path: root/sql/
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authorSergei Golubchik <>2012-03-28 20:25:31 +0200
committerSergei Golubchik <>2012-03-28 20:25:31 +0200
commit867296c3edc4502093f7b706e7ac4c1670aa9515 (patch)
treeafcc8157b0b71a28edbcca6b862e6ca854fc743c /sql/
parent0d5adca0de0a51b1f0bd49045fc4062eac7d1d25 (diff)
parent6131d708e889cd4f93490c22bfee00d0728edfd2 (diff)
5.3 merge
Diffstat (limited to 'sql/')
1 files changed, 263 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
index fe9b8da3a24..202e97dc190 100644
--- a/sql/
+++ b/sql/
@@ -188,6 +188,252 @@
+Equalities are used for:
+P1. Equality propagation
+P2. Equality substitution [for a certain join order]
+The equality propagation is not affected by SJM nests. In fact, it is done
+before we determine the execution plan, i.e. before we even know we will use
+SJM-nests for execution.
+The equality substitution is affected.
+Substitution without SJMs
+When one doesn't have SJM nests, tables have a strict join order:
+ --------------------------------->
+ t1 -- t2 -- t3 -- t4 --- t5
+ ? ^
+ \
+ --(part-of-WHERE)
+parts WHERE/ON and ref. expressions are attached at some point along the axis.
+Expression is allowed to refer to a table column if the table is to the left of
+the attachment point. For any given expression, we have a goal:
+ "Move leftmost allowed attachment point as much as possible to the left"
+Substitution with SJMs - task setting
+When SJM nests are present, there is no global strict table ordering anymore:
+ --------------------------------->
+ ot1 -- ot2 --- sjm -- ot4 --- ot5
+ |
+ | Main execution
+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ | Materialization
+ it1 -- it2 --/
+Besides that, we must take into account that
+ - values for outer table columns, otN.col, are inaccessible at
+ materialization step (SJM-RULE)
+ - values for inner table columns, itN.col, are inaccessible at Main execution
+ step, except for SJ-Materialization-Scan and columns that are in the
+ subquery's select list. (SJM-RULE)
+Substitution with SJMs - solution
+First, we introduce global strict table ordering like this:
+ ot1 - ot2 --\ /--- ot3 -- ot5
+ \--- it1 --- it2 --/
+Now, let's see how to meet (SJM-RULE).
+SJ-Materialization is only applicable for uncorrelated subqueries. From this, it
+follows that any multiple equality will either
+1. include only columns of outer tables, or
+2. include only columns of inner tables, or
+3. include columns of inner and outer tables, joined together through one
+ of IN-equalities.
+Cases #1 and #2 can be handled in the same way as with regular inner joins.
+Case #3 requires special handling, so that we don't construct violations of
+(SJM-RULE). Let's consider possible ways to build violations.
+Equality propagation starts with the clause in this form
+ top_query_where AND subquery_where AND in_equalities
+First, it builds multi-equalities. It can also build a mixed multi-equality
+ multiple-equal(ot1.col, ot2.col, ... it1.col, itN.col)
+Multi-equalities are pushed down the OR-clauses in top_query_where and in
+subquery_where, so it's possible that clauses like this one are built:
+ subquery_cond OR (multiple-equal(it1.col, ot1.col,...) AND ...)
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ \
+ | this must be evaluated
+ \- can only be evaluated at the main phase.
+ at the materialization phase
+Finally, equality substitution is started. It does two operations:
+1. Field reference substitution
+(In the code, this is Item_field::replace_equal_field)
+This is a process of replacing each reference to "tblX.col"
+with the first element of the multi-equality. (REF-SUBST-ORIG)
+This behaviour can cause problems with Semi-join nests. Suppose, we have a
+ func(it1.col, it2.col)
+and a multi-equality(ot1.col, it1.col). Then, reference to "it1.col" will be
+replaced with "ot1.col", constructing a condition
+ func(ot1.col, it2.col)
+which will be a violation of (SJM-RULE).
+In order to avoid this, (REF-SUBST-ORIG) is amended as follows:
+- references to tables "itX.col" that are inner wrt some SJM nest, are
+ replaced with references to the first inner table from the same SJM nest.
+- references to top-level tables "otX.col" are replaced with references to
+ the first element of the multi-equality, no matter if that first element is
+ a column of a top-level table or of table from some SJM nest.
+ The case where the first element is a table from an SJM nest $SJM is ok,
+ because it can be proven that $SJM uses SJ-Materialization-Scan, and
+ "unpacks" correct column values to the first element during the main
+ execution phase.
