diff options
13 files changed, 434 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/galera/r/galera_concurrent_ctas.result b/mysql-test/suite/galera/r/galera_concurrent_ctas.result
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8b0a4c07ac2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/suite/galera/r/galera_concurrent_ctas.result
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# End of test
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/galera/t/galera_concurrent_ctas.test b/mysql-test/suite/galera/t/galera_concurrent_ctas.test
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f0dcf8e4900
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/suite/galera/t/galera_concurrent_ctas.test
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+--source include/
+--source include/
+--write_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/galera_concurrent.sql
+CREATE table t1 as SELECT SLEEP(0);
+DROP table t1;
+CREATE table t1 as SELECT SLEEP(0);
+DROP table t1;
+CREATE table t1 as SELECT SLEEP(0);
+DROP table t1;
+CREATE table t1 as SELECT SLEEP(0);
+DROP table t1;
+CREATE table t1 as SELECT SLEEP(0);
+DROP table t1;
+CREATE table t1 as SELECT SLEEP(0);
+DROP table t1;
+CREATE table t1 as SELECT SLEEP(0);
+DROP table t1;
+CREATE table t1 as SELECT SLEEP(0);
+DROP table t1;
+CREATE table t1 as SELECT SLEEP(0);
+CREATE table t2 as SELECT SLEEP(0);
+CREATE table t3 as SELECT SLEEP(0);
+CREATE table t4 as SELECT SLEEP(0);
+CREATE table t5 as SELECT SLEEP(0);
+CREATE table t6 as SELECT SLEEP(0);
+CREATE table t7 as SELECT SLEEP(0);
+CREATE table t8 as SELECT SLEEP(0);
+CREATE table t9 as SELECT SLEEP(0);
+DROP table t1;
+DROP table t2;
+DROP table t3;
+DROP table t4;
+DROP table t5;
+DROP table t6;
+DROP table t7;
+DROP table t8;
+DROP table t9;
+let $run=10;
+ --error 0,1
+ exec $MYSQL --user=root --host= --port=$NODE_MYPORT_1 test
+ < $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/galera_concurrent.sql &
+ $MYSQL --user=root --host= --port=$NODE_MYPORT_2 test
+ < $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/galera_concurrent.sql;
+ dec $run;
+--remove_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/galera_concurrent.sql
+--source include/
+--echo # End of test
diff --git a/policy/apparmor/README b/policy/apparmor/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..271655f1e37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/policy/apparmor/README
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Note: The included AppArmor profiles can be used for MariaDB Galera cluster.
+However, since these profiles had been tested for a limited set of scenarios,
+it is highly recommended to run them in "complain" mode and report any denials
diff --git a/policy/apparmor/usr.sbin.mysqld b/policy/apparmor/usr.sbin.mysqld
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..307872c0fff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/policy/apparmor/usr.sbin.mysqld
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+# Last Modified: Fri Mar 1 18:55:47 2013
+# Based on usr.sbin.mysqld packaged in mysql-server in Ubuntu.
+# This AppArmor profile has been copied under BSD License from
+# Percona XtraDB Cluster, along with some additions.
