnoDB: Loop %lu.\n", (ulong) space->n_pending_ibuf_merges,
+ (ulong) count);
+ }
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+ os_thread_sleep(20000);
+ count++;
+ goto stop_ibuf_merges;
+ }
+ }
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+ count = 0;
+ mutex_enter(&(system->mutex));
+ HASH_SEARCH(hash, system->spaces, id, space, space->id == id);
+ if (space == NULL) {
+ ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
+ fprintf(stderr,
+" InnoDB: Error: cannot delete tablespace %lu\n"
+"InnoDB: because it is not found in the tablespace memory cache.\n",
+ (ulong) id);
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
- HASH_INSERT(fil_space_t, hash, system->spaces, id, space);
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ ut_a(space);
+ ut_a(space->n_pending_ibuf_merges == 0);
+ space->is_being_deleted = TRUE;
+ ut_a(UT_LIST_GET_LEN(space->chain) == 1);
+ node = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(space->chain);
+ if (space->n_pending_flushes > 0 || node->n_pending > 0) {
+ if (count > 1000) {
+ ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
+ fputs(
+" InnoDB: Warning: trying to delete tablespace ", stderr);
+ ut_print_filename(stderr, space->name);
+ fprintf(stderr, ",\n"
+"InnoDB: but there are %lu flushes and %lu pending i/o's on it\n"
+"InnoDB: Loop %lu.\n", (ulong) space->n_pending_flushes,
+ (ulong) node->n_pending,
+ (ulong) count);
+ }
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+ os_thread_sleep(20000);
+ count++;
+ goto try_again;
+ }
+ path = mem_strdup(space->name);
- UT_LIST_ADD_LAST(space_list, system->space_list, space);
+ /* Invalidate in the buffer pool all pages belonging to the
+ tablespace. Since we have set space->is_being_deleted = TRUE, readahead
+ or ibuf merge can no longer read more pages of this tablespace to the
+ buffer pool. Thus we can clean the tablespace out of the buffer pool
+ completely and permanently. The flag is_being_deleted also prevents
+ fil_flush() from being applied to this tablespace. */
+ buf_LRU_invalidate_tablespace(id);
+ /* printf("Deleting tablespace %s id %lu\n", space->name, id); */
+ success = fil_space_free(id);
+ if (success) {
+ success = os_file_delete(path);
+ if (!success) {
+ success = os_file_delete_if_exists(path);
+ }
+ }
+ if (success) {
+ /* Write a log record about the deletion of the .ibd
+ file, so that ibbackup can replay it in the
+ --apply-log phase. We use a dummy mtr and the familiar
+ log write mechanism. */
+ mtr_t mtr;
+ /* When replaying the operation in ibbackup, do not try
+ to write any log record */
+ mtr_start(&mtr);
+ fil_op_write_log(MLOG_FILE_DELETE, id, path, NULL, &mtr);
+ mtr_commit(&mtr);
+ mem_free(path);
+ return(TRUE);
+ }
+ mem_free(path);
+ return(FALSE);
-Frees a space object from a file system. Closes the files in the chain
-but does not delete them. */
+Discards a single-table tablespace. The tablespace must be cached in the
+memory cache. Discarding is like deleting a tablespace, but
+1) we do not drop the table from the data dictionary;
+2) we remove all insert buffer entries for the tablespace immediately; in DROP
+TABLE they are only removed gradually in the background;
+3) when the user does IMPORT TABLESPACE, the tablespace will have the same id
+as it originally had. */
+ /* out: TRUE if success */
ulint id) /* in: space id */
+ ibool success;
+ success = fil_delete_tablespace(id);
+ if (!success) {
+ fprintf(stderr,
+"InnoDB: Warning: cannot delete tablespace %lu in DISCARD TABLESPACE.\n"
+"InnoDB: But let us remove the insert buffer entries for this tablespace.\n",
+ (ulong) id);
+ }
+ /* Remove all insert buffer entries for the tablespace */
+ ibuf_delete_for_discarded_space(id);
+ return(TRUE);
+Renames the memory cache structures of a single-table tablespace. */
+ /* out: TRUE if success */
+ fil_space_t* space, /* in: tablespace memory object */
+ fil_node_t* node, /* in: file node of that tablespace */
+ const char* path) /* in: new name */
+ fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
+ fil_space_t* space2;
+ const char* old_name = space->name;
+ HASH_SEARCH(name_hash, system->name_hash, ut_fold_string(old_name),
+ space2, 0 == strcmp(old_name, space2->name));
+ if (space != space2) {
+ fputs("InnoDB: Error: cannot find ", stderr);
+ ut_print_filename(stderr, old_name);
+ fputs(" in tablespace memory cache\n", stderr);
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ HASH_SEARCH(name_hash, system->name_hash, ut_fold_string(path),
+ space2, 0 == strcmp(path, space2->name));
+ if (space2 != NULL) {
+ fputs("InnoDB: Error: ", stderr);
+ ut_print_filename(stderr, path);
+ fputs(" is already in tablespace memory cache\n", stderr);
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ HASH_DELETE(fil_space_t, name_hash, system->name_hash,
+ ut_fold_string(space->name), space);
+ mem_free(space->name);
+ mem_free(node->name);
+ space->name = mem_strdup(path);
+ node->name = mem_strdup(path);
+ HASH_INSERT(fil_space_t, name_hash, system->name_hash,
+ ut_fold_string(path), space);
+ return(TRUE);
+Allocates a file name for a single-table tablespace. The string must be freed
+by caller with mem_free(). */
+ /* out, own: file name */
+ const char* name, /* in: table name or a dir path of a
+ TEMPORARY table */
+ ibool is_temp) /* in: TRUE if it is a dir path */
+ ulint namelen = strlen(name);
+ ulint dirlen = strlen(fil_path_to_mysql_datadir);
+ char* filename = mem_alloc(namelen + dirlen + sizeof "/.ibd");
+ if (is_temp) {
+ memcpy(filename, name, namelen);
+ memcpy(filename + namelen, ".ibd", sizeof ".ibd");
+ } else {
+ memcpy(filename, fil_path_to_mysql_datadir, dirlen);
+ filename[dirlen] = '/';
+ memcpy(filename + dirlen + 1, name, namelen);
+ memcpy(filename + dirlen + namelen + 1, ".ibd", sizeof ".ibd");
+ }
+ srv_normalize_path_for_win(filename);
+ return(filename);
+Renames a single-table tablespace. The tablespace must be cached in the
+tablespace memory cache. */
+ /* out: TRUE if success */
+ const char* old_name, /* in: old table name in the standard
+ databasename/tablename format of
+ InnoDB, or NULL if we do the rename
+ based on the space id only */
+ ulint id, /* in: space id */
+ const char* new_name) /* in: new table name in the standard
+ databasename/tablename format
+ of InnoDB */
+ fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
+ ibool success;
fil_space_t* space;
- fil_node_t* fil_node;
- fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
+ fil_node_t* node;
+ ulint count = 0;
+ char* path;
+ ibool old_name_was_specified = TRUE;
+ char* old_path;
+ ut_a(id != 0);
+ if (old_name == NULL) {
+ old_name = "(name not specified)";
+ old_name_was_specified = FALSE;
+ }
+ count++;
+ if (count > 1000) {
+ ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
+ fputs(" InnoDB: Warning: problems renaming ", stderr);
+ ut_print_filename(stderr, old_name);
+ fputs(" to ", stderr);
+ ut_print_filename(stderr, new_name);
+ fprintf(stderr, ", %lu iterations\n", (ulong) count);
+ }
HASH_SEARCH(hash, system->spaces, id, space, space->id == id);
- HASH_DELETE(fil_space_t, hash, system->spaces, id, space);
+ if (space == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,
+"InnoDB: Error: cannot find space id %lu from the tablespace memory cache\n"
+"InnoDB: though the table ", (ulong) id);
+ ut_print_filename(stderr, old_name);
+ fputs(" in a rename operation should have that id\n", stderr);
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
- UT_LIST_REMOVE(space_list, system->space_list, space);
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
- ut_a(space->magic_n == FIL_SPACE_MAGIC_N);
+ if (count > 25000) {
+ space->stop_ios = FALSE;
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
- fil_node = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(space->chain);
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
- ut_d(UT_LIST_VALIDATE(chain, fil_node_t, space->chain));
+ /* We temporarily close the .ibd file because we do not trust that
+ operating systems can rename an open file. For the closing we have to
+ wait until there are no pending i/o's or flushes on the file. */
- while (fil_node != NULL) {
- fil_node_free(fil_node, system, space);
+ space->stop_ios = TRUE;
- fil_node = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(space->chain);
+ ut_a(UT_LIST_GET_LEN(space->chain) == 1);
+ node = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(space->chain);
+ if (node->n_pending > 0 || node->n_pending_flushes > 0) {
+ /* There are pending i/o's or flushes, sleep for a while and
+ retry */
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+ os_thread_sleep(20000);
+ goto retry;
+ } else if (node->modification_counter > node->flush_counter) {
+ /* Flush the space */
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+ os_thread_sleep(20000);
+ fil_flush(id);
+ goto retry;
+ } else if (node->open) {
+ /* Close the file */
+ fil_node_close_file(node, system);
+ }
+ /* Check that the old name in the space is right */
+ if (old_name_was_specified) {
+ old_path = fil_make_ibd_name(old_name, FALSE);
+ ut_a(strcmp(space->name, old_path) == 0);
+ ut_a(strcmp(node->name, old_path) == 0);
+ } else {
+ old_path = mem_strdup(space->name);
+ }
+ /* Rename the tablespace and the node in the memory cache */
+ path = fil_make_ibd_name(new_name, FALSE);
+ success = fil_rename_tablespace_in_mem(space, node, path);
+ if (success) {
+ success = os_file_rename(old_path, path);
+ if (!success) {
+ /* We have to revert the changes we made
+ to the tablespace memory cache */
+ ut_a(fil_rename_tablespace_in_mem(space, node,
+ old_path));
+ }
+ }
+ mem_free(path);
+ mem_free(old_path);
+ space->stop_ios = FALSE;
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+ if (success) {
+ mtr_t mtr;
+ mtr_start(&mtr);
+ fil_op_write_log(MLOG_FILE_RENAME, id, old_name, new_name,
+ &mtr);
+ mtr_commit(&mtr);
+ }
+ return(success);
+Creates a new single-table tablespace to a database directory of MySQL.
