diff options
authorStaale Smedseng <>2009-05-20 16:17:47 +0200
committerStaale Smedseng <>2009-05-20 16:17:47 +0200
commit059dba14b774083ae63cde9ad41b00308f001ce7 (patch)
parent0130162452e57c677ef71d16b28794c9abb48043 (diff)
Recommit of bug 43560 after merge with mysql-5.1-bugteam
3 files changed, 174 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/sql-common/client.c b/sql-common/client.c
index d2c7e02551d..9ba7f13e6b6 100644
--- a/sql-common/client.c
+++ b/sql-common/client.c
@@ -924,6 +924,7 @@ void end_server(MYSQL *mysql)
mysql->net.vio= 0; /* Marker */
+ mysql_prune_stmt_list(mysql);
@@ -2526,30 +2527,9 @@ my_bool mysql_reconnect(MYSQL *mysql)
tmp_mysql.reconnect= 1;
tmp_mysql.free_me= mysql->free_me;
- /*
- For each stmt in mysql->stmts, move it to tmp_mysql if it is
- in state MYSQL_STMT_INIT_DONE, otherwise close it.
- */
- {
- LIST *element= mysql->stmts;
- for (; element; element= element->next)
- {
- MYSQL_STMT *stmt= (MYSQL_STMT *) element->data;
- if (stmt->state != MYSQL_STMT_INIT_DONE)
- {
- stmt->mysql= 0;
- stmt->last_errno= CR_SERVER_LOST;
- strmov(stmt->last_error, ER(CR_SERVER_LOST));
- strmov(stmt->sqlstate, unknown_sqlstate);
- }
- else
- {
- tmp_mysql.stmts= list_add(tmp_mysql.stmts, &stmt->list);
- }
- /* No need to call list_delete for statement here */
- }
- mysql->stmts= NULL;
- }
+ /* Move prepared statements (if any) over to the new mysql object */
+ tmp_mysql.stmts= mysql->stmts;
+ mysql->stmts= 0;
/* Don't free options as these are now used in tmp_mysql */
bzero((char*) &mysql->options,sizeof(mysql->options));
@@ -2639,6 +2619,46 @@ static void mysql_close_free(MYSQL *mysql)
+ For use when the connection to the server has been lost (in which case
+ the server has discarded all information about prepared statements
+ associated with the connection).
+ Mark all statements in mysql->stmts by setting stmt->mysql= 0 if the
+ statement has transitioned beyond the MYSQL_STMT_INIT_DONE state, and
+ unlink the statement from the mysql->stmts list.
+ The remaining pruned list of statements (if any) is kept in mysql->stmts.
+ @param mysql pointer to the MYSQL object
+ @return none
+void mysql_prune_stmt_list(MYSQL *mysql)
+ LIST *element= mysql->stmts;
+ LIST *pruned_list= 0;
+ for (; element; element= element->next)
+ {
+ MYSQL_STMT *stmt= (MYSQL_STMT *) element->data;
+ if (stmt->state != MYSQL_STMT_INIT_DONE)
+ {
+ stmt->mysql= 0;
+ stmt->last_errno= CR_SERVER_LOST;
+ strmov(stmt->last_error, ER(CR_SERVER_LOST));
+ strmov(stmt->sqlstate, unknown_sqlstate);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pruned_list= list_add(pruned_list, element);
+ }
+ }
+ mysql->stmts= pruned_list;
Clear connection pointer of every statement: this is necessary
to give error on attempt to use a prepared statement of closed
diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
index cd11b6d4c24..cc7ea75dbbf 100644
--- a/sql/
+++ b/sql/
@@ -2461,6 +2461,9 @@ void mysql_stmt_execute(THD *thd, char *packet_arg, uint packet_length)
stmt->execute_loop(&expanded_query, open_cursor, packet, packet_end);
+ /* Close connection socket; for use with client testing (Bug#43560). */
+ DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("close_conn_after_stmt_execute", vio_close(thd->net.vio););
diff --git a/tests/mysql_client_test.c b/tests/mysql_client_test.c
index 1183256eb1a..e56d1e9f506 100644
--- a/tests/mysql_client_test.c
+++ b/tests/mysql_client_test.c
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ if (!opt_silent) \
static void print_error(const char *msg);
static void print_st_error(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, const char *msg);
-static void client_disconnect(void);
+static void client_disconnect(MYSQL* mysql, my_bool drop_db);
@@ -271,10 +271,20 @@ mysql_simple_prepare(MYSQL *mysql_arg, const char *query)
-/* Connect to the server */
-static void client_connect(ulong flag)
+ Connect to the server with options given by arguments to this application,
+ stored in global variables opt_host, opt_user, opt_password, opt_db,
+ opt_port and opt_unix_socket.