+#include <tunables/global>
+/usr/sbin/mysqld flags=(complain) {
+ #include <abstractions/base>
+ #include <abstractions/mysql>
+ #include <abstractions/nameservice>
+ #include <abstractions/user-tmp>
+ #include <abstractions/winbind>
+ capability chown,
+ capability dac_override,
+ capability setgid,
+ capability setuid,
+ capability sys_rawio,
+ capability sys_resource,
+ network tcp,
+ /bin/dash rcx,
+ /dev/dm-0 r,
+ /etc/gai.conf r,
+ /etc/group r,
+ /etc/hosts.allow r,
+ /etc/hosts.deny r,
+ /etc/ r,
+ /etc/mtab r,
+ /etc/my.cnf r,
+ /etc/mysql/*.cnf r,
+ /etc/mysql/*.pem r,
+ /etc/mysql/conf.d/ r,
+ /etc/mysql/conf.d/* r,
+ /etc/nsswitch.conf r,
+ /etc/passwd r,
+ /etc/services r,
+ /run/mysqld/ w,
+ /run/mysqld/mysqld.sock w,
+ /sys/devices/system/cpu/ r,
+ owner /tmp/** lk,
+ /tmp/** rw,
+ /usr/lib/mysql/plugin/ r,
+ /usr/lib/mysql/plugin/*.so* mr,
+ /usr/sbin/mysqld mr,
+ /usr/share/mysql/** r,
+ /var/lib/mysql/ r,
+ /var/lib/mysql/** rwk,
+ /var/log/mysql.err rw,
+ /var/log/mysql.log rw,
+ /var/log/mysql/ r,
+ /var/log/mysql/* rw,
+ /var/run/mysqld/ w,
+ /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock w,
+ profile /bin/dash flags=(complain) {
+ #include <abstractions/base>
+ #include <abstractions/bash>
+ #include <abstractions/mysql>
+ #include <abstractions/nameservice>
+ #include <abstractions/perl>
+ /bin/cat rix,
+ /bin/dash rix,
+ /bin/date rix,
+ /bin/grep rix,
+ /bin/nc.openbsd rix,
+ /bin/netstat rix,
+ /bin/ps rix,
+ /bin/rm rix,
+ /bin/sed rix,
+ /bin/sleep rix,
+ /bin/tar rix,
+ /bin/which rix,
+ /dev/tty rw,
+ /etc/ r,
+ /etc/my.cnf r,
+ /proc/ r,
+ /proc/*/cmdline r,
+ /proc/*/fd/ r,
+ /proc/*/net/dev r,
+ /proc/*/net/if_inet6 r,
+ /proc/*/net/tcp r,
+ /proc/*/net/tcp6 r,
+ /proc/*/stat r,
+ /proc/*/status r,
+ /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max r,
+ /proc/tty/drivers r,
+ /proc/uptime r,
+ /proc/version r,
+ /sbin/ifconfig rix,
+ /sys/devices/system/cpu/ r,
+ /tmp/** rw,
+ /usr/bin/cut rix,
+ /usr/bin/dirname rix,
+ /usr/bin/gawk rix,
+ /usr/bin/innobackupex rix,
+ /usr/bin/mysql rix,
+ /usr/bin/perl rix,
+ /usr/bin/seq rix,
+ /usr/bin/wsrep_sst* rix,
+ /usr/bin/wsrep_sst_common r,
+ /usr/bin/xtrabackup* rix,
+ /var/lib/mysql/ r,
+ /var/lib/mysql/** rw,
+ /var/lib/mysql/*.log w,
+ /var/lib/mysql/*.err w,
+# MariaDB additions
+ ptrace peer=@{profile_name},
+ /bin/hostname rix,
+ /bin/ip rix,
+ /bin/mktemp rix,
+ /bin/ss rix,
+ /bin/sync rix,
+ /bin/touch rix,
+ /bin/uname rix,
+ /etc/mysql/*.cnf r,
+ /etc/mysql/conf.d/ r,
+ /etc/mysql/conf.d/* r,
+ /proc/*/attr/current r,
+ /proc/*/fdinfo/* r,
+ /proc/*/net/* r,
+ /proc/locks r,
+ /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range r,
+ /run/mysqld/mysqld.sock rw,
+ /sbin/ip rix,
+ /usr/bin/basename rix,
+ /usr/bin/du rix,
+ /usr/bin/find rix,
+ /usr/bin/lsof rix,
+ /usr/bin/my_print_defaults rix,
+ /usr/bin/mysqldump rix,
+ /usr/bin/pv rix,
+ /usr/bin/rsync rix,
+ /usr/bin/socat rix,
+ /usr/bin/tail rix,
+ /usr/bin/timeout rix,
+ /usr/bin/xargs rix,
+ /usr/bin/xbstream rix,
+ }
+ # Site-specific additions and overrides. See local/README for details.