+Database directories are under the 'datadir' of MySQL. The datadir is the
+directory of a running mysqld program. We can refer to it by simply the
+path '.'. Tables created with CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE we place in the temp
+dir of the mysqld server. */
+ /* out: DB_SUCCESS or error code */
+ ulint* space_id, /* in/out: space id; if this is != 0,
+ then this is an input parameter,
+ otherwise output */
+ const char* tablename, /* in: the table name in the usual
+ databasename/tablename format
+ of InnoDB, or a dir path to a temp
+ table */
+ ibool is_temp, /* in: TRUE if a table created with
+ ulint size) /* in: the initial size of the
+ tablespace file in pages,
+ os_file_t file;
+ ibool ret;
+ ulint err;
+ byte* buf2;
+ byte* page;
+ ibool success;
+ char* path;
+ ut_a(size >= FIL_IBD_FILE_INITIAL_SIZE);
+ path = fil_make_ibd_name(tablename, is_temp);
+ file = os_file_create(path, OS_FILE_CREATE, OS_FILE_NORMAL,
+ OS_DATA_FILE, &ret);
+ if (ret == FALSE) {
+ ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
+ fputs(" InnoDB: Error creating file ", stderr);
+ ut_print_filename(stderr, path);
+ fputs(".\n", stderr);
+ /* The following call will print an error message */
+ err = os_file_get_last_error(TRUE);
+ if (err == OS_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS) {
+ fputs(
+"InnoDB: The file already exists though the corresponding table did not\n"
+"InnoDB: exist in the InnoDB data dictionary. Have you moved InnoDB\n"
+"InnoDB: .ibd files around without using the SQL commands\n"
+"InnoDB: mysqld crash in the middle of CREATE TABLE? You can\n"
+"InnoDB: resolve the problem by removing the file ", stderr);
+ ut_print_filename(stderr, path);
+ fputs("\n"
+"InnoDB: under the 'datadir' of MySQL.\n", stderr);
+ mem_free(path);
+ }
+ if (err == OS_FILE_DISK_FULL) {
+ mem_free(path);
+ }
+ mem_free(path);
+ return(DB_ERROR);
+ }
+ buf2 = ut_malloc(2 * UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
+ /* Align the memory for file i/o if we might have O_DIRECT set */
+ page = ut_align(buf2, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
+ ret = os_file_set_size(path, file, size * UNIV_PAGE_SIZE, 0);
+ if (!ret) {
+ ut_free(buf2);
+ os_file_close(file);
+ os_file_delete(path);
+ mem_free(path);
+ }
+ if (*space_id == 0) {
+ *space_id = fil_assign_new_space_id();
+ }
+ /* printf("Creating tablespace %s id %lu\n", path, *space_id); */
+ if (*space_id == ULINT_UNDEFINED) {
+ ut_free(buf2);
+ error_exit:
+ os_file_close(file);
+ error_exit2:
+ os_file_delete(path);
+ mem_free(path);
+ return(DB_ERROR);
+ }
+ /* We have to write the space id to the file immediately and flush the
+ file to disk. This is because in crash recovery we must be aware what
+ tablespaces exist and what are their space id's, so that we can apply
+ the log records to the right file. It may take quite a while until
+ buffer pool flush algorithms write anything to the file and flush it to
+ disk. If we would not write here anything, the file would be filled
+ with zeros from the call of os_file_set_size(), until a buffer pool
+ flush would write to it. */
+ memset(page, '\0', UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
+ fsp_header_write_space_id(page, *space_id);
+ buf_flush_init_for_writing(page, ut_dulint_zero, *space_id, 0);
+ ret = os_file_write(path, file, page, 0, 0, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
+ ut_free(buf2);
+ if (!ret) {
+ fputs(
+"InnoDB: Error: could not write the first page to tablespace ", stderr);
+ ut_print_filename(stderr, path);
+ putc('\n', stderr);
+ goto error_exit;
+ }
+ ret = os_file_flush(file);
+ if (!ret) {
+ fputs(
+"InnoDB: Error: file flush of tablespace ", stderr);
+ ut_print_filename(stderr, path);
+ fputs(" failed\n", stderr);
+ goto error_exit;
+ }
+ os_file_close(file);
+ if (*space_id == ULINT_UNDEFINED) {
+ goto error_exit2;
+ }
+ success = fil_space_create(path, *space_id, FIL_TABLESPACE);
+ if (!success) {
+ goto error_exit2;
+ fil_node_create(path, size, *space_id, FALSE);
+ {
+ mtr_t mtr;
+ mtr_start(&mtr);
+ fil_op_write_log(MLOG_FILE_CREATE, *space_id, tablename, NULL, &mtr);
+ mtr_commit(&mtr);
+ }
+ mem_free(path);
+ return(DB_SUCCESS);
+It is possible, though very improbable, that the lsn's in the tablespace to be
+imported have risen above the current system lsn, if a lengthy purge, ibuf
+merge, or rollback was performed on a backup taken with ibbackup. If that is
+the case, reset page lsn's in the file. We assume that mysqld was shut down
+after it performed these cleanup operations on the .ibd file, so that it at
+the shutdown stamped the latest lsn to the FIL_PAGE_FILE_FLUSH_LSN in the
+first page of the .ibd file, and we can determine whether we need to reset the
+lsn's just by looking at that flush lsn. */
+ /* out: TRUE if success */
+ const char* name, /* in: table name in the
+ databasename/tablename format */
+ dulint current_lsn) /* in: reset lsn's if the lsn stamped
+ first page is too high */
+ os_file_t file;
+ char* filepath;
+ byte* page;
+ byte* buf2;
+ dulint flush_lsn;
+ ulint space_id;
+ ib_longlong file_size;
+ ib_longlong offset;
+ ulint page_no;
+ ibool success;
+ filepath = fil_make_ibd_name(name, FALSE);
+ file = os_file_create_simple_no_error_handling(filepath, OS_FILE_OPEN,
+ OS_FILE_READ_WRITE, &success);
+ if (!success) {
+ /* The following call prints an error message */
+ os_file_get_last_error(TRUE);
+ ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
+ fputs(
+" InnoDB: Error: trying to open a table, but could not\n"
+"InnoDB: open the tablespace file ", stderr);
+ ut_print_filename(stderr, filepath);
+ fputs("!\n", stderr);
+ mem_free(filepath);
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ /* Read the first page of the tablespace */
+ buf2 = ut_malloc(2 * UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
+ /* Align the memory for file i/o if we might have O_DIRECT set */
+ page = ut_align(buf2, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