+ @param flag[in] client_flag passed on to mysql_real_connect
+ @param protocol[in] MYSQL_PROTOCOL_* to use for this connection
+ @param auto_reconnect[in] set to 1 for auto reconnect
+ @return pointer to initialized and connected MYSQL object
+static MYSQL* client_connect(ulong flag, uint protocol, my_bool auto_reconnect)
+ MYSQL* mysql;
int rc;
static char query[MAX_TEST_QUERY_LENGTH];
@@ -291,6 +301,7 @@ static void client_connect(ulong flag)
/* enable local infile, in non-binary builds often disabled by default */
mysql_options(mysql, MYSQL_OPT_LOCAL_INFILE, 0);
+ mysql_options(mysql, MYSQL_OPT_PROTOCOL, &protocol);
if (!(mysql_real_connect(mysql, opt_host, opt_user,
opt_password, opt_db ? opt_db:"test", opt_port,
@@ -302,7 +313,7 @@ static void client_connect(ulong flag)
fprintf(stdout, "\n Check the connection options using --help or -?\n");
- mysql->reconnect= 1;
+ mysql->reconnect= auto_reconnect;
if (!opt_silent)
fprintf(stdout, "OK");
@@ -329,12 +340,14 @@ static void client_connect(ulong flag)
if (!opt_silent)
fprintf(stdout, "OK");
+ return mysql;
/* Close the connection */
-static void client_disconnect()
+static void client_disconnect(MYSQL* mysql, my_bool drop_db)
static char query[MAX_TEST_QUERY_LENGTH];
@@ -342,13 +355,16 @@ static void client_disconnect()
if (mysql)
- if (!opt_silent)
- fprintf(stdout, "\n dropping the test database '%s' ...", current_db);
- strxmov(query, "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS ", current_db, NullS);
+ if (drop_db)
+ {
+ if (!opt_silent)
+ fprintf(stdout, "\n dropping the test database '%s' ...", current_db);
+ strxmov(query, "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS ", current_db, NullS);
- mysql_query(mysql, query);
- if (!opt_silent)
- fprintf(stdout, "OK");
+ mysql_query(mysql, query);
+ if (!opt_silent)
+ fprintf(stdout, "OK");
+ }
if (!opt_silent)
fprintf(stdout, "\n closing the connection ...");
@@ -17713,6 +17729,100 @@ static void test_bug40365(void)
+ Subtest for Bug#43560. Verifies that a loss of connection on the server side
+ is handled well by the mysql_stmt_execute() call, i.e., no SIGSEGV due to
+ a vio socket that is cleared upon closed connection.
+ Assumes the presence of the close_conn_after_stmt_execute debug feature in
+ the server. Verifies that it is connected to a debug server before proceeding
+ with the test.
+ */
+static void test_bug43560(void)
+ MYSQL* conn;
+ uint rc;
+ MYSQL_STMT *stmt= 0;
+ MYSQL_BIND bind;
+ my_bool is_null= 0;
+ const uint BUFSIZE= 256;
+ char buffer[BUFSIZE];
+ const char* values[] = {"eins", "zwei", "drei", "viele", NULL};
+ const char insert_str[] = "INSERT INTO t1 (c2) VALUES (?)";
+ unsigned long length;
+ DBUG_ENTER("test_bug43560");
+ myheader("test_bug43560");
+ /* Make sure we only run against a debug server. */
+ if (!strstr(mysql->server_version, "debug"))
+ {
+ fprintf(stdout, "Skipping test_bug43560: server not DEBUG version\n");
+ }
+ /*
+ Set up a separate connection for this test to avoid messing up the
+ general MYSQL object used in other subtests. Use TCP protocol to avoid
+ problems with the buffer semantics of AF_UNIX, and turn off auto reconnect.
+ */
+ conn= client_connect(0, MYSQL_PROTOCOL_TCP, 0);
+ rc= mysql_query(conn, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1");
+ myquery(rc);
+ rc= mysql_query(conn,
+ myquery(rc);
+ stmt= mysql_stmt_init(conn);
+ check_stmt(stmt);
+ rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, insert_str, strlen(insert_str));
+ check_execute(stmt, rc);
+ bind.buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING;
+ bind.buffer_length= BUFSIZE;
+ bind.buffer= buffer;
+ bind.is_null= &is_null;
+ bind.length= &length;
+ rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, &bind);
+ check_execute(stmt, rc);
+ /* First execute; should succeed. */
+ strncpy(buffer, values[0], BUFSIZE);
+ length= strlen(buffer);
+ rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
+ check_execute(stmt, rc);
+ /*
+ Set up the server to close this session's server-side socket after
+ next execution of prep statement.
+ */
+ rc= mysql_query(conn,"SET SESSION debug='+d,close_conn_after_stmt_execute'");
+ myquery(rc);
+ /* Second execute; should fail due to socket closed during execution. */
+ strncpy(buffer, values[1], BUFSIZE);
+ length= strlen(buffer);
+ rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
+ DIE_UNLESS(rc && mysql_stmt_errno(stmt) == CR_SERVER_LOST);
+ /*
+ Third execute; should fail (connection already closed), or SIGSEGV in
+ case of a Bug#43560 type regression in which case the whole test fails.
+ */
+ strncpy(buffer, values[2], BUFSIZE);
+ length= strlen(buffer);
+ rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
+ DIE_UNLESS(rc && mysql_stmt_errno(stmt) == CR_SERVER_LOST);
+ client_disconnect(conn, 0);
+ rc= mysql_query(mysql, "DROP TABLE t1");
+ myquery(rc);
Bug#36326: nested transaction and select
@@ -18140,6 +18250,7 @@ static struct my_tests_st my_tests[]= {
{ "test_wl4166_2", test_wl4166_2 },
{ "test_bug38486", test_bug38486 },
{ "test_bug40365", test_bug40365 },
+ { "test_bug43560", test_bug43560 },
{ "test_bug36326", test_bug36326 },
@@ -18268,7 +18379,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
(char**) embedded_server_groups))
DIE("Can't initialize MySQL server");
- client_connect(0); /* connect to server */
+ /* connect to server with no flags, default protocol, auto reconnect true */
+ mysql= client_connect(0, MYSQL_PROTOCOL_DEFAULT, 1);
total_time= 0;
for (iter_count= 1; iter_count <= opt_count; iter_count++)
@@ -18298,7 +18410,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
fprintf(stderr, "\n\nGiven test not found: '%s'\n", *argv);
fprintf(stderr, "See legal test names with %s -T\n\nAborting!\n",
- client_disconnect();
+ client_disconnect(mysql, 1);
@@ -18311,7 +18423,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
/* End of tests */
- client_disconnect(); /* disconnect from server */
+ client_disconnect(mysql, 1); /* disconnect from server */