+ #include <local/usr.sbin.mysqld>
diff --git a/policy/apparmor/usr.sbin.mysqld.local b/policy/apparmor/usr.sbin.mysqld.local
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a0b8a0279de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/policy/apparmor/usr.sbin.mysqld.local
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Site-specific additions and overrides for usr.sbin.mysqld..
+# For more details, please see /etc/apparmor.d/local/README.
+# This AppArmor profile has been copied under BSD License from
+# Percona XtraDB Cluster, along with some additions.
diff --git a/policy/selinux/README b/policy/selinux/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3f695dc27a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/policy/selinux/README
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Note: The included SELinux policy files can be used for MariaDB Galera cluster.
+However, since these policies had been tested for a limited set of scenarios,
+it is highly recommended that you run mysqld in "permissive" mode even with
+these policies installed and report any denials on
+How to generate and load the policy module of MariaDB Galera cluster ?
+ * Generate the SELinux policy module.
+ # cd <source>/policy/selinux/
+ # make -f /usr/share/selinux/devel/Makefile mariadb-server.pp
+ * Load the generated policy module.
+ # semodule -i /path/to/mariadb-server.pp
+ * Lastly, run the following command to allow tcp/4568 and udp/4567.
+ # semanage port -a -t mysqld_port_t -p tcp 4568
+ # semanage port -a -t mysqld_port_t -p udp 4567
+How to run mysqld in permissve mode ?
+ # semanage permissive -a mysqld_t
diff --git a/policy/selinux/mariadb-server.fc b/policy/selinux/mariadb-server.fc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1a69ecc2c40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/policy/selinux/mariadb-server.fc
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# This SELinux file contexts (.fc) file has been copied under BSD License from
+# Percona XtraDB Cluster.
+/etc/init\.d/rc\.d/mysql -- gen_context(system_u:object_r:mysqld_initrc_exec_t,s0)
+/var/lib/mysql/.*\.log -- gen_context(system_u:object_r:mysqld_log_t,s0)
+/var/lib/mysql/.*\.err -- gen_context(system_u:object_r:mysqld_log_t,s0)
+/var/lib/mysql/.*\.pid -- gen_context(system_u:object_r:mysqld_var_run_t,s0)
+/var/lib/mysql/.*\.cnf -- gen_context(system_u:object_r:mysqld_etc_t,s0)
+/usr/bin/xtrabackup.* -- gen_context(system_u:object_r:mysqld_exec_t,s0)
+/usr/bin/wsrep.* -- gen_context(system_u:object_r:mysqld_safe_exec_t,s0)
diff --git a/policy/selinux/mariadb-server.te b/policy/selinux/mariadb-server.te
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..34d79326b10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/policy/selinux/mariadb-server.te
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# This SELinux type enforcement (.te) file has been copied under BSD License
+# from Percona XtraDB Cluster, along with some additions.