+ success = os_file_read(file, page, 0, 0, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
+ if (!success) {
+ goto func_exit;
+ }
+ /* We have to read the file flush lsn from the header of the file */
+ flush_lsn = mach_read_from_8(page + FIL_PAGE_FILE_FLUSH_LSN);
+ if (ut_dulint_cmp(current_lsn, flush_lsn) >= 0) {
+ /* Ok */
+ success = TRUE;
+ goto func_exit;
+ }
+ space_id = fsp_header_get_space_id(page);
- ut_d(UT_LIST_VALIDATE(chain, fil_node_t, space->chain));
- ut_ad(0 == UT_LIST_GET_LEN(space->chain));
+ ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
+ fprintf(stderr,
+" InnoDB: Flush lsn in the tablespace file %lu to be imported\n"
+"InnoDB: is %lu %lu, which exceeds current system lsn %lu %lu.\n"
+"InnoDB: We reset the lsn's in the file ",
+ (ulong) space_id,
+ (ulong) ut_dulint_get_high(flush_lsn),
+ (ulong) ut_dulint_get_low(flush_lsn),
+ (ulong) ut_dulint_get_high(current_lsn),
+ (ulong) ut_dulint_get_low(current_lsn));
+ ut_print_filename(stderr, filepath);
+ fputs(".\n", stderr);
+ /* Loop through all the pages in the tablespace and reset the lsn and
+ the page checksum if necessary */
+ file_size = os_file_get_size_as_iblonglong(file);
+ for (offset = 0; offset < file_size; offset += UNIV_PAGE_SIZE) {
+ success = os_file_read(file, page,
+ (ulint)(offset & 0xFFFFFFFFUL),
+ (ulint)(offset >> 32), UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
+ if (!success) {
- mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+ goto func_exit;
+ }
+ if (ut_dulint_cmp(mach_read_from_8(page + FIL_PAGE_LSN),
+ current_lsn) > 0) {
+ /* We have to reset the lsn */
+ space_id = mach_read_from_4(page
+ page_no = mach_read_from_4(page + FIL_PAGE_OFFSET);
+ buf_flush_init_for_writing(page, current_lsn, space_id,
+ page_no);
+ success = os_file_write(filepath, file, page,
+ (ulint)(offset & 0xFFFFFFFFUL),
+ (ulint)(offset >> 32), UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
+ if (!success) {
+ goto func_exit;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- mem_free(space->name);
- mem_free(space);
+ success = os_file_flush(file);
+ if (!success) {
+ goto func_exit;
+ }
+ /* We now update the flush_lsn stamp at the start of the file */
+ success = os_file_read(file, page, 0, 0, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
+ if (!success) {
+ goto func_exit;
+ }
+ mach_write_to_8(page + FIL_PAGE_FILE_FLUSH_LSN, current_lsn);
+ success = os_file_write(filepath, file, page, 0, 0, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
+ if (!success) {
+ goto func_exit;
+ }
+ success = os_file_flush(file);
+ os_file_close(file);
+ ut_free(buf2);
+ mem_free(filepath);
+ return(success);
+Tries to open a single-table tablespace and optionally checks the space id is
+right in it. If does not succeed, prints an error message to the .err log. This
+function is used to open a tablespace when we start up mysqld, and also in
+NOTE that we assume this operation is used either at the database startup
+or under the protection of the dictionary mutex, so that two users cannot
+race here. This operation does not leave the file associated with the
+tablespace open, but closes it after we have looked at the space id in it. */
+ /* out: TRUE if success */
+ ibool check_space_id, /* in: should we check that the space
+ id in the file is right; we assume
+ that this function runs much faster
+ if no check is made, since accessing
+ the file inode probably is much
+ faster (the OS caches them) than
+ accessing the first page of the file */
+ ulint id, /* in: space id */
+ const char* name) /* in: table name in the
+ databasename/tablename format */
+ os_file_t file;
+ char* filepath;
+ ibool success;
+ byte* buf2;
+ byte* page;
+ ulint space_id;
+ ibool ret = TRUE;
+ filepath = fil_make_ibd_name(name, FALSE);
+ file = os_file_create_simple_no_error_handling(filepath, OS_FILE_OPEN,
+ OS_FILE_READ_ONLY, &success);
+ if (!success) {
+ /* The following call prints an error message */
+ os_file_get_last_error(TRUE);
+ ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
+ fputs(
+" InnoDB: Error: trying to open a table, but could not\n"
+"InnoDB: open the tablespace file ", stderr);
+ ut_print_filename(stderr, filepath);
+ fputs("!\n"
+"InnoDB: Have you moved InnoDB .ibd files around without using the\n"
+"InnoDB: It is also possible that this is a table created with\n"
+"InnoDB: CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE, and MySQL removed the .ibd file for this.\n"
+"InnoDB: Please refer to\n"
+"InnoDB: how to resolve the issue.\n", stderr);
+ mem_free(filepath);
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ if (!check_space_id) {
+ space_id = id;
+ goto skip_check;
+ }
+ /* Read the first page of the tablespace */
+ buf2 = ut_malloc(2 * UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
+ /* Align the memory for file i/o if we might have O_DIRECT set */
+ page = ut_align(buf2, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
+ success = os_file_read(file, page, 0, 0, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
+ /* We have to read the tablespace id from the file */
+ space_id = fsp_header_get_space_id(page);
+ ut_free(buf2);
+ if (space_id != id) {
+ ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
+ fputs(
+" InnoDB: Error: tablespace id in file ", stderr);
+ ut_print_filename(stderr, filepath);
+ fprintf(stderr, " is %lu, but in the InnoDB\n"
+"InnoDB: data dictionary it is %lu.\n"
+"InnoDB: Have you moved InnoDB .ibd files around without using the\n"
+"InnoDB: Please refer to\n"
+"InnoDB: how to resolve the issue.\n", (ulong) space_id, (ulong) id);
+ ret = FALSE;
+ goto func_exit;
+ }
+ success = fil_space_create(filepath, space_id, FIL_TABLESPACE);
+ if (!success) {
+ goto func_exit;
+ }
+ /* We do not measure the size of the file, that is why we pass the 0
+ below */
+ fil_node_create(filepath, 0, space_id, FALSE);
+ os_file_close(file);
+ mem_free(filepath);
+ return(ret);
-Returns the size of the space in pages. */
+Allocates a file name for an old version of a single-table tablespace.
