path: root/tests
diff options
mode: <>2008-03-14 17:40:12 -0300 <>2008-03-14 17:40:12 -0300
commitf23e3fd04c98c4df25e39e946193651e1f1c0f11 (patch)
tree5b4b1c1d904c1fa627910fa50ffd694754908060 /tests
parent2b09a99340a066f1710045df42da1f43ff1d711b (diff)
Bug#35103 mysql_client_test::test_bug29948 causes sporadic failures
The problem was that the COM_STMT_SEND_LONG_DATA was sending a response packet if the prepared statement wasn't found in the server (due to reconnection). The commands COM_STMT_SEND_LONG_DATA and COM_STMT_CLOSE should not send any packets, even error packets should not be sent since they are not expected by the client API. The solution is to clear generated during the execution of the aforementioned commands and to skip resend of prepared statement commands. Another fix is that if the connection breaks during the send of prepared statement command, the command is not sent again since the prepared statement is no longer in the server.
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 78 deletions
diff --git a/tests/mysql_client_test.c b/tests/mysql_client_test.c
index 0deb37d25c3..142fd741443 100644
--- a/tests/mysql_client_test.c
+++ b/tests/mysql_client_test.c
@@ -11746,6 +11746,7 @@ static void test_bug5194()
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_execute(stmt, rc);
+ mysql_stmt_reset(stmt);
@@ -15942,83 +15943,6 @@ static void test_bug27592()
-#if 0
-static void test_bug29948()
- MYSQL *dbc=NULL;
- MYSQL_BIND bind;
- int res=0;
- my_bool auto_reconnect=1, error=0, is_null=0;
- char kill_buf[20];
- const char *query;
- int buf;
- unsigned long length, cursor_type;
- dbc = mysql_init(NULL);
- DIE_UNLESS(dbc);
- mysql_options(dbc, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, (char*)&auto_reconnect);
- if (!mysql_real_connect(dbc, opt_host, opt_user,
- opt_password, current_db, opt_port,
- opt_unix_socket,
- {
- printf("connection failed: %s (%d)", mysql_error(dbc),
- mysql_errno(dbc));
- exit(1);
- }
- bzero(&bind, sizeof(bind));
- bind.buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_LONG;
- bind.buffer= (char *)&buf;
- bind.is_null= &is_null;
- bind.error= &error;
- bind.length= &length;
- res= mysql_query(dbc, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1");
- myquery(res);
- res= mysql_query(dbc, "CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT)");
- myquery(res);
- res= mysql_query(dbc, "INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1)");
- myquery(res);
- stmt= mysql_stmt_init(dbc);
- check_stmt(stmt);
- cursor_type= CURSOR_TYPE_READ_ONLY;
- res= mysql_stmt_attr_set(stmt, STMT_ATTR_CURSOR_TYPE, (void *)&cursor_type);
- myquery(res);
- query= "SELECT * from t1 where a=?";
- res= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, query, strlen(query));
- myquery(res);
- res= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, &bind);
- myquery(res);
- res= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
- check_execute(stmt, res);
- res= mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt,&bind);
- check_execute(stmt, res);
- sprintf(kill_buf, "kill %ld", dbc->thread_id);
- mysql_query(dbc, kill_buf);
- res= mysql_stmt_store_result(stmt);
- DIE_UNLESS(res);
- mysql_stmt_free_result(stmt);
- mysql_stmt_close(stmt);
- mysql_query(dbc, "DROP TABLE t1");
- mysql_close(dbc);
Bug#29306 Truncated data in MS Access with decimal (3,1) columns in a VIEW
@@ -16546,7 +16470,6 @@ static struct my_tests_st my_tests[]= {
{ "test_bug28505", test_bug28505 },
{ "test_bug28934", test_bug28934 },
{ "test_bug27592", test_bug27592 },
- /* { "test_bug29948", test_bug29948 }, Bug#35103 */
{ "test_bug29306", test_bug29306 },
{ "test_bug31669", test_bug31669 },
{ "test_bug32265", test_bug32265 },