+module mariadb-server 1.0;
+require {
+ type user_tmp_t;
+ #type kerberos_master_port_t;
+ type mysqld_safe_t;
+ type tmp_t;
+ type tmpfs_t;
+ type hostname_exec_t;
+ type ifconfig_exec_t;
+ type sysctl_net_t;
+ type proc_net_t;
+ type port_t;
+ type mysqld_t;
+ type var_lib_t;
+ type rsync_exec_t;
+ type bin_t;
+ type shell_exec_t;
+ type anon_inodefs_t;
+ type fixed_disk_device_t;
+ class lnk_file read;
+ class process { getattr signull };
+ class unix_stream_socket connectto;
+ class capability { sys_resource sys_nice };
+ class tcp_socket { name_bind name_connect };
+ class file { execute setattr read create getattr execute_no_trans write ioctl open append unlink };
+ class sock_file { create unlink getattr };
+ class blk_file { read write open };
+ class dir { write search getattr add_name read remove_name open };
+# MariaDB additions
+ type kerberos_port_t;
+ type tram_port_t;
+ type mysqld_port_t;
+ class udp_socket name_bind;
+ class process setpgid;
+ class netlink_tcpdiag_socket { create nlmsg_read };
+#============= mysqld_safe_t ==============
+allow mysqld_safe_t mysqld_t:process signull;
+allow mysqld_safe_t self:capability { sys_resource sys_nice };
+allow mysqld_safe_t tmp_t:file { create read write open getattr unlink ioctl setattr };
+allow mysqld_safe_t tmp_t:dir { write remove_name add_name };
+allow mysqld_safe_t tmp_t:sock_file { getattr unlink };
+allow mysqld_safe_t user_tmp_t:sock_file { getattr unlink };
+allow mysqld_safe_t var_lib_t:dir { write add_name };
+allow mysqld_safe_t var_lib_t:file { write ioctl setattr create open getattr append unlink };
+#============= mysqld_t ==============
+allow mysqld_t anon_inodefs_t:file write;
+allow mysqld_t tmp_t:sock_file { create unlink };
+allow mysqld_t tmpfs_t:dir { write search read remove_name open add_name };
+allow mysqld_t tmpfs_t:file { write getattr read create unlink open };
+allow mysqld_t fixed_disk_device_t:blk_file { read write open };
+allow mysqld_t ifconfig_exec_t:file { read execute open execute_no_trans getattr };
+#This rule allows connecting on 4444/4567/4568
+#allow mysqld_t kerberos_master_port_t:tcp_socket { name_bind name_connect };
+allow mysqld_t mysqld_safe_t:dir { getattr search };
+allow mysqld_t mysqld_safe_t:file { read open };
+allow mysqld_t self:unix_stream_socket connectto;
+allow mysqld_t port_t:tcp_socket { name_bind name_connect };
+allow mysqld_t proc_net_t:file { read getattr open };
+allow mysqld_t sysctl_net_t:dir search;
+allow mysqld_t var_lib_t:file { getattr open append };
+allow mysqld_t var_lib_t:sock_file { create unlink getattr };
+allow mysqld_t rsync_exec_t:file { read getattr open execute execute_no_trans };
+allow mysqld_t self:process getattr;
+allow mysqld_t hostname_exec_t:file { read getattr execute open execute_no_trans };
+allow mysqld_t user_tmp_t:dir { write add_name };
+allow mysqld_t user_tmp_t:file create;
+allow mysqld_t bin_t:lnk_file read;
+allow mysqld_t tmp_t:file { append create read write open getattr unlink setattr };
+# Allows too much leeway - the xtrabackup/wsrep rules in fc should fix it, but
+# keep for the moment.
+allow mysqld_t shell_exec_t:file { execute_no_trans getattr read execute open };
+allow mysqld_t bin_t:file { getattr read execute open execute_no_trans ioctl };
+# MariaDB additions
+allow mysqld_t self:process setpgid;
+# This rule allows port tcp/4444
+allow mysqld_t kerberos_port_t:tcp_socket { name_bind name_connect };
+# This rule allows port tcp/4567 (tram_port_t may not be available on
+# older versions)
+allow mysqld_t tram_port_t:tcp_socket name_bind;
+# This rule allows port udp/4567 (see README)
+allow mysqld_t mysqld_port_t:udp_socket name_bind;
+# Rules related to XtraBackup
+allow mysqld_t self:netlink_tcpdiag_socket { create nlmsg_read };
+allow mysqld_t sysctl_net_t:file { read getattr open };
diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
index 4c962d3c570..f6390983ad9 100644
--- a/sql/
+++ b/sql/
@@ -1443,6 +1443,13 @@ MDL_wait::timed_wait(MDL_context_owner *owner, struct timespec *abs_timeout,
while (!m_wait_status && !owner->is_killed() &&
wait_result != ETIMEDOUT && wait_result != ETIME)
+#ifdef WITH_WSREP
+ if (wsrep_thd_is_BF(owner->get_thd(), true))
+ {
+ wait_result= mysql_cond_wait(&m_COND_wait_status, &m_LOCK_wait_status);
+ }
+ else
wait_result= mysql_cond_timedwait(&m_COND_wait_status, &m_LOCK_wait_status,
@@ -1527,12 +1534,15 @@ void MDL_lock::Ticket_list::add_ticket(MDL_ticket *ticket)
WSREP_DEBUG("MDL add_ticket inserted before: %lu %s",
+ /* Insert the ticket before the first non-BF waiting thd. */
m_list.insert_after(prev, ticket);
added= true;
prev= waiting;
- if (!added) m_list.push_back(ticket);
+ /* Otherwise, insert the ticket at the back of the waiting list. */
+ if (!added) m_list.push_back(ticket);
while ((granted= itg++))
diff --git a/sql/sql_class.h b/sql/sql_class.h
index 511f0b38919..cae724e1a10 100644
--- a/sql/sql_class.h
+++ b/sql/sql_class.h
@@ -4172,6 +4172,8 @@ class select_insert :public select_result_interceptor {
virtual int send_data(List<Item> &items);
virtual void store_values(List<Item> &values);
virtual bool can_rollback_data() { return 0; }
+ bool prepare_eof();
+ bool send_ok_packet();
bool send_eof();
virtual void abort_result_set();
/* not implemented: select_insert is never re-used in prepared statements */
diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
index 184be1f36f6..6af2c0646ba 100644
--- a/sql/
+++ b/sql/
@@ -3660,14 +3660,14 @@ void select_insert::store_values(List<Item> &values)
-bool select_insert::send_eof()
+bool select_insert::prepare_eof()
int error;
bool const trans_table= table->file->has_transactions();
- ulonglong id, row_count;
bool changed;
killed_state killed_status= thd->killed;
- DBUG_ENTER("select_insert::send_eof");
+ DBUG_ENTER("select_insert::prepare_eof");
DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("trans_table=%d, table_type='%s'",
trans_table, table->file->table_type()));
@@ -3709,11 +3709,10 @@ bool select_insert::send_eof()
if ((WSREP_EMULATE_BINLOG(thd) || mysql_bin_log.is_open()) &&
- (!error || thd->transaction.stmt.modified_non_trans_table))
if (mysql_bin_log.is_open() &&
- (!error || thd->transaction.stmt.modified_non_trans_table))
+ (!error || thd->transaction.stmt.modified_non_trans_table))
int errcode= 0;
if (!error)
@@ -3725,7 +3724,7 @@ bool select_insert::send_eof()
trans_table, FALSE, FALSE, errcode))
+ DBUG_RETURN(true);
@@ -3733,27 +3732,49 @@ bool select_insert::send_eof()
if (error)
+ DBUG_RETURN(true);
- char buff[160];
+ DBUG_RETURN(false);
+bool select_insert::send_ok_packet() {
+ char message[160]; /* status message */
+ ulong row_count; /* rows affected */
+ ulong id; /* last insert-id */
+ DBUG_ENTER("select_insert::send_ok_packet");
if (info.ignore)
- sprintf(buff, ER(ER_INSERT_INFO), (ulong) info.records,
- (ulong) (info.records - info.copied),
- (long) thd->get_stmt_da()->current_statement_warn_count());
+ my_snprintf(message, sizeof(message), ER(ER_INSERT_INFO),
+ (ulong) info.records, (ulong) (info.records - info.copied),
+ (long) thd->get_stmt_da()->current_statement_warn_count());
- sprintf(buff, ER(ER_INSERT_INFO), (ulong) info.records,
- (ulong) (info.deleted+info.updated),
- (long) thd->get_stmt_da()->current_statement_warn_count());
+ my_snprintf(message, sizeof(message), ER(ER_INSERT_INFO),
+ (ulong) info.records, (ulong) (info.deleted + info.updated),
+ (long) thd->get_stmt_da()->current_statement_warn_count());
row_count= info.copied + info.deleted +
- ((thd->client_capabilities & CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS) ?
- info.touched : info.updated);
+ ((thd->client_capabilities & CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS) ?