+The string must be freed by caller with mem_free()! */
+ /* out, own: file name */
+ const char* name) /* in: original file name */
+ static const char suffix[] = "_ibbackup_old_vers_";
+ ulint len = strlen(name);
+ char* path = mem_alloc(len + (15 + sizeof suffix));
+ memcpy(path, name, len);
+ memcpy(path + len, suffix, (sizeof suffix) - 1);
+ ut_sprintf_timestamp_without_extra_chars(path + len + sizeof suffix);
+ return(path);
+#endif /* UNIV_HOTBACKUP */
+Opens an .ibd file and adds the associated single-table tablespace to the
+InnoDB fil0fil.c data structures. */
+ const char* dbname, /* in: database name */
+ const char* filename) /* in: file name (not a path),
+ including the .ibd extension */
+ os_file_t file;
+ char* filepath;
+ ibool success;
+ byte* buf2;
+ byte* page;
+ ulint space_id;
+ ulint size_low;
+ ulint size_high;
+ ib_longlong size;
+ fil_space_t* space;
+ filepath = mem_alloc(strlen(dbname) + strlen(filename)
+ + strlen(fil_path_to_mysql_datadir) + 3);
+ sprintf(filepath, "%s/%s/%s", fil_path_to_mysql_datadir, dbname,
+ filename);
+ srv_normalize_path_for_win(filepath);
+ file = os_file_create_simple_no_error_handling(filepath, OS_FILE_OPEN,
+ OS_FILE_READ_ONLY, &success);
+ if (!success) {
+ /* The following call prints an error message */
+ os_file_get_last_error(TRUE);
+ fprintf(stderr,
+"InnoDB: Error: could not open single-table tablespace file\n"
+"InnoDB: %s!\n"
+"InnoDB: We do not continue the crash recovery, because the table may become\n"
+"InnoDB: corrupt if we cannot apply the log records in the InnoDB log to it.\n"
+"InnoDB: To fix the problem and start mysqld:\n"
+"InnoDB: 1) If there is a permission problem in the file and mysqld cannot\n"
+"InnoDB: open the file, you should modify the permissions.\n"
+"InnoDB: 2) If the table is not needed, or you can restore it from a backup,\n"
+"InnoDB: then you can remove the .ibd file, and InnoDB will do a normal\n"
+"InnoDB: crash recovery and ignore that table.\n"
+"InnoDB: 3) If the file system or the disk is broken, and you cannot remove\n"
+"InnoDB: the .ibd file, you can set innodb_force_recovery > 0 in my.cnf\n"
+"InnoDB: and force InnoDB to continue crash recovery here.\n", filepath);
+ mem_free(filepath);
+ if (srv_force_recovery > 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr,
+"InnoDB: innodb_force_recovery was set to %lu. Continuing crash recovery\n"
+"InnoDB: even though we cannot access the .ibd file of this table.\n",
+ srv_force_recovery);
+ return;
+ }
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ success = os_file_get_size(file, &size_low, &size_high);
+ if (!success) {
+ /* The following call prints an error message */
+ os_file_get_last_error(TRUE);
+ fprintf(stderr,
+"InnoDB: Error: could not measure the size of single-table tablespace file\n"
+"InnoDB: %s!\n"
+"InnoDB: We do not continue crash recovery, because the table will become\n"
+"InnoDB: corrupt if we cannot apply the log records in the InnoDB log to it.\n"
+"InnoDB: To fix the problem and start mysqld:\n"
+"InnoDB: 1) If there is a permission problem in the file and mysqld cannot\n"
+"InnoDB: access the file, you should modify the permissions.\n"
+"InnoDB: 2) If the table is not needed, or you can restore it from a backup,\n"
+"InnoDB: then you can remove the .ibd file, and InnoDB will do a normal\n"
+"InnoDB: crash recovery and ignore that table.\n"
+"InnoDB: 3) If the file system or the disk is broken, and you cannot remove\n"
+"InnoDB: the .ibd file, you can set innodb_force_recovery > 0 in my.cnf\n"
+"InnoDB: and force InnoDB to continue crash recovery here.\n", filepath);
+ os_file_close(file);
+ mem_free(filepath);
+ if (srv_force_recovery > 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr,
+"InnoDB: innodb_force_recovery was set to %lu. Continuing crash recovery\n"
+"InnoDB: even though we cannot access the .ibd file of this table.\n",
+ srv_force_recovery);
+ return;
+ }
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ /* TODO: What to do in other cases where we cannot access an .ibd
+ file during a crash recovery? */
+ /* Every .ibd file is created >= 4 pages in size. Smaller files
+ cannot be ok. */
+ size = (((ib_longlong)size_high) << 32) + (ib_longlong)size_low;
+ fprintf(stderr,
+"InnoDB: Error: the size of single-table tablespace file %s\n"
+"InnoDB: is only %lu %lu, should be at least %lu!", filepath,
+ (ulong) size_high,
+ (ulong) size_low, (ulong) (4 * UNIV_PAGE_SIZE));
+ os_file_close(file);
+ mem_free(filepath);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Read the first page of the tablespace if the size big enough */
+ buf2 = ut_malloc(2 * UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
+ /* Align the memory for file i/o if we might have O_DIRECT set */
+ page = ut_align(buf2, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
+ success = os_file_read(file, page, 0, 0, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
+ /* We have to read the tablespace id from the file */
+ space_id = fsp_header_get_space_id(page);
+ } else {
+ space_id = ULINT_UNDEFINED;
+ }
+ if (space_id == ULINT_UNDEFINED || space_id == 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr,
+"InnoDB: Error: tablespace id %lu in file %s is not sensible\n",
+ (ulong) space_id,
+ filepath);
+ goto func_exit;
+ }
+ if (space_id == ULINT_UNDEFINED || space_id == 0) {
+ char* new_path;
+ fprintf(stderr,
+"InnoDB: Renaming tablespace %s of id %lu,\n"
+"InnoDB: to %s_ibbackup_old_vers_<timestamp>\n"
+"InnoDB: because its size %lld is too small (< 4 pages 16 kB each),\n"
+"InnoDB: or the space id in the file header is not sensible.\n"
+"InnoDB: This can happen in an ibbackup run, and is not dangerous.\n",
+ filepath, space_id, filepath, size);
+ os_file_close(file);
+ new_path = fil_make_ibbackup_old_name(filepath);
+ ut_a(os_file_rename(filepath, new_path));
+ ut_free(buf2);
+ mem_free(filepath);
+ mem_free(new_path);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* A backup may contain the same space several times, if the space got
+ renamed at a sensitive time. Since it is enough to have one version of
+ the space, we rename the file if a space with the same space id
+ already exists in the tablespace memory cache. We rather rename the
+ file than delete it, because if there is a bug, we do not want to
+ destroy valuable data. */
+ mutex_enter(&(fil_system->mutex));
+ space = fil_get_space_for_id_low(space_id);
+ if (space) {
+ char* new_path;
+ fprintf(stderr,
+"InnoDB: Renaming tablespace %s of id %lu,\n"
+"InnoDB: to %s_ibbackup_old_vers_<timestamp>\n"
+"InnoDB: because space %s with the same id\n"
+"InnoDB: was scanned earlier. This can happen if you have renamed tables\n"
+"InnoDB: during an ibbackup run.\n", filepath, space_id, filepath,
+ space->name);
+ os_file_close(file);
+ new_path = fil_make_ibbackup_old_name(filepath);
+ mutex_exit(&(fil_system->mutex));
+ ut_a(os_file_rename(filepath, new_path));
+ ut_free(buf2);
+ mem_free(filepath);
+ mem_free(new_path);
+ return;
+ }
+ mutex_exit(&(fil_system->mutex));
+ success = fil_space_create(filepath, space_id, FIL_TABLESPACE);
+ if (!success) {
+ goto func_exit;
+ }
+ /* We do not use the size information we have about the file, because
+ the rounding formula for extents and pages is somewhat complex; we
+ let fil_node_open() do that task. */
+ fil_node_create(filepath, 0, space_id, FALSE);
+ os_file_close(file);
+ ut_free(buf2);
+ mem_free(filepath);
+At the server startup, if we need crash recovery, scans the database
+directories under the MySQL datadir, looking for .ibd files. Those files are
+single-table tablespaces. We need to know the space id in each of them so that
+we know into which file we should look to check the contents of a page stored
+in the doublewrite buffer, also to know where to apply log records where the
+space id is != 0. */
- /* out: space size */
- ulint id) /* in: space id */
+ /* out: DB_SUCCESS or error number */
+ int ret;
+ char* dbpath = NULL;
+ ulint dbpath_len = 100;
+ os_file_dir_t dir;
+ os_file_dir_t dbdir;
+ os_file_stat_t dbinfo;
+ os_file_stat_t fileinfo;