+2. Item_equal elimination
+(In the code: eliminate_item_equal) This is a process of taking
+ multiple-equal(a,b,c,d,e)
+and replacing it with an equivalent expression which is an AND of pair-wise
+ a=b AND a=c AND ...
+The equalities are picked such that for any given join prefix (t1,t2...) the
+subset of equalities that can be evaluated gives the most restrictive
+Without SJM nests, it is sufficient to compare every multi-equality member
+with the first one:
+ elem1=elem2 AND elem1=elem3 AND elem1=elem4 ...
+When SJM nests are present, we should take care not to construct equalities
+that violate the (SJM-RULE). This is achieved by generating separate sets of
+equalites for top-level tables and for inner tables. That is, for the join
+ ot1 - ot2 --\ /--- ot3 -- ot5
+ \--- it1 --- it2 --/
+we will generate
+ ot1.col=ot2.col
+ ot1.col=ot3.col
+ ot1.col=ot5.col
+ it2.col=it1.col
+2.1 The problem with Item_equals and ORs
+As has been mentioned above, multiple equalities are pushed down into OR
+clauses, possibly building clauses like this:
+ func(it.col2) OR multiple-equal(it1.col1, it1.col2, ot1.col) (1)
+where the first part of the clause has references to inner tables, while the
+second has references to the top-level tables, which is a violation of
+AND-clauses of this kind do not create problems, because make_cond_for_table()
+will take them apart. OR-clauses will not be split. It is possible to
+split-out the part that's dependent on the inner table:
+ func(it.col2) OR it1.col1=it1.col2
+but this is a less-restrictive condition than condition (1). Current execution
+scheme will still try to generate the "remainder" condition:
+ func(it.col2) OR it1.col1=ot1.col
+which is a violation of (SJM-RULE).
+QQ: "ot1.col=it1.col" is checked at the upper level. Why was it not removed
+AA: because has a proper subset of conditions that are found on this level.
+ consider a join order of ot, sjm(it)
+ and a condition
+ ot.col=it.col AND ( ot.col=it.col='foo' OR it.col2='bar')
+ we will produce:
+ table ot: nothing
+ table it: ot.col=it.col AND (ot.col='foo' OR it.col2='bar')
+ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+ | \ the problem is that
+ | this part condition didnt
+ | receive a substitution
+ |
+ +--- it was correct to subst, 'ot' is
+ the left-most.
+Does it make sense to push "inner=outer" down into ORs?
+Yes. Consider the query:
+ select * from ot
+ where ot.col in (select it.col from it where (it.col='foo' OR it.col='bar'))
+here, it may be useful to infer that
+ (ot.col='foo' OR ot.col='bar') (CASE-FOR-SUBST)
+and attach that condition to the table 'ot'.
+Possible solutions for Item_equals and ORs
+Solution #1
+Let make_cond_for_table() chop analyze the OR clauses it has produced and
+discard them if they violate (SJM-RULE). This solution would allow to handle
+cases like (CASE-FOR-SUBST) at the expense of making semantics of
+make_cond_for_table() complicated.
+Solution #2
+Before the equality propagation phase, none of the OR clauses violate the
+(SJM-RULE). This way, if we remember which tables the original equality
+referred to, we can only generate equalities that refer to the outer (or inner)
+tables. Note that this will disallow handling of cases like (CASE-FOR-SUBST).
+Currently, solution #2 is implemented.
bool subquery_types_allow_materialization(Item_in_subselect *in_subs);
@@ -2673,6 +2919,8 @@ bool Firstmatch_picker::check_qep(JOIN *join,
+ else
+ invalidate_firstmatch_prefix();
return FALSE;
@@ -3100,7 +3348,22 @@ void fix_semijoin_strategies_for_picked_join_order(JOIN *join)
record_count, join->best_positions + idx,
if (idx==first)
+ {
join->best_positions[idx]= loose_scan_pos;
+ /*
+ If LooseScan is based on ref access (including the "degenerate"
+ one with 0 key parts), we should use full index scan.
+ Unfortunately, lots of code assumes that if tab->type==JT_ALL &&
+ tab->quick!=NULL, then quick select should be used. The only
+ simple way to fix this is to remove the quick select:
+ */
+ if (join->best_positions[idx].key)
+ {
+ delete join->best_positions[idx].table->quick;
+ join->best_positions[idx].table->quick= NULL;
+ }
+ }
rem_tables &= ~join->best_positions[idx].table->table->map;
record_count *= join->best_positions[idx].records_read;