+ info.touched : info.updated);
id= (thd->first_successful_insert_id_in_cur_stmt > 0) ?
thd->first_successful_insert_id_in_cur_stmt :
(thd->arg_of_last_insert_id_function ?
thd->first_successful_insert_id_in_prev_stmt :
(info.copied ? autoinc_value_of_last_inserted_row : 0));
- ::my_ok(thd, row_count, id, buff);
+ ::my_ok(thd, row_count, id, message);
+ DBUG_RETURN(false);
+bool select_insert::send_eof()
+ bool res;
+ DBUG_ENTER("select_insert::send_eof");
+ res= (prepare_eof() || send_ok_packet());
void select_insert::abort_result_set() {
@@ -4234,13 +4255,13 @@ void select_create::store_values(List<Item> &values)
bool select_create::send_eof()
- if (select_insert::send_eof())
+ DBUG_ENTER("select_create::send_eof");
+ if (prepare_eof())
- return 1;
+ DBUG_RETURN(true);
- exit_done= 1; // Avoid double calls
Do an implicit commit at end of statement for non-temporary
tables. This can fail, but we should unlock the table
@@ -4259,7 +4280,7 @@ bool select_create::send_eof()
thd->thread_id, thd->wsrep_conflict_state, thd->query());
- return TRUE;
+ DBUG_RETURN(true);
#endif /* WITH_WSREP */
@@ -4267,9 +4288,17 @@ bool select_create::send_eof()
else if (!thd->is_current_stmt_binlog_format_row())
table->s->table_creation_was_logged= 1;
+ /*
+ exit_done must only be set after last potential call to
+ abort_result_set().
+ */
+ exit_done= 1; // Avoid double calls
+ send_ok_packet();
if (m_plock)
MYSQL_LOCK *lock= *m_plock;
@@ -4290,12 +4319,12 @@ bool select_create::send_eof()
table, lock))
- return 0; // ok
+ DBUG_RETURN(false); // ok
/* Fail. Continue without locking the table */
mysql_unlock_tables(thd, lock);
- return 0;
+ DBUG_RETURN(false);
diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
index 16424f4ffd2..f90efc94c73 100644
--- a/sql/
+++ b/sql/
@@ -1461,10 +1461,21 @@ void wsrep_to_isolation_end(THD *thd)
gra->wsrep_exec_mode, gra->wsrep_query_state, gra->wsrep_conflict_state, \
gra->get_command(), gra->lex->sql_command, gra->query());
+ Check if request for the metadata lock should be granted to the requester.
+ @param requestor_ctx The MDL context of the requestor
+ @param ticket MDL ticket for the requested lock
+ @retval TRUE Lock request can be granted
+ @retval FALSE Lock request cannot be granted
wsrep_grant_mdl_exception(MDL_context *requestor_ctx,
MDL_ticket *ticket
) {
+ /* Fallback to the non-wsrep behaviour */
if (!WSREP_ON) return FALSE;
THD *request_thd = requestor_ctx->wsrep_get_thd();
diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
index a65e0fe731d..2b251ef5d58 100644
--- a/sql/
+++ b/sql/
@@ -579,6 +579,17 @@ int wsrep_abort_thd(void *bf_thd_ptr, void *victim_thd_ptr, my_bool signal)
bf_thd->wsrep_exec_mode == TOTAL_ORDER) ) &&
+ if ((victim_thd->wsrep_conflict_state == MUST_ABORT) ||
+ (victim_thd->wsrep_conflict_state == ABORTED) ||
+ (victim_thd->wsrep_conflict_state == ABORTING))
+ {
+ WSREP_DEBUG("wsrep_abort_thd called by %llu with victim %llu already "
+ "aborted. Ignoring.",
+ (bf_thd) ? (long long)bf_thd->real_id : 0,
+ (long long)victim_thd->real_id);
+ }
WSREP_DEBUG("wsrep_abort_thd, by: %llu, victim: %llu", (bf_thd) ?
(long long)bf_thd->real_id : 0, (long long)victim_thd->real_id);
ha_wsrep_abort_transaction(bf_thd, victim_thd, signal);