+ /* The datadir of MySQL is always the default directory of mysqld */
+ dir = os_file_opendir(fil_path_to_mysql_datadir, TRUE);
+ if (dir == NULL) {
+ return(DB_ERROR);
+ }
+ dbpath = mem_alloc(dbpath_len);
+ /* Scan all directories under the datadir. They are the database
+ directories of MySQL. */
+ ret = os_file_readdir_next_file(fil_path_to_mysql_datadir, dir,
+ &dbinfo);
+ while (ret == 0) {
+ ulint len;
+ /* printf("Looking at %s in datadir\n",; */
+ if (dbinfo.type == OS_FILE_TYPE_FILE
+ || dbinfo.type == OS_FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN) {
+ goto next_datadir_item;
+ }
+ /* We found a symlink or a directory; try opening it to see
+ if a symlink is a directory */
+ len = strlen(fil_path_to_mysql_datadir)
+ + strlen ( + 2;
+ if (len > dbpath_len) {
+ dbpath_len = len;
+ if (dbpath) {
+ mem_free(dbpath);
+ }
+ dbpath = mem_alloc(dbpath_len);
+ }
+ sprintf(dbpath, "%s/%s", fil_path_to_mysql_datadir,
+ srv_normalize_path_for_win(dbpath);
+ dbdir = os_file_opendir(dbpath, FALSE);
+ if (dbdir != NULL) {
+ /* printf("Opened dir %s\n",; */
+ /* We found a database directory; loop through it,
+ looking for possible .ibd files in it */
+ ret = os_file_readdir_next_file(dbpath, dbdir,
+ &fileinfo);
+ while (ret == 0) {
+ /* printf(
+" Looking at file %s\n",; */
+ if (fileinfo.type == OS_FILE_TYPE_DIR) {
+ goto next_file_item;
+ }
+ /* We found a symlink or a file */
+ if (strlen( > 4
+ && 0 == strcmp( +
+ strlen( - 4,
+ ".ibd")) {
+ /* The name ends in .ibd; try opening
+ the file */
+ fil_load_single_table_tablespace(
+ }
+ ret = os_file_readdir_next_file(dbpath, dbdir,
+ &fileinfo);
+ }
+ if (0 != os_file_closedir(dbdir)) {
+ fputs(
+"InnoDB: Warning: could not close database directory ", stderr);
+ ut_print_filename(stderr, dbpath);
+ putc('\n', stderr);
+ }
+ }
+ ret = os_file_readdir_next_file(fil_path_to_mysql_datadir,
+ dir, &dbinfo);
+ }
+ mem_free(dbpath);
+ /* At the end of directory we should get 1 as the return value, -1
+ if there was an error */
+ if (ret != 1) {
+ fprintf(stderr,
+"InnoDB: Error: os_file_readdir_next_file returned %d in MySQL datadir\n",
+ ret);
+ os_file_closedir(dir);
+ return(DB_ERROR);
+ }
+ if (0 != os_file_closedir(dir)) {
+ fprintf(stderr,
+"InnoDB: Error: could not close MySQL datadir\n");
+ return(DB_ERROR);
+ }
+ return(DB_SUCCESS);
+If we need crash recovery, and we have called
+fil_load_single_table_tablespaces() and dict_load_single_table_tablespaces(),
+we can call this function to print an error message of orphaned .ibd files
+for which there is not a data dictionary entry with a matching table name
+and space id. */
+ fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
+ fil_space_t* space;
+ mutex_enter(&(system->mutex));
+ space = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(system->space_list);
+ while (space) {
+ if (space->purpose == FIL_TABLESPACE && space->id != 0
+ && !space->mark) {
+ fputs("InnoDB: Warning: tablespace ", stderr);
+ ut_print_filename(stderr, space->name);
+ fprintf(stderr, " of id %lu has no matching table in\n"
+"InnoDB: the InnoDB data dictionary.\n", (ulong) space->id);
+ }
+ space = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(space_list, space);
+ }
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+Returns TRUE if a single-table tablespace does not exist in the memory cache,
+or is being deleted there. */
+ /* out: TRUE if does not exist or is being\
+ deleted */
+ ulint id, /* in: space id */
+ ib_longlong version)/* in: tablespace_version should be this; if
+ you pass -1 as the value of this, then this
+ parameter is ignored */
+ fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
fil_space_t* space;
- fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
- ulint size;
@@ -724,29 +3114,36 @@ fil_space_get_size(
HASH_SEARCH(hash, system->spaces, id, space, space->id == id);
- size = space->size;
+ if (space == NULL || space->is_being_deleted) {
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+ return(TRUE);
+ }
+ if (version != ((ib_longlong)-1)
+ && space->tablespace_version != version) {
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+ return(TRUE);
+ }
- return(size);
+ return(FALSE);
-Checks if the pair space, page_no refers to an existing page in a
-tablespace file space. */
+Returns TRUE if a single-table tablespace exists in the memory cache. */
- /* out: TRUE if the address is meaningful */
- ulint id, /* in: space id */
- ulint page_no)/* in: page number */
+ /* out: TRUE if exists */
+ ulint id) /* in: space id */
- fil_space_t* space;
fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
- ulint size;
- ibool ret;
+ fil_space_t* space;
@@ -754,23 +3151,382 @@ fil_check_adress_in_tablespace(
HASH_SEARCH(hash, system->spaces, id, space, space->id == id);
if (space == NULL) {
- ret = FALSE;
- } else {
- size = space->size;
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+ return(TRUE);
+Returns TRUE if a matching tablespace exists in the InnoDB tablespace memory
+cache. Note that if we have not done a crash recovery at the database startup,
+there may be many tablespaces which are not yet in the memory cache. */
+ /* out: TRUE if a matching tablespace
+ exists in the memory cache */
+ ulint id, /* in: space id */
+ const char* name, /* in: table name in the standard
+ 'databasename/tablename' format or
+ the dir path to a temp table */
+ ibool is_temp, /* in: TRUE if created with CREATE
+ ibool mark_space, /* in: in crash recovery, at database
+ startup we mark all spaces which have
+ an associated table in the InnoDB
+ data dictionary, so that
+ we can print a warning about orphaned
+ tablespaces */
+ ibool print_error_if_does_not_exist)
+ /* in: print detailed error
+ information to the .err log if a
+ matching tablespace is not found from
+ memory */
+ fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
+ fil_space_t* namespace;
+ fil_space_t* space;
+ char* path;
+ ut_ad(system);
+ mutex_enter(&(system->mutex));
+ path = fil_make_ibd_name(name, is_temp);
+ /* Look if there is a space with the same id */
+ HASH_SEARCH(hash, system->spaces, id, space, space->id == id);
+ /* Look if there is a space with the same name; the name is the
+ directory path from the datadir to the file */
+ HASH_SEARCH(name_hash, system->name_hash,
+ ut_fold_string(path), namespace,
+ 0 == strcmp(namespace->name, path));
+ if (space && space == namespace) {
+ /* Found */
+ if (mark_space) {
+ space->mark = TRUE;
+ }
+ mem_free(path);
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+ return(TRUE);
+ }
+ if (!print_error_if_does_not_exist) {
+ mem_free(path);
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
- if (page_no > size) {
- ret = FALSE;
- } else if (space->purpose != FIL_TABLESPACE) {
- ret = FALSE;
+ if (space == NULL) {
+ if (namespace == NULL) {
+ ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
+ fputs(" InnoDB: Error: table ", stderr);
+ ut_print_filename(stderr, name);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n"
+"InnoDB: in InnoDB data dictionary has tablespace id %lu,\n"
+"InnoDB: but tablespace with that id or name does not exist. Have\n"
+"InnoDB: you deleted or moved .ibd files?\n"
+"InnoDB: This may also be a table created with CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE\n"
+"InnoDB: whose .ibd and .frm files MySQL automatically removed, but the\n"
+"InnoDB: table still exists in the InnoDB internal data dictionary.\n",
+ (ulong) id);
} else {
- ret = TRUE;
+ ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
+ fputs(" InnoDB: Error: table ", stderr);
+ ut_print_filename(stderr, name);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n"
+"InnoDB: in InnoDB data dictionary has tablespace id %lu,\n"
+"InnoDB: but tablespace with that id does not exist. There is\n"
+"InnoDB: a tablespace of name %s and id %lu, though. Have\n"
+"InnoDB: you deleted or moved .ibd files?\n",
+ (ulong) id, namespace->name,
+ (ulong) namespace->id);
+ }
+ error_exit:
+ fputs(
+"InnoDB: Please refer to\n"
+"InnoDB: how to resolve the issue.\n", stderr);
+ mem_free(path);
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ if (0 != strcmp(space->name, path)) {
+ ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
+ fputs(" InnoDB: Error: table ", stderr);
+ ut_print_filename(stderr, name);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n"
+"InnoDB: in InnoDB data dictionary has tablespace id %lu,\n"
+"InnoDB: but tablespace with that id has name %s.\n"
+"InnoDB: Have you deleted or moved .ibd files?\n", (ulong) id, space->name);
+ if (namespace != NULL) {
+ fputs(
+"InnoDB: There is a tablespace with the right name\n"
+"InnoDB: ", stderr);
+ ut_print_filename(stderr, namespace->name);
+ fprintf(stderr, ", but its id is %lu.\n",
+ (ulong) namespace->id);
+ goto error_exit;
+ }
+ mem_free(path);
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+ return(FALSE);
+Checks if a single-table tablespace for a given table name exists in the
+tablespace memory cache. */
+ /* out: space id, ULINT_UNDEFINED if not
+ found */
+ const char* name) /* in: table name in the standard
+ 'databasename/tablename' format */
+ fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
+ fil_space_t* namespace;
+ ulint id = ULINT_UNDEFINED;
+ char* path;
+ ut_ad(system);
+ mutex_enter(&(system->mutex));
+ path = fil_make_ibd_name(name, FALSE);
+ /* Look if there is a space with the same name; the name is the
+ directory path to the file */
+ HASH_SEARCH(name_hash, system->name_hash,
+ ut_fold_string(path), namespace,
+ 0 == strcmp(namespace->name, path));
+ if (namespace) {
+ id = namespace->id;
+ }
+ mem_free(path);
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+ return(id);
+Tries to extend a data file so that it would accommodate the number of pages
+given. The tablespace must be cached in the memory cache. If the space is big
+enough already, does nothing. */
+ /* out: TRUE if success */
+ ulint* actual_size, /* out: size of the space after extension;
+ if we ran out of disk space this may be lower
+ than the desired size */
+ ulint space_id, /* in: space id */
+ ulint size_after_extend)/* in: desired size in pages after the
+ extension; if the current space size is bigger
+ than this already, the function does nothing */
+ fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
+ fil_node_t* node;
+ fil_space_t* space;
+ byte* buf2;
+ byte* buf;
+ ulint start_page_no;
+ ulint file_start_page_no;
+ ulint n_pages;
+ ulint offset_high;
+ ulint offset_low;
+ ibool success = TRUE;
+ fil_mutex_enter_and_prepare_for_io(space_id);
+ HASH_SEARCH(hash, system->spaces, space_id, space,
+ space->id == space_id);
+ ut_a(space);
+ if (space->size >= size_after_extend) {
+ /* Space already big enough */
+ *actual_size = space->size;
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+ return(TRUE);
+ node = UT_LIST_GET_LAST(space->chain);
+ fil_node_prepare_for_io(node, system, space);
+ /* Extend 1 MB at a time */
+ buf2 = mem_alloc(1024 * 1024 + UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
+ buf = ut_align(buf2, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
+ memset(buf, '\0', 1024 * 1024);
+ start_page_no = space->size;
+ file_start_page_no = space->size - node->size;
+ while (start_page_no < size_after_extend) {
+ n_pages = size_after_extend - start_page_no;
+ if (n_pages > (1024 * 1024) / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE) {
+ n_pages = (1024 * 1024) / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE;
+ }
+ offset_high = (start_page_no - file_start_page_no)
+ / (4096 * ((1024 * 1024) / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE));
+ offset_low = ((start_page_no - file_start_page_no)
+ % (4096 * ((1024 * 1024) / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE)))
+ success = os_file_write(node->name, node->handle, buf,
+ offset_low, offset_high,
+ UNIV_PAGE_SIZE * n_pages);
+ success = os_aio(OS_FILE_WRITE, OS_AIO_SYNC,
+ node->name, node->handle, buf,
+ offset_low, offset_high,
+ UNIV_PAGE_SIZE * n_pages,
+ if (success) {
+ node->size += n_pages;
+ space->size += n_pages;
+ os_has_said_disk_full = FALSE;
+ } else {
+ /* Let us measure the size of the file to determine
+ how much we were able to extend it */
+ n_pages = ((ulint)
+ (os_file_get_size_as_iblonglong(node->handle)
+ / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE)) - node->size;
+ node->size += n_pages;
+ space->size += n_pages;
+ break;
+ }
+ start_page_no += n_pages;
+ }
+ mem_free(buf2);
+ fil_node_complete_io(node, system, OS_FILE_WRITE);
+ *actual_size = space->size;
+ if (space_id == 0) {
+ ulint pages_per_mb = (1024 * 1024) / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE;
+ /* Keep the last data file size info up to date, rounded to
+ full megabytes */
+ srv_data_file_sizes[srv_n_data_files - 1] =
+ (node->size / pages_per_mb) * pages_per_mb;
+ }
+ /*
+ printf("Extended %s to %lu, actual size %lu pages\n", space->name,
+ size_after_extend, *actual_size); */
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+ fil_flush(space_id);
+ return(success);
+Extends all tablespaces to the size stored in the space header. During the
+ibbackup --apply-log phase we extended the spaces on-demand so that log records
+could be applied, but that may have left spaces still too small compared to
+the size stored in the space header. */
+ fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
+ fil_space_t* space;
+ byte* buf;
+ ulint actual_size;
+ ulint size_in_header;
+ ulint error;
+ ibool success;
+ buf = mem_alloc(UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
+ mutex_enter(&(system->mutex));
+ space = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(system->space_list);
+ while (space) {
+ ut_a(space->purpose == FIL_TABLESPACE);
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex)); /* no need to protect with a
+ mutex, because this is a single-
+ threaded operation */
+ error = fil_read(TRUE, space->id, 0, 0, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE, buf,
+ NULL);
+ ut_a(error == DB_SUCCESS);
+ size_in_header = fsp_get_size_low(buf);
+ success = fil_extend_space_to_desired_size(&actual_size,
+ space->id, size_in_header);
+ if (!success) {
+ fprintf(stderr,
+"InnoDB: Error: could not extend the tablespace of %s\n"
+"InnoDB: to the size stored in header, %lu pages;\n"
+"InnoDB: size after extension %lu pages\n"
+"InnoDB: Check that you have free disk space and retry!\n", space->name,
+ size_in_header, actual_size);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ mutex_enter(&(system->mutex));
+ space = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(space_list, space);
+ }
- return(ret);
+ mem_free(buf);
+/*========== RESERVE FREE EXTENTS (for a B-tree split, for example) ===*/
Tries to reserve free extents in a file space. */
@@ -783,8 +3539,8 @@ fil_space_reserve_free_extents(
ulint n_free_now, /* in: number of free extents now */
ulint n_to_reserve) /* in: how many one wants to reserve */
- fil_space_t* space;
fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
+ fil_space_t* space;
ibool success;
@@ -793,6 +3549,8 @@ fil_space_reserve_free_extents(
HASH_SEARCH(hash, system->spaces, id, space, space->id == id);
+ ut_a(space);
if (space->n_reserved_extents + n_to_reserve > n_free_now) {
success = FALSE;
} else {
@@ -814,8 +3572,8 @@ fil_space_release_free_extents(
ulint id, /* in: space id */
ulint n_reserved) /* in: how many one reserved */
- fil_space_t* space;
fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
+ fil_space_t* space;
@@ -823,6 +3581,7 @@ fil_space_release_free_extents(
HASH_SEARCH(hash, system->spaces, id, space, space->id == id);
+ ut_a(space);
ut_a(space->n_reserved_extents >= n_reserved);
space->n_reserved_extents -= n_reserved;
@@ -839,8 +3598,8 @@ fil_space_get_n_reserved_extents(
ulint id) /* in: space id */
- fil_space_t* space;
fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
+ fil_space_t* space;
ulint n;
@@ -858,208 +3617,99 @@ fil_space_get_n_reserved_extents(
+/*============================ FILE I/O ================================*/
+NOTE: you must call fil_mutex_enter_and_prepare_for_io() first!
Prepares a file node for i/o. Opens the file if it is closed. Updates the
pending i/o's field in the node and the system appropriately. Takes the node
-off the LRU list if it is in the LRU list. */
+off the LRU list if it is in the LRU list. The caller must hold the fil_sys
+mutex. */
fil_node_t* node, /* in: file node */
- fil_system_t* system, /* in: file system */
+ fil_system_t* system, /* in: tablespace memory cache */
fil_space_t* space) /* in: space */
- ibool ret;
- fil_node_t* last_node;
ut_ad(node && system && space);
#endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */
+ if (system->n_open > system->max_n_open + 5) {
+ ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
+ fprintf(stderr,
+" InnoDB: Warning: open files %lu exceeds the limit %lu\n",
+ (ulong) system->n_open,
+ (ulong) system->max_n_open);
+ }
if (node->open == FALSE) {
- /* File is closed */
+ /* File is closed: open it */
ut_a(node->n_pending == 0);
- /* If too many files are open, close one */
- if (system->n_open_pending + UT_LIST_GET_LEN(system->LRU)
- == system->max_n_open) {
- ut_a(UT_LIST_GET_LEN(system->LRU) > 0);
- last_node = UT_LIST_GET_LAST(system->LRU);
- if (last_node == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "InnoDB: Error: cannot close any file to open another for i/o\n"
- "InnoDB: Pending i/o's on %lu files exist\n",
- system->n_open_pending);
- ut_error;
- }
- fil_node_close(last_node, system);
- }
- if (space->purpose == FIL_LOG) {
- node->handle = os_file_create(node->name, OS_FILE_OPEN,
- } else {
- node->handle = os_file_create(node->name, OS_FILE_OPEN,
- }
- ut_a(ret);
- node->open = TRUE;
- system->n_open_pending++;
- node->n_pending = 1;
- /* File was closed: the node was not in the LRU list */
- return;
+ fil_node_open_file(node, system, space);
- /* File is open */
- if (node->n_pending == 0) {
+ if (node->n_pending == 0 && space->purpose == FIL_TABLESPACE
+ && space->id != 0) {
/* The node is in the LRU list, remove it */
- UT_LIST_REMOVE(LRU, system->LRU, node);
- system->n_open_pending++;
- node->n_pending = 1;
- } else {
- /* There is already a pending i/o-op on the file: the node is
- not in the LRU list */
+ ut_a(UT_LIST_GET_LEN(system->LRU) > 0);
- node->n_pending++;
+ UT_LIST_REMOVE(LRU, system->LRU, node);
+ node->n_pending++;
Updates the data structures when an i/o operation finishes. Updates the
-pending i/os field in the node and the system appropriately. Puts the node
-in the LRU list if there are no other pending i/os. */
+pending i/o's field in the node appropriately. */
fil_node_t* node, /* in: file node */
- fil_system_t* system, /* in: file system */
- ulint type) /* in: OS_FILE_WRITE or ..._READ */
+ fil_system_t* system, /* in: tablespace memory cache */
+ ulint type) /* in: OS_FILE_WRITE or OS_FILE_READ; marks
+ the node as modified if
+ type == OS_FILE_WRITE */
#endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */
ut_a(node->n_pending > 0);
- if (type != OS_FILE_READ) {
- node->is_modified = TRUE;
+ if (type == OS_FILE_WRITE) {
+ system->modification_counter++;
+ node->modification_counter = system->modification_counter;
- if (node->n_pending == 0) {
+ if (node->n_pending == 0 && node->space->purpose == FIL_TABLESPACE
+ && node->space->id != 0) {
/* The node must be put back to the LRU list */
UT_LIST_ADD_FIRST(LRU, system->LRU, node);
- ut_a(system->n_open_pending > 0);
- system->n_open_pending--;
- if (system->n_open_pending == system->max_n_open - 1) {
- os_event_set(system->can_open);
- }
- }
-Tries to extend a data file by the number of pages given. Any fractions of a
-megabyte are ignored. */
- /* out: TRUE if success, also if we run
- out of disk space we may return TRUE */
- ulint* actual_increase,/* out: number of pages we were able to
- extend, here the orginal size of the file and
- the resulting size of the file are rounded
- downwards to a full megabyte, and the
- difference expressed in pages is returned */
- ulint size_increase) /* in: try to extend this many pages */
- fil_node_t* node;
- fil_space_t* space;
- fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
- byte* buf2;
- byte* buf;
- ibool success;
- ulint i;
- mutex_enter(&(system->mutex));
- HASH_SEARCH(hash, system->spaces, 0, space, space->id == 0);
- ut_a(space);
- node = UT_LIST_GET_LAST(space->chain);
- fil_node_prepare_for_io(node, system, space);
- buf2 = mem_alloc(1024 * 1024 + UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
- buf = ut_align(buf2, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
- memset(buf, '\0', 1024 * 1024);
- for (i = 0; i < size_increase / ((1024 * 1024) / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE); i++) {
- /* If we use native Windows aio, then also this write is
- done using it */
- success = os_aio(OS_FILE_WRITE, OS_AIO_SYNC,
- node->name, node->handle, buf,
- (node->size << UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT) & 0xFFFFFFFF,
- node->size >> (32 - UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT),
- 1024 * 1024, NULL, NULL);
- if (!success) {
- break;
- }
- node->size += ((1024 * 1024) / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
- space->size += ((1024 * 1024) / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
- os_has_said_disk_full = FALSE;
- mem_free(buf2);
- fil_node_complete_io(node, system, OS_FILE_WRITE);
- mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
- *actual_increase = i * ((1024 * 1024) / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
- fil_flush(0);
- srv_data_file_sizes[srv_n_data_files - 1] += *actual_increase;
- return(TRUE);
Reads or writes data. This operation is asynchronous (aio). */
+ if we are trying to do i/o on a tablespace
+ which does not exist */
ulint type, /* in: OS_FILE_READ or OS_FILE_WRITE,
ORed to OS_FILE_LOG, if a log i/o
@@ -1084,17 +3734,15 @@ fil_io(
void* message) /* in: message for aio handler if non-sync
aio used, else ignored */
+ fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
ulint mode;
fil_space_t* space;
fil_node_t* node;
ulint offset_high;
ulint offset_low;
- fil_system_t* system;
- os_event_t event;
ibool ret;
ulint is_log;
ulint wake_later;
- ulint count;
is_log = type & OS_FILE_LOG;
type = type & ~OS_FILE_LOG;
@@ -1105,7 +3753,7 @@ fil_io(
ut_ad(byte_offset < UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
ut_ad(len > 0);
/* ibuf bitmap pages must be read in the sync aio mode: */
@@ -1127,70 +3775,25 @@ fil_io(
- system = fil_system;
+ /* Reserve the fil_system mutex and make sure that we can open at
+ least one file while holding it, if the file is not already open */
- count = 0;
- count++;
- /* NOTE that there is a possibility of a hang here:
- if the read i/o-handler thread needs to complete
- a read by reading from the insert buffer, it may need to
- post another read. But if the maximum number of files
- are already open, it cannot proceed from here! */
- mutex_enter(&(system->mutex));
+ fil_mutex_enter_and_prepare_for_io(space_id);
- if (count < 500 && !is_log && !ibuf_inside()
- && system->n_open_pending >= (3 * system->max_n_open) / 4) {
- /* We are not doing an ibuf operation: leave a
- safety margin of openable files for possible ibuf
- merges needed in page read completion */
- mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
- /* Wake the i/o-handler threads to make sure pending
- i/o's are handled and eventually we can open the file */
- os_aio_simulated_wake_handler_threads();
- os_thread_sleep(100000);
- if (count > 50) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "InnoDB: Warning: waiting for file closes to proceed\n"
- "InnoDB: round %lu\n", count);
- }
- goto loop;
- }
- if (system->n_open_pending == system->max_n_open) {
- /* It is not sure we can open the file if it is closed: wait */
- event = system->can_open;
- os_event_reset(event);
+ HASH_SEARCH(hash, system->spaces, space_id, space,
+ space->id == space_id);
+ if (!space) {
- /* Wake the i/o-handler threads to make sure pending
- i/o's are handled and eventually we can open the file */
- os_aio_simulated_wake_handler_threads();
+ ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
- "InnoDB: Warning: max allowed number of files is open\n");
+" InnoDB: Error: trying to do i/o to a tablespace which does not exist.\n"
+"InnoDB: i/o type %lu, space id %lu, page no. %lu, i/o length %lu bytes\n",
+ (ulong) type, (ulong) space_id, (ulong) block_offset,
+ (ulong) len);
- os_event_wait(event);
- goto loop;
- }
- HASH_SEARCH(hash, system->spaces, space_id, space,
- space->id == space_id);
- ut_a(space);
+ }
ut_ad((mode != OS_AIO_IBUF) || (space->purpose == FIL_TABLESPACE));
@@ -1199,14 +3802,24 @@ loop:
for (;;) {
if (node == NULL) {
- "InnoDB: Error: trying to access page number %lu in space %lu\n"
+ "InnoDB: Error: trying to access page number %lu in space %lu,\n"
+ "InnoDB: space name %s,\n"
"InnoDB: which is outside the tablespace bounds.\n"
"InnoDB: Byte offset %lu, len %lu, i/o type %lu\n",
- block_offset, space_id, byte_offset, len, type);
+ (ulong) block_offset, (ulong) space_id,
+ space->name, (ulong) byte_offset, (ulong) len,
+ (ulong) type);
+ if (space->id != 0 && node->size == 0) {
+ /* We do not know the size of a single-table tablespace
+ before we open the file */
+ break;
+ }
if (node->size > block_offset) {
/* Found! */
@@ -1219,13 +3832,29 @@ loop:
/* Open file if closed */
fil_node_prepare_for_io(node, system, space);
+ /* Check that at least the start offset is within the bounds of a
+ single-table tablespace */
+ if (space->purpose == FIL_TABLESPACE && space->id != 0
+ && node->size <= block_offset) {
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "InnoDB: Error: trying to access page number %lu in space %lu,\n"
+ "InnoDB: space name %s,\n"
+ "InnoDB: which is outside the tablespace bounds.\n"
+ "InnoDB: Byte offset %lu, len %lu, i/o type %lu\n",
+ (ulong) block_offset, (ulong) space_id,
+ space->name, (ulong) byte_offset, (ulong) len,
+ (ulong) type);
+ ut_a(0);
+ }
/* Now we have made the changes in the data structures of system */
/* Calculate the low 32 bits and the high 32 bits of the file offset */
offset_high = (block_offset >> (32 - UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT));
- offset_low = ((block_offset << UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT) & 0xFFFFFFFF)
+ offset_low = ((block_offset << UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT) & 0xFFFFFFFFUL)
+ byte_offset;
ut_a(node->size - block_offset >=
@@ -1236,9 +3865,20 @@ loop:
ut_a(byte_offset % OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE == 0);
ut_a((len % OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE) == 0);
+ /* In ibbackup do normal i/o, not aio */
+ if (type == OS_FILE_READ) {
+ ret = os_file_read(node->handle, buf, offset_low, offset_high,
+ len);
+ } else {
+ ret = os_file_write(node->name, node->handle, buf,
+ offset_low, offset_high, len);
+ }
/* Queue the aio request */
ret = os_aio(type, mode | wake_later, node->name, node->handle, buf,
offset_low, offset_high, len, node, message);
if (mode == OS_AIO_SYNC) {
@@ -1253,6 +3893,8 @@ loop:
+ return(DB_SUCCESS);
@@ -1260,9 +3902,12 @@ Reads data from a space to a buffer. Remember that the possible incomplete
blocks at the end of file are ignored: they are not taken into account when
calculating the byte offset within a space. */
+ if we are trying to do i/o on a tablespace
+ which does not exist */
ibool sync, /* in: TRUE if synchronous aio is desired */
ulint space_id, /* in: space id */
ulint block_offset, /* in: offset in number of blocks */
@@ -1276,8 +3921,8 @@ fil_read(
void* message) /* in: message for aio handler if non-sync
aio used, else ignored */
- fil_io(OS_FILE_READ, sync, space_id, block_offset, byte_offset, len,
- buf, message);
+ return(fil_io(OS_FILE_READ, sync, space_id, block_offset,
+ byte_offset, len, buf, message));
@@ -1285,9 +3930,12 @@ Writes data to a space from a buffer. Remember that the possible incomplete
blocks at the end of file are ignored: they are not taken into account when
calculating the byte offset within a space. */
+ if we are trying to do i/o on a tablespace
+ which does not exist */
ibool sync, /* in: TRUE if synchronous aio is desired */
ulint space_id, /* in: space id */
ulint block_offset, /* in: offset in number of blocks */
@@ -1301,8 +3949,8 @@ fil_write(
void* message) /* in: message for aio handler if non-sync
aio used, else ignored */
- fil_io(OS_FILE_WRITE, sync, space_id, block_offset, byte_offset, len,
- buf, message);
+ return(fil_io(OS_FILE_WRITE, sync, space_id, block_offset,
+ byte_offset, len, buf, message));
@@ -1317,9 +3965,9 @@ fil_aio_wait(
ulint segment) /* in: the number of the segment in the aio
array to wait for */
+ fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
ibool ret;
fil_node_t* fil_node;
- fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
void* message;
ulint type;
@@ -1328,8 +3976,8 @@ fil_aio_wait(
if (os_aio_use_native_aio) {
srv_set_io_thread_op_info(segment, "native aio handle");
- ret = os_aio_windows_handle(segment, 0, &fil_node, &message,
- &type);
+ ret = os_aio_windows_handle(segment, 0, (void**) &fil_node,
+ &message, &type);
#elif defined(POSIX_ASYNC_IO)
ret = os_aio_posix_handle(segment, &fil_node, &message);
@@ -1356,6 +4004,10 @@ fil_aio_wait(
/* Do the i/o handling */
+ /* IMPORTANT: since i/o handling for reads will read also the insert
+ buffer in tablespace 0, you have to be very careful not to introduce
+ deadlocks in the i/o system. We keep tablespace 0 data files always
+ open, and use a special i/o thread to serve insert buffer requests. */
if (buf_pool_is_block(message)) {
srv_set_io_thread_op_info(segment, "complete io for buf page");
@@ -1367,7 +4019,8 @@ fil_aio_wait(
-Flushes to disk possible writes cached by the OS. */
+Flushes to disk possible writes cached by the OS. If the space does not exist
+or is being dropped, does not do anything. */
@@ -1379,42 +4032,81 @@ fil_flush(
fil_space_t* space;
fil_node_t* node;
os_file_t file;
+ ib_longlong old_mod_counter;
HASH_SEARCH(hash, system->spaces, space_id, space,
- space->id == space_id);
- ut_a(space);
+ space->id == space_id);
+ if (!space || space->is_being_deleted) {
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+ return;
+ }
+ space->n_pending_flushes++; /* prevent dropping of the space while
+ we are flushing */
node = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(space->chain);
while (node) {
- if (node->open && node->is_modified) {
- file = node->handle;
+ if (node->modification_counter > node->flush_counter) {
+ ut_a(node->open);
+ /* We want to flush the changes at least up to
+ old_mod_counter */
+ old_mod_counter = node->modification_counter;
- node->is_modified = FALSE;
if (space->purpose == FIL_TABLESPACE) {
} else {
+#ifdef __WIN__
+ if (node->is_raw_disk) {
- mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+ goto skip_flush;
+ }
+ if (node->n_pending_flushes > 0) {
+ /* We want to avoid calling os_file_flush() on
+ the file twice at the same time, because we do
+ not know what bugs OS's may contain in file
+ i/o; sleep for a while */
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
+ os_thread_sleep(20000);
+ mutex_enter(&(system->mutex));
+ if (node->flush_counter >= old_mod_counter) {
+ goto skip_flush;
+ }
+ goto retry;
+ }
+ ut_a(node->open);
+ file = node->handle;
+ node->n_pending_flushes++;
- /* Note that it is not certain, when we have
- released the mutex above, that the file of the
- handle is still open: we assume that the OS
- will not crash or trap even if we pass a handle
- to a closed file below in os_file_flush! */
+ mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
/* fprintf(stderr, "Flushing to file %s\n",
node->name); */
- os_file_flush(file);
+ os_file_flush(file);
+ node->n_pending_flushes--;
+ if (node->flush_counter < old_mod_counter) {
+ node->flush_counter = old_mod_counter;
+ }
if (space->purpose == FIL_TABLESPACE) {
} else {
@@ -1425,11 +4117,13 @@ fil_flush(
node = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(chain, node);
+ space->n_pending_flushes--;
-Flushes to disk writes in file spaces of the given type possibly cached by
+Flushes to disk the writes in file spaces of the given type possibly cached by
the OS. */
@@ -1445,14 +4139,19 @@ fil_flush_file_spaces(
space = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(system->space_list);
while (space) {
- if (space->purpose == purpose) {
+ if (space->purpose == purpose && !space->is_being_deleted) {
+ space->n_pending_flushes++; /* prevent dropping of the
+ space while we are
+ flushing */
- }
+ space->n_pending_flushes--;
+ }
space = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(space_list, space);
@@ -1460,20 +4159,18 @@ fil_flush_file_spaces(
-Checks the consistency of the file system. */
+Checks the consistency of the tablespace cache. */
/* out: TRUE if ok */
+ fil_system_t* system = fil_system;
fil_space_t* space;
fil_node_t* fil_node;
- ulint pending_count = 0;
- fil_system_t* system;
+ ulint n_open = 0;
ulint i;
- system = fil_system;
@@ -1484,36 +4181,35 @@ fil_validate(void)
space = HASH_GET_FIRST(system->spaces, i);
while (space != NULL) {
UT_LIST_VALIDATE(chain, fil_node_t, space->chain);
fil_node = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(space->chain);
while (fil_node != NULL) {
if (fil_node->n_pending > 0) {
- pending_count++;
+ if (fil_node->open) {
+ n_open++;
+ }
fil_node = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(chain, fil_node);
space = HASH_GET_NEXT(hash, space);
- ut_a(pending_count == system->n_open_pending);
+ ut_a(system->n_open == n_open);
UT_LIST_VALIDATE(LRU, fil_node_t, system->LRU);
fil_node = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(system->LRU);
while (fil_node != NULL) {
ut_a(fil_node->n_pending == 0);
+ ut_a(fil_node->space->purpose == FIL_TABLESPACE);
+ ut_a(fil_node->space->id != 0);
fil_node = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(LRU, fil_node);
@@ -1581,4 +4277,4 @@ fil_page_get_type(
return(mach_read_from_2(page + FIL_PAGE_TYPE));